xt776h4cps87 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt776h4cps87/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19790810 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, August 10, 1979, no. 286 text The Green Bean, August 10, 1979, no. 286 1979 2014 true xt776h4cps87 section xt776h4cps87 I.}, i
8/10/79 N0. 286
__ August 31 ACTS Fall Meeting
EXHIBITS: King North, Fine Books
King South, all around posters
Contributors: Colleen Holmes, Jane White, Lee Hisle, Rebekah Harleston
(editor), Peggy Lewis, Faith Harders, Paul Willis, Brad Grissom.,

»Business Library Moves to King
,Because the College of Business and Economics is growing rapidly, the
space now occupied by the library has been required for offices and/or
classrooms. T
Perhaps by this time, move of the collection to the "old" Reference Room
on the second floor of King South will have been completed. We look
to the return of some of old stand-by reference works, and to closer
relations with the staff.
Business Coverage
Rhoda Channing is leaving at the end of August to accept a position at
Boston College. Any staff member interested in being considered for
business reference and collection development work for the coming year
should see Faith Harders as soon as possible.
ACTS Meeting
The ACTS meeting is now scheduled for August 31, 9:00 AM - 12:00 noon.
The place has been changed to the staff lounge, 3rd floor North, so that
we can enjoy coffee and cake, and cookies and .
New on the Scene
Judith M. Wiza has joined the Reference Department. She comes to us from
the Library School of the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Jan Orf has been appointed as Extension Librarian, a newly created position
funded by University Extension. Jan's role will be to plan, design,
develop and administer programs and services applying the library resources
of the University to the informational needs of extension.
Study of Reference Dept. to be Republished
An article entitled, "Fleeting Encounters——Arole Analysis of Reference
Librarian—Patron Interaction" based on research carried out in the
reference department of MIK has been selected for reprinting by the
University oflkxth Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Library Science.
The reprint will be appearing in a book of required readings for the
first year graduate students at UNC. The article appeared in RQ 16:2:
124-29 (1976) and was written by UK anthropologists Benita Howell, Edward
Reeves and John van Willigen.
Organization Structure
The University of Kentucky Libraries Organizational Chart was on the back
page of last week's Green Bean. We hope you saw and kept it. If any
Department or section is broken further, the Green Bean will be glad
to publish the arrangement with persons responsible for specific areas.
How Do We Spell "Relief"?
,Agriculture received its new OCLC terminal on July 19. We are calling it
ROLAIDS, for "Remote Qn—Line Access in a Departmental §etting." The name
was selected from entries submitted by staff members.

 .  _3_
ERIC SYSTEM: The Educational Resources Information Center is a national
information network which collects, indexes, and distributes educational
research reports, conference proceedings, and professional papers from
major research centers throughout the United States. Other United States
and extensive bibliographies in many subject areas. It publishes both
Resources in Education (RIE) and Current Index to Journals in Education
(CIJE) as guides to its literature.
RIE and CIJE may be used in both MIK Library and the Euducation Library
so that a manual search may be made by the library patron. Also
available are semi-annual and annual indexes. The Education Library
subscribes to, and housed, the microfiche edition of all titles available
through the ERIC system. Thus immediate access to sought-for material
is possible. Microfiche readers and reader-printers are available in the
Education Library, MIK Library and many other libraries on campus. The
Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors is useful in identifying subjects to be
The College of Education also buys the ERIC tapes which are housed on
campus at the computing center. Arrangements for graduate students and .
Education faculty for ERIC tape searches may be made by contacting the
office of Dr. Tom Guskey at 7-379l. This office is now located at l47
Washington Avenue. For students a request sheet signed by a professor
is necessary and each student must make an appointment to discuss the
search and make descriptor selection. Searches are accepted on Wednes-
day afternoons and Thursday mornings. They are sent to the University
Computer Center and are generally returned on Friday.
Data Services in MIK Library may access ERIC on—line. Trudy
Bellardo and other Librarians in Reference need to confer with people
who desire a search. A charge is made for this service.
Elementary and secondary teachers in the public schools of Kentucky can
call or write to Donna Swanson, State Department of Education in
Frankfort for a free computer search of ERIC. Donna will send, upon
request, a microfiche copy of the document to the teacher. Written
requests should be on school stationery. All public libraries in the
state of Kentucky have microfiche readers which may be utilized if the
school does not own a reader.
A yellow note pad with July statistics. It has a social security number
at the top and below such items as: Hours on-line, etc. If found,
return to Terry Warth, Special Collections.
LT II — AV section of Med. Center Library. If interested, call Carl
Boewe 3-6573.
LT III - Reference (AIDS) If interested, see Faith Harders. ‘
LT III - Lexington Technical Institute (LTI) (Because of human error,
this position was incorrectly given as "two" last week).
If interested, Call Lee Hisle at 8-4919.
LT III Engineering If interested. see Faith Harders
LT II Newspapers/Microtexts If interested, see Faith Harders

   ·L*· ‘·‘- at
Serials Cataloger, Pennsylvania State University. Application deadline 1
September 15. . y
Original Mongraph Cataloger, Social Sciences, Pennsylvania State University. Q
Application deadline September 15.
Librarian General Reference, Pennsylvania State University, Application
deadline September 15, Minimum salary $12,600.
Head, Catalog maintenance, Arizona State University. Salary minimum
$14,616. Application deadline September 1. Salary $13,144 entry level.
General Reference Service, Arizona State University. Application deadline
September 1.
Catalog Librarian, Arizona State University. Application deadline
September 1. p
Assistant Documents Librarian, University of Florida. Application deadline
September 1. Salary up to $11,500.
Head, Computerized Cataloging, University of Florida. Application deadline
September 1. Salary up to $17,000.