xt75tb0xsm81 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75tb0xsm81/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1942-06-19  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, June 19, 1942 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, June 19, 1942 1942 1942-06-19 2020 true xt75tb0xsm81 section xt75tb0xsm81  







Minutes of the University Faculty 6 May 27, 1942

The next meeting of the Faculty was set for Friday, June 19. ga.


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June 19, 1942

The University Faculty met in the President's Office Friday,
June 19. with President Donovan presiding. Those attending were
Jesse E. Adams, Paul P. Boyd, Alvin E. Evans, W. D0 Funkhouser, ‘a.
J. H. Graham, Frank D. Peterson, w. s, Taylor, and Edward Wiesto ‘\

The minutes of May 27 were read and approved,

On recommendation of the College of Engineering, the Faculty
approved petitious from three engineering students as follows: D. B.
Florence, Jim B. Williams, Clayton H, Shackelfordo Each of these
students was asking that he he considered to have satisfied the requiree
ments for the degree of 3.3. in Electrical Engineering at the end of
the first term of the current quarter. When courses for which they
are enrolled are completed, each of these three students will have
credit in excess of the minimum requirements for graduation from the
College of Engineering. Mr, Shackelford will lack one credit in
physical education at the close of the summer term, and he requested
that he be excused from completing this requiremento The courses for y
which these students are currently enrolled were scheduled for the full 3
quarter, but because of their character it was the recommendation of ‘6‘
the College of Engineering that these three students he allowed to ‘
complete them during the first summer term.

For the current summer quarter only, the Faculty approved as a
maximum load to he carried by any student in the University, 24 quarter 1
hours for the entire quarter and 13 quarter hours for either term. This
action was necessary in view of the fact that the statement in the
summer quarter bulletin was in conflict with the rule on student load
recently approved by the Faculty action. It was the understanding that
the provision in the Faculty Rules will govern student load after this

‘summer quarter.

0n recommendation of the College of Agriculture, Marshall McKenzie
was given permission to carry and receive credit for 26 quarter hours
during the present summer quarter. Mrs McKenzie stated that this amount
of work would complete his requirements for the degree of 3.8. in fig‘
Agriculture, and that his draft board had refused to defer him after
this quarter. He stated that his standing last semester was 2.5.

The Faculty placed the following interpretation on a rule adopted
last winter, relative to the credit 3 student might receive on leaving






Minutes of the University Faculty a June 19. 1942

for military service. Under the quarter systemD the student may receive
full credit if he remains in school through eight weeks of the quarter,
and half credit if he remains in school through six weeks of the quarter.
For one term of the summer quarter, the minimum attendance requirements
shall be four and three weeks respectively.

The question was raised as to whether a student might be cone
sidered to have completed hir requirements for the degree if he come
plated the two remaining required courses in his curriculum, even
though the numher of hours credit allowed these courses under the
quarter system would leave him slightly short of the graduation rea
quirement. The Faculty postponed action on this matter until a
particular case arises.

The following committee was appointed by President Donovan to
bring to the Faculty resolutions concerning Dean Wa E. Freeman: J. H.
Graham and Jesse E. Adams.

The Secretary read to the Faculty 3 letter from Professor
Clifton, Director of UniVersity Extension. in which a question was
raised as to whether credit should be allowed for a correspondence
course not completed, because the student is called into military ser»
vice. It has previously been taken for granted that the student might
receive credit in such courses when a number of lessons had been come
plated proportionate to the amount of time required of a resident stu«
dent. The Faculty voted that it would be necessary for a student to
complete all requirements in a correspondence course before receiving
credit, regardless of his reason for leaving the institution.

The Faculty approwed the following recommendation with respect
to the issuance of senior invitations at the June commencement:

"In view of the fact that no accurate list of
graduates is ever available until after action by the
Faculty of the University just preceding commencement,
such senior invitations as are sold hereafter shall
be printed without a list of candidates for degrees.

No list shall hereafter be furnished by any administree
tive office for this purposeo and the Campus Book Store
shall be notified that the invitations sold are not to

include a list of the candidates for degrees."

The Faculty considered a proposed procedure, submitted by
Dean Wiest, for authorizing new courses. The suggested plan read as

1. In so far as possible all proposals for new courses
shall be presented in written form to members of the Faculty
of the University at least several days before the time of,
the meeting when action is to be taken.

2. With respect to all proposals for new courses involvw
ing duplication of work offered in another college, a conference
shall be arranged by the Deans concerned with a View to arriving
at an agreement before the request for authorization is presented
to the Faculty of the University.

















Minutes of the University Faculty = June 199 1942


3. If duplication is indicated by the discussion in oonneoe f
tion with a proposal for a new course in a meeting of the Faculty «ga,
of the University and no prior conference among the Deano cone \3‘I*
corned had been held, the nroposal shall be referred to them for \
discussion hefore final notion is taken.

After some discussion of the matter. it was referred to a special
committee, to be appointed by President Donovan. President Donovan
named the following to this committee: Edward Wiest. Pfifll P. Boyd, I

Leo M. Chamberlain.


I r On recommendation from the College of Law, the Faculny voted that
3 Mr. Bowen Nelson be allowed to complete his residence requirement in

i Q ' the College of Law at the end of the current summer quarter, although

! h . short 5.7 weeks of the customary residence requirement. It was under»
stood that Mr. Nelson would remain in the University throughout the
summer quarter. and in all other ways complete requirements for the

degree of LL.B. M

fig The following Signal Corps courses in the Department of Military.
k; “ “ Science were approved by the Faculty of the University, subjecu to the
‘3? j ”1 suhsequent approVel of the Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences:


‘J 2o First Year Basic Course .
id (2) 111 Montgomery and others

h h‘ Introduction to Signal Corps work, including course in
N. ‘ L Signal Corps Organization, Equipment Used in Wire Communie I
l‘Hfi , H‘ cation, and Field Wire Systems. Three hours per week.
YH} e l‘ Prerequisites: la, lb. ’
g 1

£i; g} £‘ _5a Second Year Basio Course
Nd? 'f i1, (2) I ' Montgomery and others

3 a ;i A course including: Leadership, Radio Code Practice. and
93 f;\ é Radio Procedure. [Three hours per week.
j"”fg J Prerequisites: la, lb, 26.



‘ I! i I
W’ijyfi? ‘W 5} Second Year Basic Course ,
‘flj> fl! Ym (2) 11 Montgomery and others

115 %t : Continuation of Radio Code Practice and Procedure. with the
H l{ j addition of a course in Radio Equipment. Three hours per
.’ 5! § week.
Prerequisites: la, lb, 2o. ,


it; ; j‘? i
H ipiél ; Sc Second Year Basic Course
W " .g v‘ (2) III Montgomery and others

I A course covering Organization of the Signal Corps, Equipa ‘g’.
; ment used in Wire Communication, and Wire Systems in general.
fifl Three hours per week.

’I ‘f Prerequisites: la, lb, 2o.

93 First Year Advanced Course
(4) I Montgomery and others ,


 Minutes of








the University Faculty a June l9n 1942

Course in Signal Corps covering: Radio Code Practice,
Radio Equipment, and Leadershipo Six hours per week.
Ererequisites: ls, lb, 2e, 5e, 5‘sD Be.

First Year Advanced Course
(4) II Montgomery and others

Course in Signal Corps including: Administration, Aerial
Photograph Reading, Defense against Chemical Warfare, and
Tactical Signal Communioation. Six hours per week.
FreroQuisites: la, 1b9 2on So” 539 56.

First Year Advanced Course

(4) III ‘ Montgomery and others
Course in Signal Corps including Leadership, Wire Communia
cation, Military Cryptography, Tactical Signal Communionca
tionB and Homing Pigeonso Six hours per week.
Prerequisites: 1a, 1b, 2c, 5an 5b, 5o.

Seeond Year AdVanoed Course
(4) I Montgomery and others

VCouree in Signal Corps covering: Radio Code Practice and

Procedure, Radio Equipment, and Leadershipe Six hours
per week»
Prerequisitesz la, lb, 2o” 5a, Sh, 5o, 93, 93, 9c.

Second Year Advanced Course

‘(4) II Montgomery and others

Course in Signal Corps COVeringz Preparation for Active
Duty, Training.Management. Motor Transportation, Property.
and Tactical Signal Communication.

51: hours per weeks

’Prerequisites: la, lb, 2e, 5a. 5b, So. 93. 9b, 96.

Second Year Advanced Course
(4) III ' Montgomery and others

Course in Signal Corps covering: Leadership, Pistol
Markmanship» Military Law, Administration, Organization
of the Signal Corps, Signal Communication (general), Wire
Communication, Radio Communication. Six hours per week.
Prerequisites: lag lb. 2e, 5a, 5b, 5c, 9a. 95, 9c.

On recommendation of the College of Arts and Sciences. the
following new course in Chemistry was approved:

Chemistry 2Q]. Selected Topics in_lnorganio Chemistrx. Lectures
and recitations. Some topics are: The chemistry of the rare
earth elements; radio=chemistryg the chemistry of the less
common elements. etc. 3 quarter hours.

On recommendation of the College of Arts and Sciences. David G.
was permitted to take 6 hours of work by correspondence during














 Minutes of the University Faculty = Juno 19, 1942

this summer in order to complete the requirements for the combined arts» @
law degree, The rule requires that the student must have been registered ‘
in the College of Arts and Sciences for at least one full year immoa l
diatoly preceding the completion of the arts and sciences requirements.

Attention was called to the fact that the rules recently adopted
by the Faculty of the University provide for 3 list of organizations to
be governed by the rule on participation in campus activities. The
Faculty requested Dean Henry H. Hill to prepare such a liot or organic
zationcg and also a list of sponsors for those organizations.

It was the ccncensus of opiniou that the recently adopted rules
of the Faculty of the Uhiversity should be mimeographed and distributed
to the entire staff of the University by the opening of school in the
fall. It was thought that it would probably not be well to put these
rules into printed form until after experience has revealed necessary
changeoo It was also suggested that the revised governing regulations qu.
of the University be prepared by the Rules Committee and submitted to
the Faculty early in the fella



President DOHOVan discuosed with the Faculty the problem of
outecfostatc travel, calling attention to the fact that payment for
travel must have the approval of the head of the institution as well
as that of the Commissioner of Finance.' It appears to be the opinion
of the latter that it will be difficult to approve the travel of more ,
than one or two persons to a particular meeting. and that the reading of
a paper does not necessarily constitute state businesso Presidcut
Donovan expressed the opinion that some maximum amount might be set up
for outeofestate travel, and that it be distributed over the university
staff according to some definitely stated principles. The FaCulty
voted that I committee be appointed to study the problem and lay down
the necessary principles, and a statement of policy. The committee
appointed by President Donovan included Henry Ho Hill, Thomas Poe Cooper, _
William S. Taylor, Alvin E. Evans, and Frank D. Peterson“ fig'.

\, .



President Donovan requested that each Dean submit, in addition
to his complete annual report, a digest of approximately 700 words,
covering the work of his college or division, with the understanding
that these summaries will be used in making up the annual report of ;
the President's Office.

The Faculty considered at some length the problem of medical
services at the University, particularly with reference to the services
extended to the members of the University Staff. It was pointed out
that some definite policies should be established, and it was suggested
that a Committee of the University staff should be appointed to study
the matter and make a report to the University Faculty.

By action of the Faculty, all offices on the Uhiversity campus
will close at 4 p.m. after July 1 through the remainder of the summer. fig.

Attention was called to the fact that July 4 is a holiday, and
that all offices in the University will be closed on that day.



Minutes of the University Faculty a June 19. 1942

President Donovan discussed with the University Faculty the
importance of a greater effort on the part of representatives of the
institution in the purchase of war bonds. Whereas the present goal in
this connection has been tentatively set at 10 per cent, the university‘s
purchases actually represent only about 2.8 per cent of the payroll.

It was the opinion of the Faculty that this matter should be again
called to the attention of the special committee, headed by Dr. C. C.

President Donovan indicated that the loss of members of the
staff was becoming increasingly serious. and that it was doubtful if
the University could maintain its efficiency if additional members of
the staff are to leave. It was the general opinion of members of the
Faculty that no further leaves of absence should be granted, except in
the case of an individual actually entering military service. although
it was recognized that an exception to this general policy might on
occasions have to be made. ‘



July 17. 1942

The Faculty of the University met in the President“s Office
Friday, July 17. 19429 with President Donovan presiding. Those present
were Paul P. Boyd, Thomas P. Cooper. W. D. Funkhouser, Henry H. Hill,
Frank D. Peterson. F. H. Randall, W. S. Taylor, D. V. Terrell, and
Edward Wiest.

The minutes of June 19 were read and approved.

Dean Hill reported on the meeting at Columbus, Ohio, which Colonel
Brewer and he attended. This meeting covered the Fifth Corps Area and
was held for the purpose of clarifying the responsibilities of instie
tutions in connection with the Enlisted Reserve Corps and the programs
of other branches of the military service for reserve enlistments. Dean
Hill indicated that five different arms of the service have programs
for reserve enlistments of students, and that in the-fall there would
be a meeting on the campus at which representatives of the five branches
would outline their plans. It was pointed out that the University is
already approximating its present quota in the E. R. C. Dean H111
emphasized the fact that the student should realize that his enlistment
in the E. R. C. means that he is actually in military service and that
his call to active duty is only being deferred. He stressed the imporo
tance of the institution enlisting only able men, since the principal
objective of the E. R. C. and the similar plans of other branches ifi
to provide a reservoir of officer material. The fact that the Univero
sity’s quota is lower than it was originally expected to be was given as