xt75mk656x3z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75mk656x3z/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 201208 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, August 2012 text GLSO News, August 2012 2012 2019 true xt75mk656x3z section xt75mk656x3z EfiI—J GAY AND LESBIAN SERVICES ORGANIZATION n A Publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization August 2012 Vol 34 No. 8 . Why the Chik—FiI-A Controversy Matters 7. . .1 , at m SA s' 7.4.x" , l ' ‘ ‘,:,,s;;‘/7’.~: / ,_ saVs/ J Isa; 777;.» ,. l , gfiw n €.’ 7.1",»5'5571’ :31; g ‘1 ' -s fl _ ,- x p Y/ . n-IIII!‘ a ., I ring I air;— 1:") 1‘ »J:':',z’/:/,/’,’}:y:51, (EL ’ //l/.l:/ \\ i x ‘2 1‘ \\ y ”’1‘ .L a.» , / mas. s w. 7 v a a as , 7 can”? , 3 A q l] is a as» s new I‘ ' N '; ' . . r I. 0 .~ .. «I . ,', -s.a "5" a ’ 5; " 03 ,". a. at- 1- .‘ '.' . § . 2.». .S.-“‘“~ «w‘mb ‘ .. ;'. :" s as - 5 =19? ‘g'a’vsr ""3: 9:113 97.. - ‘ mm." . m. ” Fayette County Public . . \\ _ Louiswlle LGBT , oS-Chct’gf' 5:1de figx‘I‘: Fear VS. Falth Film Festival , "e“ 132.133,," e er August 16-19, 2012 i Open Arms of God Ministry Why the Chik-FiI-A Sadly, there has been a back— Controversy Matters lash even in our own commu- ? ‘ By Aaron Baker nity. I’ve heard people saying l Contributor that they don’t care and will ‘ still eat at Chik—Fil-A because It has been years since I’ve eaten they like the food. I’ve heard t a chicken sandwich at Chik—Fil-A, them justify the statements of and I sure do miss it. I USEd to hatred as “free speech_" It’s I whine when they weren’t open on pretty frustrating when your Sundays and I was craving a chick— own people just don’t get it. I en sandwich with pickles, covered in mayonnaise and hot sauce. I To be clear, Dan Cathy abso- ‘ was happy to eat there because I lutely has the right to freedom don’t have a problem with Chris- of speech, and that includes tians. Many of my good friends any anti-gay hate he wants to It and fellow board members at the spew. Our American soldiers, GLSO are Christians. But once it both the straight ones and the ' became clear that Chlk-Fll-A dO- ones serving openly after the 3 nated money to organizations who repeal of Don’t-Ask—Don’t-Tell, ‘ advocated against GLBT rights, I serve to protect our freedom i realized they were “that kind” of to speak whatever opinions 1 Christian organization and I knew we want. But that doesn’t ‘ I couldn’t support them anymore. mean that our community should support his hate with For me, voting With my pocket- our dollars. There are plenty ’ b00k has been the right thing to of restaurant chains that serve ‘ do ever since I realized that Chik— tasty food, and welcome every i Fil-A was funneling donations person, regardless of gender i through the Winshape Foundation identity or sexual orientation. l to SUCh hate QFOUPS as “FOCUS 0” We should be standing behind l the Family.” FOI‘ others, the NEWS our community by supporting l of their hatred took longer to sink those businesses, instead of j in. Then, in My, the head 0t Chik' businesses built on a founda- l Fil-A, Dan Cathy, came out clearly tion of hate. i and publicly against gay marriage. | I’ve been asked by a few folks Since then, the question of Chik— in the recent days what the Fil-A’s bias against the GLBTQQ- GLSO is going to do about the IA community has taken center Chik-Fil-A controversy. We are stage. The legions 0t people re- blessed here in Lexington to fusing to eat at their restaurant have a Fairness Ordinance that . have grown, and mayors 0f ma- protects us from discrimination jor US cities have spoken against in public accommodations, and Chik—Fil-A opening a restaurant in the GLSO is already embroiled their cities. in a conflict at the Lexington (continued on Page 16) ‘ l l I Feature Story I Why the Chick-FiI-A Controversy Matters Page 2 1 ‘ Vol 34 Issue 8 August 2012 _ INSIDE THIS EDITION COMMUNITY CALENDAR 1 Why the Chik-Fil-A GSA Meeting Controversy Matters 2 Every Tuesday, 7 pm. P ' C -_ I Fayette County ride enter Public Schools: A-ddfi GLSO Board Meeting I Sexual Orientatlon and “Gender Iden- Thursday, August 2, 6:30 pm. I tity" 5 Pride Center 1 I Trans Kentucky I Fear Vs. Faith 6 Meeting 1 Saturday, August 4, 6:30 pm. Louisville LGBT Pr'de center Fllm Festival 9 Imperial Court of Kentucky Meeting I Sunday, August 5 & 19, 6 pm. I Reign 31 off and run- Pride Center I ning!!!! 10 1 2013 LexPride Fest Meet/ Elections I Thursday August 9, 7 pm. A U d t n th I I G256) a e o e 13 Pride Center I GLSO KY Bourbon Bears Meeting Classifieds 14 Saturday, August 11, 9 pm. Crossmgs Lexmgton Cousin Query's Ad- vice 15 Senior Social Group Pot Luck . PFLAG Lexington Of Friday, August 17, 7 pm. fers FREE Program Pnde Center for Parents, Family and Friends of the LGBT Community 16 | — F < GLSO News Issue 8 2012 i — c EDITOR GLSO EXECUTIVE ‘ D0" L°We COMMITTEE . c The GLSO News is published Aaron Baker, President _ ' 9 monthly by and for the Lexing- Ginger Moore—Minder, Vice Pres. a ton Gay and Lesbian Services Paul Brown, Secretary . 2 Organization members and com- Tommy Brodbeck, Treasurer ‘ r munity. ‘ E l The mission of the Lexington GLSO DIRECTORS E Gay and Lesbian Services Or- I C ganization is to provide support Mary Crone, GSA ‘ c and services to the GLBTQQIA Jeremy Law, At Large r community. Don Lowe, At Large “ The vision of the Lexington Gay E and Lesbian Services Organiza— GLSO STAFF t tion is to empower the GLBTQQ- . t IA community through voice. Chad Hundley, Office Manager 5 Pride Center Hours 5 The Lexington GLSO is founded Sun & Wed - Closed E upon the core values of fun, in- Mon & Fri 10am-2pm ( clusion, respect, integrity, digni- \ ty, service and competence. TUE, Thu, Sat by aPPt- only i GLSO Pride Center EDITORIAL NOTES , ' 38? Waller Avenue The GLSO is currently looking ‘ l Surte 100 for new contributors and edito- ' : Lexmgton, Ky. 40504 rial staff. If interested, e-mail ‘ 8592533233 editor@glso.org. l www.glso.org . 1 "Views expressed in this newsletter are solely those of the contributor and ( do not necessarily reflect the views of the GLSO." 1 l S s l — , . — l | Faxette County Public Sc_ ools:_Adds ‘Sexual Kentuck Orientation" and “Gen- y der Identity" _Falmess By Kentucky Fairness Alliance Alllance ‘ Contributor 3 Gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans- LOU'SV'“? and COY'hgtOh' fi‘ready . gender (GLBT) employees and has a City-Wide Fairness Ordinance students of Fayette County Pub- Wh'Ch protects the GLBT community lic Schools now have protection from_discrimmation in employment, . against harassment and discrimi— housmg and access to '9”th P‘aPes- ‘ nation based on sexual orientation Th's ”mate? FCPS non—discrimina- 1 and gender identity. The Fayette tron policy lS added protection for 1 County Public School board mem- employees. . bers voted to add “sexual orienta- “ . . . tion" and “gender identity” to the Our next big step IS promoting ‘ district’s non-discrimination policy the Kentucky legislature to pass. a l during Monday night’s school board State'W'de anti-bullying law W'th ‘ meeting. enumerations protecting groups of students particularly regarding J “The school board members and sexual orientation and gender iden- { the superintendent, Dr. Tom Shel- t'ty' KfintUCkY has had 3 teens who ‘ ton, are making a bold statement havek'hed themselves due to bully- ‘ that harassment and discrimina- mg smce OCtObPV 201_1...so 't §eem5 ’ tion will not be tolerated toward the 9‘1"?“ anti-bullying law '5 hOt students or staff in regard to their workrng,_ stated Cornell. He COhhh' sexual orientation and gender iden- ued, The vote by the SChOO‘ board tity,” said Dennis Cornell, vice chair lets students know they can be au- of the Kentucky Fairness Alliance thentic Wh”e at school and protect- (KFA). Cornell has been working ed by the faculty ahe staff. It does with FCPS in drafting this change to get lb’etter. Its getting better "ght the non-discrimination policy. now. Fayette County Public Schools is the Coma“ the Kentucky Fa‘mess A" I second school district in Kentucky liance at JL—L—htt ' kentuck fairness. to specifically protect students from mg or the Lexmgton GSA at _p_L/_htt .' , harassment and discrimination _g_glex sa.or to get more information based on sexual orientation. Jef— 9” how you can make a difference ferson County Public Schools was 'h our SChOOlS'W the first school district in Kentucky N ‘e (3%, ' to protect students by banning dis- g 2;: crimination based on sexual orien- 2 i . tation in 2008. FCPS is the only 2 E_ , ‘ school district in Kentucky to also e; :5" ‘ ‘ ban discrimination based on gen- “9:9,” we“ 1 der identity. Lexington, along with W W“ i — ' its destructive ways, thoughts, and hab- B FPeatr VKS' Ena #:hl or its. Because I have confidence in God I y as or at y can commit myself to Him completely. I can say, “Here’s my life Lord take it and Most have probably heard the use it in any way you see fit.” Then the saying fear is False Evidence Appear- cool thing is He does just that. He took ing Real. If we stop and think a min- me exactly in the condition I was in, ute about the things we fear, we can healed my pains and wounds, comfort- i see how that statement is true. Ithlnk ed me through the process of healing, one of the reasons many don’t follow and set me free to live my life for Him. t God is because they fear what He may I am now free from the self-condemna- ’ ask them to do (or StOD doing)._ Grant- tion, the loathing I had for myself, and i ed there Will be things in our ilfe GOd the many different ways I lived in fear. I wants to weed out, bUt not because 0f know with all assurance that I am fear- L rules, iawsi or demands, bUt because full and wonderfully made in His image y‘ He knows it is not in our best interest. anti/in Him there is no condemnation. ' What I have found is that either God There was a time when I Wiii gently and usually unbeknownst thought Jesus loved everyone but me, ; to me, make the subtle Changes in me and that was ok because I understood Himself or give me that sweet nudge that I was unlovable. I know that in my heart to change something on sounds so twisted but it’s how I felt. my own. I couldn’t trust Him because of all the , Let US not forget too that things I thought He had done to me: there is an evil one whose plan it is to Took my mother when I was only 9 rob, steal, kin and destroy our Spirlt- years old, allowed me to be sexually Satan fell from God’s Grace when he abused for 3 years at the hands of my set himself higher than God and re- care givers, and separated me from my ferred to himself as a deity. Satan has siblings. How could I trust Him after God-like powers and is very cunning. all that? Then one day He showed me His goal is to fool God’s people byfalse how He wept over me as I was being teachings, trappings of worldly‘nches abused, how it wasn’t Him taking my and power, and even intimidation by mother from me, butthat we are all part fear of anything and everything that of a fallen world. He showed me how would keep a person from believing He works through His people to inter- and accepting the love of Christ. cede on behalf of all victims. The fact So hOW iS faith OQDOSIte 9f is I was delivered from all that by God fear? Faith is having confidence in reaching down through His people and God. I personally don’t believe there moving me into a foster home where 1 are many who can honestly say (With could be safe and learn about Him. deep examination) they do not be- Faith, yes, I have faith in God lieve in God at all. Look around you because He has shown me many times at the beauty on the earth. From the over that I can. I’ve allowed Him to re- Smokey Mountains to the plains 9f veal Himself to me. I trust He has my Nebras a to the shores of California best interest at heart and as the prophet and we see the artwork of our GOd- Jeremiah said in Jeremiah 29:11 about In Hebrews chapter 11 there is testi- God’s love toward me; For I know the mony after testimony 0f the heroes 0f lans I have for you, plans to give you ,. faith. All those people from the Old hope and a future, not to harm you. i Testament that trusted God committed (My paraphrase) ‘ themselves to Him because they be— You can know this truth for lieved He loved them and wanted His yourself today. Start by sincerely ask- best for them. There were many WhO ing God to reveal Himself to you. Be- l“ believed promises God made to them gin looking every day for ways that He that they actually never saw but we is doing just that. Find a church that know looking back they came to pass. preaches the Word of God and get con- AS a Christian I have faith that nected with other believers. He is real I am saved by His Grace. 1 am saved and He loves you with an everlasting from an eternity in hell separated from love. God. I am saved from myself with all ‘ Join the GLSO Member Program Today! ‘ ‘ www.glso.org/membership Where Else can you Senior SOCIaI Group talk about anything? ‘ The Senior Social Group (I wish . There is no place else that you we could find another name that Tl can meet people face _to ace is identifiable as a group over 55+ l< and have a discussion With them age, but I can’t think of one! Not . ( about arything you’d like to talk everybody over 55 wants to _be .. 2i about. 0 often these days the described as a senior!) is meeting l Ol way you meet People is online. this month for deliCIous pot luc , You can only tel so much about dinner. So Jom us Friday, August ‘ S( the person. They may be lying 17 @ 7pm. Please contact Ginger ti“ to you, and Lou certainly have at ginger@gl_so.org to let her know T _no idea whatt ey look like. The what you Will be bringing so we tc immediate ggal of_ this may be to have enough for everyone. st “hook up”. he discussmn group 1‘ gives ysou a Place to meet oth- - Don’t get out much ers ou ide o the bars in a safe P' environment lust to get to know - Don’t have a lot of GLBTQQIA f6 Beople. Neary _any topic may be friends , rought up during the_two hour _ d‘ session; politics, religion, jobs, . Like to go out, _but don’t have U family, friends, exes, Joys, sacl- anyone 090 With C. ness, anger, happiness sex, chil- _ _ ‘ dren, marriage or_health among 0 Don’t have a lot of outSIde in— ‘ 6 other topics. Right now, the terests group is mostly men, and that . _ ‘ ‘ changes from week to week. It . Single, interested in making 1' IS _so much better to come tothe new friends a Pride Center on Wednesday night _ _ ti at 7PM and meet some welcom— . Separated or Widower/WId- _ing new friends. Everyone walk— owed P ing through the door is_ accepted _ S Just as they are. Confidentiality, . Have no children, or children respect an listening are .prac- grown and gone a ticed here. There is no adVIce or _ n . . Want to get out of a rut, smgle Negative Partners of Gay or couples Men With HIV Support , F Group - Would like to have more zest k and fun in your life 9 Monday August 20 7 m - 9pm , . ’ _ . Dont have someone to pick c Monday, September 28 7pm 9pm you up after an appointment r ti lffiimi’il? EEK/Vei‘fié‘vérgfifilféé There is. something for everyone in ti founded to provide support, edu- the Senior SOCIal ro_up, and if you i v cation and understanding to an waknt to do something else, 1”“ * l‘ otherwise marginalized popula- as - f' WE are a brlig t,_ interest- tion. There is no other group like ”Pr rien IV and we comirw group V this in the area 0 gay_men and women. e have Ii It is a place to go to talk about the Pride Center reserved for the . problems, joys, and trials. The third Friday of every month for a l! of al orientations and genders. E I Louisville LGBT _ _ Film Festival Fog a full llst o:- meg/ties, starst _ an more excr mg lth VlSl 3 AUQUSt 16 19' 2012 www.louisvillelgbtfilmfestcom The Kentucky Fairness Alliance 3.”?! get Y0“ tickets today! Also (KFA) will be sponsoring its V's't KFAS webSIte atW—WW 2nd Annual LGBT Film Festival W and fee' free ‘1‘ on August 16-19, 2012. We are to make _a donation to further i so proud to say that we are in fairness In the state of Ken- , the second year of being able tucky. ‘ to show our stories on the big screen.We have screened over 3. 0 0,90 U i o w H u i 95 100 films thls year and haVe . ’AUSUSHGIQ 2012 ’3‘ g ’ put together the best possible go 3 Q ,2: 31 g g festival. We will have 3 full 1 :5}: Egg? Eagilfim. PfiSQ days of film screenings at The H o a}. 7, ,; you Q . 3; :_ '51 University of Louisville and we cannot wait to see each and ‘ every one of you there. Individual Festival Passes for ——‘T—_'—‘ all weekend’s films and par— leerty Mutual ties are only $30 and Student Insurance Workshop Passes are only $15. Individual . Session Tickets will be avail— Topics: _ able at the door but seating is Auto/Home/Llfe Insurance not guaranteed. Learn how to protect you and your partner! Festival P s will incl e the kick off pig/eon Thursdjajy, Au- Liberty recognizes domestic part— gust 16th from 7&1me You nershlps—learn how this benefits can also purchase a VIP Fes- you. " tival Pass that will give you all the features of a regular Festi— Date: 9/13/2012 - val Pass in addition to a special Time: 6:00-7:30. v Meet and Greet / Book Signing Where: GLSO Pride Center | with Chely Wright (Country PIZZA AND DRINKS PROVIDED. Music Star, Writer and Activ— RSVP- is A ust 1 7:30 m. ' Liaiggd Xgiountsgf‘ litasses pare Amanda.Trisler@LibertyMutual. available for these! com ' ' IIII Reign 31;;fTaii1lditi3mmng.... Viscountess: Jayda St. James, Stratosphere, Starla Velour . Baron: Denis Bastien Mescha W ll - _ _ i , pleedotlriraichul: TV: gait/swag" Eddie Steam, Kody Ziegler, Cade month for the ICK, I can assure Cole we were far from quiet. Baroness: IAundreah Dean, Charisma Ll, Erica James i First, 1 would like to thank all :i the members and supporters I am sure I can speak for all of J. : that attended Investitures 31 us when I say W€.ALL |°°k for- d at Bogart’s. The response and Ward to working diligently sew' I! support was nothing short of mg our community to make 't v overwhelming. Daryl and I ap- strong and proud. Investitures pointed members to our male was a HUGE success and we and female lines and bestowed owe that to all Of your support. titles to attending members. I h . would now like to introduce the We ave now tentatively ' members of our lines of de— planned the Calendar Of. Events scent: for Reign 31. While maintain- ing all of our Traditions like the Imperial Crown Prince 31 annual Julie Vaughn Memorial Patrick Thompson Close Ball, coming up on August Imperial Prince Royale 31 19, and the always popular DIVA Tim Logsd en OF DARKNESS, Emperor 31 Duke: Phillip Marcum, Sam Daryl Lyons and I have added Clemons, Will B—burn Devon M. a few surprises throughout the Donovan ’ upcoming year. Duchess: Stephanie Velour, . . Benita Bloom, Christina Puse .If you have interest m becom- Marquis: Louis Vite, Jason ing a member 0f the ICK please Morgan, Keith Lyons don t heSitate to contact either Marquise: Aurora Cummins, Daryl, myself, or any member 0f 1 JoDee Monroe, Jacqueline our Board of Directors. , Storm . 1 Count: Billy Taulbee, Aaron In Seryice, ”' Huddleston, Jeremy Gribbens Trinity Countess: Tomika Taylor hHMIM Empress 31 E Viscount: Tommy Brodbeck, “FE-on? Whig-EDTWBBeiisfhe Andrew Tan, Brandon Helm, Mi- Court, For the Community” chael Birchett I .\\\\\‘\\g: \\\\\§\\\\\\\\fle\:‘\\\\\\‘\\\\ , I ‘- ‘u _ ‘-—— x 3 Sunday Augusl lllh, Doors 8:00pm, Pageanl:9:00pm ’ $5.00 Donation Bogarts Lounge (Campbell House) *Net proceeds to benefit charities of The Imperial Court of Kentucky _ ' Mfigfigsflofilgmqlfiws mmmemmsedalthecmmsyth’syead ; . lag} : w u t W :2 urea: 51: 1mm :5 ; mm mm KEITH: 510 mm Color: - Available online at lexpridefesmrg : or l call the (1150 Pride Center E 859 253 3233 g or drop by t 389 Waller Avenue ‘V: Suite 100 5 ONLY A SMALL QUANTITY OF EACH ITEM IS LEFI' i so DON‘T DEIAY E - An Update on the community, and we’re very excited GLSO about it. The grant also provides By Aaron Baker money for expanding some of our Contributor other services, including the new TransKentucky website, which is al- June was certainly a busy ready up and will be growing soon. month for the GLSO. I’m proud to say that I think that this I’m sure that the coming months year’s Pride Festival was the Will be exciting ones. Keep your best yet! As we wound things eyes peeled for information on a down in July, we were pleased film festival being co-organized by to see that this year’s festival the GLSO and Sqecial Media. And, made a profit, which will go to- as always, if you want to volunteer wards supporting the mission or have great ideas for something of the GLSO. Next year’s festi- more that the GLSO could be do- val planning begins on August ing to help our community, come to 9th at the GLSO Pride Center, one of our monthly board meetings and I hope to see a table full of and PitCh in! excited volunteers who want to make next year’s festival even I better. I v the GLSO This is a prosperous time for the GLSO. Our community partners and advertisers are a showing their financial support as they always do, and it is al- . . lowing us to expand our servic— Come 30'“ us at olur PFLAG es to help more people in our meeting. community. The discussions groups we host are more well- attended than ever! Whether you’re coming to our general discussion, senior’s group, or the youth GSA group, we’re seeing more of you turn out guuutmuu—uaan than ever before. , Tu da Au ust 14 6:30 to 8:30 We re happy to announce that Sp22ke¥i Ggest Speaker: Bernadette through the gener05ity of the Barton Cliff Todd Endowment and Author of Pray the Gay Away JustFundKY, we have received another grant to continue our . , Youth Empowerment Project. ESAEEhSagicael Church of St. Michael This project is training the fu- g ture leaders of the GLBTQQIA For further information, go to www. mm | — The Gay Straight Alliance for Angus? _2012 Youth Classrfleds Needs volunteers to assist school GSAs Historic Victorian For Rent — $620 Main floor apartment DOWN- TOWN 1n restored 110 year old ’ home! ZBR, 1BA, livin%,l lar e erg . kitchen w/dishwasher W?D C g for :IoolkwpaIf léltardvtvood kfloorsk rear ec — ree ar 1n . ea c VOlunteerS NOW! Adults 21+? pleasge. Prefe¥ F no pets, but rliegotiable. $620 de— .I Volunteers need to have time in mid- Egficfiafifir flag; pfibggrt‘ lie-I: ;‘ afternoons. Each volunteer will be Street. Email sross@qx.net. I: assigned one school and will receive 1 training and support. Fur Coat For Sale For more information and to volunteer gfgggggs {ukr Coat Ivalge’doogt c contact mary@glso.org or call mary at I - 5 m9 0” Y I - ir _ _ Would be great for an elegant :1 859 253 3233 after AUQUSt 14 drag performer or classy real girl. p Pictures available upon recgues . If y Several of the school GSAs do not yet Interested, Blease contact oyce K 0 have advisers for this year. We might Cruse at 85 -254—6825. fr encourage teachers to become advi- k sor in their school if they knew there p. was a volunteer from the community 1 BR Apt for Rent sl willing to help. We have training . b1 materials on how to start a GSA, P43? 35%:ng Amgc‘fisatngfipgifi A how to attract new students, how to Kitchen '& bath. Private entry. C lead meetings and so forth. We also 550 per _month _plus electric. have discussion guides, team building figggfifglfiafifidfilergcgrfi $9383“ I, games" DVDS and Other mater'a's- Please call Nori at 359-230—8079] H Volunteers would need to have time in mid-afternoon to visit schools. Or _ . & idea is to have people willing to visit For more Information 0f to place a a specific school frequently in the FREE cIaSSIfied 3" In our next v1 fall and then periodically during the ecIItlotn, gfiage emaIJIl ’(cjhe detailed Ix hool ear. If ou are interested m 0 0 - a a C a @g so.org. sc Y Y I All ClaSSlfiedS should be directed contact Mary Crone at mary@glso. through the Pride Center and org or call her at 859-253—3233 after shoul . be short but contain the V1 Aug. 14. Do you enjoy the company belIS|C Inffirmatlon tOf tWhB' VélIIat, of teen agers? If so this may be an \fN 9"“ W ere, cos I e c. ea me . .I or a sumeSSIOns to the GLSO rewarding opportunity for YOU- Newsletter is August 20, 2012. l - W? the Question with Cousin Query ,,;.;,:;7’;;;; Have a question or need advice on someway? {1 “a, up; 0 o ‘ bf (“ émalfl cousin Query al advica@qc’so.org. o , I d a '6' 1 3/ 3% ’; Q...Cousin Query. l have a problem! I thought gay . ; "5'“. 5': "a- ‘1 people are suppose to act certain ways. lfl don't fit r’ll V / I{ . a stereotype. am I still gay? - , / i Q... With all the uproar about boycotting Chick- CQ...Umm, YES? You are Still gay if you even have Fil- A because of their stand on the “sanctity of to ask the question. We have relied on pop culture marriage", I am tore between not eating there but to try to label us I." certain groups and glve us my cravings of their chicken sandwiches, waffle certain personalities. We are all different gays and fries and the return of their peach shakes are no two Of us :rithe same. 1"“ we there are no making it almost irresistible to stay away! What do two breeders t. at are the same. ““5 '5 what gives l d 7 us our indiVIdualIty. Be who you are comfortable °' being and don’t feel so pressured to fall into a certain clique or mentality. BE YOU! CQ...I used to love their whole menu myself but immediately took a personal stand to not give them my business when I found out about where Q...l feel 5° alone. Who can I talk t0? portions of my money were going over a year ago. You may not think it’s the same but there are CQ l too have felt alone so man times even to other chicken sandwiches in the area that are not h . l f l l'k , y ’ fried up with bigotry and hatred. There are other t T Pl)": where ee I efl can t ”in to' anyone. I locations with great waffle fries as well. And the 1:ka ave to snap out Oh that anh riallzle that peach shakes, honey... There are plenty of fruity tie '51“): someone t er: W et er “3"" to shakes in this area. “My Milkshake brings all the P: “P; e P one, go sfomezv age or g: onllne to boys to the yard!” 50 as you can see there are Efgow: someone on ace. 00f or a c at r: om. ALWAYS substitutes for ANY of your cravings! as many opportunities or you to In e . advantage of to feel wanted, accepted and even get Or '5 there? involved in regardless if you are gay, bi, lesbian. trans, questioning. straight, or whatever you For a funny music video on the queens and Chick- identify yourself as. There are also many other FiI-A check out ' htt '/l o tu be/ O-ms lukrw organizations who have people you can talk to ' M such as The Trevor Hotline. Please know that there is always someone to talk to don’t ever get Random Thou hts for the Month to the point of feeling completely hopeless. Just ——8‘ . pick up the phone or go treat yourself to somewhere fun and meet someone new. When there's two men who "get married", do they both go to the same bachelor party? * breeders—One of many gay words for heterosexuals. What does Chick-Fil-A do with the gay chickens? (continued from Page 2) PFLAG Lexington Offers FREE Program for Parents, Family Fayette Human Rights COmmission and Friends Of the LGBT Com- with another business regarding anti- munity gay discrimination. Fortunately for . _ _ Chik—Fil-A, they have not discriminat— PFLAG Lexmgton offiually lekS ed against GLBT customers or em- Off 'ts Stay Strong Program (SSP) ployees, to my knowledge. They’re Thursday September 13' 201,2- happy to take your money in ex— The SSP workshop was specufi— change for their food, and then use cally created for family members 4 your money to fund organizations and friends 9f a_n LGBT person. Its ‘ that are intent on keeping you in the primary deSIgn '5 to_prov|de a safe I position of second-class citizens. space and confidential time to ask questions and get real answers The GLSO will not be organizing from experienced and knowledge- I protests or filing complaints against able PFLAG parents and friends. I Chik—Fil-A. We’ll be doing what we _ always do: educate people. If you’re 10-263 4 WEEK workshop wull fOCUS still eating at Chik—Fil-A because you ' _ . . I don’t care about politics and you just ' Navugatlng the PFl-AG experi- like to eat tasty chicken, let this serve enceg learning terminology'and 3 as your wake-up call. The next time creating a comfortable enVIron- you’re sitting at one of our local bars ment _ I having a cocktail, think about the ' Acceptance Of Self: learning fact that the money you paid for your through personal stories from a Chik—Fil-A lunch went directly towards panel 0f fellow parents, family I making sure that the person on the members and friends . other side of the bar from you can’t ' Relationship bu1ldlng: Learning a marry the person he or she loves. If through panel 0f counselors some you care about the GLBTQQIA com- ways to repair and strengthen munity that you’re a part of, then you relationships 5 owe it to us to make the tiny sacri- ' Advocating for_ support and ac— a fices that demonstrate that you care ceptance: Learning through mock more about your community than Situations how to support, educate about a chicken sandwich. and advocate for your loved one i as well as yourself I _ . I Participants will walk away with a /g‘$}\ m personalized support, educational 53-“ "“‘a’ and advocacy toolkit. Sessions ( Y0 U R A D are evenings from 6:30-8:30 pm. A light meal and drinks will be " H E R E provided. Dates for the fall and winter four- ll week sessions are: 1 I l 9 D T , t ,. 0 I : . . , rhe G .5, MM pamsar The Imperial Cum of Kentucky 61.80 New: Monthly Sponsors ; SislerSound 859.806.0243 5 DimeMusicforilanrllen D] For My PC! Technology Support 859.368.2734 helpediflmrlcm Debra Hensley lnsuranne 859.276.3244 1513 “Hail! Infill lexington Faimfi—wmlexlaimrg 859351.565 Unitarian Universalist Church 859.223.1448 3564 Clays MII and Scott Anlrerrnan, Keller Williams Bluegrass Realty 859.338.8483 mmflanlmm (1150 Pride Center—mglsonrg 859.253.3233 lexington Pride Festival—mlexpridefestorg 859.253.3233 OpenArms ofGod Ministry 502545155 Richardson Vision Center 859.278.4201 1757 Alexandria min. Gardenia Shopping Center I — GLSO Phone Directory PFLAG Louisville 502.329.0229 A community resource page for gay and/or Sister Sound 859.806.0243 gay-friendly organizations across Kentucky. Social Services Lexington 211 . . Speaker’s Bureau 859.266.5904 Win19. T K t k ‘emtf AIDS Volunteers Inc (AVOL) 859.225.3000 rans e" ”C y ffigomg Cumberland Region, SE KY. 606.864.3776 United Way 859.313.5465 888.425.7282 Health Dept., Fayette 859.288.2437 MENUS—GENES 8716062437 Integrity, Ky. Diocese 859.369.9691 Health Dept., Jessamine 859.885.4149 Integrity St Marthais 859.533.9851 ”93"“ Dept-I W°°df°rd 859373-4541 Interweave, Unitarian 859.266.5904 HIV/AIDS Legal Project 5025841254 Lex Friends, Quakers 859.254.3319 LOW/"'9 R395" 5025740151 Mercy Ministry Church 859.358.3357 Moveable Feast 859.252.2867 MCC Paducah 270 443 3339 N°rthem KY- Region 859341-4264 Open Arms of God Ministry 502.545.6355 UK Adolescent Medicine 859.323.5643 Studentfimuias MW Berea College ACE 859.958.3633 24-Hour Crisis Line 800.928.8000 Centre College BGLA 859.238.5332 24-Hour Teen Crisis Line 800.999.9999 Morehead State University 606.783.2294 Alcoholics Anonymous 859.967.9960 AA/Alcoholic Teens 859.277.1877 Bluegrass COLTS 859.225.9169 Council for Peace & Justice 859.225.6999 Discussion Group 859.253.3233 3 ‘ a F . . . \ V0 \g‘e alrness of Lowswlle 502.893.0788 \ (9&960“, Gay Straight Alliance, Teens 859.266.5904 6986069: GLSO Pride Center 859.253.3233 \ «\«éo:99891.‘ ' \ Imperial Court of Kentucky 859.619.7521 agasqug ' International Gay Bowling 859.276.3058 - Q @590. Kentucky Fairness 270.703.1582 ,, ’ Lexington Fairness 859.951-8565 Lexington Human Rights 859.252.4931 Lexington Insight Group 859.230.2428 Lexington Pride Festival 859.253.3233 GLSO News Deadline MACT 859.358.8335 August 20th MAS