xt770r9m4c1g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt770r9m4c1g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19861121 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, November 21, 1986, no. 492 text The Green Bean, November 21, 1986, no. 492 1986 2014 true xt770r9m4c1g section xt770r9m4c1g UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES’ NEWSLETTER
I No. 492 November 21, 1986
November 21 Gallery Serlegz "Clouds and weather Here and
There: A Photo Tour of Clouds on Earth and .
Other Planets? Lecture wlth slldes by Dr.
Mlchael Torbett, Department .4* Physlcs and
Astronomy. "
‘ Q November 22 John F. Kennedy assasslnated ln 1963.
November 25 l Andrew Carnegle. 1835-1919. Amerlcan
phllanthroplst andbenefactor of more than
2500 llbrarles. A
November 26 John Harvard, 1607-1638. Amerlcan Clergyman
and Founder of Harvard College.
l November 27 Thankeglvlng.
. November 28 Klng North and South closed for fumlgatlon.
December 2 LS/2000 workshog; Notlfys and Holds.
December 3 Flre alarm test, Klng North and South. DO I
· December 4 LS/2000 workshog: Notlfys and l-Iolde. '
December 5 G_allery__Serles: "French Baroque Muslc for
Voices and Instruments? Colleglum Baroque
Ensemble. -
Next Green Bean: Frlday, December   1986
Deadllne for lncluslon: Frlday, November 28, 1986.
Productlon Staff: Edltor, Kerry Kresse; Typlst, Scott Lutz; Prlnter,
Cecll Madlson. - I
1 1

 I I
FFIOII/l_THE___E;Q_l]_Q_R_j”S__DE_S;lg wlll be avallable at the
The votes are In on the re- that day, from 10:30 am to noon. »
name the Green B_e_j;_g ballot. A The Chemlstry/Physlcs Llbrary ls
surprlslng 49 votes were located on the flrst floor of the
returned. The breakdown ls as Chemlstry/Physlcs Bulldlng In Room
follows: 150. (submltted by Ann Howell) .
14 Odds & Ends
11 Green Bean (wrlte~lns) LS/2000 STAFF TRAINING WORKSHOPS
5 Etc. "Notlfys and Holds In
2 Ibld ClrculatIon" I
15 Mlscellaneous wrlte—-Ins.
Tue. December 2, 1-3 pm Gallery
Although the vote could be Thu. December 4, 1-3 pm Gallery
Interpreted as 11 ~ Keep the
Green Bean vs. 38 —~ Change lt, I I
won't. There was not a landsllde ADDED ENTRIES
Q vote for any tltle, so another (Birth Announcements) ,
vote wlll be taken. I
At the Llbrary staff **M_1ltney Hunt (Cathy Hunt) was
Chrlstmas Party on December 19, born on August 9.  
we wlll take a vote of hands ****_A_rgn*EllzabethMlchel1er (Jennlfer
between the top 3;   lvllchener was born on
Green Bean, and _E_tg_. lf you September 8. I
cannot attend the luncheon, **illI__A_dams Kennedy (Gall .
please send me a note wlth your Kennedy) was born on October
' cholce. 14.
As for the color, we have to  
stlck to plnk, yellow, green, blue,
or whlte. We’ll vote on that too. UNITED WAX ,
I would Ilke to thank everyone
who voted. Thanks also to the As of November 17 we are at I
people who provlded thelr 95% of our goal of $7975. Thanks I
(constructlve) comments, such as to all who gave, and speclal I
prIntlng"Ul< Llbrarles," Instead of thanks to all who helped as ,
"M.l. Klng Llbrarles" on the sollcltors. I
letterhead. Good point. And, yes, I
we'll change the "weekly
newsletter" part to "bIweelAj when the Llnlverslty announces
_ W that It ls operatlng on Plan B and `
Klng Llbrary, lncludlng the classes are not ls sesslon (e.g.,
Dlrector's Offlce, wlll be closed In~between semesters), the . `
on Frlday, November 28. Pay Llbrary wlll not open. lf the
Q checks (both blweekly and monthly) Llnlverslty operates on Plan B ,·

 when classes would otherwlse be STAFF ACTIVITIES
, In sesslon, the Llbrary wlll
normally contlnue Its regular Blll Cooper, Speclal
schedule wlth staff coverage as Collectlons, publlshed a book
ls malntalned In publlc servlce revlew of Whlstle Stops;
unlts on nlghts and weekends. Adventures In Publlc Llfe, by
Department heads wlth publlc Wllson W. Wyatt, Sr. The revlew
servlcze unlts should have plans In was publlshed In the October 1985
place for Plan B coverage. Staff Issue of The Fllson Club Hlstory
members are referred to UK Staff Quarterly.
Personnel Pollcy and Procedure Glen McAnlnch, Speclal
No 71.0 for tlme reportlhg Collectlons, has publlshed an
DOIICISS. artlcle ln the September 1986
Issue of Mlcrocomguters for
lnformatlon Management. The
LITERACY TUTORS artlcle ls entltled. "Blbllographlc
Utllltles and the Use of
Last call for the next Mlcrocomputers ln Llbrarles;
operatlon Read llteracy tralnlng Current and Projected Practlces."
sesslons. They wlll be held Terry Blrdwhlstell, Speclal
December 2,3.10,11 from 1:00-4:30 Collectlons, partlclpated ln a
pm. Call Gaye Holman at 257-1851. program, "Oral Hlstory and
Polltlcal Sclence," at the recent
Annual Meetlng of the Natlohal
ACTS NEWS Oral Hlstory Assoclatlon. Susan
Allen, UK Oral Hlstory Program,
The Assembly of Clerlcal and presldecl over the sesslon,
Tecnnlcal Staff (ACTS) Orlentatloh "Publlshlng from Oral Hlstorles to
Commlttee ls seeklng staff Ralse Publlc Consclousness." {As
volunteers for the upcomlng year. an aslde, Anne Campbell ls the
we wlll need from three to four Executlve Secretary of the Oral
people to flll commlttee Hlstory Assoclatlon, and UK ls the
vacancles. Commlttee members wlll Natlonal Headquarters.}
be worklng to keep orlentatlon
lnformatlon packages updated and I
lead one—on—-one tours of M.l. Klng BROWN BAG BON APETIT
Llbrary for new Ilbrary staff
members. We are also plannlng to December 3, noon - 1 pm
eventually hold group tours of Staff Lounge
varlous Ilbrary departments and
branches. Kerry Kresse wlll demonstrate
If you are Interested ln European style knlttlng. Bflng
worklng wlth us for the comlng your needles and some yarn.
year (or two...), please contact
Dan Hodge 257-1533) or an ACTS
Executlve Commlttee member. LS/2000 Llbrary Staff Ope_n_Forun_]
Thanks. (Submltted by Dan Hodge) A I .
The OPAC Tralnlngv
Subcommlttee ls sponsorlhg the
4th LS/2000 Llbrary Staff Open
. _ Forum on December 10, 10:00 am In I
the Gallery. Tarl Keller wlll glven ;.‘  
3 , .
I- _ `.

a brlef system update, and Rob ** Wednesday, Nov_e_mber 26, Seay  
Aken wlll dlscuss searchlng tlps. Audltorlum, Ag. Sclence Center ,
Please let Rob know lf you have North, at 10.00 am and 2:00 ‘
any tlps or problems you would pm.
llke hlm to C|lSr;USS (257-1631).
(Submltted by Laura Reln)
ARLIS members wlll be able to
lt‘s Thansglvlng agaln and LSO take advantage of three awards
would llke to contlnue our for the next annual Art Llbrarles
tradltlon of provldlng food to a Soclety of North Amerlca
needy famlly for a bountlful conference In Washlngton, D.C.
hollday dlnner. Please Ioln us In Clearwater Publlshlng ls offerlng
tnls effort by donatlng canned $400 for travel xpenses for a `
good or any non-perlshable foods. flrst tlme attendee. Chadwyck- *
Please brlng your donatlons to Healey wlll contrlbute $500 to
the Staff Lounge ln Klng North. A someone presentlng a paper or E
large box wlll be provlded for partlclpatlng In a sesslon or I .
storage. workshop. G.K. Hall wlll glve $300
lf you prefer to glve cash to members who have attended ln _
contrlbutlons, please glve them to the past, but haven't been able to
Jennlfer Geran, lnterllbrary Loan, afford It lately. For a copy of ‘
or to Judy Fugate, Collectlon the brochure wlth appllcatlon
Development. Instructlons, call Kerry at 257-
All donatlons should be 5954.
' submltted by November 24th. ·
Thanks for your generosltyl
. (Submltted by Judy Fugate) COMMITTEE MEETINGS
lf you schedule meetlngs and
HEALTH INSURANCE OPEN would llke to remlnd members about I
ENROLLMENT the tlme and date of the next one,
why not put It In the Green Bean?
The Unlverslty ls holdlng Its l'd llke to start a new column
annual health Insurance open called DATEBOOK, llstlng date,
enrollment from November 17 - tlme, and place of your
December 16. For more Info call commlttees meetlngs. Call Kerry
257-3331. at 257-5954 to llst your meetlng. _
** @__nday, November 24. HA-511 I
Medlcal Center, at IO;0O am, U__N_IVERSlTY OF MICHIGAN I
2:00 pm and 7:00 pm. ADVANCED_STUDlES
** Tuesday, November 25, The Unlverslty of Mlchlgan 3
Worsham Theater, Student offers graduate programs In {
Center, at 10:00 am and 2.00 hlgher and adult contlnulng I
pm. In Room 230 Student eclucatlon. From the brochure. I
A Center Addltlon at 7:00 pm. "[The program‘s] prlmary mlsslon ls I
to prepare graduate students for *
leadershlp roles In postsecondary I;
4 I

 education. Integratlng theory and gR__l;_S_IjEC KlT
. practice, maintaining strong
Interdlsclpllnary relationships, The latest ARL. SPEC Kit,
fostering high quality research, ·Il=‘l2f8, is §1y_s_t_g_ms Office
and sponsoring activities that gLganlAg_a__t_lon. Thlrty Ilbrarles
enhance leadership development were surveyed, and three patterns
are high prlorltles of the emerged: a department which
Program. For a copy of the performs a full range of systems
DVOCIWLIVB, call Kerry at 257-5954. tasks; a systems officer who has ,
planning and management
responsibilities but little or no _
GREEN BEAN RETROSPEQTIVE full-—-time suppiyrt staff; and
system.; sulaport outside the
in conjunction with the library   a s·ta·i..t,-,~.»ilde university
upcoming 500th Issue of the G_r_e_e_n level.
Bean, Brad Grlssom is preparing
an informal history of the {}[}{)i)IQll(}(lllfltlllfltltltl{)(}{}(}{l()
llbrarles' newsletter. He is
I¤*¤r¢St¤¤ ¤¤ well as any MM§.l]-.]f`.l1E 
anecdotes or reminiscences l]i;{jj_gg_P._Tlj@ENT
concerning the _G_reen Bean you (by Mary Welch)
might want to share, especially
any theorles about the origin of The serials Control
its odd name. Send anything you Department was formed ln July,
might have to Brad Grlssom, 1986 to iaciiltrate the development
Reference Department, or call him and lll":§`l¤liéilltillilialil  
Cartographlc Inventory; the OCLC 5. l°ri·a>ilii<;;iii·ir·» i~ii...i·g slips and
Map Format; Map Preservation; the iiiaiiitl-.w »g,; r<·>u*;:s¤g lists.
Mine Map Microfllmlng Project, and
a tour of the UK Kentucky Map {il€iE:.a*·Z are lliiiy a few of the   _
Collection. For more Informatlon serials ii:c>Iii;:.¤; i-uhctziohs and I
call Gwen Curtis at 257-1853. reports l.l‘i.at we plan to be using.
fir: lsa·.·’<..ii iiicvlés £:><<;l‘tiI‘¤g feature ··\ '~.·_ °
is thai ieinote acceiss to serial I;  ·`,)"`·Z·¥-Efri
l”lOlClllIg`l;$ inrtwinatlon will be " ij
availail. in IS/LilT>(jlCl. we believe  
that siii·¤’iiii.=ir;,» holding statements, .
current. ipiieol. in lnformatlcm and

 status lnformatlon (eg. "At as needed. She also handles the
Blndery") wlll appear ·ln LS/2000 declslons from Collectlon
(uploaded from SC350). OCLC Local Development and the selectors
Systems Offlce ls developlng concernlng clalms, cancellatlons
enhancements for the system. lt and letters of lnqulry. Newspaper
could become avallable for our use check—ln flle malntenance ls her
ln early 1987. responslblllty as well.
There are two unlts ln the Valefle Boggs Is responslble
department. The flrst ls the for lnvolces for serlals lncludlng
Central Serlals Record (CSR) whlch newspapers. She recelves about
ls a veteran llbrary unlt and ls 300 lnvolces a month, excludlng
descrlbed ln a separate report annual renewals, credlt memos, and
prepared by Nazee Depp (CSR addltlonal charges from Faxon,
Supervlsof). The second ls the Ebsco, and other vendors.
Serlals Converslon Unlt whlch now we have Journal Floutlng and
conslsts of Mary Welch. MalrrnatIcn Blbllograbher. Stanford T
Resources Press, 1983. gg,al_l__ng_. ____ Unlverslty. Salary: $27,500-
Z695.93 .A29 1993. $46,300. Deadllne: December 8,
LLL2maj2.LQ.·2 .... £2Qr1e.u.1.$1.a:—.&;.$  ..... 1..11 .&1e;a.;@l2.;;1~
Edlted by J. éslzebnen l***.=¤rl<¤r". llumanltles Llbrarlan. Unlvefslty
London; Mansell Pu:t;»llan1n;_; incl., cf Callfcrnla, Berkeley. Salary:
1986. gil] _»_V_ ____ng_._ /682:*1 065 I53 $29,340~$34,~¤-152. Deadllne:
1986. January 5, 1987.
Informat1cn_____t§>gg;;>lAa __y4 1181;   Head, Muslc: Library. Unlverslty
Player _ljj_____gng;_,____lj_gg_g;g;[QWlj;M__l§jr_gggg§§_;g. of Callfornla, Berkeley. Salary:
Julle M. Neway. lrleatllm   CT. $39,456—$·45,08·¤ Deadllne.
Greenwood     gj§g_l*l_,___l_yl. January 5, 1987.
2701 N49 1965.
Head, Hlstory and Speclal
LLLLLx.e!..eJ..&..i-e..e...-...  1. ·,.. ssg?.1.;;.111.;;;..1....i-m €>·¤¤¢¤¤¤¤S ¤¤¤V1¤¤¤¤» B¤¤·¤¤¤1¤¤•
Tecl1_rlg>_L_o__g1y__,r____ _,__y y·_jl__gjj M_ _g$»g;gg,_;;Vg_1__l__;j Llbrary. Unlverslty of Callfornla,
Llbrarles: ___“[_n,_eM1g_egg_t____];1.y;rj1_;g_y_____;jj_;;a_r_s. Los Angeles. Salary: $2·4,012—
Robert M. Hayes. lm:=.»n;>n<.1, l\1.|; $-49,656. Deadllne; January 5,
Ablex Publlsnlng CC>1"iJC)l"i11.*011, 1:186. 1987.
Call no. 2675 .Ll%i» Azusa 191:11. qjrlcxe.
Proceedlnge 01* tue Aleauzlealllr.; Head, Catalcglng Servlces.
Llbrarles l°‘rbntlal·»;—. i..LeQ;:l{L1-iil`é3l`lC§€5, Unlverslty cf Callfcrnla, San
UCLA, 13-17 December 11181..f) Dlego. Salary: $29,340·—$54,696.
Deadllne: December 19, 1986
V. ! ¤.<=r ¤. ¤. l S. ¤--..am-.Q.a&€.<;e.  1. . 121 :2 112  1 E2  
I.§Q.'l.Q_.*.Q.-9..*..§..§. ...... ..-€?..L*. S1 ....   .;*0 *.1 .%%...*...11 ****9** O" *9**19* find SF’€C*°*
/*.22.l.l.¤..¤.1212.11e_--i.¤.---L.1.12.@ianlee.,   M¤t<*=·"•¤*S C¤1¤*¤¤*·1¤· Unlverslty .
Ugdate. Judy Mc0ue.;n and 1*1l."a2‘éa1». . _ *
Unlverslty of /¤.la11>.»er».21. $aa.lary; lR1—l1x·. varlable. Deadllne. nane glven. * 1
r 1

 Unlverslty. Salary: $21,000-
Project Archlvlst. Unlverslty of $24,200. Deadllne: January 31,
Kentucky. Salary: $16,500 1987.
mlnlmum. Deadllne: December 1,
1986. TEXAS
Manuscrlpts Llbrarlan. Western Cataloger. Texas A&M Unlverslty
Kentucky Unlverslty. Salary: Salary: $19,000 mlnlmum. Deadllne:
varlable. Deadllne: January 15, November 30, 1986.
» 1987.
; Reference Llbrarlan. Texas A&M
  NEW YORK Unlverslty. Salary: $19.000
g mlnlmum. Deadllne: November 30,
  Reference Llbrarlan. New York 1986.
  State CIVII Servlce. Salary:
  varlable. Deadllne: December 8, VIRGIN ISTLANDS
  College Llbrarlan. College of the
  NORTH CAROLINA Vlrgln Islands. Salary: $28,679-
  $35,816. Deadllne: January 15,
  Humanltles Reference Llbrarlan. 1987.
  Unlverslty of North Carollna.
* Salary: $19,000 mlnlmum. Deadllne: VIRGINIA
g December 15, 1986.
§ Document Dellvery/Interllbrary
31 OHIO Loan Coordlnator. Unlverslty of
gg Vlrglnla. Salary: $18,000 mlnlmum.
E Head, Monograph Processlng Deadllne: December 15, 1966.
" Dlvlslon. Unlverslty of Clnclnnatl.
Salary: $30,000 mlnlmum. Catalog Llbrarlan. Vlrglnla
Deadllne: January 16, 1987. Commonwealth Unlverslty. Salary:
$18,500 mlnlmum. Deadllne:
I PENNSYLVANIA January 9, 1987.
Reference Llbrarlan. Pennsylvanla WISCONSIN
State Unlverslty - Altoona ·
Campus. Salary: varlable. Buslness lnformatlon Servlces
_, Deadllne: January 16, 1987. Llbrarlan. Clty of Mllwaukee.
E Salary: $28,648—$32,926.
E RHODE ISLAND Deadllne: none glven.
§ Order Llbrarlan. Brown
§ Unlverslty. Salary: $24,200-
  $28,600. Deadllne: December 31,
E Glfts and Collectlon Malntenance
§ Llbrarlan. Brown Unlverslty.
§ Salary: $21,000—$24,200.
_   Deadllne: December 31, 1986 ‘
I .
  Catalog Llbrarlan. Brown  
