xt76m9022814 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76m9022814/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-03-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 02, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 02, 1992 1992 1992-03-02 2020 true xt76m9022814 section xt76m9022814 Racial struggle marks
University’s history

Sports Editor

In the 1960s many college stu-
dents were hippies and flower chil-
dren. They slipped into “Love-Ins"
or “Sit-Ins." Some sought refuge
from a decade of civil unrest and
war. Others sought fun.

But as another decade unfolded,
the unrest quelled and the war end-
ed. Many students could no longer
sustain their fervor or their folly.
For most, the struggle was ending.
For others. however, the provoca-
tion of racism would continue. It
simply would not expire.

In 1967 Bill Turner was a black
sociology senior at UK. He was an
emerging campus activist. While
the decade and much of the unrest
died out, Turner's race remained
trapped by the realities of institu-
tionalized discrimination and ine-
quality. On April 12 of that year
Turner, president of the Campus
Committee on Human Rights, along
with the Student Center Forum
Committee, asked for a “dialogue”
on social change — a dialogue to
discuss the “the Negro and his place

nae grammars


First in a three-part uriu.

Through the years at UK, many
of the complaints raised would be
heard again and again.

Turner held his “Bitch-In" on the
Student Center patio. He wanted to
discuss UK‘s failure to actively re-
cruit black athletes. students and fa-
culty members. He also wanted to
discuss the verbal abuse by land-
lords directed at black students He
wanted to discuss what he said was
the failure of faculty members to
recognize black students in class, as
well as the tendency of some facul-
ty to speak degradingly of blacks
during lectures.

But Tumer‘s discussions were
not vengeful. They were always

aired with a free-flowing and un-
controlled spirit. For nearly three
hours about 2,000 students gave life
to the most stimulating intellectual
experience on campus. A “Bitch—

“The things I have to say are not
a great speech," Turner said that
day. “They are things I have known
since the day I was big enough to
know the color of my skin would
make a difference. We don't need
sympathy, we want conversation.
Let us hear what you'll have to say
about us and we‘ll tell you what we
have to say.”

Turner said the “Bitch In" was
held so students could air their
“feeling about the Negro." What
emerged was a series of personal
testimonies. Students walked to the
microphone on the patio's east end
and surrendered their feelings,
Some were sympathetic to Tumer's
cause. others antagonized him and
incited arguments. But, from the be-
ginning, that was what Tumer want-

In his opening remarks. Turner
stopped and pointed to a Confeder-

See HISTORY, Page 6

Construction rattles teeth, buildings

Contributing Writer

Earth shaking explosions and
wall rattling drilling have many stu-
dents and faculty concerned about
their safety on campus.

The blasting began January 10 to
clear lots for a new Civil Engineer-
ing Building and the Advanced Sci-
ence and Technology Commerciali-
zation Center.

The site for the new structures is
located behind McVey Hall and the
Enoch Grehan Journalism Building,
near Anderson Hall.

David Moore. UK‘s construction
coordinator for the project, said the
blasting probably won‘t end until
mid- to late March.

In the meantime, contractors will
be monitoring the blasting from
five locations around campus to en-
sure that existing buildings aren’t

“We are following federal guide-
lines and we are staying well within
those guidelines," said Ken Clevi-
dence, director of procurement and
consu'uction at UK.

“I know people in the buildings
are feeling it. We're sympathetic
but we don't know any other way to
do it," Clevidence said.

Vicky Banks, a secretary in UK's
language laboratory. said one stu-
dent thought the blasting had hit
seismographic proportions.

“One foreign student came in and
asked me if we were having an
earthquake." Banks said. “It fright-
ened him."

Clevidence said there is not much
that can be done to control the noise


«Central Campus Construction


i" — Fence.
- - Future knee

and disorder.
“We are doing the very best we
can to minimize the disrup-




tion.There is no way you can com-
pletely do away with it when your
building a $30 million complex.”

Kentucky Kernel


Don Byars, senior associate director of UK Admissions. takes a moment to talk with Phyllis Wright.
She was among 40 black students from Jefferson Community College to visit UK Friday.

Effects of election referendum
questioned by former president

Assistant Editorial Editor

Two days before a scheduled
election reform referendum, former
Student Govemment Association
presvrient Cyndi Weaver asked the
Judiciil Board to clarify whether a
referendum carries the weight of

Weaver said she waan the board
to clarify “whether having a rele»
rcndum has the effect of amending
the constitution or whether it's
more advisory in nature," she said.

Judicial Board Chief Justice Ken
Walker said the board will meet to-
night to discuss the matter. Because
voting begins Wednesday, Walker
said the board may try to get the
ruling out tonight.

Weaver said she went to the
board because of confusion sur-
rounding what thc effects of this

week‘s relerendum would be on
the regular elecuons next month.

“I think it needs to be cleared up
before we go to the trouble,"

Weaver said senators and SGA
President Scott (‘rosbie have differ-
ent ideas about the function of a
re fe rc ndu iii.

“1 read in the paper a lot of sena-
tors and ((‘rosbici talking with the
assumption that this will hate the
same effect as if the senate had
passed a hill, and I think that's a
wrong assumption," she said.

Weaver said she's concemed
about Crosbie‘s seeking a referen-
dum outside the regular elections.

The vote Wednesday and Thurs-
day concerns a number of election
reforms, including removing a can-
didate's spending limit for the elec-

Weaver said she also is con-
cerned about lumping the various

points together \ersus.

Because of these reasons, she
said she doesn't think senators
should “feel as bound by the results

as they should if tCrosbiei
would he more compromising
about how (the referendum is) put
together." she said.

it the board declares the referen-
dum results as law. the proposed
L‘lt‘t'llt‘t‘. reforms would apply to the
the -\pril elcttiwns it the board de-
ttdts thc results are not la“. the
senate could choose to adopt.

In the second scenario, the elec-
tion reform could not affect the
1992 spring elections.

The SGA By-laws state that earn-
paign rules must be approved by
the SGA senate and be presented to
the student body at least four weeks
before elections - which means
that 1992 spring election mics must
be approved this week.

Female UK student assaulted near Cooperstown Apts.

News Editor

A UK student was mugged Thurs-
day night in the Clifton Circle area
near Woodland Avenue.

“A guy jumped from behind a
tree and threw me down. I didn’t
get raped luckily,” education junior
Susan Almgren said.

Almgren said she was attacked at
about 7:30 as she was walking from
a class in the Chemistry-Physics
Building to her home in Coopers-
town Apartments. off Woodland.

She said a titan jumped out from
behind a tree and grabbed her. “He

was calling me names and threw
me down in the mud.“

The assaulter, who was described
as wearing a red baseball hat, jeans
and a black baseball jacket. then
tore Almgren‘s jacket off and went
through her pockets. she said.

“I didn’t see his face. I glanced at
the side of it, but I don‘t remember
any distinct characteristics. I
know he was white because he kept
cramming his fist in my mouth to
shut me up. I don't know why
he let me go. Maybe he heard
someone," she said.

Almgren said she was told to run
straight and not to turn around or

;m " .
al Mashburn helps power

the Cats to an 80-56 victory over Vandy.
Story, Page 4.

stop —— or the man would shoot her.

“I ran home screaming and yell-
ing the whole way and no one
helped me. I ran across Woodland
Avenue in socks. My shoes came
off when l was running. I heard a
car hook. I probably could have
been hit.“

Almgren said that she usually
wouldn‘t walk alone. but she didn't
want her husband to have to wake
their sleeping son. “I thought it was
OK," she said.

She said her husband heard her
screaming as she ran through the
parking lot near their aparunent.

“l was really beat up. and he

thought I had been raped. but I
wasn't. My knee is really scraped
where he shoved me in the mud.“ .

Almgren's husband called 911
immediately and patrolman Dan
Edge arrived at the scene along
with an ambulance. Edge said Alm-
gren was examined. but refused
treatment for her minor injuries.

“It was just a typical mugging."
Edge said. “She was pretty upset.
She‘d been knocked down and

Almgren's main concern was not
for herself. She said she lost a note-
book with notes from a Kentucky
history class during the struggle.

A resume-writing workshop will be held
at 3:30 pm. in 201 Clarence Wentworth

Mathews Building.

The police took her back to the
scene of the attack to let her look
for her belongings. Her jacket was
there, but not the notebook.

“I‘m really worried that he took
my notebook — It has my name and
number on it. I just feel really
threatened if he has my notebook."

“Maybe someone saw (the as-
sault) going on and was just afraid
to get involved. Maybe someone
picked up my notebook. That is
just really valuable to me. Next
week is midtenns. and I’m really
upset over this. “

UK police also got involved.
Almgren said a UK police unit

Library campaign
hits $14 million in
private donations.
Story, Page 12.

showed up after the Lexington po-
lice, however they did not file a re-
port because both departments have
policies that allow only one report
per incident. The UK patrolmen did
question Almgren.

"We would not investigate the
case because it is not our case. If
there were a rash of reports or we
had one ourselves, we would inves-
tigate," said UK Police Captain Ben

Anderson said that surveillance
around the Clifton Circle area will
not be increased because of last
week‘s incident. “We can only have
regular patrol like always." he said.

Diversions ...................... 3
Sports ............................. 4
Viewpoint ...................... 9
Classifieds ................... 1 1





2 - Kentucky Kernel, Monday, March 2,1992






Board Room 20m Student Center, University at Kentucky. The Information
the Student Activltiu Otfioe. Submission of photoorwtu or graphics is enoour


am - us Calendar


ithiMuwpplledbymeonmmepomor. Forsmitmuene «University Wunmm
ontheCalendaraCampuaCalendarForm mun befllledoutet I

m '









Monday 3/2

- SAB Movie: ‘Scandal‘ (E ngland. 1989);
free: St. Center. Center Theater; 7:30pm;
call 7-8867

- Exhibit: 'Coming to America: Selections
from the Permanent Collection by Immi-
grant Artists'; UK Art Museum; thru 3/22

- Exhibit: 'A Private Realm.‘ by Joyce Gar-
ner— Opening Ceremony; The Headley-
Whitney Museum; 3-5pm; exhibit runs thru
4/5; call 255-6653

0 Exhibit: 'Inspirations,‘ Contemporary art
and religion; Transylvania U., Morgan Gal-
lery; thru 4/10

- Exhibit: 'The African American Worker:
Skilled Craftsmen, Artisans. Waiters and
Porters from 1880-1940': free; M.I. King Li-
brary. Peal Gallery; call 7-8611; thru March
- Exhibit: Works by Matt Phillips; UK Art
Museum; thru 4/12

Tuesday 3/3

0 Performance: UniverSity Artist Series- Ar-
Ieen Auger. soprano; $17 and $10; SCFA
Concert Hall: 8pm; pre-concert lecture-
Phyllis Jenness: SCFA Recital Hall: 7pm:
call 7-4929

. Luncheon Lecture: Joyce Garner. $15;
Headley-Whitney Museum. noon; call 255-


Wednesday 3/4

- SAB Mowe: ‘My Girl': 32 for students; St.
Center Worsham Theater; 7:15 and 10pm:
call 7-8867

- Recrtal: Guest ReCitaI-Lux Brahn. clarinet
and Hanni Schmid-Wyss. piano; free.
SCFA Recital Hall; 8pm: call 7-4929

Thursday 3/5

- SAB Movie. “My Girl’; 82 for students: St.
Center Worsham Theater; 7 15 and 10pm:
call 7-8867

- Concert: Senior Citizens Concert Series.
Jim Campbeil. percussron. and Lydia Di-
Martino. flute: free. SCFA Recrtal Hall;
2pm: call 7-4929

Friday 3/6

- SAB Mowe: 'My Girl'; $2 for students: St.
Center Worsham Theater; 7:15 and 10pm;
call 7-8867

- Exhibit: Gallery Senes-Musrc of Women
Composers. Noemi Lugo and UK Perfor—
mance Faculty; free: MI. King Library-
North. Peal Gallery; noon

- Exhibit: Robert Tharsing. New Works;
Galbreath Gallery; thru 4/25

0 Reception: Robert Tharsrng. New Works:
Galbreath Gallery: 5—7pm

- Performance: Lexmgton Philharmonic Or-
chestra. Delphin and Romain. piano: $24.
$21. $18. $15: SCFA Concert Hall. call

Saturday 3/7

- SAB Mowe: ‘My Girl': 82 for students; St.
Center Worsham Theater: 7:15 and 10pm:
call 7-8867

0 SAB Mowe' 'Duck Soup' (USA. 1933):
‘ree; St Center. Center Theater; 3pm: call

Sunday 3/8

. SAB Movre. ‘My Girl'. $2 for students. St
Center Worsham Theater; 4pm: call 7-

- Center Sunday Series: 'Lent and um-
tion'. UK Chorale and New Voices; free.
SCFA Recital Hall; 3pm; call 7-4929

. Center Sunday Series: Central Kentucky
Youth Concert Orchestra; free; SCFA Con-
cert Hall; 3pm; call 7-4929


i j / I /
7’ 'lllpm I'alllfIf‘llI Ceiilm

(I 700'}





Friday, March 6th

8:00 pm

Memorial Coliseum
(Tickets are still available)


*Co-sponsored by SGA, SAB, and Kinq Cultural Center

Monday 3/2
- Volunteer: UK Student Center. many op-
portunities availablel; call 257-8785 to find
out how you can help'
0 Registration: Annual gardening program

will be held Thursday, March 12th. 8:30am-

4pm: RoomG American Big. (behind Fazo-
Ii's); 96 spaces available for members of
UK Community. bring valid UK ID

of the

Civil FWar (Era

8 pm. {Myrcft '2
\IQOiri 2'28 filudent (:cntcr

Monday 3/2

- Meeting: Socrety of the ClVlI War Era. Or-
ganizational Meeting: free; New St. Center.
room 228; 8pm: call 255-2831

0 Meeting: Sierra Club Interest Meeting:
free; Old St. Center. room 115; 7:30pm;
call 272-6240

Tuesday 3/3

0 Meeting: Miskatonic Student Union; free;
Old St. Center, room 113: 6pm; call 231-







Tuesday 3/3

- Clinic Self-Defense Clinic; $1; Seaton
Center Racquetball Court #3; 6-8pm

Wednesday 13/4
- Auditions: The play 'Water.‘ by John
Leynes- Auditions; Old. St. Center. Center
Theater: 4pm

. Fair: UK Housmg and Transportation Fair;

free: St. Center. room 206 and 245; 11am-
20m; call 7-6598


A play by
John Leynes
March 4th & 5th

4:00 pm Old Student Center Theater







Thursday 3/5

- Meeting: Meeting of the Commuter Stu-
dent Board; free; New St. Center. room
203: 1 1am-12pm: call 858-4343

0 Lecture Axel Krause. 'lnSide the New Eu-
rope‘. free, New St. Center, room 230; 4pm
0 Meeting Resrdence Hall Association;
free: Patterson Hall; 4pm

Thursday 3/5
. Auditions: The play 'Water.‘ by John

Leynes- Auditions; Old. St. Center, Center

Theater; 4pm

Friday 3/6

- LECTURE: SPIKE LEE; $3-students. $5-

general; Memorial Coliseum; 8pm; call 7-

Friday 3/6

- Seminar: Dr, R. Craig Sargent. UK Dept.
of Biological Sciences, 'Parental Care in
Fishes'; tree; Room MN563; 3pm-lecture.
2:50pm- refreshments

- Meeting: ACS Meeting. Jay Pettegrew.

Univ. of Pittsburgh. 'NMR Studies of Alzhei-

mer's Disease’; free; Chem-Phys Bldg,
room 137; 4pm-lecture. 3:30pm-



Monday 3/2



- Weekly Meetings: Aikido-Beginner Class-

es; Alumni Gym. loft; 8:30pm; call 269-

0 Weekly meetings: UK Ultimate Frisbee;
free; Stolfield; 5:30pm; call 8-2686

Tuesday 313
- Weekly meetings: Chess Club; free; St.
Center; 5:30-10pm; call 887-2574

0 Weekly meetings: Catholic Newman Cen-

ter Open Student Meeting; free; Newman
Center. Apt. 8; 11am; call 255-8566

- Weekly meetings: UK Ballroom Dance
Society; $5 per semester; Barker Hall.
dance studio; 7-9pm; call 277-0664

0 Weekly meetings: 'Totally Tuesday!‘ Free

dinner, worship, and fellowship, United
Methodist Student Center; free; 508 C0-
lumbia Ave; dinner-6:45pm. worship-
7:30pm; call 254-0250

0 Weekly meetings: UK Ultimate Frisbee:

free; Seaton Center Gym; 10pm—midnight;

call 8-2686

. Weekly meetings: Society for Creative
Anachronism; free; Old St. Center. room
117; 7-9pm; call 255-2100. ext. 562

- Weekly meetings: Tuesday Evening Fel-

lowship; free; Koinoinia House. 412 Rose
St.; 8pm; call 255-7096

Wednesday 3/4

- Weekly meetings: Canterbury Fellowship,
Holy Communion: St. Augustine's Chapel;

5:30pm; call 254-3726
0 Weekly meetings: Encounter; free; New
St. Center, room 205; 7pm; call 276-2362

- Weekly meetings: S.A.V.E. meeting; free:

Old St. Center, room 309; 7pm
' Weekly Meetings: Writer’s Bloc Meeting;

free; Old St. Center. room 117; 5-7pm; call


- Weekly Meetings: Aikido-Beginner Class-

es; Alumni Gym. loft; 8:30pm; call 269-

Thursday 13/5

- Soap Opera: 'Common Wealth: Passion
in the Bluegrass', performed by UK stu—
dents; Old St. Center. Center Theater:

- Weekly meetings: Canterbury Club-
Episcopal Student Fellowship; St. Augus-
tine's Chapel; 6:30-7z30pm; call 254-3726

- Weekly meetings: Catholic Newman Cen-

ter Night; Newman Center; 7:30-8t30pm;
call 255-8566

0 Weekly meetings: Bible Study. United
Methodist Student Center; free; 508 Co-
lumbia Ave.; 8pm; call 254-0250

- Weekly meetings: UK Ultimate Frisbee;
free; Stolfield; 5:30pm; call 8-2686

. Weekly meetings: 'Thursday Nite Live‘;
free; 502 Columbia Av.—UK; 7:30pm; call

- Weekly meetings: SAB Spotlight Jazz

Committee; free; Old St. Center, room 203:

call 7-8867

HEALING OF RACISM; free; Old St. Cen-
ter. room 111; 6:30-8:30pm; call 7-1405

Friday 3/6

- Radio: 'Pop Odyssey- the best in British.
Australian. New Zealander. and American
alternative pop music; free; on WRFL,
88.1; 8pm; call 7-WRFL

Saturday 3”

~ Weekly meetings: Catholic Sunday Mass;

free; Newman Center; 6pm: call 255-8566

Sunday 3/8

- Weekly meetings: Canterbury Fellowship.

Holy Communion; free; St. Augustine's
Chapel; 10:30am and 5:30pm; call 254-

0 Weekly meetings: Catholic Sunday Mass;
tree; Newman Center; 9 and 11:30am. 5
and 8:30pm; call 255-8566

0 Weekly meetings: Spaghetti Dinner, All-
U-Can-Eat; $2; Newman Center; 6pm; call

0 Weekly meetings: University Praise Ser-
vice; free; 502 Columbia Av.-UK; 113m;
call 233-0313

0 Weekly Meetings: Aikido-Beginner Class-
es; Alumni Gym, loft; 1pm; call 269-4305

-E E

Wednesday 13/4
- UK Basketball: Wildcats vs Florida; at
Florida: 8pm

Saturday 13/7
0 UK Basketball: Wildcats vs Tennessee;
Rupp Arena; 4pm












I g..- . i , a llhtfim‘svfirtliililz i.


















Kentucky Kernel. Momby. March 2. 1992 - 3








































~; S o lo 0 l o lo 3
; itcoms, po itica satire not best coup mg
E Should TV shows. geared nor- |“'" ,., m, . | ., ‘l‘l‘ laughs and an inevitable round of love." one of the greatest political
: mally toward one-liners and sight i ll‘ ‘ applause on ”The Tonight Show," satires ever produced. This black
I gags. attempt to deal with serious 1M but it's overused, unoriginal and comedy deals withapossible nucle-
. issues of the day. such as the poli- ', GIBBS avoids any real comment about Ted ar holocaust. paranoid cold warri-
' tics and politicians who seek to lead ~ "I on TV Kennedy‘s performance as a public ors. an insane Air Force general. a
I us? ‘ ‘. J44 official. B-52 crew ready to detonate a hy-
', Are the writers and producers of llllm In llloll m iiliin. And Ted Kennedy deserves to be drogett bomb and a host of other
; today's shows able to deal with . , satirized. I‘m not a Ted Kennedy deadly serious issues that many
I such important issues in a mature, es?" fazfcsgxifingg‘ 36:11:15": fan, and the endless shallow jokes people would not find funny.
5 : intelligent fashion, or are the issues boi’o In the end rfect Mu h about Kennedy's lack of trousers. But it‘s one of the funniest mo—
. inadvertently trivialized in the pro- . launched into a rinpfn defens? 0);. Dan Quayle’s intellect. Bill (‘lin‘ vies ever made. And those grave is-
cess? m . g g . ton's personal life, me. only ob- sues are joked about. You laugh at
. 6 First Amendment, reducmg our . . . _ j . .
erClass- Or should TV entertainment bungling government officials to scure what humor mighteitist else- the people and events. The movre
l269- shows stay away from controversial jelly Vlurph waltz ed triu m hantl where. I can't stand Dan Quayle. never stops being funny. even while
subjects and stick to what they were ' ‘ y . p y for example. and 1 think he would making its tnost serious comments.
. _ . . away —— after savrng our democra- . . . ~ ‘ j . . . . ..
nsbee. desrgned to do — entertain the pub- C once a ain be an absolutely temble preSIdent. But it succeeds at making its pomts,
6 lie — while important issues are yTh' g sod. . ‘ll .. “ But jokes about how stupid he is the humor never causes the serious—
left to those more equipped to deal I' . :5 épt "6 was M (ed as a ”93‘ don‘t really deal with his hard right- ness to be trivialized. If anything,
with them, suchasthe news media? 11:“! satire aimed, ‘“ the SI ' wing views or anything else rele- the movie is all the more effective
ree; St. For me, these are tough question t 01135 controversy (find other Sn" vant to the vice-presidency or presi- as a comedy rather than a drama.
to answer. I have mixed feelings, :lel’ eanngs overm emyears.NO:lt dency. lust making ajoke about a politi-
man Cen- mainly because I‘ve seen sitcoms ii was "2 dal CT lemk' {'6 Some might moan that they like cian or an issue does not make for
ewman handle these issues properly in r: d soever. n W‘s 00 mg or to laugh and they don’t want dry, political satire.
66 some instances and poorly in oth- ‘, . . _ . political lectures in lieu of funny 'l‘elevision. the medium perhaps
Dance ers. Politiml satire. a favorite sub- T he Show really did“ tspecrfical- jokes. best able to make fun of ever-
Hall. ject of mine, is handled poorly. A ly 3f” what the senators am, wrong Political satire, however. doesn‘t changing news (movies. after all.
4 recent installment of the sitcom during the H‘ll'1h0'““s hearings. have to stop the humor to make a can take years to go from script to
ay!‘ Free “Murphy Brown" is a good exam- M051 Americans. ”W55” '"ClUd‘ serious point. screen). fails to live up to its satiri-
nited ple. ed. weient happy Wllh how the In "Murphy Brown." the joking calpotential,
5C“ m r o RTESYOFCOLMIAAnmnuANAGEu N“ Murphy exposed the spending process, turned 0“" bl“ Murphy stopped when Murphy and the other TV can do it. "All in the Family“
“'9' . ° 0° ” . . E "c‘ habits of U.S.senators afteraconli- Brown never addressed that. We characters waxed philosophic about ZUld “M*A*S*H“ were quality
. Tatiano Troyanos will conclude the 1991-92 Untvertsly Artist dential report was leaked to her. ””8th at how each ”“3“” was a journalism, the First Amendment. shows with something to say about
risbee; Series tomorrow night at the Singletary Center for the ANS. The Senate called her in to testify complete butloon. but we never the meaning of life and everything the world. And they were able to do
'dmghl: about the source of the leak. and he- we": hell")? 3“"- A'Wf ”“3155ng else. The humor. such as it was. that without letting the humor be
‘ ‘ ' fore you can say “wacky Hill- {’0‘ ostm e “”339” Pm ma 3 ground to a halt so that Murphy eclipsed by heavy-handed preach-
ative _ 1991-92 UHlVCrSlty AItlSt Thomas satire," our gal Murphy 10"“ .. ' could make pithy comments about ing (though M*A*S*H slipped
, room » . . gave those mean old senators what 1 ’10V8 $009 POIIIlcal same: the world at large. 1 half expected once in a while).
2 SCrleS ends Wlth Troyanos for. there 5 far [00 11m? 8f ll 0" {<31er the words “this week‘s moral" to The country. given the growth of
ing Fel- You‘ll recall that during the Ani— 5‘0“ today. Bl" {his lMUfPhyP CPl- flash on the screen. the news media. is as political as
2 Rose . ta Hill-Clarence Thomas hearings, sode was not PO ”193 satire. Olm' ln political satire. the underlying ever. Consequently. good political
Staff reports $fi:;a§%m’ and George the public became familiar with cal same (1":315 “”31me issues and seriousness is always present. even satire should be forthcoming. Ihope
Tatiana Tr H f ‘ ‘ . senators Biden, Hatch, Heflin, Ken- real people In a SPCCWC waY-POHU‘ when funny things are happening. the talent can overcome the tenden-
, claimed 0 0);?!08, :1" Nae- . er per oranance tomorrow nedy and Simpson. On “Murphy C31 satire makes fun 01 what ‘5 actu- While watching or reading good po- cy toward the shellow. predictable
llowship, Y k‘ M Peta l.lva an elf; Eight at the US A- .Sitigletary Brown“ we met senators Hyden, ally happening. litical satire, you laugh without for- brand of silliness that says nothing
Chapel; beorth 5‘ $20110 1:1" pera, Wu: enter for: the “WM“ ‘include Thatcher. Laughlin, Dennehy, and Easy. predictable jokes aimed at getting the grave seriousness of the about the country or its people.
1991f92ailniaiiit 2:2: lSnen'e: :natenal om her d‘ver“ reper- Sampson! politicians, for example, don'tqual- issues being joked about. Look at
91 New tomorrow evenin y (”’6‘ , . Do you get it? Funny with a capi- If)’ as political satire. the works of Will Rogers or any Senior Staff Writer Toby Gibbs is
6-2162 She replaces gArleen Auger {0332333241 :15le “=83:qu tal “F"! Those names are actually The one-millionth joke about Ted good editorial cartoonist. a UK employee and a Kernel c01-
ing: ree; ,_ . “ es 0” 9' e th'nl -d's 'ed ' k . ' ' t . ' . , " " t *- '..
who origin ally was scheduled to of New York, and she has per- i y i guts )0 es aimed at Kennedy not weanng pants gets big look at the moue Dr. Strange ummtt
eeting; perform but had to cancel due to formed with the orchestras of
pm; call anillness. New York, Boston. Cleveland,
Troyanos. a Greek-American Chicago and Philadelphia in ad-
rClass- mezzo-soprano. recently com- dition to appearances with the
259. pleted a series of performances London Philharmonic. Vienna
at the Met in Richard Wagner‘s Philharmonic and the Tokyo
Tannhauser. She has also per- Symphony Orchestra. q
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