xt76hd7nrv3g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76hd7nrv3g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19131009 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 4, October 9, 1913 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 4, October 9, 1913 1913 2015 true xt76hd7nrv3g section xt76hd7nrv3g STATE ··" LIBRARY
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Vol. VI LEXINGTON, KY., OCTOBER 9, 1913 No. 4
"HI6llAllIIlIlllS" GAME llllllllllllllllll STWWS W"' RENEWAL UF PIIGSLEY ""F$'”W 9****** BFUVEWS lllllllllll BUYS SHUW
'|' - lust ru ltuums "' ’“"°"'° °“"'““ rmzt run ESSAY *"'""“ *"”"*“ “’ HUSPITALITY ru
_ Of ltudgntg Judah,. coun". ul lh. — vlces were arranged for the purpose of
— ' 9t•t• F•Ir—J. F. Klnenld Announcement has been mudg or f0¤‘m¤|l&’ Welcvmlns the new stu- R l_ G_ lh wlld Q b Hr
Iuporlor Wolghtofbpposlng Tum too wl", 8w,,p"uk"_ the ulxlll l»ug,lé). urlze Ol $100 for llu., dents. Mlss ldllzabcth Byers sang a °°°° '°" 'V°" ° ' °° ' Y "
Much Handlonp for the _.._._. beet essay on "Internatlonal Arbltra- buumul **0]*) “'hlch Wa'! KVBMIY ¤P‘ nm. c°rd°a"
wndegtg, Tlrrough me gencmslty or pommls tlon." written by a male undergraduate Prechted bY all l"`°'*€m· ———
____ ulunur or Agriculture J. W Newman of any unlverslty ln the United States J“dK€ nuke" UW" Woke tu the In response to a question from n re-
The wlluculu mul dofeit at the uumrtunlly ls Elven each year at ml; or Canada. The contest will last nn- !"'€¤hm°“ Im the *“*bJ°"t "wh¤t¤°· porter of The Idea, President Barker
mud. or mmol. slum uluvuu Saul., slum Full. for students In the College tll March I5, the prlze to be awarded ln eve? 8 ma"' ¤°“'°Ul Hut ¤h¤" he ¤l’*° said ol his trlp to State Vnlverslty or
d.,, on mmol. mn. was scm was ¤: Agriculture to wm ssh. pm, for May · "’“"‘ i’“‘:"° “"'“"’T ‘“"°“ “ "°°" "‘° "“"°’**¤
l 21 to 0. but the flgures me by no the best loam; of llv,,,,t0cl,_ Tm, The *’¤¤¤l¤>’ ¤*l=¤ WM ¤<>¤¤¢¤d by ‘°"’”‘ “ “‘ "‘°“° ““° ‘"° “°“‘ "°’° ··r do not know when 1 have been
mum, u mn",. of th, Ntuuvg yu., th, contests were more lnteresb Mr. Chester Pewltt Pugsley. Harvard ““d"" M8 "“"° ““d muy "°°"“°“ °h° more delighted with a vlslt to an ed-
x • strength ot the two eleven:. The lng than ln uny previous yeah More `09 tv PI'0m¤¢¤ ¤ béttéf understanding "”p°“”“’m“°" *1**** are ¤l¤¢¢d “¥’°“ ucutlonul institution [hun Wlth my vlsll
, Illinois were •bI• to earn the decl¤|0¤ students entered and In wma cues ll Or h“°"““u°““' ’·"bm`““°“ °m°“8 Mm in Seeing that they hme every t0 the State Vnlverslty of Illinois.
v. because ot their plurality of beef, and was extreme} ulmct °°“°$° m°“· Eech essay ¤h¤¤ld Show °m’°"u"ny m d°v°l°p mw S"°"g’ Its magnitude was both a surprise
y ut for the judges h m d r l d _
the power or their rushlns machine. to make their decm0.,,,_ 1;,,,,,,,,, ,,1,,,, an ¤¤<*°*¤t¤¤d*¤¤ 0* the ¤¤l>1¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤ °‘ " ““ _*’“"°°““ “ ‘"°’“ °“ “°"" and an lnspxrstlos. everybody with
The reports recelv•d here in chapel remuneratlve value these contests ur from ““d in °°""°°"°“ wml ***9 H°8“° en' Judge WOM In part as f°"°“”‘ Whom We (tame In contact. from
ms,-uy sm, s cursory sketch or hte romeo expersssce tothe stdenth which C°“'°"’“°°“ °“" '““’ “'“° """" ‘° ““°" "Y°“"“ "‘°" °' ""’ *"°“""‘“" ""‘““ "'¤¤'d€¤* James down *0 the Fresh-
pm from the view polnt ot an llll- wm prove valuable when they go to ”“*’j°°‘“ ““ "‘° P"""“‘"°“‘ C°“"°' ' ""° "'°" "“'*“g "‘° ““’*‘ “‘“‘ ’°“ mm tremd ¤¤ Wlth the utmost
ncl- mum The story of the wlldculy Clrlcago mls ru"' Arbitration, the proposed Judicial Ar- have been with me to show you by kindness and h0upllullly_
nent In the lace uf terrific ¤d¤¢ifl¢ instances lf posslble ls also that gives me more genulne pleasure my rn the United States more richly
r wndeute, sold t, d. r, making the trlp Third, _y_ p_ Kluculd ____________ 5.00 requested. A free list of inexpensive than to look upon a bunch or strong endowed than rt. wml a few more
l - lu a more or less conventional msn- nom., '°’°"°“°°° *’ l’“""°h°d by ***6 Am°’*· "°I’°‘“* °“d "'“b“*°“’ "°““* '°" purchases or land to round out ns
  io-, ·rs• nutuesy i1•l•••¤¤¤ wu Fmt. J. r. Klucald ..........,. moo °‘° “°°‘°" °' “’“*"°"°“· ‘°"· ‘°“°“ "“" ‘“"°" ‘"""“‘ “‘°' boundaries. it wm have about 1300
l· r•o•|v•d in • NUI! ¢0¤¤¤0¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¤¥' Second, J. W. Mltohelt _________ _ 10_00 In unl"' m' ****7* mnt Wt ¤°¢•d I W"' lu Y"' P‘*°* ‘"m' *h• ¢"°°* mm. tn the campus and lu,-m_ It
  l,, u,. unset. faculty and student ·rhh·¤.o. c.nlc1mus¤s ......,,, 5,00 5°°‘? “'°"’”; 3000 " ’“*¤°'*°" ” °° "°"" "°'°’° "‘° ""’ “"‘ ""'“‘ "'°°" un an income or nearly :5,000.000 bl-
l r soay, and was treated Wlth every cou Dairy ssa nm cm., ”*"°"‘°· °’ ’°““‘ °°“"“‘“8 ““`°“¥" my '°*“° ennisny and has a plan to erect hund-
l utdgnttqm Flrgt, w_ _]_ Hun-lu ____________ ,1500 They should be written (preferably TM gmry °' “ y°““‘ mm is his ings in the next two years that wlll
l Two thousand students packed the Second, J,'F, Kluguldr __________ l0_00 typewrlttenl on one side of plain paper °"°“8m· mt '“°'°ly stmngth °' may cost in round numbers $1,000,000. In
to avg their tegm u good send off. Third, J_ T_ Holt ___________   5_00 of ordinary letter else. Manuscripts 8""IY “ we “m“°°°i*t° physicu °°’"" addltlon to this, they confidently be- l
Ag the wndegts came on the fleld the _ 5,,-,,_ ’ not easlly leglble will not be consid- *$° *h°"° ls ‘ mgm" *“d “°m°" “{"" lleve that the Legislature or llllnols, at
nnnols band played "My 0ld K¤¤•u<=¤ First, C. B. Taylor .,,,_________,_ ;5_00 ered. °’_“"°"8"‘ ‘“"’ ““" ’“ “‘°""_ ’°"*‘ its next session. wln reect for them a
H0¤¤6·" $¤¢0¤d. W. C. Smith ....,,,,___ 3_00 The essays should bear a nom dg w°°‘ TM Sfmngth mm °""'°l°§ " new Agricultural building, to cost
Illinois k‘CkSd! to Kentucky and Third, G,     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2.00 plumg fnchgdgd fn an gccoynplnytns lnnn to Say no` “ hin s0ITIi0t?n'uj¥',' Aon  
Roth returned 15 yard!. PN`}! Dlmwd In addition to these contests there letter giving the wrlter's real name is pmceg before him` k In De de There are, approximately, flve
y to Rowe. Then the ZUDDKB ¤1¤¤hl¤° were contests ln judging Dutpy cattle and address. Both letter, and essay c°iv€d’ Od is not mm ed' thousands students on the_ campus
lnltlated a. WhirlWl¤d N¤hl¤8 Kama and Saddle Horses llmlted to frQshm€n_ should be addressed to H. C, Phlllps D0 not think because YOU are able to and everything ls conducted upon the
that carried 016 vvel BWMKM down Horse;. address untll Dec. 1, 1913, Mohonk deceive men at \’&ri0\1S tlnles that you most magnificent scale, and I was
the tleld toratouchdown. This ¤ll0¤ld First, W. J, Harris ___,________ $1500 Luke, N, Y., after Deo, 1, 3531 Four- will be able t0 be S0 successful Wlth especially struck with the magnanl-
huve ended the scoring for IUl¥\0l¤· Second, H, C, (tux _____________ lll_00 teeutll Street, N,\V,,\Vashlngton,D,C, God and nature. Every vicious act mlty or this great University in its
The Wlldc¤t¤ bl‘¤¤¢d Md b°8*“ *° Dairy and Beer cattle, They should be mailed flat, not rolled. commltted against either of these will treatment of strangers. There ls s
flsbt Th9U' °PP°n°m“ c°¤"““°d First. J· T- H0lt ....... , .......,. $15,00 The fifth lll-lz€_ 1912.1913, brought out ¥`9Q\|l¥`€ H Démiliy l‘€0¤¤l shell be KIVBI1 uusvlflshly to Average my per week ```''°''''` $3.% . I *At any rate ln my judgment the team
showed luwlf hel mugs our C ll l l l Amount €¤l`¤€d by the boys this I pray not tor greater opportunltlesl - · .
. . tlat overcomes tle oo a aggrega-
I · D 0 age paper W la [ month $1.32 80 and greater ldeals those you haxe are I I { l b H
Tuttle ripped of! |‘6D9|\9d selus should be. lslncerely thank all those `''''``'``'`'''```'`' ` ' mms ul llllrrols llulrurully wlll lrurl,
around aud and purku wu, u powgyful who have Olrered mall, mmlsumw dun Number of places secured at odd great anu noble enough perhaps, but to Huy gram wm bun l
. _ I .
ground gslner from runnin! D¤¤¢ ¥°I‘· lng the past months. Wlth best wm-k '`°'‘‘‘‘`°``‘`''```````'` _"`9 muwr that you Bhfum The admin lwlsh to express my profound grulr
mnllorr Rom uuuuud wma lu.-rl. wlshu roragmuwrl mowludependam Amount earned ......l........ $b0.05 tage of those open ngs tlat are a l l l
tu;-y by sheer speed. and soon the and useful uuuur lam Total amount taken In by stu- about us, and to llve up to the ldealsltude to Iresldent James, bean
cya yugtqd ou the llllnols 15-yard llne vary truly yours dents for work secured through ot our childhood. Believe ln your gllavenport, Professor Babcock, Prof,
wml one foot to go for Ilrst down. C E Bl;EvlNS Bureau ..................... $192.85 own ablllty and asslst lntelllgence `Rlchards and others ot' the l·‘u.t7ulty,
• Parks called for the squsre tormstlop Employment Bureau. Y. M. (‘. A. wlth good, honest and deterntlned and to all the student body who treat-
""Tc¤¤“"t1HtKaT‘¢5$&gT’•rY"r"’ Patroniu our Adv•rti••r•. Suns University. Glsreuce cmu. mr. 1s¤or.·· ¤<¤ u¤ ¤¤ ¤¤¤<¤¤v -l·¤¤ we MM ¤~¤‘¢·

 · O
z rnmxnmh
  »>< < —¢    ~;¢T_.-- _-__..  
ME AT 5 cmvrs
FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY APPOINTMENT. J. H. BTAMPER, Jr., Owner and Manager. °pg~ 10 A_ M_ To 11 A M_
  V ·‘ . T .77 V;?;.‘TT"rT*;j?:`;·;‘*,fEt§',·  
I I ·_—;__—;~ *-4 _ > ___T IT`.
, _   l ILLINOIS DEFEATS KENTUCKY. looted the beauties of the earth, and
L • #
  = I ~-—— voked them like oxen te the plow or   &  
I ‘ . I I
U , ,t     __ Mlto(I`lVlll"°(l_Fr?w_lT°'f?_g'tl_‘_MM Pl mmon. But the name blue nky In  
  y 0 ·· . over nr the same bri ht d —·—-—l——·»———— '
l that Marshall used effectively against · K ¤\|¤ Mh H
f   SHOP_sl»»l¤· once-, but the backs crossed lr M 80ld¤¤ b€¤m¤ to kin the name SEE OUR BIG LINE OF WOOLENS
o l IS YOUR HEAD QUARTERS, luv and the hull went over. Scott, wan · Wills Wnvce. to wake to life the ‘
' R ‘ I
K K I 10 co-mane in ues. lime and nurlng the delay Zuppxe sent ¤···•<· **¤¤¤·¤¤. to vut the red blood of '"“"'° "°"‘ $22*50 '° $35-00 '
  y 1 NO LONG WAITB. im ,.0,,,,. frpgh m,m.,·;,,;_ and b,,|,,m·,,d llfc into the same rose. Those thang; ""UALQTILY w§§" i
`1 1 1 v
  ELL   PI`0pS.`up the defense. With Scott ont, the lla"! nm $0***% H9¥`0l¤m ll H0! dead. Q d HT A KMAN HIP
OEM! f|’¢¢ *¤m°¤ ln ¤ll d(;Pa"‘l _ __;__,_;_______;,: |Knntu<·l··y hnvkfleld trln had lost their lmld ***8*** YP! NYG. Truth is yet In GU R `NTEED
ments ¢X€¢Pt Lew to gm uatcs; f- \ mnlnstnv In the blocking game with l""*l‘· lt W but {hit 0¤|' will sleeps
. g / » . \_ ` ' '
of Kentucky High Sirhnolsqwho :_   \9/U,   M,. ,,,.,·,.,,,,, c,,m,],.d ,,,0 mm, and ln the letharay of thoughtfulneu, in- HOME OF $2.00 HATS · ·
are prepared [0 enlvt the l`l'¢‘5l\ ·’ (*,1 »` A ` fl :\\ Im,. |,,,|H pmnd makp my |u¤g|ng |m. f"N¢‘Y'Ph(‘¢‘. lll the lethargy of gin, It
[nah CIHQS. l   }, g` ` ,", ilnqlosjnn (yy; (hp |ppgh ||||q0|,; Hnpv wp will ln(`"n9 OUP GRI'! to thé VOIQQ            
_ , ` `_P J `_ 5.;,  ' j Tin- Inst tnnclulown was due to n of limli W W? Wm but lift our com- CNY $1-00
Each County m the Statc "Sl ( ` · .,.'," -‘v }l'ornnrd passlntI1elastqunrter,tI1nt lllalnmli €3`9**· W6 Hhlll BGG beauty,  
entitled to send FREE of tul-I K. /,0 i,,(.p,,r,,.d under exact;). the mma com which ls Gnd,   &  
U°¤· ma"‘culal'°“• l“b°rat°ryl ° ,dltions as that which registered thel newly l¤· Und ¤lW¤Y¤ will bi!. ¢h€
and other fees, one or more   H   ’M_(_(md touchdown {deal of me ,,0u]_" the thought. be 145 E. MAIN Opp. Union Station
8ppOiI’ltCC8. lll {lll! kklkhlg department, Turkey l)8Bl1t“\.ll, HIGH will H10 BYOI behold  
N d I tc l _ Parks showed his old form and out- bewty- lf the mul b° 800*1- Mid Dm‘0·     8IId  
ec°”al'y °xP°“’°S m° ° a ‘ punted the Illinois booter 20 yards and cl°¤n· then Wm <>lGl¤ll¤€¤¤ and
(`onch Zuppke deserves the title of purity ¤bld€· How {N6 if ll "that
For   lnfOTn]atlOl'\ I’CgaI`d·1     the Napoleon of Intercollegiate f00t_ nqfhing fg evi] but thinning make.    
|¤8 ¤PP°mt°€9· Courses Of Study-: ball. The Illinois have a fleld with ”°·"      
cog: of bong, gtc.i3;;§pé5;E;> lb Ari not only essentnal ior ;sc, Short hard awry for practice while the In the city yonder thousand; cur", • •
, , , ut a so or appearance sa c. ou 1 .; iq ld I the heat that fills their til d
President lare judged by the appearance of pa) ng e ms a heavy stand of d h i nu r s tn     n
_ ·K l long blue grass. They are provided- re"': es ther und b°dY in ¤W°•t·     nl
L°x'"gt°n· y' Y°‘" t°‘*lh· that is the players are—provlded with away I hlm "°°li¤¤ in the Y€U0W sold         ,
Telephone 638 l Decayed, uncared for teeth dc- two Bets of ,,h0€s_ the one with short of the sand of one of nature’s beauty  
ltract, while good, sound. well- cleats for use 0,, the practice Helm me spots; cool shade envelope me, yet ` ' l
      Qkept teeth attract. h Come and let other equipped wm, long cleats for mine EYES behold the glorious sun~
°  Ll° put y°ur meth lll g°°d °°ndl' use in the high grass. The Kentucky 8hln€· and mY body N0]! lt! €¤6|'8i¤· • D,  
ation. For any kmcl of dcntallbacks repeatedly got started wen and lug warmth. The winds sing through (ln md)
TOBACCOS, PIPES’ ETC. work come to scc us- _S;;m,,,d bgforg crggging me ling of the willows o‘er my head, and make DOROTHY ])()])[) S}-{QEQ
_ _ iscrimmage, whereas the Illinois squad music °f the WUVBB it mY NN} I BWFH POR WOMEN
PlD€S ReP8"`€d· { Dr. J. T. Slaton lexperlenced no trouble ln running in my chest Mid mY WHS! drink In great   to  
LEXINGTON, _ _ KENTUCKY) 127 CHEAPSIDE lthe (311 and uncut, d¥`8U8l\!8 of {TIG (lmbrnglgl gig);       v
a Hours.-8 3, m, to 3 p, m, pho", 354.;* Downing was in the game from the Bteadlly and ¤U'0¤8lY my h6¤1’¢ Dumps FOR MEN
umvznsmr Luncu STANDl I"' ““ ""“’° ““° ’°"’ ""°" ““ ’°“ $4.00 co $s.00 • , . •
. means his man had a whatgeneralsher- *·h"°“8h mY V°i¤¤ to YM VGYY UDB of
Cater: exclusively to students S e lr & F d l
and Faculty of State university p a S   mansaidwarwas of a tlme. Wood¤on's mY *°°¤·   . .
A B   iankk is givlng hlm a world of trouble Mine eyes behold nothing but FOI' HIC 4
O O l
d he may be out of the game for beauty; even in the city seen through
    0 m   the rest of the season. However, the the cbastenlng air of distance. wilt};    S  H  
YES,   211 NORTH LIMESTONE ST. Wildcats have two coming guards in all its ugly scars is beautiful. My G0 to
We are Still Pressing 4 Suits for $1.20 WILL SAVE YOU MONEY Crutcher and Bailey. thoughts are as pure as the ether of The   Cigar C0.
·¤*· It was simply this way—Kentucky heaven—my soul rejoices—llfe is ood UPI- NN Ph¤•••|¤
' ° , °       8   4
Billy B8ll0y S P1‘€SSl¥\g` Club ’ never got the ball except during tue --1 live! Because, L have attuned `
AND DRY Cl-EANWG WORKS OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 8 0cL0cK‘ third quarter. Then they rushed their my ear to the voice of nature, which   1
159 SW"' L'm°°t°"° ph°"° 62** Q   opponents off their feet for sixty yards, is God; I have "loved, honored and On your way to town ··
  j   when Scott was hurt and the team 0beyed" that kind parent and she has stop at O C •
C J S l HO · work of the bncklleld injured. The given meafullness of life. —L. R. The New Pool Rcom
A i T LUNCH AT ALL HOURS rest of the time the Illinois bunch ——;———-—- ug S t
• • l • oath Limo
_ l ·   _ l
when you wm find everything a Q G W   man Ikept the ball in their possession by To whom it May Concern; i
Shcolngphzrz nnug srgnde · _ • p ’ lbnrely pushing out first d<>wn¤· Maxwell Han has ¤ phone. The JOE BENCKART, Prop'? l
MMN°“AND“"3/Asr:U1f°“ST‘;(;éTs· 559 S- I-¤m¢ OPP- AU l Bldg- The Wildcats should not worry over number is 1239,;; pm Hall is stm t
.i........ s-....»~sA»s..-     that *16*68*- Summ¤*`Y¤ 24. Remember! 24;       i
Kentucky—Zerfoss, l. e.; Downing, ___ `
li t.;Y \\’ood;0i¤; and (`.¥‘¤';<‘h¤¥'· l- gd The following is n llst containing m1;;':;_:3:;°'::;`&ogaksmxtnnom __
R"? “· °·· Q;   *1*1; ‘;;°'· '· ;·· the names of some gms Wim nnve mr.   ____ ___ »i
oi,r.e.; ue..· er. .·
’ ' ’ ’ merly been at the Hall, also their prea-
stgn and Meimneimer, r. b., Parks, em lmmm They are an teaching: R6St8\11‘&Dt*!¥   ,
q· · Misses Juliette Gaines. Hurdinsburg; II•tLunch•• null hours. CIg•r•|¤'I’ob•cco • { •
1llluois—Ar1nstrong and Derby, l. e.; wom G,.egg_ Hurdinsburg; L_ S_ Mc_ W. W CADEN  
Lansche, 1. t.; Pruett and Davis, 1. g.; party Shelbyvme. Sophia Hill S0m_ a
Chapman and Slemans, c.; Fullerton el-Set; Marie wimumsi Somerset; corner   and Bolivar Z
an;1 Ilaxgln, r. i.2}\Vats0n andRPru:t;; Edith gm,6,·,,_ New Liberty; Lug",   l
"· ·; S°“ an "“"°"· r- "·i an A Shaffer, Brooksville; Luclle Gastineau,
and Senneff, l. h.; Wagner, Decker and B k . .   & CO*
roo svllle, Vlalo Eblen, Georgetown,
Shoblnger r h· Rowe and Car enter 8u°°°"°r t° SARMS ‘ co'
· · ·· p · Annabel Acker, Marlon; Annie L. Dean ·
P Q Y   f· b-: H¤¤Sl1 and SUk¤¤¤¤· Q- b- Cynthlana· Jo Boerlng Oregon 107 w° Mum SL
S =°*· *·r *’·**··*·· °°" €3”$" 'Z?#E"Z2L"¤.é§' ""E
We are the originators in Lexington of high-class tailored Im“°l“ ‘‘‘‘‘‘···‘······ 7 7 ° 7"21 Tummy evening September 22nd  
. t, .d t , ` Kentucny ............. 0 0 0 0- 0 · · I • _
ea¤m€¤¤ > me <> 0 ww ¤¤¢¤=¤¤¤ for ,,.0u,_hd0__,n5__W_gw_ ROW Sw W the dn., or our nm n.,l..., nm. Slllllllgl S Candy KIYGIIOII
No No bingo. Goals from ¤·0un.d0w..- me 0* ¤¤¤*~ vw- ¤¤<>¤ ¤·¤k¤ We F l1‘°C°°°".** '·’"“ “· . ° '
Less More Rowe 3. umpne-nndney, of ver. ¤¤¤¤•> by Dm H¤·¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤ MM "SP ““d‘°s Made D‘“lY·
due. Rcf,,,.€e,p,,d€0, of Chicam mner, nom outlining me plans mr 0P Corn F!’itt¢!‘8·
Positively worth   to $35. We _huy our Woolens direct Line 0; l,,,,p,d,,-10 m|nut6S_ Ave,. the coming year, with regard to rules. LEx'N°T°~· ' ' KENTUCKY
from themillg (illl'flll1;l,Ullg theaigddleman s profit. All age w8igmS_]mnmH 175 nm; Kem Only at slight mnt was given as to the   `
--_.;.._____,____ disregarded. Therefore, everybody en- D
| | | ENTIST
coo nzvznzo in NATURE. $°>'°d *l**** H°“¤° M°°**"8· Clay N•¢‘l. Bank Bid';.
us       U Great and many are the gifts that '—"
I vo s oun u ian o u ou o us rea y iave we lad some sick NA"', "A¤I
lt we will open our eyes to see hlm. girls wlth us; Nat Wood, Sara Winn
We complain of the decadence of McConnell and Elizabeth Palmer; but   P  ,4
237 W. Sh0I'[ dst. 3-2 Opp. COUI1 House ;o::ryl}l:fran;;iwQe3e1n:a; thc; Eighty now they are well on the road to re- and  
Next oor to University Book Store. “ " ‘“‘ "’ “ “ ° °“‘° "°"""Y·
unc or virgn ne buried. We cum .._;__..... Mh. M‘“l' Save?.
the commerclallzlng hand that has up- P·u°¤i“ ow Adv•'6.•"_ Phone 1261 • ‘

TI! fill! 3
· ll
    l I I   _ Money Loaned 0h all goodaof V8l\1¢· I CBD 88V¢ YW {film 30 to 50 per cent on  
Diamonds. Watches, Jewelry, Etc. l
LICENSED PAWNBROKER. 110 South Limestone St. Watch and Jewelry Repmrmg. Phoenix Block L
ll H l
.     l short vlslt to her home ln Danvllle. KENTUCKY! DIST DOLLAR SAFETY RAZORS·
The Memorial lervlces ln memory   M
of Prof James G Whlte wlll be held A   Enden Keen Cutters
~ who is paying his way will be interested to know · ‘ J mm IN trmoror-- d F
ln chapel Thursday, October 16, that _By_ an Jver Ready
THAT WE ARE SELLING day having been Prof. Whlte's birth- Lexington Roller   C0., JUST WHAT you NEED_
' $l5.00 Sults for $l0.00 I $20.00 Suit for $13,50 "°’· xnrnrrrmel   &  
. $25 O0 Suns for $16 50 Miss llllda Threlkeld of Maysville I N
° ° was here last week vlaltlng Miss Fran-        
We makvcvcry Suit and guarantee Fat and Scrvtce M G°'¤°l- A lll . . . ‘ MAIN srnssr Amo enoaowry
Q I l Mrs. Lafferty will entertain the local nt raclte and Bltumlnous ?*‘”"""" ‘—‘”‘ ‘“' “‘— one
nc price`-—‘ pot C8Sh__ plain Igures chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma at a      
• I { g
t F ll ft t l l . -
,       l l rf’“t em “ll°"‘°°“ “ ‘°’ ‘°'“" °" {*ff‘;'l§f°ll•e e____e__HK€“t¤°kY_»n ALL Trl; LATEST STYLES AT
l ,as l axwe . -- l   R eTF
Miss Ruby Jane Tucker returned W S   I ·‘ AS
Incorporated • • l
MENS   Tuesday night from Louisville where l -70-
Ph _ she noted as bridesmaid at the wedding The Saflltafy GI'0C€I‘ I  
U5 E' MAIN ST' Opp' Oemx Hotel of Miss Carrie Cleaton and Mr. Fel- PHONF - y •
· *"*‘"*"""'*;‘%,_;f§'_."I*,_;LT1,Z?,,;, ." QLZZ" ‘ "‘·r I  
—·:=T;f::::i‘:~T——-—~——-~~~·---· ·~ as - l ""’*;;’* mar Hoelns. formerly or Lexington. _ _ _ _   S  
  lll .... nlm,. Gainer, M..»llS,.a¤a, Cer- S- lm am! V·¤¤¤·¤ Ae-
J T LA"- L M LA"- lTheodosla Wlckllffe, Frances Gelsel, woo ollol el close qllerlere by e mee er   Phone 1635.x
° ° I l land Helen DeBow were west! M 8 unbalanced mlnd who had losta small Lexi,     com an
        Chl Omesa Dlcnlc at Woodland PNK posltlon ln one of the clty departments. p y
e last Saturday. The bullet was removed from Mr. Mglxltlglexiegdef
Ph H b d h Strollers! Gaynor's throat, and lt had continued HAND.V[A[)E Clf ` *
  All ¤¤¤¤¤8llY large ¤¤ml>¤r of Vmk from tlme to tlme to cause htm great A   Y
_ _____,,__,_._____,.._,,. 7.,..., -.7....,.-A.. W   - ,-.-,,-,4 ,7, .. L A A .
org were present at the HTS! IDGGUDK 3uffer|ng_ Much of his apparent lrri. 136 WEST MAIN STREET
’ • lmP°*'*°d Unc °l M°°k*“°“’$ and Swcmls or me Dramatic Club rrldw me 3rd tammy at omg was du., to one mls.         .. . --
. Call and let us make your Fall cult. ln chapel. 'l`he following interesting gorrnrlrr wlrlch he bore wlrll Sollrlllll   M
· re d red:  
l nt-oosmx Horst suutome tsxmcrou, xswrucxv ;°'2l;m w°° ° Teerle melee Mlehel '°""“°°‘ '
l l l a 8 ..-·-····· He was stlll convalescent from this lcs CREAM PARLOR
· l Plano Solo ........... Ruth McChesney lrurlrnlor wolllld wllorll lrl rllo fall or me
_- _.j._._-._......._...... R€¤dl¤8 -·--····-··-··· Mm? Slleldel 1910. the State of New York was elect- LUNCH STANDS
Vocal SOlO. ........... Allllnle Cramer ing 8 govgrnon He would llave been 606 s0\|\lI ¤fDIdW|y,
.   D     Remarks ............ mr. rarqumr nomlnalrd by ole rlemorrars, in nm,  or ‘ on  
• Al. EIC COI'lCl\lBl0D of the Drogram the Of l\[|‘_ Dix, and would hgvg been urged l l R_w>~ A A —nAAm-V 7 l
l members of the club remained for a as New Yo,-;r·rl oolloldllro fol. rllo   / · ._ .__, _ l l
FOR EVERYTHING IN THE DRUG LINE. ‘”’°’ °“°‘“°*“‘ "‘°°“““· "‘° °"‘°’ "“" *°*¤¤*<*°¤¤¥ in *9*2- lf *-*8 ¤¤¤y¤l¤*¤¤¤ l .     ll
" Dose of Whl¢l1 WM to Select V¤l`l°“¤ had not decided that the state of hls l * A ll fl! Q?-li; 
          committees, The m€mb8l'Bl1lp C0mmlt· health forbade any guch ri3](g_ The   l .»- __.,·g:' ;;-·»;y_,.T;e"ee . _
" · ~ 4-r/· l #
‘l             tee ls composed of Misses EHR K- POF breaking down which led to heart fail- ` l / ‘ ,, l ‘ - U"   
il ° , tv? Mid R¤b¤¤¤¤ Smith wd Mus"- ure and death last month was undoubt- l ‘ ‘ `  ll
ll Both Phones 154 Phoemx Bl0€k 1»1,c.wu11am¤ and Blll Cross. Anyone erhy o dlreot result or the wound or  Qzlll   .’   
deslrlnz to become ¤· ¥¤¤¤1b¤¥‘ of the three years ago.—l·'rom "The Progress ·Y° r l
*l “ " “` •club will please hand his name to one of me worrdy in rho Arrlorlcoo Ro.  I l  
 ~—-—·—‘;T of this C0mml\(6B, Bild lt wlll be turn' vlew of Rgvlgwg for 0ct()bQ]'_ l l / ` `   EE"  
` · 1 \; ~ _ lz
A , ed ln to the club and duly passed upon. ..........—-.. l l
l l     S   Thursday, October 9th. Rt 4 P- M·» Recent Magazine Articles of Special l .§   " I ll;
· · the Strollers will present Ml'. Saxon of Intqrggt to Univgrglty Studgrttg, {ei  
FI.Il‘l'\lShll'lg goods 8l'¢ 110W lll to <>0m€ ls invited to W Present in the l Elbrldge Colby, ln the Educational Re-   l 5  
2 l chapel Thursday at foul'. view, September, 1913,   l .    
l   &   l Frldoy afternoon at 4:45 the In the college Making Good? by Ed-   OMCMO  
l l • l Strollers will have 8 second b¤¤l¤€¤S ward Bok, in the Outlook, August 16, l ______m__ V ll
J_ & M_ and Mi]]gr and l meeting ln chapel. Some important 1913, ll —`"”l S C``l S S r`” "S ll
l Florshiem Shoes Stet on Hats l measures are to be discussed and all Rennes ro Mr, B0k'S article, ln rho    
I _. l l members are urged to attend. Outlook, Angnn; 23, 1913_   l l
l __     Athlctlem and Health. in the Outlook   ’ l
— *_ mw- i·—` MAYOR GAYNOR’8 August 23, 1913. lll
‘· PATT HALL NOTES. C. A. meeting was a talk on "The ldeal `l l
E ll Misses Myna Peck, Pauline Hank, College Glrl," by Dean Hamilton. S r I gncrimfrsneof eidufstltlw be l ill    
··-· m . ' . »
  l Newell Smith and Annabel Grainger Miss Ella Mae Cheatham has just Meyer reyeer wee e men er eeeh eu ilmborslgie n le or B or   gl
· . 1 6 € , . l l‘~
l accompanied the geological party that returned from her home in Loulsvllle p G l l ""e ~
_ ll e e Hi h B id S e d h h I b dl f unusual qualities of mlnd and charac- ...-.;..-1- lll l l
. li ww 0 8 T so a ur ay` W em S e ms een gpm ng a Bw ter that he had become a distinguish- The l·rln·erSrry Library yvul be operrl ll IS THE    
;' Miss Lil Roberts has been lll for days. ll ¤l—
l' ed DGPSODKSP. ll0ldl¤S B 1*18% in the during the session every day exceptll; , ll‘
* • several da"- She has a Blight ak Mlss Sara Wlnn McConnell does not lmererll el all sorts and comllllollo or Sender {rem o e m te eee e m eee l       S l
l ~ ;“i"_°‘ “l‘“‘“‘”‘“‘ ‘°"°'· "‘“ *“ “°“’ °°“‘ ¤¤¤’f¤* fmm ¤¤ ovmuvvlv of me vm- men that go to the making of a me- from 1 to 9 ll. m. sunday- hours arsllll i
l r aescen. vorblnl luck of the Irish. She had lropolls llko New yol-k_ Hg Seemed from 2 to 5 l,_ lo   i ‘ » S S   . 4- l
l 4 Misses Mabel Pollitt. of the class of hardly established herself at the Hall lo greet messes or oooolo lo bo tllo Students ere levlrerl uml exrleelerl    
l l '13, received the scenes of her former when she fell and wrenched her ankle very embolllmom ol ello ollloo orgoll, le use the llbrery freely fer reedlrlel   ' Y
l` battles—mental and otherwlse—last badly and having recovered from this lzerl llle and gorerrlmene llo was lll eee emey There ere ee me ebeerQl_ l .
_l week when she visited her slster Miss injury, she contracted a severe cold mlm or ollollololls lllrolll-loo wlrll og. one llumlred Cllrrenl mugezlrlos omlllll Tl`I€ Best ol  
l Dorothy Pollltt, at the Hall. which lasted unusually well. We hope greeelve oollrogol otrllllllg vlowo lroorl me rlelly Lexlegrrml leeulerllle elle       H {   ll
. Misses Sylvla Pettit and Ida Wash that when Sara Winn ls able to at- ell lrlmle ell ellelrs, oe quorlllollrl ooll Frenlrrert eeeerel   0 lng, 3 S lI`lS,  
spent the week end at their respective tend school again, she‘ll move can- Ol wll, and all olmorll lllloollelod talent Tlle llbrerlen eee ller eeelereme ere lll Shoes ele lor Cha S lr
Z homes in Midway. tlously and keep her fingers crossed for llle llullllo debate llllol oollrl.ol.ol.Sy glad le enewer lllleerlerle and re llelrl lll ’ p  
ll Wo woro glad to welcome Miss vlollr untll the h00d00 WGHYS off- mar rnugt attend the processes of the students to llnd what they needllll   know ·l
I . Eblen when she returned to us for Mm zembmd °"l°"l’·*l"€d the Alpha Democratic government. As a coun- for their work, ll  
3 R Vlllt. Mlll Eblen WAS Orlglnhlly 8 Gamma Dslte girls with u tea Tuesday try boy from the upper lbllrt of New The rules are very slmple_ lt ls       ll
{ member of ’14 class, but, partly by ¤“°*`¤°°¤ at hel h°m° °“ “'*’*’l S°°°“d York State, he obtained a good educw understood that students will observe lll l l
l dlllgent work and malnly by consistent SU`°°t· tlon and became early ldentltled wltlllthe usual rule of silence whlle ln the    
I l .
ir blllffllll she fllllslled the c0urB6 lll Mlss Helen l\lt:CuIldl€ss, &llAll1lDllB· llrooklyn and the western Bhd of library, for their own sake as well as       alwrelys  
l three years and graduated with last of K. S. U. ls expected to arrive Frl- Long n.nnno_ He won the lontllng hg. for orlrorsl and rlroy are required ro ll lll
Y8Bl‘°I class. diy, Vlsltlllg Mlsstbs l`(€l)t!C(‘l1