xt76dj58gm99 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76dj58gm99/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19101208 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 14, December 8, 1910 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 14, December 8, 1910 1910 2015 true xt76dj58gm99 section xt76dj58gm99 Best Copy Availabl
tp; Vol. lll LEXINGTON, KY., DECEMBER 8, 1910 No. 14  
al · —-1——————-—···—·—· *
l sl A fer made him by the Board of Regents at 7:30 p. m. and judging trom the Missouri; and it was to her that we
___ of the University of Wisconsin. He teams the gtame should prove fast lost, not because she outelassed us,
_ will remain in Lexington for a few and interesting. It is hoped that as but because of the eccentricities of
l l` days winding up his affairs, prepara- many as can, will turn out, as it is one man who was selected to decide
r ' tory to leaving, desired to make basket ball more the con‘est. The honesty of this mtan
  i -’   Q.   ln closing, the "Itlea" joins with me popular than heretofore. Bring your could not be questioned but he was :1
  fncuhy and students in extending to girl and get the fcvr. No admission pony breeder and not fl saddle horse
  Sweetland their heart-felt. thanks for will be cliargetl. judge and tronse»p1entiy his decision
    l the many courtesies he has shown Line Up were not satisfactory to men who
‘    ·   them. and they only wish that the Ea- Champions knew.
— i-‘· **3.‘;é;$;2;2i¢:‘·=·2t~ésis:sé§a&;. . . . . _ _
  p   ·‘`` ; *f““"" *3** *‘g"*"` “°“*‘* **6* 599** "“ m—wm·t1 ............. mark (canal The Cla-SS l¤ Whlrh the K<*¤¤¤<*l<>’
°‘f ;;e .»;Z:     p ’°iTT  ’i‘’’   . Q b“’** '*°*** “""* **‘**· p·m-wm ............. . ....... nm ¤¤>¤¤¤ Silawed lest J¤ the l><>>·S ef ‘-‘i¤¤i¤e» utter they
=   ..   c   ? ·—··· ; . . ~ knew how Missouri placed this class,
i-e. . U ..»`-`     E 4 Second to be Opened in V°r8am°°'       btmewmg that the news of defeat was a hard
' §   _.‘¤A   3 . , Ftzrward ......... . .... ....Dahney *’*‘*“`· Many “'€*`€ ***9 ***`g******`***S
_iiiie‘ "°“’Y‘““’€ ‘° °"S.‘r"‘“·.“"’ ""f“‘* am t=..l-Wd ......... . ...... .. Farmer -·l¤<·l· we had the ¤ft<>¤· and
  " t M“mdOlm _(’lubS Wm gwe their mst (PHIPV Beatty nzany llnrsenien besides all of the team
• . °`°**°°*`* °* ***° S°**S°** *** V€*”Sa***€“ (wm] ``'``''``°`° ` `°`` ,§·{,'Z'l,a_mcl{ rnd not insmee to ren the judge that
Q . and prospects are for a successful pro- (_ ‘ I '`‘`''   ‘'''``‘ “‘ t·._€\. Lmugm he made ,, mistake
rll{Il`( ........ . .....   ...... . 3V ° · " °' ` '
gram. ‘ . .
,1..- I. tl d f th flt. ·tock
The   of the GM Club en —_°‘" q..'E.m.I'$ J3.§°"`S€Ll`?uctf’ elm bwas
e be attributed to the work of Prof. F. DECLAMATORY CONTEST- ;fwdi(__" ') I by t._;)iI_ Lick of (_U€I__
SWEETLAND RESIGNS- L, Wheeler, while- H. Tyler Watts has ---     jyllel lr tgt   dl-H · l ly ealny
-————— been very successful ln conducting Since the football season is over, “f"“;_ fhil EL °lil°t"“'_ E  
The man who MS Svmped U20 desti- me Mandolin C1ub_ which is a new much interest is bling llll3Hlf€$*@d ill That   **6: {gin; (3   aging!.
I I ( Ac * ' u s l [4-t `L " `· · l n ) .     l ` I
' nies or Kt·nt.ucky’s team since the *6nUm here' _ _ _ mel len!} boclillfs . .1 19 classes good work was done. In the
spring of 1909, will be with us HO The concert wm be gwon m the Idgehcln and YM {mon SOCIGUQS mic hog judging ttgey won third over six
mow whfu mlm bv _m ..ld,a·» mir Gymnasium of the Y, M, C_ A__ on ll?lV1llg interesting programs and th01I` Th" I I .1 liv"}. 00119 GS This com-
»» 4 ` . M" . ‘ ‘. . `. ) 7 membership is increasing rapidly ev- " U U") ‘*°* g ‘
‘ l`£"€ll[1i'l\'(‘ r¤·~‘*1rd1ng his teeluig to- I€c‘ l)t‘h’ test was quite *t hard one It lasted
E ” ¤ v ·—b* ‘ ’ *‘ •, ¢ . C
* _. , _ t The quartet of the Glee Club has *‘l`I~’ W9€k· . ,. , . _
ward the eudenl beds. Coach bweet- _ _ ,. _ , _ trom new a. m. unnn 11.00 p. rn.,
land gave ou. the following state- been Selected {md will gm? R good °‘C` lhose Who “me unable to become without intermission This is the
i _ ‘ wml of th.€mS9lv€S_ It will bg football herees, now have thc splendid _ " _ '
**l*‘¤*· , . · . , . t . hrsr year Kentucky has attempted to
-·rm leaving r. years l»roug*..t back the trophy which 1t de-
  5* l' "_`_°`°`°`_"_` ` ` .   e'. z‘·>` ‘ —
wily mw Ot H9 smjem bm) can pgAc1-ICAL GAME The Patterson Society will hold °`r*`d· Y" wuvd hug felt MH IP
_ realize how much Mr. oweelland ¤`<>a*· ` [hgir contest early in J·anu·1ry and al- mmlcd wr Oxy miubhn
' ly cared for } it large Squad of men A8 Seen BY $t¤d¤¤*¤ ¤l' K¢¤¥¤¢kY· Th Sh ww of ht Stock dm not be-
lnnd were working only for the money have ****9** l**`**"**c***g regular ever *_" w llldlltllsl week but most of the
that he received, he would never have tafternoon ln the ?U`iIl0l'Y· l\lm1¤lg€1‘ *)*`°*· H°**l**“’*` and ***9 l****g***g *9***** §_m_k i“__ _`lm th _ ’ mumlq S_a]mm _“;
come to K€m,K.ky_ when he Saw Rabb is busy nlllng out the schedule *`****`**°** **0***** **"**** C***°‘*g° M°*“*“*’ bu; di 1 [mt g “,m;m\ [  
. , , ,.t .. 4 w- ra ~ mx _· o ·
the ? e _
_ - X I . i the International than at any othet
as his |,,·ms€_ blanks be tllled out and handed in to *l**** ll T- _h)w in Il 9 www
Mr, Sweetland has not decided detl- Manager Babb before Decembr 10. Our saddle horse team had but one ” ‘ ** rr * ··
uitlxly whlltllep he will g_(5(3glyt the Of. '|‘ll`» llrgcllgly gglllv will lyp called eollege lo (*()|]lpe[g wl[jll_ That was bL*\'(*l‘&ll l\0lllll(‘l()’ 0\llll)l[t)I‘¤ \\01`0

 ,~ ...
. yl"
2 THE 101214  
Sll1l.l'(* .l` the lnn;4.rs, li. 'l°., \\`o not subscrgbe-—borro}:v M A   : H ll ji
  your c ass nr•ates' paper. e a mooc -
WIC New   The following is the line·up of the er, GOOD FURNITURE J {
. s i ·
Notch   tinrnrsz Second: Look up the advertising ,~
u,__ggm·g•_ cluguq pwb0ny&C0__y,ge¤ First Team. and ].atronize the othtr fellow. B-0 it GRIPOES,   P8.p8I° 8.IId St•0VO8·
    FI d I{i]U,‘tl,i(,k Yale (hun .
4 4 t _ r . » ' {ll. ·.
Left Tatkle, Qcully. Yale. Th.rd; Never hand in locals and _;;i,'·
Left Guard, Berrhrook, Michigan. be sure to criticise everything in tfhe A _
 __________ Centr-l·_ Cuzens, Penn , paper, Be 8 C0XC0lUb·   K.   V
‘ itight Guard, Fisher, Harvard. Fourth: Tell your neighbors that CIGARS and TOBACCO H N
  'I`H(`kl€, xlcKa:•’, Harv·ard· }Ou can g€t HlOl‘€ nevtvs for 1(`SS rn()'n€y•     & S   '_ `
  Y Right lind, Piollvt. State. Be at tight-wad. _ A ` A?.
Quarter Back. Snrackling, Brown. I·‘itt.h: lf you can`t hustle and make L°xmgt°¤’ ' ` ` ` Kentucky *1.
Ileft   Flack- \\·(_‘ud(_]1’ Harvard. the raier a O he a cor S€_   yl!.
C& C0. l l g · D
Right Half Back, Magidsohn, Mich. Sixbh; If all the above fail, go to     TEL
THE   Flllll)[L(‘k, l\l€YCPl`, P'(°'nn· kll0(3l(iI7g.   T     t S {su "  
Second Team. Seventh: Knock and be a snub} N ° at °r ° ° 1 °° tr
Left 1~.r»u_ stair'.; _Pe¤m. —E><¢h.¤¤S<=‘- STEAM and DRY CLEANING. Z
E 1 • Left Tackle, \\1t.`1ngt0R. Harvard. How to Help a College Paper. · P.
XC   Left l`}ll€|.I`(l. Minot. H3!‘V3I‘d. First; Hand in your subscriptions   South Idm€St0D€  
Conley FQTQSIREII, L£t}'f3)'€tl€. and bg a mg_]]_   _*
St IES .   . . . . ., _ , it
y       iecondi Comrtributet lmtlcles. Be UNIVERSITY LUNCH STAND .-
~1 ' . l · enu uS1u.S iC. · , (w .
IN HIGH GLASS Right NH4}. ilmllh. Harvard. Thrrdz Do not be a snob by your Flrbt }}g;JSl\};;3§h and  
OUTER GARMENTS AND ¢.lua¤‘tcr!>a¢1<. Howe. Yale. vile criticism. AT ALIJ IIOURS  
MILLINERY_ Right Iialf-back Curbert, Harvard. Fourth: If ri member or the staff, A B B4RI£ETT `
Left Hall-back, Pendletoii, Princeton. nn yliur duly Cor` q `I mac {md Colfax Sts  
. . L • 4 4 .` ‘
FOR Fullhack, l\lcKay, Brown. Fi:`·t.h; Pwtronize its advertisers. _...._._ ___ __  
The following is the All-Kentucky Be rtciprocal. EVERYTHING FOR THE
teams, picked by Banks of Centtralt —————•+•-——- KODAK' {
WOMEN and MISSES nurrv Central R E •-usroav Norse. . .¤.
. I • • ' D • • Ia
_ _ _ (liltner, State, L. E. r __ _ _·—·-‘ evelopmg and Pnutmb  
Full L~m<> Mw ¤¤ Display up se.·n.aen, Central, R. rr. mi °*`“{“"`S ;‘·""" b“g““ “'°‘”“ °“ '“‘ Lexington Photo Supply Co li
I gen. t C , I lectcd topics in Kentucky lristtory. A . , ° #·.
i. r · lacr, entnal, i. T. my] review f Fn l_ V7 hi mr, aved Over Kirbys Ten Cent Store _
      *"“"“ “““°· "· "· ““` - ° “ gm? St ’ D .....1....;.  ;
, Todd, (contra], L. G. the way tor these s..ud.es.  
Ma]· ` Well, St. t ~, C'- t r. ———·-· G"! , A
D Street East qhailimn aétHtD(Y;€H B Mediacval history is again in de-   J {   .¢‘
Q- IU,ldg€_OH"C‘_ntl_gl'       ;nmid_ th AnThalu}r;mns· who Ietigirned ICIS      
. , · o sce e an sgiving con es ro- ‘ » j
  E3;_|;())(Z€$:;Tng FI; B' nounced Mediaeval history the rnjost AND LUNCH STAND  
  ’   +cam Valuable Of his cgupggs in cOl]gg·(g_ South Lime and \viH$lO\V Stfééts  
Th     Tinsley, Transyltania, R. E. _  
B waiirely cenmu r,. rc, Thd€AK°'}*"°*i;_‘:°'l“g€S lt““‘_:";”*"" m' J. J. FITZGERALD l I
Ji E Us H S,mt()‘ P. T. on e ncienlt is ory as a um or en- I  
FALL LINES A;1;h._:,S Cemmq R G trance to the Freshman class. Some PLUMBING    
gF NIS 0 FmM_i5` Tmusyivauia L. T· €l`1U~‘lSl1l ¥il>ll€6¥`<`d.' but ¤0¤e of 8 S•i>· - St€8»m 8»I1d Water Heating r  
UR HING G ODS, (.am‘)b(_H‘ State, IL G. IHILIS nature. It is often forgotten 269 \V_ Short, _ _ Lexington. Ky- U  
HATS 8.11d Wim`,0 Cpmml Center that the ancient world gave us the old  
SHOES, \\-m`Ki;]S Smtrln H   and new testaments, devised the al- l ij?
NOW IN' Threldkeld, Sljélg, F_·B_. l·l"¤b€t*. and taught the use of going, KINKEAD GOAL COMPANY  
_]_ & M_ and Florslledm Shoes (;aiS(_I_’ State, Q- accurate writing, and exchange, oth- (HFICE and YARD  
Stetson Hats. The muowmg is tho A]l_SOuth(_rn erwise we shuld indeed be far behind No 157 N B d $
our [‘1'€Billri¢·m
?  l kms |`au!··l‘. ·
  ` N. 'l'|..1‘ a (7(;NI·I'I‘IUN musty bv rl- _
    11—<>w11 f<>1‘   4
T~,§L°·, SODA WATER• the rrlnuvnl of (T()NI)l'I`l()NS ulnain- V   R y °
  TABLETS’ ol llurhap; th·· glvevimns second term   E A T S  
l gf PENCILS d (.lunu.1l·_x to .lun•·» shall be held on t
·   an t. 0 hrst S{ll'.l1l'(]·3}' of rho first I€`I'Ill,   _
    ` (S£‘]l[€llIlJ(’I' U) .I3ll\l2lI')’}.
il ' A ccxrldiniunml studenr may take rho . Q as ¤ 7% :3 ,.
  “vm also Hush Yom, Checks regular. or special (‘X£l¥lli;’l8.tif)ll£%}; as         egg  
»' 1 · sr *1 2 ' · Y J ` . . ·
P . __ · whvn Hwy are Hom]. Como m n ll/I llnme, ;>f1tlr·11:r10 (Ill(iI‘ in ew
·+ , · · lillllllill mus. 19 Je umne 0 pass
l, and ue wnll certzunly do the _
!?_ R(_qp(_(_tfullv ' C()>.l)ITION be-comes .1 FAILURE. A
  · . · s um-nt who desires eirher a regular Suspenders Umbrellas
il. • or special exnmmation must notify Lhe   r     Ob
l I        1ie;:‘i=stmr and the heed of the Depart- HDS c y. g • R es
gl  · ° wenr. cnncernerl, (a·t least two days H3ndk€rChI€fS PHIHHTHS
T · · bef s Ph e· ·inmti0n is desiredl • •
4, (norncr Nam Q Lame, ore . 0 Xdll. . y,
  j A k so that arramycnxents can be made for Gloves Tle Pins
  PYIOGIIIX HOW] Bulldillg. the examirmtinn. Unless each notice $we3ter5 Fa|`]Qy Vests
`,`5* IS receixed, n·» examinlation will be .
ji.   hem ShlI‘tS Muffléfs
Q.}  ll. In the event Lh.at a stude>nt's
l`  work is poor, yet not such as to make
  E     ir. necessary to dismiss him from the Sec Om. ·   See Om.
3  • University, he shall he warned and   d  
  I t d D I _ piacl-(1 011 probation, or advlised t0 In Ows 274 wzsr MA·~ La,—¤.~ev¤N,K¤ mnows
A  npor er an 68 GY m wighdmw,
  CHINA CUT GLASS, SILVER BRASS 12. N0 student with more than
Q  AND PLATED WARE- l>E1’ICIENC[E—S sllall be permitted Four Tmngs to cumvaes. P  V1  
A I ,
 ·· to regiscer as a member of a higher If you wish success in life, make , _ , _
  LAMPS ELECTROLIERS, FANCY Class perseverance your bosom friend, lex- 222 West Main
  ` perlence your wise counsellor, caut on
lr DISHES NOVELTYS &c` '*'°‘*'°-'"_' your elder brother anal hope your KODAK PIN-ISHING
_ gal 1 985 cleaning the Eye. guardian gcnius——;\ddis0n. AND PHOTOS-
  1 7 W MAIN New Phone Tears have their use, apart, from the ——·········—·;·—— Buns Your K°dak trouble to m°·
,j Y0UR TRADE SOUUITED crying aspect, The eye requires no Another sure Thlnq.  
    be kept clear and cleau,aI1d tears DBI`- Another thing which is abou; as
y {PV  EXAM8 form this duty. A striking example 0f sure as death and taxes is that ne   & CO.
` ·_  ' this is shown when the eye is hurt. mgm can gc on blufflng indefinitely
X   ————— It at once commences to water, and without being called. »»»— Atchison Globe H0ME'MADE CANDY
A “  The following rules were adopted often {his namural method of cleansing , ,
I f  an Lhe lest] faculty meeting, These relieves the pain and removes the I _ a FRESH EVER} DAY
jg ] rules govern t`l@·e e>¤a.mi¤l8·ti·011S» 016 cause of the discomforh ···y;3,n:g1IL?;a ;:y5|?:1|·i?|n¢Jx|r;r:n can 107 East Nam St.
A   rclnovai Of ?0nditi0nS· and d€f‘1l'l€S ;*‘*"""—`_`_` serve t“,0 ulastcrs-.. NYBS; thats  
  0*9¤’?Y· ..Y naw _ you ought to many ever put own.’— ` eve an ea er
l ll  L That me c__mgm ,,0 be used rm- A c§§§“hO§1,§_ blooming c,,,1d,.€,,- -—————--  
  "9c('*`dmg all CmSS‘I`00”* grades- there is nothing happier in the world! To Relieve Corns.
_   2. Thats 75 be the lowest grade giv- And above nl], you have the sweet A not onion placed on a com than wants your picture since you ner;
x" · . '· · ' _
·,;  on for satisfactory work, recollections ui the time you were el is inflamed will gue relief provided hOme_S0 does yom.
  3. That a CONDITION signifies b8Ch6l0l‘."—Flieg€Hd€ liluetter. it is not hot enough to burn. S  
Yi, 21 thm] grade which is nmre than 50 ——-—————·—— "_""‘_*-"“
l' 4. Th.s,t; ·s FAILURE ·s•ig·nit1·es a A mam, admimtion for himself may Let the man who complains that , _
· mma gms which ls 50 or wss. keep him from conunitting suicide, his Wife is f¤<>11¤¤ be ¢<>m¤<>¤¤¤ ¢¤     S  
1 ‘ 5, That 8, mcmcrmzcv signifies but in u case or nm mlm the saving Show that he has no fwlish habits-
· · d0esn’t amount to u great deal to the that 119 does not Smoke OV drink 0T
ay mthar that ll study required for u _ , _ { { h and let him help you make mother
e  _ ` ' mst of the cOunU.y__Awh,S0n Globe waste his time talking inzm t es to ot · _
glven degree has not been pursued in er men, mm he never ts jealous of happy wd $$0 help Y°“ *0 Wm
“ {hh; Un]yergi(y_ gr that, (gpedit, for said _’ _'_"°"`" _`_` other men in his Own Hue of husk your
M study hss not been obtained from amy wu ness, that he is nlways goodnatursd
ghty Cause for Sympathy.
,¢ ·»~·l~·- ¤·»¤¤···»¤- A .,cl.,m   it   um me and   —··-t   pere ¤. Q,§§g8$,§*t§§;
.‘ 6. That il l·`AU»URE Pall be l‘6¤¤wV— earth weighs ten trillion tons. und the L1-—-—;—
'€£ ¢·d only by faking the Study agmiu in sympathy we always fvlt for wld lllflll J°y_    
‘*". vlnss. This must be done as soon as AUHS is i¤¤1m€¤S6\Y i¤<'*`€¤S‘“d bv me what else csn joy be but dlttuslm; Spe-clal rates to students.
  mae study recurs in the University d*S°°"°"Y· |ey‘?——Byr0n. 341 WEST MAIN my Faye ph0Ml635x
Q., schedule. - · —·   "-_""_"— ’_—"‘—_"`_‘

 ivtt   H
I     Another Novcity.     5 W
b b d lt was after the stone-laying core- Q
Pu lished evegy Thursday y the stu ent body of State University of Kentucky. mgny, and a wire was sent to the t
rot- the ttenent ofthe studentinylgghfeuraéetulty and alumnne or that builder wml me news: ustone mid   • P, ,
  l t." Th b lld , h-    
THE IDEA is the official newspaper of the linlversity, and is issued wekly wrlth great eign; th 9 gergéhsulgen e
during the college year. Its chief object is to give the college news of Kentucky. e ng an ew U 08 ‘ mu , ’ ° '"
In addition thereto lt gives items of interest conccring other universities and other DEW l`0I‘€l8¤ C€m€¤t.’ Bild HUD! Qy
colleges in the lnlted States and Canada. the missive from mm in passionate   S  
Enterred at Lexington Post Omceas second class mall matter, ________,.._        
0. E. BAIRD, Editor-ln·cn1ep Barred From Citizenship.  
g, I\\’,M'I{{§\;§I,EY ............... i ...................... . .......... Alzxsigttng Eglig; The law says that uno alien, who ls ‘ O
rz 1Q, nncxmn ........ . ..................... . ........ Assistant Athletic moiety 8 ¤9·UV€ citizen. 0* ¤¤¤1¤¢t °" 8 d°¤l‘ ‘  
BUSINESS STAFF zen of any country, state or sovereign- Conjg to ,
S C EBBERT Business Manager ty, with which the United States is at gl
F, L. MARX, Asst. Business Manager. J. B. SANDBRB, Asst. Adv. Mgr. War at the time of ms appoeaoom ·‘.
qnno. SLADE, Advertising Manager. W. A. Lun11·.Y. Ant. sub. Mgt. 'fgll nbe f‘*f;1‘; ‘;’;‘;:;§’“S;:t€‘;€?°m° “ =
V. L. DUWNJNG, Subscription Mgr. E. J. KOHN, Asst. Sub. Mgr. c ze 0 `  
This issue of The Idea was pre- The next issue ot The Idea will be Mrs. Nlppy Grumbles. _
pared by tue touowlug members or prepared by the roiiowing members of "This is ¤ provoking w¤rl two fron. thm- Lecvhniml, that even ·
2 g Mr. George Sgmin has returnvd Line student. can understand. (S
‘ after a. very delightful Hmunring trip @*8 ¤*l¢L§S ‘?XI’€C‘Y$ to make several t T ·I;\€'i§S$‘?lI`$ t)
m Bmathm, County. trips durmg tlrv course. The nextt 0 · · €“mrS'·
one will probniny be to Frankfort to
  Air. John B_ MOON-, was in Lgxmg. vn»it rho 1·`e~eh1c-Mimled Institute and HEADQUARTERS
mn Samrday, having just returned the Pemteutizsry. FOR ALL
r from Canada, where he is farming. *—·—•·•·•——i·
_ _ DEBATES. ,
  `vnut I Am,ouncement,s have been I‘€C€‘·1i· The lwlyaw this year will be held  
ed here of the marriage 0f M1`. B. E- with Central, The question that has
\\'. Swut, 1`U9) to Miss Mona Moran. been sulnuittcd to us is as follows: •
X9M S   of Texas. "'l‘har the- amemdmen; to the C0n—  
A ——-——- ciitutnou of the U. S. proposed by the
— Miss Hattie Boyd len Monday after hist Cougrss and permitting the levy
l Q w(*@k`S   all P{1t[€l`SOn   uf an i[](;(1[`[](€·! THX by th!} F`9d€I`al GOV`     mm
i For the Misses EHEg5{_-Redman and e·1‘ulu<11I in accordance with the prin-
, [ [Lung AIMS, Wm Spend the w€,€k_ cinle of 1mit`orr;¤it5 should be ratified —-——
55 99 l ,.   _  x by the S{Ilf9$.“
  at H°m2 ;,l;;uk;:);,T MHS Mami Lockett in Thr {(*34111 has not you been Chosen FOOT BALL GOODS.
ro meet Central. This will he :1 hard
Miss Esther Vaughn returned home fought battle. as State will want to GYMNASIUM SUITS,
_ _ SUm;m·_ vin muck the victory lost in t`oo*h:1ll,
‘ TI`€2lt» YOUl`S€]f to ZL gin? of ` ..... while C¤11rral will desire to defeat us SHOES,
r Mi$5€S AIMS and R"dm*m were the that she may claim all victories. The
--&.. ` *=·¤€S*S M Miss M¤>’¤¤¤ T¤>‘¤<>T Saw- Mm wm bc held Som time in tm. BASKET BALL
j GUY- spring.
_, --— _;..,_._i_. I SUPPLIES,
L ' ‘ Miss Lillian Ferguson visited in NEW CHEM|51·Ry BU||_p|N(;_
·;       Louisville lust week. 11; is generally conceded JCYYZTI the BASE BALL G00D$»
-· — I`!€[)LU`[lllQllf of Chemistry will have
· 4 ___________ Miss Elizzlbth F9l‘gUS0l1 WHS b€€‘Il tho best equipped building 0n thv and
` thv gl1€St of h€!‘ sister Si¤€€’ ThR¤kS· groumls. The new building has tho COLLEGE
IVI ". {   { v ( ‘ ··
r specm \‘a,1ues just now in g “‘” iQ;"t]*1‘Q‘;§,$€fi;t‘;}_"]‘;‘f§f“"‘“""""""’“‘s PENNANTS·
ZW ’ There will bo a camlcet hop SP1U1\‘d€l>', It has privu,_e> laboratories for the in- FLAGS
I;     December 10th. at Lhrae 0’c»l0ck. srvuctors as wa-]! us tho large g¢~m»1·a1 °
T ———— ].1lbOl'lltOl`it`S. 'I'h¢·se· l;1hOI`3t()1'it*S ure
    I   'fhil I{c11di1r;s011mClurbb €¥;T?¥`;¤;“°d t»Hui,,p€([ with alkali and ac*i··i’ PILLOW COVERS,
  Sa ur uy nig . w 1 :1 eau i u an- Si ,5 _ _L·, )- ,’ : - U ,,
  (mel M Patterson Haul mr: mu dn 111 yweb uctmn hudb POSTERS, ETC.
XE Lafgfst   oi Holiday ——- The F.‘§t‘ll€'I'Z\l lecture hall is :1 great
    in the city Tim Pnilosoohizm Girls will give an im·m·ov<*n1¢·nt over any in the Yniver-
1% ° informal reception in their rooms on Sify. The seats :11*0 in rising tiurs, so will always be glad to see
.f’ I I·‘1·iduy evening, Dec. 9, from 7:30 to Z¤l‘1‘ul1:€d that vm- Fun bi! in the TPR? vOu_
3: l 10:¤»0, for the members of [the Putfer- ¥">W wld SBP i•9¤`Y¢*<‘U>'- 'T`h9Il {M0. UW- . ·
Q5 s n und l'nion Literary Societies. {uq Y0 ‘he· arched wilim:. the lv<‘fu¤‘—
Q -——;•-•-•————-- er can easily zwake himself hozuwi I ;
· AN INSANE BALL. 21H0\Pl`[ll(‘ hall The lec·turvr's tnblv G U  
` -’ is much more (‘OllV€Ili(‘l