xt766t0gtw09 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt766t0gtw09/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1924057 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1924-05-apr7-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1924-05-apr7-ec. 1924 2011 true xt766t0gtw09 section xt766t0gtw09 

     Minutes of a special meeting of the Executive Committee of
the Boardt of Trustees, UTniversity of Kentucky, for Monday, April
7, 1924.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, University
of Kentucky, met in special session, at 11:00 o'clock, a. m.,
Monday, April 7, 1924, pursuant to a call for the purpose of con-
sidering the location of the Stadium, the matter having been re-
ferred to the Executive Committee by the Board of Trustees at a
meeting of the latter on April 4, 1924.

    ,.The following members were present: Richard C. Stoll, Robert
G. Gordon, ,I. M. Froman, and l1IcHenry Rhoads. Frank L. McVey,
President of the Un-versity, and Wellington Patrick, Secretary of
the Board, were also present.

     There appeared befoi-e the Committee, representatives of
several committees as follows: (1) The Athletic Council repre-.
sented by -Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, Enoch Grehan, Henry E. Curtis,
S. A. Boles, Hogan Yancey, E. B. Webb, Louis Hillenmeyer, and
Louis Lee Haggin.   (2) The Stadium Building Committee, repre.-  
sented by J. I. Lyle and D. V. Terrell.    i) The Executive Com-
mittee of the Alumni Association, represented by J. Frank
Battail?, J. White Guyn, Wayland Rhoads, W. H. Townsend, and
Duncan Hamilton.

     The location of the Stadium was considered at length, and
the reasons for the proposed site at the east end of Stoll Yield
were presented by Mr. J. I. Lyle, who represented that the chief
reasons for urging that site were as follows: (1) That the
Stadium would present a better appearance and be more in harmony
with the plan of the campus if located there; (2) that there
would be considerable saving in cost if located there; and (3)
that facilities for parking cars would be better in that loca-
tion.- Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, representing the Athletic Council,
stated that the Athletic Council favored the site at the west
end of Stoll Field, the chief reason being that its location at
that point would iriLerfere least with the athletic program of
the Institution, and that the present field would be disturbed
least if the building were placed on the west end.     Mr. W. H.
Townsend,                        representing the Alumni Executive
'Committee, stated that the Alumni Executive Committee favored
the site at the west end of Stoll Field for reasons stated by
Doctor Funkhouser.

     It was brought to the attention of the Executive Committee
that the placing of the Stadium on the west end of Stoll Field
would involve the construction of a sewer across the campus of



the Unirersity by the City of Lexington, the cost of which would
be in the neighborhood of 18,000.    The question of the con-
struction of a sewer was discussed at length, and Mr. Hogan Yaucey,
Mayor of the City of Lexington, made the statement that the City
would be glad to cooperate in the construction of the sewer, but
that he could give no assurance at the present time that the City's
finances would permit it to construct the sewer this year.

     The Executive Commit-tee retired to inspect the ground and
the three visiting committees remained in session for a period of
thirty minutes discussing the matter.   When the Executive Com-
mittee reconvened, Doctor Funkhouser, speaking for the joint
group, stated that it was still the recommendation of the group,
with two dissenting votes, that the Stadium be erected on the
west end of Stoll Field.

     The matter was again discussed and the point wqs made that
the location of the Stadi um at either end would involve the ques-
tion of the construction) oYI a sewer, and that this would be true
even if the Stadium were located at the west end of Stoll Field,
especially if thle -iau.m were erected at a level lower than the
present level of the field and the earth used for filling at the
west end of the field, so as to provide for a new practice field.

     At this point, President McVey proposed that the plans be
altered so as to provide for the erection of the Stadium on the
east end of Stoll Field. practically on the level of the present
field, leaving the qu.estion of grading entirely out of considera-
tion, as well as the question of the construction of a sewer.
He stated that temporary fences could be constructed so as to per-
mit the present football field to remain in tact while the new
stadium is under construction, thus avoiding the additional ex-
pense of grading and of constructing the storm sewer.

     The Executive Committee again retired while the joint com-
mittee discussed the proposal of President McVey.    Upon the re-
convening of the Executive Committee, Doctor Funkhouser, on be-
half of the joint committees, reported that, with only two dis-
senting votes, the flint committees had reached a conclusion
based on President McVey's proposal, and that their recommenda-
tions were as follows: (1) That the Stadium be erected on the
east end of Stoll Field, near the corner of Rose and Winslow
Streets; (2) that its construction at that point be at or near
the present level of the present field; (3) that the question of
orading a new field at the west end of Stoll Field be dispensed
writh; and (4) that the work be conducted in such a manner as not
to interfere with the football schedule on the present field.

     W7hereupon a resolution was offered by Mr. Gordon, seconded
by Mr. Rhoads, and adopted, stating that



     Whereas, It has been recommended by the Athletic Council,
the Executive Committee of the Alumni Association, and the Stad-
ium Building Committee of the Alumni Executive Committee in
joint session, (1) That the location of the Stadium be placed at
the east end of Stoll Field, near the corner of Winslow and Rose
streets; (2) that the building be placed on or near the present
level of Stoll Field; (3) that the question of grading be elimi-
nated; (4) that the question of a storm sewer be eliminated for
the present; (5) that the present football field remain intact
and ready for playing while the Stadium is being erected,

     Now therefore, Be it resolved, That the Executive Committee
of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky concurs in
these recommendations, and that the Stadium be and it is hereby
located at-the east end of Stoll Field at or near the corner of
Rose and Winslow Streets.

     After the passage of the foregoing resolution, a motion was
made, seconded, and carried that the action heretofore taken with
regard to the location of the Stadium be reconsidared and laid
on the table.

     7'hereupon the Committee adjourned.

                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                          Wellington Patrick

                                            Secretary of the Board