xt75qf8jhb05 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75qf8jhb05/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-04-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 15, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 15, 1998 1998 1998-04-15 2020 true xt75qf8jhb05 section xt75qf8jhb05  

t5 l








BALD AN” PROUD .‘la‘ ll lift/e lllt't'll/li't‘.

still/till! pull/iris! I’ll/lip gill/sun L'llllllllt‘t‘l't‘tl to

shave lair lam/far ::‘/'m'. Set- S/ium‘. page _


WEATHHI Il may mi,” air/a

il/lt‘I‘I/m/II .\/.lt/:."t'/‘.\'. lug/J ”/75.
(Ila/lily twilight. [02." Ilt'ill' ill.

Slur/m mmui‘mze. lug/J Hair 71/.





TURN "If ”I“. (flaw/I'm] engineering senior .Ililrr Hells/er mans Ilie dine/Ices

(II) (luring lier gt'IiertI/fiuwmr slimy. ll 'Rl’l. (XX. I»/".Il). ( 'I\"s student-rim rail



(mpl/inm i'llJH. m (i [7.1)]. H 't'i/Iieit/iozx. l‘i/lg/Ii/i (’di’ltilllllll sci/mi li‘i/rv l.lll/'/1lt/ (ll/iiiz'r) flirt If

m slat/mi. is on the air 24 Ian/(rs ll (ll/V. )7) i ill/vi a rear. II Mir/ml Ill ref/rt ll/I/ Iliiv \t‘lI/t‘\/l i:

Campus radio station mixes madness wit/y music

l'tln tlte station also looked to


By Jenniler White

(jun/rilwnug U 'i'ifer

Some at the honest
mow: hitting
the Irv-waves

Room I02 iii the Student
(Ienter: where the liite between
mad iiten aitd brilliattt scientists
ofniusical ntutation ittect.

l‘iscape down the long. dark
hallway aitd desceitd the stairs
cautiously. wltere mortal ittett
only dare tread.

Inside. be danled by
bumper—stickered walls aitd a
mind-boggling .trray of tlte

(IDs aitd tecltnologically baf—
fling mixers. microphones aitd
disc players. Btit beware of tlte
tttetal collage haitgiitg frottt tlte
ceilitt 1, it‘s rumored to be a tor-
ture crevice.

Let ctiriosity attd a distiitct
reggae beat lure you iitto tlte

tools ofthe trade: thousands of

confines ofmusical hysteria aitd
an interior decorator‘s hell.
Don‘t be surprised if yoti hear
screams cotiting froitt the labo—
ratory like. “lt's alive!"

Because it is.

“Kid. is celebrating its Iflth
anniversary as L'K’s first stu~
dent—run radio statioit. lo the
surprise of many who atteitded
the L‘niversity w lteit \\'Rl5l.
first went on the air. it's a mira—
cle the statiott exists at all. let
aloite for It) years.

“Having beeit arouitd III
years. we tave more people in
the coittmuitity listening itow
than ever." said Billy llylton,
the station's program director
and an integrated strategic
coiitmuiticatioits senior. “And
sttidettts basically run the whole
station with few problems."

Putting the station on the air
had its fair sltare ofltiirtles.

After ait ()ctobei' I‘m; artis
cle iii tlte Kentucky Kerttel.
interest iii a sttideitt radio stai
tioit piqued on campus. Student
(iovernment Association lead—
ers ttoticed the iitterest aitd
formed Radio l’ree l.c\ntg‘ton
(RI’L), an ittdepeitdeitt itoit
profit corporation.

Rl’l. members Kakie ['rch.
Scott l‘ierguson aitd Kenny
Arington offered several rea»
sons why L'K needed a station:
It would serve ttot only tlte ['iti—
versity community. btit also the
students interested iii a career
iii radio. The station would act
as an added ditttension to tlte
university—Iicensed radio sta—
tion, then called \VBKY-I‘AI.

'lihe tltree wlto wanted to

establish a format that would
serve students and reflect dner
sily oit campus. 'I lie station
continues to play blties. l.I//.
folk. reggae. iitetal. country .titd
new music from local bands. as
well as broadcast news reports.
\Vitlt the format established.
the statiott had to find .i home
.iiid lots ofiiiottey. 'l‘he station
was to be located itt \Iiller llall.
btit the Student Activities Boaid
voted to allocate space on the
gionnd floor oftlte ( )ld Student
(Zenter. After generous contri~
buttons frotn former [iK l’resi~
dent ()tis Singletary .titd then?
Lexington mayor Scott}
Baesler. several fundiaiseis.
grants and loans. the station was


People make l/VRFL discs g0 roaml

By Ann Mullins

(.‘mirrllilmng ll 'rirer

“(iood afternoon. lt‘s l3 noon
here at \VRH. Lexington. My
name is Lindsay and it‘s titite for
the midday news. Topping
natiottal headlines ..."

So begins a typical newscast for
News Director Lindsay Hoffman
at [K's radio station \VRFL

Lip until August 1996. the sta—
tion did not have a formal news
program. 'l'hat changed when
management asked for volunteers
to start one.

llofftttait piped tip. After all.
the only news disc jockeys read
were public service announce-
ments attd weather reports.

Before coming to L'K. Hoff—
ittatt. art l‘idgewood. Ky. native.
knew she wanted to work at
“'Rl’l“ \Vhile visiting her older
brother, who was DJ ofa general
forntat show at the tiitte. she knew
it would be a great organization to
get involved itt.

“I wanted to work behind the
scenes." llofftttan says. “not

behind the microphone."

After accepting the news direc-
tor iob. Hoffman. then a psychol—
ogy major. dedicated herself to
formatting an alternative news
program. She switched to journal-
ism after realizing this was what
she wanted to do.

journalism ittnior Becky Bruce
was the first of about N) recruits
Hoffman brought into the station.
As anchor and public service
announcement director. Bruce
reports the news aitd any major hap—
penings going on around campus.

A favorite part of her job is
being able to get the news first.
like reading about the_loneslioro.
Ark.. accident froitt the Associated
Press wire minutes after it hapu

For Brtice. getting news early
froitt the wire involves a lot of
ltick. She received sttow bulletins
to [K after last winter's snow
storm and also read the ()J. Simp-
son verdict as it was happening.

Bruce's love of radio news
started early. As a child. she
reported neighborhood news on
posterboard iit her south Lexing-

ton neighborhood. Later she par»
ticipated in the radio broadcast
category with her high school
speech team.

She thinks a lot of broadcast
anchors sensationalize news. She

likes the smooth. low key stvle of

Peter jennings and Sue \Vylie’s
way of hitting the issues that are
important to people.

Bruce is enthusiastic when she
talks about \VRI’L aitd her work

“lfl had a choice between this
job and making money, then I‘d

rather do this." Bruce said. “But of

course this doesn't pay my bills."
journalism freshman (Iarl
llockelittan anchors the 8:“ am.
news two days a week. Initially.
llockeltttan worked for the Ken-
tticky Kernel btit ave that tip
because it ret tiired! more time
than his schedule would allow.

He went to work at “K“.
to stay active in iottrnalism. He
goes itt just before his show to pre-
pare and can be otit in just tttore
than halfan hour. Like Bruce. he

See ANCHOHs on 4


m "MJOI'I .‘flidflfl‘ selects (,‘Ilr'fbr bis 3 4.7». to
6 am, T Iiiirwday gmrm/fbrmar slime. He also docs the
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April I)", 1998

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Z (Ammo/x 7 \liiiI'/\ 2
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By Jill Erwin

Senior Niall” 'I'ilei

UK Athletics Director (I..\l. Newton \\.ls
instrumental iit hosting three seminars on gam-
bling on campus since September
til I‘l‘lh.

Because of his dedication to
eliminating gambling on college
campuses. lie was appointed last
w eek to the board ofdirectors for
the Kentucky (louncil oit (illllii
ptilstte ( iainbling.

“I‘ve been concerned (about
gambling) for some time now."
Newton said. "I‘ve taken a lead
role iii creating public awareness of
this problem."

Newton is exactly what the board needs. said
Rena \'icini. L'K assistant athletics director.

“'l'hey w antcd .t man who has proven through
his efforts that he sees compulsive gambling as a
serious problem. as an illness. which obviously he
has." Vicim said.

After the .-\ri/ona State and Northwestern \io~
lations. college sports is ripe for another scandal.
Newton said.

"I plan to find otit what‘s going on oit taiiipus is
far as students go. 'lihat‘s an illegal acti\it_\. and we
need to know how widespread it is." he said. “Do
w e have student bookies. student runners? It's not
going to be some mobster that gets to the player.
it‘s going to be .i student."

(itillllt'll Board Chairman Dennis Boyd said iii a
news release. “( LAI. Newton is respected national-
ly for many reasons. btit he was asked to saw e oit
this board because of his earnest and successful
efforts iit combating compulsive gambling par-
ticularly sports betting , nationwide."

In the last two years. the [K Athletics Depart
titeitt ltas sponsored three seminars focusing on
spoits gambling on college campus. (lompulsne
gaiiiblittg expert Arnie \Vexler. former L'K basket
ball great Ralph Beard. a gambling issues represenv
tative front the NCAA aitd an FBI agent have all
spokeit to student—athletes and the public about
the inherent dangers ofgantbling.

This year’s liinal hour was the most heavily bet~
on event iit histoiy. even more than the Supei Bowl.
Newton said.

“It's a scary thing." Newton said. “It's going on
on campus. aitd that's wltere I‘m trying to devote
my energies. I'm going to be an active board mem»
her. I‘m itot going to do this tit name oitly."

He said lte will continue to work with the N( AA
to combat sports betting on college caliipllses.

'I he council. fortned iit April WUS. is a nonprofit
organization that offers free literature and directs peo»
ple toward treatment. consultations attd interventions.

(iontpulsive gambling reaches beyond the cam»
ptis scene aitd has becoiite a societal issue. Newton
said. According to the news release. gambling afflicts
one in e\ cry IIlIl persons. or 40,000 Kentuckians.

\\ itlt the legali/ation of riverboat gambling aitd
the popularity of Keeneland. (Ihurcltill Dowtts aitd
tlte Red .\lile racetracks. Kentucky is facing the
lil‘t)l)lclli head—on.

“(lotitpulsive gambling is art addiction." he said.
“It‘s no different front alcoltol or drugs. “but it rises
to that le\el. be it lotteries. casino gatttbling or w ltat~
ever. it becomes a family disease. just like alcoholism."



Employee henelit
seminar planned

Sniff I'l'IlM‘I

Employees who want to enroll for employee
benefits can do so anytime before May 8. For all
employees eligible for benefits. all the necessary
inforiitation will be mailed directly to their homes.

Ap tlicants cart either mail or drop off the coitt~
pletet forttts at the the l‘ititployee Benefits Office
at ll‘ Scovell llall.

No fee for enrolling. and the deadline is May 8.

To provide em iloyecs with more information
about employee benefits. representatives front
the UK health maintenance organization.
Ilttittana. UK Dentistry, Protective. United
Health (Iare and Anthem will be on hand at the
open house.

Emplo 'ecs who need more information can call
the benc its office at 257-95“) or e-mail at bene-




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BOIII IIOt equals
bald [Ill publicist

By Jay 6. Tate
Spot-ti [filth/r

Philip .Allisoii has a lot
of Mississippi State pride.

Btit after the L'K soft—
ball teain edged Allison's
beloved Bullt ogs in a pair
of wins last weekend, Alli~
son was forced to swallow,
er. .VIUII't‘ his pride.

Allison, a L'K media
relations assistant and the
softball team's ptiblicist.
is a
AISL'. During a recent
road trip with the [K
team, Allison told several
of the players about a
playful bet he had made
with some Starkville
friends two years ago.

\\'hile an undergradu-
ate at State, Allison agreed
to shave his head if the
AISL‘ men‘s basketball
team defeated L'K .it the
WW) Southeastern Coti—
ference dtnlt‘tifllltetit.

As L'K fans may
remember. the Btilldogs
eased past the Cats 8433
in the Sl‘iC Champi—
onship and advanced to
the NCAA l‘iinal l’our.
eventually falling to Syra-
ctise in the national semi-

\\'hile Allison recounted
the story, L'K catcher Sarah
Snider stiggested that he
make the saute bet for the

1906 graduate of

l'K-AISL‘ softball series.

“(Siiitlert .isked him if he
would and he says, “Oh,
yeah‘ ~ he was just so casu—
al about it." recalled L‘K
head coach Beth Kirchner.
“And lilie players) are going
to call him otit on soiiie~
thing like that."

'l‘liey did. He agreed.

“I knew (L'K) could
beat Mississippi State. btit
I thought it would be a
spilt." Allison said. “AISL'
is a very good team. btit I
knew w hat L'K could do. I
lust didn‘t think (the (Lats)
could sweep."

Alter L'K won the first
game l»(), Allison said he
thought the AWL bats
would beat tip.

Btit the Bulldogs con-
tiiitied to strtiggle with
L'K pitcher Keary Camu—
iias and the L'K defense.
liventually, L'K posted
another l~fi win. It was the
first time a L'K team had
ever swept an Sl-iC softball

lime to get bald.

“After the game, every—
one runs off the field, we
do a real quick (cheer) and
everyone points to him tip
in the press box," Kirchner
said. “In his defense. (Alli—
son) was very honorable
about it. \Vhen we got back
to the hotel. he was the first
one to get the chair. Btit we

really got after it.
“I thought he might

want to leaie a little bit of

something, btit he‘s as bald
as .i baby’s butt."

Allison ioked that the
whole experience was a
serendipitous plus.

“I iust had a haircut .i
few weeks ago. but l was
getting to the point that I
needed one anyway \llie
son qtiipped. “lt saved me
some money.


Sophomore pitcher
Keary ( lainunas. who leads
Big Blue's pitching staff in
wins (l-l). winning per—
centage (i0). innings (70)
and strikeouts (if). was
almost tiiiliittable in
Starkville last weekend.

Against one of the
Sl‘iC's most potent
offenses. Caiiiunas
pitched a one—hitter to
help the Cats win the first

"She had stich a fantass
tic gaitie." L'K head coach
Beth Kirchner said. “After
that game. we asked her
how much juice she had

Caniunas‘ tank was far
from empty.

She continued her
dominance iii the second
game. as Caniunas again





NNIN I'LMY GONE TOMORROW L'K media relationt note

mnt 11ml .\Ii.\'.vi.t.vippi State graduate Philip nil/iron earned (1
sharing filter the UK .t'o/tlwll term] limit .IISL' [mt tree/(end.

held AISL' scoreless, scat-
tering two hits over seven
innings. An early score
was all L'K needed to
sweep the Bulldogs and
earn Kirchner her 100th
career head coaching

u'l‘hose were
her most outstanding
games all season," Kirch—
tier said.

“But we also played
good defense behind her.
\Ve made some spectacu-
lar plays."

two of




HOBIE NILE“ Kernel tuft

8tuily tlmo

The Cats” game against
scheduled for this after—
noon has been canceled.
Kirchner said UTC head
coach Ralph \Vcekly called
her Monday to ask that the
game be dropped because
his team needed more tiiiie
to study.

\\'eekly said his team
had been on a series of
lengthy road trips and
needed time away from the





Learning Clinics

Wednesday, April 22
Thursday, April 23
Memorial Coliseum

6:00-8:30 pm.

Open Gym

Friday, April 24
6:30-8:00 pm.


Saturday, April 25
Memorial Coliseum
10:00 am.





Visit the

www.kykenne .



Lady Kats

By Rob Herbs!
Spurn Ifti'ltor

L'K women‘s golfer Jenny
l)ugan has an unofficial South—
eastern Conference title to defend
’l‘hursday in Birmingham. Ala.

l)ugan can heave a pitching
wedge with the best oftheiii and is
the reigning golf cltib throwing

Before the SISC women's golf

championships each year, a lightv
hearted club-throwing contest is
held with all the Sl‘iC schools.
l)ugan represented [K with pride
last year when she chucked the club
'a whopping i3 yards. llcr closest
competitor was 8 l/.’ yards behind.

“She just hocked that thing,"
said teammate llcatlier Kraus.

“It's all in the technique because if

you hold on to it too long then it
goes way left."

’I be fine art ofgolf club thrt )wiiig
probably ranks high on the Cats.
priority list, but the SH: Champi—
oiiships is iitiiiiber one on the list.

L'K begins tournament play on
Friday with a probable chance to
advance to the NCAA Regionals iii
early .\lay. (leorgia and l.Sl' are
the favorites entering Birmingham
but L'K thinks top five is realistic.

“If four people have rounds in
the Tlis, we‘ll be in the top halfof
the field." said seniotglulie l’almei'.
u'l‘hat's realistic. 'l‘hat .i couple of
hogeys and no doubles or triples

\\'hen talking about the women‘s
golf team it‘s nearly impossible to
avoid the topic of [K men's basket
ball. Basketball seems to follow the
golfers wherever they go. Or better
yet. they follow basketball.





CDMEBACII 0‘18 The l ’K iron/cit} go/fit'nm hon/i to Il't‘ Slat) (Ilium/tr

“mitt/ti tit/x tree/«end (II/ll limpet to mlzwnce to the .\'(.'xl.-l Reg/wink.

Connection No. l: The [K
women's golfteaiti participated in
the River \Vilderncss Invitational
on .\larch li-Z-l in 'l'aiiipa, l‘lla.
Coincidentally the L'K men‘s bas—
ketball teatii was next door in St.
l’etersbtirg, lila. for the NCAA

(itless who found .i way into
the tourney?

“Coach and I gave a few lessons
to (athletics tlepartiiient official)
Rodney Stiles." l)ugan said. “So
when we found otit we would be
in the same place as the basketball
team. l asked Rodney if he could
hook its tip. I considered him a
friend since we gave him a few

Connection No. .3: ’l‘lie w cck-
end aftet' l‘ilorida. the [is
women‘s golfieam found llst'll-ln



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ll/r {than

(il'eenslioro, N.(:.. for a tourna~
tiient. ’I'l'tat's North Carolina I ar
llecls country (a.k.a. enemies).

Both l'K .iiid North (iarolina
basketball teams were in the l’iiial
liour. And a certain team from the
far I leel state didn‘t make it to the
finals. 'l'he L'K women‘s golfteaiii
let the L‘NC \Hiltielhs golf team
know who won the following day.

"\\'t' asked those (laiolina girls
‘l)id you catch that game last
night?” l)ugan said. “ l he North
Carolina team was none too happy
about that. 'l'hcy t'llsst'tl at us"

L'K women‘s golfer Katy l.oy
receit ed .i nickname that
weekend. l.oy is now known as
“Alatltlog.” 'l'hc (hits watched the
[‘KsSlanfortl game it) a North
Carolina sports bar .Illtl l.oy was
annoyed by Stanford-s \lark


swinging into SE08

“.\laddog” Madsen. lsverytinie
.\ladsen made a big play. he would
raise his arms and celebrate a bit.

The next day l.oy decided to
act like .\ladsen after every birdie.

“I had enough ofhiiii so I final—
ly decided to the thing he does
after birdie in honor of the Cats,”
.\laddog l.oy said. “lfl remember
right I had quite a few birdies that
day. My teammates just say ‘( )h,
there goes Aladdog again.m

Connection No. 3: The UK
men's basketball team was referred
to as the “Comeback Cats" because
of their ability to come back from
deficits. Like the basketball team
the L‘K women's golf team is tak-
ing the same slogan with 'l‘-shirts.

It seems the Cats start their tour—
naments on a not—so-high note btit
finish off strong. That was the story
in L'K’s most recent tournament in
(ireensboro. L'K finished iii 12th
btit it could have been worse.

“The negative part was we start-
ed so slow we couldn‘t dig our-
selves otit of the hole," said fiead
coach Bettie l.oii Evans. “The pos-
itive thing was we got better every-
day. I think we had the third lowest
score in the field on the last day.
'lliat only gives its some confi-
dence going into the Sl‘iCs."

Assuming the \Vildcats have a
fair weekend in Birtiiinghain. the
(Iais will advance to the NCAA
Regionals in Durham, N.C., during
the first week of .\lay where they‘re
friends from North Carolina will be
waiting. The Cats are also looking
to make some more friends.

“Duke is gonna be there too,"
l)ugan said. “\Ve're thinking
about getting l)uke hats and cross-
ing otit the l) and l“. to show L'K."



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fimm bumble [7

Once struggling band
C 001 For August plays
@93st in (Eng tonight







I'l'u/w NIH/1th .l
GRIND won”! Coal For .111ng trill play with (freed and Sum/am m 8 pm
run/gin [If Bogart '5.

By Dan O'Neill

. him: lilh‘ [Ill/II”

'l‘here's no method to making
it hig iii music.

The Los Angelesdiased alterna—
pop hand Cool for August tried the
conventional route. l’irst move to
l...‘\.. then place an ad in the paper
looking for people to 1am with.
play some local shows and hope a
record laltel notices. l‘iortunately
for them. the plan worked and the
hand landed a record real with
\Varner Brothers two
years ago.

But staying trite to
the classic formula.
(Iool For August hegan
with its share ofhtiiiihle




“melodic, grungy pop with
heavy influence from David Bow ie
['3 and Stone Temple Pilots."

'l hus far, the alhuin has pro—
dueed three singles including u'l‘ri-
als," a soti about lead singer (.‘or—
don \'.itigfni's sister and her fatal
car accident six years ago. ()n its
last single, “\Valk Away." the hand
had the opportunity to work with
acclaimed video director Nigel
l)ick (( )asis and ‘l he ()lfspring).

In support of the alhuni, (Iool
l'ior August hit the road in l'iehruary
of last year atid has
since toured with the
likes ofCollective Soul,
.\latcliho.\ It). ’l‘onie
and Better Than lf/r-a.
The group's current


employment. Before Eve” tbvllgb totir. which tiiakes a
signing with \Varner they’re pop, stop at liogart's
Bros. Records, the hand they’re still 453- tonight. has them
worketll as movers. wait— Elk/€1.71, beer— ()pcilg‘ltng for ( Ireed. i
ers ant other unassum— - . ecause (Ireci
ing positions. In an drtfikltl, dape- sometimes draws a
interview. hassist ”flak”, guy! “heavier" crowd,
Andrew Shives claims like us.” Sliives explained the
he had the worst. V shows can he a chal-

“l hasically had a Andrew SMVOS lenge. “Sometimes
ioh cleaning toilets. l HwyirtofCoo/For fans are like ‘\\'liat
worked as a maid Augmspmking the hell are you guys'
going to houses cleaii—

ing tip rich people's

fucking ptike. It had a

cool element to it

though I got to clean (Ilier‘s
place and check out her Harley,"
he said.

In another instance he tells of a
visit to the hotise oflongtintc llea-
tles collaliorator l“lliot .\ltltL'C.
\l'hile shuffling through \lince‘s
collection ofineinorahilta. Sliites
accidentally hroke a keyhox left hy
Yoko Ono.

Laughingr ahout the situation,
he said. “Man. l just ptit it hack and
didn‘t tell him. It was prohahly
worth like ll) grand or something."

llis light-spirited nature regard—
ing the hands hunihle roots
doesn t carryover into the alhuni.
however. (hum! ll or/(I. as its
called. comes replete with themes
of reiection and tragedy to accoin~
pany the hig, dramatic choruses.
Shires descrihes the music as

Inter—greek programmnrwg assembly



< \ 5:20





about t’llatrbbox 20

hut everything has
heen really cool hy
the end of all our

The sante could not he said of a
(Lliristmas heneiit show for a .\lem—
phis radio station last year. Sched—
tiled to play with two thrash metal
acts. (lool l-‘or ,\iigust found them—
.sehes' in the midst of .i near riot
with the crowd of angry teen—agers.

“'l'hey did not want to hear
(.‘ool for .-\ugust," Shiyes said. “lt
would he like .\latchho\' 30 opeii—
ing for Slayer."

The audience hegan clitickiiig
dehris on stage and the set was
canceled after five songs.

“They started throwing shit
and we started throwing sliit hack.
Then the fuck you's starting coni—
ing htit we just kept playing to piss
'em off. I would've wacked some
dude with my hass hut people
started hacking off the stage."
Shives said.

Krill/Ii it /\t I‘uiI. ll ‘U/Hl \ Id). . 1/11 1/ I i. 19‘” a

:\s for the early highlights ma
young career. Sliives called the
four—year experience an “even
high" htit mentioned the band's
appearance on “late Night with
(Ion-an O'Brien" last August, The
one—take performance iad hand
nieinhcrs unusually nervous

““1. tlitl ‘Il‘rltlls‘ and l don‘t
even rctnctnher the first few vers-
es." Shivcs said. "It seemed like
lretor was playing so slow. I
tliotiglit he was lilowin' it on
natiotial 'l'\'. l was like w e‘re
flicked, w etc over. But when we
watched it later that night every-
tlting sottlulctl cool.“ '

.>\fter the current tottr with (Ireed
ends. the hand plans to join up with
.'\latcliho.\ It) fora three-week stint


tiliNTli R





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in Canada .iiid tlien hegin on the
next .ilhum. The tour marks the
third road stint with iltL‘lr friends.

Sliives said of thc recent pop
plienonis, "\Ve'rc kind of the yin
to their yang. l5ten though they're
pop. they're still ass kickin', heer»
dritikin'. dope stnokln‘ guys inst
like its."

.\sked what It would take to
achie\c similar success to their
friends in \latclihox. he
answered, " \ lot of luck." heforc
getting sidetracked hy a group of
stew ardcsscs walking hy his
room. “:\sidc front that, it's lust
determination and sticking with
it. 'l‘lie rest is the luck ofthe draw
or how the moon is aligned on a
certain day




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‘ Wedrm‘day, April I S, 1998, Kmmi'ky Kernel


By Jonathan Prasse
Contributing lVrnrr

Ellyn lhrig is a unique delivery
driver for Papa John’s pizza.

The boxes she picks up at the
chain's outlet near Paul Laurence
Dunbar High School are always

And if you hang around Papa
john's long enough, you'll even
see her shuttling back with her
empty cartons, now neatly folded,
lids closed, flaps tucked in — and
still no pizza inside.

lhrig, a master’s student spe—
cializing in community—based
instruction, uses the pizza boxes to
help students at the Lexington
high school who have severe and
profound disabilities.

The students are )art of a pro-
gram designed to reduce their dis—

ruptive behaviors, an important
factor for success in the work-

lhrig said her students enjoyed
the task.

“Putting pizza boxes together
was a real job," she said. “They
liked it."

Particularly rewarding to lhrig
was the improvement for one ofher
students, who showed si rnificant
reductions in disru )tive behaviors.

lhrig, alon r wit other students,
teachers and aculty, presented her
findings last Tuesday at Research
Night ")8, a reception and research
presentation hosted by the College
of l‘iducation's Department ofSpe—
cial l".ducation and Rehabilitation
Counseling. The presentation was
part of the college's 75th anniver—
sary celebration.

At the Kim


(i‘oodlett. another master's stu-
dentin the department, explained
how she helped students with a
different kind of box —— one that
traps many middle schoolers:
homeWork assignments.

W'orkin ' at King Middle School
in llarrrrrlsburg, Ky., (ioodlett
found that offering students a
choice of homework options
increased their homework comple-
tion rates as well as their accuracy.

Fifth-grade students involved
in her study could choose between
textbook assignments, a work-
sheet, or a student contract where
the students picked the assign-
ment they would complete.

The high success rate with stu-
dents in (ioodlett's study suggests
that, when it comes to honieWork,

Student focuses on community learning


.2- 4.....- “w. _. _‘


“It was easy to implement,"
Goodlett said of her program.

Instead of working directly
with students as Ihrig and
(ioodlett did, master's student
Susan He worked with teachers.

Hey esigned a comparison
study that tracked the number of
positive and negative statements
made by teachers while in the pro-
cess of teaching.

She worked with teachers in
Nelson County schools. Her study
included a certified special educa-
tion teacher in emotional and
behavioral disorders, a certified
physical education teacher and an
instructional assistant with two
years of special education training.

The two teachers and instruc—
tional assistant filled their pockets
with dimes and paper clips. When

themselves making a positive
statement, they moved a dime
from one pocket to another.
\Vhen they made a negative state—
ment, they moved a paper clip.

Hey observed lessons for [5
minutes and kept her own tally of
the teachers’ statements.

At the end of the class period,
Hey compared her tally with the
number of dimes and paper clips
in the teachersy pockets. Results
were so positive, Hey approached
the superintendent in her district
to suggest training in verbal praise
for other interested teachers.

By helping teachers monitor
their own statements while teach‘
ing, fley thinks student perfor-
mance is enhanced.

“I think you'd see a reduction
in behavior problems in the class—

()ther students and teachers
presented findings on topics r