xt76hd7nqg77 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76hd7nqg77/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1935 journals kaes_circulars_001_1_085_02 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 085 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 085 1935 2014 true xt76hd7nqg77 section xt76hd7nqg77 Extension Division
THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director _
  · 1    -· ..   `T "‘;‘;‘??”* · 
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1°I'l11`¤·1¤l`e·41 11·»<1»:.
Lexington, Ky.
February, 1935
P11l»Iis11·~<1 in (‘l¤1ll1<·¤'Ii¤*l1 with tho :i;;i‘i<·1i1t11i‘:1I <‘X[t·I1S1¤·!\ \\'&»l'1{ v:11‘1‘i0¢1 0n
bY "—1**I*•·1‘2ili··¤1 ¤·f the L`··l1·vg1— ni` ,\;i·i··11lt11iu·. l`11in·i·siiy of 1{t'1lIllt'1{)', with
K1"? I- S· ]’<‘!¤:ii·rim·i1L nf ,\p:ri¤~1ilt1in·. uml <1iszril¤1m~41 in {l11`I11•.*1`il11t’C of the
` “('!`k I¤1`<~\'iv1v<1 I`¤¤1` in thc Avi of <`ui1;;1‘¢·ss nf Nuy S, 15*1-1.

{ "llll‘llllllllllg"` is ll1‘l'l‘$iill'_\' lo 111:1ll1l:1l11 in
` uml llll]ll`\\‘ lmw tn ]\l‘l'l-lll`lIl lll¤*lll, 'l`l1¤·y All
‘ ll£l\'1‘ ll<_‘t‘ll lilllflll in 1lm11>t:1mls <»l` slnuwp lll
I'&llSt‘l`S in l:1t<·. ll` you elw xml l{lll1\\'ll0\\'lH]h4‘l'l·l‘I'lll
tlwsv (l]N‘l'2lll11sl1‘z1ll<>11 all \\‘l1i··l1)‘·v11 :111ll )‘¤»1l1·
` ]lt‘lQ‘l]llU1`N mm l1‘£ll‘lI lmw to elm ilw ww};. HT
l ill
l llz

Docking and Castrating Lambs _
"IIllL'I(}'U uml I<111u—luiI1·1l I$IlI|I‘S M1111i1111>II¤1\\' 1h1· i1111»1»1·1u111··· <»l' t'&|>ll`2llIllQ (|l1*I :l111·l1 ll1¤'lIl<¤llS of ]»<~1·l`<»1·111i11u· 1h··>1· nlwru-
]_ 'l`h·· 1·;11·1·u~< 1»l' u 11‘··Ih··1· IHIIIID is l·1·111·1· 1l1·\‘1·l<»1»1·1l lh:111
lilill ¤·1` u l'2|Ill l;1111l1 l·1·1·u11~·· 1l:1· 1l··~h L1l»··11~·1··li~11·il»111···l<»111h0
1·1.1·1< \\Ill<‘ll giw 1l11~ IlI£lIl-]1l'll'·'¤I <‘lll*. ~m·h :1< lug uml l··i11.
11l1•.·1·1·;1~ l'JllIl IIIIIIIIS ;11·1· ·l··\‘<·I<·1···1l lIl'>|`¤’ i11 thc 11··1·l; uml shoul-
2, II11111 lilllllli l1··<·<»111·· 11··1·*.‘<·11~ uml 1li<<·<»111·:111¤·1l uml lwgiu
:11u111~111·1_v;1g·· I1>:111111>_\’ thi- 1·11‘1· I£llllI*>. I'l\`¢‘ll u {ww lurgv 111111
I:1111hs i11 u 1l1»··l< 111:1lu· 1h<· \\`IIl‘I1‘ Ilm·l< l'<‘S_
Zi. l’u1·l<1·1· IlIl_\`•‘l‘S ]>l'<‘I.<‘l` w1·il11·1· uml mxw lélllllii 111 u mixcd
;··T<·r·11I21i11i11u s¤·111¤‘* 1*:1111s. Iiillll I&llllI>S Smit 11» lllZll'I{t‘l· with cw?
{:lI¤_l\\`<‘lIl1‘1'IIIIIIIIS QKIIIIIIIIIIIAI 2lI`1‘ 11111 11110 u l(*\\`Q‘l` Q`l`ilu1·l<1·1·. h1·m·1· hw puys lwss l`1>1‘ lIIl‘lIl. (lll lll2lIl}` <·l` thc lt‘l'lllIl12ll
111u1·l<1·1» l`2llll IHIIIIJS :11-1- ·li<1·1>111111·1l ui sl ]I1‘l` |111111l1·1·1l11·1—igl1t uml
ll11s\\‘1*1‘ ;i'l'2llIl‘$.
4. 'I`h¤· lll(‘ili IIl`(llll lurgo l'illll IIIIIIIIS is m>l‘ ll<‘2ll'I}` S0 2111110-
tizi11;‘ us thut I`l`(\lll 11‘<·tl11·1· uml 1-111* IEIIIIIN, The k‘OllSlllll(‘l` who
IliIlllll‘llS 111 gut u (‘lll I.l`()l]l il Iurgo l`;llIl lillllll 111:1)* lIl1‘l‘0Il§` I10<‘0ll1<‘
III`I"'IIlIIIII°I‘II uguiust Iillllll lll(‘1ll uml tllNO01lllllll1‘ Tho plll`&‘ll£l$0 Of
l:1111l1 of illly kiml. IIIIIS l0\\`<‘l‘lll;l` the 1l(‘llllll](l for lillIlI)_

l -1 I1'1·11/111·/.*11 Iz`.1·{111x1'1111 (lI·I`1’Il[lII' X11. H.? _
5. T0 (‘ilSIl`1lI0 ovory 1*11111 Iilllll) oxcopt good p111·1·l11·1·1Is is
thc best \\`il)' to 11111lco Slll‘C th111 owes will not hc h1·o1l 111 USCI`IIl)`y I
' I
]·]vo1·y 1·11111 l11111I1 1‘X1‘(’]>I' ]llII‘1‘I)l'<‘lIS ol` 1l11si1·11l»l1· 1111;1lir_·,· I
should he c11st1·1111·1l. Tho (}[)(‘I`llIIOll is simple illlll 2lII}' 1`111·1111=1
who follows 1li1‘<*1·1io11s ('2ll‘<‘I.llII}' should IIIIYC 1111 1Ii1`Iii1·11l1_1· 11; 1 _
pcrforniiiig it. L11111I1s SllOlIIIIS IIIIII t?»· L
hands 11111 clean 11111] IIIII l{llII·1‘ 1Iisi111'1·.·11—1l lI(`[1)I`l‘ IliI(°II 11111·1·111i1»:;.
\Y11il0tl1o \`ill|I1‘ 11[ RIIIUIIIIIIIIIQ 111 1lisi111'1·1·1 1I11· 11·111111·l111`T-11·
1ho OPCl'2lIlO11 is 11111·s1io1111l1I11, 1h1· IllI]V)l'Iilll1‘1‘ (IIT 1'I1‘lIllIlI1C\S ('iIIl‘
not bo ovo1·-o111pl111siz1·1I. .\ g·111»1I 11111i>1·p1i1· is 21 3—p··1·····111 ~··l`:· i
1‘io11 of C2l1‘l)OliC 111·I1l or o111— o1` IIl1‘ Ill2lIl_\' 1·1111l I£ll‘ 1Iips_ I111 I
coal 1111· dip is 11s1é1l it should ho 1lil11i1é1l 111·1·111·1li11u‘ 111 1l11~1li1·1w— -1
I tions 011 the co11111i11o1·. ]11‘2l\`1‘ 1i1_o l<11i1`1¤ i11 1h1~ 1iisi111'1·1·111111 I1·=-
I\\`€‘O11 ope1·:11io11s iIIlII 1`111· 111 lo11s1 11·11 111i11111os IlIlI`III’I‘ 11111·1·111i11:
11111 tho first Ii’lIIlI}. The Ilillllls SIIIIIIIII ho 1I1111‘11ly \\YII>Il*`|I i11 1l;··
disi11foc11111t b0f111·1— Ilogillllillg 1ho O]11‘I`2liI11llS 111111 1`1·1—·1110111l5‘ *
1l1c1·<·af101·. °
Each stop o1' IIl(‘ I>]11*l'JlII11Il is l‘I<‘ZIl'l}' ill11s11·1111—1l i11 l·`1u‘~.l  
to 4,i11cl11si1·o. ll11I1l II11- lillllll i11 1|11· p11si1i1111 SII_11\\'Il i11 I·`1g. l. i
\Vith 11 Sllélfl) l<11i1'1~* 1·111 111`1`1h1- II1\\'l'I' 1I1i1·1l 111 1h1— $('I'IlIIIIII· 'l`l1·‘11
expose thc I(‘$il1‘I1‘S 11s SIIUWII i11 l·`i;:, 2. \\'i1h {ho Il]1]11‘I' <‘II¤l UI
_ Tho S('1'OIllIIl §Il'21N[11*1l 1i1·111I_v II1'I\\'l‘1*ll 1I11> Illlllllvlb 11111l 1'1»1‘1·1i11¤`·‘I' _
of the loft I111111I. \\`I1l1Jl1 is ]1I't‘SS(‘1l 11g11i11sL tho 11l11Io111··11, sI<·11‘l>’ "
" P11IZf·T1t€·#l i11#t1‘l1111¢~111s I`1»1‘ l1l11111ll1~ss l‘1|SII`llII()ll of I;1111I1s :11*11 1111 lI1·1 Wil"
kct and 111*o 111‘1:1'1·1·1·•·1l by s111111» sI11·»·p I`JlIZ*l‘I`5.

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1 I·`i::<. 1—ri.—C·>111·t<-:]t¤·1‘:1¥ll»1l. the harn llr»·»t· sh<»tthl he lwthled down with
V fresh. clean straw. 'l`hey slmttld he kept quiet. lt is best t0 eas-
 N trate in the inrtrninz so that the lamhs may he \\`2li(Zl1C‘t‘t‘t>Ill•‘ t`ilthy in the feed let and in ship-
t 111ent0t`tl1e lamlts to marltet.
9 5. l’1··»t»et·lytlt»··l]tt‘l'tlil01lS at the $211110 Ti1110.
Lztmhs should he dtteked when l`I'