xt75tb0xqr4v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75tb0xqr4v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19781013 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, October 13, 1978, no. 247 text The Green Bean, October 13, 1978, no. 247 1978 2014 true xt75tb0xqr4v section xt75tb0xqr4v 2 `a.i. W··» `. 4 z an -·;. . Y : ¤`· . . · · z C20/3//}_
10/13/78 - N0. 2Lr7
13 October · The Gallery Series — Schubertfest - Chamber Music with
Horn - David Elliott, French Horn · Noon in the Gallery,
. King Library North. —
13-14 October · Midwest Chapter of the Music Library Association Meeting,-
9:30-ll:30 am and 2:30—4:3O pm, Hyatt Regency, Oct, 13; ,
. 9:30—ll:0O am, Gallery — King North, Oct. 14. ‘ `
20 October - The Gallery Series - Schubertfest - Songs for Voice and
Piano and Music for Piano (4 hands) - Arthur Graham, tenor;
~Patricia Montgomery and Lucien Stark, pianos — Noon in the
Gallery - King North. _ _
20 October • Seminar in Graphic Design — Lecture on "Giovanni Mardersteig
· and Jan Tschicho1d" by Hans Schmoller, 2:00 pm, Gallery —=. ·=·- »r~. ~···
King North,
27 October • Library Science Faculty Forum Series · Dr. Philip Dare, ‘
C Library-Use Instruction: The State of the Art, 2:00-5:00, ·
` 214 UK Student Center (see.note). » _ _,_· - '
Current Displays: Gallery · Department of Special Collections - A H
selections from the Papers of Earle C. Clements (through October 31).
Contributors to this issue: Pat Boyle, John Bryant, Pat Lloyd (Guest _
Editor), Jeff Sauer, Bob Turner, and Paul Willis.

il Professional Vacancy - Cataloging Department
j Mary Owings will be leaving the Library System for South Carolina in I
2 mid—November. If you are interested in applying for a professional _
position in the Cataloging Department, please contact Faith Harders
1 or Paul Willis by October 20.
- New Approval Plan `
_ The Library has selected Ballen Books of Ccmmack, N.Y., for its major
approval vendor. We have been running a trial plan with Ballen for
M over 18 months. The delivery time has been excellent and the
1 material has satisfied the profile requirements. The new plan will
; basically be a publisher plan, with approximately 120 trade publishers
T - g and University Presses. The new service will not be totally in effect
T · for 4-6 more weeks. At the same time we must phase out the Baker & ·
Taylor Approval Plan for all subjects except Education and a special
American Fiction plan.
A-T . SOLINET-ReclassificationTUnits A ,
The three new OCLC CRT 105 terminals have been installed in the · .
SOLINET-Reclassification units. Full operation for the new terminals
  will not begin for another two weeks. New schedule times for the
¤ machineswill be prepared when they are fully operational. This will ‘
certainly release the pressure placed on the many_users of the
terminals. Two of the new CRT's will be dedicated to the reclassifi— “
cation project. ‘
J Library Associates Seminar
The University of Kentucky Library Associates will present "A Library
Conservation Seminar" on Friday, November l0, l978 in the Gallery of
King Library North. For additional information, contact David
Farrell (8—265l). The _A,, registration deadline is November 3, 1978.
1979 Calendar Refills “-,_ l._ xw .
j Orders for 1979 calendar refills mustpbe submitted to Faith Harders
p . by Monday, October 16, 1978. If possible, please use the refill form .
inserted in your 1978 calendar. T ·
Transylvania University is presenting a faculty exhibition October 8-
29 in the Morlan Gallery, Mitchell Fine Arts Building. Faculty
members participating are: Charles Armstrong, Louise Calvin, ` . _
p Q Al Domene, J. Hill Hamon, Joseph Petro, Leah Palmer Preiss, and Dan
T· , Selter. ~F¥

  ‘ A .,  OR u  ra.
Dr. Philip Dare will speak on "Library-Use Instruction: The State of" *‘
the Art" at the L.S. Faculty Forum on Friday, October 27, 2:00-5:00 pm
in 214 UK Student Center. Library faculty members interested in
I attending this seminar should contact Pat Lloyd (7-3801) by Monday,
October 23, 1978.
Application forms for the 1979 Summer Faculty Research Fellowships are
available in the Office of the Graduate Dean, 359 Patterson Tower.
The application deadline is November 15, 1978. For additional
information, contact the Office of the Graduate Dean (7-1663).
The Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Studies will offer a Traveling
Scholarship Program for UK undergraduate students for the spring and
summer 1979. The deadline for submission of applications is October
20. Interested students should contact the Office of the Dean of
Undergraduate Studies (7-1727).
The National Trust for Historic Preservation is accepting proposals for
its annual summer intern program. The project proposals should be
submitted no later than November 6. For further information, contact
the Director's Office.
U LT I - Bindery. If interested, see Faith Harders.
Catalog Librarian, University of California, Riverside. Avai1able:____ --.. __,.
December 15, 1978, Salary: $l2,924~$22,788. V
Medical Technical Services Librarian, University of Missouri—Columbia. ,
Available: immediately. Salary: $11,500 minimum. Application
deadline: December l, 1978.
