xt76m9022773 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76m9022773/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-04-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 12, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 12, 1988 1988 1988-04-12 2020 true xt76m9022773 section xt76m9022773  







The UK baseball team hopes its season
has turned around. SEE PAGE 3.



See how your favorites did in
the Oscars.SEE PAGE 2.




Today Mostly Sunny. breezy
Tomorrow Partly cloudy



Kentucky Kernel

MotKOfttucky, Lexingtonmentucky

wagon. 144

W. 1 894

Independent since 1 971

Tuesday. April 12, 1968

James Rose accused of campaign violations

News Editor

The election of James Rose to the
office of Student Government
Association president was chal-
lenged yesterday afternoon at an
SGA Elections Board hearing.

Kathy Ashcraft, co—chairman of
special student concerns for the Stu-
dent Government Association. chal—
lenged Rose‘s election on five differ-
ent charges of campaign violations.

Rose. an SGA senator at large.
was elected president of SGA on
March 31. Rose defeated Susan
Bridges. senior vice president. and
David Botkins. senator at large, for
the office.

In a letter to the Kentucky Kernel.
Ashcraft outlined her charges as fol-
lows: “1.Violation of the expenditure
limits: 2.Removal of opponents post-
ers: 3.Misrepresentation of his sup-

port; 4.Violati0n of poster regula-
tions; 5.Violation of campaign
distance requirements."

The Elections Board said that the
charge of misrepresentation was not
within their jurisdiction and with-
drew the charge.

Rose has denied the charges. say-
ing "I don‘t think that I have done
anything against the election rules. I
think it needs to be resolved as soon
as possible so that Leah (McCain.
vice president) and I can move on

and get student government
started for next year.“

Although Ashcraft filed her com-
plaint with the Elections Board last
week. she didn‘t have the charges
and evidence in order for yester-
day‘s hearing.

Ashcraft said that she wasn‘t
aware of the hearing until less than
an hour before the scheduled meet-
ing. Ashcraft also said she couldn‘t

elaborate on any of her accusations
without further preparation.

“I presumed that I would be in-
formed (of the meeting)." Ashcraft
said. “I just found out about this.“

Because of the absence of evi—
dence, the alleged violations were
not discussed. A final hearing to de-
cide on the charges has been tenta-
tively scheduled for Monday at 4

Elections Board officials said yes-
terday that Ashcraft should have
known about the meeting.

“First of all. she should have
known that we had to have a meet-
ing within four days because she
was one of the people that wrote the
constitution,“ said Will Renshaw.
co—chairman of the Elections Board.

”Secondly. knowing that there was
a meeting coming up. she should
have checked her mailbox because

that is the only means we have of
contacting her.“ Renshaw said.

Ashcraft‘s lack of preparation for
the meeting was “simple neg
ligence.“ Renshaw said.

A letter informing Ashcraft of the
meeting time was placed in Ash-
craft‘s mailbox on April 7. Renshaw

According to the SGA constitution,
yesterday was the last possible day
for the Elections Board to hear com»
plaints from Ashcraft. Renshaw

However. because of the serious
ness of the charges the Elections
Board decided to wait to make a de-
cision until Ashcraft had an opportu-
nity to present her evidence,

“The E-board felt that with the ev»
idence she says she has there is the
possibility. no matter how slight.
that there might be proof of strong



Sleepy head

Kristina Becker. right, a brigade executive officer in Army ROTC
at UK. watches a yawn from her company during a drill rehearsal

for an upcoming Pass and Review to be held April 20. Several
ROTC units from across the state will participate in the event.

cuv oweruxomsi" suit



Three awarded with SGA scholarships

Staff Writer

In an effort to make a more tan-
gible and visible contribution to the
student body. the Student Govern-
ment Association awarded its first
scholarships last week to three un-
dergraduate students who have
demonstrated outstanding campus
involvement and leadership.

Scott McGee. Paulette Sides and
Tim West were chosen from among
13 applicants to receive a $1,000
scholarship next year. $500 will be
accredited to their accounts in the

fall. and they must maintain a 3.0
grade point average to receive the
second $500 in the spring.

SGA decided to award the schol-
arships not only to reward outstand-
ing students. but also to make stu-
dents feel like they were being
offered something “concrete” from
a student government that has often
been criticized for being ineffective.
said scholarship coordinator Kim

“1 had talked to so many students
who saw no concrete benefits from
UK.“ said Fowler. also an SGA Sen-
ator at Large. “I realized there

Western head resigns
for job at Virginia Tech

Associated Press

ern Kentucky University President
Kern Alexander announced yester-
day he is leaving to accept a distin-
guished professorship at Virginia

Alexander said recent controver-
sies at the school. including
expansion of class offerings at Glas-
gow and proposed changes in the
oversight of student publicatiom.

“I want to make that very clear.
We have had a controversy a month
since I have been here. That is just
partofbeing president that is

the nature of the beast. . . . I have
had to deal with many issues and
my successor will have to deal with
many.“ he told the Bowling Green
Daily News. which reported first
word of his departure.

Alexander said he informed the
Western board of regents in a series
of discussiom that he intends to
leave his $83,000 per year job to be-
come one of a dozen university dis-
tinguished professors at the Blacks-
burg. Va.. university.

Joe Iracane. chairman of West-
em‘s board of regents said Alexan-
der “was an extremely innovative

See ALEXANDER. Page [0

were kids who needed more money
. . . and we had a large enough bud~

So last fall the SGA senate passed
Fowler's amendment to the SGA
constitution that will provide for
three $1.000 scholarships each year.
Qualified applicants must be a full
time sophomore or junior with at
least a 3.0 GPA and have made sig-
nificant contributions to UK.

0f the 13 people who applied for
the award. five became finalists.
Then. after interviews. McGee.
Sides and West were chosen to re—
ceive the scholarships.

Fowler said the scholarship com-
mitte was looking for students “who
had made significant changes to im-
prove the university.“ and are“real-
ly sincere in what they were doing."

"The standards we set were
high." she said. “The three we
chose were the ideal candidates we
were looking for."

McGee. a nursing sophomore. is a
member of the national champion
UK cheerleading squad as the Wild-
cat mascot. Through this role
McGee has volunteered his time at
many community events and be
come active in service organizatiom
such as Champiom Agath Drugs.

McGee said being the mascot
"was sort of a unique experience.“

“That's a big responsibility. but it

In addition. McGee carries a 4.0
GPA in his nursing major and was
chmen to be a member of Lances
Junior Men‘s Honorary.

Sides. also a sophomore nursing

student. is president of the Golden
Key National Honor Society and a
winner of the National (‘ollegiate
Nursing Award.

She said she liked being involved
in nursing because it makes her
“feel like I‘m doing something
good." but she also thinks Golden
Key has presented her with "a real

As president of the honor society.
Sides has tried to make it more stu»
dent oriented and “more into conr
munity involvement."

Sides has maintained a 4.0 nursing
GPA. is a member of Collegians for
Academic Excellence. and is a
volunteer at the Salvation Army and
Community Kitchen.

“I'm very honored." she said. “I
really wasn't expecting to win."

West. a mechanical engineering
sophomore. has been active in the
Air Force ROTC program at UK.
Besides holding such positions as
flight sergeant and assistant direc-
tor of recruiting and sponsorship. he
received both the superior perfor-
mance and outstanding flight
awards in 1987.

West said the ROTC “has been my
most valuable experience on cam-
pus." He said he plans to remain ac-
tive in ROTC and has applied to be
commander of the drill team.

“tThe scholarship) will be helpful
to me and everyone else that gets
it.“ hesaid. “I was pleased.“

All three students agreed that the
scholarships are important to giving
SGA a better image in students'

Violations ion the part of Roscv.”
chshaw said.

Ashcraft said
With the decision,

Rose. however. said that he felt
the hearings were unnecessary.

“I could really care less." Rose
told the board "1 think we‘re taking
up a lot of time. everybody has
things todo."

If Rose is found to be in violation
of the election rules he could either
be fined or disqualified as a candi-
date. Rensha w said.

"tAshcraftr has to have enough
evidence to [prove the violationst
would have affected the racc. which
in this case means 150 votes.” be-
fore Rose could be disqualified.
Henshaw said.

she was


In the event that Rose is disqual~
ified. chshaw said that the second
highest vote goiter. Susan Bridges,

would bc elected to the office.

“a '
M r


Teacher canceling
class to let students
think about remark

Editor in chief

A ['K psychology professor l.\
canceling his classes tomorrow it}
allow students to participate in
activities protesting a racial remark
made by former Gov. All "Happy "

The professor. Thomas Widiger.
said the decision is not a personal
statement but a stimulus for stu»
dents to think about the issue.

“I‘m not making any personal
statement, i don't think it‘s my
place to do this." Widigor said

He said he had heard thci‘o might
be protest itCli\'lllt'.\‘ tomorrow and
was sympathetic to students want
ing to take part.

“I don’t want students to fool iii-
hibitcd «by classes." he said “i
want to give them the opportunity to
think about it. it they don't take
part. [ hopt- they at least lhiiik about

Chandler‘s remark made at the
investment committee meeting of
the UK Board of Trustees Tuesday
— prompted students to march on
the Administration Building Wednes»
day and city hall Friday to ask for
his resignation

Au alliance of various student
groups v including the Black Stir
dent Political (‘aucus and the Black
Student Union is holding a press
conference tomorrow at noon in
front of the Patterson Office Tower
fountain to list concerns they have
about minority students and faculty
on campus.

A Public Service .»\nnounccmcnt
on WRFL-AM is calling for students
to walk out of classes at II 1.3 Thurse
day and join a “Student Power Mo
torcade“ to Frankfort, The event is

sponsored by Tim t’niti-d Student As-
sociation ltiitial .ithiltft' t'oalition.
Mt‘llll)t‘l‘~ «it ltit- group could not be
l't'itt'llt’ti ioi t’ttii7l wit!
iii. iti'tlflttlltlll to teach
M“ .‘ttU’t‘c certainly

it: i‘Liiit'i‘Ei lzissv‘s till IIt't‘Ltsltm.

"\ou him
llit‘ >ltltlt‘ti'>.

”I would claim"; classes to allow
.‘lUdt‘lll: to nth-nit other activities."

Jessi- ti flitl'l':\ .lt'. chairman of
the psychology dopai'tiiiont. said he
disappi‘ow'l ol the ('tlllt‘t‘ilttlltfll and
wild it ('t‘l'ltlllli} wasn't department
policy lint he said the tl(‘t'l.\‘lllll was
up to thc mduidual faculty member.
and he would in no way punish Wi~

“Rather than t.ii:ixt-ll.itioii. they
might not '.-.:int 'o «count a student
absent. whwh i~ whit 1 did for the
march in l-‘i'anktort. ilai‘i‘is said

\Vidigi-r m'lll lit- dinii“? know any
tilllt‘l’ Itl‘