xt769p2w6k6q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt769p2w6k6q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-02-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 18, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 18, 1986 1986 1986-02-18 2020 true xt769p2w6k6q section xt769p2w6k6q t ' '.
“fittwst” - Av “4AM Wm . , » ‘ - , A ‘
E B ‘ii semi»? $2k2h§a§§¥ogih‘df’iifitwih‘45’iw’fiigt‘gré"The: A‘ 1 "V a my. mm. “my . m ‘.7' rm' WWW 18' ‘986

Memorand m l ' P

u eXp ams , -. . - 01] supports plan , '
campus parking issue T ‘ requirin Con ress .w . ~ -.
UK offiCials issue statement replying _ _ g g ' . , .

e; , .
986 to petitions. outlining plans for spaces . :1 1‘. 7 .. / . 5.. t0 balance budget 7 ~

BySA(‘lIADEVRO0MEN ——-—— -_ is.._.-._;.. -. ‘A , ,
M ‘ 't . “A“ . ‘ . . . . "w ‘iuik th hA - It .Ai'i ".-.’- A

“”9”;de A memorandum to be . _ . .,.. 1 , . _., Zsfiia'ii‘d'hg’lhmm 0,[gefiiggegrgupgwghilt)" ‘ ‘ z - ~ .7 . j

. _ was!“ ~‘ ""3 i ,I . . . . ‘. .
beUniversity administrators have cu‘culated on campus I i. 1 . I Richagdson said he dsupports a but . II I, I. I.

gun circulating a memorandum wI .2; ~ ' , .- .,I,.I,,I,III w... :I, FRANKFURT ._ For several re- anced udget amen ment. but as A. A, I.
explaining the “facts of life" about says UK planIS to add “as f'flwg' ._ -‘” "' Ng“fi“%ngj cent sessions, some Kentucky law- House speaker he was instruiiit-iitiii I. .- .I :
campus parking. I 1,125 spaces In 1986, . th‘vmr. "£3“ . .JML-L1 , . makers have supported a resolution in previous years in killing similar .' i. "A... .I .j . :I

The 03".“ 0f. the “he chancellor h' h 401 M331”; ".I. . . . \I, . A do”; «w in the General Assembly calling on reSO'UtloIhS- ., ' IA . I; j (1.: z.
for administration yesterday began W 1C amounts to ' 3‘". 'A “2% A. f; A \ _ u: a». 1% ”A ' .9111» “1 Congress to pass a constitutional He sald the language WWIA'AA‘AHR .‘ I..I_A—. Lit/j?
sendingIIIout a leItIter :iIiIerefisponse to new spaces A_ t” ‘ E'hhih‘t’ . ‘. 3033-9}, ”(Am amendment to require a balanced aPPSI’IVagl is; :1) cdorinengoIijing ldkt'I up .f .,-'II_
wo lions as n niversit ' 7A ' ‘ ‘ 9" ”A1“- A Ta .. . any "1 .V n 9 U 9 ”133"" '.A ‘
toallgiate parking groblems. y _ .' in?” “k \\ £331.: A. wi.3§ fetli’ei'liiiiail’iliygabecause of opposition Wt“ h°t mean anything Oth‘ a ""h . 1‘ ’5‘}! i- a"

In the last several weeks, the Uni- plan has been updated but “the , 1 ,3..." 3; -;' ‘\ ‘§$%~%é$”wfllf, by previous legislative leaders. that vention is called "Those are .lhA‘t ' I" '1.- '. '1".
versity has received about 380 to 390 major elements of this. lan have ‘ h V“ 27:33; 3“ a“ . 1‘ Yfik;“§§¢«sit:& resolution always had died in com- worIds thatmean ”Othihg'nhhhhm 1' ‘ t. .- .' i: ‘ 'y =‘
names on petitions calling for a solu- been followed in the past aid will be "r III-I, 213;? \ 33“». ”.1. . .. z“ I}, . . II ,I Ag.- I mittee. “orthington said he too is war} til I , : .I iII. II
"A!““hecamws Parkinssituatim, followedinthefuture” 'A‘ AHA A ‘A' .359. .«A . wt..- -, ._ This year. armed with a poll that what m'gh.‘ “APP?“ A“ AA A‘““-““AAA“‘"A : ‘A ' . - 2'
said Gene Williams, assrstant vice “S . ' I M 4} \3 ._ ‘.".:'r 8.; qu‘ ‘ {51: appears to show broad support for al Chhvethh' hht h" heh‘"‘_'A‘II“ m” 1 ’, - f. . '
chancellor for busmess.I . "”309 parking must give way . II mA ,I 5y a; ‘;. A's} I. such a constitutional amendment in veht'Oh “thud he ”hhet't’EA‘dr.‘ ‘t , '. A' . . ..I ~‘ S

He said about one-third of the Sig- t0 "8‘th buildings at UKz the letter “a; ' .. Ago; ‘5 '. “If“ffg Kentucky, Rep. Pete Worthington Kentucky acts because ( ongress . ' 'A ‘ ' .
nees are fromIthe Medical Center. says. While parking 15 important 1“ fl"; “‘ ~ .‘ ‘ kyfioglafifhfif; D-Ewing.I is confident something “thud h“ mm" hket.“ t” W“ “h - ' '.
of the remaimng names. about 70 the location of any building, the punt at Q 5 1’. 3 we; :fil'fi‘fivfic posmvewnlhappen. amendment foraction b) (hesitates I - . -.I .I :

- ' ' - - - 1” “ ' a A Ir .’ . I A .-'§'fi. 1 “‘."WW :. - . -~ ‘ ' . i \ . ~ 3- '
l1:;rIsIrcent are Ifrom the Chemistry- IStlI‘?t98I101°IfI:tlon Of a building in re- 23%;." Aim" . ta t I-fiflgpflfégfgé IIAIII I Ida”: A speCial subcommittee of the . II d‘Imt thlth (MEWS; “dnt . A I . . . I. . .' .
ySlCS BUllde- a ‘0h 0 9 T campus programs 15 1; g. I: ” . '. .- «rso- IA_‘.I_fi’oI.‘?~ n"): House State Government Committee “mm“ ‘9“ anymore t d“ WA“ ~I - , . ,
d The mfjnrlfrantdumt wig 3e sebntetg ofgreater importance. =.—~ itk .7 ‘ ’,. .gfi'j‘,‘ .3. - ~ ‘,’>A'I ”A”? Q. will meet tomorrow to consider Wor- Stites dtfl- ‘heISI‘Ihd; d l '1 ,9 i ‘ ' 0
cans an 'rec ors o 'stri ut .. . .. . as ‘3 @437 A) “9" ‘4‘1 ‘ . A. thin ton's resol tion hi h ll PO 8“ OFIZG A)‘ 1A LIMA? » - . - ‘ -.
. IgI,’ 35g“ . . 4-x“. . g u ,wccason .. _ ,
to theirfaculty and staff members. . builfl’iirfigsacfiunfihmsg olabzfggi-‘i‘i‘; "is.” ”Egg?" ‘ fiygfi‘f" “2“" as Congress to propose a balanced budA “aht‘d Kentuch‘hhs h” “ h“li"“""i ' . , .'~
It“ ad‘hthh t0 replying to the peti~ clinics classrooms et r thigh, 9.5, ‘4'?" \ ,rfi.‘*g" r ifififhg get amendment for ratification by Federal Budget found “m“p'it'” '. . ' -
tions. the letter also is one of gener— -‘ . " c., a e O ' # 3‘ ‘ ”’33.?- A‘ ' ‘71‘9' " fa”: . A‘.—“ the states SUPPOFt 1" the State for a halaiimi ' , .
. . . . . er priority for the advancement of ‘A '~‘- " -' A “6"». ”A; A. . . A . -
alIiInformation, Williams sa'd'. the University than Parking lots or 41- 'm' 4.: i M ‘A' Aw' W415 The resolution also calls for a COh' budget amendment " i - ~ , - 1.‘
it also touches on 333‘ paints we parking structures " the memoran- A3...“ sipsZ‘ ,, 7;. T‘ ,. fi‘W‘t 93!} StitUtiOhat convention. should C0” The poll conducted by “whim" ‘. - ‘ . ~. -
have been talkingabout, hesaid. dum says “We have fought very 1.. {-13 I” . ' ‘:-' ,g I” ‘15”?“1’A’Ahhm gress fail to act, but that call would Staff 0t CheV." (hase. Mdg “”1“" “‘A . . . .
. Construction 0’ several new hUhd’ hard in the last few years for every ._ "' i "T . '- 3? “it“; $233»; 3:11; to“): , 4‘ be rescinded if the convention takes percent 0’ Kentuckians mm" ”“1“ " " i j '- '

iIIrIIIgrsk 33:53:: a: SwsiIlIlm takIt:I about 724 new building on thisc impus.” c“? » fi‘ - 3f. *7 : twaxfzozfi, II‘. .. :pdanyI' matter other than a balanced fissrfienjgemé JIiéstIdiItIIdTIi-i-iIiIii .iIiI _ . I
es r. . ' ..~“‘ A VI 3" N" ”WA 3’; ’* ;, u.’ u e. ‘ -' ‘ ' 1““ . ‘ . ' A.

The memo. however. says there The fight for adiritional parking 1‘30. "3'" “m“ -’ ’ t “Viki 37”.." afiygfifif’ LA‘ - Ifg34 states to call for a conven- percent. weren‘t SUN Or did“? . ' ' ' , '.
should be a substantial net im- structures would have failed com- 7h”? 211’ “T ': ~: 1’ “,1. 1 ‘_ ”A?“ tion, one must be held. Thus far. 32 know. ‘ A
provement in available parking pletely, .t says. in the future, park~ ..-..r’—'A’" ' ‘13 ¢_’1‘:I_ ’ ., 'hhi‘I‘rNI-I‘m «‘7 states have madesuchacall. The Do“ Stlr‘t‘yt‘lt 5‘” A‘t’t-llfitel't‘“ . '
spacesonIcampus,Williamssaid. ing facilities will continue to be a 31.1ch ” I,” - ’1‘“ "A. «I. ‘ahém f. “VT: 1-2;} While there appears to be wide- voters from "a“ 27 to ‘13” h h‘ ' ‘1 ‘A ‘

The LIJniversity plans to add 1,12IS low priority. I I . . 1.2%} ‘8" Ir”, “h‘ua ”C Ar "3, my? spread support in the legislature for sampling 9m" “d5 Nib or mini» 4 I . . ‘ » ‘ I
spaces in 1986. the letter says. This “We Will achieve our objective in ~;- ._ 1 ' mess. . 2*» . ~ “gag-Aug .5. a balanced budget amendment, Pomtb- ‘
a;nounts to 401 additional spaces on 1986 . of replacing the number of ”' A" . ”'1‘ II IIII_I a? s: .113»: ‘ {w mfii' mhhy lawmakers say they fear What The group that >ptm>0red the pill .' i ' - i
c [gnflgusIe th 1 . parking spaces lost because of the ,3 I -» .~ ff ‘3.“in ~. 3:; . 1...;3‘7-‘151‘ 4: fit. might happen inaconvention, represents sexeral powerful lohi \ ' A

pi e oss of parking spots. construction, the memosays. . To“! 4.193. if . M , .. , .‘ *X‘ Rep. 130th Richardson. the G135" ing organizations including the Kt‘"
the letter says parking Spaces are “While it is unfortunate that these .a ”"3" ' *1 “‘3‘“? ‘ \fi‘h‘" gow Democrat who will chair the h - - H ’
notscarce additional spaces could not have . "T I '.- ‘ 1 ‘ i 1 subcomm'ttee meet’ g t tucky Chamber 0! (”lumen-8‘ Aw, ' '
- - ..,~.o - .-‘. .~.. _ . . ' , i in omorrow. .' . s -

“There is a scarcity of convenient been completed prior to the start of 1 . . T , '1': A. . . 'I " , z. A ' (93.1." ‘ typifies that position. Once a con- figfigckfmfi’jjll'fi” 2:“, hfi’ug; ’
parking spaces," it says. But avail- the building projects, the funds were “my cunning/K.m.ls.g“ vention is called, he said. there is “0 tuckv Farm Bureau 1 - I A
:ggaififizsafaiiumber the demand amply attitugailable until recbtifltly. Dim prospects t’hay to make sure other secteiIgns of ' , I I

. e regre inconvemence, no econstitution are not review . The poll also ltlull'ii that or. pol mt - ' - . '

The University has had a long- guarantee of convenient parking 0 ~ - . “Constitutional o t' f h , . . m -

I . I I onnie Tucker, 0 Le t d t c nven ions are 0 t e respondents lPllP\t [ht ltL.> . . _
l"'1‘89 parking plan Since the early comes With employment at thls ‘ur~ with his metal detectziniigi WOLZlhnZnPorslfaIi-ecs’izidtr valuables dangerous to our way of life and to lature should adtipi the resolution. ' . .
19705, according to the letter. The bamzed‘campus.“ Y Y' our system of government." he said. while 18 percent oppose it, ' . 1
e —_—_ e e e e . ~A I -- ’1
a 6X!) 31118 rowth “A .- m l h m r’ t nt f m l *
g ham atcan Z 61 e spa 1e S, a l 195 V 1 I.
. , feed itself has already . 3
0f IthheS'a 5 economy achievedmhi“ benefit from activit ro ram
economic y " ’ . -‘
By KIMIISERLYSISK already achieved much in economic development ,, , ’ ,
Sh'twr‘t” devetwh‘eh“ he sa'dA add“ that ' BySAILAJA MALEMPATI heimers and helps them deal with Those who have the illness to . I .‘ --
Indonesm also is one of the largest Rudy Lengkong, Se . . , . , I . . .
. . . . nior StaffWriter the loss of memory. come disoriented to time and plilt‘t‘ . .. . - . _ ,

Gas and Oil price increases have exporters of rice, coffee, rubber and I t I .. . l h h' . . . , . . - ~
contributed to the economic growth tea. consu tan genera , Al h P t I I I d I We try to find out altht et ”1ng a} and lose their aIbllllI} to ienieiiiIber I .‘ II II , I . .-
of Indonesia during the last decade. Dengkong also said industrial ex- Republic of Indonesia t °ugh a .hc'a 0“?“ 095,3” hem" “5," sh“ “1° 5.0. e-‘ ca". 9" Pwhl" d?“ t t‘f’h‘” T‘hdt “ “"h‘“ . . -' .7 . ,
said the consultant general for the nsion and s stem im rovements have Alzheimer 5. she has lived with valuable, said Virginia Bell. direc- itating diseaseitis. ()uxter said . . . ., . .
Republicof Indonesia in New York. 5: the govemrhent havepbeen a di- _ the disease for more thansix years. tor of the program. “It helps the Although she is with her husband A' AI _I‘.I ,. '-

.iThe extremely rapid rate of rect result of the economic planning most work are the over -depen denc Oux1er of Lexington has cared for person psychologically." I every day. sometimes >ht’ doesifl .~ I .’ , ‘. . _. , .I

. . . . y her husband Since he was first Alzheimer‘s victims tend to cling even know if he recognizes her .' - A3. - .
growth 0’ IndoneSIa from 1975 to process. on on and gas. and technological stricken by the illness several years to one rson making the caretaker With more studies lX‘ln’ done n'i ' ’1 .. ‘A' "' .,
1985 has been one of the highest of The government has replaced the and educational development so stu- l . . . he. ‘ -. I 1 ‘ . . t“ . . ’.A _ ' x,
all Pacific nations " Rudy Lengkong custom inspections system and has dents don‘t have to leave the coun- ago. She f h'm‘ bathes mm and feel ‘mpr‘SOhed‘ . the d‘be‘m" pehhlh “h“ ""‘h’ "“h ‘ , " r " .-- ,

. ‘ . . . . dresses him everyday The Program "also says to family what was once thought to ho seiiiht} . ' ‘- A' '; . 1:.
said yesterday during the second implemented a new tax code. he trytoreceiveaneducation. i. . . - -. , . . . . . - Ar
. . . . u , .. . . lfeel trapped. its something like members that somebody else can among the aged is actually a l)lil‘ill - . . .. 1 - ,A
seminar m. the Th'rd World Devel- said. If a system doesnt work Politically ‘ We are one Of the how solitary confinement wouldbe" carefor them "Bell said damaging illneSs Bellsaid ' 7. '- ' i
opmentseriee. . properly.I well hxhi," that doesnt most Stat-he nations m .that part of Ouxier said. “It is not a life I would “It gives me time to get my hair Until recently. one was t-oiisidon-il ' ' i".

About 30 people attended the dis- work,we llchange it. theworld. liengkong said. . . .. . . .. , . , ._ ._ . . . A.
cussion on “Devel merit Polic in Achievement in social litical choose. but 1 have been at it for done and get the groceries. said to have the Alzheimers disease on} . I . VIJI. .. . .‘i

Indonesia u whichopwas giveny by and cultural devel ment’ lg: been There is great debate about morethansix years." Pauline Ruttenberg of Lexington. when memory loss was found .it t ,‘I’i'. _,I' I ; Ii

bengkongand Gillian Hart, a profes- equally important ihpjudging success whether the growtl '1:.-.. been a posi- But through the Helping Hands whose husband also attends the pro- young age. she said when oliliAzA I I i ".I'AI'TA.

sor of economics at Boston Universi— of economic development Lengkong tiveIor negative iorce on the com- program. Ouxier is able to have a gram. , . people Showed a loss of mIt-iiioi I III II.II,.I II,IiII.I IA it”;

t said Indcn iarls “want ‘to devel munity, particulary for the poor couple of afternoons a week just for "As far as time to myself. it does they were associated with \\il\lt‘ . . »I. I -. .. _ {'.A

y. ' . 0p ruralvillagers,Hartsaid. .. . , , help me a lot," she said. “Some- basketterisuchassenilit} " 1 ' a“ I-’1A-.A"
d - - . character and intellect as well as . herself. Its the only chance I have . . . .. , . . . . ,. , . . .t.

I" a d‘t't’" t0 the countrys ex- buildi bridges and roads ., he “The labor arrangements in lndo togo anywhere "she said times I think it helps me more than Vie know now that it s not ”11“ .. » 1 . .I f .I, ,A

ports 0f 0|l and 935. agricultural aCA said ng ' naia are very complex and flexible ' ’ ithelps him.“ table that the elderly bet-mm at‘ 2 .. , "II I.’I '~‘I.

3&3358?: boosted “5 economy, Le. . and I913}: a crucial TOIIE in income The program. primarily sponsored Alzheimer‘s affects the cells of the "he Bellsaid f' , ’ ' ‘ I-E'i’Ail

“A nat'on that feed ‘tself has Ingkong said the areas of Indo- d’StnhUtmh and poverty. She ”a‘d- by UKS Sanders-Brown Research brain that control memory and cog- Alzheimer's can affect an indivii: ‘
i can i nesian development that need the ScelhDONFSIA.Page3 Center. cares for those with Alz- nltion,Bellsaid. g1...“INNER-emu;i - .~ A . '.
o e e W‘ 1
SAB boxes i, House bills could affect UniverSity > A ' ‘ -
to COIIect By DAVID BOTKINS mittee since Jan. 22. but McElroy The bill. however. has been stalled ' '1 ~ ’ ~
Contributing Writer thinks it'sonits way out. in committeesinceJan 8 ' . ‘
. “I think this bill will make its way Rep. Fred Cowan. l)-l.ouls\illc. t.\ _
Editor's note: The writer has at- through the committee 5 stem.“ he the primary sponsor of Houst- Hill .
SI] [1 y . .
gges 10 S '.I F I tended General Assembly sessions said. “I should be testifying for it 386. Wh'Ch would create a scholars -
_ this semester as a legislative intern next week and try to get the bill to Q“, Hot at. VIM, _ ' '
in a department of political science theHouse floor.“ . .
géfiwfitwiNKu-z m program. Rep. Harry Moberiy, D-Richmond, -. ., av,
. is the Primary sponSOr of House Bill . ' ‘21

. . . 209. This bill would allow the Ken- . A,

greédStudent Acstmtiésuzoardboha; State legislators have been focus- tucky Higher Education Assistance ‘ ‘ '33;
p hthceaem “am the "I . ing their attention on UK in an at- Authority to use appropriated funds ._ .
denthrougliouI inion ”mm Mala r s u tempt to bring Kentucky to the fore for a distinguished student recogni- . W p w. Manual

“w?” students g Iv; butbe- frontofeducation. tion and scholarship award pro- m writing term papers
cause we‘ve been worki t ether Over the last several weeks. legis- gram. to blah trot Soc Dim ‘
for a ear we sometimahscahs ta . lators have proposed a number of The program would recognize stu- m ' '

. Y. . , . , ,, 8° . m bills that could affect UK students. dents scoring in the goth or 99th per- new. '00- 2.
little bit of tunnel vialon said -

Mindy Martin S AB blic i'elatiorls Rep. Walter Blevms. DAMorehead. centile on college entrance tests and
chairwoman . Pu i.muave'anuovwhan sponsoha I red [IAIlouseI Bill I325 to outlaw other students as recommended by “I W 3. 3.1009an for
- K I . . I . “ zing Iy IratemiIties or any their principals. s. For a

mi... no... ..... gr: .rAAAAmA..,:::°A;..:t: army‘s“ "‘° 0...... lashes.” :AizAAaWAAAAiA; all“ :3. “A m... “As m“ "" °.'.'.""“ m
dents will make me of the ”I . . . . come a w recor ege st nts. It is target to ' '
tion boxes especially becamemsm (hm upped in ' suggation b“ that Martin 8'30 said she hoped SAB in Kentucky‘s law books. with viola~ help those with military service re- Pun-6-
is a smite-{mm organization she y' “‘1“ he foblfietgl :3, hm; '3"? t°rss“t’3°°tt° ”Why- ”N‘s- ’ , o “A

. ' . hex year a m . . House Bill 28. which is s ored .. - . . . - - A~“ A159; 3
seid. A wimer will be drawn from the Kim Library. the Classroom Build- Re Se M El pons l m5 h‘“ “0““ allow anymethth A!“

, correct entries. The answer and the - .. by p. m c roy. D-Waver y. a minimum of 20 years of military :i.

Martin said students can drop in wlmer then will be printed in the "'8 {1}" 0th" student focal would add one member to the UK service experience to be admitted to _
comments M Wt events or Kernel personals the following l-‘ri- places. hmrdt’tth- state supported universities. regard- '
mentions for future prognm- day. Martin said she in” the Uni- Money for the boxes, which cost The new seat. to be a threE-year 155 or m long they have lived in the W be mm portly
mimsiiciiuconcernuidiecm. mm, M.” will mu no about :75 each. came out oftheSAB term would be held by a memen- Kentucky." said Rep. Virgil Pear- em new with a high In

Theboxeleleowlllbemedtohold :0 Mumm- a trim for the Whhhwd- 38$;qu mg?” “mm mn-DMIW- ’.I ”no. tonight's low
“Na”. ”wait“. “ht: The the boxes Iere located Im the “Rural interests need to be rep- Bill II) also gives in-state tuition “ I! '9 N DH 0| m
M! Mymmm WutdttneontutmaA-ue moi-minim otnceinioo maltedultheBOIrdof'l‘nltees," baieiiutounoewiuiaoyunmili- Wfiwh to
m. “WW.” the xm in with tb UK Hubby cote Student Center, the Student Center Mclroynidinerccentinterview. tary experience. regards: of the m "

m may oration tlih week and on any way lobbyendtheOoInmomCafeta'ie. The bill has been stalled in com- Iengthotthelrraidency. , - i ‘

 .t . ,
2-KENWYKEMEL Mnm1‘ 1. .
. ArtoEditor
Assistant“ Editor
College guide . Jimm' 9
x- . 1e ee aug an S gro up
. offers advice s33 .. ~ / ‘ , \‘r -
~§3334§5333.~6M-3. _ ; A» -, -. ,3. . , “3.3.3
”ts-If. , _ 33;} ' 2.73%; d ’33,, .33,» , 3‘
B) Jl'l.l.\ PHI‘IIFER gwfis 3 3 E_ 3. 5» 6.3% Q 33‘ 3. M. , -. I _, 3- 3 By RWY CAMPBELL ——-—— We WItCM our [mm and had re.
Contributing Writer e333 33-3- .' .33.. Asswaled Press “We don’t have any 0°5dsendradw-
$233 " v f6 e e»- : ‘ ‘ . ' b. , . We always went for the same
. (t u . A [r ‘9]"8‘ \lanual b Scott 33%,5 ‘3; = *. .73; Q; “$.13“ ‘3‘. «'5'; \_ .,;,::.' - People Who know "B guitar flay- lg message. we ['6 Just thug. I brought home Muddy War
0 "3g“ ‘ 5 ‘ ‘ y 69663333. §N3\ .- 3 W .3 3 ing of Stevie Ray Vaughan and his h ters B 8 King heddie King and
' 52:51: IIlsooks $5 95 242 pp so“? “i “53.3333 35.333433363 "if brother Jimmie Lee Vaughan will 01‘“ t0 ave fun and all that stuff. ' t
' ‘ ‘ er » . . r ten you that Stevie Ray is more for the People to have “I remember the first Jimr Herr-
- . , “College is not for everybody." 3% § ‘.{33$ 5?; 3* 333.3..- 3‘. *\*§ flamboyant. He’s certainly more fa- fun 99 drix record I brought home. It had
- . . “Grades are not nearly as impor- 3‘33 3 , ”‘3. .13 3- _ .. ' mots. But most won't commit them- ' . gotten thrown away. There used to
. , ‘ tant as most students, parents, ad- 331,333,333 3 l ‘ . j ,_ 3 selvesastowhichoneisbetter. Jimmie Lee Vaughan, be a music TV show in Dallas every
f ministrators‘ and teachers think ,. 1 ”H23 333% ‘er ‘ 33,3 .3 :33- i. “$3 3 3'33, “3.53 Stevie Ray Vaughan fronts his It . t day Me and a buddy used to go
' > These maxims along with some f3 3“ “' ‘ f- it“: 6} band, Double 'I‘rouble. Jimmie Ige gut ans down there Friday nights when they
.‘ - . -, other ”em/useful information sure 3:". $3 $3 3. ~ ‘» I. l‘ ”é,” $332.3 Vaughan's band, the Fabulous 'I‘hun- — would throw away their records
' - - 7 rounding these bold print declara- ». r“ W .- ’ ‘ . t . e... 353“ derbirds Til: mill“? Of a group. Kim against them instead of you against We’d dig through the "as" and find
_ 3 _ . 1.1mm": KornIlGra hits “ ’ ‘
. _ 3 , _ Hons. are included 3,, College: A ' . a Sign.” "bcszieves Elusic has him them. As far as playing guitar and same‘geat stiiftt‘.h I found_ Purplfi
Usm's ManualbybcotlEdelsieln. nations Edelstein assumes you are _ U". "185 an pays l'- rivalry and making it, the only kind ze, roughti Home, put it on I..
, ‘ . Books like these are usually m‘it- REVIEW likely. to run into bad guys in what- monica. of rivalry we’ve ever had has been never forget that. .
" 3- , ‘, . . 3 ten for high school seniors and are ever Job you land right after gradua— The F b 1 Th d b‘ friendly,egging each other on." mx‘aéidgltiznmv‘vsatsnbgrn in Dglats 1390c!
" 3 ~' - rightfully left '" the guidance coun- .— tion. . . a nous un er "(15.3" Did the Fabulom Thunderbirds . 1 ' exas, a. u r '
r‘ , selor‘s office because they include hunting future and should also be Edelstein also realizes students do currently bemg placed in the lime- have to audition for Stevie Ray His brother moved to Austin a year
3 _ s ‘ relatively useless information about very comforting to many troubled not spend all of their time studying. light In an example 0f generosity Vaughan? “That he couldn't do n andahalfla’terz
.- "j . getting along with your roommate students‘ souls, much like the The chapter, “Everyday Life as a and brotherly l°V9~ "0t sibling Vl' Jinu'nielgeVaughan says. “I‘m the “I couldnt find any place to play
_ 3.1 . or the importance of going to class. “Grades are not as important . . . “ College Student,“ begins with the valry. older brother.” b11105 ‘and rhythm n blues in Dal
, .' This one is a little different and business. . ' statement “If you have sex with Double Trouble’s U S tour started The Thunderbirds have been to— $3; Idtplayed "'1Y Austilnldbefoge n2
- ,3 might even have a few handy tips . It is very poss1ble to get a satis~ someone and do not use birth con- Jan 23in Utica ‘1 y- .nds Mar h 3 gether 10 years. They made four re— eren groups. ou co go own
_ , ,. ., . for‘upperclassmen. tying J'Obn no. matter, what your trol, one of you “'1" very pOSSlbly in llawaii and lcbntlrfuos to blew cords for Chrysalis and played on ":2“? anrfilglllay anytil’lngbéestatl‘ted
. . 3 . hdelstein taught at several col— major is in. in todays economy. getpregnant. Zealan d A‘ustralia Hong Kong and Santana’s Havana Moon LP. Vaug- p ymg _ away. ve. .n pay
., . . logos for seven years. was a student This is true even if your major is This IS hardly a secret. but after J r 3 r _. the b l han says “We never sold a lot of re- IngeverSlme,trymgtobutlditup
for six and certainly seems to know English, philosophy, or even some- thousands 0f years Of human CiVili- Tim: (apeétslng act '5 Fa u ous cords we‘ve done well performing. Were more of a dance band E
his way around the campus rigama- thing less ‘practical.’ “ ' zation, people still haven‘t grasped un er 1’ - We’vebeenpaying somedues.“ fryttl'ung we do .15 not necessarily a
‘ ’ , m}?- _ 1“ theufihapter. Graig?" :33 the concept very we” Also, Stevie Ray Vaughan cut five The two brothers never played in r?:mbeatebudt)l:ttish;ipeang mi:- too ‘9
' ' for, example Classes get skipped. Beyond, , e comes up W1 3? s_ , 3 . songs for the comedy movie, “Gung the same band, both wanting to be .W , . V a y 'g mes”
. . . "Amid skipping language and math that isnt so comforting. Gomg _Co r’élt' .- Users Manual offers Ho n to be released in March And lead guitarists. Jimmie Lee Vaug- sage. ere Just out to have fun and
, classes.“ he advises. something you from college into the outSide world hint- on how to wnte research pa- he’played the title track ”0'3! the han is three years older. He says “1 forthepeopletohavefun.
" , . .. might like to consider before failing takes adjusting, and will cause some pers along with comforting words Fabulous Thunderbirds‘ new CBS started playing first about 13'. I The Tuff Enuff album was pro-
5 German 101. “Never be afraid of a pain.“ This is followed by “The about tniiigs students like tobe com- album T uff Enuff for director Ron played about a yearbeforehe did. duced by Dave Edmunds in En
' teacher or an administrator, and world outside college is considerably forted about; burnout. taking time Howard who added “Tuff mum” to “Then I would put my guitar down gland.
‘ 3 . never let one intimidate you." a less moral and reasonable than it off, nervous breakdowns, teachers thesoundtrack and leave the room and he would ______________._.. .
' ‘ , ‘ piece of information you‘d probably seems in college." andmajors and other tidbits. ‘ pick it up I didn’t teach him or any- I
, rather not discover on your ovm, If these comments seem to contra- Kind of like a Norton’s Anthology “We’re just tickled to death," thing. we' sort of learned together. GOOD READING.
, Then there is some information dict the declaration that it's easy to of Everything Nobody Else Will Tell JimmieLeeVaughan says. He might have learned some stuff The Kentucky Kernel
that should be useful in your JOb- get a Job, its because in the expla- You. “Being in the family, it is like us from me. We had the same guitar. 3
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KWYKWEL "up“! M. 1'4
01ndonesia Israel storms LEI) n V.“
Continued from page one a 0 n l ag e S
B\ ED auxcur: ___—___—
When the New Order govern- a divisional tum-t force. Hart Associated Press . Israel‘s operation yesterday was .
W «me to power in an. said. it his mud a shift in the Timur Goksel, spokesman for the UN. "5 large“ north 0' the WWII." zone ‘
there was severe pditieal and labor force that has upset the BEIRU’I‘. Lebanon _ Israeli heli- k . . . _ since Dec. 3. when it sent several
We m. um “m M. mimm lam, Datum she comer Wm tanks and 6m peace eeping force in the area, said the Israelis hundred soldiers With tanks and
”ml” “'9" M ‘0 mbm- a“. troons swept through south Demon had “at least two companies of mechanized 3mm” 333'“ a ”a“ "’ ”‘9 L"
and the (Ill boom in [In 7|; F0" - villages yesterday in mm to the . . byan-supported Popular Front for
duced high growth nu. that iuiIuageIn haw hnIiIi {twhemseejlvs capture of two soldiers by Modem troops pushing on several fronts and landing the Liberation of Palestine—General
were very emu-gm. M “1 MI wor ow uerrillas.U.N.sourcessaid. - - - ,, Command near Hasbaya. 10 miles
fore. these growth rates W 10M penork 0‘ unmfloyment. g Timur Goksel. spokesman for the helicopter-borne ll'OOpS In several Vlllages' north 0‘ the border The lsrael' lone .
very little incremental employ- mum UN. peacekeeping face in the area. — extends six miles from the border at .‘.w .
ment. - ~ - _ ~ . - . . mostpomts .g i. . . ‘
Wong. who aduated from said Israeli gunships strafeId sus Harts and Sroubine. about four pushed the