xt75mk654m54 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75mk654m54/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19180328  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 28, 1918 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 28, 1918 1918 2012 true xt75mk654m54 section xt75mk654m54 1

University of Kentucky







Stroller Play Promises to Camp Will Begin in June
Be Big University
And Last Three
They're making dates fast for the
Three cadet officers of the
Stroller play, and the belief Is grow- class, ten cadets of the senior
ing that "Mice and Men" will con- and 108 underclassmen have
tinue to be the biggest event of the selected by Major Max Garber,
University season.
With a little more than two weeks
ahead of them in which to work out
the details of the presentation, the
cast began nightly practice Monday.
The principals are showing more and
more talent in their parts and are literally growing into the people they
represent. None of the cast would be
surprised to see Anne Molloy "run
barefoot on the heath in early morn"
as she is advised to do, because she
is so closely identified with the part
of Peggy, the ward. Some of them
expect Creech to challenge almost
anybody to a bloody duel for imaginary attentions to his wife, so earnest
Is he in his protection of his "adorning Joanna."


try, United States Army, who inspected the battalion last week, to attend
three training camps as announced
by Captain H. N. Royden, following
Major Garber's visit to the University, Wednesday.

Major Garber was appointed by the
War Department to visit fourteen colleges and universities in the central
division of the United States to ascertain and verify the qualifications
of each university or college as to the
age, standing, and morale of the mem
bers enrolled in the Reserve Officers'
Training Corps, as provided by an act
of Congress. He was also to select
men from the senior class of each
university, eligible because of extensive service in the student battalion,
to attend a training camp for temporThe minor characters of the play
deserve some note. They realize they ary appointment and service in the
are the support of the principals and regular army as officers. Student
if they do not act the part of foils Major Dee Ellis, Captain Adjutant
properly the best interests of the pro- Tilford Wilson and Captain John
duction will be affected. Bobby Raible Sherwood were accepted as eligible to
and Ruth Cassldy, as the beadle and, admission into the camp, which will
matron in charge of the ten orphans.! be held for three months beginning in
are exhibiting much talent in hand- June.
ling children.
"Freddy" Jackson in
Under provision B, Major Garber
his actions as Peter, houseboy, shows was authorized to select the seniors
that his mother has trained him up in enrolled in the R. O. T. C. who should
the way a young man should go, and attend a training camp to be held at
he is not anxious to depart from it. Fort Leavenworth, Fort Benjamin
Charles Planck, as Kit, the fiddler, Harrison, or Fort Sheridan. Ten men
who plays for Peggy's dance, will do from the senior division of the R. O.
his best to furnish music worthy of
T. C. were selected. Likewise, under
so fair a dancer and will be tried to
provision C, Major Garber was authorhis utmost to do so. Edna Berkele,
housekepeer, would make a splendid ized to select the underclassmen, junhousekeeper and cook, if one can judge ior members of the R. O. T. C, sophofrom her bustling preparations for the mores and freshmen, who would atreturn dinner of Captain Lovell.
tend a training camp for one month
Altogether there is not one fault
(Continued on Page Five.)
to be found with the play or the characters. Altho they are amateurs, the
Strollers show their ability to interpret the thoughts of the author of the AS BUSINESS MANAGER
play. They may not measure up to
class in an enthusiastic






Adams meeting in chapel Monday at noon,
and Company, but they promise to elected Frederick M. Jackson, Versatisfy any Lexington audience that sailles, assistant business manager of
the Kentuckian, to take the place of
will attend.
Frank Lancaster, who Is with
After the production of the play here
Unit 40. Forman and Dudley
the cast will make several
were elected assistant bsaeball manstands in the surrounding towns. The agers.
A discussion of the Junior Prom,
business manager has received offers
places and has them under which will be given April 12, at the
from these
involved the question
consideration. An effort Is being made Phoenix Hotel,
of whether the freshmen und sophoto produce the play at Camp Taylor
more boys could be invited. It was debut no definite arrangements have cided to follow the time honored cusbeen made.
tom of inviting only tho seniors and
Muko thut. date now!
ulumui of tho University.





No. 23

A full length portrait of the late
Joseph Dicker, Superintendent
Shops, has been received and placed
in Mechanical Hall, for criticism by
friends who knew him intimately. The
portrait was painted by Ferdinand
Graham Walker, of Louisville, and is
the gift of the alumni of the University.
Formal ceremony presenting this
portrait to the University will be held
some time during the Commencement
week In June. The portrait is regarded by those who knew Mr. Dicker
best, as a remarkable likeness.


Rev. R. H. Bennet Speaks on
"What Will You Do With

Your Life?"

The Reverend Richard H. Bennett,
of Atlanta, Georgia, spoke in chapel
Tuesday on "What Will You Do With
Your Life?" and presented the claims
of the ministry as a profession for
young men. In the absence of Dr.
Professor P. P. Boyd presided
and introduced the speaker.
"Follow your bent," said Reverend
Bennett in speaking of the choice of a
profession "God has a plan for every
life the ministry has no copyright
on the call. God will reveal your
calling thru an uprising in your heart.
But be sure your motive is right. Inferior motives perish; money and
fame are unworthy incentives unless
they are to be used for the blessing
of mankind."
In describing the qualifications of a
preacher, he said: "The preacher must
be a strong man to keep step withj
God; he must know the human heart
and human motives, for the ministry
touches human life at every point. The
life of the minister is the most happy
of all, because it is a life of conscious
acceptance of God. He has privilege
to be envied by the angels.
"Tho most heroic life is that which
most nearly reproduces His spirit. Ho
was the bravest and truest warrior
that ever lived."

The speaker recalled some expeyears in the
riences of his twenty-fiv- e
ministry, and said that there were
times in the life of a preacher when
he asked the angels no odds, because
of the service ho wus able to give to
his fellowmen and the consequent Joy
which was his. In closing, ho asked
tho boys to consider tho ministry,
when choosing their profession, and
urged them to remember that General
Pershing had usked for hundreds of
chuplalus for the American Expedl
tionury forces In Frunce, whilo the Y.
M. C. A. hud sent out a call for 1,600
secretaries for sorvico overseus.






Sale of Sandwiches at Chap Committees Appointed
el and Noon Hours
Fight the Furious





ciasses adjourned:


An auxiliary chapter of the Lexlng'
Fire caused by overheated pipes surton Red Cross has been chartered as rounding the radiator, was discovered
one of the organizations of the Uni In the cloak rom of the Law Departversity with Miss Mary E. Sweeney, ment at 9:30 Monday morning, but
Dean Anna J. Hamilton, and Miss A. thru quick action of firemen from the
E. Crane as advisors.
Limestone street station and students
of the Law Department, the Natural
With a fine spirit of
the girls of the University set about Science Building was saved from com
finding the best method to lead this plete ruin.
Immediately after the fire, a stu
Junior to rapid growth and development. With this thought in mind Miss dent of the College of Law when ques
Marie Collins was appointed chair tioned by a reporter of the Kernel
man of the committee on Ways and staff, as they viewed the charred walls
Means, and at once sandwich trays of the cloak room, graphically de
were started around the campus car- scribed the occurrence as follows:
"About 9:27 a. m., John S. Sher
ried by certain of the popular fresh
wood of this college scented fire, Virmen girls.
Every day at noon and at chapel gil Chapman valiantly sounded the
hour on Tuesday and Friday a pack- alarm, Jack Dicker and "Petey"
age of sandwiches can be bought for Moore hastened to the scene to lend
five cents, and there are two sand- their valuable assistance, and in a few
wiches in a package. One third hour minutes, fl remen, on their red engine
class after Tuesday chapel enjoyed a with caps and axes arrived on the
splendid feast, thru the generosity scene. One fireman, in his haste to
and patriotism of one of the profess- reach the point of danger,, scaled the
ors. The money cleared from these east walls of the building, tore up the
sandwiches so far is about fifteen dol- floor of the cloak room, and found
lars, This, and the proceeds of other charred wood around the radiator
things that are being planned, and the ppies. The firemen, after consultation,
fifty cent dues will be used to buy when questioned by the men present
as to the exact cause of the catastrosupplies for the chapter.
At present the Lexington Red Cross , phe, said: 'The fire was caused by
Chapter is furnishing the material heated pipes of the radiator charring
Miss the wood surrounding them. ' "
for some hospital supplies.
has charge of arranging
It has developed that one of the stuLelah Gault
sewing classes to make the garments, dents of the Law Department, Ross,
Every afternoon except Monday the with Judge Lafferty, noticed smoke
girls work in the room on the third, in the same place a short time ago,
floor of the Education Building, giv-- ( but attributed it to other
en over to the Red Cross work by pipes.
At the first sound of the fire alarm,
the Home Economics department.
Machines have been set aside for this one of the students in Judge Lafferty's
purpose and there some one is in class moved that "a committee be apcharge every afternoon to supervise pointed to quash the fire." This was
and direct the sewing. Every girl( duly seconded by P. D. Moore, but
who can sew is doing her bit, andj ruled out of court by Judge Lafferty.
those who cannot sew are doing a bit. Judge Chalkley granted his class a
(Continued on Page Three)
fifteen minutes' furlough, but Mr.
Scott's class, intensely interested in
the study of "Partnerships," knew
EXTENDED nothing of the imminent danger and
continued its work without interrupj

over-heate- d

The time in which the essays on
Thrift Stamps may be written in the
contest which was to have closed
March 16,' has been extended until
May lu, the committee in chargo, of
which Dr. Edward F. Tuthlll Is chairman, announces.
Five Baby Bonds are to be given
as prizes In this contost, two to tho
College of Arts and Science, one to
the Law Department, one to tho College of Agriculture, one to the College


and Electrical


neering. Details of the contest muy be
obtained from Doctor Tuthlll.

The approach of the engine caused
great excitement in the buildings of
the University which immediately
surround the Law Department. Heads
were thrust out of windows, many
rushed to the scene, and two policemen and a plain clothes man arrived
within three minutes after tho alarm
had been given. At first It was rumored that tho flro was caused by
crossed wires, but this was unconfirmed.
The extent of tho damage has not
us yet been estimated, and it is understood that It Is fully covered by i




Open frem
A. M. t 11 :H P. M.
Prices 8 Cents and 10 Cents.
Afterneen and Evenlnf.

Home of Paramount Artcraft GoMwyn Picture.
High-clas- s
that's why they cost mre.

a general peace to retain the territory
recently conquered from Russia they
will be willing to concede the rehabilitation of Belgium, the abandonment of
to France, rectification of the Italian frontier at the ex- 'ense of Austria, giving the latter as Specific Training For Government Work is
somewhere In the Balkan peninsula.
" 'These terms, liberal tho they may
seem to be, will not, I feel quite sure, MISS
be accepted as the basis of a lasting
Mrs. George Hunt, of the Lexington
neme by the Entente allies.'
Red Cross, addressed the University
"Preiident Patterson has been ill for
the last ten days and he spent most of of Kentucky Auxiliary, Thursday afthis birthday today in bed. 'I feel my ernoon, at 3:30 in the Education
strength waning,' he said, 'and it is Uuilding. Her subject was, "The Call
not likely I will see many more birth- of Educated Women to War Work."
"The educated women must be the
days, which of late have been coming
However, nucleus from which knowledge is
with ominous frequency.'
he said, his health Is generally as good spread," said Mrs. Hunt. "People do
as could be expected for one of his not realize the gravity of the situa
tion and they must be made to know
"The President Emeritus declared that the government must be backed
he considered his life work accom- not only with food and money, but
plished when he resigned the presi-- j with personal service. Education is
dency of the University in 1910, and necessary at this time, and unskilled
he said he considered the institution work is of little avail.
"The most important fields where
at present to be on rising ground.
" 'While I have the satisfaction,' he women are needed are as nurses,
said, 'of knowing that the foundations stenographers, in munition and garwere laid during my administration, I ment factories, and in surgical dressings work. Every woman should con
have the further satisfaction of
that under the existing admin- sclentiously fit herself to take her
istration larger results will be accom- share of the burden in one of these
plished than its most sanguine friends ways. If a woman cannot help in any
could have anticipated thirty years other way, she can send her men folk
cheerfully and bravely to do their
" 'The late Hon. Cassius M. Clay was duty."
kind enough to say that the great
Mrs. Hunt told of the work of the
work which I accomplished for the Lexington Red Cross, and of the deUniversity of Kentucky, was not in( rails of the work to be done by the
procuring 'this, that and the other,' University auxiliary.
An informal
apropriation, but in educating the discussion followed.
people of Kentucky to the conviction'
At a business meeting held after-





President Emeritus Believes
University is on Rising

Tuesday, March

the day on
President Emeritus Patterson

colebratcJ his eighty-fiftbirthday,
The Leader contained the following
article t.hich the Kernel takes pleas
urc in publishing in full:
"Confidence in the ultimato victory
of the Allies over the Central Powers
and a general sirlt of optimism were
cxprecsel by President Emeritus
.Tames K. Patterson, the "grand old
nsn" cZ the University of Kentucky,
who is toSay celebrating his eighty-fiftbirthday at his home on the
University campus.
"While the outlook seems to be distinctly discouraging,' Doctor Patterson said, 'those who are most familiar
with the strength of the opposing
forces have not lost the conviction
that the superior resources of the Entente allies in men and in money will
wear out the Central allies in the end.
" 'The defection and collapse of Russia will undoubtedly prolong the war,",
he stated, "and the patched-upeace
with some of the discordant elements
in Russia has thrown a heavy weight
into the German scale, enabling the
Germans to take a vast tract of country, the products of which will be
available to some extent for the main-- J
tenance of the armies of the Central
powers. This will tend towards diminishing dissatisfaction at home, besides
furnishing the
for carrying on the war."
"Doctor Patterson said that in the
great offensive launched by the Germans on the Western front the prestige of initial success will doubtless
count for much. The Germans were
well advised to make a desperate effort to break the British lines before
the Americans are able, to deploy in
full strength in aid of their allies.
Initial Reverses of Advantage
he said, 'these initial
reverses are of advantage because
they will quicken the activity of the
American government and before six
months have passed and perhaps be
fore even half that time has elapsed
the United States will have not less)
than 1,000,000 men well trained and
well disciplined in trench warfare.
"'Much, too,' he stated, 'is to be
expected from the enlarged aviation
corps which will soon be able to get
into action.




" 'The American soldiers are natural
born fighters and other things being
equal they can more than hold their
own with the best trained soldiers that
can be brought into the field.
" 'While I feel somewhat disappointed at the immediate result of the pres
ent onset of the Central powers, 1
feel quite sure that France and Eng
land will be able to turn the tide and
to achieve victory in the end.
Looks For Another Peace Proposal.
'"I think it not unlikely that before'
the end of this month another pro-- '
posal of peace will be made by Ger- many, the substantial conditions of
which will be that provided the Ger-- j
mans be allowed at the conclusion of,




Scotland, a county that has furnished COMTEE ON SUMMER
America with many educators of the
highest rank. His accomplishments
as an educator and writer have been
On account of the very large derecognized in honors bestowed upon mand for artisans and men trained
him by universities and learned so in engineering pursuits.
cieties of America and Europe.
McVey has appointed an Engineering
'He is blessed with a prodigious
memory and it is said by his former
students that at the time he was head
of the University he was personally
acquainted with every student on the
campus and never forgot them. Dr.
Patterson is held in the utmost esteem
by the present students of the Uni
versity and whenever he appears on
the rostrum in chapel for a talk he
Is greeted by prolonged applause.

Employment Committee, consisting of
Professor D. V. Terrell, A. L.
and T. J. Barr. All students or
graduates, looking for either summer
tmployment or permanent location,
should apply to this committee, as It
already has on file a large number
of requests for men.

"As an executive head Dr. Patterson
is in a clas sby himself. The story of
his work at the time the denominational colleges of the State organized

against the State University


in am
effort to get the appropriation diminished and how he won out despite the
opposition, reads almost like fiction."

Member of A. N. A, M. of D.
Will give

at the Phoenix Hotel, for school girls and
boys an informal

She cordially invites the students of the University



that it is the duty of the

Miss Spurr's Dancing Acadamy
Spiciil Enter


Wednesday April 3rd


ward Miss Austin Lilly was elected
wealth to provide on a large and lib- secretary of the local auxiliary, the
eral scale, the means for the mainten-- ' other officers being Miss Louise Turance of an institution of higher learn- - ner, president, and Miss Katherine
ing commensurate with the dignity,' Christine, treasurer.
the reputation and the best traditions
of the Commonwealth.'
ceives his principal enjoyment out of
Has Lived Abstemiously.
the study of the English language, its
"Dr. Patterson said he attributes his sources, its compass and out of the
long and useful life to the fact he has further conviction that it is destined
always been temperate in his eating to be the universal language of huand drinking. 'I have lived abstemi-- j manity.
ously, avoiding rich food as far as
" 'A source of supreme satisfaction
possible and living chiefly upon a to me,' Dr. Patterson says, 'is the consimple diet.'
viction that one of the greatest results
"During the last fifty years, Dr. Pat- - of the war will be the bringing tot&rson has been an early riser and has gether in a substantial unity the two
always gotten a moderate amount of great branches of the
exercise. He said he always goes to
race and that upon them will debed at a seasonable hour, feeling that volve the uplift and the education,
one hour's sleep before midnight is mentally, morally and religiously of
more refreshing than two after it.
the English speaking race.
"Sixty years ago Dr. Patterson said( "'That not in vain the
his intention was to prepare himself,
for a professorship of comparative
Nor by chance the currents flow;
philology in some reputable univer--(
yet truth directed
slty, but after becoming president of
To the destined goal, they go.'
the State College the whole course of Foremost Place In Ranks of Educators
his studies was changed.
"Doctor Patterson holds a foremost
"Since that time he has devoted him- place in the ranks of American eduself mainly to the study of ethnology, cators.
He began his career more
the English classics, history, philoso- than sixty years ago as principal of a
phy and economics.
Presbyterian academy at Greenville,
" 'In reviewing my relation to the Ky. At the close of the Civil War he
University in the light of past oxperi-- J Joined the faculty of what now is the
ences there are some things I would University of Kentucky as professor
do and some I would leave undone, of history and metaphysics.
yet in the main, I feel satisfied that I
"In 1869 he became president of the
have achieved results which will be of State College and continued to fill that
substantial advantage to Kentucky position for more than forty years, a
and to the people of Kentucky whom record that has never yet been equaled
I love better than any other people on by any other university
or college professor in the annals of American eduthe face of the earth.'
Studies English For Enjoyment.
"President Patterson is a native of
"The President Emeritus said he re



Special University Classes. Regular Dances Wednesday and
Saturday Nisjht. Private Lessons by Appointment.

K. C. B'L'D'G.


High Class Tailoring

Moderate Prices
White Carnation

We Fit You










White Lily
Yellow Lily






ing Co.

Get them From

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Member of A. N. A, M. of D.
101 N. UPPER ST.
Classes Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings.

It is the aim of this school to teach dancing as it
should be, advocating at all times proper
positions and decorous actions


Piano, Saxophone, Violin, Trap Drum




Thirteen baseball games have been
arranged for tho Wildcats In the com
lug senson. Monday tho first game
vlll ho played on Stoll Field against Another U. K. Team Wins
At Georgetown Same
Because of tho fact that many col
liavo discontinued athletics on
account of tho war, Daddy Boles wbb E. DUMMITT
hard pressed to find opponents, but at
Championship of tho Intercollegiate
hist tho following schedule has been
Debating Association of tho State was
r ranged:
won by tho two Kentucky
April 1 Georgetown College at
Thursday night by wlnnlg both debates, one with Transylvania and one
University of Tennesseo
with Georgetown.
at Knoxville.
Tho question was, "Resolved that
LexApril 12 Hanover College at
the Monroe Doctrine should be abanington.
doned," and Kentucky's team for tho
April 15. Kentucky Wesleyan Colaffirmative was composed of E. Dum-milege at Winchester.
and L. F. Bischof who debated
University of TennesApril
H. Gudgel and C. Stevenson of Transeo at Lexington.
sylvania In chapel. The negative team
College at
was composed of E. E. Rice and Ed
Dabney, who debated Squire Ogden
April 26 Miami University at Oxand I. C. Powers, of Georgetown, at
May 4 Georgetown College at LexKentucky was very fortunate in the
selection of the debaters for this year's
College at
May 11. Georgetown
teams. All the men are of much ability
and all are true Kentucky orators but
ColMay 13. Kentucky Wesleyan
one, but he is a close neighbor geo
lege at Lexington.
graphically and a closer one forensical
May 18. Miami University at Lexly. Dummitt, from Missouri, "showed
'em" and did his part in winning. Dab
ney and Rice experienced little diffi
AUXILIARY RED CROSS culty in defeating Georgetown as they
(Continued from Page One)
are both splendid speakers and logicians. Bischof, tho of Louisville, Is
of basting in the morning hours that a splendid speaker.
they have vacant.
team was slightly
When the fact comes to light that handicapped by the misfortune of Gud
one of the local doctors took charge gel who forgot part
of his argument,
of a hospital in the fall that had 1,500 Many
in the audience remarked that
cots, which has since been increased
he had the best delivery of any memto 15,000 cots, it is not hard to vis- ber of
either team and there was
ualize the urgent need for every one much sympathy for him.
to lend a hand in the making of these
No other team in the State won
hospital supplies. The ready response more
than one debate leaving Kenfrom these first efforts, indicates that tucky's team the champions.
the University Is going to lend this
hand. When sufficient money has
been obtained the local chapter will
sewing will
buy its own supplies and
be done for the refugee children.
Elimination has sifted prospective
Mrs. George Hunt, chairman of the
cup winners in the
town chapter spoke to the University
organization at the regular weekly basketball tournament down to two
meeting on Thursday regarding the teams, the Sigma Nu, which has been
since the
work of the. chapter. During the winof the tournament was announced by the
ter a class under the direction
Lexington Red Cross has worked at Pan Hellenic, and the Alpha Tau Omega, Phi Delta Theta beaters.
Patterson Hall on surgical dressings
These two teams say they will show
for the Barrow Hospital Unit. This
continued, the only each other how to play wrestling baswork will be
up in the gym
change in the program being in the ketball when they hook
Friday night at 8 o'clock.
night of meeting, which has been
basketball, being a
transferred from Friday to Saturday
mixture of football, basketball, track
and wrestling, has proved quite an InMODEL RURAL CENTER FORMED teresting diversion to the fans during
the Interval between basketball and
Roy Thomas, A. B. graduate in His- baseball. In the first series of games,
tory and Political Economy, 1913, has the Sig Alpha defeated the Sigma
recently developed a model rural Chls; the Sigma Nus defeated the Pi
community center near Durham, N. C. Kaps; the Phi Delts defeated the
Professor Thomas has provided an Kappa Slgs, andthe A T Os burnt the
union, K As.
church, playground, farm and assemIn the second Borles of hardwood
bly for the people of the district. His acrobatics, the Sigma Nus had more
success has been so striking that his wind than the S A Es, and the A T Os
work will be described in a bulletin stepped over the mussed up face of
Gay and stole a game away
by the U. S. Department of Agriculfrom the Phi Delts.
Alpha Taus and Sigma Nus will
IN WAR CHEMISTRY line up for the final game Friday night
as follows:
Alpha Taus
Dr. Graham Edgar, who was grad- Sigma Nus
uated from the Arts and Science Col- Wallace..!
lege in 1907, and who has been located McCormick
Thorn pson
as professor of chemistry, Trooe Col- Gorman
lege of Technology, Pasadena, Cali- Heber. .
fornia, has been ordered to report for Davis
G....'. ...Walker
special war duty in the Deartment of
Chemistry at Washington, D. O.


19-2- 0






Charles E. Planck, Junior In tho Department of Journalism, won tho annual declamatory contest of tho Patterson Literary Society, hold In chapel
Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, and was
awarded tho Patterson medal given
annually to tho winner by President
Emeritus James K. Patterson.
Planck's subject was "Tho Service
Flag." Tho other contestants were J.
W. Holland, whoso subject was "Tho
Spirit Which Ought to Inspire," and
G. W. McGregor, who spoko on "Teutonic Policy."
Before and after tho declamations,
several vocal and Instrumental solos
were given by Misses Ada Hardesty,
Elizabeth McG'owan and Martha Pol
Utt. Walter C. Piper, president of tho
Pattorson Literary Society presided,
and Dr. P. P. Boyd, representing "tho
Grand Old Man," of tho University,
who was unable to attend because of
Illness, presented the medal to the
winner, advising him to hold it not as
a mark of greatness, but as a talisman
ever to remind him to do bigger and
better things.
Planck, in an able declamation, compared the wars of the ancient Egyptians, Babylonians and Romans, to
the great war of today, emphasizing
the fact that the soldier at that time
'ought for pay or
not for the greatest thing in the world,
.lie sanctity of woman, the safety of
home, and the establishment of democracy, for which the men of today
are fighting.
The Judges of the contest were Miss
Christine Hopkins, Professor T. T.
Jones and Judge Chalkley. After the
contest, a business meeting of the Patterson Society was held.
President Emeritus Patterson has
provided in his will for a continuation
of the fund necessary for the purchase
of the gold medal given annually to
the winner of this contest.

James W. Hughes, who was graduated from the College of Mechanical
and Electrical Engineering in 1899,
with Mrs. Hughes, of Philadelphia,
were visitors at the University Friday, and Mr. Hughes addressed the
senior engineering classes.
Recently Mr. Hughes was transferred from the position of production
manager of the Defiance Manufacturing Company, at Philadelphia, to a
position with the Savage Arms Comthe
pany, where he superintended
mechmanufacturing of breach-loadinguns.
anisms for three-incAfter a visit to his father in Henderson, Mr. Hughes will return to the
East, where he will become production manager for the Bethlehem Steel
Corporation, which employs 125,000
men. While a student at the University, Mr. Hughes was active in student
affairs and among other things he
wrote the "State College
which was popular for several years
at all University social affairs.

The annual inspection trip of seniors in tho Engineering Collego of
tho University of Kentucky will be
taken by twenty-fou- r
students this
year. They will leave Lexington Sunday night, returning on tho following
Sunday. Tho trip is compulsory for
nil senior engineering students and is
designed to glvo them practical knowledge of engineering.
All the principal power and manufacturing plants in Chicago and vicinity, will bo visited by the engineers.
On their last night in that city they
will bo given a banquet by tho Chicago Alumni Club and President
Frank L. McVey, of tho University,
will be guest of honor.
Those who will leave Sunday are:
William K. Adklns, Paul M. Andres,
J. A. Brlttaln, John W. Cooper, R. M.
Davis, Elbert Dearborn, Dee R. Ellis
Karl W. Goosman, Hall M. Henry,
George L. Jackson, Henry J. Kolbey,
John D. Maddox, Charles E. McCor- Harry
mlck, William D. McDougle,
L. Milward, Constantino
Harold Parks, T. Ellis