xt75mk65752r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75mk65752r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-11-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 17, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 17, 2008 2008 2008-11-17 2020 true xt75mk65752r section xt75mk65752r I Mon' 3 "cautious roman. 635 m ,,
in. anally Hi)"; we a

W' onion '3 bumhtt drops am war
‘ ‘ I More than 150 attend Immune! ‘

Ltnderbilt spoils l ‘k’s Senior Day

\Hlll lion I ~elijrililt \\ in
See Sports. page 8

.‘V H, “:‘v‘





Above. " . . 4 t “in film he titiituited Eitt‘nri'in Mt h of Ph 8 niiii its/an tth‘t tn Friday i'ltl itit
Bemw; .zv _ , .. ‘-. g. g" ' luv; ltfl‘lfsiflllflluiteilEi‘Ll.'ll)“1["ljvtflu‘DE,[d Aral; :‘iliitl‘s.;l‘..il '
' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' ~ " ‘ “ ' fittiilttt: t {tint-3?? "W8“ ‘ dtlyl’iw’” 's . ‘ started :si.‘ii"':t t1

Swinging for glory

First—time boxer puts his pride on the line at Fight Night

Story by Eric Lindsey | Photos by Brad Luttrell


lt‘til L iil‘a "

ettndseyfi/kykemel com;

t'iam lwliigiil
't n «gllllilsll'ti
tilt. tropes til seem: d llllle l‘ltlll‘sl

l aiitastngt' 's one ot 3t) sttitleiits
-oi:iiietiiie in \ieiiia (‘hi's and Alpha
twp i l’i‘s setniiid .iiiiizial l ight "sieht
hi l'tti\t iiioiies toi lliiiitsiiiaii tliiieei
id the Ronald \lelloiiald
Ninie ai_

:tidvots ll'illlti7lls iii;

ivh satt dost t't‘tlluifw

l'istittite :ii
lititlst there to! tilt; ‘Jtititl
others to test tliei tortiltitle

aiits to shout \\ hat

laiit‘astei ittst ‘.\
{it"s itiatle ol

See. lantaster has iie\ei done
llth l‘t‘lttl'e‘ l'.\'.‘l' llL‘ls tit‘\t‘l' l‘tt\tj‘tl.
sift tout it: a Hit}: or met) :‘tit in a
stlioolsat'd tight. He's ti'aiiied tor
three “Crib tot this \ct') iiioiiieiil.
l‘til nothiiiel its prepared him lt‘l the
iiiessuie ot ptittiiie his heart on ttie
line in hunt ot his petts

Fight Night patio 4


UKs snaps 18-V e 11
losing streak to 1* lorida

By Metz Cornfield

Card swiping system
unlikely in near future

and tor the state o: lseiittit‘kV”

By Austin Schmitt _tt list' hall- 1 'i «tlll\ltlt‘t

trays e1 k‘yklfll‘t it \"

l'K \\.lills a satetx ‘,\ stein
loi entraiiees to all ot its l‘tiild 0.
tries. litit otlieials sat loeistus

ti'oiii being: piit into plat-t- soon

(‘oiiiieetiiig ttsl|l\s depart
merits and .i latk wt tiiiidine
are the biggest issues t‘lt‘\t‘lii
trig the installation o:
control s) stt'iiis. t .lltl s\\ :i‘iilg.)
meeliaiiisiiis \ltlllldt to the ones
used to gain aeeess to the rest

'lllt‘ t'l lllt‘M'
sll\‘il|lli has

ittst'ss \t‘.ll ill to”
\\ e \e been

‘ittiidii L'\ is toss taiiiptis. said
ltllltt' liiwekine.
«it liliulls't‘ toi ('aiiiiitts Seth’

\ tiiiiet tl‘i
are prewritm): such a \tsts‘m set tot \then 1 l\ wit install
sssteiiis but dis
litoekiriz' sattl
\\t\ttisl not lie \\lllilll the nut

loois ot in}: said. reterrinj: to the IMF
Viieniia l'eeli iiiassaertx \\ here
lls'sdiieetoi .12 people Vsere killed b) a
eaiiiptis shooter, who then
eoiiiniitted suicide “We‘ve had
a few iiieetines met the past
six months. and It is high on
our pl'ltiltl) list."

The meetings have been
\\ ith other departments aeross
campus to make a smooth ll'dll
sitioii tiito a possible aeeess
eoiiti'ol s_V.steiii. said Anthant

has not been

He said it

things that

liltiktttg .il lol
tears e\ en lielore \ l

l’noek- ‘ a Safety on page 3


Volleyball head coach offers
~ to pay game day tickets

By Rosalind Essig

ressig ikyknmut root

l'K \olle)hall liead eoath ('iaig; Skiniiei has
offered to pat} tor parking eitatioiis ieeeixed l‘\
volleyball attendees attei some tans troiii a sea
son‘reeord crowd “ere ticketed tollontiie Stiii
day‘s game.

(‘ars Without eorreet permits parked behind
the .loe (‘Iat‘t (enter in the RI parking: lot.
which is marked “llh "No e\eiit parking”

flat inn tree. 8W turns 25 cm.

signs. ts ere tiek‘eted Sunda). leanng.y some fans
eonttised and trtistrated.

Skinner said he was not aware of what had
happened btit ot'l‘ered to pay for the tiek'ets out
ot his own pocket beeause new fans attending
the game probably did not know the policy.

“I think it was an important went for our
program. and I think the people who parked
there tor the volleyball game probably didn't rer

See Parking on page 3


int: aii‘ilieldikylairnei c tint

l'lie remnants ot tears were still on
stipllttllttll't‘ middle blocker l atireii Rapp‘s
lime. (htl) tlil\ time. the tears u ere (it in}
and happiness as No 32 [is deleated No
l: Florida tor the lust tniie siiiee l‘Ntl.

'l he t'ats (25—4. lo: Southeastern
("orifere'iieei defeated Florida on Stinda}
attei‘iiooii (2572.1. 14—25. Ill-25. 25 Ill.
Him in tront ot a seasorrhigzh erotsd or
*51.‘ tans at \leiiiorial (‘ohsetini snap
ping a RX-game losing streak to the
(iators in the process l’loiida t3l~ 1. l“ 3
SH‘) eame into the match on the top ot
the Slit' standings. btit the loss no“
lem es them in seeond plaee. a haltieaiiie
behind the (‘ats.

With only ttso games remaining on
the sehedule. the “in allotts the (‘ats to
eontrol their own destin) It the) ean “in
otit. they will hold at least a share ot the
Sl-I‘ championship. a goal the} We had
sinee the beginning ot the year. and yet
another first in a year With so man) at

While the (‘ats are hesitant to sa} one
opponent or one win is more important
than another. their emotions said otherwise
Atter Rapp‘s final kill to end the game. the
team sprinted to the middle ot' the floor
embracing each other and cheering.

“This is something that will always
stiek With you." junior setter Sarah
Rumely said “We‘re just loving each oth-
erats a team right now. and it‘s just such
an exerting time for Kentueky volleyball

l'he t\el| dotiiiiieiited losing; streak to
the (iatois \\asii't reall_\ talked about saith
the team. RleCi\ said. The “in takes a
hea\_\ “eight ot'l their sliot.lders. she said

“lt‘s .: mentat thing tot tis to be able
to understand that \\ e tan eoiiipete with
phone use phi} aeairistf~ [is head coach
(‘raig Skinner said "l‘lorida's an e\eep
tioiial team. and the) 'ie going' to wm a lot
more iiiatehes this )L‘dt They'll go deep
in the .\'(‘ \.r\ tournament. so I think it re
all} eises .iiii plaseis the beliel‘ that the)
ean eoiiipete “llll inst about anyone "

See Volleyball on page 8

PNOYO av aunt um STF
The UK volleyball team celebrates a 3—2 we-
torv over Florida on Sunday The wrn snapped
(138 match losing streak to the Gators

m 257.19155uum 2512372

) D


 ”AGE 21 Monday, Ndvt‘llli'tfl l























in get the advantaget chi ii; the
days rating 10 is the easiest
day, 0 the most challenging
Aries (March 21-April19)——
loday is a 5 , You have lost
tbout everything you need, and
if you don't, you can get it You
have so much you could even
out away sortie for the Winter
Taurus (April 20-May 20) --
Today is an 8 learn from a
valued coach and friend it could
'ie anything from a favorite
com to a formula for a haorw
’lle Actually, those could even
be combined

Gemini (May 21-June 21) -—
loday IS an 8 .. Conditions are
still good for increasnig your
income Put in for that raise, pro
motion, new chent or better go!‘
«f you don't have anything in
mind, get busy with that, first
Cancer (June 22-July 22) —
loday is an 8 "Do what you
love and the money wrli follow "


’ eo’llision (vigour ‘

You've heard that before This
tune, it could actually happen
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
Today is a .7 kjil over the
coining week's assignments
before you get iito them Yon
love surprises out not if it .s‘ a
rush order thats over one fake a
few moments to prepare
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) ——
Today 15, an 8 lvleetnitis
should go well, especrally those
involving planning People will
he practical and unusually eff:
rtient lt's even possible to get
things done Will) a cortiriiittee
Libra (Sept. 23-0ct. 22) ——
l‘ 16 UFH .il‘“
llflii't' 1.1
and ti: [lllr‘t’lllt‘ I it
you 4. il" an pillar
h y car: treat wealth Will I'trll‘ri'
to yot.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ~—
ltlfllly is a 3 , Vol.1" twesornt
Others 1! = nnorcssr 1 Mil our
stanunaaitl thl row a down:
force lll itl‘J' liar. s purftiinr
ance ant: paliatthev it,t‘r,r'rp|:sh
makes you look gootl

lo 11.. rr'iagzi
lldtlllll lil

tins d"l.1 ,on

finin'surzttnte claims

Sagittarius (Nov. 22- LDec. 21)
av is 1/7 ldt " he,»
I rottitln your

"ltlluzlls to ll'attart‘es you
till and review «,nnr «tor



third ’ li‘

l‘s‘t ri’ns Make sure you to pay—v

hit; the, least and cannot; fhe

,1 .i

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)?

«—- folly lSi17 , Again you
wen ‘o lelt‘tiate eterytowti you
Lwolacr: Villltsidl ‘.‘..111 a.
it: ‘tu' t’ 2'; you do iirr‘ sir
tr if 1' (‘1.(llJ

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 18) ~—

'11!.Wl\’1(l is

wyrrc -.r
y, ,


asr'i lrn : ”Kw,- "
‘llril‘. 5'11”
"t-11i_i-’ ll 1w?
Pisces (Feb. 19— March 20)—
illt‘. 1, . ‘
1‘) “it,“ ,(u. ‘11P, illrl ti
7‘ is hasol

11.11 Iii
’ rvt‘, that vi. car.

tissrs t'. Wit"
‘j"t' ‘.'r in” 'i _1'
s till

(lliilr c

. i'l
s ,r ill


I Today’ 5
' Horoscope
1 Sponsored By:


810 Fiiclid the.

1C . .
B1 3 Q\I\1 N f 269-5701




your daily dose of entertainment pop culture and fun

Blilllt} spears trip home
to ls'entiiood. l.a. Willi sons
Sean. 3. and Juyden. 3.
should ha\e heen cause for
celebration: It has first time
the singer. 30. had been perv
niittcd to take the boys out of
(‘aliiornia since cs Kenn
I-edct'line has granted sole
custody iii .ltily liut on the all
ternoon ol Noi. t). the
planned \seeklong getaiyay
took a scary ttiiii

:\t about 2.3” p.m,. Jay—
den suddenly fell ill and was
i'tished hy Spears to the enter
geitcy room of Southisest
Mississippi Regional Medical
Center in '\lt‘(.ttilil‘. Miss.
”Doctors concluded he had a
reaction to something he iii-
gcsted." Spears’ rep said in a
No\'. ll) statement. Says a
source. “He has always got»
ten sick \ery easily. He often
has ettt'ttcltes. colds. He's
more susceptible than Sean
Preston. more delicate."

'I'hc tot spent the night in
the hospital with his family
,. Britney‘s dad. lamie;
moiii lyiint: hrothcr BM in
and sis .l tniie Lynn by his
side ta nanny hrooglit lug
brother for a. \isiti before he

iiig rcleased the exciting of

Nov Ill l‘cdci'line \sas "prea
pared to :iiakc the trip, but it
turned otit not to be so sell


A Spears insider conctii‘s‘
"The family is not in a panic
l:\eryonc is_itist relieied he is
doing OK.“

The frightening incident
came at 1 time \\ hen much in
ilie onct troubled Britney ‘s
life has l een on an upswing.
She earn-ed cheers from the
t‘itl\\(l rt! nearly 42.1“)“
singing \y ith Madonna at

s.r\ . .i si‘tll'c‘c clttsc l0



B ri tney’s family

Sp ears rushes son Jayden

we Dig” to pthe hospital during visit

Madonna s No\. 6 concert in
Los Angeles, “Just left the
Madonna concert." she \\ rote
on Britneyspears.coiii. "It
\\ as really fun!” iSee hox.

She just scored a People's
(‘hoice Awards nod for her
gllcslrslttt'l‘lng spot on ('BS‘s
How I Met Your Mother: her
single “Womani/er” has
topped the charts: and her alt
hum ('ircus \sill drop Dec. 3.

"She is making extraordi—
nary progress." a source close
to the Spears family tells I's
of the star. whose father was
named her conservator earlier
this year ilast month his role
was riiade permanent). "She
is stronger each day. more
clear-headed and Iociised on
her children and \i'oi'k’."

The new Britney

It‘s hard to belieye it's the
same Woman who Ill months
ago made her own trip to the
hospital strapped to a gur—

"It’s very different from
is here she was then." says a
Spears insider. who notes that
the singer spends 5() percent
of her time. including
o\eriiights. with her kids and
that they are “blossoming" in
preschool. Another pal points
to her work ethic: “She
\ll()\\\ tip early to \s here she
needs to be. There is no draa

What’s next

With her ne\\ly fit figure.
it seems mind. spirit and body
arc reinvigorated. "She is pay—
ing attention to good nutrition
and exercise.” says a source.
Adds another source. “She‘s
dressing sexy and wants
ewrything tight. tight. tight.”

Designers t:lltipm



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 PAGE 4 I Monday November li’ 2008

Mitchell ldllt‘dbltlt
had never tougnt
before light Night He
captured the ib‘drl l3
pound weight class
Championship and
helped Sigma Alpha
Epsilon war as set
triad straight baht
Night Seer: here
after his second light
Lancaster sustained
no tllJUllL‘S besides
swollen eyes and
scrapes to his ratio

from NIGHT

Continued from page l

But none of that matters now. Now is the time. Alter weeks
of training. the moment has finally come. The bell rings.

Lancaster. standing (i-footQ. w eighing Just under l7ti
pounds. dances out from the wooden chair in his corner. llecoy-
crs his face with his foitress of lists. peering oy er his gloyes just
enough to see his opponent. (iriffin Barron of Delta Tau Delta.

Barron, a good three inches shorter than Lancaster. has his
left arm dropped slightly below his neck. his right arm cocked
and ready to fire. Compared to the previous six fights. the two
wait what seems like minutes. Barron bounces from toe to toe.
Lzmcaster waits patiently to see what Barron‘s plan is. what moy e
he makes.

And then it happens. Barron blasts a right hook and connects
with Lancaster‘s face.

Just breathe. ()Iit' f’l‘t tit/i Hi. our hi't'tll’l our. hycvtocusr'd on
the min/ruler .it-nwr. ()II/l (it/('H‘ inure pages to go. .luvr k‘r’r‘p Ill?"
rug. Arid don 'Iforecr II' Ill’t‘ilI/lt‘.

Lancaster sits at a desk at the WT Young Library. it‘s less
than 2-1 hours iititil his big boxing debut. But Lancaster has a
take—home eyam to complete.

it is due the out day. but all he can tlirnk about is the fight.

“1 am completely nervous." Lancaster says. “l have no idea
what to expect."

Lancaster bobs his head to his iPod. His eyes are fixed on his
computer. his mind on Thursday night‘s fight. Lancaster finishes
his exam at Exit) am. on Thursday.

"I don‘t know how it turned out." Lancaster say s of the exam.

He goes home and does what any time fighter does the night
before a fight. He sleeps. Well. all \IX hours of it any way. He gets
up at 8:30 a.ni.. goes to his classes and then heads to work at
Commonwealth Stadium. where he sery es as a graphic designer
for UK Athletics. ,

He doesn't talk to taiy'body at work. His mind. focus and at
tention hasn’t deterred from what lies ahead. Lancaster has had
battles before he played football. basketball and baseball at
Marion (‘ounty High School (Kyi but he's iieyer done any,
thitig like this.

“.l'ye played in front of fans before. but l‘y'e never played an
individual sport in lront of so niai y fans. so the amount of pres—
sure is going to be built up.” Lancaster says.

Lancaster got the idea to box after w atchiiig a YouTube \ ideo
of his hometown friend .losh Buck in last year's Fight Night. The
yideo. titled “You got knocked the 'Buck' out'" features Buck
knocking out another boyer

"The buildup around town. people talking about that yideo
was so incredible it made me want to try out and see how it
goes." Lancaster say s.

So when Lancaster was asked to boy about a month ago. he
jumped at the chance He started training about three weeks ago
With five other boxers from SALE. They worked on stances and
basic punches in the beginning. then started hitting a punching
bag and shadow boyiiig (looking at a mirror and boxing).

The S »\E boscrs is ho did it last year offer Lancaster different
techniques and ads rte. but thc\ warn lirrn that nothing can pref
pare you for that first hit

"They said you have no idea what to think]~ Lancaster says.
“You just take a deep breath. the bell rings and then you go“

Lancaster gets off work and heads to the SAE houst . The six
SAEs listen to music to get pumped up and then head to "fatten
salls. It‘s almost time to go.

Just bll’tillll’ ()ru‘ [myrrh in. our lint/ll; our. Sirl_i‘_/m'li.u'i/ (m
the fight. Don‘t worry H'lllll t'vr'ri/n ab i'lyc I.‘s (It mg. Ker/t l‘l\lltl/A
iii/1g. Slay tit/iii. \ml don't turner Io fin ill/ll'.

Lancaster sits iii a metal chair .is sortie of his traternity broth
ers start getting wrapped up. Some of them pimp rope. others
laugh. All of them watch as students clad in their fraternity and
sorority letters walk past a white tent and into the main arena.

Gathered in a dingy. musty corner of 'l‘attersalls. Lancaster
and his fraternity brothers cant see the ring from where they ’re
sitting. But as echoes from rowdy students bounce down a slip-
pery hallway. the fighters all know it‘s alriiost time.

Lancaster. clad in a black hooded sweatshirt and gray sweat-
pants. .stares straight ahead tapping his feet. He can‘t stop him »

"Now that I‘m here and I know what I‘m going to be fighting
in. I'm completely nervous." Lancaster says. “l'ye never been
this neryous in my life."

His biggest fear is what lies just 50 feet up the poorly lit hall-
way. it‘s a cramped. muggy arena filled with stifling heat and his
biggest critics ,. his peers. Lancaster doesn‘t want to eat cam-as
in front of them.

“My biggest fear is getting knocked out.” Lancaster says. “If
that happens I hope I'm lust able to get up "

But his biggest problem right now is his mustache. Three
weeks ago. he and his tratemity brothers were groking about
growrng them out for intimidation. Lancaster followed through.

He grew a mustache and dyed it black two days earlier. But it
appears it was all for nothing. He gets word that he has to shave
it off because it causes friction on his face. and can cause the skin
to break.

Reluctantly. Lancaster gets a razor and shaves it off. He 's not
the only one, Guys pour into the bathroom one after another
shaving their facial hair off. It‘s only after he shaves every hair
off his face that he‘s told he only needed to shave around his chin
and beard line. What took him three weeks to grow is gone in a
matter of three minutes.

“That‘s going to be motivation for sure." Lancaster says.