xt76q52fbh1t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76q52fbh1t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-04-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 09, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 09, 1998 1998 1998-04-09 2020 true xt76q52fbh1t section xt76q52fbh1t  







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WIRE Sunny this after-
noon, high near 70. Cloudy
tonight, lot." of 5 5. Clear and
warm tomorrow, high of'TI).

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April 9, 1998

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Campus declared dry by next tall

By Mat Herron

.Vt’u't Editor

Some campus leaders say it was

Others say the time was right.

Despite the opinions, L'K fra—
ternities and sororities will no
lon er be allowed to have alcohol
in t eir hotises beginning next fall.

The L'niversity's
Trustees approved the new policy
'I‘uesday, after months of discus-
sions with student leaders follow—
itig the board's resolution in ()cto-
her to re-exaniine its alcohol poli-
cy, as well as the deaths of Ben-
jamin \Vynne at Louisiana State
L'niversity and Scott Kreuger at

Board of

the Massachusetts
'I‘echnology last fall.
“The decision is timely,” said
Dean of Students David Stock-
ham. “The process started back in
the fall, and the intent was to curb
the kinds of things that are hurtful
to students. For me, the bottom
line is students' safety."
lnterfraternity (Iouncil officials
had been hoping for a much
longer timespan to adopt the poli—
cy, )ut said they will work with it.
“\Ye had been hoping for the
year 2000, which seems to be a
trend across the nation, but that's
not what we got," said Marc (Ilegg,
vice president for external relations
for ll:(I. “Some ofthc enforcement

Institute of

response is coming down on II:(I.
It's a very sudden change and we
have to cope with it."

\Yhile the decision may have
perfect timing on L'K's part, some
leaders say a dry (ireek System was
already a done deal, even before
the L'K board meeting ’liuesdav.
even before the Phi Kappa Psi, Phi
Gamma Delta and Sigma Nu social
fraternities announced they'd stop
iii—house drinking by the year
2000, and even before thejanuary
symposium most ofthe fraternities
and sororities attended on stopping
alcohol abuse.

Former lnterfraternity (Iouncil
President Tony llayden said he
met with Stockham, Assistant

Dean of Sttidetits \‘ictor llaIard,
(Ihancellor I‘llisabetli Zinser, Yice
(Ihancellor of Student :\ffairs

.lames Kuder and Dean of l’rater—

nities Tony Blanton in ()ctober to
talk about a dry (ireek System.

“Chancellor '/.inser basically
said, ‘\\'e're going dry' and tried
to get input on how the system
would adapt." said Ilayden, a
political science senior and a
member of Sigma Nu. “From my
view of it they had already decided
we were going dry."

llayden likened implementing
a policy this quickly to putting “an
animal in a corner."

“If you bring something down
that sudden in the first year, you're

going to have more violations." he
said. “I was for a gradual induction
ofthis system. I knew it was going
to come down, I just didn't think it
would come down this quickly."

I Iayden said he foresees the new
policy heaping a lot of pressure on
fraternity presidents to straighten
otit their chapters, btit also coin—
mended UK for being proactive.

“It will be interesting to see
how people will react," he said.

This year (lreek systems were
already moving iii the dry direc—
tion because ofhigh liability insur-
ance, repeated violations of risk
management policies and an over—
all need to override the culture of
fraternities on campus, leaders say.

"That the sytiiposiulti was litlil
in ~lanuary is .in indication that
things were headed in that diret
tion," said liill \lai'tin, c\ccuti\c
directorofPlii (iaiiiiiia Delta liitci
national, who spoke at the sy IIIIMV
sitiiii. “There were a number of sig
nals that this was something that the
Board of Trustees felt was a step
that was going to be necessary"

Phi (lamina Delta announced
in the beginning of October its
new policy to make all of its L .S.
and (lanadian fraternities dry by
the year 3000, setting off .i tll.llll
reaction among some fraternities
across the nation.

.\lartin called [K‘s policy

.Si‘t DRY inn 3





Patients find

By Colby Foster

Collin/hitting ll ’riter

(iood things come from bad situations.

liven cancer has some good things coming Irom
it. The (lancer Information Service ofthe National
(lancer Institute located at [K does just that

Dial the toll free number. l-HOI)—-l—(l\.\'(ll' R.
weekdays from 9 a.m. to $30 p.m.. and you “I” talk
with a certified cancer information specialist. The
number is set up so anyone can call and ask questions
about cancer, find out ways to help preiciit it. obtain
publications having to do with it and learn about it.

The (Iancer Information Service's ((IlSt ninth
region is located at UK.

The nine certified cancer information specialists
who work at LVK have a college degree and \\ ere
required to go through a two—month training period
required by the NCI, where they learned different
types of cancer and treatment options. l'iach opera-
tor has a computer with the Physicians Data Query.
3 program which has all of the updated information
and recommended scientific treatments on it,

Pat Schweitzer. the telephone service manager at
the (IIS, said many people call in with questions about
cancer that they forgot to ask at the doctor‘s office.

She said, “Many times when patients an sitting in
the examining rooiii they go blank and can‘t think of
questions to ask. That's what we are here for,"

St‘(' CANCER HI} 3



, sight l0l‘ disabled

M icrolohs, restrooms offer easier access

By Aaron Sandertord

Campus Ifditor

Disabled L’K students have been
fighting high thresholds, poor ele-
vators, tight spaces and limited
access at All King Library for

Ifthe \Villiain T. Young Library is
a welcome change for able-bodied UK
students, imagine seeing it from two
feet closer to the ground, seeing the
inside ofa L‘K library for the first time
or scein nothing at all.

For 'K students with disabilities,
the new library means more than an
opportunity to study without inconve-
nience, it is an op ortunity to simply
get around the faci ity.

The difference in accessibility
between the King and Young libraries
is night and day, said (Iarla (Iantagallo,
team leader for information services at
the Young Library.

(Ianta allo has spent the last 10
years WOI'Eilng with disabled students at
UK. She said the difference is both
physical and technological.

“There is no com arison," said
Todd Collins, a disabletffamily studies

Facilities at the “LT. Young
Library meet Americans with Disabili-
ties Act (ADA) specifications.

()utside entrances each have
mechanical doors that open with the
push of a button. The buildin has .six
modern elevators gs oppose to two


older ones at the King Library.

The Young Library also has
restrootns that are completely accessi~
ble to handicapped patrons, even those
with motorized scooters.

Every desk and countertop in the
library meets ADA specifications for
height and width so that a student in
a wheelchair can study at any sta-

A second-floor Disability Services
Center offers students with disabilities
special technological services in a
small, three-computer lab.

The machines are specially
equipped with Dragon Dictate, voice
recognition software that allows a per-
son who cannot typc to use a personal


They also have a program for visu-
ally impaired students that vocalizes
written words of computer text for

For (Ihris Bederka, disabled stu-
dents' concerns chairman for the Stu-
dent Government Association, the
tnicrolab is a good start.

“Once they have all the computers
online, and they have instructors to
teach disabled students how to use the
software, they are going to take off like
a rocket," Bederka said.

The Young library was built with-
out ramps for handicapped students
to use in the event of a fire. Eleva-
tors automatically shut down when
fire alarms are triggered, leaving dis-
abled patrons waiting for fire rescue









Chris Bt'll'l’l'-
lea (lei/i).
chairman of
the Disabled
Students '
family stud-
ies sophomore


Study: Women
cone better with pains

BI‘TI‘HESDA, .\ld. — \Yomen are more likely

to feel aches and pains than .irc men, but women

T0114, Collins are better at coping, recovering and not letting sucb
”71(13le physical afflictions upset their lives. researchers say.
President Studies presented 'l‘uesday at a confercnte of
.llelmiie the National Institutes of Health found that the

Cruz talked
with librari—
ans and
hui/ding per-
sonnel _7ildv
Sai‘hett and
(far/a (Ian-
tagullo about
the octets/hil—
ity oft/w
net: lilo-my.

ability to deal with pain gives women strength.

A study of men and women who had arthritis. .i
common disorder of aging that affects both gen-
ders, found that women tended to haw .i keener
sense of pain than men. but that men were more
apt to let the discomfort sotir their mood.

“\Yonten reported 40 percent more pain than
men, btit women coped better with it." said Dr.
Francis Keefe of()hio L'niversity.

\Yomen. said Keefe. tended to regard pain as .i
call-to—action. and thev took measures to otercoine
the discomfort or to relieve it through what he called
“emotional coping." This coping included (llstt'dt‘l'
in activities. venting emotions, seeking support of
ot ers and even finding comfort in prayer.

"any l” m I MIC! lll' m

MALIBU. Calif. ~ Tommy Lee pleaded no con-

test to felony spousal abuse for kicking wife Pamela



n m »'~«wu.--‘—

personnel to carry them down the

But the omission is nothing new.
The King Library was built without
ramps as well, and most campus build-
ings do not have a way for disabled stu—
dents to exit an upper floor without

Judy Sackett, associate director of
facilities for UK Libraries, said the

Anderson and will spend at least six months in jail.
_ . _ ‘ Judge Lawrence Mira said Lee will spend six
UniverSIty '5 m the process 0f dCVCIOP' months to a year in iail, followed by three years of
mg an merger! P an. . probation. In return for Tuesday's plea, charges of
(40mm 53' _ W'th 0" Withftl" child abuse and unlawful possession of a firearm
rampsi the new library.makes getting will be dropped. Sentencing was set for May 20.
information I“? needslfor class P055" Lee was arrested in I‘ebruary after his wife
ble. At King Library. it wasn‘t always called lice claiming the Motley (Ime drummer
posstble. ' . ‘ kicked er her back, police said.
“That‘s what we ktEP' In "1|"de (am She filed for divorce within days of the attack.
tagallo said. “\Ve‘re here to help every- '
body who needs information find it.”


(.‘mpiledfim u'irr "pom.






































2 Thursday, April 9, I 998, Kmmrky Kemt/
., Newsroom 2574915 .5
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http://mEgiemelxum m. KA M ‘ L4. BEm—AM [M .'
.3 ISO 1““ 6 4/1/17 ‘ /, P’j 2 . :5
,5, Editor In Chief ............................................... J ennifer Smith lTlO-l> 6- j
3:- Managing Editor Chris Campbell - ' f
it . . - ............................................. Sam luuTmE M0. N0. .. .
:53: Associate Editor .............................................. .Dan O’Neill MESS. MY UIFE, HELL, IT'S A NICE HEY! “‘3‘ (01455 8'66.” ’Lfywfi
g‘f’ News Editor .............................................. Mat llcrron MKKS Two Jags 50 VA!) NICK. ONEvA Aw UL'UNS TA pm; Tm mat; PUMP-MTION.
. . . - . ‘ ST“? HOME AND I i l
1 (.ampus Editor ............................................ Aaron Sanderiord TEND Tb THA / Non). NM THAT SLATER-GU“ NA “603‘ , (,0
\ Assistant New Editor ........................................... Jessica Coy YOONGI'IS- HERE'S 8'6“”, OVER TA WNS M. Elite THAT
raimmi Editor ........ . ...................................... Todd Hash . NW Sam. . Time! Tue HMKY-SALKERS ;
\ . Sports Farm ......................................... J ay G. Tm, Rob llerbst ARE out Now. use THEM mt
Assistant Sports Editor ......................................... Matthew May TARGET PRACTICE l!
Entcrtainment Editor .......................................... OJ. Staplcton \
Assistant Entertainment Editor .................................... Luke Saladin
KCG Editor .................................................... Mary Dues
Unlinclclditor .............Andreas(iustafsson
PhotoEdltots ....................................,..MattBartonJaines(Imp
Graphics Editor ..... . ................................... Chris Rmcnthal
Senior Staff Writer ............................................ jill lirmn 5
Design ........ )cn Smith. Ashlee Harris, Sheri Phalsaphic, Gina Stitldet. Chris Rosemhil 5 . _ 5
The independent Newspaper atThe University of Kentucky ,l '2 :‘
Founded in 1894 .............................. . ...... Independent since 19” E .
026 Grchan journalism Bldg, University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky 40506—(X142 - -
Ymofmzmpy oftbeKmutdy Kmdnfm. I I‘ II
Ema rapier are $1.00 mob. I“
' the two are separate networks. can be checked out for four hours Library Microlab Manager Chris i l
PEER MENTO RS A VS€VUZC€S deSk The network can broadcast any at a time, the battery on the lap Payne. ;
. . particular viewing device to any tops can’t be expected to last more The new library has around i
NEEDED wlll brlng latest TV in the library. They can also than two hours, Gaunce said. 600 personal computers available {2
broadcast to groups ofdevices. Students can also check out an for use by students. ’s,
V Students can show up at the AV AC adapter that Students and faculty é ’
advances to UK services desk and request a View— allows the laptop to can use 182 of the desk—
8 J D b ing room. AV servrce employees draw power from the tops, I] of which have T
V 99 5° "9" then set up the viewing materials wall outlets instead of zip drives, but you must
(‘I‘V'I'ltu niusm‘ si'ltut‘r is IOOKN‘ i‘oit swoon“ no‘rnnrrn 8”” WW” and fipipment- The viewing running down the bat- have an SNDS
....'.i . ‘ ‘..' .“ ‘. .' . , i ’, .f .‘ " , _ ., materia s are then delivered tery. . Account. 3
Sll'lJI‘JVlS Will) “(Hill lzNjUi bl’lzhlilNh A l'l:\\ HUlle l‘./\(.H \Xlzlzh The technology comes to you. directly to the room via the E- “Ifyou’vc got any If‘you’ve got All other desktops :
\H'I'H HmSEMI-1min talisman Hum; THEM ADJIFS'I”I'0 Audiovisual m at the new MNet. student. comm: playback mi u. do, any serious pun... 'i‘hey am i
courxnz Lilli at THE UNIVERSI'IY or KliN'l'lKIKY William '11 Young Library can via a wall—mounted remote con— get next to an AC work to do. get have the range of‘appli‘ E'
serve lUSt about any multimedia trol, much like one would use :1 outlet and plug that AC cations the student ”r
WE WILL HIRE 10 PEER MENTORS ~ - ' ~‘ ”3’" ’0 ”'7 -
need astudcnt COUhl h‘JVC- VCR remote. sucker in,’ (munce t/ t d 1 machines do, but they I
FOR THE FALL 1998 SEMESTER “We have set back the need to The AV Services area has 22 said. on e an pug” d” have has” applica— if
. deliver audiovisual equipment,“ viewing rooms in the south wing Students can use {but SIM/{6‘7” 177‘ tions such as Office ’97 5
QUALIFICATIONS TO BE A PEER MENTOR INCLUDE: said Clay Caunce, head ”fAUle‘ of the library basement. Another their own laptops V and Netscape. :_
o Undergraduate status with :1 Cumulative 0m M35,” 315mg visual SCWICCS. , 5 35, including two classrooms, can with the library net— Clay Gaunce All the machines are j
0 to or more liarned Hours at Inxiuglou (Iaiupus l)\' Fall 1998. Behmd the AV scmhcs deSk '5 a be found thmugl‘UUI the I'l’er- work. Bl” students head of 0" 10859 from IBM, if
. Desire to Help other students Achieve Succe» at pk wall—sized rack—mounting system, “It’s our goal to eventually send would need to brin r Audioz'iruol which offers the "i
i i V on WhiCh are "10““th VCRS, video out to the Lexington cam— their own network Semm machines to the Uni- E
DVDs, digital slide projectors and pus,” (iaunce said. adapter with a stan— versity at a discount. 5:.
computers. These dCVlCCS are in AV Services also has 55 [BM dard ethernet cable The library network 171'
turn connected [0 the library’s laptops available for student to plug into any of the library eth- also includes 34 miles of fiber .
If YOU ARE INERESTED educational multimedia “CYWUFL’, check—out. The laptops are ernet jacks. optic cable. Some of it is used by
IN [EARNING MORE ABOUT WORKING 0r l‘Z-MNCI- equipped with standard lab soft- The ethernet jacks are on tables the Ii-MNet, but currently the ;
AS A PEER MENTOR PLEASE CONTACI Th0 E'MNCt FUHS flCFOSS the ware, and also have wireless net— and study carrels. Ethernet con- rest is unused. ’j’i
DARREN BILBERRY library and is composed of both work adapters. nections are marked green, and the “It’s more cost effective to wire :3
CENTRAL ADVISING SERVICE fiber optic and copper C3bl€~ It Like all laptops, the battery life topmost ethernet connection is the building when it is built," g.
‘09 MILLER "All parallels the library ethernet, hUt is short. Although the machines guaranteed to be live, said Young Payne said. },
‘ , t


amuel I'l. Pieh

is the great-

grcat grandson

of Sengbeh
Pieh, best known as
Joseph (Iinque, who
led the slave ship
revolt on which the
Steven Spielberg
movie xlnzixmd was


After the “Amistad” was captured in American waters off the New England

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mutineers in US. Supreme Court decision defined byJohn Quincy Adams.

As a powerful influence on the early abolitionist movement, the trial was moral
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ramifications when a country is denied its own history?

Samuel H. Pieh explores this issue in depth in his presentation. Acclaimed in

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importance of forging an economic and cultural bond between Africa and


Brought to you by your Student Government Association d7” Student Activities Board

I o k







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P/Jone service provides
information to patients

From PAGE 1

At UK, operators answer about
35-60 calls a day and 900-1,()()()
calls a month. Many people call
back iriore than once and keep call-
ing throughout their treatment.

Doctors and nurses also use
this service if they need to look tip
information to help a patient
decide between options.

One University of Tennessee
Medical Center specialist called in
and needed information on what
studies are showing about treating
breast cancer with treatments
other than chemotherapy.

CIS operator Mary Morton
said the specialist told her, “It’s
people like you who keep us (med—
ical personnel) charged tip and
keep its going. You all (the (IlS)
are so resourceful."

Some people call in with their
own cures for cancer.

“One man called in and said the
reason why women get breast can-
cer is because they wear bras,"
Morton said. “A woman called and
said pigeon dung would ctrre colon
cancer because ‘it would cover up
the darkness ofthe cancer.v






.s .
t/ i ‘ . . '

HELPING HANDS rind/1w 'I'npm. (top) 1] I‘t'.\'(/lll'i‘t' t‘l/III'rfiI/rlf/II' rlf ’I’t' (.‘mn'cr Info/mutton SUIT/re renter. rolled u‘it/t a

client. Ber/{y Snip/emu (ulroz'r) Iz'rote 1107.")! info/muffin] in .\'/H' spoke mill H rill/er 'l'm'sc/rri‘.

“She said she knew this,
because pigeon dung is so hard to
get off the sidewalk. She was so
sincere about it."

The operators have to take
each caller individually. They
refer callers with cures for cancer
to the National (lancer institute.

Emotional counseling is not
given by the (IIS. The operators
are only trained for giving otrt

information on cancer.

"He get a lot of emotional
calls," Morton said. “\Vliat we can
do is listen to the person.
empathize with them and let them
know that they are not alone. \\'e
can also answer their questions."

Schweitzer said, “The operator
will give him or her information
on the disease so he or she can
understand what is happening."

The (IlS operators will refer
the caller to a resources coiriisel—
mg support group where they can
receive emotional support.

“The information we provide is
a lifeline that the caller can hold

onto." Schweitzer said. “The staff‘

members are the most caring
group of folks and it‘s good to
'now we make a difference in
people’s lives."



Greek housing goes
dry by fall semester

From PAGE 1


“We believed, when our board
of directors made its decision, that
we were simply on the front end
ofa trend among Greek organiza—
tions and higher education toward
alcohol-free housing as one part
of the approach to address prob—
lems related with alcohol," Martin
said. “it is a big help to us, because
it contributes to changing the cul—
ture that needs to be changed."

The University targeted the
Greek community first because
that’s where the greatest concen-
tration of underage drinking
occurs, Stockham said.

“The preponderance of people
in fraternities and sororities are
not oflegal age," he said.

Of the Boone Faculty Center.

which is considered to be the only
“wet" area on campus, he said, “I
don’t think there‘s a double stan—
dard there. Somebody might want
to argue that. The faculty cltib is a
licensed establishment."

For a smoother transition, i lay—
den proposed a neutral venue, like
the Boone Faculty (Ienter, where
students who were 21 had to pre—
sent ll)s to drink.

“it doesn’t even have to be as
nice," Hayden said. “Anybody could
rent it out."

Nonetheless, friction is expect-
ed with a decision like this, said
Joel Epstein, attorney at the
Higher Education (Ienter for
Alcohol and Other Drug Preven-
tion, an organization funded by
the L Department of Educa-
tion in Newton, Mass.

“You can certainly look around
the country and see some fairly
outspoken and violent reaction to
a shift in policy," Epstein said. “I
think students are going through
an age where they‘re not real fond
of authority, and the administra-
tion telling students "This is the


way it's going to l)C,. doesn‘t go
over real well."

Fraternity and campus leaders
at L'K and universities around the
nation have cited the MIT and
LSL' deaths as two important rea—
sons why (ireek systems should
adopt alcohol—free housing.

Alriiost too much importance,
some argue.

“There‘s an overemphasis,"
Epstein said, “These are not the first
deaths. i don‘t think it’s misplaced.
lt’s deserved attention on a problem.

“Atlniinistrators are in a rotigli
spot, too," he said. “They're con—
cerned about their image. they
don't want to lose their endow-
irieiits, their next class.“

L'K administrators are also
concerned with educating. One of
the board's initiatives is to pump
riiore money into alcohol educa-
tion programs, Stockham said.
Students who have run-ins with
the L'niversity or the law because
of alcohol abuse are mandated
take (Ihoiccs, a class that meets on
Saturdays in the Student (Ienter.

Started three years ago, the

enrollment has increased, he said.

“The intent is to provide peo-
ple with solid, factual informa—
tion," Stockhani said. “it's not a
moralistic lecture."

The Student Government
Association has also contacted
several national chapters and

asked them to come to talk about
alcohol-free housing.

“It's such a shame that we have to
wait tiiitil something like MlT and
LSL‘ happens," said SGA President
Melanie Cruz, “and l don’t think
that this is going to stop students
from drinking. but possibly teach
students how to drink responsibly."

Drinking irresponsibly might not
be cured by the policy, rather it
could move to the sidcstrects arotmd
campus, where neutral sites abound.

“Certainly people today are free
to go offcarnpus and use alcohol as
they see fit," Stockham said. “The
L'riiversity does not attempt to
control the surrounding commu—
nity, btit we do think it is impor-
tant to make decisions on a carn—
piis environment that reinforces
sttitlcnts' success."

Iwnmih kernel, livurtduy, .‘iprrl 9, I 998’ 8



All candidates who ran in the
SGA Spring 1998 election
must come by the SGA office.
Candidates must fill out a
form indicating whether or not
they will run again. This
should be done by Friday,

April 10 at 4:00 pm.

SGA Office
Fim. 120 Student Center
25 7-3 1 9 1








The Graduate School Doctoral Dissertation Defenses






Name: “Jiiit‘l l «.rtmt-
Program: History .
Dissertation Tllk: ‘l‘ht‘ lingtns oi tllv lllAtk i
Revolution The lHli\lil‘lll.llI|ll oi Nan ltarruuo flay
Anni lilatlt (”inhuman i‘m. lam

Major Professor: lH ion (iiiftll rn I
DIR: April .'_’ l‘Nrs ‘
Time: so. a lit

Place: Zw‘ Patient)” t )llitt- limit

Name: Fangtrrig bang
- Veterinary Sat-utt-
Dissertation Title Characterization of the lb and
is kin liiiiriunoreaurve Surface i’roteim oi
thmjjslu imtmnmnt‘ro/oitt-s
Major Professor. Dr john 'l'iiriork'y
Date: April 24, lWh‘
Time: 9m .r in
Place: 2m ( .luck Frantic liescarth Levitt-t




Name: Penelope Bradley Summers

Program cunrniumcatron
Dissertation Tide. l‘re llLil l'uhliou and jam:
Hus in the Informant in Age is More l1\\’
Major Professor: Dr Philip Palmgreer‘.
Dr Roy i. Moore
Date: April 2}. 19%
Time. 2 no p in
Place: 1 1" (in-hair Building

Name: mm s that.“

Program: Hirsitit'ss Ailinnnstt Ili‘ m
Dissertation Title: llli' Relatmwi: :wwmr
lkali'l‘lilp \t\lt and snow-rial: \ll|\l.tt li a, .ll‘il


l’cri (manic in Palm. 4. Anililllij.
Major Professor. UV lumt
Date: April ll line-i

Time. Jon trill

Phat: .WJ \li~ ..| .;I -\.v.ottnt.mt\ t





Name. Charlene JJHllh
Progrun: litstmtiion and Atlinrrustmrion
Dissertation Titk: Hit-ct oi Age on Moinatlnn .mti
lntimdtu! Motnatmu latinrs or txmnti lxit‘lmoil
Agents In kenlnclo
Major Professor: in ,l john llJffh

in lime logan
Dale: April It. 19%
Time. s) so .I in
Place: lill 'laylot [ll'JLJlllHl Building

Name: lliaria lHiii ll.ncn‘..m l
Program ltlutatioml Polity \liitl.t'\ .\ l\.il‘i.lllt at i
Dissertation Title lira! \ \ot \xln l Alli
(.Ullll‘\lt‘(l ix-hnrlrons of Single \lt tlit'rhootl l
Major Professor: 1): licti. l (u ltisti .1.
Date: April .’l WW 1
Time: l’lll‘lJili 1
Place: in l.|\l u tantrum“ ll ultimc i





Name: Joy Denise Williams

Program: Mathematrts

Dbscmuon Tilk: Spetttal “(winds for [lumpy

Major Professor. I): ion in:

Date: Apnl 20. WW

lime: 5 50 p in

Place 545 Patterson Office 'lowt-r

Name: t..troh‘n l lltultt’l I
ram: instruction and Atlniairstratn iii

Dissertation Title: I‘m-tr or .‘V‘lt‘lll’hlifitlk‘l

Diagrams \vith \rcnttht Text on i \planatne Rn all

and Problerri \oliing l‘eriormantc or iatltitiiutiih

ltvllege Students

Major Professor: in Gary Anglin

Date. Apnl 2o lWK

limb. 10m _t In

Place: is” Taylor ltlutairon liiiiltling





Name. lkimlyn l'mx'r

Name: Alexei Driutnenko
Program: \ett-rinary Science

Program- Statrstrts

_ Dissertation Tltk: Ix-it-Iopmt-nt or an sum-insert
Dfisfmttoln “in: filming: 3“”le m hm", typing \y'stt'in to study stmttim .me
an Kn‘ ra ll“ mu" it ‘ l‘o yniorplirsni of innate Mill \.l.iss ll \ti'lli"

Major Professor: Dr I. Contitlarziiiilu
Dale: Apnl 2o, iwx

Time: 1 50 p in

Place: 895 Patterxui ( )ffite 1mm

Major Professor. lit lirnest linlt-v
Date: April l' i998
Time: 1 in par ’X'llliliall
.7 51) p m ilk'lcriscv
Place. 1100”“. (Seminary
104 GM“. theft-riser





Nimcglllli Lambert


Name: lane 1. Riggs

Program.- English

Dissertation Tltk: i’owenul Persuaders the lower
Faculty oi Seine in Paradise lost

Program: Political \‘it'rite
Dissertation Tlik: l xteiitiing Rights \tatc
Supreme (nuns and State (Atlhlilillitilb l rider the

Major Professor. r ii iii . mm m New judk‘ul lcdcralism
DIM Apnl l6. I998 Major Professor. Dr iirati (anon
“mt 55“ PI“ Date: April it», lWN

Place: li-zS Patterson Office Tower Time: 11 M l’ m

Place: HHS Patterson 1 mice is met







Name: haryil Mt Keri/ac
Hog-am: l'\\‘klltili>_g'\ ‘
Dissertation Title; lire st ll-Alw iljtlii n \.|lt ‘
Major Professor. Dr link ii: at. l
Date: April l-o lwn‘
Time. ll ill a in -l on p lll
Place ZUM K.I\llt‘ Hall

Name. Seth A Fichter

Program: Animal St icnccs

Dissertation mic: Intrarhastnc anietiloti oi
Vitamina tirallv Dost-ti m i’ixonul Uri to liiriniriant

Major Professor: Dr George Mitt hell

Date: April 15, 1%

Time: 9 or) .i at

Place: tilt Gamgus iiuiltirng








Name: Mithael I) (Liiioy 3
~ Mallit‘rriaucs ,

WW Tltk: lllifliifiiilt l iin‘ak’iii Mappings

on the i'rut Disk and the Purimrrul l‘nit Disk

Major Professor. Dr ltxl Nifhidya‘

Date: April is. was

'l‘lmc sou )m

M949 ant'rsoninlioe lower .






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lllt pitching
stitles Msu

By Matthew May

. hit/Train Sporty [':dll(l)'

L'K rode a five—run first inning
to an ”-3 rout ofintra—state rival
Morehead State on 'l‘uesday, leav—
ing head coach Keith Madison
one victory shy of another mile—

The (lats capitalized on start-
itig pitcher _lason (ihaney's first
victory of the season and
improved their record to 13-30
with one game remaining on their
II—gaiiie hotnestand. L’ls' is cur~
rently 4-7 during the stretch,
going into yesterday’s game with
\'\'estern (Iarolina University.

The victory over the Eagles
was Madison's 599th career win at
L‘K, leaving him just one short of
his illustrious 600th. .\ladison,
who st