xt75x63b2q5p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75x63b2q5p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-04-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 08, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 08, 1986 1986 1986-04-08 2020 true xt75x63b2q5p section xt75x63b2q5p _______________._—._.__———-————————-——-_____*__________________
‘ PR “Milo“, E‘ll'w‘l‘“ '89“ Umvomty of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky independent silicon?! Tuesday, Aprils. 1906
slug-23;:‘12:;f"::,.-‘i-3....“ifihg‘uts“?-‘Vi> f‘ "in".'.'i.; .3. . ' ~
10 students t i 55.: 5 ~ . . Envoy says Reagan
8 w' G'n ' .. st “’4 ~ “Mails - - '-
111 a! es s... .5 4 ' . cons1 erlng military .
. \ .. ' .
O .5 ‘ 1'. g '5 4/“ . .-'
Fellowships ’ t = 2* , i - - - , .r . ~
3 stri ea ainst 1 a
‘ f l ‘0‘" ‘ ‘ ’ . . ' 5 ‘ .. '
By smx ANDERSON .: 17* ‘ \ . . = i D t ' - . . . J
5‘8”” er 11 . 5 US. investigating whether Khadafy ,. 5 .5 5 5
Ten UK students were named this 5 ill I" ~ ‘4‘}. \ . . . , . ,‘l ' '-
yennn Gaines Fellows in announce. 5.5 - .. t , .5 5n n. .. a" r v \ . was behind West Berlin disco bombing ,. .
merits made last week. Nine of the 5.3.. I :5. ‘,;\ L .9 . . ” “ , i ' * ~’ i 5‘
10 are sophomores and all reflect a In}? ~' ~ 0 ‘ ‘ . = ’ ‘1 ‘ , ' V, By .\llt‘ll.\Fl.I’L‘TZEI. ——'——'—" 5 -. ‘-
wide range of academic fields. 1‘ 5. " ' '5 , \ « .1 1 5, . ' Assomated Press A White HOUS€ _ . 5, . 5. ‘ « ‘5
Gaines Fellowships are awarded , [WK ' k ,/ - ~- h 5.5; ‘ \' . ’ ' 5 :5. {5 , .
to applicants displayinga strong in- 5-, "Mi”! { 5.. ,- qgi l WASHINGTON .. President Rea- spokesman said the
terest in the humanities and, in the . 7 " 451 . ‘ .-‘ u gan was said yesterday to be study - - - , '_ i. i f " 1‘15.‘
opinion of the screening committee, ‘ ’ ‘lr~ 5 5 £25 5‘ . 1. 5. ing the possibility of a military administration “OUId 1:. , "if :“f '.‘.'5."i"
best explain how intensified study of 5 ‘ r 5 " ~— 3 ,» strike against Libya as the L'nited “have [0 reserve final :5 5 r ' Z"
humanities Wlll benefit them acade- . " _ .) .. ‘ ‘ '* ‘ " 5. 1 States compiled evidence that the . ' _-_5 { .
mically and personally, said Ray- ’ 5 T’ i 5, , \ ":16.“ renegade Arab republic was in judgment on exactly ’5 5i ‘5-
mond Betts. director of the Honors " . , 5 ' T' volved in the fatal bombing ”l a , , s ‘ 'l Lg‘,
Program _ 5 5:, v 5. " West Berlindisco. WhO “as l‘CSpOflSlblC 3 ' j;
“Their major or field of interest is 5 5" - ” ‘ fi .5: ‘A‘mbassador ltichard Burt. the until we make further 5. I. 5. " ."'
of no consideration," he said. “But / I‘ .~ L5- thO." 10 “e51 Germany. 581d ‘ w .5 '. ;i
interestinthe humanities is.“ _ ' , . . ‘tr 5 . there were "very clear indications progress on IhE ’,5 - .' -_
Belts said applicants submit their : z ' ’5 that there was Libyan involvement" - . - - . n . ' l. ~ '5».
applications. including essays de- j , in the nightclub bombing that killed lmestigatlons. , ‘ 5‘ i' , 5.
scribing how the study Of humanities . _ 1‘ ' an American Army sergeant and £1 _ ‘.' , ( :5 , . ’.
will help their lives. and are inter- 5 0 1 it Turkish woman. that (‘ol Moanimar Kltzltlnil} has 5' .5.‘ .
viewed by the selection committee. ' Q ”7" . "-251. “hen asked whether he favored a sponsored in the past . . '- .‘
Gaines Fellows are awarded 55‘0“) , . , 5» t5: ,. military move against Khadafy. Burt. however. indicated the l‘nit. ; . ’ 5- ‘
and required to participate in inten- f, a. ‘ ‘5 _ , 5 Burt said that Reagan‘was‘ “study ed States had lnlt'lllut‘llt‘t‘ niforma ' .' ' '
sified study of the humanities over a r ‘t '5:~ lhglhls issue hlghl “0W5 tion before the lterhn bombing that ' ‘ ' . ._
twoyear period. During their first ‘ '.. " ‘~ _0he LYS.’ diplomat 1h the (llVlded the Libyan embassy in Fast Berlin ‘ ,‘ 5 t
year they receive $25000 and take ‘ fl . Qty. speaking 0" (‘Ohdlll‘m he not be “as planlilnga terrorist attack 5' .‘ ' - .
two semesters of advanced semi- \ identified. said: “The Llhl'ah angle l)_iere5iian said one action the tint _. ‘ . .
liars. 1n the second year, recipients '5 being-explored very \'lg{)r0USl.\‘ ed States is seeking following the " , . . ‘
work on an undergraduate thesis for l i ' Khadafy IS an active SUSpeCl 5 two recent terrorist incidents niiolv -. 5 , 5
a minimum of six credit hours and . 0" his return erm a (‘ahtornia ing Americans l.\ "the possible clos- ‘5 _ ‘ .
receive the remaining 33‘000. 5‘ vacation Sunday. Reagan refused mg of more Libyan Peoples Bu» .‘ ~. > .5 '
This year‘s recipients are as fol~ 9 comment when reporters asked him reaus known to be the source of ‘ - , '
lows: Annalee Cato, English; Susan \ whether he planned to strike atthe terrorist planning and aCllVll} -- . ‘. . 1 5
Conger. biology; Darin Dalton. sec- ‘ Libyan leader. He ignored queShOhS _ ~ . . , .5 ‘ ' . '.
ondarv education‘ Kelly Johnson yesterday as he left the White House Although tht European allies hau _
_ . 5. 5 . , 5 5 . declined in the past to go along with . .
psychology; ”15“" Kelly. Spanish: to 'watch the start 0f the Baltimore 1' S atteni ts to coordinati the eco. V
Greg Roberts. chemistry; Elizabeth ...... Orioles' seasonopening baseball “5";th 'ndpkl h 5' _ ‘.5 5. t . .
Robson com uter science‘ Mark . gameagainstthet‘levelandIndians . 5 5 ‘_’ ”p ’m" ’5‘ '5 “"0" 0 5 - .
.‘ p .' 5 _\ .. ‘ . . . 5 5 5 5 khadafy. [lyereiian said the latest .
Zest history- and Joan Williams l h” At the “hlle House. >P0kebmdh , .‘ - ‘ . . ' -
~. ~' . - . -~ “an“ 5 . .. 5 . terrorist incidents. both on huro
Russmnlanguage L Edward Dierejian said the adminis- 55 n 0' h' 5_ 5 5 t' -1 If F - . _ 5
Mark Gerwing. a fourth~year ar- “5 J"... ' .37 tration would "have to reserve final palms“: in d: senslthfi‘ ‘hjei. MT: ' ‘ ‘
chitecture student, was the 10th re- 5 judgment on exactly “'h" “'35 re- pea .1 ll . ’tema‘ngeir. .5’. ( ”in“! '
cipient. , 5 ““‘"-' ,, sponsible until we make further pro- {'1 n“ l} d [5 (.Ir mm“ (p. ””1 "ml «
Annalee Cato said she considers ‘ I A . gress on lhelh\’85llgal10n8 ” d ourtoors {p Y - ,
the fellowship to be the best way to . .J . ‘ . ~ 1 “Hang: _ But he said the weekend explosion Djerejian said that in IL\ various . .
continue her study of the humanities & ' .‘ 5 A . -- 5 _ v: in West Berlin and the bombing last diplomatic communications the ‘ .
and provide her with a different Del“ * l?“ and; , V" week of a TWA Jetliner over‘Greece t'nited States is stressing that "it‘s 5 ‘ ., , ’
spectiveon culture in general. .I 5 . 5, W followed the "pattern of indiscriml— imperative for the t'l\'lll/,(‘tl t‘tllllllillr , 5 5.
She said her English interest is in w 4 ' 'b 4. 5 ,;55,, ' ‘r' . ._ nate violence which weihzive traced nity to work together lllllt'h llltire et ’ .
20th century modern literature and "f“. . . .. , ,, , ' ' ‘J‘ to the types of terrorist activities tectlvcly than twci'inthepast " * ‘ ‘
the program will benefit because it ‘, t l - , ) I , , ’
“focuseson the modern mind." .. ' ‘ . » ‘2 .~ - ' I ' d h ‘
no " . :3 .‘f‘ -. - \'| "‘ - t t ' ' " 5.
Betts said the Gaines Fellowship ‘. 5‘ n ““3"“ , ‘ ,5 . een ager S ea a . -' .. ’
is a “most unusual opportunity at a ' . I ‘ ‘ . ' . . ' .
large state university" because of . , . * ‘b l d d b " , i
the personal relationship that devel~ 5 . 5., 5 ru e suICI e y coroner _ . 5- . 5 .
ops between the students and their ’ “mum“ “555.5550" _ , ,_ . _'
instructors. There are six instrue . 5 - .
~ B) .l.\YBla\.\Tt)N Rose Street parking structure . ._ 5 ,
tors for the 10 feIIOWs. StUdent protest Staff Writer litiach's car collided with one of the i- ‘ "
Betts called the “sense of 00d 5 patro cars while he was trying to ' .' , _ .
spirit" that develops among thegfel— Police ask Alan Creech, right, and Jeff Young rally that was being taped for "Good Morning The Henry (‘lay High School stti- escape . ,: " -» . . . -‘
low's “one of the greatest benefits not to display a protest sign during an LKD America" Friday. The sign remained. dent who was killed on campus last ~'\~‘ WW“ illtpl‘l'al'ht‘tl the \t‘lllt‘lt‘. _. . ' ' ;';’
intheacademicworld.“ Friday died from a self-inflicted ”1"} “mm ”” “\l’l"~‘""‘ ”Nd" m“ .
gunshot wound to the head. accord- cal Roach was found iltad “Hit the '_ l ; " n 0'
ing to a coroner‘s report released “1119*” h“ ‘l‘lt'~P“ll\‘“»\i“ . .' ,' _ . ' -,.‘
Contributing Writer {3:27:031‘: all members of these . 5 *3; 33.5%; "Ballistics tests showed that the .44 in impounding lllt' \ehit-les and .~ 5f : '5
A European Pastry Cafe has The Cosmopolitan Club is an 5” .52.: :1“; gig“; , "i; l, . 55 alafllipgni 5:1er iustul 1;“:th gfimhigg “eapon lll\t)l\ttllll llt ill 1 int .5 5 .‘ (I ‘
come straight from the bricklined organization for the interaction of " " fin: '- .53" .Xfifi ' t w Wall g1: ere: g (l f 0‘“, S at r. Even though 1111]) one gun was ’ " .5355?
streets of Paris and set up shop American and international stu» as“ . ' P'lrcllamH 0?? (1r 0 2192 Taborlake fired. police investigati- all weapons 5 1'. _ “ w. ‘1
in 245 Student Center, but only dents. > .‘ ,. .. . ‘1 e. agtrsai ' 5 ina case 0fthl5l)‘pt‘.$k1lt'd said , 5: r ,7 5‘ '5.
for one week. . The Host Family Program as- ,.. ' t, . [Rosa]! 113?. been 529:?“ police 5 5, I I ,' '15)"...‘5‘ 1 ' 5';
Red and white canopes along signs a family or a friend to a -- ' i; j” ' '5 5_ _ , 5 3.3.?“ 3”] 35.1111. in 1") ".150?ng \ drug [50“! “”5' m“ h“ run m ‘1‘. "51‘". . 5t
with international photographs foreign student, The student is 5 as, .5 .5 . ,r; 5‘- 5 wllltlelz’iC-dihe essy in its tnit ers tclmine \ihethei any ltii-t'lL‘ll still . .i’i" 1.;
and music set the stage for this then able to enjoy dinner. an out- . .. é 5 «5‘11. Th :rsiyKe. l' u 5 ‘h‘ 5 d Slollll((hll\l\(’lt‘ in ltoaoh s system he .‘-,.- i_ 5.3-: l... . 15.35:
annual.week-long pastry cafe. ing and other traditionally Amer- . #3.; 5 ,, 5;, ret . po 1(( cars L ase su ts iii not be ayailahle lot about . _ ,- ;.5 _,\ “‘1
French mocca tortes German ican activities. ‘ .. it 1? ,....;-; w Roach before he was cornered in the twoweeks. Hager said 1.. . ‘ ‘ t‘
apple Strudel and Austrian Vien- Corinne Leclercq. a visiting an -- f " vi} _ 5 W . . .i. "5 3 5‘3
na torts are just three of the 10 student from Le Have. France. ”’5' 23“,. I. ” '- F II t t -' , 7 -'.' its»;
international pastries listed on has been in the l'nited States for . ’ > My», g 2 5 ”if" 'V a course re ls ra 10“ ,’ ' " .- .'
the menu. Prices are at or below the past five months and has al- .- a .. guy: . . '. .»..
$1. ready found a home in the (“as t t A ‘_' - ‘ 5'
Ruth Francis. a UK law stu- mopolitan (‘lub 2" t"? 2;. . ' omorrow 0 pr] . . ' - ‘ 5 5 '
dent. said the Napolean Torte is Lectercq's French accent. and _ "’5' g ” c . ‘ - " ' . -' 5
especial, “luscious.“ those of the other international o «3%, g 'f ‘ > 5 5 '
“Delicious," said Soledad Vara students. add that extra flavor to €° J" in ports Aug. 5; Th“ fce. applicable toward 5‘ ' _
Rust, a teaching assistant and the international setting. French. i? A d' ed . t t' { th fll ”‘9 “““0” payment. ensures ”‘3' . , ‘5
graduate student in the Spanish Thailand and African accents can 5 s 5. . “‘5 r 5.55 ‘53"0 .reng ra ‘0“ or 9 a the SChedUle “l” n“! h" ”“919” . .. _ 5
department. “1' d recommend it be heard thrdughout the room a}; _ 5 “$4 5,; semester as well as the four and Students who make this Payment
toanybody." among the international pastries " tilt” MW ‘1" eight-week summer sessions begins “1” “OI have m register during late '
Carolyn Holmes. International and music. 5 Wilda“ We”: fl . X’mfirlré’w and C0hhhues through registration 5 '
StUdems and SChOlarS adVlser- For the 9351 12 years these two J ) \ x V l cur emu K-moismt p“ I . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ' I
said the cafe is a joint project of organizations have presented this 5 5 5 Students “ho ad‘ ance register (.a" smatfiffs l '
the Host Family Program and treat tosUK. “Nobody will let us Avantika Lokur, left, and Nltin Korgaonkar enioy delicasies save time-and money and {115" m' _5 :a 5““:-, l _ . .
The Cosmopolitan Club. The in- stop,“Holmes says, yesterday at the annual pastry cafe in the Student Center. 3:35; magghfinces 0f getting the 25x if“;
Undergraduate students can regis- ' '
0 ter during those days any time be- 11.. UK Wk. 9...
ex1can summer m m ....... we
Graduate. evening and weekend
5 5 5 5 . students have varying hours for reg- MM‘PF‘" 3‘. story. 000 ‘
Students can earn UK credit hours during intersessmn travel through MeXico istrauon and should contact. the ”W" °°° -
. dean of their college for more infor-
By-DASIIASSERT em and central Mexico, said Jeff Mexicot, and can also use it as their National Palace and the National mation. W Hill M Ma
Stafanter Barnett. a Spanish teaching assis‘ fourth semester language require- Cathedral,Barnettsaid. Students who don‘t go through ad- M If: m, ”m '
5 tant. Barnett and Joe Jones. a Span- ment. The third week will be spent on vanced registration must pay a $20 I For law “b
If you want 5‘0 travel this summer ish professor. will lead the tours. Advanced students can earn credit the Yucatan Peninsula in southern late fee and will not be able to ‘ a m ' m .
but need to pick up a couple class hold informal discussions in conver~ for SP139711ndependent Studiest. Mexico. where they will visit Mayan schedule courses until late registra- m. P0001 55
hours.dontgiveuphope. sational Spanish and conduct the . ruins. including the main ruin tion. which begim the first day of 5.5,,
- - The group Will leave Mav 12 and ~
Thanks t0 the Spanish and Italian formal classes in Mexican civiliza- - - . Chichen ltza. The fourth week of the classes next semester.
department the travel-without-guilt tion w'" return June 6' Barnett sa'd trip will feature the island of Cozu- - - . l l
dilemma can be solved by combin- 35mm said students will earn round-trip airfare m" “’5' “12‘ and mel.asort of mart area.hesaid. [exilemeztchhwcsolletg‘z hajnzlrlglmlyofl:
ins summer studios With a {00" three hours of credit at UK depend~ pggdltcttl'dzshhethtota': thgsl would be “We have the trip pretty well dure is as follows' g pr
week tnptoMextca. 5 ingontheir ability t05peak Spanish. a = S. ' 0:8 ’d was “on: structured for every other day.“ . : » “we
Thedepartment is offering several on- nish 'n t P“ age tour. e Se' : 0‘9 Bamettsaid. wGO to the dean of your college my old. I. .255.
' ' - - N Spa speakl g s udents and other ex nses will be d da ~ . ‘ ~
SPINSh courses In Mexico durins can earn elective credit for SP1 115 to-dav pe pal y- “On the intermediate days, stu- and 9'“ “P a course W51 form W m with a
the four-week summer intersession (CultureofMexieoi. - - dents are free to go out in groups or and college schedule card. M a 00 a fill . m
30 students "‘58! earn UK credit However. the majority of students The group will spend the first on their own. We try to give the stu- .aSeeyouradViser. ' * 35 b N 5 ft
hours “d “Ml? 3 trounce re- who go to Mexico have some level of week in Puebla and the second in dents the tools to learn Spanish and .«Complete the course f°"“ and 1* ha‘ ' ' 55
quirement. _ fluency in Spanish. Barnett said. Mexico City. where many formal ex- then give them the opportunity to schedule “If" and'return them to w h m 5.5
SW“ W1" take C1338“ and These students can use the trip to cursions will be made to places such usetitt."hesaid. youracademic deansoffice'. “trio“ 5 ”up“,
travel as I M Wt south- earn credit for SP1 215 tCulture of as the Museum of Anthropology, the SeeMEXlCOJ’ageo m :50 prereslstratm Is due by - ~ . - '- .

Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
he . :1 .- «a. ' . ,, .. etfigtfii‘i?
Tum bllng up Shumpert named player of the week
- - - - - ' Slalll‘t‘l’m'“ the Week for the period ending doubles. three home runs. seven sto—
Gymnastics team defies slump to finish fourth in regionals _ . Apr"... .6" bases, ,3 runs scored and am
, k For his performance In lfélpmg shumpert became the first UK re- driven in. including two game-win-
”) Jl“ “"l’l‘li ”“ddlt' 0‘ ”‘9 5935“" “9‘1“”? Wt‘ the schedule and decided It would be Kentucky POSt a perfect 74) week. cipient in 1986 after hitting safely in ners tvs. Morehead and Vanderbilt).
Staft Writer uere not doing as well as “8 should better to have the crucial meets at sophomore second baseman Terry all seven Kentucky victories and The ”.0192". starter has played in
> have been. Little said "But we the end of the year. even though it Shumpert has been named the posting a .536 tlS—of-28) average. all 30 games and leads Kentucky in
After a frustrating midseason really came on this iteekend and might take away from media cover- Southeastern Conferences Player of The Paducah. Kv. native had four fiveoffensivecategories.
slump. the LR gymnastics team ral- performed \iell " ageandcrowd support. '
lied to close its season with an mi» Little attributes the iiiid-season .. , . . F . _ ‘ . x
1 pressive fourth-place finish in the slump not tilll) to the team's mm» , “e decided that thrt: athletes 7 ,3, - -- “" .. ‘25s: Speaking on COMP”!
. Southeast Regional last iteekeiid ries. which kept senior captain ('ol- Yew“??? important [ anumedia “ f‘ « , /v
- l'K finished the meet mm a team leen Lallert} out for most of the sea- cf“:"¥'€ 59 it? cwfinfigq It‘h Ll‘ll‘t‘ X_ * * *
. total of 180 «to and was edged out of son. but also to the strange schedule h‘dhlf' ,‘\of‘h,“(. MN $18.} [e a}? . 1,-
third place b} \‘orth t'arolina's‘ that the Slit‘ gymnasts have to deal ( ‘flf'llnfinéh‘f. .mF‘éarL. .‘ t “as ' . . \ 3f
iiiiwsiiiiisii mm WWW“) ‘ ‘ ”‘ e "3'.“ 1 .r'~ .. ,:_. 1 1‘ DATE:Wod.. April9. 1906
. . . "it was our best tinish ever and Instead of having the important Because of the strange schedule, - , 1 TIME: 7:30 p.m.
. . l ‘ I "W Ml“ “"‘W ““‘l ”‘ a ('halllpltllbhlh meets at the end ot Little decided to try a somewhat dif— ‘ ‘ A V“ 7 PLACE: Student Cantor
'- . championship meet.“ said (‘oach the season like most college sports. ferent strategy this year, and ' ‘ ' ‘ - Ballroom
1 . Leah Little 1‘\\c were hoping for the} are scattered throughout the judging by the "fabulous finish" this /' UK Cam
'g . 3 third bectiase we kiieu it would be .\ear This causes problems for the past “eekend.she feelsitpaid off . pus
, . ' \irtuall_\ impossible to get past Flor» athletes. Little said .. . .\. "
, K 11 ' Ma and llt‘tl".L‘lti \\ ho finished first ”We should have our conference llfigth‘eil'r we peaked rainy early “
. ‘. ’ - and second iii the meet and are championship. regional champion- 1"“ .V E.‘ ”“9 “'9 30 0 eregion-
' ' . V ranked \os land :aitheiiatioiii " ship and national championship at h: llhe .3”? \"§ge.m{rn§d a“; mid _LL:c \
’ . ' ' 'l‘urning m outstanding perfoiv the end of the year, not in the mat a "P. 5.9 53' - ‘9 9?! e 15
. -' . ' ' » .i iiiaiiccs toi [K \H'l't‘ sophomore dle ot the season." she said, “We year that instead or havmg them Mike Farrell Sponsored by S'UdOM GOVO'I‘MOM
.. ' . - liendell Lucas and treshman Diane have to get pumped up in January $313,er “:3. m tlP'llld’l)l Shilpe {Qrtthct‘ BJ. Honeycutt A‘m'°"°"
* - ‘ - .. .i.t ,. 1 1 u ~. irsmee.wewou rvo omo _ . .
; . '- ' hilt} lfl‘gtftdiltl:;ll:ffi“ lfl’fllzhll.;\hudlyl ”l {Game (“1.2 11:.“ ‘93:?” 1h“: IE." a little bitslower." ' g I Tickets available at UK Student Ticket Office
. _ . . pant . ou o etoun uni ( . . s. dllt tll .
_ . 1 . ‘j. ‘ , . .1 gnmlmb there is u Mdmm until the ”lgmlmh l‘K d'd t . . y t . th $1.00 to students. faculty 8. staff $2.00 general public
. . fl ' Little said that she did expect to andnationals ” \'(‘:\-\ lVat'lgnaldltr‘lompzllhodn buet‘
. ‘1 - l- . 1 do no]! iii the regional coiiipetitlon The reason tor this odd schedule. little hopes this weekend‘s effort
1- ‘ .. eien though the team \tas iioi per~ Little said. is becaUsc gymnastics “1.“ move the sauad up inbthe na-
1 ' = y ' iormmgitella teu \ieeks ago runs parallel to the college basket- - - . i s o o
, , i . Earlier in the season. the squad ball season It is scheduled around lionalrankings. LET U TAKE Y U D WN AT
’ . . . suftered irom injuries and a \ci‘} basketball so the media can cover "We exceeded our seasonal aver-
ta\mg M‘ht’tllllt‘ “lllcll ”mile It hard both sports and attendance \\'lll not age more than any other team at the V
tor [K to prepare for their l)(‘(ll\'l(l€(l regionals and that should move us
. . - ' championshipmeets This season. howexer. the SEC up considerably in the rankings." ®
. ' . ‘ "I “as a little disappointed in the gyiiiiias'tws coaches met to discuss she said.
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A I , . ’ I
Am Ediiov .
Assistant Ans Editor
» {,gwtslt esdwfnl» . m,
- 2' - ’ ' " " “t"."i'f""“"'2'.‘.t2‘?:‘tii.33....3::‘1':',:I';~3‘.":i;'242331121;Jeri;2.;..i;1-i.':.......;1222222'”r12..- . 2-2: -."-:;:-::.;:-:2.;t:\.5::=:»:»::':‘:::2r2"V&V”°§v.*vorw unbehevable that an) woman :32.“ ‘\'~
emp 0) f1 l more ellbim e plete5 _ . .. 'f =‘= ‘9555:5535-5-“3?'5":2'~"=""' ’ 3 i-"“’*""" -- f if ’ . me '~ , . '- r - l would s Hi John on the street to 1‘ "rs "(m
thanthelrpredecessors. The rest of the album flows well. := ngj . . , . ,_ g. . topvof a Pclrls wheel. lt s avondcr 2 . p . . . ‘1‘. ”“13“.” .‘gr .,

L'nlike previous “samplers" ('82 Mike Marshall and Darol Anger pre— .3 '. . . ,. .. ._ . _‘ g. . she .d ever want 10 be Willi him l".lll.2ll)elh(li)es.:lnddeslre hlilr ,. ._ 2' " 'I'elf'iI-Ilfllh
and .84, Sampler '86 (10% not fea- sent “Dolphins." using bluegrass in- , agaln. Ah. but she returns so John ‘BaslngZer . ‘l-ool tor Low, ‘lhe . 2;".‘3': .aZ"- 2"
ture the. most popular WH artist. struments in a jazzy tune that occa- can test rldlng crops on her thighs in Natural i has a lovel) sensuallt) 3;.‘.:._f,-.:.\;‘r,; {fl
solo pianist George Winston. But Liz Sionall)’ Ples up country melodies. WINDHAM HILL‘S “SAMPLER ‘86“ ”"m ”f the 5?“ help m “ ”Ck SIM" and strange ‘Vl‘lneml’l'll ”9" ““"l‘ -, '- } :“C‘Z: '- .7-'-,
Story and Philip Aaberg‘s solo talent The definite arrangement is what and oystullms her WW “1m “ Name" and ("I”W’ll-‘h ”“Wl‘t’l‘ 2“" ‘23 ""’_.'.-"23’-’Sr l2
with the piano make up for the 1055' makesthe piece elegant. Malcolm Dalglish brings in more Quintet The Anger/ngble duct was nauseating progression ot loods and pluses in the moxie Zia-1V ff. .6 Z :
though Story‘s piece is misplaced on 2 shades 0f bluegrass before Aaberg‘s 3150"“ the '32 sampler. “quid“ l'slne, U Top in soundtrack inn. 3 ’i V". 3'2". 13".
thealbum. Shadowfax starts side two with piano tune. For those of you who The eating scene is pill‘llt'ulill‘h has his Lletol's romp about New Ylil'ln r” '2

story‘s “Devotion“ follows Mi- “Another Country.” an electronic saw “Mrs Sofiel." a piece from the . . , repulsive. unless you llkt‘ couch like Drops in u muslc \ldeo lllukll. ‘ - ': :‘-‘V.’ ‘2‘ .V
Chael Manning‘s “Welcoming," an upbeat tune that maltes feet tap. In. soundtrack _ Mark lsham's “l’ltts- The biggest plus oi this album '5 syrup with vour Jell-(l. ll lt's sllp- non2el'otlc love in some nolrel'otl: . ‘- '.
adventurous synthesized ensemble lem’l‘S :‘lltll Beach was released burgh. l901 (Theme from Mrs Soi2 that ll glves “5‘9“”? a chance to posed to he. erotic. it mlsses l)} u places including a concrete \lilll 'r; ' .2 3‘ 2.
plece stocked well With recurring on a sell-titled “""l"? m 1982 under {eh ”"5 alsofeatured. sample the range 0f talent “ding 0" mile. One need only to recall that caselnzltrashllnedallm Z," 7 . .' s‘
riffs. The sudden change to one in- All“ Records. .ad'l‘lnlSlerfi‘d by _WH- ”“5 “"912 The blggOSl mmus marvelously sensual moment ll‘. ‘ V .' ‘. " ~ e'
strument needs a transition. though .A very ”WWW synthesized piece. Th lb .1 . . ,. imoney-wlsei 1? that alter “04mg "Tom Jones“ to know how a rl-ullx ‘91», Wellies" ls {lllHl’lL’ or .\rrrlr~ ' i 2‘ ‘ ~ .
Story's slower piece is undeniabl.V ll sounds lIke ethos of old Mannheim . .6 a'Zum ‘ 059” “uh ADE”- [he 11 “mgb' 30” ma). "er-V “ken great food scene should hedone godsend-mos RutwdR ' ‘.
entertaining. M€‘e'lml‘Oller. again. “till the Barbara ngble want thellalbumsthe) refrom. _ r 2.

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NOWS Ed|f°r Fron S'ewon Not valid with other offers. Expires April 30, l986, Z6132" .WT-T‘H "u" ..'_;'" ' I, .
Assistant News Edlior Linda Hendricks I o I - '1 .‘ . .‘
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