xt76ww76ws59 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76ww76ws59/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1965 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, June 1965 Vol.31 No.9 text The Kentucky Press, June 1965 Vol.31 No.9 1965 2019 true xt76ww76ws59 section xt76ww76ws59 , ‘ .
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a The Kentucky Press Association recognizes _
i» ' the fundamental importance of the implied f 1
”f, ' trust imposed on newspapers and dissemination I}
of public information. It stands for truth, fair- : I
_ ness, accuracy, and decency in the presentation i ‘
vex/3w of news, as set forth in the Canons of Journal- 1
" '::.,'" ""3 . . . . . 1
34m mm. It advocates strict ethical standards in its I
Xx?“ adoertis’ng column. It opposes the publication 1
gay of propaganda under the guise of news. It af- - ‘
‘ firms the obligation of a newspaper to frank, ,
.’ honest and fearless editorial expressions. It re- . ‘;
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4% in the newspaper as a vital medium for civic. :
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economic, s0c1al and cultural communzty de— 1
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Volume 31, Number 9 ”my “ We; 1.» " My -' t .
l . 1
0 Kentucky 5 Showcase: The General Morgan House, Lexmgfon ; ,
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 «m _, . . , 1 1 1 1'
11 1111111711 1,1 1111? 1 '
123111121 i1‘1‘1
1111111111111 111 ,‘111111
131111111 11111111
1 1 1‘ 11 1 ‘ x 1 t
11‘111'11: ' 1 1‘ 1 . "(ky P
11111111111112 fess + As we See I T
111::11'1,11‘.i ; .
1 1111111 ‘1 1 1! 1 1 1111 1 VOIume 3] Nu b KPA Take I t + 1 Fun] H91ghts, We k
11 1111111 11111 1 1 11‘ I m er 9 T0 Au m S mPOFtant Step ln'lssed aro11nd the Ce ”0w that he Willb
1 11, 1 1 . 11 1 1 1 1 1
{"111 1‘ ‘ 1 i ‘51 1 Officia . . g ent Memb ~ 11mthehlghest ‘ . “11.211 Office >6
1 11. 1 1 1 , 1 1 I Pub“ Er Ser 511cc 7 but \
1 111 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Kentucky Press As canon The Kentuckv P VlCes (353 1n his studies VlSh ‘
1 1 1 1 1 1 S ' - 1 . , ‘ n , '. ‘
1 11 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 Kentucky Pres °Cl1ahon, Inc. a glgantic st ‘16” AssocmtiOn ha 1 ° n 1
l 1 ‘ 1 _ . 1 1 5 seerce I . . 6p f01wl1.1 3 taken Congrlt 1 . as
1 1 1| 1 V 11 1 1 1 V' I nc. .56“;ch of t] LIC t0 Stl’en I 1 ‘ U atlons t0 1 1
11 11 11 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 Icfor R. Portmann E dim Illlpmt 1e Central Office to 't gt 1611 the deers who W011 0111 three state 1
H :1 1 1 1 ‘i 1 1‘ ‘ '3 1 ’ ' "(mt £0me 1 S memb . Edit u awards ‘ ‘ News. 1
1‘ 11 1311‘ 11 11 *1 1 3 Memb Stud; llttees huvel 615‘ 01131 Asgoc‘. - m the N, . ‘
1 1 1111 1 1 l 11 1 1 Newspaper M er .\ means to m'lk )een named t 110mm“ ldtlon 1965 . dhona]
1 1 1 1111 l1 1 1| 1 1 Lexingt “age“ ASSoc' - e" in We 1 ( e the ASSOciat' 0 C at Dallas .t Contests as
1 1 1. . 1 1 0n Chamb Iahon 1y mam . . 1011 Stro A . ‘1 the 1‘ . fin~
: ! 1 I 1 1 KentuCk C er DI" COmme tOW’I‘I . 181 pOSSIbIe , fig- 11105 Stone . Ecent c0n .
1 11 111-1 1 I 1 1 1 1 Ben Y 1 Plumber of C rce tl( thlS ace-0 1 and Suggestio 1 Times—A. , €C11t01~ of th Vent10n1 1
1, 11" 1 1 l ‘1 er BuSIness Bur 0mmerce from t] mPhShment A . ”‘5 ‘ IgUS W0 6 Centml - 1
1 ‘ 1*» 1 111 ‘ Suflainin 9W Lexingto , ‘9 member ale solicit 1 the B , T ’ n the first ‘ Cltv ‘
- A ‘ 1‘ x - M " t1 , new” ., EC est 1\‘e ‘ plaCe 1 . 1
1 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 Nath' New 9 e"‘ber V6 Commute 1 “9915- The E ci._ . W5 Story 0 paque i1 1
1 11 1‘ 111I 1 1 1 . Asso .SPCIper A55°Ciation tiOn V . A e lopes that the . X64311- r 1C") Wlth his st ~ Ontest (Unde~ 1 1
1 1 1 11' ‘ 1 H 1 1 1 National Ne Clfife Member , ’ VOIklng fol- t1 tl‘dde assocj. _ l‘he J H 1 my 011 “im- . I 4000 1‘ 1
‘ 1 f1 1 , A 1 “paper Prom r . 1“ Kent . . 16 gOOd of all ‘1 . e 615011 Re . 1 ltat10m do
1 11 1 11 1 11 111 Publicatio 0:10“ Assocmtion memberZI}:k y, “1111 500“ hive lngVspuperg {1811613 W011 the Egételi Louis COnn C1:011.) 11 im-
11; 111 1 “ fice ‘ 1P. I Percelt 1 6WS ‘ . or“ p11 ’ u ‘ ‘ 1
; ‘ "1 I ‘ 1 111 SChOOl of Jo“ The first - 1 pdpel PromOtio (Ce plaqu 1 me
- 1‘1 11 ‘ . . ' ‘ . . 1 . e f '
1 1.1 111 11 _ 1 111 11 Unwersity of Kent mahsm mercmw §tep101Wardwasth 1 The Mlddlesbm0 1 1 01 1 ser
1 11 1 11‘3 11 11111111131 “25:11-11:11",— bm‘ship 161mm] aCtiOn in doubl‘ e mld‘SUm- K' Heln‘y Publish Dally News M1 1‘ rea
‘ ,1_ 1‘ 1111113” . c ~ - 11 . ’ - > :11"
1 1 11 1 1111 11111111 111 11 11 Kefltuck P to Janu 111es, dally and Week] 1g the mem_ mentlons, fOr Se- e1, Won two 110110 uce the
1 i1 , 11* 1 11111 111111 1 1 1 M - y "355 Associ r my 111965.w- .” l'etl'OaCtiVe Best N61, . ”1% To A .- Fable 1‘
‘ :11 :11 111111 1111 .111 1 1; aUI‘ICE: K HeIIIy Pie d 0 Ion, Inc_ get, 1113]“, 116W 1) 1 1th the lnCre'ISed b 1 “5 Plchll'GS. gllculture and ]
1111 , 11 1_1 ‘ V, 1 1 ’ St ent \Vhicl 1 ' 1‘Ojectg C' K [K - » 1 EX1
1 , 11 ‘ .::. , 1 ‘11 1:" 1 1 . 1 31muld 1 . ‘1“ be unde- 1
i ‘11 1 111 11 1111111111 Larry stone V' Dally News, Middl Ways in this 1619 Its members i Itaken Paper I a ° 4: Te:
1 11‘ ‘ 111 11 1111111 1 ’ Ice-President 8Show in the pumfig-e Of modernized tel}: 1111111}, FOr R -5 Upheld am
1 1 11 : 111 11111111 1111; Victor R P MeSSeflger C orgalll‘ZatiOHIS 1mg bUSineSS 311d 11:11:010gy electing Ad 0&1
3 1 11 ,1 1111 11M“ 1| ‘1 Perry I ‘Asfiftmann, Secretary Maha entrfll City “ity “H'Iirs :fVYOnger in State '11] d ‘2 e the The right of . P0!
1 ‘ i .111 1 1‘11 111 1 1 ‘ e 1 . '1 ‘ . 1 C '0 _ 11 1.1. a 1 -
1 .111 1 111 11111 1‘“ 1 Flonda R_ Cariisilssxtam Secretary‘i’znage when every lle\:s:)00k forward to tlhltnlgu fteltlsmg Copy whigfiwgpdper to reject ad | Un
1 : ‘1 1 1*; 111“11“1 1: ; . 7 ssistantT ' Shi - ' 'dPer will - ‘ fly IS Stand . oes nt ‘ ‘ tic]
» 1 ‘ 1 ‘1. ‘11 1 1 1 11 Umo ‘ remrer p In 2111 '1Ct‘ Clalm m aldS qu . 0 Conform
1 1 «,1 ‘11 1 115.111 1; 1 WW 0f Kent , trad .‘ We) pro 1‘ .- ember- Crei h ‘* leGently 1 to 1 o_
E 1 1‘5 11‘1111 ‘ ‘ :11 '11 Distr' “Cky’ Lexmgton e aSSOClation, g esswe’ C0Operative c - g to“ COIeInan in C lhlpheld by Judge p 1
; : 1 1|; 1 111‘ 11 1 t . 'ct Executive Com . “It Court, Michi . a 0““ County 0- d1“
: 1 2‘1 1 1 11 1 11 1 11 ‘ Eh‘agVnaw Edwards M mlttee Off M 0 ° The jlldge dis gfm‘ Ir. per
1 1 1‘1 1 1 g1 ‘ 1 ea e . . T3 . _ - ' " D . mlssed L .
1 1 111 111 1111111 > 11 1 1 Davis liaimggton (Sixth). 1721:3113] lllliemld_ Name'sAqtuBted NEA Chan erelilembel: against the 13:“qu bI‘OUEht last ‘ 2:11
_ 11 11111 1 1 ’ ’ > " ' 6W5 ‘ e rek - (e
1 5‘1 ‘1; .‘ 1111 11 1 1 George M .ounty Herald Edd . 1 am T- allas M - ges t . Y FlOyd 1310. e Enqmr.
1 :11 1 1 I 11 1 1 ‘ Th‘ ' “7115011, Herald’ ”1118; Swami Th eetmg 0‘ Of a theqt . . 55 0f Hastin . the
111 1‘1 11311 1 1 11 1' ”‘1’ A1 J- Schq b 'News, Hard' ’ e name of th Bl ‘ ‘ e‘ In Battle c. gs, Opera. 0th
1 1 ‘1 1‘1"; 11111 ‘ ‘1‘ 1‘ Fourth How (“5 erg, Voice of S 1HSburg; SOCifltion e National E 1. 1 055 Sued £01 1 leek 1
1 111 ‘1“1 ‘ 1. . ’ 21 KM , {I n‘ _ (Ito-K 1 . l ‘1 . . _ 1 .
1 1 11 ‘1 l1 11 1 111 11 f‘fgh Frank CrdBefigis,’ Favorite 1451;111:1303" ored USe Sinceqrilt]: fwhlch 1133 been :11: lhAb‘ 1:13:11:ng the Enquirel:I (1111111111er lnjuflcti011 Sen?
1 1. 11 111 1 111111 1 11 y or ”even”; - , nmble Dem) : 1n; the n'lt' , Ollnding 80 » 011‘ f er lsements d ' ews to PUbliSh 1' 1 X1
1 11 L 1 111 ‘11 1 5516' Ei h ’ Warren R Fishe Ocrat’ Bed- ' ‘ Ions Oldest- Ylers 21 , 1n d an also h d 113 i ‘
1 1 . 11 11 1 1 ‘1, 1 , _ ' r, t1 , 1 and Ia‘ _ g0 35 Elma es -( a asked 06‘
1 1 1 11 111 11 1 ‘11 1 News Cg th, 114mm DeROSett MeT1cuTy, Car- on, has been Chq lgest tlade 3580013 _ never 1 g 1nd COStS. The _ _ $50,000 1 f0u
1“ :1 i1 1 1 11 ‘1 1 It had 01““!le Ninth Ja ’ Ada” County Newspaper A980 -‘nng to the th‘ d ISSUCd. 1nJUHCtlon was
‘ 1‘ 1 ‘ -, , 'n . c ' z 1
l1 1 =1 , 1111 1 1 11111 '1 1 1 Hoskin ependent, Ashland- Tues T' Norris: Ir. Summer COnvent- Ian?“ by aCtion of 011211 F 1’ ‘ a 1 1
.1 1 111 1 1-11 11111 1 ‘1 81 C 5;] Enterprise, Hahanenth, R, Springer, will We be C 1011 m Dallas1 NO I the Ort Courier Sold 1 (1K
' 1‘ ‘ J Wnk To Clarksvme F1 1
-.1 1 11111" 1 “ - , a , 1- ‘So-' ' ‘ Ona m n
I 21 1 ‘ ‘ 1 . - r ‘ Tim . mes L a fort; 011 ‘ Clathn. ‘ 60
11 ,‘ 1: ‘ 111 1 1: i3 cwff’ CW“; State-atfif’mord, Tribune- than 2; trade association no , The Fort Cam 1, 1 gm:
1 .1 11 1:1 111 ‘11. 11 er‘I‘mmal - . ge, Warren A K ’600 Week] V‘ Hum1361's . news 21 ~ . p ell Couri . 1
1 1 1 1. 1 g 1 ‘ 11111 Pram-dent : LOUlSwlle- I brams, melnb 1 y and d'lil mOIe 1 p pel puhllshed 31, a Weekly tuc}
1 1 1; 11:1;1‘ 1 1‘ 1‘ : George 0 - ’ mmGdiate p .e‘5 With 44 ‘ y “eWSpa er . 5313111516 and edited f
1 « 1 1 1 some I plln 111 051 q . stqt p S «19 y for th by Rob W61
'1 ,1 ‘- 1 11111111 1 ‘ 1 11 X'set, , Gammon ‘SSOClathns ' . . ‘ e neWSpa - . A SOIdt 8 past 15 . elt .
111; E} 11. 1:1 ‘1 ‘1 111 11 ____ wealth, members ’ Inchldlng Kentucky pe‘ tlade A 0 the Clal'ksville L féeals, has been 11 Slor
11! I 1 11 1‘1 ‘1 ‘ j _——_ ' ’ as affiliate mlounCeme ea ' hrOnicIe C0 S
11 e :1 1‘, 11 ‘1 .1 K JOhn L. F . . Car-1 _ nt of the 1 -
1 ; 11 ‘ ‘1 1 ‘ ‘11 ‘j entllck . Gunner, - 101 Kluge] Sa e Was mad
1111 1 1 1 11 11 George M. Wu”: Plies: Sarvme' Inc, IEXth) News Jourfibgsgfl 0f the Kent sedated Publi:;tiClasg0W’ PreSident ofeAbsy it:
11 1 1 1 1 1,11 Breck' - ’ ’mdeng 1 Papers Wa ‘11 Other Courie. ‘ OHS? InC ubl' - 1 (
- 1 I: _ ‘ 1 1 ‘ y La d "‘"dge Herald. 111 G S elected - ‘ weekly 1' ’ p ”her 0f the ”I
E : 1; 1 ‘ ‘ 1‘ ‘ ‘1 n 0“ Will - . NW3, H - g Ordon B. plesldent, (
H 1 111. 1 1 1 5’ 121:2,‘7‘0&President ardmSbul'g ter B, Potter Seavey, Belmont M Succeed- puthmeS: E- Charlet, Vice . me]
11 ; 1 1 1 ‘ 1} 1 11 WIlliam T. Da _ red" County New elected . ’ repl‘eSenting 17 ass‘ Wfll- . 35mg ClarkSV-H 'preSIdent 0f the Th]~
1 z 1 ,1 1 ‘ 11 11; V “151,1! gzcgnd Vice-Prey; Calhoun VICe president 0‘“ l‘egion, was 161' will be Consolidltedfirm, said the Cour- '1 0’C
11 11 ‘ ‘ 1 1 ictor R_ Portma ounty Herald 13E": ' Circle .1 a C with th Sh. ,
1 . - ; 1 ‘ ‘ nn, , dd ' 4; 1’ ‘ Week] 6 161d and de-
11’ 1 l 1 1 1 I 1 :13} Ashley, Assisffgesmry'T'mm Mlle Parry J Ashl g o pubhcatioll last fieneWspapel. WhiCh begin C0111
1: i1 1 ‘ ‘ 1 3 1 a 1" Gam'son. Max:539?” To Study Fo e11>|§esigns CO?“ m under F0” Campbell flsc
11 111‘ V 1 rem-“,9, r D apin 1 '
11 ' E Boar - ' - De Sey, wh - _ b
1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 Chairman, MartindDOf D|reCtor5 KPljfn-Y J. AShley ass. gree §ays he Plans to :p:::tldes In Hopkinsville, eici
1 1 i 1 ‘ so“; Mam-Ce K. He “he, Sentinel-Echo L III‘ ’.has reSigned to atlStant manager of Ice Fhere' He has h de an advertiSingserv- 1 don
1 :1 Sore; Niles O, Dmitri}; Daily New, Middlon- tolnols UniVel‘sity Ca btend the SOuthel-n Yertlsing agenCies aad exPerience with ad- 500i
- 1 E 1 p1nngs; ThOmas g am, ngfess 1) es- “fard his PhD. ’ . r 10rldale’ and ' In Dallas and n In advel'tl'Sl'n work 1)
I 1 1 thlana- R b L. Preston D ’ amen Canons P deglee m M Work H New York g 1 Y
I 1‘ 1 1 1 ‘ Offi ’ 0 ert Fay, Shelb ’ emacmt’ CYn- f ' erry is also ass Commlm' e began Publ' h’ 1 1°“!
1 1 1 Gen; ex‘nf‘fici y News S} 1 0 the Sch On leavef 1' FOrt C 13 mg the C .
. 3 1 1 0. : ‘EIbYVllle; He h 001 of Journalism 1Form the stag be ampbell COntract 15 Ourler under C01t
‘ - 3 1 3 ‘13 mOved hi ' Came an i years a o It
‘ 1 z - s - nde g - Spe<
1 i 1 , ‘. 1nd 1115 new address ifsagllly to Carbondale year. He SOld th: 61:1:th publication last 1
‘ g 1 1 1 1 , 111111 Route No. 2 to Fhe ASSOCiated Pubfflspe‘lper 1218f October I T
. 1.1 ’ malned as editOr ICatIODS firm, but I'C' . the
1 1 1 add]
A. ’ 8‘ It

 151131 he wrn be " '
L fHCe b t *w
. > ut wish 1 "
t hls Studies, 1 JUNE, 1965 tmy-
1} 1 T H E wi'fvmm 3951,“ 5w“, ‘
KENT “44%;! 1’
hh i ”C“ PRESS ‘: ' '
| 6 Nut)“ \ PA T k 1 »
_ x1] Wes-.1. 9
5 a eS lm or an PAGE ONE 1 ’
tecem COnVe f t t. 1- 0f ‘ 3 r i
the Centralntgm Y, T II I I eps isSua gleat nation'Wide debate t t 1
st ptaCe pl 19, t O prove . es Of Free Press and F ’ 0n the baSic ? i 1 '3 s
[teSt (11nd aque 111 } ervlce T personally taken part i an- Tttah I have i 1 ’ 5": ~‘
1, er 0 . n Son ‘ 1 '
Imitati 4000 t The K . 0 Me n the nathnal SC 1 16 of the debates 1 1 ,
Lou' 0“ doom” ‘ im t enmcky Press Association t k erS Change I grow as 311d wlth each e . i :53
Phil): C(Imn’ pub. ‘ meitirnznttstéps forward at the mid ZEthO ‘VelCOme to Kent 1‘ only SeHSibIe SOlurggl‘elconvinCed that ttt: ‘ I r t I
c 1 a 1m -‘ m - . u -- 1 . n ' - 1 - ~ ,.
p qque to" services to theprOVe the association in 1:: the “”511 that all vsoyldDam’ he expressed glad‘hg 0f standards b r“: m veluhtal‘y Up- 1 l V 3‘ '
Y NeWs M 1 readers their. cotgfglbers and its service 1;) to :16 “garden spot 12d breturn nlore often fV¥hat We are attemgtimgflt1 pgeSS and har- ‘ i ’
> auere ’ ' Unities ,1 1 1n ent k ‘ est Vacat‘ , 821 e y thr ' 0 0 is t ‘ w 1
'n tWO hono the pubhshtn f . ’ ‘1“ the state ~ . “0 y, and e t to“ park’ Ough a her . 0 Walk ~ 1 ~
Table ~ g 0 Crlme n In tlon f . X ended a s - . , ADYOne h ‘ tY mlned b 1 ~ . ~ .;
. Agl‘iCultm- 1 Firt , eWs. 01 all to att peeral 1nv1ta- W o attem t , attlefield. _ . .
e and . 5’ Introduced '1 VVKPA end the fall . on his 511 - p 5 to claim an . . , ~. ~
Execut' . ‘ 5 an actim] f at Pennyrfl P meetmg of . (e In this str . Vlrtue 1s V
i we Commute Cl ‘ O the Sintemb e ark, DaWS - 15 On 011 ~ uggle 15 a fool ‘ ‘» ‘
Templin pro , lallman Edvvq d 61‘ 16-17.1111 . on Sprlngs e leal DOSitiO ' There _ 1. .
‘* Posed that (1 ‘1 S M. by EdWa-d e lesponSC wa . ’ another Sta . n- We are Sim 1 1 '1 V
accept Without del ) the ASSociatio E . I S M' TemPIin ~h - s gweh b 1 ge 1“ the eVOlut' p y at i :
ay Dr 11 xeCUthe C - ’ C ah'man f uent f0rm f - 10“ 0f the tu- - ; ~.
Otter of 00!]th ' John 05 , 1 ) Ommlttee 0 the . 0 SOCletV \ 1‘ ; , "- ,1
ed CO-o era , \Va (is AttOI‘ne . lacy. It is . V6 knew as de . 1
1 hos-a1 that KPA headqriu-tersmt and his PI‘O- flew dowltV fgeheisal RObett Matthews 1 1 Stahtly Changihgevelthlcmnging Society nets:- 3 »
pm to reject 1 anersity Cam ' Iemain 0n t1 . . m rankfortf 1 ’ "10 n - 1111 accom d . ’ ‘ z ‘3
ad- » - P115, (2) th 1 - te 1“ Introducin 0‘ the coca ' 0 5‘“ to admit ““0 atlng- It ~. 1 ; w r
s not C011f01-m flons be Preparel a Job descri _ g Norman 15,1 ' 51011, is COmpmmise. f . 15 i , 1
to 1 .. C at 01108 O h p on the Sub'e t (2105, Spoke b-' H merely the , 01 COmpromi 1 v1 2
upheld b POSIUOHS in th 11 t 6 three st ff “ t C Of a free . _ 116 y 1.3 . means b h” Se 1 1 1
Y Judge . e Ceuh‘al Offic _ a The On] , Pless, Statlng; C1 61 511011 1 y “ lCh men Wh 1 1 :3
houn County Cir. 3:268, risponsibilities and (1113:1153:ng the divi dual fl‘eid‘giy ito hallle and maintain in WithOut Bithge: 5:211: reacfih accommodqtio: : f 3
(”me and Work ‘ Cations of th . ' ”5 t0 avef 11 ' A - Sheri Cin b - -‘ t 9 i 4
. - pl‘Ocedur . e Pless. A f1. . u freedom f S Wlth ever t1 - g 21510 Ideals f it ,
Su1t hrOUghtl commlttee be Ch ea (3) that . t . 83 press is . 0 ha y “Hg else 0 . ' ‘1 1;; .‘
ast 4 05611 to f ' c1 0 pleseI-Ve t1 . . needed In ‘ S Changed_ ) 111 OVVn Call. 1 t
tle Creek E ate and 10n Olinulate 1m , le lnstltuti Ordet M and ch'u mg 1 _,
nquir- g‘mnge goals f me‘h' M th . on Of a free t" 1» i ost of us , ‘ ‘ged remark b1 ' i , a? >
EHastin - the meth d - 0 the A350 ‘ - at €\\s srtid 1 113~ V‘Ould shudd . - , a Y- »
gs, Opera- 0 5 to Increase ' CtathH. invjt ‘ ttat censorsh' We to read ‘31 Wlth dlsmq ;~ 1
Creek 1 Other than due Income from s . ' es but (mogul. “ 1p not 0111‘, 1‘ newspapers (y were 1 _
_ ' - S, and the - 0111065 of in'u t' » ages a Clandest‘ I ISth a Scent ff as they Were pub it ,ul ‘1
ninary injunction ‘ Stllnulate more nati act1011 needed t , t S 106’ He add d lne type tim 1 ty yefil‘s ago I h ' ‘ r at 1‘
. onal adve-t‘ . 0 Should tnk _ e that the es CODlmented h ' 3V6 some- i .
ws to publish his 1 eXtflnslon of greater b 1 15mg and the of 1.1) ‘ e COngance hox press Sin 1 _ t at news q , 1 1
‘ . . - ’ Vever gu ally U1] 1 p‘ Permen SB .‘7 . ,
ad a lees to 1 d' - ellefits in ct] . 1 61 laws but , not On] awale of . em 1 1 1 ._
. Shed $50,000 1 f0 h n 1Vldual tnelnher He 7 161 Serv_ The pres h 0f Standards of de y “Gwspapers have 1 how astonlshing] 1 ; ‘
le 1hJUIICtion was urt ’ Vt Spapers; and report h S S Ould nOt gtVe up it .Cilincy‘ Only reCe t1 Ichlanged. y i it I
That . , . W at “085 o ' S Hg tt t0 n y ad to ' f mi '
fi 1 (100‘ dues be Increased 13 Cordm g to Mitth n In the Courtromn ac_ Journal of November 19 Cheek the (301mm; 11 ‘3 i
1 ning %f) fier Cent retroactiV: tonehhundred Draper- 16ng proewg, but it Should obser-VG paper Which had (I éle t18. It Was a newq_ .‘ 1
, 0 t e Cul‘l‘ent 0 t e begin- the . ‘ - Ce Ul‘es.) N , 1 am Cert ' c . a reputati — . i :_ f
- , . Pless i . 61ther she 11 am a dese . 0n and 1 _ .
t necessary to YGal t0 p10V1de f f g Ve up ltS Ii 1 11 ( tlil rved One— 91: ' ‘1: ?’
Carry Out th Unds 1(3er Cl‘itic‘ ' git to eXPOSe d 1g to me_ On . y It Was Star- I; :111 ,1
‘ grams 0“ beh If e tOtGEOing qdd lze pubhc ochi 1 an ber 1928 a ‘Vhlm, I picked :1 .,
ourier a week] ‘ tucky P- 21 Of all rthbe pro- ‘ ed, a 5’ Matthews ’ _ahd ’38—and ’ NOVem- » I
. ’ 1’ less Ass - . FS Of the K « dem0n . 48. Ea h .
ed 1 . Oclatro en- 1 am . Stlated C decad i 1
YES: bh, Egbert ‘ rilele adopted tlnanirnlzusrt‘he f01ur proPOSals arbitrary11:):ciieu’ggtlimng the adoption of m 01: jOLII‘iialiSm {Higmpletely different tYp: : I; '
, as een ] 011. y \Vit 10 . “ , 16 at c y -‘ ~ Same th' i '13: 1,
t'Chl‘Onicle C0 Sec ”t dISCus- but the 'ddOption of :0“;er general said, lb 3136 of all 119WSpape1~s mg, I am sure, ; 1 ,
ale Was made b . ondly, the Rim Ci 1 rules,” ‘ se -1mposed Set of _ e have Change d in ' >11 1
president f AY fortmg, as Oufiined b P Es] of Pre-Trial I.e_ N nlques, in how We w 't appearance, in tech 1 51 p
O s- 1 Sa ‘ s , 1.1 e, . - 1:11 :-
publisher of the 1th: ggshunahtmmrslii 133;“? Norma“ All the 0m? Issac S Address :1: What We advertise ancinhzhat we Write’ t t ‘
t m' - c e ' mem ers P0 ant,j . . W, and, ,411
. tucky Da 1d summer meetin . PossessiOn co 1 0f KPA have in their makin - n 0‘“ attltudies. The - mOSt t ‘- ”-11
.pres1dent of the Thurs day In Park, Cttbertsviueg at Ken- Cipl es COnCe-p'es 0f the statement of Prin WW i 13 that we have proved .P01nt I am : 51 g
1, said the Cour 1 0’0 evening With . . ’ Opened hq Hung PresS and B1 _ " S 0W flexible we 111 so many t t {1 .t
' Onnol~ f 1 a teCeption b ‘Ve to say at th' - . ‘1’. What I how sk‘11 are, how ad' 1 . 1 ;.
th the Shield and , d 010Wed b Y John 1 - 15 tlme is m - 1 ed at com . - . lustable 1 1 = .-.
' _ er auspice Y the bingo a‘t at10n and ex lan . etely Intel‘pre— So it . _ p10mlsmg_ ’ -_ 1 f
:61}? Wth l(c311 begin Cohlmbus \jitfifpthe Paducah Kgiglhtsugt “1 the statemint atron Of what is COHtained crime The Kilt}; tfhe issue 0f news obo t t t t t
01' ampbell ascha- ast Presid Y0u h ' I C 0 the m. . - ‘ t1 1" h ’
Irman S ~ ent Ice LaG . ave What I b 1- . much Of th fitter 15 th'tt h' a , g,
by m ' Ome fort - Ole It is th . e leVe IS the 5' e COmrnent h ‘ W 116 t 5 z
- ember . y Prlzes, all d e lesult of . ”“11 draft. about 11 as been - - 1 : 1 s
In Hopkinsville excit pubhshers Onated 11 many dlSCuss' - ewsPapers th Crltlcal 1 1 3;
1 ed - . n were W0 b eWSpaper ed't 10115 wlth the large 5 . v 6 press in 1 1 1i ~:
advertising serv- i don partICtPants A n Y the th 1 ors and with ense, ls merel . ’ One very 1 r ,1 t
. flied ' 11 Old-c 6 Bar and - _ members , y an lnno ~ . 1 .. :
>el.lence with ad- toCiation b3; the West Kentuckizunltry ham, media lepresentatwes of the broadest: 8 There Is no unSti0n that ifCent VlCt11n_ 1 t t
. . ~ 1 a ( ' 1‘ i : v‘j
adveltlsmg Work 1 by Geol-gqu/IVYOH on the lucky ticlrfstshAS' In the series f d. “fretted: We WOuId be the firsytou or 1 were 1 1 1! '
C Joumal and ichetor, LOUiSville Ceo ,eld been held thereoh ISCESSions which have fi‘cehseszjfarr treatment by the at0 demand 1 1
*6 Ourier under COIem ’ a Second ham b . ' Uriel: tiOns ’ ave een five 0 . ’ 311' treatment b ”eSting of- 1 1: ‘3
5 ear ' . an’ Sturgis N y ltmlor editor represented —— KPA tgamza- tOrney, fair . y the Prosecutin 1 1 i 3:
Puhlicrsitizglo'la: 1 SPecral bingo priZesews' Even the kids won iggadeasters Association theta: ttjeltztlwky treatment {LOSTEment by the court nght : t 1! :1
c i - ' OCIation, . .’ h C B - - . epl‘ess. ’ i ’ 1‘ '1
per last October Th thay Business S . and Si the Lomswlle Bar As Y .31 0“ thls kmd of per” 1 Lht “5 regatrd this 1 i ‘ :
Ons firm but re- ' the 'lthbusmess Session F 1168810” 0 gma Delta Chi' SOClatlon We can then re na basls’ for I believe t ' " j
’ eate t1 ay mo~ ‘ - 11 every 0’ 'e ' ason it throu f 1 '5: 7
address byrwwis 1gliened by a Wellfigfi. tn SociatiOH has%el:rt;i;h:hKentuCky Press As 11)::th y :thd objectively, If 3%)}; b0? ISUb- 1 3.3
M011 a ear, He mg leadersh- . e T016 of i - t 1" 1‘eatment th an ex- 1 :2". ,
PreSs rAnsaI, president of thenaerSnKCIBaner Weekendlp‘;-2i;1d It 15 my hope fllatpKogieilgg Can has the same Itighfn every other Ameri- ‘ 1 “if? 1
SOCiatioH I 1 e5 entlley 1 reinforCe tha IS Wh ' 1 _’
. ' . . t . , at . 1 . 4 ,
r1 blddmg the members bYAactlfig affirmatively. leadershlp role ours has 111::ngmwn up in this Collntry f ‘11 «‘1! 2
S . 0 ‘ f
a of us kDOW, we . 0n the 3' VaSt, unWItting C . i 1 i 3
are 1n the midst Part Of good men onSPuacy 1 1 A 1*.
3 Wants to do his 1'01) Well . HThe P01iceman i t t 7
. e wants to be H 1 1
i 5 ,
1 i
t t ' '

 1 -.. W II , I 1 , 1
11111713” ‘ ‘1111‘1 I
- 111111 1 11111-
11‘111‘ 11
11111111 1111111
11111111111 , 1 1111
111,11 1 111 11 PAGE Two
l1i1111|111111 1 111:”.
: 1 1 1 regarded as able KENTU
111111 111 1 111 tlrosecuting attorhlgd emotent- So does th CKY l’RESS
1 1 '1 1 1 ' ; 1 1 1 § I e I
1'“ 1111 " 1 1 11 ‘ w]: tII1€wsp€t13er editht- 31:11 the Judge; and mart acusSecl of cr' J
11111 1 1 111 1 11 111 an: lrlllg‘tfo be SuceeSStuI '1 giod men all protection and given}? giVeS You that s UNE, l965
‘ 1 ‘ 1‘ 1 1 11' a OUnd - In W at th ’ Case b S It to m ame d‘ ,
11 it 1 1 t 111 1 Viole “P 111 a 5 CY (10— . Y case, th . 6, also. ISCllsslons f .
1 11 1’1 11 111 0 P136 to the 1'ight fYStem which does a. pellCe depart e hlgh Collrts hold iInpossibl 0‘ t11e simple r 1
11 11 11 1 1 1 1 Ohvilldered innocent u :1 AmeriCans to be rIghts when it inelnt has violated that taneousl e f0r all of them‘:t150n that it is 1
1:; .1 1 1 - 5 e m fl 1 pro , . he ais to . a man’s y in St 0 m . I
11 1 11 1 1 1 ay Shake O ‘ \en guflt Says ma! b tell hlm th So ate Sessio eet sun] ' C
1 11 11 11 1 1 1 1 the young 11: heads in d' y. (3356 l 6 used 1 . at What me one of th ns_ u.
1 .1 1i 1 1 hand man with th , lsmay OVer , the COurts (galnst him. Ca the first t ese Orgaanqt—i U
1 11 111111 1 1 1 Who thIUSt ' ' e mlcrophehe ' ‘ haVe been - rule that 1 ’, Se by Be . 0 adopt the P' ‘ ODS hast b
1 1 ‘ ‘11 1 1 Who obvio S It In the £10 In 1113 the .- VIOIated if 1 I‘ man 5 rights Cause I have b rmciples f 0 e
r11, :1 . t he - usly want to < es of peOple llghts of CO 16 Is not 10 Chall‘mal f een servin Ol'mally 1
1 1111 1 1 15 dOing is H ‘ say Homing B The COUrtv Unse] When 1 ‘ Corded I . 1 01‘ the enti- g as the ele .
1111 11 1 1 Pald~“lnd h 16 Job fOr \Vl . ' ut all th 5 HOVV 100k 1 16 asks for . lepl‘esent th le g1-0up Cted I
1‘1 if ‘ , 11011 1 e pl‘eSS . OngEr It. I e preSs . . and bee
1 1 11 1 1 1 say th e V‘zlnts to prod 1e gets reports of and harde~ Should . , It Is On] ause
1 1‘1 1 i 1 | ' . 6 Same thi 1106. And W teteVlSiOn 1 03865, Of “’11 . 1 at the Plefer that th y natural th ‘1, I
1 11 1 1111 1 11 ‘ ewe 110111' ~ ngs abOut ~ 6 can (1' . . 121We report d at radro and Press. 6 lead b at ,
1 111 1 1111 1 I 11alISIIl a b IePOI‘ters 1SpOSltlon t e —and th . - T1 6 taken I) ' cm
1 1 111 1’1 1 1 11 bOOI'S—and ad name b ' ‘Vho Of ‘ 0 grant 116w ts ele 15 mole 16 Bar ma y tl
11111 1 1 11 11 11 1 1 like bad hatibOUt lawyers whoy :eCtlng like [15:35: unfairness. 11315 011 the gI‘Ound ments about (3:7;1200526 to add Specifi 111 ti:
11"1 1111 ‘ 1 111 ' aCtOr em In re . ' Ina ‘ n 0 0Com. 1 .
1 11 ‘ 1111 1 11 t 1 ‘11 tlee' s than COL Ore h' POIted to y Elect to _ - The B- 1 An
1 11 1 11 1111 a 1: .‘ 1 tnsellors of - W 10h VVOuld yOu the M llVe b take Solne . loadCastet II t
1111 1 11111 1111111 1 1 1 1 The good 11 1 ]us- ment Prohibit an F OTSe Bi11_ lOadcasts i aCtion urgr‘ S I u.(
1 3 :1 1 11 1 11111111,, 111‘ 1 drew 11 ‘6“ of half a employee fmm . .Y edetal g0v . to PI‘OVide 1‘ . gVe Way to t Ing that 1 WM
1 11 1 1, 1 111 ‘ 1 p the Cano Century 21 0f any k' d glvlng an , 6111. St St ltlnrr pr t . ape 1n 0rd . II list
1 111 111 1111111 1 1 1 can Bar A ms of EthiCSf go who bu m to an Y Infermqt- eps whicl b c 0 ectron. B er 1 .
11 . 11, 1‘ 1 1,- } ‘ 1 _ ' . . t Sur 1 . y news . c 1011 1 61011 . Ut thes .
1 111 11 11 111 1 1 11 1 ‘ brr SSOelatlon w or the Amen e Ya Plck medium— 1 those . . . g not wrth e are 1 b
1' ‘ 1" 111“1 11111 1 ng reSpectf . - ere trying th ate. 1t h 5 up support . sonly, Partrerpatin us, but w- . 1 er
1 ‘1 1, 111 11 11 ‘1 11 1111111 1 Spect fer .01 individual r- 6n to ud' . as been 6ndo~ ers 1n the Sen_ It is up to g groupsI 1th1n be]
1 1111 1 11 11 11 11 11 111111 1 fOcu5_ Theth: JUdiCial PrOCesslgtltS and re- J TtClal Cohflcil. lsed by the Fedeml tuCkY Press shlillto decide whether th 1 tel
E11 :1 11 1: 11 1 ' 1 11 1 1 20 on th y ave good reason lnto prepet 2 W0 months ago A only to the C ‘ Step ferward a d 6 Ken- 1 mV
11 111111 11 1 11 l 1111 1 Yers Wereell bOOkS' Entirely t to put Canoll Cenbaeh aPp‘aared gef ttomey General th 0f the nation 211:] monWealth but: Say not 11 16:]
1 11 ’1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1. ‘ 1 1 ( ' 0 le 0 ‘ c — . ’
1 1 11111 11 1111 1.;11 111 1 1 j 11‘ 11 1 20 impOSedtqilklng Out Of COurtO Uslané law' thetngftNBVVspaper Edlifol-the [smell-Can SO— a Program that 3': VVehbeheVe thato‘IIt/tgehrest I1 l
1 1 t1 ' 1111 11111 1 1 111 not to . moral 0in . ' 0 anon 5 Ice Depart , s an annou Problem an elp SOIV I ave I of
1 1 11 1 111 11111‘11 111 11111 st prejudtCe any gatmn 0T1 law And the ASN ments new heed If - e thrs vexing ‘r visi
1 1 11 91131 i1 1 31 . atements case at hand errs Str' . E ap 1a ProCedureS. We do a . . 1 'd
1 1 111 11 1 111111 1111‘ 11 1 atmOSPhel-e calculated to create by mak111g eveittl/e :eps than pthliged the more re Clel'stood thatg::: to It, let it be Clear] the
1 l 111111 1 1‘1 11 1 ' an unf '. are . ( Organi - ‘ eith . Cannot r Yun-
1 It 1 111 1 1 11 1 I haVe . 2111 Put Into V Zat10n h e1- SWIftl . expect . . to]
' , 1: 11 1 : 1: w a Publlcl . The ASN "Ol‘ds. as f . Y 01 Ove‘ Pelfectio 1 r
11 1 111 1 1 11 11 11 11 1 Canon 20 y Chrded h E, and ectlon ne; . 1 the 1011 n tec
111 11 1 11 1 11 1 1 1 11 11 th - I have m d t 6 Bar abO organization ' every Other the ‘81 COmCS B g haul- Per. 1 ish]
1 111 1 1 1 ‘ 1 111 11 1 1 1 t . . 2 - , ' t 1 t 1
l; 1 1. in 11 1 p e mOIe than fif a e the P01nt ut code tht 1s firmly aga' neWSPapet Se are PIOper u 6 us agree th of
, ‘ 11 11! 1: :11 s: 1 1‘ bOoks h ty years ith that in - ‘tt‘VOuldr .. mst any ki d arid that _ steps, and . at ,
i 111 1111 111111111 1 1 1 1'1 . ’t ere is not - as been In any k' estllCt news ’1 of We wr11 do Sensrble one 5 1m1
1 1 11 111111 11 11111 1 1 1 11 of It ever h ' a Slngte 1'60 d On the 111d 0f SitUati Paper freedO Work Let u OUr best to m k s, I
11 1 11 1 111111 1 1 1 11 as ' . avrng bee - Or ed instat1 Oregon and 0n. m the B 5 Urgently a k a 6 them 1 th
11 1‘ 1 11 u 1 1 5001at1 11 Invok d 06 . Mags -h ar and . 3 our 0 11 . 1 a
1‘ 1 11: ‘ 11 :11 1 1 1 ‘1 0n anywhet. . e by an b ‘Vhele leatl . . ac Usetts ar 0th . 1n broade _ o Baguesm up
11 1 1 1 1111111 1 1 1 1 11 eVery One of u e m the land y at Wo k e15 1n the . e two States 61 walk of 1-f aStrng, and in
~ ‘ 1 ‘ 1 1‘ ‘1 1 1 1 1: 1 ' 5 know - . —and t r ed to est b. Pless and b COnt' 16 that aflt eVery : "J
1 1“ 1“ 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 smgle day So It IS viol ye guid - a hsh not d ar have lnue to disc ects this is por
11 1 11: 1 ‘1 1‘ ‘7 1 V f 1 meWhere - ated ever e IlneS— CO es, but Ci USS these sueI t0
1 1 21 111 1 1 11 t 1 11 Why 11 ’ 111 the Un' y 1 and to . Voluntar Ven ex .' matters w' h enf1
1‘ 1 11 11‘ 1 1 1 11‘1 aSnt ' lted S (mong th estabhsh . y w- _ PellenCe 1t us.
i: 1 i ' ‘1; 1 1111 1 1111 11 liwyers are no 1:0 been invoked? Betates. logue of SZeitOups so that the 551.1116 llaisOn Citlith wrstmI We maVI‘I’ebmag gain Wisdom 1110:
1 1111”: 1:1‘111 - re ' ' can In eic - Zensb ea] ' ,1—
1 1 1111 1 111 11 1 11 1 1 O the“ 0011 anXlOUS to Se So g ComprOm- ate dla- , etter—b - . e to Serve
‘ 1 11 11 ‘ 111111 1 1111 than you anzaglues for unbecomicfgsuredone ing isvjllzatt YOu have beforelsfomay Continue leelttVely. 0th Inleidually and 23111 I1
1 ‘ 1'1 1‘: 1111111111 11:11 Other are to o 0011 not - a Code I . 11 at thism ' appealf _
1 :1; 111‘ 1 11 I ’1111 , n(3WSP21P81‘ ed- Penly denouDCe 15 not a tl‘ac ' “t ls far from . eet_ State 01. Your Vote I
l1 1 11 1111 1 1 1111111 1 1 1111 hls newspapen ltor tol‘ the way he r32- there any «thinOfl then shalt notlt’; There workrreefnt, not on any bzfsfisaggroval for this 1
1 l1 111 1111 1‘ ‘ 11 1 1 1 1 This ' S VVh S lall,” ’ n01- jg Perfect' at this is
~ 7 '1- '1 ‘ 11 1 1m 15 much . at W . te . Ion, but . any 1
1E1; 1'1 11~ 1 111111 1 111‘ 1 there is a - too phllOSoPhic l respons-b] e haVe are the . b ntatlve firSt Ste lather that it is a ‘
I111 5 11' 1 11W 1 11 1 ‘ that in allpoflnt to it—and a ad, I fear, but lawye I be newspaperme Outlhles of What 0th a lessening pf that can bring abOut 1
111 1: 1111111 1 111111 t0w 0 Our des‘ sa One. It . Ils Olieve ar n and teSpon 'b and bar and 0 tension betw II
1 s 1'3 1'1‘ '1 ‘ 111‘ ares each . ”es to be 15 Confllct a _e the area 81 16 is a more 1e . een Press
ll 11 5 1 1111111111 1 111 11 lCOHSfitutional Ogtflel, we haVe petrijtlttlgmfin ment are“? sigh-at ls Contained Sinothgreatest ’ after all, Oul‘ first difig