xt76t14tjx2t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76t14tjx2t/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1928 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. IV, No. 2, September 1928 text The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. IV, No. 2, September 1928 1928 2014 true xt76t14tjx2t section xt76t14tjx2t   `D
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  The Frontmr Nurs111g Scrvwc, Inc. I
  (Sll(J(!('HH()1' to Kentucky Committee for Mothers and Babies) ·
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  VOL. IV. SEPTEMBER, 1928 NO. 2 V
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On the da * of its Dedication, June 26, by Sir Leslie Mackenzie, showing the
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Stars and Stripes and the Union Jack over the veranda. ,
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if In setting June 26th for our dedication day, we were afraid j
_ it might be too hot, especially for our Scotch guests; but nobody T
_" dreamed it would be too cold and too wet. It was more like March j
lk than June. The flood gates opened, the rain fell in blinding tor- {
E;. rents, and the creeks and rivers rose rapidly higher and higher.
  To those of us who live in the mountains it was an old story, but
. we had to think of it from the visitors’ angle.
Our distinguished guests arrived at Hazard in the private ;
 L_ car of the vice-president of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad, A E
_ and were met by a reception committee, Mr. Judy chairman, who i
 » gave them a bountiful breakfast and a big welcome. From there A
Q they took a plunge off into nature—Mr. Galsworthy’s nature with Q
* a small "n". . ’
; Some of us rode out from Hyden two-thirds of the way to
 Y meet them. They were strewn along an eighteen mile front—those 4
7 on horseback and muleback coming first in cavalcades of fours
 . and fives and tens. Then the wagons and the buckboard trailed
_  after. The fastest riders made the trip in seven hours-—the slow-
"  est wagons took eleven. Everybody was wet through. Whether
 L riding or driving, they had to plunge into the swollen and angry
{ streams with which most of them were unfamiliar, and ford a
 ` ` river with the water up to the horses’ girths. The crowd, rein-
i forced by a plucky delegation from Hazard, numbered nearly fifty ,
T people, whose good humor and sporting qualities were beyond
 · praise.
l The first wagon we met, after pas·sing all the cavaliers, was
T completely covered with a tarpaulin. We asked the driver if it
 r was the luggage, and he replied laconically, "No, the band." With
 » that the tarpaulin rose and disclosed eight beaming men with wind l
1,  instruments and drum—the Hazard band, composed of miners
 ‘; and other useful citizens.
*5  Sir Leslie will always cherish an expression of his driver
J, when, the buckboard balancing nicely along the edge of a preci-
pice, a tall mountaineer caught hold of the sagging wheel: "If

Charlie Gayhart will keep good hold, she won’t capsize." Mrs. .
Ballard recalls how, when the brake broke, the same driver called _
a group of men to their aid, saying: "Here boys, hold these wheels
and ease her down the hill," which was done and the brake then _
replaced with a chain.
News bulletins kept greeting the company as they rode on.  
"You won’t be able to cross Cutshin, you can’t make the river."  
But everybody got safely in by eight that night, and the dedi— ·’;
cation day dawned fair and lovely over a watery landscape. The  
dedication ceremonies themselves were deeply moving. They began l
with the invocation and fine speech of Dr. Wm. J. Hutchins of
Berea. Our own Judge William Dixon presided with grace and .
charm, and our own Judge L. D. Lewis made a stirring address of .;
welcome. All through the occasion the Hazard band played with i
such spirit and feeling as only, we are convinced, miners who have
been half drowned can play. After Sir Leslie had finished the r
beautiful words of his dedication address and the band struck into L
"Hieland Laddie" and "Annie Laurie," nobody’s eyes were dry.
Other speakers who touched all hearts were Mr. E. S. Jouett, of  
our Executive Board and the Louisville & Nashville Railroad, who  
has so liberally assisted us in getting the sick in and out of the  
mountains; Dr. Arthur McCormack, and Lady MacKenzie. Mr. C. 1
N. Manning presented Lady MacKenzie with a hand-woven quilt _
made by our own peopleat Pine Mountain. She acknowledged it, -  
and spoke for the occasion, with all of her rare ability and charm.
The band, which opened up the ceremonies with "Old Kentucky i
Home," closed them with "Au1d Lang Syne." At the very last the l
Rev. J. W. McKee gave the benediction. 1
None of the hundreds of people present will ever forget that i
morning. We felt that the memories of the two good women in  
whose honor so many people had traveled a long way to come, were A
enshrined as much by those hours of dedication as by the stone l
buildings which commemorate their names. The presence there {
of the mother, husband and children of one, and the representative i
of the other, kept the occasion of our meeting alive in each heart,
and bore witness how surely
"Life is ever lord of death,
And love can never lose her own." ` = J‘
_ There must have been six hundred of us at lunch together,  q
served by our volunteer cooks from the Bluegrass and from the

» rmonrrnn Nunsmc smnvrcm s
, mountains working together. That night we had a gorgeous dis- l
play of fireworks against the panorama of hills and sky.
V We cannot close without a word of very special greeting to
_ the Scotch friends who came over sea and land—so toilsome a
journey——to share this day with us. Such a visit is an embassy
of good will between nations more powerful for peace and under-
Q standing than are all the forces of destruction and darkness for
  evil and wrong. We want to say of Sir Leslie and Lady MacKenzie
1 that they endeared themselves to us, and we felt about them as
I did the poet who wrote of Prince Charlie:
‘ "Better loved ye canna be,
· Will ye no’ come back again ?" —
1 After speaking humorously of his Nursing Service of Kentucky to give
_ trip into the mountains, saying that in verbal form to the dedication of the
.   Scotland such roads would be vener- hospital and nursing system now es-
ated as scenery, and not used for tablished in these mountains, I felt,
i travel, Sir Leslie spoke, in part, as indeed, a glow of supreme satisfaction
‘ follows: that our work in Scotland had found
5 "The Frontier Nursing Service al- an echo in the great spaces and moun-
1 ready know the work of the pioneers tains of an American Commonwealth.
l in preparing the way for this assembly The invitation was a call of the High-
  of inauguration and dedication. It is a lands to the Highlands. It is a symbol ·
A story full of adventure, sacrifice, pas- of kinship in feeling and outlook. It is
sionate enthusiasm and splendid initia— the lightning spark that reveals the es-
i tive. When, some years ago, Mrs. Mary sential unity of our culture. An in-
V Breckinridge came to us in Scotland vitation coming with this warmth and
‘ to see how we had faced a similar delicacy of imagination, I could not
problem in medical service and nurs- refuse and, in the name of the Scottish
ing, we were filled with a new sense Highlands, I accepted it with my
of the significance of tl1e work we had whole heart. VVhen my wife and I,
tried to do in the thinly peopled and more than 35 years ago, dedicated our
.- i difficult areas of Scotland. When, lives to the service of Scotland, we
 xl therefore, I was invited by the Frontier could not foresee that now, when our
 1 *Note: The address in full was published in the Lancet, London, July 21, 1928.

· I
I i
{ _ . work is nearing its end, we should be perhaps another 200; the Out Skerries,  
. glaeeeeed end newly inspired by this with 30 or 40 families, and then the |`
line compliment to our Northern Outer Hebrides, from Lewis to Barra,  
Kingdom. But the privilege and honor with a total population of 44,000, or  
~ you have conferred upon us will make the remote Atlantic rock of St. Kilda.  
1 it easier for us to pass into the twi- No doubt, it is these varieties oi diffl- `I
` light of our lives, remembering the cult administration that have fascin-  
lights and sounds and silences of these ated Mrs. Breckinridge in looking for  
historic creeks and mountain passes a parallel with the difficulties ot the {
and pathways. Kentucky mountains, and there are Y
many parallel conditions in the two i,
AN ADMINISTRATIVE DIFFICULTY countries. But most striking, perhaps, e
Perhaps, hewevels my presence here is the parallel in character and out- I
is eee te e deeper eeuse I Wes born look, the disposition due to the neces- t
in Easter Ross, within sound of the sity Oi facing tha {OTCBB Of Immra I. ,
Nerth See end within sight of the alone, the relative sterility of the hills 'T
meueteme ef Rose eee Invemess and glens, as well as the terocities ot T
From my earliest memories, I have the wind and Water-  
known something of the difficulties of From the map it is Easy tO SBB Why  
His-iiispii iiis, ssa ii-iiss 1 passed iiiip the His¤1¤¤¤¤ ml Ismds are ¤¤ ad- I;
the Netieeel Serviee I eeme te The mlnistrative difficulty. When a. popu- T
heeuh problems ef the Highlands and lation approximately equal to the city I
Ieleede with eeme ueeersteedieg ef population ot Edinburgh is scattered  
iss iiipsi minds siis aspirations ofthe Om ¤¤¤·<~=€-f¤¤r¤¤S 0f S¤¤¤¤¤¤ wd ver- ;
peeplei ef the eiffieumee due te e leue, celled out among the hills, the valleys  
eee lessee, etmeele with poverty end and islands, the mere geographical dis- T
ef the emblems ereeted by eeumriee persal gives rise to innumerable and
ot European invasion, whose story is persistent pr°b1°mS*
lost in legend and mystery. The more g
one studies things as they are today, FUNDAMENTAL UNITY OF THE I
the more one is impressed with the in- SCOTTISH AND KENTUCKY  
iinite complexities of the growthrot PROBLEMS l
peoples. At this hour, the ten million
acres of the Highlands and Islands oi- In one respect, the problem of the *
Scotland have scattered over them a Kentucky mountains is essentially the ' *
population less than the city of Edin- same as the problem of the Scottish 1
burgh. In our Highland area, as de- Highlands and Islands——namely, that
lined by statute in the Highlands and tl1e linancial resources of -the thinly  
Islands Medical Service Act, the peo- peopled areas are rarely, it ever, suf- |
ples number approximately 320,000 iicient to provide the same adequate  
only. But these are scattered in is- services that the larger groups of ‘
lands as far north as the Shetland population enjoy. That was the root I
group, about 120 miles from the main- of our problem in Scotland. It is the i
lan-d of Scotland; the Orkney group, root of the problem in the Common-  
mostly visible from the mainland; the wealth of Kentucky. With us, it is  
Fair Isle, a solitary island of some 200 largely a difficulty of the sea and its `
people lying between the two groups; dangerous sounds, some of them im- . 
the remote island rock of Foula with passable for weeks at a time. With ,

~ l
l . I
l .
  you, it is largely a matter of land and BIOLOGICAL GROUNDWORK OF l
I, river transport, where, however, the MEDWAL AND NURSING
  isolation may be just as great. Wher· SERVICE V
`l . .
lt Qvni. we iintl tha thinly populated ls. But let us look behind the adminis-
lt lands Or mountains, there We nnd din trative machine. Why 1S it necessary
l ficult in roviding sufficient service to take Such immense trouble with the
it W1 Y V D L tl d I th' first stages of life? YVhy should the
I *9** “9 “’9‘* *9 *9**** 9 9 9 young infant require or us so much
  O*`k**°y and S**€t*Z***d *S*a**dS# and the more active help and tender considera-
, Hebrides, and many mountainous areas tion than thn child Of intel. ages? To
l on the mainland, we had it said to {hjg question it is not Easy in tt few
,_ us by many that the Highlanders were words ·to give an adequate answer. `
t fatalists; that, in the last stages of For here we are face to face with the
life, they ]()S[*_ hope {ind yvgyg Cgntgnt fl1IId3HI€Ilt3.1 I)I`Ob1€H1 of social ufB.
tw , tn they nntl thnt’ therefore, medical Oi. The solution of it involves all that the
T nursing service would be of little use. www knows Of b*°*°g*9a* th€°*`Y· 4
l To a Highlander born in the Highlands Ther? must be centered m the new- {
l _ _ _ _ , _ born infant some fundamental fact that f
l this diagnosis of the social condition . . -
4 _ makes it, at that stage, different from ;
.. was only proof of the Lowland failure Every other human being The great .
l *0 ****(*9*St9***d· HOW ***3**Y *1 case I miracle of birth is protected by the Q
I , . . Y · U _ 1
liave heaid of where the term fatal- most nnwnrfnl Of human mOtw€S_thB i
l ism" was only a name for thé DF0\1d love of the mother for her child. It is  
  personal independence that preferred a motive stronger than the fear of l
l death to the asking of favors! When, death. ln all ages of the world, the ·
l in the end, medical and nursing ser- l0V€ of 0- H10'¤h€1‘ for her child has
vice has been provided, and the people ¤¤m¤¤¤¤d¤¤ the “'O*`Sn*I’ of mankind.
feel that it is their own, they come If you thmk f°*` 3* ***0**19}**** you Wm
' .
E forward in greater numbers to utilize ¤¤¤ejt¤¤j_f*l1¤;§1¤¤;¤lg11€sS can pre`
Q and enjoy the services provided for SGITVG IQ lg? _€ FDGSS newborn
, V I I I H _ I _1d_ `Vh child. All our institutions for the wel-
1 thembe W5 am mu- C U len` eu fare of mothers and their children have
the new movement began, even the than, mpmct in the one great fact
2 doctors that went to the remote places that, when the child dies, the race
” I WCFC OUCH d€llCl€Ht lil lffllillng. OY dies, and when the race dies, the great
{ they were the men that had failed else- fight between life and nature is over.
_ where. Today, whenever a medical It is, therefore, our duty to do what
l practice falls vacant anywhere, tens W9 can to gllidil UIC 11l0lLh€l‘ Hlld child
l and twenties, and thirties and forties Safely tlnongn mn many ‘d¤ng€1`S that
  of medical men come forward, and the U**`?at€u then? m the ***°DF1?S Of 6x`
I localities can choose from a highly **99*9**9* and m the few crmcal days
_ _ _ _ or hours of the confinement .....
. trained body of medical practitioners. . . . .
I t _ Growth is most rapid in the earliest
  That 1S our answer to all that was said period Of mnmcy The child during
  to us- by the people that did not under· that pnriody may correctly be Said to
i Stand. KOH are llHVl1lg' the Sallie, SHG- be inning nt ftiii Speed into Old ng€_
.  CGS-S HS W9 hed, Mill f01‘ thé SHIHG Put otherwise, this means that in the
’ reasons. period from conception to the end of
i ._ . . , . ...,w,a-.;,.,i.__#._..,..._.,_, .. , _ V .

~ the second year the child’s organs and $165,000. On nursing services we spend
` faculties become rapidly so fixed, that 513,300 a year, or over $66,000. We
if his nurture through that peri·od is help with telegraphs and telephones. {
not sound he will suffer disproportion- VVe subsidise the tuberculosis scheme. · i
ately for all the rest of his days. Any- . . . We provide a consultant oper- Q
one that has watched the birth and ating surgeon for the Shetland group
nurture of young animals can tell you of Islands, at a salary of about £900 a
that, if the infant animal does not get year, plus special earnings. In the
a good and correct start he never de- Island of Lewis we similarly maintain
velops to the full stature or power of an operating surgeon. In that island  
an adult. It is the same with human we have contributed £12,000 ($60,000) {
beings ..... to the extension of an admirable cot-
tage hospital, which was opened a few ·
HOW SCOTLAND HAS FACED THE weeks ago by the Under Secretary of
PROBLEM OF THE HIGH LAN DS State for Scotland. This serves a com-
AND ISLANDS munity of over 30,000 people. In both  
it is not pessibie te give details eg Lewis and Shetland these hospitals are
tiii eiii- sChOmgs_ But the essence ei maintained by voluntary subscriptions. _
thg case is this; Years 3,gO wg kngw A similar SCIIGIIIB is afoot for HIC
from experience that public health OYKHGY g1‘011D of islands. It is certain )
prebieme eeiiid Het be Suificieiitiy pm- that in the next few years -the scheme _,
vided for in the Highlands and Islands TOF DF0VidiHg 0D€1‘Hti¤g Sllfgsous will  
without national assistance ..... bé 0?<€€¤d€d- The YOUHS 111611 Z1DDOi¤£-  
Since the war our projected develop- Bd M6 0¤1`€f¤UY Séléctéd f1’0m U19  
ments are pyggrgssjvgly a_ppgg_I·jng_ In gI`€2Li', l'l]BdiCBi SCi100iS. They IIIUSI. have  
the year 1927, for example, we spent 21 Wide basis of surgical experience. It  
g70,000_thet iS_ tibeiit $350,000-iii the is gratifying to record that in the two ii
various medical services and nursing TDSWUCQS UD to (THU? U16 DBODIG have  
services. The primary objective of the C0m€ f01`W&1`d iii 3 m¤·FV€l011S WHY. il
system is so to adjust the service that Ths 0D€1`3ti0¤S D€Tf0i`f¤9d Fl-111 iI1i0  
the doctor shan be table to attend a h¤¤dr<=dS· The medical men of the ii
patient g5_ ei- 30, Oi- 40 miiee distant, locality work cordially with the con-  
or across a difficult sound or loch on Sultaut $ui`g€0¤- IH all th0$€ iSli1¤d  
the same terms as he would attend the groups. M50, th€I`€ is 3- COUHKY medical ‘ tl
pggplg iii his immediate iieighb0i·iieOd_ officer of health, who sees to the medi-  
WE ATMED AT ELTMTNATTNG FROM cal examination and treatment of the '
THE CHARGES THE FACTOR OF school-children and the pre—school— i
D[STAN(jE_ Te tie this we had to children. The consultant surgeon thus i
subgidjgg mgnyr tioetei-S {ei- their toss becomes an integral part of the general  
ei; fees iii other ai-eas, siiigie pi-ec. medical and preventive service of the {
tice areas, we make up to the doctor C0mmlmiYY· {
a sufficient salary. In very poor areas It is needless to say that all these
we guarantee to the doctor a minimum medical services are supplemented by
salary that will attract good men and trained nurses. In fact, it is worth i
enable them to educate their families noting that in the Highlands and Is- L
and to maintain their own professional lands Medical Service Act, under U
education. In these types of service which Parliament voted the original I
we spend £43,000 a year—that is, about grant, the term "medical service"

specifically includes nursing service. of mother and child is the problem be-
f So far as I know, this is the first time fore the Frontier Nursing Service.- It
` t in a British Statute that nursing ser- needs only to be put into words to com-
‘ vice has been included as a specific mand the interest and sympathy of
( part of medical service. Doctors’ every humanist. .
houses and nurses' houses can be pro- This hospital is the radiating centre
I vided under the scheme- and many of the nursing service in these moun-
{ such houses have been provided. Our tains. The maxim of the trained nurse
. aim is, where necessary, to provide at ls: "Y·0u need me? I am ready." The -
I the nurses' house accommodation for hospital is a temple of service where
one or more sick cases when the dis- the lamp never goes out. There will ,
` tance between her and her work is too always be a waking ear listening for
great. the distant cry of a mother in distress.
The Highlands and Islands medical There will always be an officer ready
7 service system began to operate ef- to go forth in the spirit of help and
fectively in 1914. Since that date to loving kindness. Here, in this temple
- the end of 1927, we have spent nearly of humanism, every h-our is filled with
£660,000 (that is something over a clear ideal. The mothers and the
I $3,000,000). Of this total, nearly fathers know that here they have
  5:500,000 (say: $2,500,000) has been friends that they can come to and
  spent on medical service alone. Nurs- speak to, and live with. Through these
  . ing associations have been subsidised mountains and forests, the Frontier
  to the extent or £95,000 (say, $475,000). Nursing Service will become a gracious
  The full details of all the scheme are presence transfiguring the individual
gi in a form that can be easily studied lives. It makes an appeal that no one
  by any person concerned with similar in the end can resist. The service
ZA problems. This is what the small draws its life from an unfailing foun-
  Northern Kingdom is doing for a hand- tain of human sympathy and love.
L ful of 320,000 people. That is what inspires the skilled and
  brave nurses to face the day’s duty
I} 'I'I*IE ERONTIER NURSING SERVICE without misgivmg; to resi that the
  I have been speaking of Scotland, least of duties is a great and holy _
g but I have been thinking of Kentucky. thing and to live for all their working
i \Vith you, as witl1 us, the mother and days in the atmosphere of creative
{ child demand intensive care. With friendship. Here, in their hours with
f you, as with us, there is the ever·re— one another and their tales of adven-
Q curring tragedy of hardship and death. ture, they will keep warm the fires of
1 Think what it means when a family woman’s social genius. They will al-
l loses the mother. The infant is robbed ways feel that, here on the frontier
i of its nurse; the other children are outposts, they are living out the true
· robbed of their first friend and teacher; purpose of the Commonwealth—to
i the husband is robbed of his compan— prepare a worthy and dignified place
J ion and confidant. The death of the for every child born to it." `
h mother means the maximum of un- Here Sir Leslie spoke with feeling
_ happiness tothe family she leaves. It of the two women in whose memory
is in this light that we must study the the hospital has been given, and read
facts and in -this light the facts are the inscriptions from the bronze tab-
, like no others. To preserve the life lets embedded in the stone—that on

i C
I the right section of the building- ACT OF DEDICATION »
"To the Glory of God "ln all reverence, I dedicate this ‘
i And in Loving Momoiy of hospital to the service of this rmoun- gi
i Mary Ballard Morton tain people. The act of dedication
· will have consequences beyond all *
Emcted by her mother imagination. It will evoke responses  
SUDSNUG Hands Ballmd" along the many hundred miles of these i=
_ mountain frontiers and among the i
‘ that On the central Section millions of their people. The beacon ,
"A perpetual monument in stone to lighted here today will find an answer-  
1`[zuvy Pa1·k€r Gill ing 11211119 Wh€1‘€V€1‘ hlllllilll h€Zl.1‘i’,S RPG `·
Wiiorri Christian Charity touched with the same divine pity. Y
_ _ _ _ Far in the future, men and women, .
Made, this bmldmg posslblen generation after generation, will arise t 
Sir Leslie concluded his address to bless the name of the Frontier ` '
with the Nursing Service"  i
For the benefit of the American reader, we would like to emphasize three  
items in connection with Sir Leslie’s Scotch Highlands and Islands data with  it
which he may not be familiar.  ii
Item 1-The Highlands and Islands grant for medical and nursing services  
—something over three million dollars since 1914 for 320,000 people ln ‘, 
Northern Scotland—is not a Scotch grant but a British Crown grant, which  
supplements the voluntary efforts in Scotland. The taxes of Manchester and  
Liverpool, as well as those of Edinburgh and Glasgow, go to make up this  I
grant. An American analogy is found when gifts of ·the large cities all over  
the United States go to provide such a service as ours for the frontiers. j· 
Item 2-We beg our American readers to note the provisions under which i
d-octors, including surgeons, are provided for the remotest and most sparsely jx 
settled areas of the Scotch Highlands. In Great Britain the Highlanders are  
not penalized for their geographic remoteness from the big centers of civiliza- ii 
tion, as with us. Be it remembered that our Frontier Nursing Service is only  
touching the midwifery and nursing features of the mountain areas into which  
- it is penetrating. The American people must wake up, sooner or later, to the -_
medical and surgical needs of such sections, in cooperation with nursing and .. 
midwifery.   `
Item 3-111 Great Britain the district nurse in rural areas is a certified  
midwife. This is the principle first studied, and later developed, by the z `
Frontier Nursing Service.  

j The nurses in charge of this development, Miss Peacock and
li Miss Willeford, are living in a delectable two-room cabin, which
  they white-washed and screened. They have put yellow cur-
1 tains at the windows, and as the cool days come the old stone
  chimneys blaze with cheerful fires. Meanwhile the new center
{ on the lovely site—gift of the Fordson Company—overlooking
  Red Bird River, is going rapidly forward. Nothing could be
{ more picturesque than the setting, unless it is the house itself
l = of beech and poplar and chestnut logs, and the great oak barn
_ with its green roof.
 l The Fordson engineers, who have a camp in the neighbor-
Q hood, and especially their chief, Mr. S. E. Puckette, have shown
I us a thousand kindnesses in getting up the new buildings, and
 ¤ we have the backing of a strong group of citizens with Mr.
  Cicero Feltner as chairman.
 1 It isn’t possible to imagine a more responsive neighborhood
 5 than this one. In their first six weeks the nurses had two
  deliveries and had registered nine m0re—seven for October.
  . They had given over 1300 inoculaitons against typhoid and
 ji diphtheria, and were booked at the rate of two schools a week
  for three weeks ahead, with a guaranteed attendance at each of
  not less than forty children and adults, and an assured attend- -
 1 ance in the larger schools of many more. They had sent several
  cases eighteen miles over to the nearest doctors at Manchester
 , and a child down to Louisville, and had enrolled and were fol-
f.  lowing a number of babies. When the fathers learned that the
1 midwifery cases had to be registered in advance, they began
[  dropping in on sundays at 5 A. M. to book their wives. Miss
 Q Peacock reports only one Sunday morning’s sleep in August!
_~  She wrote: ,
  "One old man whom we never knew or heard of, walked
._ four miles to pay his dollar in case his family should
 ly, ever need the nurses, and to show us how much he ap-
  preciated having them in the district. Wasn’t that the
_ most adorable thing you ever heard of ?"

Enos and Eva rode sixteen miles on muleback with their
father and fifteen-year-old sister, to come to our nearest center,
when they were only two weeks old. Their mother had just died
and the father asked if we would teach the little sister how "to
raise them." We knew the task would be too much for her
during the first year and it has almost been too much for us.
Several times Enos has nearly slipped through our fingers, but
we got medical care for him and more than once we specialed
him. His father drove a fine cow the sixteen miles for