xt75dv1cnk3v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75dv1cnk3v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-02-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 10, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 10, 1972 1972 1972-02-10 2020 true xt75dv1cnk3v section xt75dv1cnk3v * DOWN WITH SNOW! II“ Kama“!
We call upon the weatherman to relieve of .
theoppresswe weather of the past week For .
too long we have suttered Wind, cold and 3 .
snow Today wull be no better Since he
predicts ahigh otonly 30 and a low tonight of
around 20 ' ‘
Chances that we Will be turther oppressed by
snow are 20 per cent today increasing to 30 3
per cent tonight. Despite constant setbacks
we remain confident that one day we shall 3 . 3 3H 3 3 3 3 _ 3 ’3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 _3 3
mm free warm air and that we shall \'()l.. LXIII NO. 87 LEXINGTON. [\l‘.f\ll(l\\ 40906 llll RSI)“. l‘laBRlAl“ ltl, 15h: . . .
overcome . .
_ .
, .
- 3
Arts and Selences college to tote _ .
' D (11' G 1 St (1 ° 1 ‘ ' ~
I]? LYINZV NilARTlN Basic skills required enrolled in the college of Arts and Science college requirements. thus eliminating
The deadlinzni‘:n::i:f 3233:5338 F b As explained in last night‘s University talk to their professors before this what freedom there was."
. y, e . . . . . ‘
3 1 3 16, the college of Arts and Sciences will Student AdVisory Committee meeting With prpposal games up Wednes day. He wants General Student Assembly
vote on proposed requirements of two students from Blanding and Kirwan, (a ong Wit several other organizations) 3
3 3 3 3 3 . . . . . . the two different degree requirements to A General Student Assembly. open to all
degrees This is being done in connection several baSic skills Will be reqUired if this _
3 3 'th 333. D b 3 3 proposal passes. be voted on separately. The BS. and the students. has been called for iz30 p.m.
> - W: s: ecem er action of the Univer— 3 BS. degree are proposed as one degree Monday. Feb. 14 in Room 206. Student
3 , SI 3 3 nate 0“ the general studies According to Mark Paster, co—chairman while the B.G.S. is the other. Center. Paster said this meeting. if enough
3 ' 3 requn‘ements. 3 Of USAC, the Arts and Science Faculty students turn out could have a very
~ 3The UniverSity Senate ruled that only Council has included in its proposal an In a statement released by USAC. definite effect on the outcome of the A & S
. five Of the eight areas 9t general StUd'eS addition that was proposed by USAC. This “Studentorganizations are in favor of the faculty vote Wednesday
. W0Uld3 be hequFEd and It would3be UP to is a second degree, Bachelor of General BGS proposal. but are opposed to the
3 :23achhindizidual student as to WhICh 0f the Studies Degree (BGS). proposed college requirements for the BS. in a referendum Tuesday all students in 3
. ive ec ooses. . . .- . -
. H d' t the A & S The requirements for this degree would and the BA degrees. ‘ ‘ We 09.905" the the college Of A 8‘ S “‘11 be toting 0“ '
,o owever. accor ing 0 . additional proposed college reqmrements whether or not thev want the five out of .
l t - th t 11 tudents in Arts be 120 hours of course work or eqmvalents. . , ~ 3
' - , ‘ proposa ' omsure a a S - ~ for the 3-5- and BA. degrees on the baSIS eight areas of general studies whether or
d Sc' - liberal arts at least 90 of which must be in the college . '
3 . an iences receives a . . . that the Senate has passed a ruling not they want the Bachelor of General
. b k d th A ts and Sciences of Arts and SCiences, With a grade pomt . . . , ,
, ac 81’0““ . 3 e t‘ 3 standin of 2 0 or above for graduation allowingastudent to selectfive out of eight studies degree; and whether or not they
Faculty COUNCll has come up With a g . ' general studies areas. Until this time the support the whole proposal (8.8.. B,A‘ and
' proposal 0t requirements to receive At the completion of the BGS, the college did not feel the necessity to in- 305.) or just the five areas out of the
3 Bachelor 0t Arts and Bachelor 0f 5919"“ student would be required to submit crease the college requirements. eight or just the B.G.S. degree proposal.
3 . 3 degrees. 3 3 something communicating to his advisor _
3 The student will be able to choose his the results. benefitS and values of hiS “Now that the Senate has voted to allow Paster explained that only students in A
- 3 , five areas but in addition he must fulfill independent program in a manner decided students more freedom in the selection of & S could vote and the ID cards and ac- ,
. 3 3 several requirements to receive one of equally by the student and his advisor. reqUirements, the A&S Faculty .Council tivities cards would be required. Voting
- these degrees, according to the A & S 3 3 has countered the liberlization by at- polls will be in the Student Center. M.I. .
proposal. Paster is asking that all students tempting to restrict the student through King Library and all UK cafeterias. i ‘
- ‘ .. ssh . ; .. ”or“ .. to rf ' By maniousm approval the The so consutuuon passed by
‘ ‘ V ”0%“ I ‘3’ Student Senate selected the the senators Sunday allows the
* ”it 3 -' _ . 3 . a election board for the upcoming board to hear election disputes .
I I wsfitsge it _ §t r ‘,3 t Student Government (SGi before and during the election.
‘ I . §3§§§§i§t .5» § it ‘gfg t. ena 8 election. Previously it could only hear
. -. 3 . ttt The election board consists of disputes after the election -
'V . t $133,, - ”it“ ti ,3; Tim Guifoile, senior in Arts and The elections of the student -
3, “Satorv f§ . _ _, . ” ’ “I.“ ,igs names Sciences; Ron Weddle. junior government president. vice- . 3
3 ~ miktig medical student; Franklin Nooe. president and student senators
‘ , . ._ K J 3 33 3 ;‘ 33$th senior in speech; Pam Johnston. Will come under the authority 0t ~
3 3 ' ” 33 3.31: '. 33333333h§3 oar junior in education: and Mark the board.
- . astm3a3 ’33”. 353,33»? Hay. Arts and Sciences In other action the senate 33
* , 3 .3 V 33,333.: 333,333 sophomore. They will be passed by unamious voice vote an
.3 . 3 . / ~ I .- 7-3.7"; “3333‘ 33”“.32‘5. 3£3§§33 responsible for drawing up and increase of $500 for SC travel
3 . 33 3 5e... gaexg‘ ~ is 4:3. implementing the rules for the expenses forthe spring semester.
, . 3, 3 ' 33, 33 3_ ~ ’- 233 fi‘ha SG election scheduled for April The money Will come from the
' .; . ' "M“ " W" ' . 3'3‘1’33' it oft» 12. SG general fund.
B d k b k 1' ' '
, . 333‘ oar O ays year 00 p0 lClCS,
‘ ‘ . . .. Ni t g .353- ~ " :9; t it? 6 o 9 o
m, s, 3 . ....., t approves no publlsh optlon
. m .3‘ ...,_ 3 3. s, B) DAN l). RlllaA statement giving the Board of book and requiring a majority
, 9k» 3 33 '“W‘JMZ‘L. a; $235 Kernel Staff Writer Student Publications the option vote of all Board members to
, - 3 «1.33%.. . .—- g The Board of Student not to publish the yearbook. exercise the no publish option.
3 “is; .3 .- a... . 3 i ‘” Publications unanimously ap- 3 _
, . {no 3" . " '~ “ " . t~,‘-*3'=_ .. proved policy statements con- 13‘3”." K'elkOPf‘ Kentuckian The Board also discussed its
3 . I“ .. ' ' ‘ ‘ gt 3 I cerning the University yearbook. editor. 531d he d'd ”0t Obled to future "019 0" campus how that it
3 33 a‘; 3 3 3 3 3 ' §§333s The Kentuckian last night. The tlie3policy giving3the Board3th3e has no jurisdiction over the
3. 3 333 3 3 . t" .. 333 31$...- 33 statements proposed by jour- option not to publish. He said if Kernel. Mike Wines suggested
a y a ~ as 3335‘ 5 3 33 nalism professor3 Lewis the Board deCIded not to publisha the Board could serve as a “press '
3 3 3 «u t; q . . 3 3‘3. . Donohew. were mainly con- yearbook solely because it council“ which could handle »
I .3 at .. " .. - - . ,
. 3'. .3 3 cerned with the editorial and wanted to censor3the3material. it complaints concerning the
3 ‘ (33 t ’i ,3! 3 3‘ 3 3 at .. financial policies of the Board in would be a Violation of the Kernel in an impartial way. but
‘ _ ,3 3 . 32' t ,3 relation to the yearbook. Student Code. which says Board which would have no authority
3 Q W . 3i 3 The policies approved by the poIICies shall be in accordance over the Kernel.
, 333 i i *3 Board outline the procedures for “1th guaranteed press freedoms. , . .
.- 3 a : i 3 selecting the editor of the 33 3 Robert Lumwmkle. Vice
. w , . .“ . kielkopf also said he an- , . . . .
q , . 3 yearbook. They reqmre the . . 3 3 3. preSIdcnt lor student affairs. said
‘ 3. o. .- d't to re e t to the Board liCipated no pioblems With the 3 3 _
~ .,,. *. x 9 l or P S h , 't K , t ‘k" S k' the board should continue to act
' ‘ ’," "“M’ _ detailed reports on editorial nu (n m "m‘ 3pea ing3on . . . - -
. 33,. 9° - g ' ”1 find nothing in this policy that prohlcms that may occur on
1 The policy gives final is inhibiting." campus. The board will make .,
ubli 'ation aiuth r'l' t the . . . , , . .
. Flashing. 9“" sign. this "'0‘an ‘5 than; including th: (ipliononot to llmxm o" the Board approved hpm‘lhc recommendations
Antl- no creature of the establishment. lle‘s publish the yearbook at all ““0 illm‘ndmcnts 3t0 the policy concerning its future to Dr.
. making his point on campus IN'h" llic ‘ I suntnwms i‘cqun‘ing the Board Zuniwinklc bv the end of the
' . Establishnlpnt Engineering ltuildiiigJKerncl pliotu- t The only discussion concerning lo llSl its reasons publicly for '
.loliii Ilicks.) ' tlic policics centered on the deciding not to publish a year» semester.

 ' . l
- i :—'l‘lll-Z KliN'l‘l (‘Kt KICRNI'II” ’l‘liiirsila). l’ehriiur) til. I972 ,. u
' ' ' , . s-v. 9 l i .
. - Graphics (.2 . .-
. . ' ' EE _ ‘E ._..\_-gE;:"*'3.-:? : ‘-
, _ Ay-O returns to UK / ..
.i E7 E i - . , 'i.‘ (EV\m’IZVNEE(3“'E’»"-\\ '(ii'apliies 'i'i'J' exhibition to work l'nknown Artist.” are done i a a flit. t : it 5. t " ’
.4 '. . ' j E‘ I‘H'N'IN‘M “'1‘” “'“m JUN” H completely in multicolored : R " “'1’“ it Q" *E “3* i '
E ’i fE- E' E E ’E i Ellriiigiiig Japanese art to the Among the ten artists selected stripes . W, .. . (LEE y“ ya . I l
E. E E . E E E EE ‘ . l ll|\ ei .\llE\ t'()llllllllllll_\. l l'\ s is -\.\ () who was a Visiting artist The woodblock and serigraphs - «..E. , -. . . i. . E , ‘\
. ‘I -‘ = .‘ ””“l‘i'l 'E‘il'ilphics” exhibition at l'lEx'Eiii Hula-mi hetore returning hE\ 'l‘etsiiya Noda makeup a diary E ~ 4' ‘t: " -- .tlc‘ .' '“’ o »
EE E. . . 'E f .' opened Sunday \\llll “(.raphics to lokyo llis “Rainbow ol Noila‘s visit to New York. E’ . _ EEFEE 5.; It} .. ~.
. E‘ ‘ ~. '73. Japan ” The show is a timel) llokiisai” won the National April 22. 'To in New York" .~ $4 $§§§ E l) . E * '
g i. . .' ’, 'E I one as pointed out h) the \liiseinii of Modern Art Prize in shows a large group of campus i E3!“ t '
'E . i "(‘(illl‘lt‘l‘ultllll‘llillu Sunday. Feb the WT” 'l‘ok\o l’rint Biennial ”(ht-315 m demonstration and * ”We 1 »~ § i}
' ' - . V . . “ .\_\ H's work is among the most “l’ei‘liaps May 23rd. '70. in New .{ Vfi EN. a
. 7 ,- 5 "Japan is where art is at right impressive and colorful of that York” presents a middle-aged I"; * ”E I ,_
1' ‘ ‘ . E . ‘ now The hub" ol art. long l’ai‘is. which is hemg shown. His man delivering a speech: “It's a “ I
ESE. '. E. . later New York, seems to be ”rainbow” portraits are from movement of Nihilistic. . ~ ‘ . ‘Vfi?
. E_ E E EE ' . . ' moving in the direction of Tokyo w ellrknow ii paintings by Other artistis‘ works being .
- ’; ';‘ . . lli‘llt'} the l'inversity ot Kt‘ll- unknown artists. These prints. shown include Masuo lkeda. ”'
l: .‘ H . tuck) .-\l'l Department is right on which include "George Sliigera lzumi. Kosuke Kimura. E EE E.
-, ' ' . .‘ E. 'E I top of things in devoting its \\ashingtoii on White (‘harger by .lo (Ma. and Hideo Yoshihara. “Graphics 72: Japan Will be
.2 ' open through the rest of
.-EL, .; : ”- H0]’\' sake. February at the University of
' " {v.1 " " ' ' . ‘ Kentucky Art Gallery in the Fine
I " 7' LEARN TO FLY Arts Building.
:’-. E -E ._ . ‘ . " ~ ‘ - 3 Photo by Dave Robertson '
‘.= E.» ~ «E. . For Career and Pleasure Some masters missing
j E EE EZE National Flight Training Program . . I) . .
,_E , E . As low A; $12.00 per week Stewart remmlsces (1 out Jazz
.', ‘ "-- ll' - . . -' . . *lusivelv concentrates on the Ellington section. There is the
E , E h: . .. .. Cu": B _ .. .\ hookieutw ( _ E E . E E .
.' i #5 . _ ~ T‘ ‘ ”(KEYE AM'R leRYICE 606 255 3388 By JOEL ZAKEM personnel of the two hands he great amount of iiitormation that
l '71.: ';V :33 i : 4 r: "Clo . . "Jan Masters of the Thirties” worked . With‘ while barely StewalE‘tE has from his. CX‘ i
5' 1. , , - Free |nformoflon. No Obligation —h.\' Rm Stewart mentioning other important perieEiices More important is the
~. ? , '. . i ,. " ’l‘lie \lacniillan ('ompanv Vew musmians. emotion thh Stewart com- 1
. . a 1 . ' . V . ‘ _ ‘.' ‘ But this still is a valuable book municates to the reader. The last
' , . .‘ -' "3 v o 0 0M. . . v o o v o 0- \ 'k. 19 2. ltll ) . + .l a - . . . . , .
. :I-Es‘, -,‘ .' E . “MM WA ' " ' ' WMMMMMM § pe’ilidices ‘5; "3 H) p for the Jazz buff. Stewart profiles quality keeps this book from '
.E.‘ . . Something for Someone Special' E— ' ' little known musicians such as becoming a dull survey.
" . .’ ' , 4' LE L ' . 30.. {Q The major fault with this book Jimmy Harrison. Joe Nanton. The book is composed of short .‘
. ‘, i . -— ' ', -' « é: ' "a E is its misleading title. Rex and Harry Carney. as well as articles. most of which originally
.E- ‘ . 5 . § 0 mar Car 5 '. .0 E Stewart.whodied in 1967. played better known artists like Lows appeared in “Downbeat. This
.1‘ . Ev . ' g . E '0‘..." E cornet for Fletcher Henderson‘s Armstrong. Coleman Hawkins. form allows Stewart to cover a E
I"! ‘ EE ,. Whlfman S Chocolates E and Duke Ellington's banEdS. and Art Tatum. He also uses 40 large number of topics inEa small ;
- , I- :_ i w E starting m the late twenties. pages to talk about his old boss. space. He makes certain each
~. " 1. _, . . i‘é whiCh gave him an inside view of Duke Ellington. article is interesting and com- E, E
E' " _ " f ' ' Dunn s Drugstore "E the jazz scene.This book contains Emotionalexperiences make plete in itself. 5;.
s- » .v ' ’ . ’1: his reminiscences of the thirties book The editors chose the ap-
l‘ ’v " 299 §0Uih ”mevslqne - 293-4-(85 _, i; and the people he worked with Two qualities that run through pendices well. Count Basie. .gl
' . " . ' ._ = 3WD“ 0 a mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtflfi and saw. Stewart almost ex- the book are very apparent in the another giant of jazz. is profiled
gi- : ~‘ -‘ by Hsio Wen Shih. and Francis
E E '2'; .: E, . _ Thorne writes a warm tribute to
.E E; .E. E .- .. -. 8 LOC a TIONS CHEVY CHASE Rex Stewart. _
i. . , V ’ > LANSDOWNE Another volume needed V
, 2 .E .' r—T‘ E - WINCHESTER ROAD “Jazz Masters of the Thirties"
..E EE -E E. . ‘, . . ’ N‘ HOUR NORTHLAND is a book that Will interest the
=2 '~ ' 5- " l _ - UTH LAND person who Wishes to learn more
T'- fn . ' ’ V ‘ ' so about one of America's true art
V" i' 1* 3 ‘ I ‘ DRY CLEANERS TURFLAND ‘ forms. One only hopes that
_ . . EE - 8 keep your clothes fill/t as o rose . VERSAILLES ROAD Macmillan commissions someone
.' . E E _ . '___~_____;_; - E . s as talented as Stewart to write a
. . E ’ HI'ACRE second volume. covering some of
.. ~ ,' ' E i the musicians neglected in this
. E_ E . one.
ff." -’ . E 'f‘ m '
, ~ Speaals for UK Students ................ ,
‘ and Faculty ““3”“ GR“ ,
'4'. .I -‘ i I .- '-. E: 502 Euclid Avenue
‘ E' E ; ‘ Breakfast special served 24hours.2eggs
' Z! ' i -' -". I GOOD ON T” U RSDAYS ON LY (any style), hash brown potatoes, but ,
. . ' ~E E tered toast 8. telly.
'..'. “"1 "" IE " c
.1 . . ()NLY 49
E , . l -, '_ .1; IE open 24 hours each day except Mondays.
- SLACKS C ‘ ‘
' ' i j . Z'P'ece SUITS ( The Kentucky Kernel
. .‘ . ', 'E ' SWEATERS The Kentucky Kernel. University
.« E E . EE E .- RAI NCOATS Station. University of Kentucky, Lex-
E EE . E, t SKIRTS inzton. Kentucky 40506. Second class
E . ,E .E EE e a c h h 313331?:‘fiédil‘ée‘f’v‘v‘é‘fi33'd’fifit‘t2°l‘i¥'
I , 80C sch 1 t h n e
. ., .. , . . 4 3/4 COATS J SPORT COATS ”exams: “firearm
. . E . « . seggon. .
. EE E 2 . E .Published by The Kernel Press. Inc., 113
E .;. . E EE EE Journalism Building. University of Ken-
‘ 1 ‘ . . r_ E tueky. Lexington. Ky. 40506.
. EE . E Begun as The ('adet in 1894 and published
.. .' E r E- E E EE (E‘EiEipEtinuoiisly as The Kentucky Kernel since
E. . . “Alltertising published herein is intended to
E E E E helpthe readerh . A t I. ‘l dl
E E _ ,v .E Sh I rts - La u ndered adiertising shoulit’herli-iioai“; l); [Ti-59210:: .
., E E . . l or. Iditorial Editor. . . 257-1755
i . , . Manammz and Associate Editors . . . .
. , .' . '_' FOIded or on Hangers i for $1 00 A-(EMEE.....E..........,257-i740
' .. . o ver .1‘~.
'. ', . , I Never any limit on quantity slim. . 9.51".“9‘(’"l‘ilggi‘t’gmn
‘ 1 t ‘4 E §E::W‘sriiiiiii . . . . . ,,..257l800

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... , ' 11' I '- u ',
t (:reeks meet TllE KENTl't'KY Kl-IRNEI.. Thursday, February 10. 1972—3 ‘ .. .- .' t ;
l ’li‘. I I l .4 .
. V. i.
l I ‘ , , . I " ;. I. .' »( ‘V
. ‘ { lSSZ IE 5 « ~ :. ’lhe t i\ l’zinhellenie sponsored : 5...: ”'7 ’ = i, ' .
it Leadership Workshop tor about = PM W 5‘3 I J ‘I'fV-r 1,}: '.
too new sorority oltieers \Ked = '——-——' l - 32 = 4'. . I‘ 13;:
. ‘ ~< . _ 'w! " - ., ' -
, nestiuv night ill the Student I Pancake House fix: you“... 'fu. ‘ I .1 ' t ‘
(.lassltled advertising will be accepted WANTED p.3no player, dlver$ll|€d , 1 I Q7» "-5". ' / I I , 3,0 . .,
n person on any roux , _ . . _ . g .‘ .._ - ; , . .
Friday or by mail. payment lnclosed. V‘VOOF’NW 3 “"1"“ a we“ ”‘0'“? 26" 63” Mrs. B. B. (.rimes. Association = 7 29 SOUlh Limestone = I, . , fl. ..
to THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, R m . . . . . , ~. . . . _ c‘
Ill, Journalism Bldr. 0° W-----~-V,~.‘-”-V [liiettot ot (Ollt giati l’togrdtns I ‘ ‘ ‘ . . . ‘ . ~ ‘ — = N. . . I,
« . Rates are $1.50 for 20 words; $3.75 JOB OPPORTU’fE'f’ ,_ tor Delta Delta Delta sorority. = \l-.\\ l-.\H{\ on shit i \i. iii\\i-.i .
3.5"": :d 2i: E“ yards. and 5.1.00 peg extending into summer Sales and sales \fds H“ Sthdl RUSM 5‘“ dk(r =———_— “H” Hull ”01 l’olllsh SitUHdHt‘-————‘. "5., i7 151-,
" .,°' ‘ “.°' 5‘ 0 "n 5 p" w" management Noexperiencvnecessary Cali She eommented on the three I _ y I 3-, i‘. x
"v" ‘0 WW!" p" '"sem‘m‘ 2776135 3 305 30 ans - - - ly'n .‘ y [x- h— M.“ 'h H. ”unhmtw. “uh li-sh sauce—I a. , r v."
'Il‘he‘ deadline ls 11 mm, the a" ___'_'_.______———————— vulnerable points ol (it‘eek llle I | t it '5 l ‘ ~ » = 1:15;. ‘. ‘. : .
pr or o publication. No advertisement AM .' . . . . , ‘ | . , , _ . I ‘ . -’ _. ._ .‘ .> .. 5..
m" clte "ce' """m‘ °" “‘“m‘” seliizndflhldxnlgleor S'ermor to do pan “me 1m” hum“ m l)( ”mun“ ‘ then I, Hot Roast Beet Sandwich—H llot Rut-hen Nin(l\\ich———I "i. .. .- .".
”fill“ 35 l quillflcfllon for rentlnl q q 5 Op company m e apathy and their luck ()l ”1- I I '. . " ~
rooms or for employment. tield Box 1550, Lexungton, Kentucky ‘ . f I : f. . ., . .-
——‘————-—— orm'ition. - ta. , ‘. '
"flu”---unuuu, 660- COHEN STILL NEEDS maiorsin me ‘(, k h = BUY one order Buttermilk Pancakes = ‘r. .
Arts Men in Journalism tor nis Drug study ‘ ' r l‘ t‘ t‘ S ii \' C I , j ' ': ; .~ 3‘
FORSALE - . . .. ‘ . . v: v,»
M"""”'”’”"" __Pay'"9_“ "9'5”“ 269”“ ”F” evetfivthmg. Mrs. (.rimes said. = GET one order FREE = .4 ~
FOR SALE ‘ Stereo equipmenhadvent L|FEGUA§D Mayswlie COUDTTY Club “’l‘heir (‘llt‘nllt‘fi‘ are the (;reeks I _ _ _ - 1“: Add .' '1
model lOOnoise reduction unit Dolby system, We,“ Safety Instructors Certiticate h . ”l ' .- Th" ' h! H ‘ -h I GOOd only 4.00 pm 8 .30 pm Feb 7-] 1 = ‘. '. ’. ~. _"; v.0.
walnut case, $150; Thorens TD l25 manual required Send resume to PO, Box c, l (mm \(5' (3 d“ 5“ muc = I ' .5: ;. .‘ '
turntable, Rabco SL 8E arm, $275. Serious Maysville, Kentucky 41056 10 ()llt‘l‘. but have lousy ('()m‘ I Also I . 5. . , W,
inaumes only call collect 174489248. BFN —---——————————-——-H—-— mumc ition ,. . I i ...‘ .: y I .2» ’
——————————————-— MONEY MAKER Nomvestmenise maior 'é . . . ~ I - . ,- E-
Fon TOP QUALITY and reasonably priced labelatrackstereo tapes Cal|799'24083"9' ’l‘he (ireeks have expanded = 28 VUNOTIGS OT Pancakes Served ANYTIME = ‘3 . A“, V,
ecological cleaning products call 2310476. 6 _m_ 9PM _ . ,‘i’ _ 5.x . 1,13
, ecu. -—E-———————-————-—-— more in the last three years: than = From 6:30 am to 9:00 pm = ’4" . ..- ~.‘ ...
. . WNN’NO’Mooo' ‘ ‘ )- ~ . , . x ., 4 I '.“ IT. ,' F \ .‘u’ 1' 1 y:
I“ be AIRSTREAMVN ll. tullY eclUleetd,~ AC selt SERVICES in :1“ [TN Ir hlbllfi‘} . .‘h( hdld. 3-...Ill-Il'llllll...--IIIIIII“IIIIIIIIIIIIIII :. -' -. ‘." I;
t of contained A 1 condition travel trailer, Call m’o’oo’o’mooo' ‘ =02”
ily of 28.63““ 3.1"" 5:30 pm. 9F” SEWING and minor alterations done at JUST for YOU 3:79" 10‘: Mr
Fine FOR SALE l97lM MACH l,power steering, reasonable rates. Pick ups and deliveries \ . .' 3 ,‘ n *1: Y 2..
power brakes,automatic transmission, Call made 0” campus °"'Y Phone 2736148 9F” 0.3“: _ _ O \1 Q C .' _ 3» ~. .
atter 5:00 pm. 299.2983 9Fl5 ACCURATE TYPING ot theses, papers ‘ O 6 ’ fizO -\ x 9 o 9 a.“ '. ‘ l. . 2'.
- ~ ———‘————‘———— l t Cll266l4019a. . tom “ ‘ x / j .‘ -
rtson OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG puppies. wm W— V ( I \ / _. .‘ . . y. ._ i
tinance. YOU keep pquy and make monthly WW I ,‘ i by. . ”v ' , ‘7 I "
payments. 277.8426 after 6.00 weekdays, FOB BENT / g1 .
anyllme W99kend5- 4F]! WW .3 " ‘4‘ v ; .-, Hg“ '-
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 ‘ I I'D H I M . .
‘ . ‘ . . Establfined l89‘ LEXINGTON KENTUCKY A l. . l . . 197 2‘)
- - . i I A‘ ImepenOem no‘A\L‘dD¢” Dob s'iea t‘. students p0 ltlca Issue In .
’ i ' . . . . L at the Q." yc's ". m Rehmily '
. .. .. WM EMWCW The October drug abuse common issue on the minds of the pffices. ”Ills Pdorfhatmgs over any
._ _ . , - m: age" $319313? hearings at UK. the December voter-drugs. _ arge ga eringco S u ents and m
.. I j . ‘ _ . . ”.3131:leAsia'smsanov drug arrest of over 100 persons in On March 22, The National 3 popular mov1e, the babySitter
.- ' Iv ‘ i ,.. Beware. Boner Bukaao Lveoroe Gibson _ ~ - - . ' -
- . . i; : ~ oveo Mar-harv.‘ advgg'towc Lexmgton and now the Frankfort CommiSSion on -Marijuana and Sings the kids To: (”(1qu where
- , . . . _ Assistant an; in IOFS ,
1 . g _ , _ Mmaavvamev gspgrtsEdI'OI testimony of two UK professors Drug Abuse (Wh‘Ch held the. UK eir paren S S as ls. l 'den and
.. - . - g . Dckihornton ArtsEditor t k' . hearings Will focus on the nation’s exactly what to do With it.
;-:. 1". g . ma Mm PhotographyEdutor a mg oppOSite stands on the t , _ _ Th t t' t' th'
. ‘ . . . De1993:3233"aggj‘gvihigggghor issue of legalization of marijuana it] entéon :10 thfilr final replort. ith e s (:1 I; 108133er 5:110 mg he“;
.3. V' I ‘. . . ,iormEii s Production Manager illustrate a SUbject we Shall all be Tea. y t ey a.V€ held C 0'sed e “er. attic}; (t) "h percen. 0d
.. . ,- _ ' hearing more about in 1972. meetings to deCIde on the first CO 6:88 S u 8113118 b av; :lrle
' - n 1‘ ’ ' a non rot ' \ov mat on .or'~ 10sec! m __
' 4 I. . f‘ s weal swine”...“ism. These are only a few examples draft. Already the speculations marijitana. ay 0y 0 64
. . a Max:023 35? My of news that point to the im- :boutbwhat that report w111_say peril?“ . d
r, g z» . WON“mpmmwOWMMHMMU portance of what a recent Gallup ave. legun.. Already the Nixon b 1' ere at: g0: reasons for
2'. I. " 1 nonmonm...” Survey found to be the third most adm‘P‘St'fat‘O“ , has started eievmg t at t (,3 March com-
. . 5 . j dangling judgeships in front of mlSSlon report Will recommend
,_’ .1 ‘ _ . commission member’s faces to an end to all criminal penalties for
. ,‘ . Behlnd doors m3? mark fetzer influence the report. possession and use of marijuana.
_- ,_ 7- x; " 1 _ . , . It may be one of the most The remaining debate seems to
.All lllSldC 100k at KCIltUCky pOhthS controversial reports ever to be center on whether to treat
, ' '_ . 1‘ Kentucky‘s unique and rich history has alternatives are alteration and dissolution. made by a natlonal commiSSion. marlJuana as contraband,
a: ' . always made it difficult to speak of the Hopefully. the efforts of ‘72 will be more Here at UK’ the Students tow the thereby allowmg for Its selzure
3V ' . : _ . state without some reference to a choice beneficial than those culminating in the commiSSion they’d like t0 see When discovered, Whether to limit
2. -. kild:é*1(‘-”:)nt'suc'h tafliwhtichkatterlntpts to tragedy of ~70. marijuana legalized. It’s only too marijuana use to a private set-
;.; ', 'a ure ' 'nu 'o csn » w . - - . -
. ’1, j, . t P), . .9 f‘hteifle‘fl ‘ 9 . C _.\ P l l l . The events that will occur in Frankfort ObVIOUS that the group has heard ting and what to do concerning
_ .,_ - ,r , - . an earliei era consits of a dialogue bet- in the next two months have been labeled , i
.1 j f g ween a restless young boy and his ex- as a predictable firsHime encounter the same story whenever they V9 sellers.
f . I. .1 -' 4 i. perienced grandfather between the young, liberal and idealistic listened to student opinion. All of this IS indeed speculation
,1. . . j: V. 2 AS memo gaze mm the hollow from the students'and theolder, conservative and Marijuana is no longer the and no matter what the com-
. 3 j wonders aloudifanything will ever happen scenar‘o' al‘hough m‘e'estmg' remams ‘0 by rich musicians or the “beat” report-~not a law. We can only
> . . . in the mountains; to which the old man be seen. Whatever transpires the student t. It . t 1k d b0 t h th t th h'b' . l
. t, .. fl . - replies. “Nothin.” The boy poses the Will have gained mSight mto the political genera lon' Is. a e a u i open a . 8 pro 1 Inc" on
. h . same question for all of Kentucky. A system. Ana more importantly, the people sold, and smoked in nearly every marijuana Will follow the course i.)
.I _ ., “Nothingv was interspersed between the lt‘hat liizjiiabitf the system wxll gain a segment of the society. Grass has of the liquor prohibition. A "i
. ‘ i , _ ~ . . v y - . . . I'll
.. V. ‘ ' » t‘reaks of the rocking chair. 8:3“:.1gf 0 t e smdem S persPeCt‘Ves replaced coffee breaks in busmess complete end is the only answer. ev
._ y . . . . . After along pause the old man qualified a l l ies.
‘ . thestatement byexplainingthat every two v , , . , ~ :~ - é/ ,, .. '
3 j . , _' ,. '. ' ._ . ‘ , . ~ , , ,: 2577,12,»,72 ,ZVW/ ////”// " l - ‘ a 3/3/47 ‘ ”fl/ %//////////7®7/ ’/ 71,7,1/ 2v w ,,,.a=7//'5’%7/77///M T
_ I, , 1 _ years people gather in Frankfort to do '- ///,y////////////m ,7 ,4//// 4/ / ,, ,///////{/////¢/I///////// / /~ / y //,{;/z-/o/a// tu
.. » . ' , .- . . . . , , z,» mm //,,¢/ ///// 1442' / , ' 4/6/ / / / x /////, // /,// /, // //, M, -
‘ - _ '. " something about this Situation. “What do r. . f//%/gfl;////Zé/f/g%/Z0é///// ‘5 92% ./ ,fié‘w /%%WM%%WW% 9’
,_ . . they do." asked the boy. “Nothin.” came V / ,/,,f.,/J,, 1"” y V I //,/////////////,/ , " ;///;;/¢//'ZW,/////fi//¢yfl _
:. j . “v_..'a the leply , ';. {My/7%? ’“t'fé‘ZZ/{f/vizugh ‘ y :21/7:,«.,,/;,/,;/,,,/, vn/%é/WWWW%%ZéMfl///// ///.///,/./7/, $2
_ . .’ * - - ' ' p .
~. . ' , ‘- Today something is happening in Frank- ~ \ . . r
.' , . ' . v 1. CH
4 . ; ,. fort. espeCIally With regard to a newly I" _.v Su
- ‘ I, . , organized special interest group of nearly fin!“ F"
' g ‘ : 100.000 citizens. As the years pass this ‘ fa‘c
v group has the opportunity to become a ‘ 5V 3”
._: '. ,1 f I j '. powerful and active voice in Kentucky ”/5 v.“ Te
- ‘- , ' politics. ht WAR ‘ - \'.
‘ iv 1'; ,‘ . Powerful. in the sensethat their vote can mo” t\ j~_\ ‘ , 0‘
v. .‘ ‘ .1 . be decisiyt’ at all levels of government ‘;‘i: m .4
.i '_ .5 and. active. as demonstrated in their at- - E WA f
1;";‘3 ‘ tempt to build a statewide organization f" ‘ . SOZ
. . ‘ a: , and initiate a concerted lobbying effort {7 r . - " ‘ Una/V
‘7 = j " ’ ' before the state legislature. Of course the - ':; ' "
" ~ " group consists of all Kentucky