xt76dj58gq2v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76dj58gq2v/data/mets.xml  United States Housing Authority 1939 v.: ill.; 29-40 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 3.7: 1/12 journals English Washington, D.C.: Federal Works Agency, U.S. Housing Authority: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Housing Publications United States Housing Authority -- Periodicals Public housing -- United States -- Periodicals Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing October 31, 1939 text Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing October 31, 1939 1939 2019 true xt76dj58gq2v section xt76dj58gq2v F w a , 7 x (/l3 _ M
Vol.1, No.12 Federal Works Agency, U. 3. Housing Authority — Nathan Straus, Administrato‘f““"“ " October 31, 1939

O 0
Florida Forms State-Wide F Ire Insurance Rates on 44 PWA Prejects
Associationpf Local Cut 60 Percent; Tenants to Save 1n Rent
Authorities ‘
The USHA recently announced in- about 10 cents to about 75 cents per
Confronted with the need for mu- surance plans that represent another month in the budget of the tenant
tual cooperation on State housing victory in the Authority’s constant family—a large saving for families
problems and for a State clearing battle to cut costs on low-rent housing of very low income where every
house of ideas and experience, local projects for families who have been penny counts, families whose total
houSing authorities in Florida have living in the slums. rent bill may be only $12 to $15 per
organized the Florida Association of This cut represents a reduction in month. The basic truth of public
HouSing Authorities with headquar— premiums for 3 years for fire insur- housing is: Low rents are the result
ters at West Palm Beach. ance on 44 former PWA Housing of innumerable small savings.
PreSident of the organization is Division projects now owned by the The original charge of $182,100 in
Walter G. Ramseur, Chairman of the USHA from $182,100 to $69,795, a premiums for 3 years to cover these
St. Petersburg housing authority. saving of more than 60 percent. It 44 public housing projects owned by
Vice-Presidents are: Ray 0. Ed- represents on the average a reduction the USHA was based upon prevailing

. wards, Executive Director, J ackson- in insurance charges against each insurance rates for ordinary com-
Ville; Richard P. Robbins, Vice- low-rent dwelling of 4 rooms from mercial projects. After careful con-
Chairman, West Palm Beach; Arthur about 30 cents per month to about 12 sideration, USHA experts became
R. Christy, Chairman, Tampa; Julius cents per month. The savings will convinced that much IOWer rates
L. Gresham, Daytona Beach; L. Dale range, depending upon the location ought to obtain on public housing

. (See FLORIDA ASSOCIATION on p. 2) and structure of the project, from projects, which are more durably
built and more safely planned than

Queensbrrdge Houses, Largest Public Preject, Opens; if, fizzrfigseHiwfigmg' TO‘Yafd .thls,
, , . . , s been working for

85 Brooklyn Famllles, F ll'St Of 3,000, Move 1n OCt. 16th many months in consultation with ex-
perts in the field and with insurance

On October 16, Queensbridge 10,000 closet doors saved $250,000. companies.
Houses, America’s largest housing Apartments will range in size from The USHA, in placing insurance in
project, in Long Island City, N. Y., 2% to 61/2 rooms. Utilities to be pro- this manner, is following the proce-
opened its doors to 85 families, the vided by the project include gas, elec- dure of large private industrial con-
first of over 3,000 eventually to be tricity, heat, and hot water. The cerns, such as Ford Motor, General
rehoused. More than 70,000 applica- average shelter rent per dwelling Electric, and International Har-
tions have been received for the new unit per month will be $17. Average vester, Where maximum operating
dwellings. The completed project anticipated tenant income is esti- economy is the watchword.

will be home to about 11,000 persons. mated at $924. More than 250 USHA—assisted
Originally estimated at more than Twenty-six six-story apartment housing projects owned by local hous-
$16,000,000, the actual development buildings with a community house, a ing authorities will require insurance
cost of the project was cut to about children’s center, playgrounds and in— as they are completed. They are in—
$13,500,000 and another 600 dwell— terior courts, make up the develop- dependent local agencies and can
ings were included in the plans. Sav- ment. Buildings are fireproof and place their insurance as and where
. ings were made by omitting non- equipped with self-operating eleva- they like. A main function 0f the

. essentials. The buildings have no tors. A nursery school, operated by USHA is to guide local authorities
basements; heating units are in sur- the Western Queens Nursery Asso— toward economies in every phase of
face structures. The elimination of ciation, Inc., has already been opened. their operations.

' l

 a , ‘ ‘ ‘~ ., V '
“ti. . , I
“mtg-£1139: r; ,___ REV-f L—-w~'w'J*J , Fug}; (iSStB 0f wMaltlertialS
it Weft. $333; swarm. he‘fiwfig Aou- i3) b'i‘ e
are?” ,1 ‘* 3 233 . W .79 m. a: . gamst ura lltY
{’21: it it‘ll. (weer. , . .
i %—”;} Z V“... 3:" F75 a...“ (gal; ’ .v‘t‘ :fifi; '5 In the effort to reduce operating
l r _;;*’ “‘Q’}: *szl Mflfizh 20m ' authorities occaSionally select mate-
l‘ "g! "r it Why-“N3? 7° 434—? " v: -——., f- rials or produce des1gns that add sub-
i g E} CLHM'W at; *‘M 3% an . stantially to capital costs.
l 2;} a?“ ‘W’i‘mi'mé lmls fififigfi Since maintenance charges are a
it mz...fi\ .n./ p 4.. was? g... L'v‘ll'figt’tfig} : 3:, “a“ h V VI a ac 01 1n'ren, 1 is 0 en e
ll 56 ' '2 7; 33kg? “(immfi W kéijg‘ifi that construction economy should
ill l‘ r l ‘fill 5 3; gf’ 1&3“; igx “33:33,?{ , give way whenever it appears to con-
' 3 3.. l § '- . .'"_’ ,1} gM—gwéfia, wfij’a’a fiict with reduced upkeep costs.
lll i " ‘ , i 3" #m%§ .3‘ wafish‘ M , WM #5 Each case, however, must be care-
lll l/ l fill, "m..‘,‘..%“%*1 an“: Eggs/33’ fully examined on its individual
lll ’Lwfi~_&fi, 11W g": ~'5[rflf'flg’ggil‘iiii.zf‘;fl;j;§ii); merits. And only when actual net
iii “,6? (“’étlufrwfifi'z'fl Wy~ savings can be proven should the use
‘ My”, watedwwhll-iifl 3.; of more expensive materials be ap—
ugfi‘wgi.»{LWTTMMVMW”w , ,1 W£W_AJ:5:W";§T5§ proved.
W,:;WW Ww,xww“ By way of illustration: On one
3 WM 1‘ ‘5‘“ ' "V ' ‘_ - j“ ’ .. p”5““"fff‘j‘i’x‘ffgi-iltl project the base bid called for the use
of expensive double-hung windoyvs
QUEENSBRIDGE SITE PLAN Problem: To place-3,149 dwelling units, 2 community buildings, and 2.4 stores made Of nonferrous metal. Alternate
on 4.7 acres, leavmg 75 percent of the land free for recreation, parking lots, landscaping, etc. This Queensbridge Site bids were taken on intermediate
plan is an ingenious solution in the form of 6 super-blocks, composed of 26 Y-shaped 6-story apartment buildings. Note .
children’s center and community building facing one another across central plaza. The former contains nursery school welght Steel easements, Steel dOUble‘
and baby clinic;latterincludes gymnasium, social rooms, andabranch of the Queens Public Library. At left of plan is hung windows, WOOCl double—hung
a15-acre city park now being developed. windows and lightweight steel case-
ments. In evaluating the bids it was . .
Municipal Workers of America Survey Home Towns 5133;355:1333egress“? mftlal
. ppi ox1ma e y
To Promote Slum Clearance and Low-Rent Housmg $100 per dwelling unit more than
lightweight steel easements. Never-
Convinced that decent housing for The published results will provide theless, the local authority strongly
all low-income families will never be an interesting cross—section survey of urged that the former be used be- '
obtained until the extent and nature housing conditions throughout the cause they would require practically
of bad housing is publicly demon- country. no maintenance, and argued that the
strated, members of the State, County saving in maintenance costs over
and Municipal Workers of America Florida Association other types of Windows would be ap—
have decided to investigate housing (Continued from p. 1) proximately 24 cents per unit per
conditions in their home towns. . Zent, Executive Director, West Palm month. The local auth01 ity neg-
Meeting in annual convention in Beach lected, however, to conSIder that to
New York City, September 27—30, the ' . . achieve the saving which they
. . . Among the objects of the Assoc1a- . . . .
organization dec1ded to conduct a . . . . . claimed, an 1nc1ease 1n the annual
housing survey by means of special tion. as set forth in Its constitution subsidy of about 32 cents per unit per
questionnaires. The survey will de- are. _ month would be effected because of
termine relation of rent to income, To foster and promote the interests the required increase in capital ex—
number of persons per room and per 0f low-rent _DUbhc housmg ”1 the penditure of over $53,000, a sum
dwelling, kind and condition of sani- State Of Florida. - sufficient to provide for the construc—
tary facilities, and structural and T0 provide a clearing hOUSG for ex- tion of about 12 additional units.
neighborhood deficiencies. change 0f ideas and experience '50- Good and sound materials can be
In each community, members will ward a more complete understanding obtained at relatively low prices and,
, distribute questionnaires so that a 0f the problems 0f DUbliC housing in if used wisely and in proper balance,
reasonable sample of housing condi— Florida. these can be made to produce satis-
tions among low-income families can To work out general policies relative factory projects at the low capital . .
be obtained as quickly as possible. to planning, construction, adminis- costs as well as the low rents which
Questionnaires will be tabulated and tration, and management as adapt- Congress intended and the public
analyzed at the national headquarters. able to public housing in Florida. expects.

 ...___. . .' ‘,.r., , i‘ . .
Atlanta Conference Pennsylvania Housmg Autlllorities Organize;
. .
Stresses Management Dr. B. J. Hovde Elected Head of New Assoc1ation
Housers from 11 States, the Dis- Winding upasuccessful conference tives from local housing authorities
. . trict Of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, of Pennsylvania housing authori- and citizens’ housing and labor
meeting in Atlanta, October 18—20, ties, held in Pittsburgh under the groups attended the Conference.
for the NAHO-USHA—sponsored Con- auspices of the National Association Panel discussions, led by chairmen
ference on Housing Administration of Housing Officials, October 13, selected from among the delegates,
and Management, heard Georgia’s Mayor Cornelius D. Scully said that were conducted under five general
Governor E. D. Rivers declare: “We “Pittsburgh taxes could better be heads: legal and financial, initiation
know that it costs more to keep slums spent for low-rent housing and slum and development, planning and c011-
than it does to clear them.” In time clearance to keep taxpayers in the struction, management, and rural
of war, the Governor pointed out, city than for four-lane highways on housing.
“Construction stops that destruction which to move them out.” Langdon Post, former New York
may begin. Not to recognize this One of the main accomplishments City Tenement House Commissioner,
realistically is not being fair to our- of the Conference was the organiza- speaking at the banquet following the
selves.” tion of the Pennsylvania Association Conference said that the USHA-local
Governor Rivers’ address, Housing of Housing Authorities. Dr. B. J. authority relationship might well
and War, followed speeches by USH A Hovde, of Pittsburgh, was elected prove a model for Federal—local rela-
Assistant Administrator Jacob President. About 150 representa— tions in other fields.
Crane, CO]. L. Kemper Williams, _WW_W._ ..,WWWj.--W-.,-..;_,-W-...,,,__.:,WaWW_.,-.WW....._W_._..._...W........_-.__...-. W ,
Chairman of the New Orleans hous- " ”fjw :;_:~'_ ' 1' a; y’fifl/fi
ing authority, and Atlanta’s Mayor - J r Whlziflflflétfifiidfi
William Hartfield. C. F. Palmer, 5419*»?‘9‘finba'izfiz‘tVfiW‘Wfifiwfitfl Waswammrm M runwound-ivmhin.
Chairman of the Atlanta housing au- Aflfijgam~ra ‘ifhwi filmmfl
thority, acted as Chairman. , 24m 1 "' 7 m“ :3; .4, . g
The Atlanta regional conference, a. .- W’“ "u a¢"’”¥'v~m""“‘f‘i::—- V, “H , ' -
conducted by NAHO, in cooperation ffihfiygkimh ‘fi‘wl’t - v’
with USHA and the Atlanta housing .. . ' ‘ {A}; «L; fl a“ 42461:?» r~"’.§:4
. . authority, was the first of its kind a , ‘i ' ‘W, ~le 5 a ' ’
ever held in this country. Its pur— ' ‘ ffi lbw—'5‘); fwh’iW‘A,
pose was to develop “consistent local . 4’s V;L"::”;Y , Avg/L—NMN” as
housing programs, sound administra- ' :an . W: _ . 'W -"'_3 ,y . . i ‘ i"
tive practices, and high professional ;.,,zfif F t- .. '
_ standards in low-rent housing.” ”Ifluml‘i”: ' f it‘ll“ . git,
Delegates to the conference were 7%?“ng . . . 5 l!“ ,' ,2
repeatedly reminded of the differ— fir? ' gill \ 1/33}
ence between mere rent collection ' ‘ gaga’”? V ' i ilmlfl i A 3:»
and successful housing management. :‘il .. 1,: i“!!! . .\
It was pointed out by Carl Henry 1% a M I '
Monsees, Director of the Conference, ,“i if» ”EM“ ,5" ' , ,
that preparation for a management ”I ,imwaflww .. Wm“ _ V . a-W’a
career demands “self-education in a i” . N V ' mamifgiiflvégfi
training which requires proficiency ’ @W 3 . «Lemar-3 wkka,‘ii
in municipal administration, public ‘ ~39”, “firm ‘ I“, 1?, Mi
and community relations, develop- w i? lifitifggjwi/éhi”
ment of local programs, planning and ' M ”wag": .
design of projects, economic and i ” ‘i‘ug'?’ ‘
social aspects of local programs, 01'- ‘Y‘F’ VX2523“: '
ganization, and procedure.” ’ , ' giggwafzfitgiargag "1
The Conference was attended by ' 3 ' f”/‘z?’ %‘§:$ .
housing representatives from cities , , l , V [W'Wéfléawfigt
and towns in Delaware, the District . , _. ~ . ' - , ,
of Columbia, Kentucky, Maryland, TYPICALg-ZQUEENSBRIDGE OFFSET Y—UNITS. Almost 2,500 American cities and towns are smaller
. . Puerto Rico, Virginia, West Virginia, than this complete community which spreads over 47 acres at the Long Island end of New York’s great Queensborough
Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Bridge. Some 11,400 people, liberated from the Nation’s most congested slums, will learn“ to live in fresh air and
Carolina, 801.1th Carolina, and T en_ :unliglit, Wlll see garden walks, trees, and green grass through'well-spaced apartment Windows. Wives used to
nessee. enemEnt hardships Wlll discover modern bathroom, electric refrigerators, gas stoves, and generous closets. Here
slum children can romp safely on Queensbridge playgrounds. (Photo by McLaughlin Air Servrce.)

 xflWfiQfigéfijofiwmnmw - 1,,
I Potential nonfarm housin shortage at assumed rates of construction, cumulative to 1950
. . g
COHStruCtlon Blds Potential Shortage Assumed New Construction
'2 7 [27 ' '2
8 8 8
El“ 6 4% e 6
Atlanta (Gil-"5‘2 Pt- / / / / 535212: 35:55:35: 5335:5533: 53:52:35 2:233:35: 2:555:55
11) 358 11~l4~39 5 :5:3:3:3:s:5‘:s:2:2:s:s:. % % / %/ 5 25:5:szz:3:5 2:352:52; ::;:;:5:;:2:‘5:i;:s:;:;:r‘;-;.-;:s:s::.‘2:s:::::2:2: 52:22:32"22:22:33. 5
11.11.,{"(;',:;1‘“([:(;;;,1':g:§) Hp, 11_ 6,39 / 4 % 4 / 3252532335: 32535255: 32:33:21
‘ ‘ ' ', 5255;35:_::;;_3;§;5;5;5; /_/ / / /—/ 4 53555552553:—1555;:sz4535;535:—rz'ri:5:£=3::'—35533::-5;52E2355333-535553§€353—35:31??? 4
llol.\'0lV_~ 32?) %}_;8733 tilnn in001,::2éezsl$1r:1 Obsgloscencz'ol lge D “S e cumu '1 lVe V0 {11110 O OUSln‘; HCCCS‘: ll) 0 l l e C'Ue 0 1101311 '1
lilvflllllfll lil.*.." ______ ’ c ‘ 7'
Potential Nonfarm Housing the first post-war decade, the chart
Shorta e at Assumed Rates shows that by 1950 we will fall short
Bid Openings ilfcntaiivoly Scheduled 1 gf C t t. of our housing needs by about 4,000,—
0 ans rue Ion 000 dwelling units. if, on the other
Mm“ (Ohio—7+1) 276 11g29_39 This chart indicates the cumulative hand, the CODStl‘UCthD industry 01391“
Ziiistiii ('l‘ox.—1+1;Kl::::: 81 11—21—39 housing; shortage that may be ex— ates at the 1930—37 annual average
fillsdt'“)gfi:fi&fi;fl:i 1 2538 22:31:33 pected by 1950 if private industry rate, a shortage of more than 9,000,-
“ gcl' ' ' ’ builds at (1). the 1920_29 average 000 dwelling units will accumulate. .
Corpus Christi (TeX.—— , ‘
8—1~R Pt. II)__________. 24 11-2}39 late (676’000 umts)’ and (2) .the Construction Report Analysis
Corpus Christi (Tcx.~ 1930—37 average rate (210,000 units).
€085)?st)(iil'lfii'sjfi"'(7iié;:' 210 11422—39 It is estimated by the Division of Re- During the week ended October 20
8+3—R) 100 11-22—39 search and Statistics that approxi- only one new project reached the con-
Gm, (ind—114) _ ,, , 305 1145439 mately 12,000,000 dwelling units will struction stage. The addition of the
Harrison (l\j. J.—16—l)___, 22g 11—21~39 be required by 1950 to replace the new 360—unit project in Columbus,
1133321133112 822:g:%))"f: 1%; 3:32:38 present accumulation of the worst Ga., caused a fractional decline in
Toledo (Oliio—(i—Z),,____,, 112 11722—399 substandard housing and to provide both the average over-all cost of new
a for population increase and obsoles- housing per unit and the average net
113,8”, ,5 many “May period between Md.” cence. If it is assumed that private construction cost per unit for. all 107
:§;;§::"§e,:"gagg',3);:g“,§;enRiggggghsifggug’gym“as construction Will reach the level of prOJects now under COHStl‘llClZlOlL
Weekly Construction Report
Item Week ended Week ended Percentage
October 20, 1939 October 13, 1939 Change
m filmy—*—
Number of projects under constructionum.“mm.WWW“, 107 106 +0.9
Number of dwellings under constructionmmm.Hm,_ 44,436 44,076 +0.8
Total estimated over-all cost 1 of new housing_,,,,, , $204,444,000 $203,236,000 +0.6
Average over—all cost1 of new housing per unit__,,_,,,,, $4,601 $4,611 —0.22
Average net construction cost 2 per unit ,_ $2,892 $2,897 —0.17
1 Includes: (a) Building the house, including structural costs and plumbing, heating, and electrical installation; (b) dwelling equip-
ment, architects’ fees, local administrative expenses, financial charges during construction, and contingency expenses; (c) land for
present development; (d) nondwelling facilities. .
2 The cost of building the house, including structural, plumbing, heating, and electrical costs. .
Publication is approved by the Director, Bureau of the Budget, as required by rule 42 of the Joint Committee on Printing.
For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Subscription price $1 domestic, foreign $1.80 per year. Single copies, 5 cents.
Material for PUBLIC HOUSING should be addressed to Informational Service Division, U. S. Housing Authority, Washington, D. C.