xt75qf8jhb78 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75qf8jhb78/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-10-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 27, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 27, 2004 2004 2004-10-27 2020 true xt75qf8jhb78 section xt75qf8jhb78 THE KENTUCKY


Celebrating 33 years of independence

Columnist: Cost of costumes
shouldn't scare you



October 27, 2004

newsroom: 257-1915

In our opinion: Mongiardo more
in touch with voters than Bunning

First issue free Subsequent Issues 25 cents.


1 ELECTION 2004 ._
UK drawing from
_ Capitol Hill's funds


.ioiunuu Man | snrr

Political spirits weren’t dampened despite the rain during Ballot Bash at Stoll Field last night. Stewart Stoltz (left), a 2001 UK graduate, and Molly
Burkett (right). who does not attend UK, enjoyed the evening's speakers and bands, they said.

Event bashes voter apathy

By Derek Poore
THf kriitiico HRNEL

\'oter apathy is on notice.

More tltart litii people
cartte to Stoll Field last itigltt
to listen to live music. politi~
cal banter from all sides arid
rally for next 'l‘uesday's gen
eral election.

Soitie said rant and uit
kitowii baitils may have stir
tled turnout at Studeitt (lov-
ei'rtinent‘s ‘ Ballot Bash.” but
the crowd was yocal.

State 'l‘rey (err. son arid .lack
(‘onway presidential caudi»
date Sen .loltii Kerry's state
campaign direi tor, keynoted
last night's speeches

The ltex’l‘ran referendum.
Bush administration policies.
Kerry campaign promises
arid a local city' council race
were pushed and debated.

"If you guys ltad camped
out earlier iii the week. you
could have gotten better
seats.” uuipped musician arid
Redmon‘s regular Kenny
()wen diiriitg liis set

.-\na (‘legg a communica
tioits sophomore with thel‘ol
lege Republicans said the

Secretary of

evertt promoted the impor
tance of voting.

“It's so irttportant not to
be apathetic." (‘legg said.
“Even if it (Ballot Bash) inllu»
ertces one person to vote. tltat
one persort could tttake a dif-

At the (‘ollege Henrik-rats“
booth. political science sopho
more (ireg 'l‘ilton wasn't sure
about the irtipact but said he
was glad St} was doing some
thing to promote voter aware-

“Maybe if a better known
baitd were here. more yvould
ltave been interested.” 'l‘ilton
said. "By now. if they‘re itot
registered (to vote). they prob-
ably wouldn't be too interest-

First District (‘ouncilittan
(leorge Browrt expressed the
need for students to pack the

“There is so iiiuclt going
on that is so important to
your lives and to your fu-
ture." Brown said. “I can‘t
emphasize eiiouglt ltow im-
portartt it is that you partici
pate iii the electoral process
that is at the very foundation
of this country.”

Brett Burchette. art agri
cultural and public seryice
leadership sophomore. voiced
ltis stipport for Robert Hale
for city council third district


"Lets send ol' llick l)e-
(‘ainp art old fashioned wild-
cat goodbye attd vote his ass
out of office?" Burchette
shouted onstage to cheers

Annie Appelhof, an
art studio sopho-
more, listens to
Kenny Owen play
his guitar before
the guest speakers
took the stage at
Ballot Bash last
night. The event,
sponsored by Stu-
dent Government,
featured Kentucky
Secretary of State
Trey Grayson and
Jack Conway, presi-
dential candidate
Sen. John Kerry's
state campaign

40mm» PALMER |

front the crowd

St} President Rachel
Watts said the local bands al-
lowed the $2il,iliiii event to

conte in under budget
Si} passed our lilo t shirts
earlier in the day for the
event. artd \\'atts said those
were gone within lll minutes.
i/poorc In Arnie/cont

Trustees silent on Boone Center renovations

By Adam Sichko
'H[ xty'irki KERNEt

What wasn‘t discussed iii
yesterday s Board of
'l‘rusti-es meeting may ltave
beeit as important as the
items of at tioii on the ageit

,\i list month's board
meeting. members remoyed a
proposed SH million l"‘llll\'.'l
tioit of the Hilary .l, Boone
(‘enter before the meeting be
gait. Todd said then he in»
tetided to presertt the issrie to
the board again at yester-
day‘s titeetirtg

”I'm still getting more in
formatiott. and there's no real
update with it beyond that."
Todd said. “I'm still ltartdling
funding issties with the Main

Biiildtitg. trying to get people
to sponsor the classrooms
arid conference rooms.

"I don‘t ltave a tiriteliite iii
mind for the Boorte (‘eitterfi'
he said.

Board members said tltey
weren‘t surprised that the
Boone (‘enter didn‘t make
yesterday's agenda.

“No. I haven‘t heard any
tliirtg else oit it." said Russ
Williams. member of the stu»
dent affairs subcorttmittee. ”l
tlttttk there‘s .sortte discus
siorts that are going on. bttt
we don't ltave all the iittornta
lioit yet."

Tl'llSIt‘t‘ Michael Kennedy
said the renovations hinged
oit the tttortey that is avail

"lt depends on the ti

nances.” said Kennedy. who
is also a geography professor
"We're in some hard finan-
cial times here at the univer-
sity. The president ltas sever
al arguments. bttt the dues
that is yyltat comes out (if
numbers and analysis."

In art effort to better at,
tract more arid better faculty.
the board unaniitiously ap
proved the creation of a de
partinent of orthopedics. ef-
tectlve at the start of Novelti-
ber l‘urrently. orthoiwdics is
a dryision ot l'ly‘s Depart
itteitl o1 Surgery

"This has become coitt
ntonplace at other uiiiversi
ties.” said .-\lice Sparks. cltair
ot the board's academic af
fairs subcommittee. the
group that proposed the trio

tioit for approyal “It's a pro
ductne strategy to expand
the clinical operation at l‘ly'.
arid it will help with laculty

The plan will move 1 l of
the 0:: faculty ittetnbers iii the
department of surgery into
the new department ot ortho

Kennedy said the mote
will simplify tlteorgatii/ation
iii l'K‘s medical comple\

"The structure ever there
is pretty comple\ with the
college of ittediciite. deiitistr\
aitd so on. ' Kennedy s‘tid

"lt's .ibout recruiting and
providing better for the aging
tkipulation.” he s.llii

[2' lell/

By Adam 51(ka

Four years. 373 million.

That‘s the amount of state
higher education funding UK
has lost titre to budget issues.

But the rtational govern-
ment may be able to chip in
where the state government
has fallen short if the vot-
ers call for that. said UK assis-
tartt political science professor
Steve Voss.

"In theory. Congress arid
the president could give a ton
of money to higher education.
if they wanted." Voss said.

"On the other hand. there's
no sign that they ought to.“ he
said. “Voters value education
but seem to prefer when the
states are responsible."

Kentucky‘s current repre-
sentatives. their challengers
and UK have a variety of
views on how to obtain Con-
gressional funding.

UK President Lee Todd
saw a need to advocate for UK
on a national level. arid in 2002
hired .lim Duff. managing
partner for the Washington.
[TC-based law firm Baher
Donelson. to help out.

Duff. art alumnus. said his
job is to identify lK's
strengths and educate law-
makers about its abilities.

So far. he's seen success.

”We‘r . seeing a pretty dra-
matic iittproverttent" front
years past. Dutf said. “It's par»
ticularly remarkable in a peri-
od of time when the budget is
so tight."

Duff cautioned that funds
froitt the national government

can't substitute entirely for
state funding. and be praised
the delegation for "going to bat
for UK." In turn, Todd credited
Duff for his successes.

“We simply weren't getting
our fair share. and one strate-
gy was to hire someone on the
streets of [).C.." Todd said.

The result is a $17.3-mil-
lion increase irt federal funds
appropriated specifically for
the UK over the past five years.
Todd said.

That money is all research
dollars. but that‘s where the
process of better funding a
university on a national level
can begin. said state Sen. Tom
Buford. a candidate for the 6th
Congressional District seat.

"This won‘t happen
overnight." said Buford. a Re
publican. "it's a long-range
plan that could be 15 to 20

“But that research money
will eventually filter down and
help UK create its ovm econo
my" be said.

Buford pledged to work
with US. Rep. Hal Rogers
also from Kentucky to ob-
tain about KKK) million specifi-
cally for UK.

Buford is running against
incumbent US. Rep. Ben

Chandler. a Democrat, said
he's secured more than $6 mil-
lion for UK in the most recent
federal budget proposal and
cited l’ell Grants as another
way to help higher education.

“Pell Grants are as direct a
way as you cart find." Chan-
dler said. "The only legitimate

See Education on page 2

Debaters argue over
same-sex marriage

By Danielle Komis

(iay rttarriage critic (iary
Bauer artd rutritesex marriage
proponetit Elizabeth Birch
thing statistics. science arid
scripture at each another iii a
heated debate about satire-sex
marriage issues itt America.

The forum. sponsored by
Student Activities Board. took
place at Memorial Hall last
night before a largely liberal.
vocal crowd. many of them
wearing "Vote .'\'o to the
.>\mendment” stickers aitd
"Kerry for President“ buttons

Bauer. wlto once worked

for former President Ronald
Reagan. arguid that few politi-
cians support gay titarriage be
cause it is "so far out of the

Meanwhile. Birch. former
director of Human Rights
t‘artipaign. said she hopes
.-\nterica will “get it right" and
support gay marriage.

Sartre-sex itiiu'riages would
depriye children of having
both a mother aitd a father.
Bauer said. while also openng
the door for making practices
such as polygamy legal.

"You don't ltave the right to
marry whoever you want."

See Marriage on page 2

Elizabeth Birch. former
director of Human
Rights Campaign, lis-
tens to Gary Bauer, who
once worked for former
Presrdent Ronald Rea-
gan, during a same-sex
debate held yesterday
by Student Activities
Board at Memorial Hall.
An amendment that
would ban legal recog-
nition of same-sex mar-
riage is on the Nov. 2
ballot in Kentucky.


Campus celebrates Halloween with haunted house, giVe-avvay

Students can also enter to win a


By Tiffany Stephens
mt KfMllfKV kiwi

From haunted houses attd scary
movies to a chance at winning a
“Fright Flight" to the infamous Tow-
er of London. Halloween lovers have
numerous optioits for how they celo
brate this ghoulish holiday.

Tonight Boyd and Patterson Hall
resident advisers. hall directors arid
members of Residence lafe are orga
nizing their 36th annual haunted
house The festivities will span
across both buildings

The fright fest begins at it pm
arid ends at midnight Everyone is in


vited arid the admission is St. or $1?
with a canned good

Rooms irt both Boyd and l’atter
sort will be decorated by different or
ganivations of FR. including Boy-d
Hall residents and the honors trater
nity. Robert '/,uercher. a resident ad
\‘iser for Boyd Hall and one of the oi
ganilers of the haunted house, said
separate l.'K organizations will be
sikinsoring arid funding the decora-
tiott of their rooms

“This haunted house works irt
both ways as a social eveitt arid char
itable event for l'K." Zitercher said

Another upcoming Halloween
event. the “Friday Fright Flight


Night" at the Student (‘eitter starts
.it lila tit arid goes until 1 a tit

.lohn Herbst. director of the Stu
dent l‘enter. said this is .i first for the
Student (‘enter attd is a great alter
native event for students on Hal
loweeii weekend

"There have been actty ities iii the
past. biit itot a full day of events like
this." Herbst said

Horror flicks The litmus! arid
.~1merrcan lli'teicolf' in London will
be available for y iewmg tit Worsltam
Theater arid (‘enter Theater: "Black
light" poid arid a "Dance Dance Revo
lution“ competition are other
planned activities for the day


contest to visit the Tower of London
on a “London Horror Tour” spon-
sored by STA Travel. STA 'l'ravel Will
be collecting entry fornts for the
“London Horror Tour" from 10am.
to T p itt Friday in the Student (‘ens
ter The drawing for the winner will
be at 9 p m.

Herbst encourages everyone to
attend the Friday Fright Flight
Night. He said that no specific rules
apply. except for one.

”The one rule is to have a smile
on your face and have a lot of fun."

fimures a kvkerrwlmm



1pm. ~ Creatures of Habit, FoodCourt
Zp.m.- WMCenterTheatre
6p.m.- fliefxarismtorshamtheater
bum-American Werewolfhtlondm
Q15 pm-Mien‘caiWi‘an

K130 pm: Thefxarcistlorshanmr





m: z | Wednesday Oct. 27. 29114


Continued from page 1


Congress established the
Pell Grant program in 1972.
and today it is the largest fed-
eral aid program for college

US. Sen. Jim Bunning. a
Kentucky Republican up for
reelection. introduced the
“Pell Grants Plus" program.
which would award college
students who take “challeng-
ing high school classes“ an ex-
tra $11110 in Pell Grant money.

Bunning also initiated an
amendment - which the Sen-

ate passed ~ that sets aside “



Continued from page 1

Bauer said. Allowing samesex
marriages would pave the way
for other so-called “unortho
dox" marriages. he said.

Birch countered by calling
the argument a “red herring."
arguing life still goes on in
samesex marriages.

“The leaves are still turn-
ing in Massachusetts." she
said. “The sun still comes up
and the sky hasn't fallen."

31h llillllrinls. Slfilllongneclisl lllllelmown’
5 Nil (lll'ER & NU WAll IN UNE FUR DRINKS’

$1... ‘2 billion in educational bem

etits for National Guardmen
and Reservists.

Buford admitted that the
competition is stiff.

“Whoever gets there first
gets the golden egg." he said.

But Voss argued that the
public shouldn't pay attention
to this political rhetoric.

“The Chandlers and the
Bufords of the world can say.
‘Well. I got this grant and this
other grant.’ or. '1 can get this
much money' but this isn't
‘new' money." Voss said. "It‘s
pork it's our tax dollars.

"They didn‘t create this
pork; they didn't go slaughter
the pig. if you will. They stole
it from our freezer and then
came back to us later and gave
us bacon." Voss said.

Both parties also disagreed
on whether samesex marriage
is a civil rights issue.

"The paycheck doesn‘t
know if you are straight or
gay." she said. explaining how
she still has to pay the same
taxes that heterosexuals pay
but without the same benefits.

Bauer contended that the
issue is not even really an is»
sue at all because most Ameri-
cans don't support same-sex

“A handful of radicals tried
to pull a fast one on the Ameri-
can people." he said.

Nicole Tally. a smiology


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We shouldn't be asking


» a... an... em as

the federal government for
state university funding.‘ he

Mark Gailey a Libertarian
candidate for Chandler's 6th
District seat. said the Constitu-
tion doesn’t require the na-
tional government to support
higher education.

"I‘m interested in the way
the corporate world can get in-
volved in the university
realm." he said. "They'll spend
to train and educate workers.

“We need to think outside
the box and be looking for al»
ternatives." he added. “Univer-
sities and education are criti~
cal steps for the improvement
and progression of society as
a whole."

[1- mail

asichkole kv kernel. oom

sophomore. said those against
the amendment don't put
themselves in the other per.
son's shoes.

“it's very much a social
rights issue." she said.

Teresa Pietosi. homemaker
and “avid Republican." said
Bauer's arguments weren‘t im-

"He didn‘t present our side
very well." she said. "He was
aggressive from the get~g0. I
didn‘t feel like he showed
much class. even though 1
agree with him.“

dkomisru kykernelmm





Oct. 20: Theft reported at Patterson Office Tower at
8:30 am.

Oct. 20: Theft reported at Kirwan Tower at 1:10 pm.
Oct. 20: Book stolen from Oswald Building at
Lexington Community College at 5:03 pm.

Oct. 20: Theft reported at UK Chandler Medical
Center at 10:13 pm.

Oct. 21: Theft reported at Kentucky Clinic at 8:40

Oct. 21: Theft reported at Kentucky Clinic at 8:58

Oct. 21: Indecent exposure reported at White Hall
Classroom Building at 2 pm.

Oct. 22: Theft of a construction sign reported at
Hospital Drive and University Drive at 1:29 am.

Oct. 22: Suspicious person urinating on wall reported
and arrest made at Winnie Avenue and Virginia
Avenue at 1:29 am.

Oct. 22: Theft of construction signs reported at
Veterans Drive and Hospital Drive at 2:43 am.

Oct. 22: Theft of a license plate reported at 252 E.
Maxwell St. at 9:37 am.

Oct. 22: Bomb threat reported at LCC at 10:02 am.
Oct. 22: Criminal mischief reported at K lot at 10:30

Oct. 22: Bomb threat reported at LCC at 11:20 am.
Oct. 22: Theft reported at 416 Complex Drive at 1:51

Oct. 22: Theft of a backpack reported at Chem-Phys
Building at 6:04 pm.

Oct. 22: Theft reported at 200 Cooper Drive at 6:32

Oct. 23: Assault in progress reported at 145 Graham
Ave. at 3:50 pm.

Oct. 24: Theft reported at UK Chandler Medical
Center at 1 pm.

Oct. 24: Theft reported at 219 Transcript Drive at
4:30 pm.

Oct. 24: Theft reported at 401 Hilltop Ave. at 8:18

Oct. 25: Theft reported at UK Chandler Medical
Center at 6:09 am.

Oct. 25: Terroristic threatening reported at Memorial
Coliseum at 10 am.

Oct. 25: Theft reported at Alpha Omicron Pi house at
11:08 am

Oct. 25: Theft reported at UK Chandler Medical
Center at 5:02 pm.

Oct. 25: Use of a narcotic reported at Haggin Hall at
8:19 pm.

Oct. 25: Criminal mischief reported at 465 Rose St.
at 9:09 pm.

Compiled from reports at www.uky.edu/po-
lice. Compiled by staff writer Dariush Shafa.
E~mail dshafa®kykemelcom




1711M incur first” 111ch

You are 1m lied to join the Student Center for the biggcs


Slop by STA Travel anytime between 10 AM-6 PM and
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Drawing at L1:111) PM

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Test your skills in the dark at the CATS PEN OF TERROR






Strident Center

Already have plans for the
night? Stop by in costume at
8:30 PM and enter our
(105% CONTEST and win
PRIZES. Stay for the 9:00 PM
drawing for the“L0ll90ll




y on campus




Come join usatl tlhe BiggflooMaltini.
Sunday ,October 3151

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feat luring Club Dub lrom lOpm-lam



Over the next week. Americans will face an
important choice in this year’s Presidential Election.
(in important part of that election will be
participation by college students and young people.
who are expected to turn out in much higher
numbers and be one of the deciding factors in
determining a winner. Greeks around campus are
participating fully in this year's election. and
encouraging fellow UK students to fake a stand.
voice your opinions. and be counted on November


Whether liberal. conservative. or independent.
students around campus are extremely vocal about

voting this year. Mike Stacks. a

junior political

science maior and a member of Kappa Alpha
fraternity. believes that all UK students and Greeks
should participate. "This election is the most
important for college students in a long time. The
issues that are discussed. such as education. affect
students in a lot of ways. including our tuition
payments." Slacks also emphasized the need to

vote for local elections as well.

“We also need to

voice our opinions on the 3rd district race. That
person represents UK in the local government. and

we can decide the outcome of that election.


Students and Greeks can be very influential."

Chris Maeruder. a member of Phi Kappa Tau
fraternity and an engineering iunior. voiced his

concerns about the election as well.

“I wouldn't

miss my chance to support something that .1 believe
1n. if you don’t stand up and make your opinion

known. what's

the point?"

Greek students support the right to vote and
urge your participation on November 2nd. Without
representation. students will never be heard. and
now is our chance to make sure that we are counted.



Oct. 27. 2004


R.E.M. w/Now It's Overhead

7:30 p.m. Taft Theatre, Cincinnati.
Tickets cost $53 - $73.

The Rock Zone featuring Psycho

Bitch Magnet

3pm. Cadillac Ranch. Tickets cost

Vic Chesnutt w/Stoll Vaughan
9 p.m. The Dame. Tickets cost $8.

Willie Eames w/Kuchi Guru
3 p.m. High On Rose. Tickets cost

Antibalas Afrobeat Orchestra
9 p.m. South ate House, Newport.
Tickets cost 312.


Steven Delopoulos w/T rent Dabbs
8 The Shuers

7 p.m. The Dame. Tickets cost $5.

Brad Alford 8 Saddletramp
g p.m. Cadillac Ranch. Tickets cost

Club Dub

 _.__ Features
TAP I For the week of OCT. 27 - NOV. 2


Bloom Street

Dierks Bentley w/Cross Canadian


g p.m. The Dame. Tickets cost

TaIIb Km"
8 p.m. Cintas Center. Cincinnati.
Tickets cost $20.


The Apparations w/What Hap-
pened When

9 p.m. The Dame. Tickets cost $5.

Dillinger Escape Plan w/Everytlme
I Die. Misery Signals. Whyomlng E

8 p.m. Bogarts, Cincinnati. Tickets
cost $12.50.

0.A.R. w/Ordlnary Peoples
7:30 p.m. Taft Theatre. Cincinnati.
Tickets cost $23.

Yonder Mountain String Band

Hillary Canada
Asst. Features Editor

Phone: 257-I9I5
E-mall: hcenedaOkykerneI.com



more mm or uranium
Godsmack will perform Sunday at 8:30 p.m. at the Taft Theatre in
Cincinnati. Tickets cost $30.50
8:30 p.m. Taft Theatre. Cincinnati.

Tickets cost $30.50.

Hour, Kentucky Theatre. Tickets

cost $5.


Atreyu wfi he Bled 8 The Used
7:30 p.m. Bogarts, Cincinnati.

eineken, Dos Ennis

, H

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