xt76q52f8q13 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76q52f8q13/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19770429 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, April 29, 1977, no. 176 text The Green Bean, April 29, 1977, no. 176 1977 2014 true xt76q52f8q13 section xt76q52f8q13 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES' NEWSLETTER
Ll/29/77 N0. 176
29 April — Administrative Council Meeting — Gallery,
8:30-9:30 AM
6 May — — Faculty Meeting - CANCELLED
12-13 May— Special Libraries Association, Kentucky Chapter
meeting — Mammoth Cave (see note)
13 May - Administrative Council Meeting-Gallery, 8:30-9:30AM
14 May — Art Libraries Society of North America, Kentucky-
Tennessee chapter meeting — at UK (see note)
16 May — Bluegrass Librarians' Association meeting —
Gallery, 7:30 PM (see note) V
(Current exhibits: Gallery, Department of Special Collections: y
"Books and graphics from Die Eremiten Presse" (through l0 May)
Foyer, King Library North — Spanish Manuscripts and Imprints
(13th~17th centuries): a selection from the collections of the
University of Kentucky Libraries (through 30 April).
I Contributors to this number: Wanda Dole, David Farrell (Editor),
Faith Harders, Gail Kennedy, Mary Minter, Jeanne Stevens,

 ‘ -—\
s *2*
E Library Associates annual Meeting:
g The Library Associates first membership meeting in many
l years was held on Monday, 25 April, at Spindletop Hall.
{ More than l00 old and new friends attended the reception
é and buffet supper; an additional highlight of the evening
{ was the publication and first sale of The Kikkuli Text,
§ the most recent product of the King Library Press.
i Following supper, Paul Willis presided at the business
, meeting. He began by describing the history and purpose
5 of "friends of the library“ organizations such as the
i Library Associates. At UK, the organization is more
Q than 20 years old. In the past it has had more than
i 600 members, published a newsletter and facsimile series,
j and made numerous gifts of books and funds to the Libraries.
{ He observed that the nations's preeminent libraries have
} friends organizations, and that a viable Associates group
é is essential to achieve excellence at UK. Carolyn Hammer
g made a few remarks about the history of The Kikkuli Text
f and presented complimentary copies to Mrs. B. W. Estes
* whose husband first proposed the present edition; to Gerhard
2 Probst of Transylvania University who translated the German
$ text into English; to James Williams, director of public
é relations at Keeneland, whose foundation helped finance
g the edition; and to Elizabeth Hardwick, the evening's
{ speaker. Burton Milward made the nominating committee
( report, and the following were elected officers and board
, members: Samuel Cassidy (president); Betty Kirwan (vice
Y president); Charles Metcalf, Betty Tevis, Bob Evans, and
Jacqueline Bull.
Lewis Cochran introduced Elizabeth Hardwick who spoke on
A "Styles and fashion in current fiction."
i Paul Willis introduced the new president, Sam Cassidy, who
  thanked the membership for its confidence, and proposed
* doubling the membership in the coming year. The officers
i and executive committee will be meeting to plan for the
( coming year‘s program.
* MRAP Questionaire:
As part of a follow—up study being done by Ed Johnson af
Penn State on the effect of MRAP in libraries, we will be
repeating the Organizational Profile Questionaire which was
administered in Spring 1975. Each staff will receive a letter
explaining the purpose of the questionaire and asking him/
her to participate. The process takes about l5 minutes and
all responses are confidential. We hope that as many staff
members as possible will participate. We appreciate your

_ German Books and graphics in the Gallery:
"Books and graphics from Die Eremiten Presse" is the current
exhibit in the Gallery. The exhibit was assembled by Goethe
House, New York, in commemoration of 25 years of printing at
Eremiten ("Hermit") Presse of Frankfort, West Germany. It
is being held in conjunction with this week's Kentucky Foreign
Language Conference.
Eremiten Presse is, by comparison, a small publisher of small
editions some of which were done by hand. It has the added
distinction of having first printed a number of leading post-
4 World War II German writers. Among these are Hand Giese, Hans
Bender, Bunter Brono Fuchs, Horst Bingel, Peter Hamm, Christa
Reinig, and Gabriele Wohmann. Many of the books contain origin-
al graphics. Colorful, often innovative, design is another *
hallmark of the press‘s work.
( The Cincinnati Chapter of SLA is compiling a Directory of
Library Consultants. As part of their professional commit-
ment, SLA members provide one free day of library consulta-
tion to such organizations as businesses, banks, and research
centers. If you are interested in being listed as a profes-
sional library consultant, please see Faith Harders for
further information.
Bluegrass Librarians:
The Bluegrass Librarians' Association meets next on Monday,
l6 May, at 7:30 PM in the Gallery. Members of the staff of
the University Press of Kentucky will present a panel dis-
cussion on "The making of a book from conception to birth."
All interested librarians are invited to attend.
Art Libraries Society:
Wanda Dole (Architecture) and Karin Sandvik (Art) will host
the Kentucky—Tennessee Chapter of the Art Libraries Society _
of North America on Saturday, l4 May. The day‘s agenda in-
cludes a reception in the Art Library, business meeting,
and tour of the UK libraries and musemum; lunch at Levas‘
with an illustrated lecture, "A general slide survey of
Kentucky architecture," by Prof. Spaeth, and a walking tour
of downtown Lexington and Gratz Park. Further information
from Wanda or Karin.

. -L}-
All interested library staff are invited t0 attend the Spring
meeting of SLA—Kentucky Chapter, to be held on Thursday and
Friday, May l2 and 13 in beautiful Park Mammoth Resort. After
a tour of the caves, Dr. John Thrailkill, Chairman of the UK
Geology Department, will talk about them. On Friday, attendees
will benefit from a talk on the Kentucky Budget process by
Gordon Duke who heads the Office for Policy and Management
and is also responsible for the State budget. Mr. Duke will
participate in a group discussion of library budgeting as well.
Kentucky's Energy Commissioner, Damon Harrison, will discuss
the Energy Crisis at the luncheon meeting. Room rates are
reasonable and non—member registration is just $4.00. Call
Mary Evelyn Minter at the Medical Center Library for registration
and reservation forms as soon as possible. The meeting date
is approaching fast!
During the upcoming Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, a
theatrical group from Stuttgart, West Germany will visit
V Lexington and present, in the German language, Johann Wolfgang
von Goethe's drama Urfaust on Friday, April 29, at 8:00 pm,
in Memorial Hall. `
The Department of Germanic Languages and Literature very
cordially invites you to attend this performance of a classical
German drama.