xt763x83n66k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt763x83n66k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-06-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 21, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 21, 2002 2002 2002-06-21 2020 true xt763x83n66k section xt763x83n66k 02

Mayoral candidates discuss their platforms and agendas | 2




Scholarship's problems
sparks mining debate

Dilemma: Two needs,
one Robinson Forest

g1 Joe Anderson

The financial troubles faced by a
popular scholarship program have
led UK officials to discuss expanded
strip mining in Robinson Forest.
UK’s research forest.

The Robinson Trust scholars pro-
gram. which provides scholarships to
Eastern Kentucky students whose
parents have never been to college. is
quickly running out of money. The
program will have financial problems
by 2005 and could go broke by 2010.
said Jack Blanton. senior vice presi-
dent of administration. Low coal
prices and poor market condition fu-
eled the shortfall.

About five percent of the en-
dowed scholarship is being used up
each year to support the program. As
a result. President Lee Todd and
Grady Stumbo. a UK trustee. dis-
cussed the possibility of strip mining
in the central. contiguous block of
Robinson Forest during a recent East
Kentucky Leadership Conference in
Ashland. The tract is one of the
largest unbroken forests in the state.

The forest also contains the
largest block of unmined coal east of
the Mississippi. with 97 million tons
of coal, according to studies.

The woods

The sawmill and
maintenance area
of Robinson Forest
is surrounded by
the tree-lined
ridges which
characterize the



Robinson Forest is divided into two
sections. Blanton said. The outer.
5.000acre section is mined to support
the Robinson scholarships. The inner.
10.000-acre area was designated under
state and federal law as “lands unsuit-
able for mining." and has not been
mined to support the program --— yet.

Blanton said the idea of mining
the inner tract is a very contentious
one. “Mining in the main block is a
very, very controversial issue." he
said. “There are powerful groups that
feel very strongly. on both sides."

Blanton said the “lands unsuit-
able for mining“ designation cur-
rently prevents any mining in the in-
ner tract. and that he does not know
how it could be removed. “It would
be a very long and complicated
process." Blanton said.

Erik Reece. an English professor
who is organizing a summer writing
program in the forest. said UK should





find another solution. “The whole is-
sue is set up as an either/or situation.
which is not really what it is." he said.
“If mining is the only way to get monv
ey for the program. that‘s pretty
unimaginative thinking."

The first generation of Robinson
scholars. 138 students. just finished
their freshman year in college. Due to
financial constraints. however. only 29
new students were selected this year.

Brad Goan oversees the scholar-
ships. “It's important to find a way for
it to continue." Goan said. “Coal min-
ing is one of several possibilities."

Reece said mining is a poor solu-
tion to the financial troubles. “The
forest is a jewel in the university's
crown; it should be treated that way.
and not as a raw resource." he said.

Blanton said the administration
has no immediate plans to mine the
inner tract. but the idea remains a




By Holly McIntosh

Classes don‘t start until
August 28. but many incom-
ing UK freshmen began ar-
riving on campus this week.
On Monday. 279 incoming
freshmen attended the first
of 11 Freshman Advising
Conferences. which will
bring over 3000 new students
to campus this summer.

The conferences are a
two-day. mandatory event
organized by the Registrar's
Office to answer questions
about college life and help
new students prepare for
their first semester.

During the conference.
incoming freshmen hear‘
from faculty. staff. students
and administrators. getting
information about acade-
mics. Greek life. study habits.
health services. housing.
food. student government
and more. They also take
placement tests. get student
ID cards and register for

their first semester of classes.

At the end of the first
day. students and their par-
ents can stay in Patterson
Hall overnight to get a brief.
first-hand dorm experience.

One incoming freshman.
Noelle Bertram. said while
the conference is a bit long
and dense with information.
she is more excited about
coming to UK and knows a
lot more about campus.

Another incoming fresh»
man. James House. said. “it
really helps you become fa-
miliar with UK and see that
it‘s not such a scary place."

His mother. Terry House.
said it is a great idea. and
even made her want to take
classes at UK.

“The conference repre-
sents what UK is really all
about." said University Reg-
istrar Don Witt. “It takes
everyone from food. acade-
mics. housing. billing. finan-
cial aid and others to make
sure that they go well."

Witt said he already has

sconusmnsn I "autism:

Jetf Powell, a business management senior, gives a campus tour to
a prospective student and his lamlly during an advising conference.

a good feeling about this
year's incoming freshman
class from the first two con-
ferences. On the first day. 96
percent of students regis-
tered for the conference at-
tended it. and 95 percent of
registered students showed
up for the second confer-
ence. Last year's best atten-
dance rate was 92 percent.
The incoming class is so



large that some of the con
ference staff. who typically
stay in the residence hall
with students. gave up their
rooms so more incoming
students could stay in the
residence hall.

Witt said he is looking
forward to a large. strong
and diverse freshman class
and an excellent group of

He's new,
he's blue

newest mascot
arrives in
tomorrow I

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UK student
crowned new
Miss Kentucky

You go, girl: Correll claims first
place after an unsuccessful SG bid

By Jodi Whitaker


From politics to pageants. Mary Catherine Correll
has had a busy year already

Just months after her losing bid for Student Govern-
ment president in a somewhat controversial race. Correll
has been crowned this year‘s Miss Kentucky

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Lucas Thomas
Scene Editor
Phone. 257-1915 I Email: lmthomJOuliy edu


11mm I THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 2002 I 3

Ain’t nothin’
but a hound dog

It was a sunny. cloudless day in
summery Orlando town the kind
of weather that makes you want to
whistle a round 11f “Zippity [ion [)a."
How appropriate. then. that I
happened to be ambling through the
land of said time's origin Disney
World. the happiest place 1111 Earth. I
was young and carefree. merrily
making my way through the
wonders of Adventureland when a
bird pooped on me

Eh? Gross!

There I was. minding my own business on the way to
Splash Mountain when 1 fly 111g 1at decides to dele111te 1111 my
person. A twist 11f f1'1te’ A wicked for 111 of poeti1 justice" Ill
never know but in the land of stniling faces and caitoon
mice. I was the kid who got crapped 1111.

Now. me and Mickey have patched things up 111 recent
years. I've gone back to central Florida to visit him and his
friends on a few (1c13s111ns and I‘ve been lucky enough to avoid
any more 'wasted‘ exper:.ien1es so to speak. It's always been

an event. going back because despite
. many people's hang-ups on Disney as a com-
“ pany. they really do know how to have fun.
And their newest cartoon mascot is 1111
different. His name is Stitch. He‘s an - ‘
alien. he hangs out in Hawaii. he‘s
blue. He's also cute as a button.

Lucas Thomas


Finally, Oscar Wilde gets his due- filth adoption of a great British

period play. I‘ in part

Reese mum ' . .
Lane, qetmesomo"'

from his friends to cm ‘ ...
Dick - you can pick [59‘ ll .
bookstore. ' ‘ i

More intrigue and abduction; initfilth Matt Damon at the helm.
instead. I've heard this on: m am Whine to be desired, but
that’s understandablercmsm m '50 Hunting. lie and Mr. Ben
Affleck have to traded!» good films. “I you Imow they're both on the
downslope after the excellent Jay 5 SM Bob Strike Back.

.ll aft/112w '3 blood will not clot.

. ' \ What keeps

\l.“ I)()\()R.\
\\D oil-D \\ l\ \( I I\ F. I)()\()R\!
Rccciu‘ :1 Mil llorms 1m you First Donation Back

(live Plasma.



[840 Oxford (Iircle
Lexington, KY

giving all those mall stores a new plush toy of choice for the
summer season

I may or may not have bought one.

Anyhow. Stitch makes his debut in the new animated
feature 1,1111 11 Stitch. opening tomorrow to millions 11f delight-
ed fans. New Disney movies are always a reason to get excited.
as you usually only get one per year. and they're often good
little flicks.

Iiut I I1 no to be caieful with my language you see
becausm w'eir 1111 a collegec campus here. (e1tainly there 1111111
few ol us who dont see eye to eye with Eisnti‘. But for those 11f
you w ho 1 I 11111 11111 to 1njoy a good 88 minute showcase of old
Wall's magic. I invite you to consider the idea that you don't
know what you‘re talking about.

Just take a look at the track record. Disney's got The Little
Mermaid. You know you've got a clamsbell VHS (if that at
home. Disney gave us The Lion King one of the highest
grossing films of all time. And they gave us The Hunchback of
Notre home. which I hear really impressed one guy living in

But mostly. We must thank Disney for Aladdin. The
Arabian adventures 11f the 111isun1lerstood street rat. the
mistreated young princess and the mischievously comical
genie will forever be the brightest jewel in their cinematic

It must have been the costume guy that made it my fa—

vorite. I went to see Aladdin 1111 opening day in November 11f

, 1992. a1‘1‘11111panie1l by my 11111111. my brothers. and my aunt
' Stacey But our group 11f live got larger ten minutes before
the pl‘eVleWs. 11s a real-life Aladdin and Princess Jasmine
approached us to discuss the film and encourage our pur»

chase of more drinks from the concession stand. My 11-

year-old mind was wowed at the fact that I was meeting the
’ Aladdin. face to face. I asked him if I could ride his carpet.
()K. s11 I wasn't that dumb. But regardless. Disney had
made its magic known once more. And naysayers. in my
opinion. are Just trying to hide their secret love for Abu

So newcomer Stitch has some big sandals to fill. Judging
from the hundreds of commercials interrupting my nightly
Disney (‘hannel viewing. the little blue guy‘s film won't have
the ensemble cast 11f previous pictures. It Will instead try to
put the burden of comedy. seriousness and Elvis imperson-
ations squarely one the multiple shoulders (if the main mutt.
Hawaiian girl I,1lo is an interesting enough character. but
seems a bit one-dimensional to begin with. She loves pretty
puppies and surfing. And that‘s about it.

But that‘s all speculation. and you can rarely get an
accurate reading 11f films from their TV promos. And though
the prerelease hype is there. and all early reports are favor-
able. the 111agic must be proven in the theater. I'm confident
that it will be. Disney rarely steers me wrong.

But a word 11f warning to my 14 112 month old nephew
Noah. who's making his first trip to the Magic Kingdom th1s
weekend watch out for those foul fowl.

. M'rmreranqrotrelrrmrovie.muon't
'mlliosons’otoyoue saveyourcoocernlortlie
:" MMaeJnP.shair1Rmnasitthot

:1 WWW

. Miami“ anythlnoooouttnis film— lack

3, 'itvfouhmentobefemalthenyoualteadyknow

lt's tho W movie that uses all the funny parts in the trailer.
mm 'i‘partsmpmtyooounoqmted, hooolbtiowser
rotolotnotilm. Butbasinoaneouromovleofia

'mm.mmmasammm manicure

m WW7 Dude.l'n1 sotherel



Ale you like lbtally
bored during the

Well then. take a little 01 Ill“. home ‘mto ,11111111
a totally bodacious C to 1’; hoot: cred: flv’lOLIQ"
the Independent Study Procuart

V V’V’



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 material Board
Rebecca Neal, Dialogue editor

Lucas Thomas, Scene editor
Tom Soper, SportsWeekly editor







Joe Anderson. Editor- In- chief Jodi Whitaker, Staff writer P0]
w " ... , ER? Pertec
IHURsoAY JUNE 20, 2992 l Kentucky rtEIIrIEL CIassShItI
‘ in V V V ,. A 7 7 Shield and
MW 1 [9 PM 323m
THEYRESERIOU5 Illls oursrcowunm Willi
m WITH HIM. . (2522:5125 9;
- Pimnci
Fun Whlle c a u q ht I n a assmneds
dnvrnq Item
large eftit
Oh look. l'ie pulled Pam" 22‘
something off the . £31283;
Internet instead 0939,
of actually writ- s I 5 re a m ISEFIWC
ing sortiething. . “'005"
This is really get LEE}:
ting had. I need @1339;
to start allotting , IBR Am.
tune to actually I love Uz. I really do. Ask my boyfriend to tell the quiet. m
“Tm, the“, ar't-i- story of how I got up early and stayed online for hours f‘ggl'zw
or“, but I‘m my at Ticketmaster‘s Web site to ensure floor tickets for iFélfSIill
rentiy working their “Elevation" tour. I love the band because they‘re cable pm
two Iohs from sun great performers with a cause. However. their causes 25_57.
up [mm [midnight are not performances: they are realities to be gig“;
everyday. That taken seriously , , , Nopet£6
only .Iiltm-s mo to I got to thinking about U2. and specrfically Bono. 1,2, .35
either thinkof last weekend because the ABC Family Channel aired and Gazel
somethingfunny. IN OUR OPINION UZ's concert in Boston. With legions of fans cheering 3%:‘255‘
or get drunk and him on. it just made sense that Bono would be the one “em/C,-
laugh at things who can help the world's developing nations gain some 231232151
that aren't funny. ' political. medical and economic footing. {Film
(I11 “1.11, Imp-s ' As the front man of one of the world‘s most popular gligfilgfi
5mm. more crap bands. Bono has been privileged to many things not 269,294],
to enjoy. and “is, afforded to the ordinary citizen. He grew up in Ireland 25351112:
I am that cynical. and observed the violence and injustice firsthand in his zen; i
‘ ' own homeland. He later learned about civil rights, 560%ng
\'arv your “tinting Africa‘s troubles and the proliferation of poverty ggh'iil
swim inverselv around the globe. He is a man on a mission. and his De 5”
with [hp ”MINI music and recent missionary efforts show he is not just RZEl
1mm a casual observer. Aéggnsfi
Many of his albums showcase political themes. The N Lu'ne's
Roll down your win- s .- ~ ~ - ,, t , , -. , . . _ 1982 “War" album and the recent “All That You Can‘t 21mm
do,” mm Must Strip mining Robinson Forest is an unacceptable solution to the prob Lea“. Behind. Show his commitment to the world‘s ~9wa ,6,
talk radio Iems faced by ”W RObmSOH Ti‘llSt SChOIaI‘S pl‘Ogl'am- issues. But music doesn‘t seem to be an effective tool Bldg. 223i
Attempt to head The program is funded by mining outlying areas of Robinson Forest. But anyglm‘e. 111 Itgver mas. 1 h_ if t, _ Augus, I.
hang. , , . . . , . 0., - , , - ' . ,7 - . M, ecent y. 0110 as mate imse very ac we in 3313‘“.
h [ht mom} iOl th" 910“!de 1‘8 t‘llIlIing dI'V UK administrators 11a“) dlSLUSStd eliminating world debt and helping the people of Africa. 256 mm
A. Smphghm m. mining in the central core of the forest. an area destgnated as lands unsuit~ Ho was a prim member of the Jubilee 2000 and is still Studioi§
the person m the able for mining. very active with its renamed organization. Drop the 33212:":
next car suspi» The scholarships. which provide money to first-generation college stu- 2“» BO“: he? be?” 111103313}? for weeks With US ailtgotirer
ciotislv With a . . . 7-, . r . . . , - . reasury cecre ary au e1 . .Cal
lmkof fem, Wk dents from Eastern Kentucky. serve, an important. noble cause. As the He obviously has done his homework because not me}?

your doors.

Occasionally wave a
animal troll
doll Barbie out
your window or
sunroof. Feel free
to make it dance.

Eat food that
requires silver

Wave at people
often. If they
wave back. offer
an angry look
and an obscene

Let pedestrians
know who‘s boss.

Lob burning things
in the windows of
smokers who
throw their Ciga-
rette butts out the

Get in the fast lane
and gradually
slow down to
a stop. Then get
out and watch the

Stop and collect

Stop and pray to

Look behind you
frequently with a
very paranoid

Sing without having
the radio on.

Pass cars. then
drive very slowly.

Throw Spam.

Root (cheer. not
sniifile in the
mud) for fire

Keep at least five
cats in the car

Have conversations.
looking periodi
rally at the pas
senger seat. when
driving alone

Hang numerous car-
fr‘cshencr's in the
rear-view mirror
and talk to them

Compiled by
Jonathon Ray
Roll Edltor

flagship public university of the state UK has a resp