xt75dv1cns6x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75dv1cns6x/data/mets.xml Kentucky. Department of Education. Kentucky Kentucky. Department of Education. 1964-03 bulletins  English Frankford, Ky. : Dept. of Education  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.) Education -- Kentucky Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Planning School Plant Construction", vol. XXXII, no. 3, March 1964 text 
volumes: illustrations 23-28 cm. call numbers 17-ED83 2 and L152 .B35. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Planning School Plant Construction", vol. XXXII, no. 3, March 1964 1964 1964-03 2022 true xt75dv1cns6x section xt75dv1cns6x  

0 Commonwealth of Kentucky 0








Published by

Superintendent of Public Instruction
Frankfort, Kentucky



Entered as second—o=4._~im|-r1













Good judgment is required in the process of selecting sites.
Rarely will acreage of sufficient amount, with appropriate char-
acteristics, be available in the desired location at proper prices.
This requires a balancing and weighing of values. How many acres
will be the absolute minimum required? How far because of other
factors will movement be made from what was determined to be
the best location? \Vhat site characteristics—topography, drainage,
depth of rock formations, availability of utilities, etc—are abso—
lutely necessary? \Vhat is the absolute maximum to be expended
for the site? These and many other questions will have to be raised
and answered. Compromises will have to be reached among desir-
able alternatives.

The generally rising nature of land costs and the rapid absorp-
tion of the best sites by other construction activities indicate the
desirability of school districts acquiring sites as far in advance
as is possible and practical.

Sites for school buildings must be approved by the Buildings
and Grounds Division of the State Department of Education. It
Is important, therefore, that the Division personnel work with
school districts in the process of selecting sites. The Division is a
valuable resource available to local schools in this important task.

As each separate building project achieves priority, there are
several sequential steps that should be followed. A discussion of
each of these steps follows in this section.

Educational Program Approval

“ State Board Regulation 22.310, Construction Projects, states
piiiilififforef proceeding with a construction project involving ex-
S(:lioolf1:'i)'t' unds from the Capital Outlay Account. the need for
Facilitigelql res shall be determnled as follows: (a) By the School
it is deter: WVGY under authority of Public Law 815. (b) “Then
SurVeV linililn‘edA that the facts contained 1n the School Facilitles
Quatelti) dect 61‘ _uthor1ty..of.Public Law 815, appear to be made-
intendent 0:1 Illnnethe building program for the district, the Super-
COHdueted h t11blic Instruction shall order a new survey to be
builclino- pmlo‘ou er to secure the needed facts for determining the
the (listbriet 0brlam to adequately'house the instruction program for
lllS'truetion sh 5:111?) part of the dlstrlet. The Head of the Bureau of
gramf ‘ . a e asked for approval of any changes in the pro—

01 the particular buIlding or location.”










State Board Regulation 22.001, Application for Construction
Project, states “ ...... Prior to the submission of preliminary plans
the following items shall be cleared: (a) The educational plan shall
be considered and approved by the Head of the Bureau of Instruc-
tion. The Division of Buildings and Grounds shall be furnished a
copy of the approved educational plan ...... ”

Educational Specifications

The main function of the educational speeifietions is to pro-
vide a written guide to assist the architect and others interested in
planning the building. One of the most, difficult considerations in
planning the school building program is the translation of the
school program into building needs. This means that the plan must
determine the right number and size of classrooms, laboratories,
shops, health and physical education Facilities, study rooms, service
rooms, office rooms, general purpose rooms and a multitude of
other important facilities. The better the job done in this planning
means the better the school facilities that will, be made available.
Lowering costs is not so much in the use of materials as it; is in th9
planning. Occasionally there is a tendency to overload Schools with
more facilities of a certain type than the program requires. If ”61113
is done, it produces an unbalanced school building which is more
expensive to build and ope fate than, is necessary. This can 'be
avoided by careful preparation of 0till1iili()llfll specifications which
will list the needs for spaces and facilities for each building.

Educational specifications may be prepared in one of sevel‘fl1
ways. They may range from a simple statement of classrooms needefi
to complete discussions of the relationship that should exist between
the different ar 'angement's 0f the building and may include a 0011“
blete description of the activities to be conducted and the Spaces
needed. Such specifications may include lists of equipinent‘afld
supplies. The more complete they are, the more help the architect
will have in designing the building to meet the educitional needs'

The greatest share of the responsibility for describing the
needed building in terms of organization, personnel, and eiil‘I‘1(_lulal
activities is that of the professional school staff. This p1‘0f65510}m
planning, which is subject to the approval of the board of educathl1
and acceptance by the People of the district, should involve at least
a, cross section of the school staff.

These specifications should. state preferences rather than
describe specific materials and dimensions except in. rather 1111115Ila
situations. They should provide answers to such questions ‘05:









1. What groups will be served in this building?
How will the groups using the building be organized? (This
information should include such factors as class size, home
room organization, departinentalization, self-contained class-

3. What curriculum or program will be housed in specific

4. \Vhat special activities will require especially designed fa-
cilities? This information should state if there will be “
kindergarten, special education, nursery and the like.
\Vhat equipment, including built—in equipment, and furni-
ture will be needed in the proposed building?

6. What special services will be provided in the building, if
any? These should include such things as library, audio-
visual aids, music, time elocks, fire alarms, storage space
for supplies, storage space for books, extra equipment and
specialized furniture.


The district should set up specifications for each building for
the guidance of the architect in planning the facilities to be pro-
vided. It is advisable to write educational specifications in con—
siderable detail. An outline for preparing educational specifications
is given in the Appendix.

Financial Ability
While the school district should have an overall financing plan
for its long-range building program, it is necessary to carefully
check its financial ability for each building project. Changes in
Construction costs, interest rates or the ability of the district may
(llctate modification of the overall plan.
t-ion 3:0 l)ivision 'of Finance of the State Department of Educa-
valuabl[euires certain approvals. The personnel of the Div1s10n offer
thi b consultant service and should be utilized. Chapter III of
S ulletin has further information on financing.

Architectural Plans and Specifications

jectifieiiob fof designing an educational program to achieve ob—

aTCliiteetfiri alsk of the school district. The process of developing

al‘Chitect (”rtml) fins and speeifications IS the specialized task of the

Specificafimm district should furnish him with the educational

pl‘Oject andls and information on the financial limitations of the
* exPoet him to do the professional job.
















Clear—cut understandings of what the district expects from
the architect and what the architect expects of the district should
be established before the district enters into a contract with the

Necessary Approvals

The approval of the education program by the Division of 111-
struction, the approval of the financial plan by the Division of
Finance and the approval of the plans and specifications by the
Division of Buildings and Grounds are the three approvals required
by the Department of Education. Approval by other state {1510110195
are required. These approvals are discussed in Chapter lV, R018
of Other Agencies.

Bidding and Construction .

Specific laws and regulations cover these important steps 111
a building program. Responsible ol't’ieials should carefully check
a fuller discussion in Chapters V and VI of this