xt763x83n90q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt763x83n90q/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1967-01-09  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, January 9, 1967 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, January 9, 1967 1967 1967-01-09 2020 true xt763x83n90q section xt763x83n90q  

































OF THE ' IV'R IE‘Y 3:111“Tl JANUARY 9, 3.9137

The University Senate met in regular session at 4:00 p.m., Monday, Ja.nuary (
9, 1967, in the Court Room 01 the Law Building. Chairman Diachun presi “01.
Members absent: .Jacob H. Adler, Jack N. Baldwin, Charles E. Barnhart, Barbara (

Bates, John R. Batt, John J. Begin, Harold R. Binkley, W allace B_ri HéS, Thomas {
D. Brewer, Lester Bryant, C. Frank Buck, Morris B. Cierle;, Jerome E. Cehn,

Donald J. Cotter, Glenwood L. Creech, Marcia Dake, Melvin DeEleur, John E.

Delap, Kurt W. Deuschle, J. H. Drudge, Phillip A. Duncan, Ben A. Eiseme , Herman

A. Ellis, Robert 0. Eva ns ,Thomas P. Field, Stuart Forth, Hugh Scot uEulmer,

James E. Funk, Art Gallaher, Weslev P. Garripus, Peter Gillis, Llharles P. Graves,
John E. Greene, Jr., Ward Gri1fen, Jesse He rris, Ellis F. Hartford, Maurice A.

Hatch, Charles F. Haywood, A. J. Hi 1&b t, Almonte C. Howell, W. M. lnsko, Jr.fi'

Ray mon D. Johnson, Robert L. Joh on*, Robert E. Kerley, Hasle' Krogdahl,*

R. A. Lauderdale, Jr., C. Oran Li. , L. Mae McPhetridge, Leis J. Merrill, G. E.
Mitchell, James T. Moore, Alvin L. Morris, R. T. Muelling, Jr., John W. Oswald,
Leonard V. Packett, Blaine F. Parker, Howard G. Parker, J. W. Patterson, Doris

P. Pearce, N. J. Pisacano, James H. Powell, James Prestric1ge, Leonard A. Ravitz,
John E. Reeves, John T. Reeves, Wimberly C. Royster, Benjamin Rush, Don Cash .
Seaton*, William A. Seay, Doris M. Seward, Dallas M. Shuffett, Roy E. Sigafus, ,
C. Leland Smith, Dewey G. Steele, Paul Street, Thomas B. Stroup, William Survant, l
Lee H. Townsend, M. Stanley Wall, Warren W. Walton, William S. Ward, Warren G. 1
Wheeler, Robert L. White, William R. Willard, W. W. Winternitz, William A.
Withington, Wesley 0. Young, Leon Zolondek.



The Chairman presented a request from Mr. Frank Browning of the FERNEL that
he and some of his associates be permitted to sit in the meeting and report its
proceedings. The Senate approved the request and Mr. Browning and associates !
were invited into the meeting.

The minutes of the regular meeting of December 12th and the special meeting
of December 14th, 1966 were approved as circulated.

Dr. Ocl  (con't)

Council is advised to choose sufficient names so that there is at
less some attempt made to include representation from all of the
individual units. In order to be a member of such Residence J—Board
the student must Have been in residence at the University for at
least one year and at the housing unit at least one semester and
must be a member of a class other than the freshman. (NOTE: Neither
the residence requirement nor the class requirement shall apply
where the housing unit is composed solely of freshmen.) Furthermee,
the House Council should establish procedures with regard to its
recommendations to make sure that any person suggested is willing

to serve in such capacity. The Residence J—B ard then shall have
jurisdiction over all cases involving violations of the rules of
conduct occurring within the comprehensive housing unit to which

it is connected. The Residence J~Board shall be responsible for
determining the guilt or innocence of the accused student and

shall have the primary auth rity for imposing punishment upon the
student if it determines that the student has, in fact, committed

a violation. Notice of the punishment determined shall be communicated
to the resident adviser for action.

Any student who believes that he has been improperly adjudged
guilty or who believes that his punishment is too severe for the
nature of the offense, shall have a right to appeal from the decision
of the Residence J~Board to the University J~Board. Such appeal
must be in writing, setting forth the areas of disagreement with
the Residence J—Board and must be filed with the University J—Board
within 50 days of the announcement of the decision of the Residence
J-Board. The University J—Board (whose composition and general
structure is set forth infra) shall have the right to reverse the
decision of the Residence J—Board both as to the existence or non—
existence of a violation and as to the scope or size of the punishment
to be imposed. However, in the latter case the University J—Board
shall have authority only to reduce the punishment, not to increase

C. The Punishment ~ The Residence J—Board may impose any
punishment up to and including dismissal from the housing unit.
In other words, the discipline may consist of social probation,
reprimand, fines, and any other appropriate punishment. It is
important, however, that the Residence J—Board understand that it
cannot impose traditional University disciplinary punishments, e.g.,
suspension or expulsion, for violation of housing rules and regulations.
It is suggested that the Residence J—Board establish, as much as
possible, a system of possible punishments which will be imposed
for violations of various rules. The Committee is making no suggestion
on this point because it feels that the variety of possible rules
which might be violated require greater discretion on the part of
the Residence J—Board in order to ”make the punishment fit the crime.”

3) that the material regarding offenses, procedures, and punishment
relating to the community of scholars be adopted;



































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H. J. .9 1 ,, C . , J. __ (j; "‘6 tr: i. .,, .L
Minutes of was Jiive1siu, Jena e, canatr u, lJU1 (cen‘t)

Following a second to the motion, there was extended discussion. Addic’
Dr. Whayne, College of Medicine, presented the following
Faculty Councils of the Colleges of Dentistry and Medicine:

—\,-— \

The Faculty Councils of the Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry I
liave studied, with deep concern, the report dated December 9, 1966
from the Senate Adviser" COMWLtiee on Student A1faers which includes
recommendations that eiscieliner" matters involving: professional I

students should be entruste ed to the judgment and aut horits of a 1
University Judicial Board composed of »raduate, unde refufldwbr, and {
professional students, and that academic records be separated from

disciplinary records.

The recommendations fail to take cognizance of the fact that the E
behavioral problems of a dental or medical student are relevant to his ,
total functioning as a potential professional person and to his eventual [
admission to the profession for which he is preps ring Judgments and
authority concerning behavioral matters must continue to rest with those
persons who are responsible for certifying the total qualifications of - ’
students to enter a profession. ,

The Judicial Board, as proposed, vould act as an appeal recourse for
any student of a professional school who was dissatisfied with the handling 1
of a matter within his college. The proposal would thus transfer authority
in these matters to a body which would have little or no qualifications
for judging the consequences of its actions. It would impose an additional
level of administrative apparatus into a situation for which carefully
considered procedures have been work ing satisfactorily and equita ely for
several years.

it should be noted that the Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry,
throunn Office of Student Services now h ave Committees on Student 2
1‘ 7

niiairs which include elected members of their student bodies as well
s professional faculty for the very purpose of considering disciplinary,
elavioral, and other professio film'"el€vflpu questions.



The Faculty Jouncils are dismayed to realize that these recommendations,

which have far reaching implications for the responsible functioning of the 1

Colleges of Medicne and Dentistry, have been formulated by a committee which

had no representation of any one involved in the teaching of medical or denufl

students and which took no steps, as far as we can determine, to communicate
in any way with the Medical Center's Office of Student Services, or the Deans
of either the College of Medicine or the College of Dentistry, nor to
determine the status and effectiveness of exist ting procedures for handling ’
questionable student behavior within these colleges, or the potential
consequences to these colleges of the recommendations which have been made.

Dr. Whayne then presented the following amendment to the original motion: 3
that professional students in the Colleges of Dentistry and Medicine L
not be required to participate in or be subject to the proposed program
for student discipline as outlined in the Report and Recommendations of [

the Committee on Student Affairs.







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Minutes ox the University Senate, January 9, 1967 (Con't)

The amendment w's seconded.
Out of extensive (is ussion which followed Dr. Whayne was asked to remove his
amendment to the original recommendation in favor of the following substitute

that the original recommendation of the Senate Advisory Committee
on Student Aftairs not apply to the Dental and Medical Schools;

that further i vestigation be made of the Dental and Medical Schools;
and that report and recommendations of this Committee, based on the
reports from the Dental and Medical Schools, be brought before the
University Senate within the next 60 days.

Dr. hhayne
conduct of
the Senate

to the motion was also
quorum for the further
,uorum was no longer present and

agreed to remove his amendment, he second

Question was then raised of the presence of a
business. A count determined that a q
adjourned at 5:30 p.m. '

Elbert W. Ockerman



The University Senate met in regular session at 4:00 p.m., Monday, February
15, 1967 in the Court Room of the Law Building. Chairman Diachun presided.
Members absent: A. D. Albright, Jack N. Baldwin, Charles E. Barnhart, John R.
Batt, John J. Begin*, Harold R. Binkley, Peter Bosomworth, Wallace Briggs*,
Thomas D. Brewer, C. Frank Buck, Marion A. Carnes, Cecil C. Carpenter, Merle
Carter, Morris B. Cierley*, Carl B. Cone, Glenwood L. Creech, Tihamer Csaky,
Marcia Dake, Melvin DeFleur, John E. Delap, Wendell C. DeMarcus, Kurt W. Deuschle,
Robert M. Drake, Jr., Ben A. Eiseman, Thomas P. Field, Hugh Scott Fulmer, Peter
Gillie, Lyman V. Ginger, Arthur C. Glasser, Charles P. Graves*, John W. Greene, Jr.,
Ellis F. Hartford, Jesse Harris, Charles F. Haywood, Hubert P. Henderson, A. J.
Hiatt, J. W. Hill, Almonte C. Howell, James C. Humphries, W. M. Insko, Jr.*, Don
Jacobson, Raymon D. Johnson, Catherine Katterjohn, Robert F. Kerley, James B.
Kincheloe, John Kuiper, R. A. Lauderdale, Jr., Leslie L. Martin, LeRay McGee , G. E.
Mitchell, Noel E. Moore, Alvin L. Morris, R. T. Muelling, Jr., Vernon Musselman,
Paul C. Nagel, Blaine F. Parker, Howard G. Parker, J. W. Patterson, Doris P. Pearce,
N. J. Pisacano, Arlon G. Podshadley, James H. Powell, John T. Reeves, Ivan Russell,
Doris M. Seward, Roy E. Sigafus, C. Leland Smith, Wellington B. Stewart, Paul Street,
Thomas B. Stroup, Lee H. Townsend, M. Stanley Wall, William S. Ward, Daniel L. Weiss,
Warren E. Wheeler, Robert L. White, William R. Willard, W. W. Winternitz, Leon

The Chairman presented a request from Mr. Terence Hunt of the KERNEL that he
and some of his colleagues be permitted to sit in the meeting and report its

Proceedings. The Senate approved the request and Mr. Hunt and associates were
invited into the meeting.

*Absence Explained




















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