xt75x63b084w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75x63b084w/data/mets.xml Kentucky -- Lexington University of Kentucky. Students Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky. Students 1899-03 volumes, illustrations, 23-25 cm. Call Number: LH1.K4 K44. The Kentuckian: A Monthly Magazine was published by the students of the State College of Kentucky. It was stated that "each month it will be one of the features of The Kentuckian to discuss one or more of the places of its characters. Every one should know his State and its people thoroughly. 'Tis better to know this than all the history ever written." The Kentuckian followed after the demise of The Cadet and it was felt that the Cadet was suggestive of only one department and that The Kentuckian would be a comprehensive and appropriate magazine that would be truly representative of K.S.C Volume numbering changed during 1899 from Volume 8 to Volume 2. Description based on Vol. 8, no. 2 (Nov. 1898) journals LH1.K4 K44 2011ua005 English Lexington, Ky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection The Kentuckian : a monthly magazine College students -- Kentucky -- Lexington -- Periodicals Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky -- Students -- Periodicals University of Kentucky -- Students -- Periodicals The Kentuckian: a Monthly Magazine, vol. 8 no. 6, March 1899 text The Kentuckian: a Monthly Magazine, vol. 8 no. 6, March 1899 1899 1899-03 2024 true xt75x63b084w section xt75x63b084w n u°I'°I’IwIt°IN\III.zI ’¤I¤r\I•   I
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I\ly Yel1ieles:n·e:ill ncw, stylish and up—to (lute, und you can get any style rlesireil.  
Picnic Wagon to carry fifty=five persons.  
My prices are very low; I sell all styles of Columbus and Curtis 8; Reed ‘
Vehicles and will save you 25 per cent. call and see
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\\Y.\lil{l·lX& Sans, Agents, State College, Room, New Dorinzitory.
Turkish and Plain Baths. ’
Mainniiieturerof Fine Boots anil Shoes. liepuiring neatly exeentecl.
105 IC. Blain. U@Q:,Speeial iliseounts to students ‘

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Are our shoes for young 1nen this spring. The   _
styles this season ure elegant. There is :1 grace   ` A
F in lines, a perfection in the making and the  
finish. We have zm ideal assortment of styles.   I _
and can suit the lancy and the purse of the    
most exacting.   `_`,··" Si,}
The early buyers shond look over our stock `nm""“`“""“` ```` `   ·
{ now, not wait till the Easter rush is on us.
’ Every man who has an eye for the beautiful, will be eharmed, and the low ».
  price will increase the charm.  
The Gmal Samplathna Hausa,    
N0. 4 West Main Street. .
Drs. Salt sl mills,  
. Dentists.  
l9é- West Main Street, Over C. J Myers.  
  T€  Filled and Extracted W
· Certainly without Pain.  
Old and broken down teeth made as good as new by our system of I
l No charge for examination.
rg 1·2 \Vest Main.
L U M B E R. »
h _ f_A11 Kinds; ‘
* HIGH GRADE . .... _
See us for estimates on anything you need.
. €X11lg OH Lim €1' Eli] g. O.
? L ` t L b cl Mf’ C R
_ 327 East 1\/Iain Street.
3 . Long Distance ’P110ne 156.

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A n  The Greatest Southern System.  
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.1. in. cuur. w. A. Tunic, wm. n. ·r1wLo¤. ‘ 
_ Truinc Mgr., Gvn`1 I’uss..\,:t.. Ass‘t. Gen’\. Pass,Agt.,  Q
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7 Y E  Uflwe --22 \¤»1`1l1 1 1>]W(`1`1`l.
:‘  R9[€1`011CQS—1·`11y<—1t.1— QY(11im1;11 1%;1111;; N;11.i¤1m1 1C>;1~11;111g¤ Rillllii $er·m1rl National
  Bunk; 'lruet :111nlm11cty \ 111111 Ln; 1’11<_»c111;—. §1111¤1111lLu11k.
  A _>_______41"

 J ;.  t  __v,.   ·v—~ T  ,L%; - .,wr;_,}.. .    
Ar ». -. . ..,, ... Q:
A .  
 ti St t G ll g  
¢ H G 0 G E  
  Of Kentucky  
  ¢,<** ° °"”"*a  
  ,.  *’   éto
l   *=z.f‘l ·‘  
i —·•li· ~=   ..;
  Ofers to the public thc following Courses, viz 1  
  Agricultural, Mechanical, Engineering, Civil Engineering, Classical,  
  Normal School and three Scientific Courses, ea:h of which covers four  
  years in the College proper and leads to a degree.  
j   Its faculty contains twenty·nine professors. Its gronds, buildings  
_ to and equipments represent $450,ooo in value. Its laboratories, Chemical,  
rx   Physical. Biological, Botanical, Geological, Physiological, Mechanical,  
1 and Electrical are the largest and best in Kentucky.  
5 = Each Legislative District is entitled by law a free tuition, room  
  rent, fuel and lights for four properly prepared students in the college  
  proper, aud to an equal number in the Normal Department, Alumni of   __
  other colleges in Kentucky are entered in post-graduate courses. For  
{ catalouge and other information apply to ]AMEs K. PATTERsoN, Ph.   “
i L D,, L. L. D., President of the College., Lexington. Ky.   S.
I? i  
  SGl`100l of Pl’l0I'|OgI`3pi`\y.  
i 121 East Main Street, A
`   and her Department of Phonography in connection with the State Col-  
I , lege of Kentucky. Most thorough, reliable and highly-reconi-  
. A ¤ mended school of Shorthand in Lexington.   ,,,.
, , Taught by a practical court reporter.  
I Devoted exclusively to the training of gg;
  Expert Stenographers.  
_ A |_g,Special rates to matriculates of the State College.  

 . Qi 'j
  B. B. JONES, President E. G. SPINK, Vice-President.  
ii: I   I n Q
 t lit l%¤*=*¤*¤¤  S Lexington Business  
  Bus11stssGnI|ege.. i —ee  T  
zi.         Goilese-  
J   sj  (Incorporated.) Q
 Z .   Established 1883. lncorporated under Am uf me  
 5       Legislature, July 1892, _·
1*              ~   
 Q   $3 Q?   §;y$:i· aurnonrznu emvrrm. $15,¤¤¤,
      4     ·————··
  Q EF?       g% Q  
Q     jliiii   J -11; .- - -- EEEWEQ 0 I]
Y       v A E!     e—,, To attend a Business Colle e for
  *.155 .\.; yr E | {M1 n= 1-I    ·`*iv:‘(.‘. g
  i@.,,<§%`:t° "M“:l:i€3§-_;~;-=J-jji,    the PUYPOSC of 3CqUiI'iI]g 3 practical
ir =~·i?¤?.—.Y`I'“ `.‘‘  ..~¤‘;';T7:e<$.L‘· · - . ;
. I   [ij  ,·,’ .   through which you can earn _a 11v-
écag   2         ing'? Many Business Schools have
r}? ` ` {vi 52 *-.... "·' _ _
Ou     { ,j. `·lj,$TI_ but ONE. OB]EC’1`, that object being
l_     F` he thorough preparation of their
1ll¤’S {E _ _ _
MCE,   pupils to act as Book-Keepers, Stenographers, etc. This is good as far 1
ucar,   as it goes, but, it does not go far enough.
room   ‘ ' I    
we   The Lexington Business Co lege  .
’ a  
· { F . . .
m%.;r 2*, 15 11 ’l".‘»’<> <>11jEC'1` School. THE FIRST, being the thorough preparation
Ph   -i of its pupils for business. THE SECOND, being the securing of good po- ,
# ‘ k. . . . . . .
I , S1i10!lS il>l' lil0S€ \Vi1O €`tt1'OHlZ€ lt. It 110.5 f0I' OVEY IO }’€21I'S b€€l1 [hl? '
. P
i ' leading Business School of the South. It is at the present time the only
" School in Kentucky o eratin an Em lo rment Bureau for the ur ose
. P E P 5 P P
  of securing positions for its graduates. ,
if Send for our "KAT-A-LOG" and s ecial circulars ex lainin how
, P P g
you can be hel ed to a ¤ood POSITION b attending this School.
I P D y D
2 Col- { ,‘ti. B. B. JONES, President.
l ·.._. 106-116 East Matn Street,
  i,__. 1i=;¥$~\Ve Make Written Secured Contracts Lexington, Ky.
ifi. to furnish our graduates salaried posi-
i,, tions under most reasonable conditions
i >

  {gw "`   5 V   "-`2.ij* 3i.,;:.,;;;.g~¤1__1 1;, ,. {1 -1-$,.,~»-1 . 1, _ __ W",
: " "
  ~#*G].€1”M*l gw  
  DELEQEQUS mg Grcam  
if AXNQ)   .»   1 @ rGp•  
1 ?§
_1K 4_____.j..___4_,__1_,____,,1A_1,1,-1,-1,._ 11 11   1 11 1. ,1A.......__,_i.._. L-LL 
  rl 1.  
    G . W. gif  11     1L L1 §%1£11A§i§$l]N 81 GU.,  A
  Groceries,    gy    1
  Fish, Es @$35111 ll E  1
1 i G { A And T1Iz11111[z1ci111‘&1‘s 0f 3; 
  1 vs -1%%,   1 1  
l   ipnévl  qq 1 PBT \\'(3r€1 $l111l`I SI.  
`     Sn   Eti:¤***¤€> gg;} l \\‘111·1; 1!11- I111~—11, 1*1·i1··1e·; 11111z ;\L1‘i11li5 ull we ask  
71 1 ph   A   ` 111- rf rxlwrfl L    
‘ ‘ r·,..., ‘   1 ...*1.,., _ V  
1   Staple and 1-11111:1   1 -~—»<;1z1~1mA111~—  
_ 1 Dresse<1lF0wls11:11l 1*:111 ·y Ei1·.···1!—=, i`1* ·1Z1§lllli>&>N)ll M€lLhEl1”1t,  
V 11 1 or }*`1111<·v iY;1.1n·s. _  
  ‘ 01111*::1·1 you vvsmi zmything  
  ‘ ·1 » ~ 1 Sm.; rn--11=».=1 *1 -¤1». 1 iw fi 1 · ‘  
1   m the ‘J<—*—€§f1   1111111111 gjeléigg     111d P11s Daaly. 1
      11 1111 11  11 1111 1111 111111   11111 11 11,11 111111-11.w...1  
    $1i‘iYEH1.BY EQENKEAD Ga BRO.  
· " 1 M1 ..1   cw? Wi? EH 1%   1»1;,;    
3 `**¢~—»*’ ¢*= 1**   @111     1`T 9;:
1 ,1   JYEZ       15;
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1 i °‘ W   Y -*2  fr QT? GQ? F5?}     1_ 1:21; ifi
U " msg   \?fr;xJ_1EjQ1   t` 2},*     I§§{iw/   -  
y xiii) 1
_ 5I N. B1·0z1d1xw.jy. k?Z1·0adwz1y amd Christy.  

 ri ·`
 s  . ?
I"'.  Y H · <
»   K N U G K I AN  
'¤   ° " T
RS A  issuim m0N·rm.v.
  Printery Building, 1intt·i·t·d at the Postoiliee at Lexington
  { Lexington, Ky. as second-eluss rrnttter.
  VOL. 8. MARCH 1899. N0. 6.
we ask   `
  *1 .
\ , 5 .V.: Spring. ·
t` , . ——_ . A
Ht Y. \\ hen spring was young and life was new,
W . .
· ’   Love was our only friend and guide ; ‘
gt,-cet   Sweet were the bowers he led us through,
  And sweet our going side by side.
l .
-—-—-—   Tlléll SL1111l11€l' CLllll€—£i gl)l(l€l`1 flOO(l. I
‘— . . . 2:
j · And still we tollowed, hand in hand ;
  Love was the niusie in our blood,
  : And love the glory of the land.
I ,   Rich autuni fell, and winter drove *
` 1ll1° g- ,.[`llC lflllly l'l])@llC55 l1'()lll tllti CUT ;
    But, wrapped in warm, soft robes of love.
  yi i \Vhat reeked we it the world was bare?
  So, round again we come to spring, ,
E ‘ Strong for another year’s eniprise ;
_ ° The birds are glad to hear us sing,
9 The sun is dazzled by our eyes.
{ For, hand in hand, where’ er we go,
  Earth under foot and heaven above,
[gl Love is the only lite we know, _
  I Q T And every breath we breathe   love.
  1. -7740 rlbvrniizg Herald.
risty. % .L‘< F
» l

it Success.  
  Why are we all toiling? 'Why do we spend years at a  
  school at an expense of hundreds or thousands of dollars?  
  The culmination of it all is success, that bacon light that lures  
  us onward and is the silent force that makes the world pro-  
,   gress. Students ever busy over books are apt to lose sight of  V
i   the principles that underlie a successful Illftllibi career. They  
I   are apt to qualify themselves to stand a textiboolg examination  
` . and disqualify themselves for aught else. This should not be.  
». i A great institution should be broad, should really "teach the  
  boys what they will become when they are inen."  
  Boys should study what great men have to say and be  
`Z protited thereby.  
  In Pesrson’s Magazine for March a number of eminent  
    persons state some of the ways by which a person may become  
_f “ successful. \Ve are sure that the student will greatly appre—  
  ciate and be profited by the advice of these great 111611.  
1 BY D. O. MILLS  
i   ` B.·\X1{El{ AND 1'HIl.AN'l`HRt)I’lS'l`. HE BEUAX l1lS (`.\l}ElCl{ AS A S4)l.\liI. t‘O\`X'l`lt\'  
  1 )IEliL‘Il.\N’l` Asn is sow wonirn $25,000,Ut)O. A  
l My advice to a young man just starting out in lita, who is ain- if
i bitious to become rich, is: (i) Take good care of your health  
p i -—by sleeping eight hours out of the twenty—fonr; by working   ·.p‘
  earnestly not more than twelve hours each day, and by spend-  
A _1 ing the balance of the time in only such recreations as will  
i lighten the mind and not injure the body. (2,) Take good {
i care that your associates will have conhdence in you——by your  
  being honest; by doing a little more work than you have ,°
° agreed to do; by meeting your bills the day before they are  
,1 due, and by being strictly temperate. (3,) Take good care to  
* put by at least one dollar out of every [ive-dollar bill you earn ifi
  and invest it, not in wild speculation, but in some sound bank—  
2 ing, railroad. or real estate enterprise. The experience you  
T `g gain in saving your money for the saving»bank will he the best if
L sort of training for your subsequent successful career.  
D. o. Mars.  

 Y I   i
I-’ A
  snccnsz. 168 Q
 N roar; sow woxrn $5,000,000. if
  In order to become wealthy, I think that the very first thing I
  a young man should do is to choose that particular line of bus-
{ iness for which he has the strongest preference, and for which
,_  he considers himself to be best adapted.
 E There is a passage in the Bible which says that whatever
  our hands find to do we should do it with all your might. But
 Q, there are very few young men who will do in that way things
  that they dislike to do, while whatever they do from choice, i
  they generally do very well. Many a good man has failed in
  v_ life sin1ply because he has chosen for himself—or his relatives ‘
  have chosen for l1l.Ill··—SOl1l€ uncongenial occupation for which
  he is wholly uihted nature, while in a career which he map-
  ped out himself he might not have only been happier and more -
  succegsful, bur even have made his mark as a star of the Hrst
  I remember once, when a boy, hearing a successful old »
  German say that the secret of his success lay in the fact that all
  "l buys cheap and sells dear," I have found that eveay
  young man who has followed this method l1as always succeed-
  ed. I owe my success to it. And few things offer better op-
;? portunities to buy cheap anp sell clear than stocks and bonds;  
I i-_' and such securities, when "gilt-edged," not only pay a proht
  on the investment, but they have the added advantage of being
  able to be readily turned into cash at tl1e moment when the
  owner sees the chance of making :1 big proht from a small out- `
  lay of ready coin. IIENRY CI.l£\\`S.
  'l`lll·I IIKUN KIXH, \\`lll> lllilj \N HIS t`.\Itl·lHll AS A 'l`lil.l£(ili.\l'lI (_ll*l£l{;\'l`OI¢. AND
L g is iro-nxv woniru $Tll,000,000.
  In my opinion, the secret of money-making depends chiefly
  upon live things; Push, "squareness," clear-heacledness, econ- ·
  olny, and rigid adherence to the rnle of not over-working.
[fi 'l`oo much work is worse than no work at all. It undermines
  the constitution and unfits a man mentally and physically for

 l if
l i it
 A i the battle oflife. Ten hours a day of steady work is as much  
g as any man-—no matter how robust--—ought to attempt. In  
  _ g additions to these things avoid being too grasping; better make 'Q
il ‘ a larger one by uncertain and risky measures.  
rl Y But what a man owns should be subordinate to what l1e I
it knows; in the final aristocracy, however, the question will  
Q net be either of these, but what has he done for his fellows?  ··
  \Vhere has he shown generosity or self-abnegation? \Vhen ,_ 
  has l1e been a father to the fatherless? `\Vhere has he searched  
‘ , them out? Under what form he has worshipped God will not  
5 be asked in that day, but how he has served man.  
  , Anmuaw Cmiwicoria.  
  THE RI(`Hl—ZS'l` \\`\)}I;\N IN 'l`lll£ \\`t>l{l,D. Sllli HAS Iil'lI.'l` l·`\ll{ lIl£llSELl·` A FOR-  
  ` TUNE or $(30,000,000. ~ 
L   “ The path to success is easy. It is because it is so simple that  
  ` so many people miss it.  
p For a woman to be successful, one of the most important  
.   things she must do is to learn how to mind her own business.  if
    It is next to impossible to be taking care of the affairs of some  
l ` one else and at the same time to keep your own affairs in good  
t running order.  
I   Itnitators seldom make success. \Vheu a girl has a little  
i   money to invest, sl1e should look out for herself, look at things  
  i from her own standpoint, and not be watching from morning  
_   till night what this or that other successful person has done.  
Q By waiting to find out what to do~~-that is, what otl1ers have  
  done-she loses her opportunity.  
  Real estate is the best investment for a woman. She  
  should keep her eyes open until she sees a chance to buy for  
i   $4,ooo a house she con soon sell for $5,ooo, by making a few  
  improvements on it. lint she must be content with a profit  
  whose size corresponds to the size of the amount of her invest-  
ment. She should never refuse an offer where she can make  
» p money on her investment, even though the profit is not as  
. i large as she hoped for in the first place.  
i (Mus.) H·~:*1‘*rrr: Gnmzx.  
‘ E;

 i ·  
 1 ?
. I I
. {
u   Rarrnmn D1R1:cTo1<,oR.a·1·on. Asn i·t»t¤·r·a·iAx. BEUAN ms canmaa rx A .
E if couxrizr raw ormcn. sow t·o>;i~nots 30 u.».ir.noAns.·.xD1swonrn ` .
A $2,000,000.
,e   The best foundation to lay in starting out to make a fortune
ll   is to cultivate vigorous health. A healthy man makes money
i?  ‘ ten times faster than a man who has not a robust constitution.
en I;  I do not think education' in lhe general sense of the term
id if  is a requisite to great success. It will not hold the right man
ot   back from climbing to the top of the ladder; but for general .
 é business the young person had much better spend his time,
 ·¢ . . .
;  after getting through the grammer course, in extensive gener-
-   al reading.
  \Vhen the young man has cultivated his health, and has a
’“' Q  lot of general information stored away in his head, he l1as only
  to choose his occn )llllOIl for which he has a strong hkm and
  0 7
lat   if he works hard——not more than ten hours every day, how-
  ever—aud is thoroughly honest and obliging, he will some
Im   day head the roll of honor in the ranks of his competitors.  
ss.   Cnauxcirv M, Diainzw,
me   _ _
  Tllli l‘|{lNL`|·I UF .·\)llClIl(`;\N I·`IN\XI`Il·1II$. \\`II1:\‘uo<>1>s1·|:1Nt‘1·i.\N1>1·o1iI'I‘n·1\Nwno1*on\I1iNi‘1·ZI>n|s<`.\RI£1:l: AS A
for   _
ii; <‘I.I·Zl{I{ I·].\llNINli 2*Zi \ \\`I-ZI·ZI{ ANI) \\III> IS \'l' 'I`Ill£ I'III1SI—lN’I` 'l`I\Il` \\`()R'I`II
few   _ _ _
Om   sI»»,ooo_ooo_ I I
€$t·   I alll l)ilCll Zi$i{U(i li]C (ll.l€`$llOll   }`()llllg' lliL`l] \\`il() \\'l’ll@ tl} HIC
aka   for that purpose; "\\`liat advice would you give me, Mr. -
»t as   \\`anamal;er. in order that l may succeed in life ?" My an-
  swer invariably is: "\'ou don‘t need to learn any one way to
  success. You should learn to do sonic one thing well, throw-

 l ° 
F ing all your energies into it. Thorough ambition and sound  
 _ common sense will work success for anybody at anything that { 
  is legiti1nate."  
 i i` Achieving success is really nothing more than a matter of V 
  determination. The successful man——unlike the poet——is  
  made, not born. The roads to success are so simple that any- . 
  one with common sense can see straight along them to their  
  terminations. It is for these reasons that I say that any ·  
l young man may achieve success if he has sound common sense  {
.; and thorough ambition. The former will enable him to see  
  his particular path to success; the latter will enable him to pur—  
    sue it to the end. .  E
  _ The chief reason that everybody is not successful is the  
  fact that they have not enough persistency. Let the unsucess-  
- ful man cultivate the ambition that will drive him to hard,  
  honest work, and he will come out on top.  
  Jxo. \\Ct>:l~.11;t1;rcr<.  
HANK l’lLl£SIlJI£N’I' AKD l’UI.l’l`lCI.\N