xt76hd7npk08 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76hd7npk08/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19241017  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 17, 1924 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 17, 1924 1924 2012 true xt76hd7npk08 section xt76hd7npk08 Best Copy Available



lo (he Freshman
Football Game Today




The Kentucky Kernel

Circulation this Week
5,000 Copies



KY., OCTOBER 17, 1924

No. 4

Beginning Oct. 20, Will
Run Throughout
the Week

All organizations which have not
yet paid their Kcntuckian fees for
last year will please mnil or bring
the amount due to 'the Kcntuckian
All members of the class of 1924
who have not received their Kcntuckian will please send their present address to the Kcntuckian office.
Where the address was known, the
Kcntuckinns have been mailed and
if you have not rcccivd yours, it may
be nt the place of your last address.

Tonight nt 7 o'clock in the gymnasium there will be a pajamn parade
and "Pep" meeting, at which time
the SuKy Circle, boosters club of the
university, will hold its nnnual pledging service. Thirteen new members,
including four women students, have
been selected from the student body
in recognition of outstanding work
done in the interest of the university,
and their names will bo kept secret
until pledge service tonight.

'Cats Who Will Fight to Keep Kentucky's Banner Stainless.


To Offer Season Tickets ARE ADOPTED AT

to Students
for $5.00


The Romany Theatre will open its
current season with "To the Ladies,"
a comedy in four acta, by Connolly
and Kaufman, the night of October
20. The play, which is being directed
by .Mary Lyons, will run for a week,
with Thursday night as student night.
There was to have been a matinee
Thursday, but due to the football
game it has been called off. "To the
Lades" has already been played before guests of the theatre at rehearsals, and promises to be the most hiproduclarious and
tion that the Romany has ever fostered.
The story of the play centers about
Leonard Beebe,
Young Beebe is a
.his wife, Elsie.
clerk in the cost counting department
of the Kinkead Piano Works. He
takes correspondence courses, buys
character analyses, awaits the psychological moment, and builds Castles
in Spain and remains a cjerk. But
Jiis wife you must come to the play
to enjoy the true essence of the commirth-provoki-



Tickets 'Sow on Sale
The Romany staff is selling season
to students at the special price
of six performances for five dollars.
These tickets may be paid for in three
Full information may
be procured at the Romany
Students are
telephone 3B85-urged to take advantage of this opto show their loyalty
portunity and
by upholding the only organization

(Continued on Page Eight)

Individual Colleges to
Have Assemblages
Freshman convocation is abolished!
So voted the university senate at, its
meeting Monday afternoon. Tuesday
morning witnessed the last of such
gatherings the class of '28 will have.
It must be borne in mind, however,
that this has no reference to convocations of the freshmen of individual
colleges on Thursday mornings. Each
college will continue to have its individual assemblies of freshmen on



Drastic Steps Taken to
Abolish Practice
of "Cribbing"
Vesper Services to be
Held on Sunday
At the Senate meeting Monday afternoon, drastic steps were taken in
the adoption of rules wnfch will apply to those guilty of Cheating in
The following resolution
"All cases of cheating shall be reported to the head of the department
in which cheating occurs, who shall
immediately investigate the circumstances and in confrrence with the
members of his department, determine the guilt or innocence of the
student charged. If the student is
adjudged guilty, he shall be dropped
from the class in which the cheating
occurs with a grade of E. This decision shall be final.
"This action is to be reported in
writing by the head of the department to the student's dean and to the
registrar, who shall certify on the
student's record: 'Dropped with grade
of E.'
"It shall be the duty of the registrar to notify the dean of men or of
women who shall acquaint the parent
or guardian of the student and the
student of the fact of the record, and
to inform the student of the penalty
in case he- is dropped from class as
a second offense.
"If a student is dropped from class
for cheating as a second offense, he
shall be suspended for one year. The
registrar shall report that fact to his
dean, who will notify the student that
he is suspended."
Council Members Elected
The senate elected two of its members to represent it on the university
council which is composed of all deans
of the university and two senate representatives. Professor George Roberts of the college of agriculture was
reelected and Professor W. S. Webb
of the physics department was chosen
as the other representativ.

sent Structure to

"Caveman" Rice over the ball; "Tiny" Montgomery, top right;
Below: Van Meter, Bickel and Pigmen

Military History of Officers Shows They Possess
Efficient and Remarkable Records
The Military Department of the
University of Kentucky which is ever
increasing in strength and efficiency,
boasts of a remarkable staff. The
staff is composed of Colonel Horace
P. Hobbs; Capt. Joseph E. Torrence;
Capt. John J. Bethurum; Capt. James
Taylor; First Lieutenant Marvin W.
Marsh; Warrant Officer George A.
Knight; Master Sergeant Guy
First Sergeant Fred Powell;
Staff Sergeant John J. Kennedy and
Sergeant Matthew J. Eberhardt. A
sketch of the officers' lives and
achievements follow:

He was graduated from the Army
School of the Line, Fort Leavenworth,
Kansas, in 1912 and served on the
Mexican Border at Eagle Pass, Texas,
from 1914 to 1915.
During the World War Colonel
Hobbs was inspector of the 26th Division (New England), being later
placed in command of the 101st, Infantry Regiment of that division. He
participated in the Toul offensive and
in the Aisne-Marn- e,
St. Mehile, and
He was
cited for gallantry in action during
the Meuse-Orgonoffensive as regimental commander.

After being graduated from the


vanced course at the Infantry School,
Fort Benning, Ga., in 1921, he served
as Lieutenant-Colonof the 29th In- building of the stadium to the exfantry, stationed at that post as tent of 50,000. The exercises will
demonstration troops, until his pro- close with the singing of the "Star
motion to the rank of colonel, and Spangled Banner," as the flags are
his assignment to the University of raised on the new stadium.
Kentucky, July 1, 1924.
Dinner Dance for Alumni
In addition to the dedicatory proCapt. Joseph E. Torrence
Joseph Torrence was born in Colo- gram for the alumni home-comin- g
rado Springs, Col., March 24, 1894. day, a dinner dance has been arHe was graduated from the Kentucky ranged by the alumni association with
Military Institute in 1911, took post Miss Margie McLaughlin as chairman
graduate work there in 1912, attend- of the committee. Shortly after the
ed the University of Kentucky, 1912-191- close of tho game, a dinner will be
and was graduated in law with served in the new gymnasium, where
tables will be arranged on either
the degree of LLB.
Ho was commissioned first lieuten- side. Each table will be decorated
ant of Infantry in the Reserve Corps with the colors of the respective
in 1913, and at the outbreak of the teams.

on Pago Eight)


FRAT Skits May be Obtained Final Elections Will be
at Reading
Held October 28
and 29




Capt. Calhoun Will



Their opponents will be tho
Georgetown freshmen. Not much has
been heard of the Georgetown aggregation, but it is supposed to be a
fairly good team and the U.
Pre- will have to play their best K. frosh
to keep
the Tiger cub from crossing their
goal line.
Coach Ecklund has drilled his men
in the fundamentals of the game and.
Kentucky's new football stadium they are primed for the whistlo..
will be dedicated on November 1, at There is much competition among
1:30 o'clock immediately before the the yearling squad and every man is
opening of the Centre-Stat- e
football working hard for a regular berth on
game. A dinner dance will he held the team.
The prospects are promising in thf
immediately after the game in honor
of the teams.
university for a championship fresh
The dedicatory exercises will open man team. l ew injuries have happromptly at 1:30 o'clock with the pened to the men this year and it is.
university band playing "My Old probable that two or three men for-eacKentucky Home." W. H. Townsend,
position will be available at all
chairman of the executive committee times.
of the alumni club, will introduce
Scrimmages against the varsity
Capt. C. C. Calhoun of Washington, have shown that the candidates are-ipresident of the association, who will
excellent condition and they will
present the stadium to the university, know how to handle themselves when
and it will be accepted on behalf of pressed into action.
The freshman line is rather hoavv
the university by Judge R. C. Stoll,
chairman of the board of trustees. this year, backing up a shifty and
The exercises will include the un- fast backfield. The forward wall will
veiling of two bronze tablets which average 185 pounds while the back-fie- ld
will be placed in the stadium. One
will average about 1G5 pounds.
will be in honor of Judge Stoll, for
The probable lineup for the aamt
whom the field is named, and will be fill be as follows: Shoultee, l.e; Hick- -'
placed on the middle ramp on the erson, l.t.; Belt, l.g.; Pence, c; Arnsouth side of the field. The other old, r.e.; Stevenson, r.t.; Martin, r.e.;
tablet will be in memory of the Ken- Jenkins, q.; Ellis, l.h.; Van Arsdale,
tucky soldiers who lost their lives r.h.; Ross, f.b. All of the remaining
in the World War, and will be placed
(Continued on Page Seven)
on the middle ramp on the north side.
Mr. Manning, head of the Memorial
Fund, helped the university in the

Colonel Horace P. Hobbs
Horace P. Hobbs was born in Philadelphia, Pa., October 12, 1875. After
having graduated from Pennsylvania
Military College in 1897, his active
military career began in April, 1899,
when he was commissioned
lieutenant of infantry and was immediately ordered to the Philippine
Islands for duty.
Colonel Hobbs served with distinction in the Philippine Insurrection in
Luzon from 1899 to 1901, during
which time he was recommended for
Brevit First Lieutenant. After the
Philippine Insurrection, he served in
the campaign against the Moros in
the islands of Jolo and Mindanao,
from 1903 to 1905. He received the
Distinguished Service Cross for conspicuous gallantry in action at
Vesper Services
Cotta Jolo, May 5, 1905, while a
Within a short time vesper services for students of the university member of the 17th U. S. Infantry.
will be held every Sunday afternoon
at 4 o'clock in the Maxwell Presbyterian Church, which, because of its
nearness to the rooms of many of
the students is especially desirable
as a place to hold these gatherings.

Thursdays as formerly.
A new system of convocations
to bo inaugurated. In the future,
general assemblage of
there will be a
all students of the university once
a month. Programs for these meetings promise to bo very interesting JOURNALISM
and helpful. In addition to musical HONORS EIGHT MEN
programs to bo arranged by Profes-Bo- r
Lampert, there will bo noted
people present at each gathering to Alpha Delta Sigma Holds Anaddress the students. The first of
nual Pledge Service
these general meetings will be held
Oct. 28 in the new gym, and the
speaker will bo Dr. Edwin E. Colos- The Henry Watterson chapter of
Alpha Delta Sigma, national honorary fraternity of Journalism, held its
Follows Distinguished Precedent
unnual pledge services Monday afThe services
In udopting this new plan of gen- ternoon nt 5 o'clock.
eral assemblies, the university is but were followed immediately by a banfollowing the course udopted by the quet at the Tip Toe Inn.
The eight men pledged are: Klye
leading educational institutions of the
country. For some time strong sen- Whitehead, Kenneth Tuggle, Frank
system, but Hoover, John Walsh, Lloyd Erskine,
timent has favored this
up to this time it has been impos- Theodore McDowell, Rankin
and Arthur Morris.
sible to consider it here, owing to
Tho members of the active chup-te- r
lack of seating facilities. With the
completion of the new gym it is beure J. Sterling Towles, Dwight
lieved that the new policy will bo L Bicknell, J A. Estes, Herbert Carmore beneficiul and enjoyable to all ter, J. R. McClure, Thomas Duncan,
Eugene Moore and Emmett Bradley.
than was the old system.

Georgetown Cubs Will
be Opponents of

Very Little Known of
Scott County
Bronze Tablets to be
The freshman football team of
Unveiled During
will play its first game of
the season this afternoon in the new




committee has
The Stroller try-obeen making preparations for the
past week for tho eligibility
which begin October 20. The offices
will bo open today und tomorrow
and any late aspirants may obtain
u list of the specified plays by calling at the Stroller rooms between
the hours of 3:30 and 5:00.
The entrance blanks which each
cast will fill out will be used for
reference in notifying tho different
groups of the time for their
The three plays judged to bo the
best in tho preliminaries will be preliminaries will be presented again on
Amateur Night, October 31, and a

try-ou- t.


on Puge 4)

The election of class officers of tho
senior and freshman classes will be
held on Tuesday, Oct. 28, and that of
tho sophomore and junor classes Wednesday, Oct. 29.
The following students have been
nominated for the elective class officers of president and
and are eligible to serve in such capacity if elected:
Senior class: president: James Darnell, C. W. Gray, Turner W. Gregg;
Louise Burks, Amanda
Gordon, Elizabeth Moorman, Frances
Junior class: president: John Dab- (Continued

on Page Seven)

Rare Specimens Are Found in
Robertson County
A number of Indian relics, found
in Robertson county by William J.
Curtis, will be presented to tho uni
versity, according to word received
from Mt. Olivet.. Tho collection consists of large arrow heads, gorgets

Chemistry Building to
Have Two New

Plans and specifications for tho
first addition to be mnde to the New
Chemistry Building better known as
Kastle Hall which was completed in
1910, are now in the hands of the
Chemistry department.
This addition consists of two wings,
each 60 to 100 feet, which will be at
each end and to the rear of the build
The new space will be taken
up mninly by laboratories and reciA new basement will
tation rooms
be made, which will contain laboratories and the stock und shop rooms.
The Industrial Chemistry department
will be located in one end of tho
In the front of the building will be a museum mndo for industrial produce and raw materials- The contract for this extension has.
been in the hands of architects since
the first of March and this fall was
let to Coolidgo and Shattuck, architects, of Boston. Arrangements have
also been made for future extension
of the building by converting the
present lecture rooms into laboratories, nnd building new lecture rooms-ut the rear, between the two wings,.
This will be done at a later time,
Tho plans now decided upon ur&
practically the sumo us those for a
chemistry building ut Johns Hopkins'
University, und Dr. Fruyser, of that
institution, has commented very favorably upon them.

and breast plates.
To this collection are added relics
unearthed by Professors W. S. Webb
and D. W .Funkhouser in a trip made
through Hurt county, Ohio county,
und Marshall county, this past sum
Iheir trip took them to the
homes of tho Cliff Dwellers, where
they found u "hominy hole," formerly used by the inhabitants in preparing their food. In Ohio county,
near tho Green river, skeletons were
found in the mounds of the Cherokee Indians. Photographs were taken
In MurshuP
of these skeletons.
county, near Benton, Professors Webb
Lost Blue R. O. T. C. pocketbook-contuiuinund Funkhouser found gruves of the
new bills und change
amounting to more than $6.00. Reundent Chicasuw Iudiuns.
These relics will be separated and ward if returned to Frunces Smith,,
catalogued this winter.
phone 3002.

* r

Best Copy




Oct. 20. (Third Mondny
Regular) luncheon nt Field's
Detroit, Oct. 31. (Last Friday
Regular) dinner at Dixieland


Philadelphia, Nov. 1. (First Satat
urday Regular) luncheon
Engineers' Club.
Somerset, Nov. 7. (First Friday
Regular) 7:30 p. m. at Dr.
Norflcct's office.

Nov. 8.



Regular) luncheon
12:00, Lafayette Hotel.



HulTalo, Nov. 8. (Second Satur1 :15
day Regular) luncheon,
p. m., Chamber of Commerce,
corner Main and Seneca streets.


The following article is taken from
the "Bond Issue Campaign Book,' by
Chester Gourlcy:
After the whisky excise tax was
held unconstitutional, the state road
department was left with only a
small amount of funds for construction, especially in view of the fact
that a number of old state aid contracts continued under construction
and money was necessary to meet the
state's portion of those obligations.
The result of this was that many
counties in the state voted road bonds
and donated the proceeds to the construction in the counties respectively
voting the bonds At the session of
1922 of the General Assembly, a bond
issue of 50,000,000 for construction
of the state primary system provided
by the act of 1920, was proposed and
advocated by the Kentucky Good
Roads Association. The bill met with
great opposition and failed of pas

The movement for the bond issue
was renewed by the Kentucky Good
Roads Association in the early months
of 1923 and that association continued the advocacy of a $50,000,000
bond issue for road purposes until a

movement was launched just after the
November election in 1923 to increase
the bond issue to $75,000,000 to pro
vide funds for the various educational
and other institutions of the state for
permanent improvements and also to
fund the state floating debt.
Mr. John M. Atherton, of Louisville,
a retired business man, who has been
much interested in philanthropy and
the advancement of education, in a
letter to Mr. Desha Breckenndge, pub
lished in the Lexington Herald, first
publicly advocated the bond issue in
its present form. There were many
other advocates of the bond issue as
now submitted to the people, including Judge A. P. Humphrey and Mr.
"E. S. Tachau, of the State Board of
Charities and Corrections, Mr. Lewis
C Humphrey, editor of the Louisville
Tost, Mr. Desha Breckenridge, editor
of the Lexington Herald, Mr. Robert
Gordon of Louisville, a former president of the State Bar Association, Dr.
Trank L. McVey, president of the university of Kentucky, and many others.
Up to the time of movement for the
25,000,000 started, the
Kentucky Good Roads Association
had been advocating only the bond
issue of 50,000,000 for roads. A
meeting was arranged between officials of the Kentucky Good Roads
Association and those prominent in
the movement for the additional
the result of which was an
agreement to present the whole matter to the Governor elect, Hon. "Wm.
J. Fields, and to advocate either the
single bond issue for roads or the
bond issue with the additional
for state institutions, as the
Governor might decide to recommend
in his message to th eLegislature.
in his message to the legislature.


Alumni Secretary


The Governor on Tuesday, January 8, 1924, appeared before the legislature and delivered his biennial message which was devoted almost entirely to the recommendation of the
submission of the 75,000,000 bond
in the present form, and in the
course of his message ho thus stated
the reasons that moved him to make
that recommendation:
"The constitution imposes upon the
governor the duty to make recommendations to the legislature on the affairs of the state. In obedience to
that mandate I appear before you, my
submit for your consideration
most earnest recommendations."

"Among the highest obligations of
the state is the obligation to aiford
opportunity for its citizens to acThe sons and
quire an education.
daughters of Kentucky are entitled
to opportunities equal to the opportunities afforded the youth of any
other state, which are now denied
them. I therefore address myself first
to the needs of her educational




"Many counties of the state nro unable, by reason of lnck of revenue, to
provide suitable or even hnbitnblc
houses for primary and high schools.
It is difficult, ifi some instances impossible, for the children of those
counties to secure an elementary education. Yet, from the youth of those
communities may be developed the
state's brightest intellects and most
useful citizens.
"Those children will become n part
of the citizenry of the state. Their
value to the state and to society, as
well as to themselves and their dependents, will be measured by their
training and education. Their edu
cation of the youth of Kentucky. It
This being true, I
local problem.
bo made
recommend that
for the state to advance money to
counties that arc unable to erect and
equip buildings for primnry and high
schools, on such ternis and for such
time as will mnkc easy its repayment
through the development of their

natural resources and their increase
in wealth.

and results of our
elementary system of education de
pend upon the character and training
To secure a suffiof its teachers.
cient force of trained teachers it is
necssary to increase the accommo
dations and equipment of our normal
schools, which are now deficient, to
the detriment of our whole elementary system. It is therefore essen
tial to construct proper buildings for
our four white and for two colored
normal schools
The efficiency

"The University of Kentucky is a
state, not a local institution. Its pur
pose is not to afford opportunities
to the children of wealth to acquire a
college education. It was created and
is maintained to put within the reach
of the sons and daughters of every
class the opportunity for the higher
and most useful training.
"The university has neither dormitories nor class rooms sufficient to
meet the demand upon it for the edu
cation of the youth of Kentucky. It
can accommodate less than 2,000 stu
dents and should accommodate fully
two and a half times that number,
Its deficiency forces many youth to
leave Kentucky to obtain a college
training, and prevents others, of urn
ited means, from receiving such train

"The deaf and dumb children of the
state are entitled to the full sympa
thy and assistance of the state, and
should be given every advantage
that will contribute to their becoming self supporting and independent
of the Deaf and
The accommodations
Dumb Institute are wholly insuffi
"The Institute for the Blind is one
of the most worthy of our institutions. The demands upon it have
grown far in excess of its capacity,
and it should be supplied with suffi
cient funds to meet these demands.

to future citizenship by
caring for and training in the rudi
ments of good citizenship boys and
girls who have been nejrlcctcd or have
shown themselves so uncontrollable
that they have passed, or would
pass into the criminal
From this institution hnvc
gone mnny boys and girls who arc
making good citizens who but for
the training nfforded would hnvc developed into hardened criminals.
"Two separate institutions, one for
boys and one for girls, should be
established and maintained at separate places.

1 contribution

up of all property within her borders
and mnkc Kentucky a more desirable
place in which to live. Such a system would contribute much to our

professor of civil engin- adelphia and other points cact. They
eering there, and wns formerly with will be at home in Frankfort after
the State Highway Testing Depart- October 20.
ment nt the University of Kentucky.
J. E. Hnyslett, J. E. Matthews and
C. M. Spilmnn, are engaged in the
Students' Training Course of the
II. D. Brailsford was a visitor in General Electric Company nt
N. Y.
the alumni office this week.
Brailsford is assistant engineer with
K. R. Smith and R. L. Spears are
the Underwriters Laboratories, 207 in the radio department of the
Kant Ohio street, Chicago, 111. Ho
is living nt 5711 Hlackstone avenue.

is assistant

educational advancement, particularly in rural sections, by making the
schools more accessible to students.
It would bring the residents of all
sections of the state into more intimate social relations with one nnoth-othgreby contributing to the intellectual advancement of the stntc
and increasing our common interests.
with the rapidly
growing motor transportation, a sys
tem of thoroughfares connecting the
agricultural sections with the indus
HOSPITALS FOR THE INSANE trial centers and mining regions wiuld
result in the creation of direct com"The asylums for our insane are a mercial relations between producers
disgrace to our state.
of agricultural products and the con"The inmnles of these institutions sumers in the industrial and mining
nre the state's most unfortunate citi- sections of incalculable benefit to
zens, with whom fate has dealt most both.
cruelly. They come from every class
Surrounded as it is on three sides
of our people. They nre wards of our by a mining region, I can conceive
by reason of misfortune, of nothing that would contribute more
state often
not because of misconduct.
to the establishment of a permnncnt
"These unfortunates are housed in and profitable market for the prodquarters that are both inadequate and ucts of the great agricultural section
unsafe. Should fire break out in one of our state than direct connection
of these institutions, the rescue of with the markets of the mining reg
its irresponsible inmntes would bo ion through a system of roads sufpractically impossible.
Such a trag- ficient to support truck transporta
edy as would result would place an tion.
execrable blot on Kentucky's name
"Road construction, and the exnet- that would continue on through com- mcnt of laws relating thereto, have
ing years to mar the fair name of been, to a grca tcxtent, an experimenour state.
tal program for the past decade. But
'Such a condition is repugnant to we should now profit by our experithe character, the conscience, the ence and our mistakes and reap a
heart and the soul of Kentucky's man- richer return from our investments
hood and womanhood, and should no and our efforts than he have had in
longer be permitted to exist.
the past."



"There is only scant provision made
for the care of white feeble minded
and no provision at all for the col
ored feeble minded persons, who nre
free to roam and propagate their
kind, thereby imposing an ever increasing burden on the state. Pro
visions should be made for the proper care of both white and colored

and feeble


living nt 107 Fairlawn avenue, Lexington.
Mr. Hugh Raymond Creel wns married October 1 in Frankfort to Miss
Oln Esther Johnson, daughter of Mrs.
F. S. Johnson of Paducah. Mrs. Creal
has for the last two years been the
state supervisor of homo economics
in Kentucky. She received her B.S.
and M.S. with honors from the University of Wisconsin.
Mr. Creal was recently promoted
to the office of state engineer of Kentucky after having been nssistant engineer the pnst' five years. Mr. and
Mrs. Creal left immediately for Niagara, New York, Washington, Phil


"Kentucky is paying an annual toll
of inefficiency, suffering, death and financial loss due to the prevalence of
tuberculosis, a preventable and cur-abdisease. There is no provision
for the treatment and cure of a victim
of that disease in a state institution.
No citizen of Kentucky unless a resident of Jefferson or Fayette counties
can secure treatment except by full
payment therefor. It would be wise
economy as well as enlightened
for the state to provide for
Kentucky has a floating debt of
or to assist in the erection and mam debt of approximately six million dol
tenance of sanitoria for the victims lars (0,000,000) in outstanding state
of tuberculosis.
warrants. The credit and the good
name of the state demand that this
PENAL, CORRECTIVE AND CHAR debt be liquidated, that these warrants, which in many instances are
being sold at a discount because of
"With the increase in population the state's failure to redeem them,
need for room in our penal insti be called in and retired.
tutions far exceeds their capacity.
who would permit
Especially is this true of the State his"The individual
promissory note to be bartered
Reformatory at Frankfort.
and sold at a discount, when he has
tions in that institution are deplor ample credit on which to secure funds
able, because of insufficient and an
with which to pay it, would be charg
tiquated buildings.
ed with bad faith, aye, with a dis
"While the inmates of this and creditable act. Yet that is precise
similar institutions have, with rare ly what Kentucky is doing, and states
exceptions, placed themselves in the are not different from individuals
class of undesirable citizens, they arc, they are only collections of individ
nevertheless, human beings whose uals. Kentucky, therefore, in jus
crimes, in many instances, are due tice to her credit and to her good
to mental or moral weaknesses for
name, can not afford to permit her
which they may not bo entirely re floating debt to continue unliquidat
Notwithstanding the fact ed, but should make arrangements
that by their own conduct they have for its settlement, and I recommend
made themselves wards of the state
steps bo taken to accomplish that
they are entitled to humane treat- that with the least possible delay,
ment. We have outlived the barbaric
ago when to torture the convict was
regarded as an honor to the statu and
a protection to society.
"Kentucky can never bo what
should be and what it has a right to
KENTUCKY SCHOOL OF REFORM be without a complete system of pub
"The reform school for boys and lie roads. Every citizen of vision
girls is wholly inadequate to meet fully realizes that fact, and none will
deny that the construction of a com
its imperative needs.
"This institution is doing a valu prehensive system of rouds through
work, making an incalculable out the state would enhance the val

University of Kentucky,


Guaranty Bk. Bldg.

204-5-- 7

Phone 3616
Hours 8 A. M. to 5 P. M.



A Quiet and Refined Place To Eat



"In mineral resources Kentucky is
the richest state east of the Mississippi river, if not of all the states.
There are few, if any, of her counties
that odnot possess valuable minerals,
among which are asphalt, fire clay,
cannel coal, bituminous coal, flour- spar, barium, oil, gas, marble .min
eral waters, oil shales, materials for
making cement and others, whose lo
cation and value have been indicated,
not proven conclusively.
In the long list of resources are
some that have been located to a lim
ited degree by basic top6graphic map
of the state, however,
to be exact, twenty thousand seven
hundred and five (20.705) square
miles remained unmapped on July
1, 1923.
That portion of the state
is practically an unsurveyed mineral
wilderness. Nothing would aid so
much in the development of our min
eral resources as a complete, basic
topographic survey of the state.
"Kentucky's proximity to Ameri
ca's center of population, her naviga'
ble streams around her northern, e