xt776h4cps62 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt776h4cps62/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19730817 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean Bulletin, August 17, 1973, no. 13 text Bulletin, August 17, 1973, no. 13 1973 2014 true xt776h4cps62 section xt776h4cps62   zjrq  Q.
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INVEMTQEX: The following note from Circulation: Vmgé lgé ( §“  g l§\@
Tibet wonderful tine of year has rolled around i““ E”PL“~&m”*““ 5 H* V
again when the MIK collection is surveyed for
mutilated, misshelve5—cr missing items. The UNIVERSITY CF KENTUCKY
Fifth Annual Inventory picnic will meet this LIBRARIES
Saturday the l8th to inventory the 900's. The
Catalog Dept. has been readying the shelf list August I7, l973 No. l3
and coordinators John Watson, Mark Qaster, and V
Trudi Bellardo have been—holding training ses- """"`“““““"“““?“"""“`
sions this week for the staff and students who "`—""""“"'“"`“""`"““””
will participate."
BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES: Dr. Thomas J. Waldhart, the new BS librarian, has
reEeived_an aaaaarream the American Society~for Information Science. His
dissertation was chosen from among 40 others as being the best submitted for V
the year in the field of Information Science. Tom will be one of the
participants in the Doctoral Forum planned for the annual meeting of ASIS
this fall.
E§§SOWM§L_CHANG§S: Appointments: Debra Clark, classified, Cataloging;
Laura Dickinson, classified, Circulation; Jean Graef, professional, Circulaw -
tion; Donna Hoffman, classified, Copy Service-Circulation; William Marshall,
professional? Special Collections; Antoinette Powell, professional,Agrit"“~
culture Library; Betty Williams,classified, Acguisifions.
QQQ§§_A§Q“MACHIHES; The north entrance to MIK is scheduled to reopen the
20th. For how long, no one is certain. In that same general vicinity,
you can once again find the vending machines. They were placed Tuesday
and should be in full operation by sometime early next week.
SUBJECT HBADINGS OF THE WEEK: Cross references; Exhibitionism; Nonsense
litefature, English_i_l§th'century ~ History and criticism; Orange Order;
Street literature — Great Britain; Sun dance.
EQ§ITION_QE§MIMGS: Administrative Services, classified V, open now; ·r
Acquisitions, classified V, open now; Reference—Interlibrary Loan, class~
ified V, open 8/20/73.
SBQCIAL COLLBCTIONS: Mr. William Marshall joins the staff after completing
work*on his”MLS Eflkent State. He also has a MA in History from Kent with
undergraduate work in history from Heidelberg College. Mr. Marshall has
completed three years with the U.S. Army.
AGRICULTURE LIBRARY: Ms. Antoinette Powell is the new professional added
to”fhe"EtEff_effEcfive later this month. Toni attended Northern Michigan
University. She took a BA degree in History and MALS from UK. During her
time at UK, she worked as a student assistant in Tech Services for three
years greatly increasing her experience. Ms. Powell's husband, David, is
the Engineering Supervisor for Channel l2.
CIRCULATION: Ms. Jean Graef has been chosen as the new head of Circulation
saarsaraacsssrambaf l, l973. Jean has a BA from Peabody College in English
and German and has taken her MLS work from the same institution. During her
stay in Nashville, she has accumulated considerable time working in and
around the circulation and reserve room areas. Ms. Graef is married and has
two children ages 4 and 6.
119 Days to the Big Move