xt766t0gx72j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt766t0gx72j/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 199004 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, April 1990 text GLSO News, April 1990 1990 2019 true xt766t0gx72j section xt766t0gx72j NEWS 1990 ’- L5@
5 Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
from Human Rights Campaign Fund
For the second time in a month the Senate "What Senator Kennedy did was shift the
has sided with the lesbian and gay community issue from one of attacking gay people who
on a critical go -reIated vote. n February, work with youngsters to an issue of protecting
Senator Jesse H)elms' (R-NC) effort to attach children from any kind of sexual molestation,
anti-gay language to the federal Hate Crimes straight or gay. Senator Kennedy stuck a blow
Statistics Act was resoundingly defeated. In against the anti-gay bi otry of the Armstrong
early March the Senate reiected the Armstron amendment," said Stepa'ien Smith, legislative
amendment, which would have allowed director of the HRCF. Smith continued, "Once
organizations in the District of Columbia to bar again, Senator Kenned has taken the lead in
any lesbian or gay man from serving as a "role fighting the bigotry we Face on Capitol Hill."
model, mentor or companion to any minor. "
Armstrong sought to weaken the strong
protections for lesbians and go men included in
the Washington, DC Human Rights Ordinance. SEN. ALAN CRANSTON FIGHTS
He said that the law is being used to "force Big HOMOPHOBIC ARMSTRONG AMENDMENT
Brothers and other similar organizations to admit
homosexuals into their program as counselors The following is the text of a statement by
and role models." Armstrong stated that the Senator Alan Cranston (D-CA) delivered on the
District of Columbia "should not be able to Senate floor re ardin the Armstron
impose a requirement that these organizations amendment, whicTi woqu have legalizeg
accept people who have not historically been discrimination a ainst gays and lesbians in the
deemed suitable for that kind of work." District of ColumTaia.
The amendment was drafted broadly,
however, and would have applied to all I ur e su port of the Kennedy amendment
institutions that serve children in Washin ton. and deflect of:> the Armstrong amendment.
For example lesbians and gays could grave The Kennedy amendment deals with a real
been fired From schools, refused positions in issue —- the Armstrong amendment plays with
volunteer organizations and prohibited from unfounded pre'udices.
treating youn patients in has itaIs. The Kennedy amendment makes it clear that
Senator Edward Kennedy lD-MALdevised the any rogram which involves children can
strategy and led to the floor fi ht t at defeated exclude: any person likely to engage in the
the Armstrong amendment. Tennedy offered sexual abuse or exploitation of a minor. It
alternative language that would allow covers any person, heterosexual, homosexual or
organizations to deny positions to heterosexuals, bisexual.
gays and bisexuals who have been charged or The Armstrong amendment does nothing,
convicted of sexual offenses with minors. absolutely nothing, to protect children from the
The critical vote came on an Armstrong move vast maiority of sexual abusers. It is simply a
to table the Kenned substitute amendment. concession to unsubstantiated fears. It diverts us
The Senate rejected Krmstrong's attempt 50 - from dealing with real life roblems
47. It then adopted the Kennedy language. [Continued on Page 2]

 [CRANSTON, continued from Page i]
[ ] Please send me an introductory issue The pro onent of the amendment seems
and information on GLSO. concerned that the Kennedy amendment deals
onl with the sexual abuse of minors and not
[ ] I'd like to become a votin Member of with, the issue of role models.
GLSO, includin home defive of the If role modeling is the concern of the
GLSO NEWS and discounts at gLSO sponsors of this amendment, then they have 0
functions. Membership fee of $lO/yr. long way to go. This amendment is not limited
individual, STS/yr. couple, is enclosed. to volunteer organizations, it covers any
organization or entity that holds out an adult as
[ ] I don't wish to become a Member but a role model to any minor.
please send me the GLSO NEWS each Our society is U” of role models for young
month. I enclose the $5 annual fee. eople. I could rattle off a long list of business
lieaders, social leaders, Haeople in law
enforcement, people in every ield that we can
Name: think of.
What about athletes and entertainers? Shall
Address: we ban gay and lesbian performers from the
sta es of ennedy Center and RFK stadium.
City, St, Zip: Vhat about movie stars? Shall we set up a
board of censors to prevent distribution of films
Mail to: Newsletter, P.O. Box 11471 that have gay or lesbian stars?
Lexington,KY40575 What about our ublic officials? Elected
officials surely are role models for millions of
young Americans. Should we ban gays and
esbians from public office? Of course, that
GLSO News is published monthly by the would not be constitutional. Besides, how
Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc. would we ascertain who is gay or lesbian?
(Lexin ton Ga /Lesbian Services Or anization), Do we want to drive them back into the
P.O. gox 114;], Lexington, KY 405g5. closet? That is the path the roponents of this
amendment are driving toward?
Craig Clere, Managing Editor This is an ugly amendment and it should be
Angela Martin, Asst Editor - Esmerelda Parlour defeated. If we really want to protect young
Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist children from sexual abuse we should adopt the
Kennedy amendment. Sexual abuse and
Additional Contributors: An ela, HRCF, Debbie, exploitation of children is a real problem and
Craig, GLSO, Alan, NCgLTF, The Advocate; we ought to deal with it in a meaningful
Typist: Craig; Equipment: Dave; Layout: Craig; fashion.
Mailing: Dave; Courier: Dave; Folding & Stuffing:
Mark, Steve, Jim, Willie, John. LESBIAN OR GAY, AND A TEACHER?
from GLSO News staff
There is a new national grou working for
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are those of the the ri hts of school employees and3 students who
authors and do not necessarily represent those of the GLSO are (.350 lesbian or ay. The group is the
Board of Directors. Submissions are welcome. All submissions National Education gssociation's Gay/Lesbian
become the property of GLSO and must indicate the full name Caucus (NEA-GLC). The caucus has tWO goals:
and address of the author. Anonymous submissions are not find interested members of the NEA who are
accepted. The editorial staff reserves the right to alter gay or lesbian, and, identity and network with
submissions (including ads) to meet publishing requirements, as other groups working to advance the civil rights
well as the right to reiect any submission it deems offensive or of lesbians and gays.
discriminatory. Placement of advertising in GLSO News does For more information, or membershi forms,
not denote a person's sexual orientation nor ct business's write the Mid-Atlantic contact: Harry J. Elillegas,
customer preference. ‘ 2i 8 Crain Ave., Kent, OH 44240.
2 Apr GLSO

OVER $500,000 IN 1990 ELECTIONS
From Human Rights Campaign Fund
The Human Ri hts Campai n Fund will Cam aign Fund to make strategic, early
contribute over $500,000 to candidates for the contriIbutions tor the 1990 elections, " said Tim
US House of Representatives and Senate in the McFeeIey, the Campaign's executive director.
1990 elections. Contributions at this level will "We have gone a long way in countering the
place the Campaign Fund among the largest pernicious inIIuence of our extreme right-win
political action committees (PACs) in the US. opponents. On Capital Hill, the lesbian aha
U to this time in the current election cycle, ga community has become a force to be
the Campai n Fund has given over $121,000 reckoned with.’
to 46 candidates and incumbents and Five other The Human Ri hts Campai n Fund is the
PACs all over the count . Notable contributions largest lesbian and; ay politicaT and legislative
include Senator Paul I'Simon (D-IL), $5,000; organization in the TJnited States. Its political
Representative Sid Yates fiD-IL), $5,000; action committee contributes to both Re ublican
Representative Barney Frank D-MA), $5,000; and Democratic members of and candidates tor
Ore on Democratic challenger Mike Kopetski, the United States Con ress. In the 1988
$2,800; and Representative John Miller (R—WA), election, it contributes over $400,000 to
2,500. congressional campaigns and was listed by the
"Lesbians and gay Americans are committed Federal Elections Commission as the ninth
to making a difference through the electoral largest non-connected political action committee
process. Their generosity has allowed the in t e country.
from The Human Rights Campaign Fund
HRCF has announced it will no longer use based on the company's efforts to overturn a
Western Union to deliver "Speak Out'I twelve year-old San Francisco discrimination
constituent messa es to Capitol Hill, a decision ordinance protecting lesbians and gays."
that will cost the Tirm $350,000 this year. The Western Union is challenging the
Campaign Fund's "Speak Out" constituent mail constitutionally oi the ordinance. Armand
program is the most successtul rassroots Ertag, a estern Union employee in San
mobilization effort in the history of tfie lesbian Francisco, sought damages against the company
and gay rights movement. for harassment and intimidation. Rather than
Tim McFeeIey stated the decision ”to addressing specific allegations, Western Union
terminate our relationship with Western Union is seeks to have the ordinance overturned.
Irom Rev. William Sloane Cottin
Pea Ie never do evil as cheerfully as when retain a few passages from an otherwise
the d: it from religious conviction. The discarded code. The problem is not how to
NTFPHE is a good case in point. They cite the reconcile homosexuality with scriptural passages
Levitical law: "You shall not lie with a male as that appear to condemn it, but rather how to
with a woman; it is an abomination." What reconcile the re'ection and punishment oI
they never say is that in the same book of homosexuals with the love of Christ.
Leviticus it is also "an abomination” to eat pork. Just as "the black problem" turned out to be
Perhaps instead of coming to Washington to white racism, just as ”the woman problem"
denounce gays, these talks should be in Iowa turned out to be male sexism, so "the
preachin against eating chops. homosexual problem" is really the homophobia
CIearTy it is not Scripture that creates hostility at many heterosexuals who iust won't grant
to homosexuality, but rather hostility to God the right to a more pluralistic creation. It's
homosexuality that prompts certain Christians to bigotry, pure and simple.
Apr GLSO 3

'————'—___ from GLSO News staff
from Teresa Reynolds and Craig Clere William 0. Lamb, Jr., 44, died March 9.
He is survived by his wife, Vickie, and his
The GLSO Board of Directors met for their mother, both of Lexington.
regular monthly meeting on February 28. A Lexington native and UK alumnus, Lamb
Committee reports opened the meeting. was a retired floral designer and the former
Presentation of the new promotional brochure owner of Reeds 'N' Weeds. He was elected
was delayed until the March meeting due to the President of AIDS Volunteers of Lexin ton, Inc.
absence of that committee's co-chairs. Other at their December, I989, meeting and9 assumed
committees resented routine reports. office in January, I990. He was hospitalized
Crai Clere of the Gayline Committee with an infection, later diagnosed as
reported9 needing new volunteers due to the pneumonia, during the third week of February.
recent resignation of two members. Staffing for e never recovered.
four nights a week has become problematic. Former Vice President Scott HaIIam is the
John Cutright reported that the Pride Week new President. AVOL Board Member Mike
Committee would be in meeting in March. Ethrington was appointed Vice President of the
Tentative dates for Prige Week have been set organization.
for June IO - I7. Several Board members will In action unrelated to Lamb's death,
serve on the Pride Week Committee. GLSO Lexington attorney Pam Goldman was hired as
holds a $365 reserve from prior years to Executive Director. The funding of this salaried
provide operating funds for Pride Week. osition was an important goal of AVOL's
Debbie Currie discussed the possibility of the Sfinter Fundraiser.
Coffeehouse & Dance Committee working with
Crossed Fingers Productions to bring women's PRIDE WEEK PLANS BEGIN TO TAKE SHAPE
music performers to Lexington. After discussion from GLSO News staff
a Crossed Fingers representative was invited to
the next meeting to answer questions that arose. Lesbian/Gay Pride Week I990 is beginnin
Further action was postponed. to become a reality following a series off
After several months of consideration an organizational meetings by the I990 Pride
advertisin oIicy was set on announcing the Week Committee. Currently the committee is
monthl gaffEehouse & Dance in the Lexington served by representatives from the Lexington
Herald-Leader. The announcements will begin Gay & Lesbian Services Organization,
with the March Coffeehouse. Interweave, Dignity/Lexin ton, Blue rass Human
GLSO has been invited to participate with Rights Advocates, Raingow Bowfing League,
the National Organization for Women Bluegrass AVOL, Crossed Fin ers Productions, the Imperial
Chapter's "Take Back the Night" festival to be Court, Lexington COLT's, and NAMES Proiect.
held in the fall. GLSO’s exact role will be While the a enda it still to be formalized,
decided as the activity is planned. Pride Week wiIF IikeI begin on June IO and
The meeting conc uded with discussion of the conclude on June I7): Highli hts of the week
upcoming June election of board members and alread include: an lm rial Court Pride Week
oficers. Three, two-year at—Iarge board kick-off, show, Arts Ni p: a featured s eaker,
positions and one, one-year position will be Bowling Night, the Fridge Week Worship Service,
open. The offices of secretary and treasurer will and a afternoon concert and picnic.
050 be filled. The current treasurer announced More community input is needed and new
his intent not to seek re-election, and Craig volunteers are welcome. The next meeting is
Clere reiterated his desire to turn over editing Monday, April 2, at 7 pm. For more
the GLSO News to a new editor in July. The information or meetin location call Craig Clere,
Board agreed to discuss nominations and 266-8887. Watch fine Ma GLSO News for
staffing positions at the March meeting. more details of Pride Week I990.
4 Apr GLSO

from GLSO News staff from the NAMES Project Kentucky
Nancy Chodorow, a leading( feminist and Hundreds of people came from across the
psychoanalytic theorist, will spea in Lexin ton state to see the NAMES Pro'ect AIDS Memorial
on Monday April I6, 8 m, in the Recital T-Iall Quilt when it was at the Clapitol Rotunda in
of the Singleta Center fgr the Arts, University Frankfort, those active in the fight and those
of Kentuck. rChodorow's talk is entitled "The wanting to learn more about the epidemic
Power of Igeelings". She is well-known for her shared in the three day event. For many the
book, The Re reduction of Motherin , which display was the first time that they had
argued that fatEers and mothers must be equal experienced the Quilt and it made the epidemic
parents if children are to fully develop capaCIties a reality. For others it provided an o portunity
or nurturance and autonomy. Her newest to see panels made for loved ones and) to share
book, Feminism and Ps choanal tic Theo , stories. The school children were most
explores how the unconscious awareness of sef impressive in their compassionate response and
and gender that we develop from earliest their curiosity of uestions. Their thoughts on
infancy continue to shape our experiences as the signature panéIs reflect that while they don't
women and men. Her visit is sponsored by the totally understand the disease, the understand
Blazer Lecture Series and the Colle e of Arts the reality of its conse uences — andlthey care.
and Sciences. For information call 2597-6689. With the displa Cbehind us, the focus of
NAMES Project Kentucky is to outreach
GAY RODEO COMING TO AREA throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky. In
from GLSO News staff doing so, Kentucky will have a vehicle by which
to: 'confront individuals and governments with
The Tri-State Gay Rodeo Association (TSGRA) the ur ency and enormity of the AIDS pandemic
is determined to bring the rodeo circuit to the and tlge need for an immediate compassionate
Kentucky-Indiana—Ohio area. Formed in August, response;" "to build a powerful, ositive,
I989, TSGRA is the first club east of the creative 5 mbol of remembrance and3 hope,
Mississippi River to be sanctioned b the linking diverse people;" and encoura e
Internatlonal Gay Rodeo Association. If has donations within the community. United \Kg/e
further distinguished itself as the fastest growing Stand . . . united we need to respond.
cha ter within the International Association. Outreach on a state-wide level is now
FSGRA cowbo s from the Cincinnati, important to increase AIDS awareness
Indianapolis, and Lafayette groups converged on throughout the State; overcome the association
Lexington the weekend of March 24 - 25 to of stereotypes to the epidemic; provide an outlet
enerate enthusiasm for a local satellite chapter. for families and loved ones who have
gupport from Lexington is important since the experienced a loss; and to include Kentucky as
group plans a full-fled ed gay rodeo in the a part of the international NAMES Project efort.
region durin summer, I%9I. An outreach program in Louisville is being
TSGRA Sftas scheduled its First Annual planned for April. A neI making workshop is
Tri—State Regional Rodeo for Cincinnati the scheduled to be heldmin Lexington April 28,
weekend of April 20 - 22, I990. This initial I990.
competition is planned as a "People's Rodeo," We are pioneering new horizons in our
emphasizing individual and team participation battle against AIDS and we need your help.
rather than livestock events. The People's NAMES Project Kentucky will have its next
Rodeo will generate additional interest and meeting, Wednesdajy, April II, I990, at 7 - 9
generally provide the opportunity for people to m at the Rosent aI Center at Transylvania
get acquainted with each other, and the rodeo Bniversity. For more information about the local
concept and events. Proceeds raised by TSGRA NAMES Project, lease call J.C. at 299-8836
will be donated by the satellite chapters to local or Steve at 233-I3782. You can also write the
gay/lesbian organizations, especially those NAMES Project at PO Box 588, Lexington,
providing AIDS-related services. For more Kentucky 40586.
information call Rick at 606-43I-2692. Together we will "Keep the Love Alive."
Apr GLSO 5

As most GLSO News readers probably articipants. This a proach will allow for a
know by now, a study of lesbians and gay men broader, and therefore more re resentative,
in Kentuck is being conducted by University of sample of ay men and lesbians in Eentucky.
Kentucky gociol y professor Dr. William F. In ordger to secure the anonymity of
Skinner. The Tlfifgogy Proiect, which is funded respondents, only the Lexington Communig
by a $350 000 grant from the National Institute Coordinator will have access to the GLS
on Drug Abuse, will provide an opportunity for mailing list and any future database mailin lists
a s stematic collection of data which can be which mi ht be used during the Trfiogy
used/ in our efforts to address such issues as Proiect. The Lexin ton Community Coordinator
dru and alcohol use and factors which affect is Melanie Otis, GL§O at-Iarge board member.
such use, discrimination, victimization, and AIDS. Dr. Skinner will never see the names of the
The questionnaire consists of a combination of individuals who receive uestionnaires.
standard questions which measure events Likewise, the Community Coordinator will never
relevant to all individuals as well as other see the completed questionnaires, as the will
questions which identify events specific to the be returned directly to Dr. Skinner and, will
lives of persons who are gay, lesbian or contain no identifying information about the
bisexual. respondent. The same will be true for
The provision of funds for the Trilogy questionnaires which are distributed by the
Proiect represents an investment of federal tax indigenous researchers that have been hired in
dollars into our local communities. The degree Lexington and Louisville.
to which this investment proves useful to the Participation in the proiect is completely
lesbians and 90 men who live in Kentucky is voluntary and all information will be
directly related, to the response level of confidential. Your willingness to examine the
individuals who receive the surve. A low questionnaire will be appreciated, regardless of
response rate will provide limited information for whether or not you choose to complete and
our communities to combat the many issues that return it. If you have uestions about Trilogy
affect us all, since reliable data is generally Proiect please contact CDr. William F. Skinner
required to demonstrate proof of a need for {606-257-6891), or, Melanie Otis
change. Once the data has been collected, Dr. 606-257—6878).
Skinner has agreed to offer his expertise to the
local communities. In doing so he will provide
local grou s with a valuable resource,
particularly during efforts to legitimize our stance
with local and state governing authorities. Trilooy
Additionally, the statistical information will be , D
made available to local organizations to assist PFOIQCT
in documentin identified concerns. All data
will be confifential and presented as group lam not on the GLSO mailing
patterns. In other words, data from any single list, but I would like to receive
respondent will not be reported. the TRILOGY PROJECT questionnaire.
Questionnaires will be distributed sometime
in late April. Individuals who are on the GLSO Name:
mailing list will receive a research packet in the
mail. If you are not on the mailing list and Address:
would like to receive a research packet, you
mag return the coupon provided on this pa e City, State, Zip:
an we will send one to you. A simiE‘tr
approach will be taken with individuals on Mail to:
organization mailing lists in Louisville. In Trilogy Proiect
a dition to the research packets that will be Melanie D. Otis, MSW
mailed, Dr. Skinner has solicited the assistance PO Box 332
of 50 members of the Lexington and Louisville Lexington, KY 40584-0332
communities to contact possible study
6 Apr GLSO

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C Que . m ' “1W hnl perttenLIsdescnbedbeIow:
om Its in rytem. ustng v computer Ice 0 - . , _ _
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mpomu of all current members. Ind vice vem. keeping luck of lion—no vote either way. Lines lert blink are counted as ok.
the members having the highest matching scores. . . . .
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will know of these matches only when they contact you. 20 votes to restrict age. race. residence. and other important trails
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I Rank each category from 1 to 16 tn t8 order of Importance to you.
OK: I " "V IL Wh'l do I d°7 with I Is the most important and 16 Is the IeasL using each rank
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0“ the other lid: of ““5 9‘89- Refer ‘0 the instructions '0 the rig)“ Put a check mark beside the five most important category headings.
to complete Steps 3. 4. and 5. It )5 very unponant to read than 1“va therest blank.
carefully. If you don‘t follow the instructions we can't guarantee _ .
the results. If you need help call 1-708-991-0693 (9.5 CST. M-F). "0“: Y0“! "WP“ "'11 I" ‘3'“ "‘°’”Y "W“ “3° "w" ““1”?
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Send the “WM“ form “II-h ‘20 “0" 5 matches) 0’ $30 “0" or unchecked categories. Some of your matches may have traits by
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ComQuest Application Form (see left sude for Instructions)
Form GLSO9003- Copyright 1990
Step I - Confidential Melllng Address - Pleue print your neme Step 2 - Contact Inform-lion -‘ Pleeseflrr'nl the "contact informe-
md mulling eddrus below. This is only for our use in mulling you tion" below which will enlble new opp 'canls ‘who get metched to
your muches. end is kept confidential. (All correspondence to you to contact you. WWWd
members is meiled in plein envelopes.) WWW You are limited to a
ton] of 17.5 letters. speces. end punctuation. You should use some
Name ———.—__— of the space to briefly describe yourself end your interests. If you
do not wish for others to cont-ct you. or if you live outside the
Addl’ —_.~__—___—— areas listed in the Residence category below. cross out this section.
City S t Zip—
____.__l_l-___L _.___
”me (—__)_____—_ (option-l) LI I l l l l l l | LLLLLLLLI | | I l
H by I" at I l m f m. “1 Id Ll_|_|_|_|_l_|_l_l_l-l_l_l_l_l_l_L.L|_|_|._|-|_|_l
en: trm ll em It east yeers 0 age. I eve re
the infonnetion on the reverse side, and thet I will not hold Ll._l._l_.l_l_l_l_l_l—l_|_l_LLLLLl—Ll—l—Ll—l—l
ComQueet liable for the behavior or heelth of the people I meet I: e
result of in services. (Signeture is required.) Ll—l—I—l—l—l—l-Ll—l—l—I—I—l—L-l—l—LL-LI—I—l-L-l
Sign“, D... Ll_l_|_|_Ll_.l_l_l_l_l_L.l_LLl_L.L_L_L|_L.l_l_l
Steps 3' 4' Ind 5 . See insmfions Contoct lletlng (Stop 2) lneludee . . . Helght/Welgnt
do me voto no on yee Both phone leddreu Clrole mm per group (required).
Reel nee the veto no on you Andree- out no phone
—- mo vetonookyee ShorterthenS'o'
rne veto no ok yee DetrolWlfindeor me ve: M g: yee grumbutm'etltdre: mo veto no ok you Between 56‘ end 50‘
mo veto no ok yee LonelnoIGrond Rapid: me V' m yee X ”up“; wor ' the veto no ok yee Between 5'9" Indoleet
mo veto no ok you Toledombcelloree RellglouelPolltleolBellote mo vote no ok yee Teller thenoleet
g 2:: (I: a a: ($me eel: '55:. me veto no alt yee Cemollc rne veto no ok yee Slimmer then ever-9e
m. vote no ok yee Cleveland/woollen. me veto no ok you Protutent mo veto no air yee Avengetorheloht
mo veto no o“ yee lndienepollefllfleree the veto no ok yee Jowien _ rne veto no olt yee Heevlerthenovereoe
me veto no a yee LoulevlltolLexlngton/ltz me veto no ok you NewAgerSplntuel rne veto no ok yee Very heevy(o‘1ubby)
rne veto no olt yee Very reltglout M tlonellt Rel
Preferred Reletlonehlp/HIV Btetue me veto no ok you Agnoetlunotrellgioue — ' 7M '
Clrele unto per group, me veto no olt yee Conlervetivo You moot mu“ your reoelnettoneltty.
the veto no a“ yee Lover/llle mete me veto no olt you Lloml me veto no olt yee Block
the veto no olt you Homoneelno commitment Vlceo me veto "° °k yee “W“
the veto no ok you Coeuel eex . "‘9 "m no °k yee P,‘°“°."""d"
me ”1° no ok yee Friondehiplpenpel Clrele mme pergroup(requtred). me veto no ok yet Hrepentc .
rne veto no olt yee Footnote me veto no 0k yee Non ernoltor m. veto no ok you Ceumlenmtute)
. me veto no ok you nghtemokor the veto no ok you Smoothuimeoodyhelr)
m 2:: g :2 x: xx man. the veto no olt yee Heavy ernoker the veto no air yee Hairy Ghent
the veto no olt yee Not touted the veto no ok yee Nonorllahtdrlnker rne veto no °k 7“ “'7 berry/teddy b."
EntertelnrnerI/Soolel Aetlvlllee me vem no olt yee Modemte drinker Heir ColorI