xt773n20ct43 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt773n20ct43/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 18640116 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1864-01-mar16. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1864-01-mar16. 1864 2011 true xt773n20ct43 section xt773n20ct43 


                   June 23, 1863

same be filled at the next annual meeting of the Board.
     The minutes have been road and were unanimously adopted.
Jno. Aug. Williams, Sec.        A. G. Kyle
                                Chairman, proteom

Meeting of
March 16, 1864

Report from
St. Coin.

J. W. Me-
Garveyls re-
solution con-
cerning loca-
tion of the

     At a meeting of the Board of Curators of Ky. University,
called to consider the exigency of the Institution growing out
of the recent loss of the Buildings - & held on 16th Mardh 1864
in the Christian Meeting House in the town of Harrodsburg.

                        Present s
Jno. B. Bowman. Jno. Aug. Williams, A. G. Kyle, A. E. Bowman,
0. S. Poston, D. W. Thompson, A. G. Vivian, G. D. Dunyon, C. T.
Worthington, Jno. Dearborn, W. T. Groom, J. W. McGarvoy, Jao.
Shackelford, jun, G. W. Givens.
     After Prayer by Elder W. T. Moore, the Board then proceeded
to Business as followst
     The Ex. Con. on notion, reported verbally the present con-
dition of the University as the basis of action for the Board.
Pending the informal discussion of various questions, the Board
adjourned to meet at 2 o'clock with closed doors.
Board set pursuant to adjournment. Bro. J. W. Mc0arvey offered
the following preamble and Resolution&
     Whereas at a meeting of the Board of Ky. University and
donors of the same held in Harrodsburg, on Sept. 1860 it was
unanimously resolved that in the contingency of the Property of
the United States in Harrodsburg being secured by the friends of
the Institution and the sum of 50000+ be raised for that property
and its improvement, that then Ky. University shall be consid-
ered permanently located in Harrodeburgs
And whereas the donors of the University in Mercer Co. did sub-
scribe about that amount, but have failed as yet to secure said
A             by said action of the Board & Donors by this sub-
sequeut failure to purchase, the question of permanent location
is made an open ones
     Therefore Rstolved II That a Committee of five be appointed
to inquire in reference to the advantages and disadvantages of
each of the various points which maybe suggested as a permanent
location for the Institution, and to prepare a full report
thereof in writing.
Resolved II; That said Committee be required to ascertain and
report in what manner said Institution can be legally removed
elsewhere, if removed at all.



to J. W. Me-
Garvey' s

motion to
strike out
the Preamble
of MCGarvey' s

The Resol8
ution of J.U.

Resolved III; That they be instructed to inquire & report how
such the citizens of Mercer 6o. have subscribed and paid to the
Insti tution.
Resolved IV; That they be further instructed to inquire into
the pursuit and equity of refunding any subscriptions or part
of subscriptions to donors, in the event of a removal of the
University from Harrodsburg & report at ouir next meeting.
Resolved VI That when this Board adjourn it adjourned to meet
on 27th April Wednesday, 1864 to hear the Report of the Commit-
tee and to take such action in the

     Pending the decision of these Resolutions, the following
amendment was duly offered by 0. S. Poston & seconded by D    _
Thcmp sons
" Regolved VI; That
                  be appointed a committee to solicit further
donations for the purchase & improvement of the Asylum Grounds
or any other suitable site in Harrodsburg or its vicinity, that
can be obtained at a fair price, and that both Committees Report
at the same time. "
After a full discussion this amendment was rejected - On motion
of Judge Poston to strike out the Preamble of Bro McGarvey' 8
Resolution, the yeas & nays were as follows$
     To strike out                        Not to strike out.
     A. G. Kyle                           Jno. B. Bowman
     A. H. Bowman                         Jno. Aug. Williams
     0. S. Poston.                        G. D. Buyo n
     D. W. Thompson                       C. T. Worthington
     A. G. Vivian                         J. A. Dearborn.
     Jno. Shackelford                     W. T. Moore
                                          J. W. McGarvey
                                          G. W. Givons   8
     The motion was therefore lost.  The motion being taken on
the original Preamble and Resolution, it was carried. The fol-
lowing men appointed the Committee contemplated in the Resolu-
J. 11. McGarvey. Chairman. 0. W. Thompson, Um. T. Moore, Jno.
Shackelford, Jr. & Juo. Aug. Williams.
Moved and carried that the Preamble & Resolution be published
in the Am. Christian Review until the 27th April.



Kentucky University, Earrodsburg, Ky.

            March 16, 1864

     On motion it was resolved that the obligers on the notes
herefore given for the purchase of the Western Military Asylum
return the same to the proper parties.
     Teas                                  Nays
     Jno. Aug. Williams                 J. B. Bowman
     A. G. Kyle                         A. H. Bowman
     A. G. Vivian                       0. L. Poston
     G. 0. Runyon                       D. W. Thompson    4
     C. T. Worthington
     J. S. Dearborne
     J. W. McGarvey
     Jno. Shackelford    9

death of
Curator R. T.

H. T. Ander-
son elected

     By a vote of 2/3 it was agreed to accept resignation of
Curators this day tendered & to fill vacancies thereby occas-
ioned. Jno. A. Gano resignation was then tendered and accepted
George W. Williams was by a suspension of the Rule, elected a
Curator in his place.
     Jno. J. Rogers' resignation was then tendered & accepted
on suspension of the Rule requiring the election to be by ballot,
Landon A. Thomas was elected Curator in his place. Bro. Bowman
was authorized as the agent of this Board to assist in legaly in
any proposition that may be made to this Board in reference to
the permanent location.
     On notion of J. A. Williams a committee of three was appointed
to prepare suitable resolutions in view of the great loss it has
sustained in the death of Curator R. T. Lathan and that the laws
be published in the Am. Ch. Review, and a copy of the same sent
to the family of the deceased. Jno. Aug. Williams, A. G. Kyle,
A. H. Bowman was appointed this committee.
     On motion the rule was suspended & H. T. Anderson was elected
a Curator of this Institution.
     On motion the Board adjourned to meet 27th April 1864.
Jno. Aug. Williams. Sec.            C. T. Worthington, Pres't.


            Kentucky University, Harrodsburg, Ky.

                      June 24, 1864
                      Kentucky University

     Meeting of the Board of Curators _ Harrodsburg, Ky.
     At the Regular meeting of the Board held in Masons Hall
June 21st 1864.