xt75qf8jhf45 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75qf8jhf45/data/mets.xml Kentucky. Department of Education. Kentucky Kentucky. Department of Education. 1943-08 bulletins  English Frankford, Ky. : Dept. of Education  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.) Education -- Kentucky Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Codified Regulations- Teacher Education and Certification", vol. XI, no. 6, August 1943 text 
volumes: illustrations 23-28 cm. call numbers 17-ED83 2 and L152 .B35. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Codified Regulations- Teacher Education and Certification", vol. XI, no. 6, August 1943 1943 1943-08 2022 true xt75qf8jhf45 section xt75qf8jhf45   


0 Commonwealth of Kentucky 0






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Published by


Superintendent of Public Instruction


Entered as second-class matter March 21, 1933, at the post ofiice at
Frankfort, Kentucky, under the Act of August 24, 1912.

Vol. XI August, 1943 No. 6

Y 92 WEEK!
















In the development of the teacher education and certification pro-
gram in Kentucky the Council on Public Higher Education and the
State Board of Education have been senSitive to the changing needs
of the public service. Changes have been made in regulations as soon
as possible after a need for change has developed. Modifications in
regulations relating to teacher education and certification have been
sent to colleges immediately upon their adoption in mimeographed

At intervals the regulations have been published in Bulletins of
this Department. In the past the regulations were accompanied by
explanations. ‘

This Bulletin contains the regulations as approved by the State
Board of Education. In a small number of cases the editor of the
Bulletin transmuted “semester hours” as adopted by the State Board
of Education to “quarter hours”. It is hoped that this Bulletin may
be useful to those who receive it.

Yours very truly,

Superintendent Public Instruction



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This Bulletin brings to you the “Codified Regulations” as they
were adopted by the State Board of Education and as they have been
amended from time to time since September 18, 1942. If any amend-
ment supersedes an original regulation, the obsolete one has been
omitted and the regulation which is operative is included. By this
process, these regulations as they come to you are up-to-date and are
effective at the present time.

Chapter 178 of the Acts of the 1942 General Assembly provided
for the filing with the Secretary of State all regulations made by state
agencies. In keeping with this Act of the Legislature all regulations
of the State Department of Education including regulations of the
Division of Teacher Education and Certification were codified and re-
adopted by the State Board of Education, September 18, 1942. In
codifying the regulations in this Division we have made an attempt
to delete all obsolete regulations, and we have transmuted into quarter
hours all previous curricula requirements which had been set up in
semester hours and on the semester basis.

The letters SBE appearing on upper left hand side of each regula-
tion were accepted by the Secretary of State as code letters for all
regulations of the State Board of Education. Further, the regulations
of the Division of Teacher Education and Certification carry the
numerical numbers 11-30 since the numbers 1-10 cover regulations of
other divisions of the State Department of Education. All certifica-
tion and teacher education regulations will be referred to hereafter
by the code SEE-11 to SEE-3O until additional regulations are in—
corporated. The letters KRS appearing before each regulation stand
for “Kentucky Revised Statutes”. The various sections of the Ken-
tucky Revised Statutes referred to in these regulations may be found
in the recent issue of the Kentucky Common School Laws, September
Bulletin, Volume X, No. 7.

The section or sections of law of the Kentucky Revised Statutes
which give the State Board of Education legal basis for its action on
the particular point are listed in parentheses immediately under the
title of the regulations. Every other section of law which has any
bearing on-th‘e point is listed by KRS numbers on the extreme left.

Director of Teacher Education and Certification










(Adopted pursuant to KRS 161.030)

KRS 161.050 161.020
KRS 161.060 161.040
KRS 161.070
KRS 161.080

1. Each college or university offering curricula for the prepara-
tion of teachers shall file a copy of each curriculum offered with the
State Board of Education before the date said curriculum is to be
offered, which curriculum shall be submitted on forms prepared by
the Superintendent of Public Instruction and approved by the State
Board of Education.

2. The State Board of Education through the Superintendent of
Public Instruction shall examine each, curriculum for the preparation
of teachers filed by a state institution for higher education, and if any
curriculum filed in accordance with the regulations of the State Board
of Education meets the requirements prescribed by the Council 011
Public Higher Education it shall be approved.

3. The State Board of Education through the Superintendent
of Public Instruction shall examine curricula filed by private and
municipal colleges and universities for the training of teachers, and
when a curriculum filed in accordance with the regulations of the State
Board of Education meets the requirements prescribed by the Council
on Public Higher Education for state institutions of higher education
and is equivalent to a curriculum approved for state institutions of
higher education, and when it otherwise meets the requirements of
law and the regulations of the State Board of Education it shall be

4. The State Board of Education through the Superintendent
of Public Instruction shall examine curricula filed by the two state
institutions of higher education for colored persons, and if a cur-
riculum filed in accordance with law and the regulation of the State
Board of Education is equvalent to a curriculum approved by the
State Board of Education for the preparation of teachers for white
schools it. shall be approved.










5. When a curriculum has been approved by the State Board
of Education for the preparation of teachers and administrators it
shall become the basis for the issuance of the certificate for which it
is designed to prepare.

6. Each curriculum filed for the approval of the State Board
of Education shall give the catalogue number and catalogue descrip-
tion of each course included, the number of quarter hours assigned
to each course, and such other information as may be required to ad-
minister the program.

7. No college or university may offer curricula for the prepara-
tion of teachers and administrators unless it is a standard college or
university as defined in Section 161.010, Kentucky Revised Statutes,
and meets the requirements of law and regulations of the State Board
of Education.

8. Curricula two years in length for the preparation of ele-
mentary teachers, and for attendance officers may be submitted for
approval by standard junior colleges or standard senior colleges.

9. Curricula four years or more in length for the training of
elementary teachers, secondary teachers, principals, superintendents,
and attendance officers may be submitted for approval only by stand-
ard senior colleges and universities and/or standard graduate schools.

10. All observation, participation, and supervised studentteach-
ing required for the issuance or renewal of certificates shall be done
according to the standards prescribed by the State Board of Education.

11. All institutions of higher education offering curricula for the
preparation of teachers shall be regularly inspected by the Super-
intendent of Public Instruction or his representative to determine
Whether such institutions are meeting the requirements of law, the
regulations of the State Board of Education and standards prescribed
by the Council on Public Higher Education.

12. In inspecting colleges offering curricula for the preparation
of teachers the Superintendent of Public Instruction or his repre-
sentative shall visit each college and/or require written reports from
each college offering curricula, and shall report to the State Board of
Education annually concerning the progress in teacher preparation.

13. The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall prepare or
cause to be prepared blanks and report forms needed to carry into
effect the laws and regulations of the State Board of Education re-
lating to teacher preparation and certification.






(Adopted pursuant to KRS 161.030, 161.010)

KRS 161.050
KRS 161.060
KRS 161.070
KRS 161.080

1. One hundred and one quarter hours constitute the maximum
that can be accepted from a junior college. This 101 quarter hours
shall include any work already completed in other institutions pre-
vious to the date of completion of work in the junior college.

2. Before a college may offer curricula for training teachers
and administrators approved by the State Board of Education, it
must be first fully accredited by one of the following accrediting

a. The Association of Colleges and Universities of the
Southern States.

b. The American Association of Teachers Colleges.

c. The Kentucky Associaton of Colleges and Universities.

d. The University of Kentucky.

3. In addition to being fully accredited by one of these agencies
the curricula of each college must be approved by the State Board
of Education.

4. Curricula which may be offered in Senior Colleges.

Two year curricula for elementary teachers.

Four year curricula for elementary teachers.

Four year curricula for secondary teachers.

Four year curricula for administrators.

Graduate schools may offer curricula beyond four years.


5. Curricula which may be offered in Junior Colleges.

a. Two year curricula for elementary teachers.

6. The normal quarter load shall be considered as sixteen
quarter hours but exceptionally strong students may take up to 21
quarter hours.

7. A year of graduate study shall require the completion of
the requirements for a master’s degree in a standard graduate school.



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8. A college graduate shall be defined as a person who has been
certified by the registrar of an accredited four-year college as having
completed all the requirements for the baccalaureate degree in that
institution. Such certification shall be accompanied by a statement
that the degree will be conferred at the next commencement exercise
and also a statement of the date upon which the degree will be conferred.



Curricula Offered




Name Of College Elem. Certificates H. S. Cert. Adm.&Super.
2 yrs. 4 yrs. 5 yrs. 4 yrs. 5 yrs. 4 yrs. 5 yrs.

Eastern Kentucky St. Tch.

Richmond, Kentucky x x x x x x x

Morehead State Teachers

Morehead, Kentucky x x x x x x x

Murray State Teachers

Murray, Kentucky x x x x x x x

University of Kentucky

Lexington, Kentucky x x x x x x x

Western Ky. State Tch.

Bowling Green, Kentucky x x x x x x x

Kentucky State College (0)

Frankfort, Kentucky x x x


















Curricula Offered

Elem; Certificates \ H. S. Cert.





Name of College Adm.&Super.
Zyrs. I 4yrs J‘Syrs. ll 4yrs. ‘Syrs. 4yrs. *Syrs.
Asbury College ’
Wilmore, Kentucky x
Berea College
Berea, Kentucky x x x x
Bowling Green Bus. Un.
Bowling Green, Kentucky x
Centre College
Danville, Kentucky x X
Georgetown College
Georgetown, Kentucky x x x x
Kentucky Wesleyan Col.
Winchester, Kentucky X x x
Nazareth College
Louisville, Kentucky x x X x
Transylvania College -
Lexington, Kentucky x
Union College
Barbourville, Kentucky X x x x
University of Louisville
Louisville, Kentucky x X x x
Ursuline College
Louisville, Kentucky x x x x
Villa Madonna
Covington, Kentucky x x x x
Louisville Municipal (c)
Louisville, Kentucky x x













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Ashland Junior College Ashland, Kentucky
Campbellsville College Campbellsville, Kentucky
Caney Junior College Pippapass, Kentucky
Cumberland College Williamsburg, Kentucky
Lindsey—Wilson Junior College Columbia, Kentucky

Mt. St. Joseph Junior College Maple Mount, Kentucky
Nazareth Junior College Nazareth, Kentucky
Pikeville College Pikeville, Kentucky

St. Catherine Junior College St. Catherine, Kentucky
Sue Bennett College London, Kentucky

(Adopted pursuant to KRS 161.030)
KRS 164.380

1. The school in which student teaching is done shall be organ-
ized according to the general pattern of the public schools and the
pupils should be normal children of public school age, who should
be classified within the limits of kindergarten to the twelfth grade,
inclusive. The school may be on the campus of the teacher education
institution with which it is connected, or may be urban, village, or
rural school. The school building shall be sanitary, safe, and suited
to the needs of pupils and to the training needs of prospective teachers.
There. shall be equipment, supplies, and library facilities usually
found. in a good school. Each classroom shall be under the direction
of a qualified critic and the school shall be adequately supervised so
that learning may take place effectively and economically.

2.‘ In order to facilitate the use of off-campus student teaching
facilities entire school systems may be approved for such work, jointly
by the Director of Teacher Education and the college concerned.

3. Before a student is admitted to the training school to do
supervised teaching he shall have met the following pie-requisites:

a. General requirements for all levels.

(1) He shall have attained an average scholastic stand-
ing of not less than “C”.

(2) *He shall have been in residence in that college for
at least one full semester, or two summer terms;
provided that any variation from this regulation


{The .Council has not taken formal action on residence requirements for student
3212111118 smce the quarter system was adopted. Action will likely be taken at an early








shall be only upon the approval of the State Director
of Teacher Education and Certification, and pro-
vided that this regulation shall not apply to a person
who is a graduate of a four-year standard college.

b. For the two-year curricula.

(1) The completion of at least one-half of the minimum
requirements in English for the curriculum pursued.

(2) The completion of at least one-half of the minimum
requirements in Education courses.

(3) The completion of a minimum of 48 quarter hours
of required courses in the two-year elementary

0. For four year curricula.

(1) The completion of two~thirds of the minimum re-
quirements in the core curriculum in the subject
fields in which student teaching is done.

(2) The completion of two-thirds of the required
courses in Education other than student teaching.

(3) The completion of a total of 135 quarter hours of

4. When a college engaged in the education of teachers desires
to try out new plans for conducting student teaching, it should be
encouraged to do so, but significant variation from established regula-
tions should be only upon approval in advance of the detailed plans
by the Council on Public Higher Education and the State Board of

(Adopted pursuant to KRS 161.030)
KRS 164.380

1. Critic Teacher Defined. A critic teacher as used in the

regulations of the State Board of Education is a person who is em--

ployed as a regular classroom teacher in the training school under
the control of, or affiliated with, a college which offers curricula for
the training of teachers as approved by the State Board of Education,
and who, in addition to the duties as a teacher, directs the observation,
participation, and teaching done by student teachers.













2. A provisional commission for critic teaching in secondary
grades, valid for four years may be issued to a person who is a graduate
of a standard four-year college or university, has had two years ex-
perience as a secondary teacher, holds a certificate valid for teaching
in the secondary grades, has a minimum of 36 quarter hours in the
subject field in which critic teaching is to be done, four quarter hours
in supervision at the secondary level, and has completed at least 18
quarter hours of standard graduate work, and provided that this
regulation shall become elfective on September 1, 1940; provided
further, that after September 1, 1942, an applicant for the provisional
commission shall present a total of 36 quarter hours of graduate work
in addition to the other requirements; provided further, that after
September 1, 1944, no commission for critic teaching in secondary
grades may be issued to a person who, in addition to other require-
ments, does not hold a master’s degree from a standard graduate
school; provided that this commission and the provisional commis—
sion for critic teaching in secondary grades in force at the time this
regulation becomes effective may be renewed every four years upon
three years’ experience as a critic teacher and a minimum of 18 quarter
hours of standard graduate credit earned since issuance or its last re-
newal, as now provided, and provided that when a holder of this
commission has completed the requirements for a master ’s degree he
may be issued a standard commission for critic teaching.

3. A standard commission for critic teaching in secondary grades,
valid for five years, may be issued to a person who has met the require-
ments for the issuance of the provisional commission for critic teaching
in the secondary grades and who has completed the requirements for
a master’s degree in a standard graduate school. This commission
may be extended for life upon evidence that the holder has had three
years’ experience as a critic teacher during its- life.

4. A provisional commission for critic teaching in elementary
grades, valid for four years, may be issued to a person who is a
graduate of a standard four-year college, holds an elementary certifi-
cate, has had four quarter hours in supervision, has had two years’
experience as an elementary teacher and has had at least 18 quarter
hours of standard graduate work and provided, that this regulation
shall become effective September 1, 1940, and provided that after
September 1, 1942, an applicant for the provisional commission for
critic teaching shall present a total of 36 quarter hours of graduate
work in addition to other requirements; provided further, that after
September 1, 1944, no commission for critic teaching in elementary






grades may be issued to a person who does not hold a master ’s degree
from a standard graduate school; provided further, that this com-
mission and the provisional commission for critic teaching in ele-
mentary grades in force at the time this regulation becomes effective
may be renewed every four years upon three years’ experience as a,
critic teacher and a minimum of 18 quarter hours of standard graduate
credit earned since issuance or last renewal as now provided, and
provided that when the holder of this commission has completed the
requirements for a master ’s degree he may be issued the standard
commission for critic teaching.

5. The standard commission for critic teaching in elementary
grades valid for five years may be issued to a person who has com-
pleted the requirements for a provisional commission for critic teach-
ing in elementary grades and who has completed the requirements for
a master’s degree in a standard graduate school. This commission
may be extended for life upon evidence that the holder has had three
years’ experience as a critic teacher during its life.

(Adopted pursuant to KRS 161.010, 161.030)

KRS 161.020 161.060
KRS 161.040 161.070
KRS 161.050 161.080

1. The graduate degree granted by the Teachers Colleges shall
be a Professional degree which shall be known as Master of Arts in

2. The prerequisite to admission to graduate study in education
shall be the completion of the requirements of a four-year curriculum
for the education of elementary and/0r secondary teachers as pre—
scribed by the Council on Public Higher Education.

3. The student shall have an average standing of 2.0 and no
credit shall be granted for a grade below “0”.

4. Graduate students may take upper division courses but at
least 50 per cent of all course work must be in courses open to graduate
students only.

5. A master’s degree shall require 36 weeks of residence and

the student shall be required to complete a minimum of 45 quarter

hours, 36 of which shall be in regular course work, and write a thesis



















in his major field; provided that at the option of an institution the
thesis may be waived for the student completing 48 weeks of resi-
dence and a minimum of 54 quarter hours of credit.

6. A major shall require a minimum of 18 quarter hours of.
course work in Education in addition to a thesis in the major field.
The thesis should show, among other things, the following char-
acteristics: (a) ability of candidate to work independently on an
approved problem; (b) a reasonably wide familiarity with the litera-
ture of the subject; (c) a practical working knowledge of research
methods; (d) conclusions justified by supporting data. ‘

7. The student’s minor shall be determined by the institution
in terms of the student’s need, provided that the minor, or minors,
shall be in upper division and/or graduate courses.

8. The student shall pass both an oral and written examina«
tion on his major and minor fields before a degree of Master of Arts
in Education may be granted.

9. No correspondence or class extension work shall counttoward
the completion of the requirements for the master’s degree.

10. Transferred credits shall not be used to reduce either the
residence requirements or minimum number of quarter hours required;
provided that this regulation shall not prevent any institution from
recommending that a regularly enrolled graduate student be per-
mitted to complete not to exceed 9 quarter hours in another institution
of graduate grade.

11. Students holding What would ordinarily be considered a full- K
time position shall not be permitted to receive graduate credit for
more than 9 quarter hours during any quarter.

12. In evaluating residence for part-time students 6-9 quarter
hours of class work shall entitle the graduate student to 6 weeks of

13. N0 student shall be permitted to complete more than one-
half of his course work and/or residence requirements for the master ’s
degree in education on a part-time basis.








(Adopted pursuant to KRS 161.030, 156.160, 161.110)

KRS 161.020 161.060
KRS 161.040 161.070
KRS 161.050 161.080

1. No certificate shall be issued to an applicant until written
application has been made upon forms furnished by the State De-
partment of Education, and ofiicial transcript has been filed showing
all college credits earned up to the time application is made, and the
legal fee has been paid.

2. Application for Certificate must be made upon forms pre-
pared by the Department of Education. The application form will
be mailed upon request.

3. Each applicant for a certificate must be recommended by a
school official and the signature of the recommending officer shall be
on the application.

4. All certificates shall be issued as of July 1 in the calendar
year in which they are issued and they shall expire on June 30.

5. Time Limit for Renewals—Any certificate for teaching or
for holding an administrative position, which expires on June 30, of
any year, may be renewed provided renewal requirements have been
completed and filed with the Superintendent of Public Instruction
before September 1, of the year in which the certificate expires; pro-
vided, further, that the certificate shall be renewed as of July 1, of
the year in which it expires.

6. Reciprocal Relations—A certificate may be issued to a person
educated in an accredited institution outside of Kentucky when he
has completed a curriculum substantially equivalent to the curriculum
required for the issuance of the certificate applied for, and has com-
pleted all general requirements for certificates in Kentucky.

7. Official transcripts of credits are transcripts that are certi-
fied by the registrar of the institution in which college training was
done or in which training was validated.

8. Recommendation by the ofi‘icial certifying the transcript shall
state that, as far as the applicant’s record in that institution is con-
cerned, the certificate should be granted.











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9. Transcripts of credits shall show the applicant’s fields of
preparation by giving a summary of major and minor fields with
the credit earned in each major field or minor field.

10. Transcripts of college credits shall show that the applicant
has completed all college entrance requirements.

11. Transcripts of credits of all applicants for certificate shall
show that the quality of work done (average point standing) by the
applicant in college shall be as high as the minimum quality main-
tained for graduates of the college certifying the transcript.

12. Ofi‘icial transcripts shall show only the work for which the
college gives the applicant full credit toward graduation in the insti-
tution certifying the transcript.

13. Ofi‘lcial transcripts shall state whether the quality (average
point of standing) of work done by the applicant is equal to the
quality of work which the institution certifying the credit will accept
toward graduation.

(Adopted pursuant to KRS 161.030, 161.050, 161.060)

KRS 161.020
KRS 161.040

1. The Provisional Elementary Certificate valid for three years
'shall be issued to a person who meets the general requirements of law
and the regulations of the State Board of Education and files a tran-
script of standard college credits showing the completion of the follow-
ing curriculum:

A; General and Special Preparation Quarter
H ours
(1) English, including
3. Oral and Written Composition .................. 8
b. American or English Literature ................ 4
0. Children’s Literature .................................. ‘ 4

(2) Science, selected from
Biology, Chemistry, General Science,
Geology, Physics 8
(3) Social Science, including
a. American History and Government
or History of Civilization .......................... 8
b. Geography-Principles .................................. 4


‘ 325




(4) Teachers’ Arithmetic .......................................... 4
(5) Fine Arts


a. Public School Art ........................................ 3

b. Public School Music .................................... 3

(6) Health, Physical Education and Safety ...... 6
B. Professional Preparation Quarter

(1) General or Educational Psychology ................ 4

(2) Fundamentals of Elementary Education ........ 6

(3) Supervised Student Teaching .......................... 4*

(4) Teaching Reading ................................................ 4

(5) General Electives in Education ........................ 4

‘ 74

C. General Electives 22


* See 2 below.

2. In the issuance of the Provisional Elementary Certificate,
the requirements in Supervised Student Teaching may be waived for
those who have had a minimum of three years’ experience teaching
in the elementary grades, provided the applicant has a total of 96
quarter hours of college credit and has met all other requirements
for the certificate.

3. The Provisional Elementary Certificate may be renewed for
three years after two years’ teaching experience during the life of the
certificate, or upon the presentation of one-half year (24 quarter
hours), of additional standard college or university work earned dur-
ing the life of the certificate; and it may be renewed every three
years thereafter upon presentation of one—half year (24 quarter hours),
of additional standard college or university work, earned since the
last renewal provided that when this certificate is renewed upon 24
quarter hours of standard college or university training, such train-
ing shall be selected from the curriculum prescribed by the Council
on Public Higher Education for the issuance of the Standard Ele«
mentary Certificate.

4. The Standard Elementary Certificate valid for four years
shall be issued to a person who meets the general requirements of law
and the regulations of the State Board of Education and files a tran-
script of standard college credits showing the completion of the fol-
lowing curriculum for elementary teachers:



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A. General and Special Preparation







(1) English, including
a. Oral and Written Composition .................. 8
b. American or English Literature ................ 4
0. Children’s Literature .................................. 4
d. Elective in English 4
(2) Science, selected from
Biology, Chemistry, General Science,
Geology, Physics ......... 16
(3) Social Science, including
a. American History and Government or
History of Civilization ...................................... 8
b. Principles of Sociology or Rural Economy 4
c. Geography-Principles ................................ 4
d. Elective in Geography .............................. 4
e. Elective in Social Science from History,
Government, Economics, or Sociology .............. 8
(4) Teachers’ Arithmetic .......................................... 4
(5) Fine Arts
a. Public School Art ........................................ 3
b. Elective in Art .............................................. 3
c. Public School Music .................................... 3
d. Elective in Music .......................................... 3
(6) Health, Physical Education and Safety ........ 6
Professional Preparation
(1.) General or Educational Psychology ................ 4
(2) Fundamentals of Elementary Education ........ 6
(3) Supervised Student Teaching .......................... 8
(4) Educational Measurements ................................ 3
(5) Child Psychology ................................................ 4
(6) Teaching Reading ................................................ 4
(7) Elective in Elementary Education .................. 4
(8) General Electives in Education ........................ 8
C. General Electives 65



D. Completion of Baccalaureate Degree

5. The Standard Elementary Certificate may be renewed or re-
issued every four years after three years’ teaching experience during











the life of the certificate or upon one-half year of standard college or
university work of graduate grade since last renewal. If the holder
fails to teach the three years required for renewal or reissuance, this
certificate may be renewed or reissued upon 6 quarter hours of stand-
ard college or university work of graduate grade for each year he
fails to teach upon the certificate. It may be extended for life when
the holder has had three years’ teaching experience during the life
of the certificate and has completed requirements for a Master’s de-
gree in a standard graduate s