l ~ml1 us u 1):11*13 Ihr llIl(lL*l`l)I`l\'ll(`Q('(l (llll(lI`(‘H. i~ ul~<» lIll(l(‘l`lQllik‘ll.
l `l`Iu· \4Xl(l.\ uml \`\\'(L\ ure ul~m·¤1 Ln lr¢~\l1uu·u. II¤»m·xc1‘.
l Zmuxl l1`c~l111u·11 urn i1111‘mlm<·~¤· g1w¤11]>~ 1l11‘<»u;;|1 lll(‘ llL‘~ll-
I)El’.»\RT)IENT.—\L (ZLl`liS
lll unlclilimn in Llur ~
mu ulw m »lml¢·u1s i11u·1‘n·s1ul iu {bu! llurmulur 1ll`('il. ()l`Q_illlr 1
,/illl(>ll\ iu this (&1l(‘gl11`}‘ imlmlc: l
l *\l`l (Zlub I’<>li1i¢ul S(l(‘ll(L‘ (.lub 1
l l3;utcri<>l¤>gy (llub l)\$(ll(>lll¥\' (.lub
(llu41ui~11·y Club l’I`(frXlL'll hmicty
l·ugli>l1 (Zlub Nluiul \\' Club
“ \¤u ull 1Il,ll\'lll<‘\ ibut ullul ~Lml¢·m~ uu; ¤>m·u ru mwv ll(`~ll-
lmu. .\ IIU!'I1l)(‘!‘ ul Hlgillll/Llll(>ll\ c·\i~1 In 1l1ll\l\l}>. l
`Ki|(lL'I\lll'» uml ~<·1‘\‘icc·. .·\ll of tbo Fllyulll/J|ll<>II` li~1<·t*n tn \\`I1IIlt`II with :1 2.8 U\`Cl`1lff standing
who sttfnnit :111 tiriginxif ttnntitvsititni tn tht: 1nt·1nhcrs. fffllilf scfct-
Iion is IIl1llfL' tin tht· f>;1sis of tht· IIIL‘IlIi)L']`$v (‘\'(lflI1|If()Il tml the
(Zonnnittcc of 2—f0—()|>t·n to two st·It·<’tt·d stndcnts front Cil(fl
fscntntks tunnt). Sfl|(f('I)f> nntst fIZl\`L' Il((k‘l)fZlf)f(' 1l('Zl(fCIlIi(` \f1lIl(f·
i11gs. ’l`ht· III<'IIIf)(‘I`> st·r\‘t· thu l`nivt·rsity In prtrscnting fIlft)l`III1l-
tit>n1>n thc liIIi\(‘}`hff} tu high sthmml stndvnts sind tirir groups in
tht·ir h1»n1t· towns.
(1wcns—()pen tt) hl)})flUIIIl)I`L' \\'flII]L'Il with il 35.0 standing: who
have dcnnvnstrxttud ft·:1dt·rshi[>.
KZll>l)il Dclt:1 Pi—O]>cn tn junior IlIt'Il 1lll(f \\'<)lIlL’fl in C(i\I(`1lr
titnn who h:1x‘t· il IL!) standing.
K-(Iluh—()pt*n to Ill('lI who flil\`(' csnrncd :1 f<·ttt·r in ZIIIY spurt
:1t [VK.
Lanny Qlllil (Ir0ss—()|>t·11 tu st·ni1»r IIICII with :1 2.5 standing
ztnd fCIlifity.
L:1nt`cs——()l>t·n to `illIIftll` tncn with :1 2.5 standing who fI1l\C
i (f(`IIIUII\ll`IIUt‘lf txnnptts ft‘ll(f('I`$fIfl).
i Links—Opt*n to jtntinr wwninun with if 3.0 standing 1lll(f ft';ttf—
1 crship ztbilitr.
Nfortur 1=()Lll`(l--()I)ClI to sl‘IIit)l` wotncn with il EL0 Nlfllldfllg.
fcztdtrrship 1lll(i serritc.
Puttcrscm Literary Socicty—()pctt to 20 men tmtstttntling
in tnrtttory.
Phi Bcltt I{2ll)l)1I—·()})L`Ii to 1t]>l>t·t`t:I;1sst11ut1 with :1 2%.5 ovuratff
nn tht- l`C(’f)lIIlIIffll(f(l[f(>II of f`:1t:11Ity inctnhcrs. .\ lIllIIIi)CI` of hours
in fif>t‘r;1l IlI`ls t1>1n‘scs IlI`C :1lso required.
Phi Et:1 Sigtn:1—O]>cn to tncn with il 2}.5 standing 1IfilCl` thvn
` first scar. nr .1 -f.0 sL.III(fiIIQ xtftcr their first semcstcr.
1 I I
i .*.;l thu lttllcwhttigcl¤·t>;ittt1tL‘tlt~.ti~t=it.:\c ll¤\llcll..I} ZZ.llL’l!llilC5
l hi iixatiwtw itt itatiticttlxtt lictlIl1lt~
\giicttltttt’c· [c¤ttt1t;tli~1i1
\ttit11;tl lllhllllllllll \l;ttl1c·tti;ttic~
(.hc·t1ti»tt‘) \l((llillll(itl laigiticctittg
l c.l;t~~ic;tl l,LlllQ`llllQ&`\ Xlc·t.tllttt`;ic;tl litgittccititxg
l cZ·»11111tc·t`ccr \itt~ic
l·lc’ct1‘ic;tl l‘>.llgl[lL‘l‘l`lIl; l’hzttitt;tct
<.cc»gi;t[»l1t’ l{··ttt;t11cc· l.1x1t;t:;;;_c~
l (iccvlngt Nlictmll
G()VERNlN(§ GR()Lil’S
Stuclcut l`nicm—lhc· $lll(ll‘lll l`t1i<¤1t littilclitig iSL`l\¤ i~ thu
·.;tt‘l»c·t` ~hc>|>. tc·lc·]>l1<>t1c·~. c<>11lc·t‘—
5 <.ttcc· l`¢>UIll\. attcl zi >c»c‘ial rcmtii Int c;tt‘cl¤ :t11~. -l>llL‘ lt1llllg(’~
t .;i’c· l~;c·]»t ~ttl>[>lic·cl with tic~w»]»;tl»c·i`~ ztiicl Illllgll/lIlk‘>. -l_lll`(‘(‘ cl<»l»
l;t1~ nl each stttclc·1tt`> tttitinit which gnu tct thc- 5l'li tttttcmiatticatllt
czititlcw thc· Alll(l(‘lll tn llIt'Hll)('l`\llll>. Stttclcttts ha\c· an c»]>[»¤»t—
L tttttity tn sigtt ttl) lor gl`Ull]1\ that it1lc·t`c·~t thcwit at ll ttiztw lll('Ill·
hc-isltili tiicctitig ztt thc; hccgiiitiiiig c»l c;;tch xchcml twat; l*hc·
t»1c·sc·tit ccni1mittc·c·~ :t1‘c;:
Sttl>—T0pics. which >lic¤1i»r>t‘» iiilcmiiztl clisctusititt gticittpx aitcl
~i>c·;tl;c·1‘> cm a lmiztcl l`1lllg(‘ cull tctpics. 'lhis ccni11i1ittc·c; >[u»1is<»1i~ A
thc zttittual tt’i]» tc> st‘c· »tagc: plays iii 11c·at’l,»y citic·~.
. Ptthlicity. which is l`L‘>lJ(>IlSll)lt‘ I`c>t` iiilcirmiiig ¤lll(lL‘lllS alitittt
l iwttltctitiiittg l>1`cig1`:tttt$. l
Social. which ¤lnc>11><>t‘» clzmciiig lc#~¤<>ti~. jam >c·»ir,¤1i~ aiicl thc;
Licwlcl Diggctf liall.
Rcucation. which Ulgillll/('N lc·~~¤t11~ ztiicl lHlll`llLllIlL‘l1l~ in
l,illiatcl~. chc·s