xt75hq3rxt5q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75hq3rxt5q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-01-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 31, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 31, 1979 1979 1979-01-31 2020 true xt75hq3rxt5q section xt75hq3rxt5q . . . 4 .
\Iol. I.\\I. Mr. 95 K2] 2] l an‘rsity of Kentucky
“ ednesday. January ‘Il' ”79 an independent student newspaper leungton. Kentucky
— u
M / ' I
ayor says eg/s/at/on threatens
H B 4 4 a tta c k e d . . . 3333, 933 3333333333 and 33,333
DA”: MORTON In his second annual State oi the “lite rate oi growth allowed by "In tact." he said. “with the manhoiirs. has succeeded as wellasw'e
stair writer \lerged (ioyernmcrit address. Antato House Bill44wrl| not eyen permit tisto reassessment program that is required ‘3 had a right to expect." he said, “lhe
said Ilttuse RIIIJ-Lul‘llk‘llullllld place keep tip with current rates oi by law and which is currently in . _ ., f explanation is sintple In one word.
lexrngton \layor .lames "nidlil a 4 percent lid on increases in real iiitlation." he said progress. marry taxpayers will see “I“ I preparation "
yesterday hlu‘lfil 1' hill illml‘d 1” estate tax reyeiiues. is a threat to city But because the bill proposes only increases in therrtax bills considerably ' I .I’ lhe nest iew months shotild see the
I'm'lmil inClIC‘lM‘d property [MUM 11* seryrees and an iniringement on the that total t'eyetriies generated by tneycess oi4 percettt.()thertaypayers I 3 reali/ation oi seyeral oi the mayor‘s
well as an exrsting“reycnue slittrll.tlI.II power or local goyernment. property taxes cannot escecd tlte will find that their tases hate been. in _ 4 * . campaign goals. I
although he said lIrhan (Iottnly lhe bill istinderconsideration ttithe amount collected dtiritig the preytotis tact. reduced." II ‘I 3- . .. Rey ersible tt'aiiie lanes on
(Iioycrrittietit was ”itnanctally Kent-icky (iencral Assembly‘s specail year by more than 4 percent. Antato Amato said Hotise Bill 44 wottld ‘ I_' W I‘ I Ntcholasyille Road are in the testing
TC‘Piln51thIIdlll‘llltl WI" session. said eyeryone would not ieel tay reliei. inhibit the quality oi seryices that ‘ I. ’ I\ VIII” phase. with implementationscheduled
citi/ens oi lestiigton haye a right to 3..., “ ‘5? “’4 lot the nest iew weeks. (See kernel
I I expect. and chided those w hoeonsider It... is article January 34. l9’9.)
I fav rable House Bill 44 a cure-all What is I.I;I ‘3‘ I" Also planned is a "computerrled
O u “C I S res p0 n S e I S O needed. he said. is"more econottty and _. X [’64 traiitc signal system to iactlttate the
eiiieient management at the state and 3 ‘:3 3a 3 moyement oi traiiic throughout the
By DA”. \l()RIII()\ ielt it was a good address, Mayor “I yiety it as a iiilitllttient oi a the iederal leerls. I, urbaneountyareagknd $40 m'lllon'“
\l:tll\\l.1‘.' \trrato really lard it I.“ the line ~~ ieq'ttietrtent. l tllllllIl attttctpate any Amato said he rcait/ed local 3.. road and bridge protectsare underway
.lasper said lie wished \iiraio had sirpi’rses.” he said .. l he general nature goyernmcnt could beneitt as well lrom . -- it: will be commenced during the next
\lembets ot the ltbatt (Iounty elaborated on low-:rtcotiic housing oithespeeehhasagenerallortrtatthat better managentent.II hm “”d h” ‘ ‘ 1‘ months. h“ ‘I‘l'd-
(Iiytincil generally responded "\lIy area is going in he alleelcrl." IIL' tle\elops :tseli." lileyttts sttitl "I llilttls “”0er home mlc‘ 0r ICI‘IHng lhc Mayor Amato AIM)‘ “llhln Ihc no“ .‘f-Iar‘und‘a‘
iayotahly to lesington Mayor Jim said "I don't want to see anyntore this speech is patterned alter the personal property tax “It" “I local . hali lexrngtonians can aritieipate the
I. . x . I .. . . . . _ . _ goyermnent lhy‘ CUlms‘ll has not lound anIhCF hookup oi cable teleyrsion. “This
kmato s State ot the \ierged South llrll South llrll yyas the area PIUHIUH ‘ hltlly‘l‘l‘lhs‘l ”'0“ , . . - » ,
. _ .3 ‘ _ , _ . .. 3 _ ._ -- lhe city. howeyer. has a money \yd} l0R‘slt\s'rlhcltt\\.hcsdldtbmlhs’ exrsting new dimension will improye .
(IIIICIIIIIIIIIII \pIILIIII 'IIII‘IIIIIII'II IIIIIIII “InIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII “II“ IIII II IIII‘III“ rohlem to recon ‘lIL‘ matter is still under "intense the U'llll\ )l the teleyision si 'l
()..\1 ltayrs. ot the I‘lrsl District. parking structure at the leyttrgton Blll I l tlth I)l\lll‘l wltoisi P . . k ' I I I IIIIII 3 'I .III ‘ -III‘ I I - .gnIas
s'trd the “speech titerely stated oiit (‘enter llrearca is in .lasper'sdtsttrct . I TH II‘I II‘II I I I I m IIIII‘ In II“ LINN.“ I‘ my IIIIIIIIIII . A ready “(mud and “I“ proyide
‘ ~ . . I. l ls politicalsetetice Pltlly'sstll.\~lld Ilk' lesington-I'ayctte l rban (otinty' (lire possible solution. Amato said. additional ed uca tio trail a n d
situation at this time lltetc is not l)onBleyrns.(ounctlman-aH atge. . _ . 3
.. ‘ . , . . (toyernmeirt court case. it was ruled may be ittttichtse ices. totalling about entertainment entoyment lor these
much to be opposed to. took a slightly diiiercnt approach to tttayot s stand on llt‘llsL Bill 44 was . I . I . 3 I .. . I I . I .' - . _ I
I). I 3 .. lhrrd District. said. ..I the mayor‘s 3 ee‘lt, “ycry lotceltil ~- that the city had to charge trnriorrn SI. million. placed uponirtrlrtics lhe who elect to take adyantage oi this
.ty 4a Pu. . P s - -_ . - I .3 - 2 - ~- t. ‘i‘llls' t--s hty by) service." Amato said.
. .. -' / - .3 4444: ”“9"“ pmp‘m 1"” Pmmu‘l‘ WM” I II k . L ‘I I ‘I “n ,. . . .
. .. 'fozi, ' the d been dcictrmncd ht hm» mint murmur. hm v now been Vinh tourism. cspcautii with the
' . ’9‘ / I’I‘é'I'I'iI‘j 3/”43‘Eét3 . ; .. serytce district rtr which a taypayer Aside lrotrt the ramitIications oi the competitiye in bringing conyention
' .I 3,”:{Ifgfifi/Mt :I'I‘I.._.E‘-. liyed .lacohs case and the threat oi Home and tourism business to this
' I 3' _ 4””“’.Z”II/W° 3 . lhel than (IOllnl) (Iollnc‘tl reIiected Bill ~14. lroweyet. kmato said the community." he said.
. 5%; I‘II ,»‘%//2af I a proposal last year to recoup the Sll outlook tor the city's tuttire is good “A major goal oiImy administration
=, . " , . W‘I; . , millon m lost retentie and that 19W was a year oi learning is to make I eyington what it should
riff/43% . f/ I/3 33: ~ . property tax adiustmcnt that would he said. was how to remoye snow. entertainment. sports and cony‘ention ~
”’"'7;I.III,"’%";Z,/5/”‘fi’ttéy3/I 'I ’ . 3 decreasin g them ior others the product oi many. many yolunteet States. A mato said. .
. . ~ ~ ' a v , I I/‘M’XIIW? ~ s ‘3: . 4. -
, , «4 t4 Board aka 3 sale of bonds for housmg
1‘ . at ' 43a 'z-i-liiii .. -- ‘ .
II I -- fi/3" Iii . If; . £1333 B.‘ JEANNE “Ii-ZHS'IZS Rose 1 ane. which Blanton said the adyaneed degree work in social work
z ' ,. I”: I ”agyfiflmywfl ' III “WW”? ”1“" l nryersity already has made or biology. iIor example. will heableto
I IIIIII ._....3 . I 3 1. mm, . . . . I II arrangements to hiry. receiy'ethetr degree with concentration
I II IIWIIIII I ..I: ., . «W The ertecutiy'ecommittee oi le ’lhe eyecutiye committee 3,130 in gerontology, .
I i . I ' . i i I’M \IIIr ‘ Board oi lrustees yesterday approy ed approy ed a multidisciplinary Dr, Peter BINIWMIIIII‘ y-che
. s . " ‘I I: . . 3/ the ”I“ “I more [him 5“ ”1mm” m gerontology center.designedto extend presrdent oi the Medical Center. said
' . ' I "" 5V3“? 4am] bonds to irnance the construction oi the study oi aging and I“ problems, llK‘s program will he one of tour or
‘3‘. “*mw s... . ”‘5”; apartments on the south part oi Illiisaeademteunitt“hilt notgranting use throughout theIcountry. It will ' I _
I. I?“ I“. , . .. ..I .. 44 ,3 , 7, II . 4., IcaImptts and purchase soms tidyanced degrees. will coordinate the balance the biological and socral
at £4 , t. '”' 333,. .1 di’“”’““”‘" 0“ R‘N l-Jnc- yartous programsctirrently' oiiered hy' scrcncc asttcctsoi aging studies better
W “kiwi; 3 I I I 3I3 lhe greatest portion “I ”I“ mm” the l nryersity under one administra- than most M ”1086 currently In
I W .. . “IIIIIIIII 24.5) million. wasIIIIprchased by me oitrce Students enrolled ior operation.
W . . .. 3 .I t e .. , epartment o otising an 3 . .
“I . . 3. f " II .. I , l'rhan l)cyelopmcnt at the lowest hid Chlna deSIreS peacerI reSOIUtlon
#433 3.. ”I ’5 "I “I”; " I ‘ I interest rate iii 3 percent. lhe _ _ _
WNW {.I ~_ I 3. “I“ 3 remaining SL9 million fill-year bond to Talwan Issue , but force IS not out -
' :‘IEIIf ’ I 4"” 3 3 issue wasaw'arded to .I..I.B. Hilliard 81 . , . . ,
w 7 ’ My my» . 3a . . I l.yons. a national brokerage iirm with ROBERT M. ANDRL“S (‘hinese leader as saying: “You can
' it 3. - #33 or w. WI” oiiIices in lesington lhe company \ssoeiaiea I’tess writer rely on our assurance that we don‘t
- ”I v. I” Mtge .4; Wt“ z 4% '1‘ submitted a bid oi about 6.384 percent intend to use iorce"and that “there has
* 3 :2 II I' ’ 33;, 3, . . .‘ IIZII interest. the lowest oi {our companies WASHINGTON "\IICL‘ Premier been no discussion oi hoy'cott'Iagainst ' f
w ' ' 3 I If ' .. I' I» 3“ “I bidding for that issue. l‘Ieng Hsiao-prng was reported Ilaiwan.
‘ '5’” to .3 ’ fi' “We‘re ycry pleased with the rate." yesterday to base declared that (‘hina The senator who made notes
I . Q 3.44" M I said Jack Blanton. the lIn|\Cr\llI\Is wants a peaceiul resolution oi the declinedthe use oihis namc.His notes ‘
3 - .'I a, ytce president or business alIiairs, He laiwan issue. htrt “cannot commit quoted Teng as saying: .
I if“ -’ _ said the current national rate is about herseli not to resort" to the use oi “We will permit the present system I
Han in ' On 3) hint \tll yH/Kernel Stuff 6.5I percent. . - iotce. . on Taiwan and way oi life to remain
g lhe bonds will itnancc tindergrad- lhe account oi lengs remarks at a unchanged. \he will allow the local
JCS-W “inm- left. and Timmy Buckler. employees of a woman ski on the sign they hung in the Civic Center uate apartments near Shaw neetow it. Senate luncheon came from a senator goy'ernment oi laiwan to maintain ,
Larry's Marine Recreation Center in Morehead, observe yesterday. which are already under construction. who took notes, Another senator. people-to-people relations Willi other
and the purchase oi apartments on lhad ('ochran. R-‘yliss.. quoted the (ontinued on p.23. 4 I
odaH—M—w ~
charges oi conspiracy to commit murder and criminal workers at the scene were not able to establish yoice contact culture and employ ment." the popeIsaid
THE DAIH ('ROSSWORD Pl ZZH‘, debuts today in solicitation the the trapped men He spoke to workers tn one oi the poorer districts oi .
the ('lassriied \dyertising section .liist how nimble is your \either Sherman Adams, i. ho resigend as the Klan leader ”1"ka Wd one ”I the ”NIH“ hitd been 'dcnlllls‘d d‘ t" (iiiadalaiara. MCKINII‘ second largest C'l.‘~ 300 miles .
yocabtilary’ See page 5 to iind out I last month. not John'l Palmore entered pleas when they SUI!“ andIIthree “Ill“ i“ IIIII‘IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII‘i northwest “I Mexrco ( ”I
I 't t . , . . )\ . I ,. . . 'ourot er men were reporter tnittret .-
state IIIIIIicinItIrisliItrIIiIiicIliIII.tI\ItlIatlrrl‘IliliItttIlIIlliusI‘IinlilIil) I33IIIIIIIIIIIIIInII,I (‘ausc oi the L‘\pl0\lt)n was not known THE IRANIAN GOVERNMENT SAID yesterday that
Palmore ’dl SNHIINI and lhs‘n scheduled a bond reduction \yatullah Rtihollah Khomeini. the architect oi the Iranian
('IVII. ( ()“PlAINTS H AVE BEEN FILEDagatnst two hearing ior today uprising. could return to Iran. and gene Air France permrssron I
Kentucky coal lirms ior alleged \iolations oi the (‘lean Water THI'L INITIID STATES [VOID I978 with a rccotd l“ ll.‘ mm from h" Parisian 0"“? '0 an expected triumphant _
\ct. the lnyironmental Protection Agency said yesterday THE STATE TASK POINT. on -\shcstos in the Public I‘W'F” trade dclicrt “I 52X ’35 mum” 3‘ “1““ “I ”Id '“l‘ ”1‘” ”I‘m” '" hl‘ homeland. I I .
‘\ spokesman said the complaints were tried against Scotia Schools assured l‘loyd (‘oiinty oiticmlc yesterday that undermined the dollar during most oi the year lhe American Embassy. meanwhile. ordered I S.
(o oi (timberland and (Ianada ( o oi l’ikeyille by the lI.S itnancial obstacles delaying theIrett‘ioyal oiIasbestoIs irom Ih“ (‘ommerce Department reported .‘C‘IC'dt'l ”1-” III“ goyerInment dependents 0‘” “I Iran II‘” the earliest leasrble 3
attorney lot the lastcrn |)tstrict ot Kentucky l’restonshutg High School would be eliminated del‘m ”I December W“ 53““ h'”“’"- ”l‘ ‘l'lll‘lj‘ ””m SI I” date. I "ll” "”"LII‘I’ on three Americans . ’
lhe complaints were described as the itrst taken against lugene Mooney. secretary oi the Department [or Natural b‘llli‘" 1” Noyemher lltt‘ tleiictt lor all oi 19 .y‘ topped the Millions are expected to greet 7il-y'ear-old Khomeintwhen
I coal mines in the southeast ior alleged water pollution Resources and lnytronmental Protection and chairman oi PTC‘I'OU‘ h'llh ”I 5365 I‘lllll‘n 1" ”I" ‘\"d 1h“ hui'tlml’ft‘” I” returns. WWI”) today. I“ PW“ h" campaign “‘I OUSI the
yiolattons the task iorce. said the panel is \Hlllng “to mow heaycn and ledger finished on the minus side despite a reduction in l .S constitutional monarchy headed by Prime MIinrsterIShahpour 3
It; earth" to get asbestos remoyed irom the school as soon as imports oi ioreign Oil. Bakhtiar and set tip an Islamic republic. Khomeini led the
‘ ‘ KEVTII Ki OFHHAI. BlIDGl-ZT ESTIMATES possible uprising that torced Shah Mohammad Reta Pahlay'i to leave s. .
I I. released yesterday I“ State Rflcmm (Itlmmlsstnncr MIauriIce the country tor what many ieel is permanent exile,
. (arpenter indicate the state will hate a total oi 17 5 millionin . worId Ihere ““II‘ scattered ”0|an In Tehran yesterday but "0
I ‘I ””‘Pcnt money by the end ol the biennium oi NW) nat'on reports III k‘l‘u‘lhm“
. lhe (reiterai \ssenihly is bound by the oiiicial estimate rt it POPE JOHN PM I, II APPEAL”) lora war on illiteracy
I I l decides to oitset Proposed tax cuts with surplus budget liinds NV EXPLOSION RIPP“) "IROTIG" a iarm yesterday and asked ”I“ wealthy I“ IMM'I‘“ II“'m‘I “I “h‘” l‘
' I : lhe Senate appears to he leaning in that direction, but Im- machinery building at a tcdctal prison honor iarm yesterday theirs" to promote social itistrce and help the poor Inc a little weather ‘
2 House is takin the a roach that st' ~ y - . at leayenworth. Kan. killint at least toitr ersons and better
. 3: trimmed to linItIince iaIltIIreductiony IIII IIII grams ‘II‘IIIIII III trapping at least two others. ahthorities said III "With all my might. l tnytte all those who tta-l (human to (|,()l‘[)\' WITH OCCASION“. LIGHT 5N0“ I
{I I ('harles I‘illllkflt‘l’. acting director oi the l S Bureau ot renew themselyes in their minds and hearts and men diminishingthisaiternoon w‘iththc high espected tobern the .
" ‘ THE. FORM“! (IR..\V[) DRAGON and the state Prisons in Kansas ( rty. said ioiir bodies had been identitied torsakrng some oi what istheirs promote greater iitsticeso 20s (‘loudy with a few .‘lurries tonight with lows ill to IS '.
. . g secretary tor the Kit Khrs Kian were arraigned yesterday on and two or three men were still trapped in the debris He said that none can lack adequate nourishment. clothing. housing. Partly cloudy and cold tomorrow with highs in the low 20s .
. i I
. 3
~13 vI~.,........ ,..3. .,,~.‘. '.,.,,.3.... . .. . . ,... 3 3 . .. _ . .
, . . . .

 ' t
\tnr Rullinger Ilium-s ( lurk “In \nn fluchlrl “alter I'unis Jamie Hugh! Tom Moran ‘ i
lililul ill ( ltiil ltlllullu/ lt/llur Ruth \Ilttingly It‘I lilllttl \iiirrlt Itllltir I’I’l'lltll til I’lmlttwulilit
‘ Debbie McDaniel ( “. .
(iron Helds l. Jenny Tate I", m“ '
Richard \ttotmta .lunne “Ohms J-cIi “Ii-might “"""“ "“’ ’ "”"’ John (in, Lina. (ampbell .
Humming ltlmt/ ttmtmlt' It/ittvrt (ti/ll Ii/i/uri Nell Holds std."I:IlId‘7dI I I I’ltnlii Hummer .
.t o l ' & ‘ lumen IIiIirm "m‘ ‘ "'H "'”" '
s C‘ mments , .
e I orta at v
‘ a t
t ”W chi/b... hack 1? A, also ~5>Z’;_}R tJt’r» -7 , A w 7 ‘ hm 777—‘~_T‘V“I~A fig. . ' i
tSdCDLoc’M Asia MR.‘tD‘t’.oJ;Qw'Thti.... 33f .. . l
e: INYCng?OKKE’T.. Who's) .00”; ”AM (as T Jt‘v’ES W’DlA. soot) DLJLE month . i t
t 7400 s sssgwimxr swuoeotzfitiqyaarxs lI Harm or gosos Iy / . i
u l 3r SUE AL‘W.71‘,§:"T“ :tA/lkl r will tt\ " // I » _'
Proposed ordinance may 6 he p ul, M ,, “tr/J; WEN. ,
~_.-. . 1 fly—7 fl i I
. t m t
- - - . m. . use l‘“ 4 a» «i
' s F“ ‘ ‘ ' ,
but reveals motivation behind LCC w . t .
. t ‘ Saar It r L i
., . .. . l, V'Ki 1‘ ‘( ‘>‘ ‘flI‘
lired of being harassed by pushy street tendors each year. By eliminating the competition. much of t , l y ' I], , IS I x _ / I .
when you go to concerts at Rupp Arena"? .\ new that money would he spent at officially sanctioned l m” S I I 6 V I I’fi /- "I gl' ' /:fl i/ . .
ordinance now being considered h\ the l‘rhan concessions. from which the l.(‘(‘getsacut. Also. E “I W I ' [haw Mil i§\\ i ‘7‘ ' . % n g
. . . .I \ ‘\ i 7‘ ’ '
L‘titmtt L‘titmgil could change Llll that rock groups can ht‘ greedy about kCL‘plng the I D pl {1 if H tit/ff. tc/ \\ w l i.
Rccomtttcndcd by the council‘s Planning soutenir litkt‘ 10" lht‘mSt‘ht‘» l J l (IQ l th ~‘ fix , ' ' z ' é
committee. which acted on the aduce ot lexington lhere‘s been 21 strong conflict between the L/ . t :I §\ 3‘V \‘U\ <2] ’ l ' ii
' ' ‘ I ‘ ' ' \.' l ’C
(‘ctitcr (‘orp l'\L\‘llll\C Director Tom Minter. the peddlers‘ and ”W authorities. it" both legal and m? . l 1: ‘sj 3 J immx. l 3
measure would control unauthorized slilc‘s of items CUllUl‘til reasons: Iiit‘ Pt‘ddis‘H rarely hith‘ the ‘ .1 L- . . . - .iL,I__,I,.._,wV, " ti____fi‘_§_._ _ ‘ . :3
promoting rock groups. rodeos and other shows. required business licenses. usually are young. and if
[he titdtndnee would prohibit \endtirs from ha\eIwhat “”31 to h? culled Iimcmmn? “RSI-"cs _, -nwfi..- ,, k..-" M "a 7,. in. up, ..__..-~..V--Ak_ ______.__.—..~.__—_._._
\Clllnfl such items in an area around the Cu ic (enter (“lbw the profit motne). lexington police. though. L tt 1- the Ed It 3,:
thoustng Rupp Menu) hounded by Short. Mill hazI'eIIusutItlly hIeen restraiand in dealing with them. 8 ers 0 I or
\lawell. \lcrtno and Jefferson streets. unless they an In“ “W “n “ms“ ' _ . "T'T‘w'w'u" ""‘T’T‘ ' ""“WTI' T‘I‘TT‘W —,‘ —' ‘ "" " — I}
“ ‘re 'iuthortred it s doubtful that anyone “t“ speak out in the record (take note Joe 8.). . odd. Yourfreeelected government has
c t . 8”ch pcddlcrs‘ behalf few concert-goers will miss Enough already What do we do about our seeming not always been the champion of ,
"' lhc measure was inspired h} the clUsters ot the insistent sales pitchesthan haieto he repeatedlv drought of controversial topics'.’ democracy.ConSiderthehtstoryofthc '
itinerant merchants who show up downtown etery fended off ' It is about time that someone Mia/Psi make UP :Itew. Amertian labs; movement asacasein ,
. . , . . . . . .. . .. - - ' ' . . . , . p ~ , « . . . .' t. most ig my papers doit. pornt. twas cause workers dared to -
timt a mayor act plays at the arena. Speciali/tng in . . ., . ~ destoiered Ih‘” “6 ha“ 4“ heard \ '.‘° . , . .. .. .1
the loud hard-sell the peddlers Usuallt follow I Bl" [h‘ l,(( '5 “m“gI 1“ asserting that 11 SI enough aboutthecontroversyoicrthc The liniversity community demands defy 'law and order represented by 3 ‘
ti _ i‘k I t ‘ , d th‘x . ' ' III. importanceIextendsItothe disruption and Ioning “‘ Wildcat lodge. lhere are so many colorlulIheadlines. Such potentially the National Guard and the police 7.
””1“!- “ ‘ I5“ “i“ now . " “““I‘m- “ ing tree enterprise. and its hChuHOf seems rather greedy sides to the issue that any action wuld volatile issues as the lranian students' (and supporting the . American - ’_
FWd‘ ”W “"3“ V01“ “ng” WW and ”hm” in light of the small profits intolied. Though they be unfair to someone in someone‘s problems and the quick departure of interest. it. big bUSInCSS) that 1";
out sales pitches lront street corners. can be annoying. street peddlcrs at concerts deserve opinion. (‘huck Aleksinas haven‘t really stirred American workers could get health "
' lhe mofndlmn behind the proposal. howeicr. is the chance to sell their wares. l‘he l'rban County A K‘"""/°dl‘0rlal“lFrldaF-Janr '9 :p :3.“ thou“: lately. therefore I ”I‘Wlanf.‘ refl'rfiée?‘b bend'ts' the ,'
. 4 . - ~ . - - ~~ ‘ ‘ ' ' '. ~tions. eimina ion 0 c t a or.
' ' *- , . > ‘ ' . (oun‘il should dtrect that the ‘Xlstln’ license cxl’re’Wd [he need h" the Student um )0 c” e“ “’53“ . . ~
nottomakc audiences more comfortable whiletIher d' It II . d "vh . II ItI t—II . b‘ Government I0 take a “and on the Run the followmg headline. You also say that the Iranian ..
approach Ih‘ arc‘na “ h‘” [h‘ l.(Cistntercsted ml" or _ln‘m“ an _C0p-\ “l? I m ringement ‘1‘” ‘ issue. on \chnesdayI JanI 24. the “Basketball player likes eight-year old students were involved in the arson I:
the C‘Ilmdk‘d 3—51“) that “W“ vendors I'd“ in enforced. and “31991 1h“ ”C“ proposal. Kemp] reported 50 had voted “to girls" with a picture of one of the and vandalism in Beverly Hills. It 2.
. ._ W. W .. .,,._,..-,,’ _,,.,,--W__M -.,__.#.h.,__.fiu__,.,,,,~___,_.,-__..._,_____~I support the athletic staff." Finally. on Wildcats surrounded by a bunch of might be true. but here again go and .,
l Friday. Jan. 26. there was another young female basketball fans. Even see Harlan County. USA. and learn 3
i editorial. this time condemning 505 though it would be totally untrue. it that it was not always the miners who i
l stand. Who is this masked man who might cause a bit of a stir on campus. shot and provoked but people paid by i
‘. requestsadecision andthencomplains If you don‘t want to attack the the mining companies. The killingdid
Bib l because it was not the decision he had basketball team (even though some of not promote the miner‘s cause. believe
I hoped for? them deserve it. they‘re to nice to be me. .
TIE . For one thing. it is unfair to look left alone). pick on the UK Rugby What I am saying is do not think ‘
. . . , w | ~ tl' Club. Howabout‘fannibilism onthe only in terms of black and white in
, back and say thatt o p ayers recen y . I
/_’f“\ i left the team because they were living Rugby Squad?“ It wouldn‘t be hard. youriudgments. put yourself in other -
. ’r \ q l “inagoldfish bowl“ . especially since just look at their bumper stickers, people‘s shoes. because. who knows.
\ , t“) l neither of them indicated this is their “Rugby players eat their dead.“ someday you might be in the samet
.v-w l ///l statements. And this is besidethe fact Why “01 ”.V it. the National Situation. .
/' . / I that any player coming to Kentucky Enquirer does. With such controversy [would also like to suggest that you 'I
ll . \ surely must realirethesituation before 35 [hi-8. surely lhfi national media do “0‘ become entrenched in your 4 '
l he signs his name. One minute the would pick up on itastheydid withthe ideas and go and see the series of , i
ll _l t . . editorial claims we are treating them Sonny Collins stories ofthe late I975. mowes on campus about US. I 1
H El: 0“...~ I unfairly and the next that they are Really we need some stories to get the intervention in the Third World and s
Q I! ' “371.9;4I‘A . getting treatment which is too special. Iternel's letter department and the think them over. 1.‘
. : W % . ‘fi What is it? University's name back in the national Alba Orsi .
F: 6' - , lf Joe Hall cared enough about his headlines. Counseling/Psychology graduate :-
. (.- ' I i D FENSE players to work and raise the money Michael Mulheren S'Udfl“ .'
' fit for the lod e himself how can we Hi5“)?! junior - .
- D). \ ~ ’ E . ~ I . . , , g .'
- ‘1», - , ‘ IINCKEABE" , criticue him and take it away? It does U. S. responSlble 9.
l l ' V . . . .
‘_‘ k y b ! i ‘ not belong to ”5‘ after all.The.\CAA The best Steve Goldstein. in his Jan. 29 : I
- - \ ‘ has done a good Job of slamming . . . .. . h .. -
I ”J I l Coach Hall without the l'niversit "5 ~. opinion piece Iranians go ome. '
/ - - l . . . . - h' . l ‘ y Mary Kathryn TUS rebuttal 0f the claims to be offended by the alleged .
—- fl ‘- E own students slapping '5 hand. -. .lohn C00“ column about the South anti-American nature of the Iranian ' ‘
. one thing pLOPIC SCICH; IO lOI'ELI lb is THE outstanding comment {0 have Students‘ recent protests These :
l thaItItheIptayersIareIaliItI) 6? t: play appeared in the opinion 560W“ ofthe students. he implies. should confine t,-
l l 5:1. ent. or mini dthpté‘: at“? Kernel in the P35I five years. 50‘ why themselves to only denouncing the '3
$4...\ ’ ‘ w sport. .3 5C oars lp I“ e” ony not hire her. and send Cooke ‘0 shah. for any criticism of the US. ‘t
I», c . l hope for gomg to college. Should we . . . ‘E l d h h . . s
Auwm l . , h d . d I 'h' h . h somewhere m MW "I8 an 50‘ at e government ts definitely unwarranted. -I-
i say tIIcy Itintheservew d” mm,“ may be culturally and intellectually... What Goldstein fails to realize is 1
1 provides orIIthenI: as (“Id and afrevhardI fulfilled. that the American government is I, .
' i IordcopIIIng Z“ t :IpressIuris o :C To: 5 00“ Schulte directly responsible for the atrocities 3
9 ar er u e l dnhl tt e dam: S h0 ans. . e '5‘ 59mm" MBA 5mm" of the lrnaian regime. It is the Us. a
! festreicetiztnus Sign If: mac? goiidflf government which broughtthe shah to
t f ‘ ' ' a S . . . .
' ‘ ' ' owe . tra ned his brutal secret olice ',
t and I feel that oicrall they do a good Think It Over p r .l p . ~
. , b' k e . "thb tht ‘k‘ A d (the notoriousSAVAK).and kepthtm -
i ‘ Jtiftelrnallctillenzsgt33:1!“ mgke :5 Shine (EDITORS NOTE: The following supplied with the tools of repression. I' t
. r \ . ' ' t . . o u - o . I
i ‘ v ercenta e of the fans who pm thein letter is in regards to the opinion piece lran. however. should notbcvtewed , 't
, w l t t ~ 1 ijnto thatg oldfish h iwl \' p“ l t u written by Steve Goldstein that in isolation. Support for right-wing , 3
'l'G I d l i ii i finally “go” lo f: k I‘ (:1 letch'n: appeared in Monday’s Kernel.) dictatorships and intervention against I
ii i « l l I .I take 'Cai of his leive‘rf‘ an I First of all. I think you have been a . nations which attempt to break away .
§ , I it ' (‘ave Durham. p ' " little bit presumptuous when youthink from US. domination have been. and j
l v . . . . . ».
.\ I‘i t l l l Home memi“ 'unior that you can talk for the “majority“ of remain.the majortenantsofAmencaIn ~.
| $4 #N- l I ‘I ‘ ' l the Americans. Luckilythere arealot foreign IPOI'C)’- Sometimes ”“5 3.
T.“ a $. W l t l tl-‘DITOR‘S VOTF- The Wildcat of Americans who are not as confused intervention is overt ~ as in ICuba.the it
‘ \ t j l t t'd It) i . " . f d b and simplistic injudging the situation Dominican Republic and Vietnam .,
. 1 .o gewas uitwtthprivate un s ut . I. d et‘mes it is hidden ,,. as in
l ' ’ \M‘ it I1 l l was then iven to the l'niversitv m Iran and the problems with the an som I » if
' . .4 l l l t makin it lgniv it dth f " lranian students here. Let me explain Chlle. where the CIA conspired to ‘i’
' t l l l , state 5 r0 erterswlyiich iisnmair:::ir(t);d to you what I mean. overthrow a democratically elected if
l l ‘ J l t . by “up. 'Ers‘ymone ’ Also the Your first confusion is tothink that presrdent. Whatever "5 form. the ’t4
2, - - . -1- . . _.“-—-., Q ‘ I scholarslliiti monies reieived b. the you can identify yourself with the effect hasIbeen the same: repression t .
, t ? [E (7" e: . - , ' ’ w i players‘come from the l'nlversit; not Americansinlran. You are not.let me and CXPIOIIaHOfl- t l
4 ' . "(if IVs/t. I I t I h i from touch Hall ‘ ’ tell you. the oil companies in that lnanefforttoexposethetruenature f
r at E” K ’ I l l l 1 ' country. You do not paylranianlabor of American foreign policyta foreign .
l J ' l l ', - l U ' i ‘ starving wages. You do not even train policy which. contrary to Goldstein‘s i
‘ I“ ' c a” ,6 I l ' Ii l A suggestion lranian secret police so that they can belief. is not made by the American ’
‘1' “cg—Q" » . ,l if; . t l .I torture lranian political dissenters. Or people). the Committee to Defend the ‘
» -‘ 1!! ti 'rf/i/ lI Upon reading today‘s (Monday‘s) do you‘.’ You see. there is a difference Eleven is sponsoring a film series on
A; . ii l I ”I , ' lI copy of the Kemp/l was mildly upset between spreading democracy and US. intervention in the Third World.
. “I. _ lg. \k'tfi . todiscover not one lettertothe editor defending it at the expense of other The premiere film is Hearts and -
» i o - -‘J-VA “\fi- . _, present. Instead there was an opinion countries dCWOCTACY- MlndS- an award -wrnntng 5 'l
a 3‘)‘ f e‘ .s a ‘ l i and another outstanding episode of If it is still difficult for you to documentary dealing with American 3 I
I' I .7 [m ' t \ . i Gregg l'ields' “Franklin and Me." disassociate yourself from what the involvement in Vietnam. It will he i
,,// v /, r y i Whv. I asked myself. at a University government does in your name. just shown “)de at noon in the Student t
’ . i this sire aren't there any letters'.’ make a “big" leap in imagination and Center Theatre andar 7:30pm. in [06 !
m/ -,\ t / . ‘I Because there tsalack of controversy. imaginethat lraniantroopsare "0M" Classroom Building. Admission '3 ‘
. \ . .>\ 6 t ’ l You may laugh. but really we need the United States because they tcllyou 51.50 and will only cover the (as! 0/
I *3“ -. z’ V‘Vvfii 5” l controversy to keep this school going. that they want ‘0 defend “their" 1"? film WW] I?“ E‘WJ‘O"? l3 :'
\ 4’ \ -, \‘Sé %. . i We‘d certainly get more national interests. Would you like it? welcome. I
. , ,\ - ' “ V l exposure. which never hurts recrumng Legality and morality d0 notalways Greg Campbell .
_- i. . , _ . , ___7 , , __ IA , ,, - . . “A”-.. W hmh bad on mt” permanent coincnde.infacttheyaresometimesat Political Sclencejunlor :
0 Q ' .
. 2‘ )
.~ _ g .

. .I ‘ t ‘ | l
i'vtliféfff'i'l‘m i. I “*‘flwn-a—w’W " ‘G 0:... ounr',""t , 'I : “J"“rfivm 9 "’ TI" ' T ' ’ ‘ V ' ' " " - .. 0 *- tv" I ’ r . t'I"I" " -~‘ - ...-.. .- ~,-I.——.M» N ” ' / ' ~ ._. «we ‘ I - . - ~ - ~~ —. ,. . ‘
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H' . -.' t t .' ~ ' ’ II BES
- ,. .. ~ 4 s . - l COPY l

f t llll I\I\Il ( I\\ hIR\H.“cdnesdanlanuary .II ”79—;
‘ K t h th I l'k G tt lf' UP FOR OPEN
'I hree l K I ad} ‘Katx' iexpeetnely. Ill ‘ttttt gamex “ " Q . I, ' t RUS H 2
’. basketball players Bonnie apteee .T' Ell.) .. - . . . , ‘ t (I. 4 \ .
' Silemore. Arlene Ilaluyut and What IIIIIbL‘N thew \MIIIt-tlllN ,. "’ 1" - ”g ...-- . I7} t . ,9
- , . , . . .. . . . ‘ O t it n, .JW
Dentselettet hayeonethmg \I.l\ and pltlkIILL uterydtty. ; } x w 5, ( KIM?” ~ 1'
. in common. e\en though they don't get to «g. , 1‘ I 1} * g Ede 3o“: I] For more
play \et\ olten" \l. =; , C ' k - V t‘ . .. t’ ‘f/
”I t . . h‘ ’Ik< ._ Q :-:=-- x: ’3'55; lil‘. “\t
. C) are t e “a ons'tttst 1h“ “mi“;lmut t ... \ ' . /I \\..\
' "I“ ”7"” “’“"‘“"’“”. 9"“ WW .‘W‘ "M ' . ‘ 33/ ,. ’ / I t i I\ Information, stop
2 (tettelltnger ot the inert 5 team. yeleeted." \ mt L‘\p|.rtrtt‘tl ‘ Itttt _ ,3. :-z 5 ,- .f . ._ f i 3/, (“i I .
Unlike their teammates. they ”my” WU (Umpcmm. HW.‘ 5: -‘ 7 w ‘ fl / . \J
- I are not on athlettc \L‘hOItlr' MP W m ptnL‘llL'C lItey IllNI «KN. . . s}: m.% C! at. t 1‘)
ships “ill“ to he a part ol the team " .5. \' “'5’ / N". fim§ /} -- {b ) by 5 7 5 Patterson
i ___._.____— Sllcmuru an excellent hull- \’.. §Tmp if}: 3. a} 5 t. . g . w / ‘
i ha ndlet mth great passing I” i3 . t4... -_' "t. ”aw-it '-- “i ’ t veil-33313 5‘- .. ._ -
.x -: .‘ ::-' a; '5. .\'.:'.~j~' ~2~ t'=-:._:5:~;;\ »' . “5M“. .3:::::_‘ ' I _ 5.. .:
ability. (AHIIU to [K because ol ,. f ©§§< :31}:- $.33? a) . I 5 ,. Ofil C e TOW er 0r
. . \y hat \he \IC‘xL‘llI‘IL‘tI ax "a V 3k wt)? ‘ 3, g H i egg i
jam/9 vaught ehallenge. .. She ”cc“ Cd ... v. 9%“ £2} “fig ,; *3 xv “w are C a H 2 I- 8 5 5 5 8 t
xey eral \eItolatxhtp (IIICH Irom ‘ L :22. '. “ >_ _ WW .54.,“ . J .-
tlte \tate xehoolx. tnelttdtng .. .. ’~.; ,________________-.—_______
.__ laxtern kL‘lIIUCb) . _ '»;” I
‘ IItese three playerx madethe Sllcnw'“ “h” hada “Am W ., -‘ Ga 3 W M Flam I
squad “hm the lady Kata high II potnts ttt l kx 5l~49 3}...» ...4- m . _ } , 5 I
I conOUCted ii [II—VUUI Canlp ”I 10“ I“ IUUI‘\1”C SHIIICI 1h“ 'V- M», .'-.»;. ZVNTMM-MNJ m “t ”C Mk I
:5 Memomtt‘vhwum hm imhc “‘“m” ”“‘ ‘“" .‘ “""“““> x. » . -_.:._ ' t
Q Q first week ol' September “‘ ” ‘IC‘C'W PM“ ”I” \he 3r , , A .
,i “We had a tryout beeattxe tloesttt plan to \l.t\ there B) “m mm“ km“ “A” If #35}? ' ' .‘ ,4 .5: , . ‘A‘ .
‘ E" .. . .', . toretet . _ _ VAT-v — ’f ""~ 7 , ,7 ‘5
“j- there “L.“ m‘m tyrlx 0" ‘lhk "l'tttsatidtetl “mm“ mm“ lhe lady Kata have three non~seholarshtp Dentsthter