xt76t14tmh8r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76t14tmh8r/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 201005 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, May 2010 text GLSO News, May 2010 2010 2019 true xt76t14tmh8r section xt76t14tmh8r g, The MAY 2010 -
ii i »- w. _
_ GLSO News 1. I ,
V p , K6) u 1'
A Publication of the Lexington Gay Services Organization Volume 32 Number5
SISTERSOUND CONCERT f _ 7;, f‘ _‘: 7, 7
SisterSound will be presenting The Imperial Court of Kentucky
“Puttin’ on the Ritz, Part II” on Satur— invites you to the finals of the Enter-
day, May 22’ at 7 pm at Providence tainer of the Year Competition. On
Christian Church, 101 Providence May 5 the winners and first runners up
Way, Nicholasville. (directions below) from The Diva of Darkness, Miss Mary
The evening promises to be a fun one Christmas, Miss Gay Valentine and
With [0‘5 0f familiar songs and some Miss Derby pageants will compete for
new ones as well. Music Will include the title of Entertainer of the Year and
From a Distance, Little Shop 0f Hor- will receive a Command Performance at
rors, Can't Help Falling in Love, Razzle Coronation 29. It will be held on
Dazzle, and Big City Beat. Wednesday, May 5. Watch for more
Admission is $10 and tickets can details.
be obtained from any SisterSound Imperial Court is gearing up for
member 01' at the door. Voluntary do- Coronation 29. Lexington has been
nations of non-perishable food items chosen as the host city for the 45th An—
for God’s Pantrywill also be accepted. niversary of the International Court
To find the church, drive out System. Three Nations will come to-
Nicholasville road to Brannon Crossing gether under one roof as we celebrate
Shopping Center. Turn into the shop— 45 years of fundraising. Keynote
ping center and continue a little past Speaker will be Stewart Milk, Founder
the movie theaters. The church is on of the International Court System, Em-
the right across from Clark Legacy Cen— press 1 Jose', The Widow Norton,
ter. Parking is available at the church Queen Mother of the Americas Nicole
or in the Central Baptist Clinic Parking the Great and Co—Founder of the
Mathew Shepard Foundation Judy
Moveable Feast Belmont Bar-B-Que Shepard,
Belmont BBQ for Moveable Feast More information about Corona-
. . . tion weekend can be found on page 8.
Moveable Feast is haVing their 4th
Annual Belmont BBQ on Saturday June
5th. It has quickly become the most p Sponsor of the Month
fun You can have with Your clothes on. “A
Every year it keeps getting bigger and ,- 1" . f ‘
bigger; it is the place to be on the 1st fr. _ ,7 ; [if
Saturday in June. j'j'y ‘ i ’ ' i " ‘U’
This year there is more entertain- j r. , ,7 p , ,
ment than in past years. There will be ‘ " *
Club Dub and Payback (you’ll love Lj '-
‘em) playing music for you. Other en- 11:1. .;;"»'Qr=’( if:
tertainment includes: , MW T" 1 H
Continued page3

SisterSound presents
' 9 l ’
u m n
o l \ h
the Quiz 1 h
a ', a
Dart II oi the 2010 ( i \X‘
Concert Season {W ' ‘
J. l\ ‘5 If
§ \ in ~
Saturdim May 22
providence Christian Church
in Brannon Crossing
(on Brannon Crossina Drive) .'
Iickets: slidinu scale ‘
startine at $10.00 -
ww.sistersounri.om , " _
Page 2

 . ’4‘
$5251: I ‘ ‘ ‘1'
(Ls/e“; W , ml
2. w /
Moveable Feast Belmont Party . . .
...continued from page 1 PHSS/flg- FaSh/0”/flg play
Ladies from the Imperial Court of the Mpglzgn‘séncl‘;
Bluegrass, a fire dancer, the Squash Beetle Iay d ay at pm
Dancers, a Tarot reader and more. In $20 in a vance, $25 at the door
addition, there is entertainment for the View the artistry, theatre and mys—
kids. tery of the most elaborate drag per—
The food is free with admission and formance in recent state history. As
there will be a cash bar credit cards ac— part of the exhibition, Passing: Fash-
cepted. And oh yeah there will be a horse ioning Drag, Lexington Art League
race to watch on the big screen TV. welcomes you to Buster’s Billiards 8K
The event starts 4 pm at Conoid Backroom for a two-night event. Both
Farm, 2492 N. Cleveland Rd. Drive out shows will feature celebrated designer
Winchester Rd. to N. Cleveland and turn Patryq Howell’s couture creations on
right (NOT left like your going to Windy regional and national marquee drag
Knoll). Conoid is the first big three story queens.
anti-bellum mansion on the left. You Sponsored by Doctor Nick Kouns,
can’t miss it. The balloons at the gate will in partnership with the Imperial Court
give it away, not to mention the huge tent of KentuCky and Lexington Fairness.
in the yard. For tickets call 252.2867 or Supported by Buster’s Billiards SC
253.3233, the prices in advance are $25 Backroom and Mia’s. Busters, 899
for singles or $45 per couple and $35 flat Manchester St.. More info online at
at the gate. www.1exingtonartleague.org.
You can’t beat a da in the count at , ,
a beautiful estate with ions of entertriin- Alternate selves EXh‘blt
ment. Come out and enjoy and help Move— April 23 - June 26
able Feast pay for their own home.
Alternate Selves explores the trans—
. . _ formative power of costume and inves-
Mlss Prlde 0‘ Lenngton tigates issues of personal identity
. _ _ ' through disguises, adornment, gar-
_Th? Lexrngton Pride Festival W1“ be ments, and masks. Themes of culture,
havmg its first annual MISS Pride of Lex— gender, memory and history emerge as
ington Pageant on Thursday June 17’ at compelling avenues for reflection pro-
Pulse Nightlife. The entry fee is $40. vidlng us a view of what can be seen
{\nyone w15lung to partlcrpate.can get an when intentionally hidden.
1nformation packet/application from
Orvis at jamorl@insightbb.com, Dennis London House 209 Castlewood
at dennis@glso.org, or Jessica at jes— Gallery Hours:
sica@glso.org. The winner will receive a T1185 — Fri, 10 am - 4 pm
crown, cash prize, and more! All pro- Sat &Sun 1 -4pm
ceeds benefit the Lexington Pride Festival. Longer articles on page 8 and 10
. _______________———
Page 3

 PF LAG Bluegrass Women’s Network

PFLAG Lexington continues to meet The Bluegrass Women's Network

the lst 86 3rd Sunday of each month. is a social group for women who iden—

May 2nd's meeting will be at the Center tify as lesbian. Membership is free and

from 1—3p. May 16th's meeting will be there are no obligations. We use

at Rochdale Room at Good FOOdS M31“ a Yahoo group website to announce

ket & Cafe. and coordinate our events; it's not a

If you have questions 01‘ need more chat group. If you don't have access to

information, please ViSit a computer, that's ok, we also have a

pflaglex@blogspot.com or feel free to phone list.

contact Sandy at pflaglex@gmail.com or Members plan a variety of activi—

859.388.4393. All forms of correspon— ties such as Potluck dinners, Plays,

dence is entirely confidential. movies, parties, card games and what—

' ever else we manage to dream

LGBT Bereavement Cal-e Study up! Members choose those activities

_ . that are appealing to them. Our goal is

Social Work graduate student is sfek' to enrich our lives with great friend—

illsgpamc‘l’anfclg; a class resfearch prolelclt. ships and memories of good times

ar erson 0 an w o

hazol'bst :agarmer ti: death yoii fiy be spent }ogether.

. . _ _ ’ o announce events and share
eligible ‘0 partiupate m a student research information, the Bluegrass Women's
study exploring the. barriers to mental Network has a private/hidden Yahoo
health care and spiritual resources for group website. It can only be accessed
hGBT persons. Part1c1pants w1l1.be mter— by group members. Interested in join—
v1ewed privately-by thfi student mvestlga— ing go to http://groups.yahoo.com/
tor. All information W111 remain confiden: groupIthebluegrasswomensnetwork/
“31‘ Those "“616th please email L0“ and apply to join. Facilitators are
O’Connor, Laocon0@uky.edu Debby Hemstock and Lynn Matlock.

Research Study 7741,3ka

Alicia Fedewa, a UK faculty member in TransKentucky is a support, social,
the School of Psychology. Is conducting and resource group serving Lexington and
research on children being raised by one or Kentucky. The group provides a safe place
more LGBT parent. She is focusing on for transgender individuals and people
teens ages 14 through 18- She Will be inter- who feel they do not fit into the standard
VieWiflg them at the Pride Center at various gender norms to express their true selves.
times convenient to the participants. While the group is not therapeutic in

Parents can talk to Alicia before giving nature, we can provide information, advise
their consent; a consent form will be pro— and share resources from our unique ex—
Vided- Teens Will fill out a questionnaire periences. Family and friends are encour—
thatwill take about an hour. The teens will aged to attend meetings to gain under-
be given a gift card to Best Buy as a thank standing and be supportive of their loved
you for participating. There will be infor- ones.
mation provided concerning follow “P TransKentucky meets the first Saturday
counseling if any 0f the participants would each month at 7:30pm, doors open at
like totalktoacounselor. 7pm. Meetings are free. You may dress

Alicia am be “11de at email however you feel comfortable. For more
Aliciafedewa@uky-edu or 850-257-9338 information call 859.253.3233.

Page 4 .

 Real Estate Service With
Scott Ackerman

Whether you are buying your first home or planning a
move up, the help of a trained, experienced professional
can make all the difference. I can help make the buying/
selling process a fun and enjoyable experience.
Give me a call — Scott Ackerman

Mobile: 859 338—8483
Fax: 859 269—0065
E—mail: Ackermanteam@aol.com
Q Serving Lexington & All of Central Kentucky E
Call me with all your Real Estate Needs
Page 5

 P ride C en te
389 W H A S l00 Hours |0am to 3pm M, Tue, Thur, & Fri.
a er ve., ”3- Phone 359-253-3233
Youn Adult Grou
GAYand 5' P
Lesb. S . First and Third Sundays at 5 pm
Ian . ertnces Pride Center, 389 Waller Ave.
Organization Tyler: trumpetbnddork@gmail.com
'"°°'P°rated as DIICUIHON GROUP
The Gay Services Organization Every Wednesday at 7pm
P.O. BOX 1172 Lex., KY 40588 Pride Center 389 Waller, Ste. 100
All Are Welcome
www.GLSO.or .
g Lex. Lyons Lev1 & Leather Club
GLSO New Monday, May 3, at 7 pm at
Volume 32 No. 5 8 $Lpriie Cerslter,100
News Editors and Staff 3 9 er ve" te' '
Jackie Cobern, Editor Insight Group
Mary Crone, Ginger Moore-Minder, _
Dennis Wheatley Sarah Phi/lips, Friday, May 7— Potluck
David Spencer Friday, May 21 — Games Night
Ad _ _ t t' A _ t t Pride Center 7pm.
ml Dillrzggwdlzils an Josh at beautifillsouls78@aol.com
859-253-3233 PF] AG
GLSO BOARD Sunday, May 2, 1—3
Dennis Wheatley, President Pride Center
Thomas Collins Vice Pres. Sunday, May 16’ 1 ‘ 3
Jane Minder, Secretary Rochdale Room at Good Foods Café.
Ginger Moore-Minder, Treas.
Mary Crone, GSA Newsletter
Jack'e 9°bemi Ed'm' Submission, Inquiries, & Comments
Dav"! Spencer To be sure we get your articles and ads on time,
Jess'ca SUClk please them send to one of these addresses.
Next meeting Sunday, May 9, o articles@glso.org
1pm at the GLSO Pride Center
339 Waller Ave., Suite 100 ' ?d5@g‘s°'°'g
Lexington, KY 40504 - mfo@glso.org
o jackie@glso.org
Page 6

 Q Coronation 29 ,, " '~
3 Events {I "
H 000 Trizfay, yum; 4 so . , g/ g
: In—‘IbumSfiouy * f . _
Q.) ”'Satszay, junta)" 'p' ‘. - i ‘ X \\
45“"iflnniversary g a i as 1‘
g joseflonorsilwarr’ ; .1. i ‘ f E _ 5,
Out—ofToumSg» . ' 3 . '»
“'Sumf J 6°" jéifif '
ay, , tzzifi.» . -‘
Q Coronation29t’" rtain Up!{?§o~" QM. .$3; '1 8
. _. . - or K. It
Spotfignt ontéeImpmaIStage “33”“ 2%: ,
bl: .71 @Mfieflflair “ :25 'g.’
“'Momfay, June 7 '” .3325 M
Q ‘ontory $nmcfi & $
0 .
.3 , r
:3 Curtain Up.
R Spotngnt on Ma
S ImpendStage!

 Lexin on Art Lea e Partners with ' l
Lexigntgton Fairngsls Alliance and lmpenal CCU rt June Events
the Imperial Court of Kentucky
The Imperial Court of KY is proud
The Lexington Art League is to host the 45th Anniversary Gala and
pleased to announce the selection of 2010 Jose Honors Awards during Coro—
Lexington Fairness and the Imperial nation 29, the first weekend in June.
Court of Kentucky as partners for its Nicole the Great, Queen Mother of
upcoming exhibition cycle Passing: the Americas and the International
Fashioning Drag and Alternate Court Council, invite you to an Impe—
Selves. As partners, these organizations rial State Dinner Celebrating the 45th
will work with LAL to illuminate the Anniversary of the International Courts
long—standing culture of drag and ex- System Canada, Mexico and the United
plore how issues of identity are man— States. The Keynote Speaker will be
aged as a society and individually. Stuart Milk. One highlight of the eve-
Drawing on the rich history of ning will be the Presentation of the
drag in Central Kentucky, Passing: 11th Annual Jose Honors.
Fashioning Drag includes a gallery ex- Join us on Saturday, June 5 at the
hibition and two nights of drag per— Lexington Downtown Hilton Hotel,
formances. The exhibition highlights formal attire or uniform is required for
the art of drag costuming through pho— this history making event. Emperor 8
tographs by Kremena Todorova and Terry Straub and Imperial Crown
Kurt Gohde and gowns made by Lex— Prince 8 and 9 Dale Lee Hodge will be
ington designer Patryq Howell recognized at this event as one of the 10
“These exhibits, which deal with Royal Couples being recognized
identity and the transformative power throughout the International Court
of costumes, create an opportunity for System. It is an honor to have this local
LAL to establish non—traditional part- couple recognized for their 21 years
nerships,” said LAL Development Di— together at this gala event. Visit our
rector Stephanie Pevec. website for additional informational
“LAL’s upcoming exhibitions cele- and to purchase tickets.
brate the richness 0f 0',“ culture and Additional Weekend events include:
honor the creative contributions of our
community’s gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and Friday June 4’
trans—gendered members,” said Jona- In Town Show and Awards
than Barker, a Lexington Fairness vol- Saturday, June 5
unteer and owner of QX.net, which has Out of Town Show at The Loft
been a long—time supporter of LAL’s Sunday, June6
Nude exhibit. “We are delighted to be Coronation 29 _ Curtain UP!
a part of this exhibit and to be working Monday June 7th
with I;AL on this innovative program— Victory Brunch
min .
l‘licole Diamond, Empress of the .An in-town passport priced ticket is
Imperial Court of Kentucky and a well— available for all events from any board
known Lexington performer, added, member, Empress Nicole, or.Emperor
“As a member of the dr comm . I Wes. You Will not want to miss any of
ag unity, .
am excited that LAL is presenting the these events. More details about Coro-
artful aspects of the work we do to nation Will be available in May.
mainstream culture.”
Page 8

 it ‘*
” Mtge International Court System's
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 Celebrating the Fashion of Drag rounding the gay community in Ken-
On May 7 and 8, you have the op- tucky.”
portunity to experience Passing: Fash- The purpose of this exhibit and
ioning Drag. This event, organized by event is to help the community under—
the Lexington Art League (LAL), dis- stand the concept of “passing” and
plays the couture fashion and craft of showcasing the transformative power of
drag costuming. You can enjoy a night costumes, while exploring how issues of
filled with the excitement and entertain- identity are managed as a society. Cou-
ment from some of the best drag Per- pied with art located at LAL’S London '
formers around at Buster’s Billiards and House, Passing and another CXhihit,
Backroom at 10 p.m. Alternate Selves, look at ways society
Drag performers have a long his— examines and understands the portrayal
tory in Kentucky. We are blessed to of identity. In addition to the events at
have one of the most influential and Buster’s and the ongoing Alternate
effective Imperial Court charter mem— Selves exhibit at London House, LAL
bers right here in Kentucky. The Impe— has compiled a large amount of contex—
rial Court of Kentucky provides out— tual programming, including ARTalks,
reach to the homophile community of Fifth Third Fourth Fridays, a film
Kentucky, organizing numerous events screening and other events.
and fundraisers throughout the area. Now is your chance to explore cos—
The organization contributes all pro— tuming, expressions of individuality
ceeds to other LGBT-oriented organiza— and the art and craft involved in drag
tions. 80, it is no surprise that LAL has performances. By attending the shows
chosen both Lexington Fairness and at Buster’s on May 7 and 8: you also
Imperial Court of Kentucky to be part— help provide assistance to Lexington
nets in the Passing: Fashioning Drag Fairness and Imperial Court of Ken—
events. tucky. LAL has pledged to donate 30%
Lexington is also blessed to have an of ticket sales to these shows to both
extraordinary costume designer, Patryq LGBT organizations. We hope you can
Howell. Howell creates one—of—a—kind help support the community by attend—
designs to drag performers across the ing the shows and the remaining exhibit
country, including showcase fashion events.
events. His outrageous and creative For more information on Passing:
designs enable many performers to ex— Fashioning Drag and Alternate Selves,
press their individuality and entertain visit www.1exingtonartleague.org.
their fans. There is also information at:
The Passing exhibition began in www.1exfair.org and
2008 when the Kentucky Oral History
Commission funded twenty oral history WWW-imperialcourtkentucky.org.
interviews intended to record stories
from and document the lives of Lexing-
ton’s drag queens and kings. Artists
Kremena Todorova and Kurt Gohde NQWSlcflel' Dzadline
took photographs soon afterwards to
accompany the oral histories. Since For June Pride Edition
that time, the artists have made Passing
“an ongoing tribute to Lexington’s
queens and kings that also aims to re— saturday’ may 15
move some of the social barriers sur-
Page 10

 Pawley’s Island South Carolina
., Tickets $10
5 .. _ , 5,? 5 1 No more than 250
‘,. »- . Ill; , "" . will be sold
., ,
.. \quan ages“!
\ s '> t ‘ I . '"l,
H ”Jaye? égéfiwgfi _ Available at the
5.5 1.2;:5}..£54j_~5_ .. g , Pride Center
:1 eri'; A,“ A Ti“) “@322.”er 389 Waller Ave.
top floor porch, ,m “ii i
overlookin the Atlantic Ocean “We"?— i '
g «LU—L— l
“The house and scenery were perfect 35 5, i i?
and projected harmony and calm to . 4‘ g _ . _ ‘ 4
each of us. It was the perfect vaca- '5 .5 :5 ‘_ . 7 ‘ 5
tion. Thank you GLSO for this special 5.! , 5‘5; “in? m; 5 , g ‘5 }
gift.” Betty (last year’s winner) {iii Tilllll g sift-315 .. j
. second floor of the Osprey, right on the ocean
. 4 bedrooms accommodate up to 12 people
- views of the water from every room
. flat screen TV, ping pong table, kitchenette
. salt water creek with private dock.
Check in 4:30 Sat., Oct 2. Check out 10 pm Sat., Oct. 9.

I" I I i h I . ’ Min-"‘4; i i a???" .5 i .
“vim“- A .i: 1"”.53ra Ruth-l . - i.
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“hanger,“ 595555! , 5'19;- 5! "

~ t l. .5: ' ,6 5, 5 or .
‘ ’ P .l' vi 4’7 :1: 1 a? 2'; . _. .5
Page 11

 $ [,1 Wfirflmfli Teas:
Jun: 51:11, emu (fia‘ib
mum»! - "
Cnnmd Farm 21“,. 1M
3491H.C1:nlandfifl. £15,.er
M ll ifrs: ' ’
L“: ,e . _ ._ -_ WE
[bflngluurmdulrurbluhfl , :w '
Audnwhnkhtmonfll ‘ fir-'5.
*2: A?!
I C:‘:E¥1.~T.
$35 .11: the door 1'11.
$45 per: maple ? y ‘1:—
252-255? I ; a: ‘_ I
I I .
“r w w ‘ er
253.3233 ,

 LGBT Rights
Legal Progress ' 3 .LZZZ:.’:".‘.T‘;.’.‘:".?J:21”°
mary crane "m" ”'"m I'm «3:3:-
We sometimes get discouraged in
our work for full civil rights and justice {figgggmcogmbs
for LGBTQ people. It is important to ' ’ ’
aCkHOWledge the POST685 we are mak‘ Cell/Text1859-489-l150 (EB/Mix
ing. Here are some current legal cases. Oi‘fiee1859-422-2000 ‘
_ _ Email: teresacombs@remax.net K
The University of the Cumberland Web: www.teresacombsrealtor.com Creative Realty
On April 22, The Kentucky Su— —m""" m ‘5
preme Court struck down the KY legis— "
lature's 2006 attempt to give $11 Mil— . . .
lion in state funds to the University of Prop 081t10n Eight
the Cumberlands to build a pharmacy Two well know lawyers, Theodore
school. They based their decision on B. Olson and David Boies, who repre-
the fact that the Kentucky Constitu— sented opposing sides in the 2000 Bush
tion prohibits state money from going v. Gore election challenge, filed a law—
to a "church, sectarian or denomina— suit in federal court last year. Their
tional school.” case argues that California's voter-
Jason Johnson was expelled from enacted ban on same—sex marriage,
this University in 2006 because he dis- known as Proposition 8, violates the
closed he was gay on Facebook. This U.S. Constitution's guarantee of equal
initiated a legal challenge from the protection and due process.
Kentucky Fairness Coalition. Since An estimated 18,000 gay couples
Cumberlands justified Jason’s expul— married in the months preceding the
sion on the fact that they are a Chris- passage of Proposition 8, which
tian school that does not accept out changed the California constitution to _
GLBTQ students, the court was clearly say marriage can only be between a man
right to say that they can not receive and a woman. Those marriages are still
public funds. legal but no other couples can legally
Jackson County, KY marry in California. ' .
. . Olson hopes the suit Will go
Another Kentucky legal case is in . .
. . . through the California court system and
the news. Chyenne Williams, a high ,
end up being heard before the U.S. Su—
school student, was assaulted by three .
. . preme Court. A favorable rulmg there
girls from her high school. As we go to .
. . . would allow gays and lesbians to get
print, the police in Jackson Co. have . . .
married in every state, just as the Su- 7
arrested the three perpetrators and are , . . . <
. . . . preme Court 5 1967 ruling in Lovmg vs.
investigating. They may not COIlSldel’ . . . . ,
this a hate crime but the judge that hears .Virginia. case outlawed prohibitions on
. . . interraCial marriage.
the ev1dence and designate it as such. . . a
. . There are national GLBT organiza— '
Williams turned on her cell phone , , . ,
. . . tions and activrsts that think that the
Video during the assault and her family , _ .
. . . time is not aright to go to the federal
believes that this recording should ,, ,
. level. Olson. Says: Both Dav1d and I
prove that she was targeted for being h d' (:1 th f
gay. It is unclear how the perpetrators ave stu w e court or more years
will be charged. Watch for more infor— than probably either one Of us would
. like to admit. We think we know what
mation. . ..
we are domg.
Page 14

 Boies agreed: "Reasonable minds ship can not demand public subsidies
can differ, but when you have peeple including free meeting space.
being denied CiVil rights tOdaY, I think In their statement to the court they
it iS impossible as lawyers and as an said: "If the Boy Scouts want to con-
American to say_ 'No,.you have to wait, tinue to maintain their discriminatory
flow is not the right tll'i’ie-V I think if we Policies they're free to do so, but with-
had done that in prior civil rights bat- out government benefit. Or they can
tles, EV: :ouGld'flilim be where 7.6 3-" revise their policies and continue to en-
e a ri n, a gay po iti con— joy free rent."
sultant and former aide to President _ , ,
Bill Clinton, said he approached Olson Christian Legal SOCICty
-, about taking on the case last year when Another current case, this one be—
the California court rejected several fore the Supreme Court, involves the
challenges and upheld the state's gay Christian Legal Society, a national asso-
marriage ban. "For even one couple to ciation of lawyers and law students and
live through even one more day in the University of California Hastings
state-sanctioned second—class citizen- College of Law. The Society welcomes
ship is too long," Griffin said. all law students, but requires its voting
Watch for this case as it moves members and officers to sign and adhere
through the legal system in California to a statement of faith, which includes
and then hopefully on to the Supreme abstaining from acts of sinful nature,
Court. Keep up to date by checking such as adultery and homosexual con—
one of many web sites such as: duct.
www.marriageequality.org The University has refused to give
www.1'epeal-prop-8. org official recognition to the .C-hristian'Le—
gal Soc1ety. That recognition entitles
Boy SCIIHIts h f 1111 d I In stujlent grfoulps tohsorlne fschlool func‘liing
Int epast,t ecityo P 'a ep '3 an use 0 t esc 00's ac'ities an e—
. provided a Boy Scouts of America(BSA) mail notification system. The law school
chapter, the Cradle of Liberty Council, refused to give official recognition be—
free rent in the city's historic district. cause Christian Legal Society's bylaws
However, after the chapter adopted the did not comply with the religion and
membership policies of the national sexual orientation provisions of the
BSA group, the city told the Cradle of school's non—discrimination policy.
Liberty Council that they must revise their The student chapter contends that
policy, pay rent for the space or vamte. the school violated its First Amendment
The BSA policy bars membership rights of association, free speech and
to atheists, agnostics, and gays and les— free exercise of religion when it refused
a bians. This was judged by the city to be to give student group formal recogni-
discriminatory. The Cradle of Liberty tion.
Coppcil sued, arguing that thf' city re— I believe that in the first half of this
i, (”hung the chapter to Sh“? “5 POhCY century, GLBTQ people will achieve
was a yilclilatitin of the: First Amend— equal legal rights and be accepted by
merit "g t to reespeec ' most people in our country. These legal
.The Humanist .Legal Cfnfe” the cases are part of the picture, but so is
Unitarian Universalist Assoc1ation and our willingness to be increasingly visi-
other. nonprofits-filed an ainicus bhef ble. Each of us contributes to our pro—
lh this casearguing that any organiza— gress every time we identify ourselves as
tion that discriminates in its member- LGBTQ. Keep up the good work!
Page 15

 , _ Maybe you sit on a board of directors for g
Spotlzght 0n the Beautlf‘l/IZ an organization that offers people assis-
People...by tancevviththingstheyothermsemightnot

receive. Maybe you own a business and
He/Eflfl HfllflléflS/éel you stand up and refuse to let your em—
, , ployees or customers be tormented, ridi—
Your 3:115 colulinn Shin? culed, or discriminated against. Maybe
, e dip otlig t "‘19”? you hold a public office and serve quietly
m e communityw o from your oflice. Maybe you put out fires
deserve recognition. all . . 1 th "‘
Photo Beau is not alwa or protect us against v10 ence on e
kin ”d d th ys streets (insert YMCA dance move here).
:b 1:3) an :5: Maybe you don’t have a position like
Here .tfiaut d P 8051,16. those above. What you do is still just as “
, d e1 er rth evote ,e" important. Maybe you make a conscious
“ailmenflgyfito abwo a, cause or Au“ choice to frequent gay owned businesses so
P Eith e our v.es _ etter Entirhmmng that they prosper. Maybe you deliver
“5' , er fwatyl'; ,1t :1 time datfi' ey are meals to people who might not sat without
“will”: or 6:; feltis an e in? f that delivery that day. Maybe you’ve been
or .e mon o , ay, my c 01cc 0 out for 50 years and you share the history
who to shine the spotlight on might sur- of what it used to be like to be gay in
prise, yoll' Why? Bemuse It 18 you. America with our younger gay brothers
That 5 right... YOU. It is people like and sisters
“you” who add so much value and joy to After all, ifwe don’t know where we
0}“- community. Each 01: you has different have been, then we can’t see where we are
gifts to .ofi'er and difl’erent perspectives going (Taken from my book, ““70 r ds of
from meh you “,ew the world around us. Wisdom from Miss Helena Handbasket” —
IE IS all Of those diEerent “3mm and SP6- available at bookstores near y- someday).
Clal gifts that spread so much energy Maybe you attend special events, such
throughout our little niche of Lexmgton. as Imperial Court functions and tip the
Think ofallofthe things that you do ff kn . tha
. , _ , pe ormers, ow1ng t
to lift up the gay community in our City. cont. onpg. 17
' groups are designing tables in the style
Prlde Prom 2010 ofspecific time periods.
. . There will be a meeting for adult
The GLSO Gay Straight Alliance chaperones in late May. Contact mary
for Youth is hosting the fourth annual at 859 266-5904 or email mary—
Pride Prom on May 28' The theme this crone@insightbb.com if you can donate
year is Time Travel. High school food or be a chaperone.
# ‘K‘
Join the Imperial Court Council in a campaign to create a : g 3 KM
Commemorative U.S. Postage stamp in honor of Harvey Milk. E "i
There is a Facebook group known as "Honor Harvey Milk with a 5 “If“
US Postage Stamp. " It had close to 9,000 members. E ‘ ‘
They originally hoped to have the stamp by May 22, 2010 1“
which would have been Milk’s 80th birthday. It will not happen 'Qa,,. 32 g
by then, but it is still a possibility in the future. Join the group! 36:; 2:1? .“1':
Page 16

 i Helena cont. from pg. 16 member a time before Will and Grace,
every dollar goes toward helping the com- Queer as F011" and the new ”twin: MOd'
munity in one way or another. (Of em Family where two guys are raismg the
course, in the spirit of full disclosure, you baby they have adopted together. I re—
know that, as one of the gals who P artici- member a day before there was little or no
pates in those shows, it especially touches Pubhc acceptance of be?“ g gay. We have a
my heart.) long way to go but we ve come a long way

,, It was just July of 2008 that I made a babffil _ _ f ,
decision in my life to do more to help my ease come Jom us or Coronation
community. I feel that if life has blessed 29 and also make plans to come out for the
you with a good life and good friends Gay Pride celebration as well at the end of

Q then you should give something back. June. \W'in or lose, Miss IHelena Will see
That is why I became involved with the Y?“ them Thank Y°“ “gm“ f" Y°“‘ “‘1'
Imperial Court of Kentucky. Since then I tinued love and support. Love y’all
have heard people share many different
opinions about what they think of the
court. I have listened to what has been 3/ .
said — and agreed and disagreed with some '
of what you have said and I have come to p, f
the conclusion that the court is just like if”
we all are. Not one of us is perfect and the
court isn’t perfect either.

However, the intent of the court is to ,
do good for our community —and a lot of “Keep the Love you Find,
good is done through the dollars that the Get the Love you Want. ”
court brings in. This year alone has bro-
ken all previous fund raising records, al— . .
ready having raised nwly 75 thousand Jessma Bollinger, LCSW
dollars and I am Proud to have been a Imago Relationship Therapist
' Par