xt75mk65764g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75mk65764g/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1917-04-09  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 9, 1917 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 9, 1917 1917 1917-04-09 2020 true xt75mk65764g section xt75mk65764g -x4m-mnm>m.~mmm -, V

Tho faculty mat in regular session on Monday, April ,9,

w l9l7,with quorum present:
The following rsport from the Committee of Dean was
wood by Dre Terrsll, Chairman of Committee on Proposed Faculty


The Commsnisnt was authorizes to drill the battal?
' 1cm five days in the week.

The Prssldsnt “as authorized to extend an invitation
to President Benjamin Ids Wheeler to deliver the address at
our next Commencement, ,

The rsqusst of Mr. James ‘ to he considers




tor ins degree of €939 toxbs givgn in JunoJ was granted. His


thesis, presented with the spplicationa was ref rrcd to a

Committee consisting of Professors Freeman, Darial Terrell3



Barr and Dr. Boyd.

ii: . . ‘ 4
Tha follow1ng resolution suggested by tne Commltteo

on Proposed Raoulty Legislation was adopted as recommended;
In regard to the automatic ruls for dropping students

or for placing them on probation for failure in work or the
prohibition of such students to represent the college in any

form of public contest or exercise: it shall be the duty of


any student who is a condidats for a position in such conn
test or exercise to present to the committee or individual
making such an appointment a certificate of the Registrar's,
showing that he is eligible for such position according to
the rules of the college, above refsrred to.

The following resolution suggested by Dr. Tuttle


was refsrred to a special committee composed of the Registrar,

Doctors Tuttle and Dantzler and Professors Weaver and Baker;
That the number of courses in catalogue be changed

so that all Freshman classes shall be numbered from 1 to 100;

Sephomors classes from 200 to 300, Junior classes from 300

to 400 and Senior classes from 400 to 500a Also that the list






”M'kazmhmm x

of students in back of catalogue in addition to college shell


show the mejer subject of the student9
The following resolution from the Committee at Deane




Ordered that the President and Captain Fairfax be

authorized to extend to citizens cf the town the offer cf

an Opportunity to dnill as companies on the college campus,
The faculty voted unanimously to confer the degree

of LL.D. upon President Benjamin Ids Wheslnr of the University

of California, as presented by the Graduate School Committeea

On motion of Professor Davis the faculty voted


that no ether name than that of Presid ht Benjamin Ids Wheela

yr be ccnsidersd for the degree cf LLQDe this yeara

The faculty voted to confer the degree of Doctor
of Science on Prefesse? A, Ra Crendall,formerly of the State

College of Kentucky,3

The following resolution passed by the Executive
Committee of the University of Kentucky was received and film

.EASJ a state of war exists between the
s of America and the Impexial German
a .

WHEREAS, there may be students in this
University who may desire to volunteer for earn
vice in the army or navy of the United States;


tive Commit


EFQRE BE IT ESOLVED, by the Execuw
e f the University of Kentucky as

19 If any student be a member of the Sena
ior Class of the University and he enlist for ser-
vice in the Army or Navy of the United States,
he shall he graduated at the regular commenceu
ment in June and receive his degree and diploma
without any furtler examinationsu

2. If any student be a member of the Jun~
ion, Sephcmore or Freshman Class and he enlist for
service in the army or navy of the United States,
he shall be entitled upon his return to enter the
next advanced class in all respects as if his
examinations had successfully been taken at the
and of the collegiate year.

3: §$ Any student so enlisting shall no.63
tify the President of the University of that fact,”