xt76m901zt7f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76m901zt7f/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1984 1985 journals English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 54, no. 3, Winter 1984-1985 text images Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 54, no. 3, Winter 1984-1985 1984 2012 true xt76m901zt7f section xt76m901zt7f ' · I V “ . 4 A.'·*"f lv". `v» ·' V -' I A . ' J ELA: -A»·
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..' Wanler ’l984-85 ` Vol. 54 No. 3
»__; I I :
azaferim l
T UK Beat /2
Rondom news from orouncl The compus.
` •
‘ I 'he Race to Lexmgton /6
a Thas bdskefbdll seoson The fanash lane an The roce for The ndTaonoI chom aonsha as an Lexan Ton.
’ ExTensave preporohons by Thousdncls of volunfeers wall moke aT on exlrovogonzo.
TY " .
T I Remember/ 1 1
l Alumnus l\/lork Thompson reoolls The TuTeloge of fooTboll ooooh BlonTon Collier.
YE- l
. UK Goes Abroad/ 16
TTT ; . . . . . . . . .
¤ The UK NoTaonol Alumna AssocaoaTaon offers eaghT clesTanoTaons To olumna Troyelers an 1985.
. Class People / 14
1 Arthur ATchason, sTall selling of 83; John C. Owens, chompaonshap golfer on Two oonTanenTs.
T The N -Team /18
The silo on Rose STreeT wos The firsT sTep
· in building on impoaTonT nucleor reseoroh Teom in The UK physics cleporTmenT.
Class Notes /2 1
. . -
r News of cIossmoTes waTh o spoTlaghT on Poul l\/lorlan.
Unlvcrslty Archives
Margaret I. Kang Library - North
University ol l(entuclH lexangron 7/JTASUTJ/P Mrs Joe l ’—/Turns 38 lerarrglon.
j DO~/lng members lndrvaduel dues Ore STE: OO Gnnucally walh S3 O0 ol lhdl dmounl used OT! T»T’Jl Joy Hrurr held A8, lexinglon ./T}§Sa>Cl»TTla W STAIT a'>'r2’!C7».'>r\’ Jdy Braarnlaelnl
`T. rn The publrodlaon ol The mdgdzane Opinions expressed an The Kenrucxy Alamrmrs ore 48 —T$i.‘€O’r'a‘5CTOr'J Bop C Vr/haldver 5*1 i.'>lTa l’·` ra¤.·¢r1rr1 l»¤¢**rorr1r~ hh.
{ ncl rl€C9$$OlllV These or ll'l€ UlTl\¤@l$llV ol +lG 39 lTr€¢a`rrf1<1 lifjalr Juli') l1’©TTa¢-H', l|lr'1'1
l POSTTTTASTTRT Third cldss posloge bond dl lndadndbolas TN Address correchon ‘i·~yr~laeld Mdrgre Corby Quthlllrorl /\rrrelr<1'}0rro C<1r0|yr~'¤'l?llrr Vulwwrarrlarr lnraas
LQ}: ~r», 5 reduesled Send To The ·lrZ‘iClt>r¢ T aorrre Meinl,. ~Nelr··r
. I _;_ . , . gpg,
Bowmdn Portdit on Exhibit I . _ .
_ _ ·»—»1 _ ._ —? — . ,. ,
An oil portrait of john Bryan Bowman, ad; E " . »_.`;; `»__ (·»_:_ »:__ . Q g ,
l one of the founders of the University of _ ` ` w I . Q 1
{ Kentucky is in the special collections I ` _ A 1
department of UKs Margaret I. King »_~,_ g V J; (
· Library. It will alternate regularly I A ~ ~, gg}; , g , _ (
between UK's museum and library. This ‘, ··.a·` " 4- [ ·, ·»t.is*·° 4 3 1 3 ‘
arrangement was made by the portrait M \l ‘~- V . .`Ii/Sb? S if i
tlont>r_ Delong Bowman, Bowman`s .t,_;;_., ;,,: ji i` ‘ "" ritlgr t._J _ I
" ,. . . .r.4 · M , »
nephew. john Bryan Bowman, at 51, y __ ‘
raised funds for a new school for the cause , 4 _ 'é E6 _ · gl
of "sound morality and pure Religion in . 1 ~ 2
our state." The new school, called ` _ I
Kentucky University, opened Sept. 19, Y - ‘
1859, at the I-Iarrodsburg Christian . 4 EM`: z
Church. Bowman was named regent ,. A X C l
when this Kentucky University was ` · _;4’,,”’ ag Q`?. ~ , 1
Iggcgégcj [I?/Jtsiatérsgllgiilgtirélgs gjiliigiih UK hos opened ci Visitors Center in thenew did. Cdmpus tours deport from the center dt (
oddition ofthe Student Center. Locdted in dn 10 dm. ond 2 p.m. weekdciys. The center is
UK- CISG neor the UK Bookstore, the center hos open from 9d.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monddy—Friddy. I
Then a new Agriculturaland Mechani- compus mdps,eventschedulesdndinformd Weekend ond summer hours vdry. Becky I I
(lll College _ {ooodod under the Moyrlll tion opout odmissions. housing,dndfindncidI Jordon ’8¢1, on the right. is your hostess. j l
Act — became a part of the merged 1
institutions. Because the amalgamated
i(1S{ll'Ll[l()H WLIS C()fl[I'()ll€Cl [l`l€ $Vh€I`·€ there HPC large flUI`I'1b€I'S of RUSSIHD
Christian Church, members of other immigrants as interpretors and agents.
, protestantchurches feared thatthe state- Students in technical fields, such as
I supported A & M college also would be The Russian government may not be engineering, are finding that many Works `
controlled by the church. popular in the United States, but the are written in Russian. Therefore, »
Though Bowman fought for the Russian language is very popular on l.>~_§(=$
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Enrollment Down, Quolily Up A Good Buy .·g¤..·· 4,-A ;
q ....; xg; ,·. r__ _ {n·q·J». <, ?-Q ·
°§§lf kt.! ¢`;_§~·Y ~ __ ` °‘·T"’¤‘?’ 1 I " ` ' _
_ _ _ L °_ _ A_’° .
Our preliminary enrollment estimates Remember the sweet aroma of tobacco
show enrollmentdown about 1.8percent being processed in the gray warehouse , _ , —- Vt..,
for the Lexington campus and the com- across from the Student Center? That ,, {T . , _
munity colleges. The quality of the aroma will soon be gone. American ·3. je # *1 ·»., _;a»-· —···_ · “‘T·i .
entering freshman class this year s ows Tobacco Warehouse has sold the -1 ~ - _—..;_ .. ·
. . . ` A ·· '< f- .. ` ' f"
average ACT scores going up. property to the University. UK already . F W ’I 1
I Total fall enrollment for the Univer? has assigned the space to the Geological ‘ .. ,.,,;. ; _ `
_ . . . ~ . \~; A; N ~ ’
sity is estimated at 45,500. For the Survey for the storage of core samples, JI v ,,`___`d ( 1
Lexington campus, which includes the the department of anthropology to house 1*793* t.. ·‘ " ` _‘Y l t 1
Medical Center, enrollment is at about artifacts, the College of Engineering, the ` ' ' I
21,300, down 3.4 percent from last year. Tobacco and Health Research Institute, ff .. ~= . " 1
. . · · " ~. I ` . ·..
Community College enrollment has and the physical plant department. With __`__ lwgihp »___ z _ .
stayed the same as last year at 24,000 the lack of state funds available, invest- - ~ `a··· ‘, `... . $1.11-T as- I 1
students. ment earnings on private funds will be I 1/' w
Entering freshmen scored an average used for the purchase. Vice chancellor · , ; ¢
composite of 21.7 on the ACT, up a full jack Blanton said, "The property is avail- l
. , . . . /,;;”j`;/;”r"’*·j ,.;,,.,.,7 MQ} ,$Q
two points over last year s 19.7 average able right now for the only time in 50 t
and a full three points above the national years; we need it and we couldn`t build the TE;/;·§1 1
average for freshmen entering all schools 156,271 square feet of space for the $1.1 . 1 l
a . . . . ,, . . -I/y;y~? lz, ,,;,271 ..;;,3 y fz ‘
last year. mtllion it will cost us. The building 2
Nearly 500 of our entering freshmen which is expected to meet the support- 2
have ACT scores between 26 and 36. type storage space needs of the Univer- 1
I Thats 29 percent more of these bright sity for the balance of this century, was 1
. students than we had last year. appraised for $2 million.
I Honors program director Raymond /·" I
I Betts reports a freshman class of 111 2
l students, up 20 over last year. ‘
l Forty—four of these honors freshmen 1
scored 29 or higher on the ACT, and 17of Q
I them scored a 51 or higher. A composite
I of $(1 is the top score. 1
J t a.; t . t
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.»:·.;— ; _ POTTTGIT fOr G Gdy
~ · . ·—·v·= s ·»`·¤=,
l t; ;»~k ¤
l ` ’»,_·»`‘ ? `.—: :8 s ééiée - ·· »`°V _ 1
.§ V t Q 1`»»5;_ ; i “"***·r·t1-,’ g - Pemeir Or 6 Ledy, 6 painting by Blillsh ertist
‘ , t »,·‘ _ QL · . Peter Lely (1618-1680) recently wes given to
, -.—.- - J »··..,"*.·,. -' -. . . .
’ »··r »__= Q VT ,:_» - 5-- t i . the University of Kentucky Art Museum by Mr.
, _r:” , tET§`Q§Eii Q tsl ·»·`_—· t ` end Mrs. John R. Proffitt, Potomec, Md. The gift
5 -_, _``, ‘° —’°: wes mede in honor of Helen G. King, first per-
* cx · · t menent director of the UK Netionel Alumni
` ii i Associetion. Perticipents in the presentetion
· ceremony were, from left, Cemeron Proffitt,
`=i` ~ =»__ V ` her fether John R. Proffitt, Helen G, King, end
‘ » Dr. Williem J. Hennessey, director of the Art
i ms-tt. ET Museum. A UK elumnus, Proffitt eerned e
- <‘>" ‘i“"" “`*""‘°‘, t becheloroferts degree in 1953 ende mesters
° Y 1* '»__ i _i ' H _ `”` ?`_ in 1961. In presenting the pointing in King's
`*¤‘¢' honor, he seid, "Helen helped me get
.-·» `
.;__ { »._= _ v through,. not thet she took exemsfor me, but
J . ll » she wes there when l needed to telk. She is
i s S * ¤ ` certeinly e ledy of strength, cherecter end
· ~’ r dedncetlon of purpose.
‘ . ·¤r».·
~ it .‘».
LKD Scholmshlp
att., · An endowment fund was set up recently
IE5 "E . .
KCTS CGlGbl'Gl9 ’lOll'l ’ ~ '· for the Little Kentucky Scholarship. The
‘ ‘ , , LKD scholarship was first awarded in
LadY Kats are making Plans to celebrate `·7"é` 1958 from Proceeds Of the first LKD held
- - ° , . »···‘ ' a ince that time one or more
ten years of varsity athletics at UK. ’- t ;, In M y gil Sh. h b ’ d
VarsitY Sports for women in 1974-75 ‘{&.\Til£i 6 $500 sfl O afs lpi dadlrtitsccn li)d€S€hn2i€e
. . . . V , M" , -. ·· annua y 0 s u w v
n mbered st si .Toda the Universit ‘ » . . . . . . .
{uid lu, X . ty’ m . basket}, ,; ‘ kat, ti ~ demonstrated outstanding initiative in
ie omens varsi ea s in - -:4 ‘.._. »1·r t . -
bail S Elie bali Gif ty mnastics Swim · _ . contributions to UK through campus and
. ’ V Y . ’tg k’ gyd C QC m -- 1-i-°--4 .w .--- ``‘’ és . 3 community involvement. The LKD
HH [ · U I` . I .· ."' ·'· V . .
gm-ég’ht€{131s’ MQ d 05S.t l; ·~··~···~»·~ .. SN V -. Alumni Golf Benefit was added to the
U t c U € tcamlsaco 7 vafsl yspor- z LKD activities in 1985. The alumni golf
To Commenmorate thls sports a1’1f11- _ . .
. . ·- 1 benefit has made available a larger sum of
VC[Sary’ the UK Athletics Department is i' 5 5 mone for scholarshi s amountin to
compiling a brochure and they`d like to · afi A $13 550 Curfemi mone gwiii
hw from f¤¤¤¢f athlete- Assimm ' t A - tttttgtt tttttttttt ltttw ttttti ttttttlt titt-
director for athletics Sue Feamster asks " i ``-i ‘ ef Hui Of this Source Of financial aid
that UK’s alumna athletes send her their 7 :: l Ex giesegin Students
. full name, address, telephone number ·-·* i -_/i ii y » g
and job status as well as a review of their XV Q -o- ~. ii--
sports participation at UK, achieve- yi Vi ....
ments, honors, awards and memorable ~"
mC;[,r;€m;‘ . i ii t. In 10 yeers of versity ection, the Ledy Kets
8 €Pa“m€m is ?$O_ CO ec mg heve hed only one losing seeson. They've
PhO¥O8YaPh$ and Souvenirs if YOU haw eppeered twice ln AIAW post—seeson ploy
any to donate. Send your information to end three times in NCAA tournement ection.
W0m€n·s Athletics, 23K Memorial Velerle Still shown here collected ell-
Coi. U . 6 it Of Kemucit Americen honors seven times end is UKs
'_S€um¤ mv [5 Y ‘Y* Ieeding scorerwith 2,763cereerpoints(e 26.2
Lexington, KY 405060019. ppg Gvercgey
.»..,,>. [ r., . , .. .
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