xt769p2w6j3d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt769p2w6j3d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-01-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 16, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 16, 1975 1975 1975-01-16 2020 true xt769p2w6j3d section xt769p2w6j3d l'ol. LXVI No. 90
'l‘hursday. January 16. I975


The agony



an independent student newspaper

Kernel staff photo by Chuck Combos

l.oretta Kuhler. accounting major. totally \llnls up the

agony and frustration associated \\ ith d ropradd by her

of defeat

facial e\pression.

Landlord-tenant low
Louisville, Lexington 's new law may be beneficial

By KAYE cov'ri:
Assistant Managing Editor

Lexington arxl Louisville‘s new landlord»
tenant law has proved to be beneficial to
landlords and tenants since it became
effective Aug. 1.

Representatives of local tenant and
landbrd groups have expressed their
satisfaction with the Uniform Residential
Landlord and Tenant Act’s definition of the
rights and responsibilities for those who
rent or pay rent.

SOME "F the major points of the new
law include the following:

—- Evictions are prohibited as a means
for landlord retaliation against tenants
who report violations of housing. safety
codes or join a tenants' union.

7- If required, security deposits are kept
by the landlord in a separate bank ac-
count. He must tell the tenant the account
number and location. Before moving in.
both the landlord and tenant must inspect
the unit for any existing damage. The
resulting list. signed by one or both of the
parties. will determine if the landlord
should return all or part of the deposit.

— [NDER certain conditions. tenants
may deduct repairs from rent if the lan-
dlord fails to make the repairs 14 days
after notification. However, the law only
covers repairs which cost up to slmor half
a month's rent. whichever is greater.

Tenants have the responsibility to
keep their premises clean, safe and in
compliance with building and housing
codes They must not deliberately or
negligently destroy or damage any part of
the unit or use heating. sanitation or

ventilation lacilities In an unreasonable

Tenants may now obtain injunctive
relief if the landlord fails to comply with
the rental agreements or local building
and safety codes. ()r be may terminate the
lease 30 days after notifying the landlord if
the pmblem is not solved.

”IT‘S WORKING very well here in
Lexington." said State Representative
William G. Kenton (Dvl.ex.t. sponsor of
the legislation. ”The main point of the bill
was to try to develop a rational resolution

an equitable way to establish a lan—
dlord's and tenant's legal relationship."

“I think it helped owners and dwellers
by eliminating the chaos that went on for
years," he said.

Kenton added the only problem he has
seen with the new law is that not enough
people haveexercised their rights under it.

"BOTH TENANTS and landlords are not
fully informed about the new law." said
Alberta Coleman, program coordinator of
Tenants Services and Organization
Assistance, Inc, tTS&()At, a non—profit
housing counseling center for low-income
families, "It‘s their actual experience that
willbnng them into knowledge of what the
legislation really means." (‘oleman said.

Although ’I‘S&()A sponsored a series of
neighborhood meetings last summer to
explain the law. the seminars were only
lightly attended. (‘ole'nan said. ”We feel
that until people have a need. a crisis or an
emergency, they won't seek help."

Barry Donaldson. 'l‘SMiA administrator
and research coordinator. said he was
happy to see the legislature finally decide

2] University of Kentucky



I.exington. Ky. 40506

Committee says personality tests
should be on a volunteer basis

Assistant Managing Editor

A special committee set up by President
this A Singletary to investigate the ad-
ministration and uses of two personality
report calling for
voluntary participation

'I‘hetwo tests. which a re administered to
all students entering the l'niversity
before their arrival on campus or at
summer advising conferences are:

—~ 'l‘lll-l (minibus Personality Inventory
ttil’l . a test designed to measure dif
lerenccs among college students' at-
titudes. opinions and feelings on a variety
of subjects

The American (‘ouncil of Education
(At'l‘i test which asks questions about
their family income. political preferences

tests has issued a

and sexual activities
ltoth although
[H‘ill‘t’fl inandantory to

tests. \oliintary', up

many incoming
lrcsliiimii according to Student Govern
ment President David .\lucci. a member of

the committee

I\ ‘l lll’i ieport. submitted to Siiigletary.
the t‘ttlllllllllt‘t‘ said It felt the voluntary
naturi- ot the tests should he madeclcar to
all students because “inquiries min per
\tillttl \zilui-s can be justified only where

to tackle landlordtenant problems.
Donaldson is also chairman of Housing
(‘oalition. a group of concerned citizens
organized to combat housing problems.

BEFORE Till“. LAW. lawyers and social
service counselors could depend only on
judicial precedence to advise their clients.
Now they can tell the tenant whether he
has a legal grievance. Donalds said.

('ontinued on page I:

the information sought bears a crucial
relation to a proper and compelling
l'iiiversity interest "

The tests are used
research purposes.

Dr ('harles Elton. one of two people
listed in the report as using the ()PI data
tor published research. disagreed Wllh
committee's recommendation of volun»
tary participation

primarily for

l.‘\ .\l\' judgement the recommendation
to put the participation in the DPI on a
voluntary basis is equal to the book bur~
ning incident in t‘harleston. W Va said
Elton. a professor of adult and higher
education “This program voluntarily is
useless for research because of the bias
incurred ”

.\lucci \‘tltl Elton couldn't really prove
that voluntary participation could make a
tlillcreticc Ill the statistics. “Sometimes a
\atiiplc containing too many people is
unreliable and sometimes too small is a
sample I\ unreliable." Mucci said.

Dr Lewis ('ocliran. chairman of the
i'tilllllllllt't' and l'niversity vice presulent
tor academic affairs. said there would be a
bias iii any case

"Psychologists will tell you there are
coinpuLsary participation biases as well as
\olunuiry biases," (‘ocliran said.

\l..\‘(i LIS’I’I‘ID on the report as using the
(WI data for research was Dr. llarriet
ltose. director of the ('ounseling and
Testing Service, Rose refused to comment
on any aspect of the committee‘s report.

Several questions were raised by the
committee concerning the cafnpus
security of the accumulated UPI aand
At‘E data located in Rose‘s office.

The report also raised doubts concerning
the value of the ACE and ()PI data to the
l'niversity. “We are not aware that the
University has a clearly developed
program of which sound and legitimate
decisions can be made on the ad-
ministration of such instruments as the
ACE and Old." the report stated.

('ontinued on page 20

EAS expresses dissatisfaction

with proposed Red River dam

Managing Editor
The Environmental Protection Agency
(E PA i has expressed dissatisfaction with
four areas of the proposed Red River dam
and lake project,

In a letter last November to the
Louaville district office of the (US, Army
(‘orps of Engineers. the EPA claimed the
project would:

—\‘l(il..\’l‘E STATE standards on the
amount of oxygen the lake water should
contain in the summer;

(‘reate grave concern for the buildup
of oxygen-choking elements caused by
"agricultural activities and increased
urban runoff; ”

Eliminate at least three species of cool
water fish from the project area; and

~\’ltll..\’l‘E 'l‘llE National
('ommittce drinking water criteria for iron
and manganese during fall.


(‘ontents of the EPA's letter were made
public Dec. :10 when they were published in
the Federal Register. The EPA comments
were in response to the (‘orps‘ final en<
vironinental impact statement on the
controversial project

The EPA reviews the impact
statements. which are required of all
projects proposed by federal agencies.
The Red River dam project was originally
funded by (‘ongress in 1962 and in 1975
3300.000 was allocated for land purchases
and construction.

'I'III‘I (‘tiltl’s has suspended land
acquisition in the area until Feb. 7 as the
result ofa suit filed lll PS District (‘ourt
by dam opponents The court issued an
order halting the project until Jan. 7 and
both parties agreed to an original
inoritorium until .Ian 22. That (late has
now been extended until Feb. 7.

( outinued on page 30



Editor-menial, Linda Carries
Managing editor, IRon Mitc'wtl
Assocnte ednur, Nancy Datv
Editorial page editor. Dan Cuutchei

Features editor, Larry Mead
Arts editor, Greg Hotelich
Sports editor. Jim Manon:
Photography editor. Ed Gerald

Editorials represent the opinions ot the editors. notme University




Close Rose Street: The planner's nightmare

A University planner‘s nightmare:
He is standing at the edge of a street
trying to get to the other side. Each
time he takes a tenous step off the
curb a LexTran bus comes hurtling
from nowhere. He dives back to the
curb each time without a moment to
spare. He looks back and sees an
incredibile carnage; bodies strewn in
the street. hit-and—run victims

Nabobs of

Last semester we witnessed first
the approval then the recission by the
Student Senate of a Student Govern-
ment tSGl sponsored dance for gay
students. This semester SG President
David Mucci has vetoed the senate's
decision to rescind the sponsorship of
the dance. However. at tonight‘s
senate meeting the veto could be

crawling to the curbs. The planner
can take it no longer. He runs into the
street. extends his right arm with
palm upturned. Bearing down on him
is a Cadillac. The instant before fatal
impact he recognizes its passengers:
a heterogeneous mix of city officials.
council members. and state highway
department members.

“You fool?" they cry in unison.
"Don‘t you know you can't stop the
Rose Street express?“ The planner
awakes shouting “I can! I will? I

We cannot verify the occurrence of
such a nightmare. but the problem of
what to do with Rose Street could
certainly produce one.

What does one do with a street that
is congested with cars at nearly any
hour of the day. that is crossed daily
by more than 10.000 students (Student
Government estimate) and that
separates the L'niversity from its
primary expansion area ithe Clifton
Park-Columbia regioni‘.’

Closing Rose Street is not ac-
ceptable to city officmls because.
quite simply, it is one of the city's
major arteries.

Alternative proposals for
alleviating the Rose Street problem
include the building of a walk bridge
connecting the Medical (‘enter and
the Medical (‘enter Annex area.
Funds have already been ap-
propriated for this.

For the Rose-(‘1ifton-t‘olumbia
area. several solutions are being
considered One is the construction of
landscaped medians to allow
pedestrians a “safe zone” in the
middle of the street. Another is
“depressing" a section of the street to
create a partially open tunnel. with
sidewalk-level walkways overpassing
the street.

money the city could build a bypass
road to the east of campus or update
and widen an existing road to handle
the traffic. Which brings us back to
the original proposal.

('lose Rose Street At this point we
are confronted by the frightening
spectre of reality. It is the stuff of
planners nightmares.

Welcome to
our forum

As a new semester begins we
remind and encourage our readers to
write letters to the editor and com-
ments whenever they have a gripe. a
compliment or just want a forum for
their opinion

We ask that letters do not exceed
330 words and comments should not
exceed 730 words .\lso. we request



overidden if two-thirds of the senators If
do not want to sponsor the gay dance.

The whole issue has gotten overly
confusing and complicated and has
proved to be the most controversial
matter before the senate this year.

We've said it before and we‘ll say it
again. There‘s no reason for SG not to
dance so we
senators to not vote to override the

SpOIlSOI‘ it g3 \


A venue.


Nicholas Von Hoffman

Wit and eloquence
on Tonight Show

My .'\'l('ll()l..\S VON HUFFMAN

WASHING'I‘UN — The cruelest
thing you can do to a public figure
is to quote his words verbatim
without cleaning up the syntax
for print. That's what happened
to former President Nixon with
his tapes. and it‘s what the
National Broadcasting Company
deserves for putting on the
Tonight show instead of pulling
the plug and going home to bed.

Herewith are verbatim
excerts of Burt Reynolds sub-
stituting for Johnny Carson the
other night: “...I'm going to
resolve not to do any more
interviews with anybody that
could hurt me... One magazine
accused me of flashing in front of
the Vienna Boys Choir. There‘s a
new fan magazine coming out
called Movieland Smut. It's a
biggie. And they've accused me
of getting Moms Mabley in

I‘VE GOTa movie out now. It's
called ‘The Longest Yard‘... I'm
doing a movie now with Cather—
ine Deneuve. Umm. Yeah.
yeah A lot of women... try to
put her down all the time Makes
them feel better. I‘ve been trying
to put her down and make me feel

“ .. You know who's coming out
here first. fine of the all-time
bods of the world... Her tush
her tush really is like if you went

to Frederick’s of Hollywood and
said.‘Let me have one of those
perfect ones.‘ I mean you can put
a glass on it and walk across the
room on it."

With that. band leader Doc
Severinsen inquires. “You’re a
tush man. is that it?"

“Yl‘I.>\ll.YE.»\H," replies the
eloquent Mr. Reynolds. who then
introduces Mitzi Gaynor. the first
guest of the evening. by remark-
ing. “You're in such incredible
shape... You‘re as pretty as I
thought you would be."

To which Miss Gaynor res-
ponds. "Isn‘t that nice? I really
appreciate that. It's very cute of
you to say that because I'm a
great fan of yours...and every~
body here is. It's nice when
somebody who is really a terrific
person gets to do something
terrific and it turns out terrif-

More elevated dialogue fol-
lows until Miss Gaynor tells Mr.
Reynolds. “I have crush on you...
I get a crush on people in the
business. because if they‘re ter-
ribly talented and attractive.
then I‘m very much attracted to

AFTER Tll.\T exchange Mr.
teynolds plugs another one of his
movies. but. not to be outdone.
Miss Gaynor counterplugs by
mentioning her forthcoming TV

t'niversity officials had their
way. they would close Rose Street
Limestone Street
Such was indicated in the of
1965 (‘raneGorwick plan. which was
an overall proposal for t'niversity
development and expansion.
idea was recently proposed by Dr.
Grace Donnelly of the ['rban (.‘ounty
mission. but was voted down.

into the

to Euclid





special. “Mitzi and a Hundred
Guys." This news excites Mr.
Reynolds into saying. “Could I
just sort of run through there real
fast and — streak by?"

All—time bod Miss Gaynor is so
stimulated by the thought of Mr.
Reynolds loose in the altogether
on the set of her musical she
exclaims. “()h. I‘d love it...
Would you really streak? Oh. my

liver the interlocutor of wit
and sensibility. Mr. Reynolds
exclaims in his turn. “I‘d do a
show with you with just black
socks and an old iS-millimeter

THEN Tllli conversation takes
a different turn. Miss Gaynor
explains how she prepares her
self for her art by working out
daily in the gym. “Because being
a dancer. you‘re like an athlete.
and I don't want to go blahhub

Installing medians would almost
certainly be only a temporary
solution. If the l'niversity expands

avowedly intends. then a longer range
plan is called for It would be a waste
money to
construct medians only to build a
tunnel several years later.

There are several objections to a
“depressed" Rose Street, (me is the
sheer volume of unsightly concrete
Another is the expense It would seem
that with nearly the same amount of


Park area. as it

the street and



a—na... That‘s different from wak-
responds Mr, Reynolds. prior to
announcing the name of the next
picturehe‘tl be making in Mexico
with Liza Minnelli. “Uh. great?"
Miss Gaynor enthuses. “I know
that‘s going to be terrific." And
with that she exits wiggling her
tush to Mr. Reynolds‘ vast and
public satisfaction.

If Mr. Reynolds lacks taste or
talent or even the ability to read a
line with a modicum of pro-
fessionalism. then this perfor»
mancc isn't his fault. We can
dismiss him as just another
all time bod of the world.

l-1\'l'l\ St) the Parson—Tonight
Show has become contemptuous
of its audience It's not just that
it's vulgar .-\ristophanes. Moi»
iere and Sharidan were vulgar.
but they were funny it's the


liiildmg. l'K. Lexington. Ky .


letters and comments be tij-written
and double spaced for the benefit of
our tij-setters

'l‘lie w riter must include his or her

address. telephone number

and classification the w riter's name
will be omitted if there is sufficient

Letters and comments should

.lourna lism

in “until ill


bad writing. the evident lack of
rehearsal. the slopshod technical
work which has gotten so poor
you frequently see the boom
microphone dangling down from
the top of the TV screen.

For the overriding dullness of
such nincompoopery. NBC‘s ex-
ecutives must take the blame.
Their abnegation of their respon—
sibility to oversee the quality of
what goes out over NBC‘s name
makes hash out of the argument
for the use of government power
to keep the networks in business
because the public gets some»
thing out of free television. The
only something we get from NBC
on this program is a peek at the
dogs in the Alpo commercials;
and. dog or man. I‘d rather eat
Alpo than watch that show again.
Hoffman is a
King Features


\' ic liolas




Opinions from nude and outside the universufy community







If at first you,_§on't succeed, quit

I .






By Steven M. Cahn

BURLINGTON, Vt.—American higher
education stands on the brink of chaos.
Never have so mmy rpent so long
learning so little.

The present crisis stems from the
increasingly widespread acceptance
among faculty and administrators of
the fatal educational principle that a
student should not be required to do
any academic work that displeases
him. If a student prefers not to study
science or history or literature, he is
allowed to attain his degree without.
studying any science, history, or

If he prefers not to take examina~
tions, he either makes special arrange-
ments with his instructor or else
chooses his courses from among the
ever-growing number that involve no
examinations. If he prefers that his
work not be graded, he arranges in
most or all of his courses to receive
an undifferentiated pass or fail. if he
is concerned about obtaining high
grades, he selects his teachers from
among the many who have yielded to
student pressure and now indiscrimi—

nately award A‘s to virtually everyone.
As the dean of Yale's Morse College
recently remarked of her students,
“They get a B and they bawl. It takes
a man or woman of real integrity
to give a 8."

Throughout the country the attempt
is being made to provide students with
what is advertised as a liberal educa-
tion without requiring of them the
neces ary self-discipline and hard
work. Students have. been led to be-
lieve they can acnieve without effort,
that all they need do in order to ob-
tain a good education is skip blithely
down the merry road to learning. Uni
fortunately, that road is no more than
a detour to the dead end of ignorance.

We must realize that becoming an
educated person is a difficult, demand-
ing enterprise. Just as anyone who
spoke of intense physical training as
a continuous source of pleasure and
delight would be thought a fool, for
we all know how much pain and frus—
tration such training involves, so any«
one who speaks of intense mental
exertion as a continuous source of
joy and ecstasy ought to be thought
equally foolish, for such effort also
involves pain and frustration. It is
painful to have one's ignorance ex~

posed and frustrating to be baffled by
intellectual subtleties. Of cour. 0, there
can be joy in learning as there can be
joy in sport. But in both cases the
joy is a result of overcoming genuine
challenges and cannot be experienced
without toil.

It is not easy to read intelligently
and think precisely. It is not easy to
speak fluently and write clearly. it is
not easy to study a subject carefully
and know it thoroughly. But these
abilities are the foundation of a sound

If a student is to learn intellectual
responsibility, he must be taught to
recognize that not every piece of work
is a good piece of work. In fact, some
work is just no good at all. A student
may be friendly, cooperative, and sen-
sitive to the needs of mankind, but he
may nevertheless turn in a muddled
economics paper or an incompetent
laboratory report.

And that he means well is no rea-
son why he should not be criticized
for an inadequate performance. Such
criticism, when well-founded and con—
structive, is in no way demeaning, for
the willingness to accept it and lawn
from it is one mark of a mature indi-
vidual, Yet criticism of any sort is rare

Pd ul Dena"

nowadays. As student opinion is
given greater and greater weight in
the evaluation of faculty, professors
are busy trying to ingratiate them-
selves with the students.

Indeed, college education is gradu-
ally coming to resemble the (‘aucus—
race in “Alice‘s Adventures in Won-
derland" in which everyone begins
running whenever he likes and stops
running whenever he likes. there are
no rules. Still everyone wins, and
everyone must receive a prize.

A democracy, however, cannot af-
ford to transform its educational sys-
tem into a Caucus—race. for the success
of a democracy depends in great part
upon the understanding and capability
of its citizens. And in the complex
world in which we live. to acquire
sufficient understanding and capability
requires a rigorous education. If we
fail to provide that education, we shall
have only ourselves to blame 'iS inis~
guided policies ‘u our universities
contribute to the decay of our

Steven M. Cairn. chairman of the phi-
losophy department of the l’niversity
of Vermont. is the author of "The
Eclipse of Excellence."




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news briefs

‘ Colby denies reports
of domestic CIA spying

\\ \SlllMi'l‘lH \Al’i , i‘l.-\ ttireetor William E t‘olby today
tlatly denied published reports that tliespy agency conducted a
massive illegal domestie intelligence operation during the ;\l.\‘t)ll

llowevei: t‘olby acknowledged to a Senate appropriations sub
committee that the agency "recruited or inserted about a dozen
individuals into :\tlt(‘l‘li'.‘ltl dissident circles" as part ot' a govern»
ment effort to determine whether American radicals were
receiving support from abroad ‘

In his tirst public comment on the tlllt'gttllin‘ts. tolliy also
acknowledged that beginning in 18kt? t he agency's ot'tice ot security.
concerned about attacks on agency installations in the Washington,
I) t‘ . area. "inserted lti agents itito dissident organizations
operating iii the \I'ashington, l) t' . area ”

The purpose was to gather information relating to plans tor
demonstrations. pickets. protests. or break itis that might en
danger (‘lApersonneLtaeilities and intormation, t'olby said. added

that the pmgram ended in December. ttiiitt

Unemployment checks
highest since 1937

\\ \SIII\(t'l'tl\ ‘.-\l’» _, More Americans collected unem
ploynient checks t'liristmas week than at any ttiiie since the
goyernment began paying _]t)lil('ss benetits Ill 1937, the goy'ertittient
said today

The Labor Department reported that Ltllriim persons collected
unemployment checks that week. an increase ot more than Ultimo
met the pl't’Vtttlh week

The unemployment rate tor those eoyered by unemployment
insurance increased ll'iltlt lt\ e to s.\ per cent. the highest rate since
~\laiI'h 191th ,\ year earlier. the rate was 2.) per cent when Alfifljoo
Allit'l'lt‘tllb t't‘t‘t‘lH'tl iohless benehts

lti addition to those already reeeiy ing unempioy tnent insurance.
another littl.:ltm persons unable to ttnd yobs tiled initial i'lainis tor
iobless benehts during the week ended .lan l. .i deerease ot Miooo
ti'oin the previous weeks ntimherot H t:l.ftmiiiiti.‘il i-laims

Two committee chairmanships
taken from senior Democrats

\\ \Slll\t.'l'il\ .\l' In .4 traditionshattering lttttH‘. the
House Democratic Steering t otntnittee \oted \M-dnesday to take
eomniittee ehairtnanships away tron; two senior lh'ltitit't‘tits

the hind decisions on t'haii‘man “tight l’atman ot the House
Rankmg ('omniittee .ind t‘hairman \layne L Hays ot the llotise
.\dininistration t'omnnttee \iill be made 'l‘hui‘sday by the
Democratic eaueiis

The steering committee, under retorni procedures. has taken
overthe work ot nominating members tor t'lltttttltllt‘t‘ positions and

Voting by secret ballot and discarding the long held principle ot
seniority, the committee decided to recommend Rep Henry S
lteuss. l) “is A tor the Banking t‘oinmittee chairmansip and Rep
li‘rank 'l'hompson. l).\'.l. tor the Administration t‘ommittee

Commission wants long range
land-use reclamation plans

I‘ll \\Kl"tltt'l‘ ‘ .‘\l’i —- State Eiiy'irontnental Quality t‘ommission
members said \l’ednesday more attention should he L’JVt‘ll to
reclaiming strip-mined land tor a iisettil purpose

The issue was tirst raised by William (iorman ot lla/ard With
the high prices ot lumber. he said. a good reclamation program
should require stripminers to plant trees. instead ol' only grass. as
they reclaim the land

(,‘ommission members agreed longer range land-use should be
the goal ot reclamation. Jackie Swigart ol Louiswlle. chairwoman
of the council, said the state had no such goal now

State Reclamation Director John Roberts acknowledged his
agency's primary objective has been to get any kind of vegetative
eover on reclamation sites as quickly as possible. which is what the
law requires

“We can only appeal to the leadership to work in that direction."
Swigait said. “How much longer can we continue to loot the l)!”
\\ ithout any concern for how we leave Eastern Kentucky“ ”




The Kentucky Kernel, lid Journalism Building, University at Kentucky,
Lexington. Kentucky, 405061 is mailed live times weekly during the school year
ercept during holidays and exam periods, and tWIce weekly during the summer
session Third class postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky, 405“

Published by the Kernel Press, Inc tounded in I971 Begun as the Cadet in um
and published continuously as the Kentucky Kernel since WIS


Advertising published herein is intended to help the reader buy Any

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SHAC completes draft
of revised charge

Assistant Managing Editor

The Student Health Advisory
(‘ommittee (SllACi completed
the final draft of its revised
committee charge for submission
to President ()tis A. Singletary‘s
office Friday.

All administrative advisory
committees operate under a
charge. This constitutionalslike
document includes the functions
and the composition of the

PRIOR ’l‘ti (‘hristmas break.
Martin Kasdan. chairperson for
SllAt‘. and Gloria Bowker. SllA(‘
membervalvlarge, drew up a
proposed charge which was
presented to a joint meeting of
SllAt‘ and the Student Health
(irganization (‘ommittee
Revisions proposed and
SllAt‘s Tuesday

voted on at
night meeting

t'nder the proposed charge.
SllAt‘ would report directly to
Singletary instead of going
through the vice president for the
Medical ('enter "We wouldn't
have to rely on past goodwill."
Kasdan said

(‘oncern was voiced over the
benefits of cutting out the middle
man “I can't think ofaiiy reason
cutting out the
channels," said Sherry (‘onner.
Sll.-\t' member at large "I would
chair your concern. but it is not
Howard l.
Host. assistant \ ice president for
the Medical “Reports
would be addressed to the

to warrant

needed,’ said Dr


president, so an_\one who would
stop them \\ nuld be out of hue "

llltllllalt discussion
revealed that going through the
\ ice presidents to get to

Singletan is reall) beneficial in

the end it was pointed out that
Singlctan would receive any
reports trom Sll.-\(‘ with the

added adxice ot the respective

\icc president that would be

iii\ ol\ ed

The final draft included a
paragraph which stated that the
president of the University shall
be reported to regularly through
the vice president for the Medical

Exofficio members, non-
voting members of SHAC, in-
clude the director and adminis-
trator of the University Health
Service. the vice president for the
Medical (‘enter and the vice
president for student affairs. The
revised charge calls for fewer
ex—officio members

deleted the requirement that two
members of the Graduate and
Professional Student
Organization serve as SHAC
members. However. two Student
Government lSGi represen-
tatives will still serve as a liaison
between SG and SHAH

Another change made in the
revised charge is in SltA(“s role
in recruiting personnel for the
l'niversity Health Service. The
revised charge states specifically
that SllA(‘ shall assist in in
terviewing and selecting the
health service personnel.

The revised charge also ex-

pands on the function of SHAC,
There is now a clause which
states that the committee will
now inform students of health
services and programs available
on and off campus.
Sll\t IS also involved with
trying to lirid alternatives to the
traffic problem on Rose Street.
and more specifically the traffic
problem between the \ledical
(‘cnter and the annex buildings.
Mike llewle)‘. Sll;\("s SG
representative. reported to the
three medians
have been proposed for
Street This includes one to be
plated in front on the Medical

Although monthly SllAt‘
meetmgs have been set for the
second 'l'hursday. an mi
scheduled meeting was called for

committee that

.laii ll

KET works with University
by broadcasting course

"The Ascent of Man. A Pet‘-
soiial View" by Dr Jacob
lironowski will be broadcast over
KI‘IT at 8-:ttipm through April 1
for acedeniic credit.

The course. “UK 300 The
Ascent of Man." deals with the
history of scientific thought and