xt75hq3rxp2r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75hq3rxp2r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19140115 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 16, January 15, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 16, January 15, 1914 1914 2015 true xt75hq3rxp2r section xt75hq3rxp2r  
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Vol. YI LEXINGTON, KY., JANUARY 15, 1914 No. 16
4  _—`;_""‘_*————— -‘——··—··
• f Llcx ASHLAND Wrglgg Géarwg l§`%1;RLS R. A. Nomus ARE
Great Papularzty Contest: Y- M· C- A· —— MAKM °°°"
t" Co·Ed• Defeat Flve From Catletta-
ems and wma Quintet shoot mgm ,,,,1, High in opening om, M Stanford. Ky-. Where the F¤rmcr
· gon; an Lug Hou gnd Km {hg la School Superlntendent Whllo
• “ . of the Season.
.....1 The Strollers, Wnll Present The College W1dow" at the v,,,,,,,,. H,P,,_ . lh. tm,. pm. rh. pm
t Ben AI1, February 27.—Most Popular Young ——. SCORE .5 to ,_ of nranslpsl.
, Lady in the University Will be Moncm. enzsrou, 1-. zsnross _ ———
it Given 8 B0x_ -—- I The vo-eds won the first same of When, by his own will, superinten-
1 The varsity mo Outshot tho wom the 1914 basket ball season, Friday dent Ireland of the Stanford schools,
  from Ashland (Ky.) Y. M. C. A. ln a nlsht when théy deféutéd the wom was evicted from that posltlon, the
                fast game Saturday night, ln a score l¥‘0¤1 C¤ll€llSblH'8. (Kb) PUB}! S¢h00l» good people of the city called W. C.
——-———- of gg to 15_ The oooomto tossing og 15 to 6. Superior floor work on the Wilson, B, S, ’12, to suooeed Mr, Ire-
• * * • + I'. * * I. * * • I, + * + I. + * • · • * • * * • + * * * * * + * Morgan, Preston and T. Zerfoss ran DRM- of lhé Stew Kl¤‘l¤ told llw ¤l0¤'Y- land and subsequently sent for Robert
* RULES GOVERNI No THE CONTEST` it up a lead ln the last half that the Wllh thi! UFS! l0¤¤·¤D lh€ vlsltlns A. Norris, A. B. 'I4, to punctually sup-
• • vlsltors could not overcome. loom l¤lll¤l¤d 311 GDGFSGUG ¤lYl6 of ply the vacant seat of High School
O 1st. The contest shall begln at 10 a. m. January 19th and close O The rapid passing of the Ashland play that for A time broke up the mam prmcipah Mn h.8hmd_ when he ,.0
. 4, at 6 p' m' F°bm"y 23*** 191* * I tlve, and the postage stamp methods work of the BNIB Mid Wlllw five. ¤·¤d signed, went forthwith to the Ameri-
O 2nd. The young lady must be a bona fide student of Kentucky * of their guards spoiled State’s chances tho l>¤·l8¤¢6 of D0W9l' ¤¤¤¤l8d with l·l1¤ can Book Co., on g salary and Induce-
• State Umversitx . + for an early lead, and after a gruelllng 8¤8¤l·¤ of U10 0V6¤l¤8· Tl16 $@8% ¤¤l¤· ment able to be called nothing but
O 3rd. No member of The IDEA staff ln ellglble to vote or to be O hah, had been played me MON wu tot mon rocovered from the nrst rush, lucmuva
* voted for in this contest + 11 all With the opening of the last and l¤ ¤Dll9 of 016 close 8¤¤¥'l¤·Yl¤8 UW U00? l¤ mld¤°¤¤0¤ in Mr. R. A. Norris. No student here
‘ * • • * I, • • • • I, · • + • • • + nival in progress ln the armory. The form but ilw need of Bum b¤¤k°l ¤l¤°Y¤ commanded loftler courtesy and con-
e : THOSE WHQ CAN VOTE :|SHORT   IN electrical effects ln “Musty’s" old ¤¤d ¤¤ ¤<=¢¤¤‘¤f6 fw! ¢h¤'°W€¤' l¤ 6;; sideration than he. His studies were
° HW throne room are of a dim. pale na- dem- The Blue ¤¤d WNW M9 h ever his close companion. In the
* Au persons who have already +       lture, calculated to flll the bill for tho ¤·dV¤¤t9·89 of 14 f¤¤l¤. 0f which Latin and Greek course, he found not
O subscribed f0l‘ The IDEA. €llCl10|' *     dances and college fairs, but hardly only 5 were thrown. enough to occupy hl; varied Held of
I I, by cash or deposit' and those * ** designed for basket ball games. The 'l`h6 8¤¤16 WM ¤l¤Y€d l¤ the KYm· endeavor, so he found time for literary
O who subscribe during the con- O Very Interestlng Addr•••e• Are De- poor light had 8 disconcerting effect hashlm andalo,-go crowd was prgggntn acuvhy hl Societies and other ol-goo;.
O test, either with cash or by O llvered by Maura. Marlon D. Rosa, on the eyes of an the players. Gspccmh The Summary: z8_u0us_ H8 was managing editor of
I O signing up their deposit. O W. P. Blalr and Dean W. E. ly me visitors. _K6m_ucky_ Couogtobupg the college phpen The IDEA. and woo
• + * • + + + * * * * + + * * * + Row" The work of the Varsity flve was Ml¤¤ H6ll6¥' ---···-~-·-~·»~ C€¤l°l` ~···----- Miss RUUYOU the president of the Democratic Club,
A ; ; _"_' entirely satisfactory Captain Sooo-,-ogy Misses Hughes MlB9€B G- PNN besides the manager of the Varsity
+ * * + + · + I. it * + • • + + I, * THIRTYEIGHT MEN ENTER` and Scott played the same old go-at-lt Bild l¤¤€S ·--·····- forwards ····-· ¤¤d Flannel? basket ball team. Both these men
+ In order that those who have + __` game; Morgan and Zerfoss had the WSSGS Wood Mid Ml¤¤¢¤ E·P¥'¤tt have taken away honors unbounded
* already subscribed for The * The Short course in Highway Engl- old control when baskets are needed; MCCMSHGY (0) ·--»». 8\1&¥'d€ -·---- ¤¤d J¤¤li¢° and will bring back honors untold to
: IDEA may lpartlcgpate ln this O neerlng began Wednesday morning in and there are two good centers in Subsmut€s_Kootooky_ Misses Fal] their Schooh
contest, eac stu ent who has O which there was enrolled thlrty—elght Park and Preston and McGhh.o_ t`Or“·ardS; Miss Pence, ,__.
O signed up his deposit or paid O men, representing twenty-flve counties The summary guanh      
O cash for The IDEA prior to Jan. O of the State. The regular class work Kentucky Ashland Iéleld g0ulS,.MiSS Hgngr 1_ Misgl       _
O lst. IQI4, ls entitled to 100 O for the short course was arranged and Park and breston C Ogden Hughes 2, Miss Tau 1, Miss \V00d 1_
O votes. All students who sign O the program was openedby a lecture ,` d T   llllll   d Miss Runyvon 1_ Miss G_ prog; 1, Miss
O O up or pay cash for their sub- O on "Constructlon of Macadam Roads," Alzziggsgn · f azalsnage Flannery 1_ Opponggt 1:am 2 IP;°:°;':I:J;`:n°wn’
O scrlption during this contest O by Marlon D. Ross, Assistant State Scott and Martmg and Goals from foulnxuss Hughes Z, u on: koun On
O will be entitled to 100 votes. O Highway Engineer, of Frankfort, in Tame (M g Conwav Miss Innes 3_ a `
: Tlhls gives all students an equal O whlchihe explaineél lthe meghod of cor; Score by periods. K€mucky__u_ ll, scope by periods: K—6, 9.-15. c' ce GAME POSTPONED
c ance. O struct on approve y the tate Boar __,,8 AShlHnd__u 4_15 C_2_ 4_6_
O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O of Public Roads. meld gOals_M0rgan 8, T- zerfoss 4. RBm.%_MoCo,-mo_ CotlonSbm·g_ At the time The IDEA goes to press
A   d b In dns address hr smut: that walerl Pmsmn 4· Park l- Shanklln 2, Vglgn. l'mpire—'l`lgert, kentucky. it ls not known what team the State
re poup ar y contes o eter- oun roa s are tre mos econom ca _____...._..—
UNB 1. 0Kd€¤ 1- Marllng I- tive will play Saturday evening. The
$.32 Y€§.J2L’§I..‘T°°‘2ZI   ZTf.Z‘§.SZ“;E?.Z‘I.‘l.TLT.‘“iT`.";ZLL‘°.;’ZI.§   from   rf¤~¤ L P r¤—·   cmouwnuwcs MED   . ir,l   .~ .ll,   .,.  
. e re 1
1, Sh mum s. ARE SP b t d {ll I {
IDEA staff has been trylng to devise neglected than drainage. Rei;N_€____K;ith ga? hssmeen 50; $0:; ugst if 1;;
some plan whereby it could interest 'l`he next address was given by Dean d 8l¤¤¢h°'• c°"*P*°d *1**** B°'°"° Gm" Fu? lamen G ggaghsnruniua 8 Bald il;
. - c .
, the entlre student body. When the Rowe, whose discourse was upon   GUM F"'d*Y Nl¤*‘*· U 1 tl wi W with an IDF; mmrmr
H 9 ` 4
Strollers announced the "College "Hlghway Bridges? ln which he gave °' _ ···i _ _ _ an 0 I
Widow" for Februar 27th w l demonstrations of various arts of 1- A Nature of mv gms game {wma) wednesday thathehad several games
medlatel made arranly ements fgr   brld es before the class p For fear y0u,v€ forgot- *"'*‘“l“l·¥ ““$ the "<’ll¤1’S*‘ will S¤b¤¢*· ln view and would surely make ar-
(mth,0 loam, box To gwhom thi bux Aim, Dean Rowe hhd Bx mined t€I\, W€’“ remind y0\,l—th€ quent preclpltatlon of humanity, when mogomooto for o good gomo ln tho
* . s .
shall be iven ls to be decided b tltle brld es to the class Mr R H plleese ch0S€l`l [)l8y IS “Th¢ College Ulf? 0\'¢‘¥`l0¤d9d l>l**l\<‘ll€¤`¤ lll the east Armory, Saturday evening.
student sod durln the next yt ur Ftrs? Assistant St te lll hwal Eu il Wld0W,’—th€ tl'y0\ltS   be wld of thc Gym lolddv lll'· The Blue and White tive seem to
weeks Of Zourw 5 wm be a osu new of Fmhkfortu Okg on ,2.AhE held Tl'\\ll‘Sd8y, Jah. l5lZh, {lt 'l`¤¤¤¤v<>r¤¤‘>‘ ~·*¤i>= llwl l><*¢*¤¤ €¤`¤‘<‘i<‘¢l|lnwe hit their stride and the practices
’ . . . s e - . .
l¤dY and She will have the pleyasurg ments and Grades of léouutry Ronda- 3Z30, lll thi! Chapel. against the east wall of the oym, and this hook huh. h_._,h highly Satlsfue
' l — b ‘ t ted with ·_
of entertaining her friends on that in which he stated that an ldeal road For those . who cann9t {usa emma Bupelsa um mn
m It [ b d d ud h come at   tjmg, there w|“ spectators before the SIUHG BlM`l8d· . .j.;.
alle contest ls t b · ld ·ted llllaades (;>as;’yc:¤TlesS(and' be Zzeslngzill be another chance. Thurs- AH *‘Xl"** '“°l*"~`ul° lll the ¤l¤¤l>€ of li Are you interested ln college activi-
h on I, 1 I 0 I 8 holiuc d g 0 rlble he doe"' for some um (lily lllllht, Jllll. l5th, 8t 7130, lllilll WHS Hdded Bud tho whole ¤¤¤¤¤ ties? Are you a good, all-round col-
ascuuous cen sn as ss . e
Il: favorltlsns or halrtlallty will abe upoln the location of roads and stated at Patterson H8". Be th€l°€! “'¤lS lh"°“'“ d°“'“ to W9 "OOV- it ls lege man'? Prove lt! Thursday. l¤
 .....;....... r- t tl t l * b k . ·l l, 3:3*.
shown ln the least. All that you have that they should be located where they mmm B lu no egg "ew ro eu ( mpg M [
Remember the try·outs! Let’s see and that only ll general ¤=lluk¢‘·¤l> und ———————-————-
" (COIIUDUBG ou Page Six) (Continued OD PI.86 Sl!) what you can do. several crushed tlerbles resulted. Strollers!

2 T H E ID E A
I F|R|T·CLAI| IN IVIRY APPOINTMINT. J. H. OTAMPIH, Jr., Ownor ond Manager. _ QQIN 10 A_ M_ To 11 p_ M_
_ · *""- `  *··
' rpg; Apg MEM); d•=nt¤," and by Mr. Rogers who talked In imitating John ll. Mott he showed REPARTEE • , .
.*-*—.. on his experiences In mining work at a remarkable range of voice which ' 2
Thh. tt-pak; ,qm“· at the Ada Mpgdp (llemnary. Tenn. A dance to be given covered several octaves. Hin mont ,
Mrs. \\ omhat——"Mah hushan' haIn't
wht]? dtm.;-pm from may wpptyg, ht a In the Mining Building was discussed remarkable Impersonation was that of I
, _ been arrested In twenty·flve yearn"
1’HUR8DAY—FRIDAY-BATURDAV good, lng show with plenty of variety. and Mt`. VI m. NOEL B- YOUR! and H. J. Mr. McDonald, of Toronto, (‘ymmln_ Mh FOOMPV qu _ { _ Hf
· · _ * l HP R ~
W'•*'¤•° E"'! D0 The choo chem ono., the nm act, nt ·|uk<>l>¢* twvvlnted to lock after the With m¤J<=¤tI<· mean. atretttttlne Mir, ,00.. Punk up O P I
• • the hendliner. It is tt girl act, but dif- l¤1t\II<‘l'. AI *320 ll. m.. MIP? the tfeas- and a voice resembling the ronr of the I {
EI all BVI ?.....i.
rp,-am fm", mw the Ada lwpndg has nrt-r collected some dues. the meeting mythical monster of (`retv, which wmhun I
Thl     week Pr°.°n`·   p|"Q§9[]IPd_ rI`|\9[‘(I IR ]'|’]()l'P (‘()]1](*dy Rdj0“rllPd· 'rheseus SIRI",   Jackson H(II“h°HbI)` P"' unt': (prpguintfs dlffpr    
co es. tt tev are tn woun 1
I ·. - *·**‘·‘·—··—··— ·· .‘ ‘ ,.fI I I I t ‘ ` *
ottte voonc mo Apmt I":"_ "l;";‘iI‘ I"'   “ “;’i“"‘_;;’"‘;’_‘{_ ,,H,L0,0,,,,,,AN_ QII‘t;‘“‘”___;__l_" ;;“;“°;‘{“‘;*‘:":*l";‘” I;"‘I‘;' arottntl the tt.m.» on pt,.
Soap Bubbles tl. Diabolo Manipulation it ' `I U ( 1 (Omg an an B O0 ‘ ` ' ` C 0 8 ( lp is -q~.—v---...__..- ·
GEORGE ALLEN who gets tnany laughs with his queer audience. Afmrmn I H r I V O
»· , . , , . ,_ ·· r i v.r _ . _
Male Prim. Donna t·(,t“._ I IIN lI1ll0¤0l>llI¤¤ Literary Society the Society being called to Umm., H m I 1 Ir t‘ t" I K "' ‘ l"'°r;";"0'
. . , at s swce es w ,
Lavemu and zelda. abpauuful m“,(_l_ htld Its HPS! IIIPQIIDK of lll? ¤P\\ )*‘a¥' was decided that the IITOZHIIII Mlltlllld of uq “hn I \ I Isn ang?] HT;
· . , . · 1n‘e t ex - ·
TH; ALEXASIILER KIDS ty wm, and ring act, well dressed and Tuesday night, January 13_ l$Il4_ nr. IW Sm (md? mlm me mm, mwmml IHIM an N f tl {I"` DTF PHS? nit
' , . K ,’ a ter n c
mgmg an ancmg staged. opens the show. Il"""‘ f°" U"` ensumg I°"m “""“ *"""" order to allow the members to attend pr tu I rd { "( Su ll 8 mtr me
_ e t ta o sw ow.— in
NEIL MIIKINLEY Harry Crawford, the lanky comedian, Pd' MISS Marie l’°ul“*` MI°h“t· “h" the basket bal game. A short business! 8 \
° ' , .  
Comedy Stngmg comps Second' Hg is very vemamel served as president during the past nlppting followed and much to tm, m_I
muon e0t.L0ct< mo co. doin: comedy, drama, dancing and "`"“· “"““ """"""°‘*· T"" I°"°“'*"” erm of the Society. its tiresidettt, Mr.
In George Ade': Comedy Sketch Singing and pleased watt "II"""“ “"""` **1**0 °l€*`I"d$ Proctor. on account or his many other
II vv · _ v • y ` ) _ ` '
SPEAKING TO FATHER Tho Schumann Quarwmy R {mm UI. Miss Natalie \\ ood, \lte-l resident. m,m.H_ Mi, I·m.(.,,d U, wade,. his ,.(,Sig_
· _ ` · I f
EDDIE BORDEN &. IRENE SHARRON excellent voices, Is of thc kind Lex- M'” l’°"* H“"l°"· Tr°““""”r· HHIIUH. Wltich WHS uvvepted. Mr. John Lcxmglons New Vaudcvlllc
Blts of Vaudeville mgm', pp(,pt,\ Mkt, ~\Il“ Mal`? *I<>“`¤Fd· S°"""“*"Y· Howard Payne, States most brilliant Thutfc
gggpgtq BROTHERS Everett and Harvey. in "Ftytirteen m" Folsom M"G“I"°· ("`m"· orator and the most zealous worker in ————
gmmducmg nL.nky Bobo the Boxing Alinulps in t;ankhu,st_-· wm, 8 Sl,,,(.m] AIISII mlzabelll }"a""8· lyllbllclty the Society, was unanimously elected _
Kang-"°@ drop showing, a suburban h0me_ have Agent' fOl` IDG SUCCGGGIDK {PUD. 3     3 · I
Prlce•—Nlgm, Lower Floor so and 75c an act of complications which is one ‘"‘“° l"““" ***9 “f°°* “'°“*‘ b°"‘ ut"' It was agreed that on next Saturday 2.30 7.30 9:1 5 .
. , , O O t
$¤¤¤¤$| Bl|¤0¤y I0 Cents continuous |3,ugh_ M`} dnd mmnclal “"€“· Ioncemmg afternoon at 2:00 o'clock. that the plc- · ‘
Manne"' mc t° 50c' The (`hoo Choo Girls, in a railway “`hi°h m°r° dennim a““°““°°m€"tS ture of the l'nIon Literary Society
400 GOOD SEATS A·r me station, close the snow with 8 walk “`“l b° “‘“d° lam =·lt0¤Id be taken. livery one is urged. l)l{  t
  through the audience singing and Isuggesuom Watch the MII in the to be promptly on time and every mem- 1 0      
  S T . Swinging mm9ms_ main building for a blt of exciting in- ber is especially urged to be l".8S€m_ ’ ’ ’ I
as     f°"m“u°“· A motlon to adjourn was moved and I
BEST IN THE WORLD Titian Au, ————-—-——-—- the meeting came to a close to meet 5 Afts and Kinemacolof
____ The Horace Mann Literary Society again Saturday night January 17, 1904. See Reading Notice
”•g0s•   T • g · Thursday matinee wm See the mam will meet Thursday night January 17,I I  
Grosvenor Ave. Ph 1685 I `
  surutlon Of what promises to be the in the :’du°8u°nlF;udmg· Mn D°“°' RURAL 1·EAcHEg3 MEET     and  
best vaudeville bill ever presented In van' wwm w° °' "OW as °‘ man °r
° ep on this (.“y_ The bm Opens with Ame great executive ability, will preside in   and  
  (     yvoung and April in R Skit entitled the office of president for the ensuing PI-M Laid to Hold a sewn 0, M“t_   O •
• ··s¤ap Bubbtev and ntaboto ntnnputa. °°"“· The ’°“°“’*“g I"°8"““‘ has ang. an ut. County.   Fnumaln Pans
TOBACCOS PIPES ETC nm. George Allen called the mh., ¤¤¢¤ ¤¤‘¤¤s¤<1 wd ¤lI ¤¤•¤¤¤¤¤r¤ Me oooo  H
° ° ° l>I’Im8 d0¤¤H. IS In the same class exhorted m be present' The teachers of Fayette County held ·
Plpgg Repau·ed_ 8B Julien hltlnge. and his gowns are lgrust L°5::?:i°n'b hill? °$°'"'M their third meeting Saturday morning,     cn! "
said to be dreams. The Alexander ames com ey' I" under the direction of Professor Bo-
czxmcmn, . . KENTUCKY Ki _ Bl , . 309 WEST MAIN STREET
ds Is one ot the greatest hits of the ev ns" hannon, who is Professor of Rural Ed-
  season and consists of three little tots, UTM I"T*°"°° °f uw M°vmg mc` ucatlon in the University.
UNIVERSII Y LUNCH STAND the youngest being only three years me Sh°w’ MISS Mccuh-e` The class was organized T0? the DUT- • D,  
c“°" °*°'“"V°lY *0 UWUWIU old, while the oldest has reached the Rights of Country Children' pm` pose of raising the standard of ef- I ·
and Faculty of State University t f H d I lf Ifewm, Bommmm (l¤¤¤tt>¤t¤¤•·*l .
· ma ure age o ve an one- ta years. " ‘ tlclency of rural teachers in the county DOROTHY DQDD SHQES I
A• B•   These precocious children have cre-I -—-¥—-—- and was me largest meeting that has FOR WOMEN
COR. 8. LIMESTONE AND COLFAX ated a furore wherever ther have beenI UNION LITERARY SOCIETY. been held by the class.   to   ·
  seen Neil McKinley is a comedian of -—; Tentative plans were arranged for a RALSTON HEALTH SHOES
YES, the school that produces real fun and The members of the Union Literary series of educational rallies to be held FOR MEN
W. nc stm Prenmg 4 Sun. for ·1‘2° does a comedy singing turn that is Society assembled last Saturday night in various parts of tlte county in the *4 00 t $5 00 I
_ ....ag.. very pleasing. The real headllner is and held their first meeting of the near future. ° 0 ° I
_   Bail¢y°S Pressing   MIIIOIT I’¤1I¤¢k ¤¤<1: tltc tttcctittgs more enjoyable to   Pho'.     Corner Upper and Bolivar I
' arte to be r•·ttt·nt·tl and also with 'l`lte`     &
l·ttorl· *'l"’ '*lllllll***l· lllld
I thc- IIIl‘···¤·ll~l¤···l ~~·ltl¤<>¤t
{ U H _;-Q M w,,,.,, ,,,,. l·,,l,.,,,.,,l,,. ,l,,,,, ,,,,,k,.,, l,. "":`|"""" """"“: ;"‘“T"’ “"“"‘l ":_ n·¤on·¤·-n»··n¤ ot nn- oflloos of the mn. "*** *‘*"l*""'*‘*l ¤·"·l<>¤ of all 'll¤l¤
•. . · · ‘ llN•‘l ·.., ·.·· , .‘* , , . V . . ·. ·.
I nnprtsamnt ns Qt mel to) wr F all Half mmsppmlahlp m HW Iwuplp mm ' llllltlrl lgftll OT tie llllFl.l0*~;] U \,,Nh.\_ mul HH, Mumm haw, come m means you, thv otlwr l•Ilow and mn,
` to \\ hy Alumni . hoult rgnn ze. mxmls Hwir Snmmrt hy Inprpmml up- blllllll 1 y. . ow that a tommon nity {WI Hm" Hwy Should be In 8. better my so rlnny lol any nl llgq no lll,,.,anl um-
l \\ ell, l (llrln t want to, Other things prnprlauml from HW Immslnmnlr it line "lllll•‘ to lhsht. however, a quicken- Muon U, lm"! Hmm, "mmrml asslsmnnp longer than ls absolutely ne(~q·ssary_
lql mlm-; qln_ lll rntlwr do lnotlllnr, l wm ho paw pmmgh to lm`? mp w_nph_ llllii 'lli l'll"l"'**l lillll ellllllllmlslll ls lnwllrql the snlnllnn nr lllnsp, and gllch llllrlng """l'“""""lll""l l""‘l ·llm‘? mel`?
D · pnlllpp pond snmnth nl., mtr; mt y umn the mmmpdmlon or to haw mp sprlmt lll, up which ls a thing ol beauty Umor problems as may Hmm', mm,) or will no doubt he some general reports
sslultllrllretltl, llearn sllmtctlllnz ¢·\ery{llpglSInmr um'. it. Nothing Mm wmlnn a pleasure to behold. mmm "mfmm me msumuom AIS"' ng lu lll,. I,p(,m·,.,.l,l Ol [hl}; wm·k_ [At
’°'(;";*lI‘“" l":l“l( ll 't ““l’ll"’“" Id hp my pmmlm, mlm: to (ml .rh(,h, lll*‘l'c ls rcul gladness displayed, llllll pplmmlly at all tlm,,,,l_ to advance uu ll`Y llllfl lluV*¥ **V**l‘y lloselble
l`*‘*l · *‘¤l`ll*‘* · ll*‘Wl W*‘ ·“"’ll •·sln·clu.ll_y bv those who have had little ll -l * ‘· ·· · · Alllllll'll*‘ "llll"ll"‘l by Ulm time **0
,.hH,|,.,,n ,.8,, lu. ,,,]u(.m,.,l ln l,,,xm¤_ ~ N nterests of the l»n1vcrs1ty,nn the ·
* ¤" · · . , » . . ,
I use the knowledge. ln nlm, cases hm. from “'hvm_(_ (_mm_H R (_mmH‘_I of or nnnppnrlnnll) lo (ll, lm- me llnlygr. lmmung up of a,t9ndam_‘,’ in the ad_ after you arr, prepared to take hold,
ont, of ten, no, nor lmpartiit. Then l ‘_xpm_tH to hom mgm in Hwlr homes. sity, in fccllng, that at last, something ymn·•·lm,“l of pm- ylrtuoo both at hmm, Hlleuk lll lll*` lllll*’l` mall You know und
- I * ·l·ll.l .·lllbeI' .·- -. . _ .
could hatle lol., ta y so d th qtlln Lot The Fnivershyv the mmngime €n_ Null) \\0l`lll llllllh has ¢.0m€ to lllillll to and abroad, and ln the securing ot ap- lmnrl Ht mm'
n() ,9n*       0"(1 \`un H       thp   of             l|r()l)[`iutl()[]5 uvlld        
our DTPS Gu mil 9 fl l`9flll9S- 9 All - I , .l . · wl . . ., Newark, N. J., Jan. lst l9l~l.
[mg ln His world, want, lm Alumnl ol tlc alove new—born teellngs tb such calls to duty in mind, and ’
llmlldnt wmldmzegl He has u right to help lt to meet the moat Obugmlnm, and activities were amply exemplltled the hopes of such useful servlce ln ··;·····———;
Willy €l;0l`t·‘(;0 0 I fni€· H I “,hh_h wm arise in me fum'? No llt a regent lnet-lung or the New York view. a movement is now under way CINCINNATI ALUMNI ORGANIZE.
Sow res ent .ye las lg llutls . , , . .
muttgr holy many or how fp“*‘ (uypn Ong (llullter, Ull lll!} (‘\ Hlllllg of U€C€[Hl)€T lllward the qUl(Tk(‘lllDg of [llB present -;-1-
. ' it ·. bl l .. - . .
and the lnlV€¥‘H y lld*l d S D¤ll'* Alumnus hl acoumyympy Crm, Should ,,lll, wllgll plglltlgoll nl ns enllluslagtlc association and chapters, the forma· Last Saturday nt the Monroe Hotel
hvprl }:umn:1B;]f0:nl9rdStu ent, EI"'; get in [()ll('l\ and keep ln touch with l'l0lll'l as €l`€l` llltfl, wrestled Ulllll {B.? llllll of new and 8·€llV€ Ch8.pt.Bl‘S ln ln Cincinnati, there was organled 3,
4 · , , ev —r so ‘ . , , _ , _ _
• _ l’r°2’°°t V; B ll in uml 1* y WK the llnlvcmlty through the assoclutlon into the night with the problems con- ev ery tlty, wherever possible, through- permanent Alumni ( lub of State Uni-
· n,. e - . . ,, .
n Bn m y SA" lise pa Q 1;] and Cm-ry out me plans of its pmsl. tronting their Alma Mater. lhls was out the l/nlted States, and for the or· versity men who are prosperlng ln
l lucky resident hmm mr; piriina ll dent, of the director of the Experiment lll)! H l'€Sul¤l‘ meeting of the chapter, S8lllZBtl0H of an Alumni Chapter or and gbgut the Quggn Clly_ About 18
lmerpsmd but ul; llolwzs (   um: Station for the farmer, of the dean of but one called on short notice, for dis- Club lu every County throughout the enthusiastic members were enrolled at
2 can Seng Hulse f Sl fn ' AB ci; T pnglnegrs fm- mgclmnlcs, Qt/('_’ gu; cussion of these matters, but from the SUNG- the initial meeting. Meetings will be
l Kllwrpstul On) nor Ov; U Ts il] Tllgrp must be men who know the 0l>9lllllt·5 W0l`dS to the motion to ad- The functlon of the olly plubg wlll held the first Saturday of each month
‘ . · n n v rs y ,
. “""‘"" ""' cr "lm le ° _ lnln-army, keep ln its touch, wan-n lt Jorn, the most evident thing in the be, as at present, to l`orm the nucleus at the Monroe Hotel. Officers were
lo serve him with expert counsel in _ , . _ ,
and how lt ls run and me that lt ls world was that all present were in ot a common social center for resident *’l9"l€(l 3** l<>ll¤“‘¤¤
his homc and his enterprise. his busi- ,
pal-(td for ag   as ()[• bpttpr than £‘£ll`llt‘S[ and ready to put l,ll€lI° S()l1l and |l)(\]]'lb4¤[‘3· [0 gxlpllll it “*(zl(·0n]lng fel. Artllllr J. ‘illI(`\‘, l,l°(‘Sld9lI[.
ness. lie dwells within its inlluonce. . _ _ _ _
· Y _ l|ll» best, 0]l]pgt_ most famous and most €’ll€l'g,Y l|ll0 l.ll€ \\0l`l(. A Subslalllltll lnwslllll and guidallcg to ylslltogps and Jllllzlll (lllllll, Vl('(»’ ll`<·‘Sl(l(*lll.
llc is lltted it it progresses, and tails _ _ _ _ _ _ , , _ _
pl·.,opl·Snlyo lnnlltnllqn Ol learning in Nlllll has subscribed as a nucleus tor new arrivals, and to advgrtlsc the l*lll. \\. l`. Johnstone. Jr.. becretury and
to some extent with its failure or slow V V I ri i _ i _ _ _ ,_
Amerloa, not only must the l nlver- we llll llg Htl Oil, dllil l’€S0luIl0llS WGH versity baroad; but lll addition ro hg. ll‘€*8Slll‘<·l‘.
progress. Ile is the best, the most , _ _
sity reach down to the humblest per- ¤ll0lll€¢l» lwlll 88 l0 =lUt·ig€Sl€¢l ¤·¢¥»l0ll. (‘Ulllt‘ the outlying eyes, las it were}, ll #ll`Y*‘ll b1l§'l`*’=·l· (0l'l‘*‘>lD0lld<*ll¥·
available agent to carry lnto effect the- d _ _ _
_ _ _ sons and calllngs ln the State and lift ull l0“3l`¢l ellllsllllg ot (lll? 0lll€l‘ ¤l1¤l>· lrom which to get the proper per- ·-—-—-——i
plans ol the University and President _ _ _
O 4 I I Hy bein: such an extent In them up but it must pull ltsell up i9l‘S lll the Work. lnncouruging let- spectlve ot affairs at home, and with No, its not "tlxed," like some horse-
.v e. ‘ . . . .
‘ higher. The people must push it up WTS. lull Ol Vllll lllllll ll·0tl0ll. ll`0l¤ 0ill+*l` which to judge ns to our standing races. lt`s all start even and may the
makes himself conspicuous in his com- _ V _
higher ln standards, ln science. that kllalllflftl l*•=‘l‘€ Fwd- (/0lllllllll€€¤l W€l‘€ among others. best man win. ln chapel at 3:30 on
munity, gets the prestige in the name r i { d _ _ i _ dm _
of being u representative of R great we may learn wherein and hou and &Dll0 ll 9 to invest gate con ous The county clubs throughout the *llllll·,l(llly_
‘ ·l t (" d l ll wr u l t. ·1 l tl at Ken- which were felt could be battered and
university and brings it in touch with “ lu I0 lu I 0_gl du I _ D Slam will become the ll°m°b°dy t°
A th I I Hmm use it and to mckllms may best lultlll the desire ol l‘€l10l'lS W€l`€ read 0ll 0lll€l`$ wlllch keep the men who remain ln the State Th H b
leo ewiosl · ·v w _ -
E l if h ld b u ef I Now may one who loves his neighbor as him- have been under investigation. interested and always ready to Speak t el Sill a d Olzzll Mil smbact
· w on1 s ou 0 s u. resses. 'lat 0 Y tin a ou
self. Alt th th *l t d d .
, I Suggest Some things? RUFUS I WEAVFR lm oge tier ke me? wl to al. tin e a. good word and to let the local legis it? Thursday night, 7:3,,, Patterson
, A. 4 . • . _
: The University Should be the centre N York NOW Year 1914 kl s me; fng now ( t tiey ia not lators and other men of affairs through Han.
- A ew , , . · · · . ·
{ Of progress in learning, in thought, in ngvlin e ore); rom what w as said out the State heal more ot the work
mechanics, mining, farming, stock rals- ilu Ol? and mm WDM mlb reported `md needs of the lmvcrsitx Fourteen schools have been estab-
· ing, stock breeding, in solving engl-     fom (lt Tr iT1pt€liS' thdt the quikkfml 'l`ll° ellllm °"l“"llZmlO"· besldes the lished by the Russian Ministry of Ag-
neerlng problems and in law and thc