xt776h4cpz9k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt776h4cpz9k/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1938 journals 017 English Lexington. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Regulatory series, bulletin. n.17 text Regulatory series, bulletin. n.17 1938 2014 true xt776h4cpz9k section xt776h4cpz9k I Regulatory Series, Bulletin No. 17 July, 1938 ,
I I O  
. Kentucky Ag1·1culturalExper1ment Station I
Inspection, Certification, and Transportation of Nursery
Stock in Kentucky, with a Brief Report for the
Y Year Ended June 30, 1938.
. For several years, it has been the practice of the Kentucky
Agzrieultural Experiment Station, thru its Entoniologist, to »
publish an intorinal bulletin for nurserymen and others inter-
ested in the sale of ilants. It states the iroeedure necessary ‘
. I I ,
to Ubtaln licenses for nurscrymen, dealers, and ag‘€11’tS. it COD-
. iilllli l1l`i·O1'1]]€II`i()1l regarding the interstate shipment of nursery i
stock. Activities in connection with a few recently introduced
insect pests and diseases are discussed briefly. A list ol’
litzensetl ]]ll1'S(?I'}'1II(‘ll, dealers, and agents is supplied.
A Resident Nurseryman must pay the required l`ee ol? $5.00
. znid lns nursery must pass inspection before zi eertifieate of
nispt·tl>(’l`l'}' Ellltl hlaekberry plants. sweetpotate
plants, lterbaeeous [)l‘1`(‘1ll1l2Il ])l?llIiS Hll(i roots. t)l'lI2llll(*l|i2|l  _
bulbs. illI)l*1'S illltl eornts, illltl Hlly other plants whieh llI2|_\'
serve as a. llléllllllll for dissetnittating l1ljl1l`I()llS inseet pesb It
and plant diseases. lleeause of the C0l11])2lI'?ltl\'t’l}’ little pest Q
risk. herbaeeons annuals. g'l`(?l?lIlIOllS(‘ HlI(l house ]Il2IlIi>. tllltl
garden vegetable })l&l1liS are not elassed as nursery stoelc. I
I All states i11 the Vnited States, as well as foreign t‘()llIt‘ 1
tries, have laws and regulations g`()\'(’1'lIl]1;j` the ]Il()\'t‘lllt‘lli "ii " ll
I .
| - 1
‘ 1
· I
t ` ·E

 I11spo(·t‘1`011 of ATH)`S(‘1'_I] S't‘¢11·‘k, ]!)3?’-1.*/38 3
1e1·ly 11111·se1·y stock 11110 amd \\`l1lli]1 their bo1111da1ries. These laws
211111 1‘(’§llli11i()llS differ 111 the severail stattes amd eotmtries 11111 ’
1 the · their p1·i11t·ipa1l ohjeetive is to aivoid the ill11'0(ll1(‘1lOll ot plamt ‘
161*11 ° pests amd to preveiit the spread of those ailreaidy estaihlishcd. 1
o he Not only aire the laws differeiit 111 the vairious staites a111d 1
the ‘· 1‘111Ill1l’lCS 11111 they aire C()llS1?l1l1l_\' lll1(l9l'Q'Olll§I Cll2l1lQ`l‘. This 1
—1·111it U1 (’ll11llHS1Z(‘S tho (l(*Sil'Hl)llli`V of ha1vi11¤· att ll2lll(l the lattcst l
l •, K7
list ~ l'1‘1]llll'(’lll(’1l1S of tho staites lll1'0 ivhieh SlIiPlll1‘1l1' is 0011- _
2111*1}- V 11‘lll]1lil1`(‘(l. A
P 1 10 ship lllll'S(‘l'_\' stock 11110 the 1011011 111;;· stattvs. it is
'llm" _ ll1‘1'(*NS21l’}' to tile (lll])ll1'2l1'(* l]lS])(‘1‘1'l(1ll (?(‘l'1l1l1‘H1'(‘S with their
nlm] 1 l1‘S]1(’C1l\`(‘ (11l:lL‘i211S.
Alaibamiai Michigam Rhode Islzmd
.·\l`l{ZlllS2lS }li1lll€SO1&l South (.lEll'Ollll2`1
(’0r111e<:1ic11t Mississippi 'l`e1111essee
yifpy. Floridai ]liSSOlll'l Texais
` Georgia Nehraiskai Utah
llllll(1lS New Jersey \v€l'I`l10l11, '
_ NUI V 1ll(li?11]21 New Mexico \vlI'§`llll&l
’ I Iowa North Catroliiia \\v£lSl1ill{§tOll
ars 11 _ Kamsais North I)a1k1:1z1 \\v(’SL\i1l'§l11i&l 4
Keiitucky Ohio \\'iS(‘01lSil1
Lo11isiz111;1 Oklz1l1o111a1 \\’)’(JH]l11g‘
j1]l,»1· `  Mz11·yla111d Pe1111sylvz111ia1
lllll`- ‘
WWII 1111· 1lllllQ` t1fl)1'1111l is l'1‘11_llll'1‘1l lll six stattesz
Amount cf Bond
_um_ :\l`l{il1lS2lS 1Agi  _ I
I . . . . . . . Il
» \\ Illtc PIIIP Iillstcr Rust. Qnarant ine Ko, GZ}; l$Ia<·k NVIII Ig
Rust of Grains. QlltlI'&lllIlllt* No. 38; (Iypsy Moth and I$l'0lI'II‘ . K
I tall Moth. (Qll2ll'2lllI'lll(‘ No. 45; J2lP2lllt‘S(‘ Beetle. tQnarantin¤·  ·
I ~ I .
` I
. I .;

 ]21spe<·ti'on. of Nursery Stock, 1937-1.9.38 5
No. 48; Satin Moth. Quarantine No.   and Dutch Elm Dis-
— ease. Quarantine No. 71 as amended. ‘
L lt is important to know the provisions for shipment and '
_. the infested a1·ea under regulation in order to lessen the risk ,
_V____ of importing infested or infected stock as well as to avoid Y
t ‘ delay or destruction of shipments made in violation of any of i
T ` the above qnarantines. (rlopies of Federal Quarantines may 1
l lie olitained by addressing the Bureau of Entomologry and
·es . . , . I
if r___ Plant Quarantine. ll. S. D. A., \\2lSlllll{.’,`iO1l. D. C.
·····‘ State quarantines regulate the movements of stock likely
....... to earry pests not included in Federal quarantines. To avoid
j"i‘6‘U . difficulties in delivery of nursery stock shipments going to
....... other states. the shipper should consult the proper official of
··‘‘‘‘‘ the state in question. For convenience, a list of officers in
....... eltargre of inspection 2l1l(l regulation of nursery stock in the
various states is given below.
  Alabama G. L. Harris, Acting Chief. Division of Plant
________ Industry. Department of Agriculture. Mont-
____A___ V gomery A
______ _ Arizona Oscar C. Bartlett, State Entomologist. Commis- ~
___,_,__ sion of Agriculture and I·Iortit·ulture, ,
___v_,__ Phoenix
_____A__ Arkansas Paul H. Millar, Inspector, State Plant Board.
____,_..  , _ Little Rock
____   California A. C. Fleury, Chief, Bureau ot Plant Quarantine,
________. Department of Agriculture, Sacramento
,1.i(.t»s C`0l0ral`§I1i1 M. S. Yeomans. State Entomologist. State (`api— V
tol, Atlanta
ylllcll Ilmlil W. T. Callender, Director. Bureau of Plant T
_ _ _ Industry, Department of Agriculture. Boise ,» ,
' lll"` mlllms H. F. Seifert. Chief Plant inspector, Room 2200, , ,
mm., _ I _ Glen Ellyn State Bank Building, Glen Ellyn ?  
, mlltlllil Frank N. \Vallace, State Entomologist. Depart— E I
lo\‘—‘>i ' ment of Conservation. Indianapolis _ .
`mu i?A“*‘ Carl J. Drake, State Entomologist. Ames   l
` . \‘*“S“$ Geo. A. Dean. State Entomologist. Kansas ( A
yawn- I.) Entomological Commission. Manhattan i 2
. “mu(*kY W. A. Price, State Entomologist. State Expert i
~ tune . . {
flll ment Station. Lexington , .
. * .

 I -
I ti ]Lt}llill(!]£j] i»Igri't·ult1traZ ]g;l.'l)(T)'I·IIlC’Ht Sitttimz Z
Louisiana? XV. E. Anderson, State Entomologist. Depart· A
ment of Agriculture, Baton Rouge , I
I Maine Stanley L. Painter, Horticulturist, Department
· I of Agriculture, Augusta ` \
Maryland E. N. Cory, State Eutomologist, Board of Agri- ·
culture, College Park  t X
Massachusetts R. Harold Allen, Director, Division of Plant ‘
Pest Control, Department of Agriculture.  » X
Statehouse, Boston -
» Michigan E. C. Mandenberg, Orchard and Nursery Inspct·— ` r
, tio11, Department of Agriculture. Lansing ,
Minnesota A. G. Ruggles, State Entomologist, University ~ r
I Farm, St. Paul
Mississippi R. P. Colme1·, Chief Inspector, State Plant v
Board, State College P. O.
Missouri J. Carl Dawson, State Entomologist. Depart- I
ment of Agriculture, Jefferson City
Montana George L. Knight, Chief I·Iot·ticultural Division. .
Department of Agriculture, Missoula ’
Nebraska L. M. Gates. Inspector, Plant Industry, Depart-
. ment of Agriculture and Inspection. Lincoln
Nevada Geo. G. Schweis, Director, Division of Plant 4
‘ Industry. Department of Agriculture, Box
1027. Reno ' tt
New Hampshire \\'. C. O'Kane. State Nursery Inspector. Stair ` A
l Department of Agriculture, Durham ’
New Jersey Harry B. \\’eiss, Chief, Bureau of Plain In- v
I dustry. Department of Agriculture. 'I`r<~ntoit
New Mcxico R. F, Crawford, Nursery Inspection and Lit·t·nF· ' “
ing, State College P. O. tt
New York Dr. A. B. Buchholz, Director, Bureau of Plant `
Industry. Department of Agricttltttr<.·. ` N
Alhany - gl
North (‘arolina C. H. Brannon. State Entomologist. Departincni _
» of Agriculture, Raleigh I`-
North Dakota J. A. Munro, Entomologist, North Dakota (mi- ll
lege of Agriculture. Fargo
` Ohio \\"altet· .1. Marion, Chief, Plant Itnlustry. l’¤‘· lt
partment of Agriculture, Columbus I
Oklahoma lt. IC. Montgomery. Orchard and Nursery In- il
spector, State Board of Agriculture, Okla- n
homa City . U
Oregon Prank McKennon. Chief, Division of Plant ltr
dustry. Department of .-\grit·ulturo, Salrtn 21
_ I’ennsylvania lt. II. Bell. Director. Bureau of Plant lutlttstrl N
Department of Agriculture, Ilarrislntrg
Rhode Island A. IC. Stene. State Entomologisp Dt~pa1‘tn1¤·lll   ll
ot Agriculture, Providence I U
Sottth (`arolina Franklin Sherman. State lintoinologist. <`rt·I*
Pest Commission. Clemson College P. it W
, South Dakota C. A. Russell, Secretary of Agrit·ultnr<·. l’l·‘l'l“4 xi
, 'Ttaiiiiessce G. M. Bentley. State Iintomologisn Dt·pat‘t1n•‘ll*
. of Agricttlture. Knoxville V Nl
Texas J. M. Del Curio. Chief, Horticultural lllFIl*`l'_W’? p
and Quarantines. Department of .-\Ql`l<‘l"'
ture. Austin A ll
· t .
' I
` I
t ` ·L

 - ])lS])(’('lLI·(IIL 0f N11rsery SI((}l']i, 19.3’7‘-11735. .7
Dil"` Utah ,.Earl .HlltCl1lllgS,v__Sl.1D€l'VlSl1lg Inspector and
Plant Quarantine Officer. Boa1·d ot Agricul-
1¤€‘m · ture, Salt Lake City ,
Vermont M. B. Cummings, Nursery Inspector. State De-
AS1`i· . partment of Agriculture. Biirlington
A Virginia G. T. French, State Entomologist, Department 1
’la111 Q of Ag1·iculture, Richmond .
.Tlll'€‘· Wasliington J. I. Griner, Supervisor of Horticulture. De-
1 partment of Agriculture. Olympia . 1
spec- West Virginia J. B. NIcLaug11lin, Com1nissione1· of Agriculture.
using ’ Cliarleston
arsity ~ Wisconsin E. L. Chambers, State Entomologist, Depart- I
‘ ment of Agriculture. Madison ‘
Plant _ Wyoining , C. L. Corkins, State Entomologist. Department
of Agriculture. Powell
}])2ll`l· Dominion of Canada L. S. McLaine, Secretary, Destructive Insect
, and Pest Act, Department of Agriculture,
ision. ` Ottawa ~
neoln ‘ E E
PEM 'l`rapping· for Japanese beetle by tl1e Bureau of Entom-
. OX . . .
” ologxy and Plant Quarantine ot tl1e U. S. I). A. was t‘Oll’[llllIl?l0¤lie1‘1'1 .· _ _ ’ .
www bllllf l)<‘<*2111se the eqtiipmeiit, l()g'(?l`ll€l.' \\`1lll Elll 4>]1e1‘21T<11' éllltl  
{_ W *‘ll’*'¤'\‘lSo1· were furnished by the Bureau of ]‘llli¢PlllUlllLl'_\' and g ,
wee 1*’· 1 _ . _ , ` ~
m.j(.u1· lldlli Qllt\l'2llllll1() ot the I . S. I). A. and the labor 2lll(l water  
“l"l`*` l\ll‘11lsl1e(l by eooperating (>l'{_{'t·llllZilllUllx in l.o11is\‘llle. i l
. ‘ -

I V I 
8 Kclzfuelcy Agricultural Empcrinzcnt Station  I
I I Phony peach inspection was continued during the sunnner `
of 1937. This work was done by the Federal Bureau of linto- I .j
mology and Plant Quarantine and the Kentucky Agricultural
Experinient Station cooperating. One infected t1·ee was tountl I
, near Sebree, in Webster County. This made a total of 11ine trees .
· which have been identified as infected with phony peach disease
I since the beginning of this work in 1935. The fact that seven of
the 11lll€ infected trees were found during the tirst inspection ·
season in 1935 and no infected trees have been found north or
cast of VVebster and Henderson Counties lends eneourageinent
to the belief that the disease can be checked in Kentucky before · I
. it has become widespread 2lll(I has caused 1llllCll damage. All in- I
fected trees that were discovered have been removed and ’
destroyed.  . _
 I I
Name of Nursery I Address   Kind of Stock . I
. < (
I » I I · (
Adkins, Cicero Hawesville I ISweetpotato plants I (
` Anderson, B. B. IQuincy I ISweetpotato planli
Beckett, Carl Falmouth I ISweetpotato plants (
Bellefonte Nursery, K. G. I I (
Seaton Ashland I 2 IOrna111entals
Bickers, Arnold Lexington I IO1·nan1entals (
Black. XV. S. & H. C. Morehead I ISweetpotato plants I
lilaiikenbaker. S. H. IJ€ff€1`SOllI()\\'ll   2 IGeneral I
Bolin, Mrs. Henry IClint0n I *,§IOrnamentals }
Bourbon Nurseries Paris I 35 IGeneral l
lioyle, L. 'I`. 306 Lewis St., I I
I Owensboro I 3 IBull>s _ I
Bradford. J. C. I\’aneeburg I 1l,@ISt,i·awbe1·ry DIZUIIS
Brown. Joe 3Cynthiana. R. 3 I Sweetpotato plains }
Brown Plant Co., C. G.     ~ I
Brown IHawesville   ISweetpot.ato ]lI?IIIIi I
Browning. John H. IFalmouth I ISweetpotato plane
I Byrn Landscape Service Illavtleld I %IGeneral J
= Carter Nursery. H. \'. Pack Carter I 1 {General J
‘ (‘atalpa Gardens. Mrs. Rod- I I _
nian Hansbrough ISl1elbyville I General 4 J
Chester. ll. C. Il{irkse3‘ I Sweetpotato planl>
I .
· I
I \ I 1

 I’)lS[)U(*l‘l·O’}L of Nursery Stock, 1937-1938 9
INSPECTION, 1937-38—Continued
lnier   ·
{“{{{_ `  i Name of Nursery { Address {‘l;cé§`{ Kind of Stock
ural   ‘ **—{ { ’
mm] { Chick, C. D. {Marion { %|General
, Clark’s Nursery, W. \V. { { { {  
trees » Clark Mt. Sterling { 2 {Ge11eral
_ , __ ‘ Clark, Joe A. {Paynesville { %{Fruits
`Q‘l°{‘ Clinton Nursery, O. Piper Clinton { 5 {Fruits g
gp of C0]b1ll'l1, George VV. {Murray | {Sweetpotato plants
{tion Colvin, John F. {Falmouth, R. 2 { {Sweetpotato plants
' Corbin Nursery Co., VV. H. {
{h ol. CBurgan C N {Corbin { 1 {Ornamentals
rume, T. ., ursery and {
nleni { Landscape Co. Florence { S {O1·name11tals
cfm? Curry, J. G. Hawesville { {Sweetpotato plants {
Damron, L. P. Olive Hill { Sweetpotato plants
ll in- Devon Glad and Dahlia { |
Gardens, John W. Cain Erlanger { 2 {Dahlias & gladioli
and Dixie View Nurseries, A. L. { { {
Heger {Covington { 55 {General
Evans Brothers {Christine { 1,5 Fruits ~
Fike Nurseries, J. VV. Fike {Hopkinsville { 15 {General
ES OF Friedman. John {Owensboro { 12 {Tomato plants
Fry, Arthur {Ribolt { {Sweetpotato plants ‘
. Boone Gardner’s Nursery, I { ’
JT Dan Gardner Louisville, R. 7 { 15 {General ,
(wk ‘ George, C. E, P1·inceto11 { {Sweetpotato plants `
Gilpin and Franz 2826 Lexington { {
·~~ Ave., Ashland { {Sweetpotato plants
{lung “ Ginn, Foster Cll2`i1'{€l`S { {Sweetpotato plants
Ulf I; Grainse Nursery, R. A. { ;
D fml; Gramse Paducah { 5 {Ornamentals
l’{"" " Grant, Dr, Hem-y Lee Louisville | Mgilris
Green River Home { {
Nursery, W. A. Sandefur Robards { 8 {General
‘p{m{{F { Green. T. \V. {Bolgliiig Green,   1] {G I
. { ,/§{ enera
_ Haag’s Nursery, R, L. Haag {Jeftersontown {   {Ornamentals
* Harrall, W, J. Kirksey, R. 2 { {Sweetpotato plants
Highland Nlll‘S9l`y Co., { { {
_Joe Buenger {Ft. Thomas { 1,§{Ornamentals
{ams Highland Place Nursery, { { { ‘
D {mc Mrs. Joseph Garrett {Versailles { 15 ;O1'Il2illl€1li.2liS
D A ` Hlllelllneyer Nurseries {Lexington {276 {General  
{ml; H0{{S€1‘, H. H. {Benton, R. 3 { 2 {Strawberry plants { j
p{fm{S · H{{mDh1‘ey`s Landscape { | ~ { '
{" Service Mt. Sterling { 4 {Ornamentals {  
·]*{<'{iS0l1, W. S., Jr. {Lexington, R. 1 { {Q{Ol'Il2lIll€llU.liS   {
Jilllltzke Brothers {3340 Taylor BlV(l.,{ ` { {
{ Louisville * {Sweetpotato plants { {
{ plums Johnston, Allie {Calvert City, R.   3 {Fruits   {
/___   { {
Q .

I . . .
10 Ifcnttttrky Agrzculfttrttl E,rpurtnz0ni Station I 
INSPECTION, 1937-38-Continued Y -
I "' ‘_'_‘T—"'”é'j 5
Name ot Nursery I Address I‘A:1°gI§`I Kind of Stock rj
I I I  ;
Junior Club Nurseries, I I I  ; S
A. C. Herrin ISh0pville I %;Fruits _
' Kirksey Plant Farm IKirksey I ISweetpotato plants U  S
Klaber, Godfrey IFalmouth, R. 3 I ISweetpotato plants S
Klein Nursery & Floral Co., I I I S
` Theo. R. Klein ICrestwood I 10· IGeneral I
Kriegel, J. E. IGeorgetown, R. 1I ISweetp0tato plants _ S
Leeming Nursery, W. H. I I I _ S
Leeniing IShive1y I 15 I()t-namentalg S
Limestone Dahlia Gardens IWashington I IDahlias . E
Louisville Nurseries ILouisville, R. 7 54 IGeneral · S
Lovelace, lda IFalmouth, R. 5 I ISweetpotato plants l
McGowan, Emery Lamero I 1/tINative shrubbery I
‘ McGregor, H. B. Lexington I 2 IOrnamentals ; 'I
McKinney, T`. E. Hazel, R. 6 I ISweetp0tato plants  _ 'I
Martin’s Nursery Carrollton I 10 IOrnamentals I
Miller. Mrs. H. L. IValley Station, I I I 'I
I R. 1 I 2 IGlatlioli I I
Mt. Airy Nursery, Dalton ‘ I I ¤ \
I Brown Harrodsburg I 3%IOrnamentals I
Mttllllls, Gl'Hllt VVi1lg0 I 3 ISt1·avvberry plants I
Mullins. H. VV. Demossville, R. 1I ISweetpotato plants  » l
Nick’s Nursery, Nick I I I I
Vet-lnu·g IAn<:horage I 5 IOrnamentals  3
` Nottsinger, Elmer IBremen I 1 Istrawberry plants . I
Patton, W. O. IAlino I ISweetpotato plants _ \
Pomona Nurseries. A. A. I   I I \
McGinnis and Son Iliowling Green I 15 I(}ene1·al  I I
Pullam & '1`hrelkeld I I I  , I
Nursery Co. IClay I 5 IGeneral I
Putman Greenhouses IGI-eeuvitle I ISweetpotato plants ·
Rainbow Dahlia Gardens. I I I ` I
J. C. Hays ILonisville, R. 4 I 1 IDahlias _
Richardson and Bagwell IMurray I ISweetpotato plants ;
Ridgetvay Nurseries, Theo. I I I
Zollinger ISt. Matthews I 5 Ornamentals
Robbins, Robert R. IUnion I I/éIFruits
. Roberts, B. E. IBenton I Sweetpotato plants
Ross, Harry IPaducah. R. 6 I fl Istrawberry planIF
Rottgering Greenhouses IPaducal1 I %IPerennials .
Ruckel. John IVanceburg I %`Strawberry DIHIIIF I
Russell Plant. Farm. Jesse I I I ;
Russell Bowling Green I I ‘
‘ Sanders Brothers , IPadncah, R. 6 I 15 ,Ornamentals .
= Schneitlman Greenhouses IPaducah I 12 YGeneral
` Scott, R. H. IFalmouth. R. il I IS\veetpotato plants  _
Shreve. Rudy Illaytield. R. Sl I 1 Fruits ·
. Shupe`s Nursery. H. R. I `
· Shupe ISedalia I 15 General
I J,-~/»¢··~/` “ * {~  
I I . .
I .
· I
I I .
· I
t \ · E

 Inspection 0f Nursery Stock, 1937-1.938. .11
· - INSPECTION, 1937-38—C0ntinucd
. . Acre—I ,. '
ck Name of Nursery Address age I kind of Stock
· I I I . I
Slllgi-)1"G21l'(]€llS, J. VV. I I I ,_ I
. Singer IStamping GroundI 1 IOrnamentals ;
llants Sisk. W. C. IP1·inceton I ISweetp0tato plains ' I
ilants '_ Smith, Mrs. H. Curtis ISunnyside I 1 IDahlias & gladioli
, Smits' Greenhouses, I I .
I Jan Smits IParis I 5 |Ornamentals `
Hants · Snyder, W. E. Chambers I ISweetpotato plants
’ 1 Soil Conservation Nurse1·y Paducah I 30 IGeneral
= Stamper, Bruce Waynesburg I 1%IStrawber1·y plants
` Stewart, J. H. Murray, R. 4 I ISweetp0tato plants
Stinnett, VV. O. Madisonville, R. 1I Sweetpotato plants
plains Tapscott Florist IO\V€llSI.)Ol'O I 3 IOl`1121I`I`I€ll[HIS
ber,. Taylor, Truman Hartford I 4 Ibtrawberry plants
‘ Timmons, J. VV. ISebree I 1 IOrnamentals
plains T0(I(I CO\11lty Nursery, I I I
· J. M. Green Trenton, R. 2 I 1 IGeneral
I Tucker and Richardson Powderly I ISweetpotato plants
\\'allter, Floyd IFOrdsville I 2 IFruits .
. Walnut Lawn Farm, R. L. I I I
James ILexington I 3 IOrnan1entals
Hams Warner, J, T. Paducah, R. 6 I 7 IStrawberry plains
plams ~ \\`el>h, Clifton |Hawesville I ISweetp0tato plants
. \\'ebb’s Evergreen I I
I Nursery, R. F. \Vebb Warsaw E %,IOrnamentals
[mms Webb. S. T, Iwaynesburg I 2 IStrawberry plants
plums _ Wettstein, H. C. Chambers I ISweetpotato plants
. “’IlIllllBl` Plant Co. Central City I ISweetp0tato plains
\\'hittinghill, Lonnie M. ILove I 1 IFruits
\\*hittingliill, Samuel ILove I 1AIFrnits
Willadean Nurseries, A. L. I I I
plums Y Kidwell ISpa1·ta I100 IGeneral
IUDDIS Nursery, M. J. Yopp IPaducah I 20 General
I planti
> plants
s .  
3 plants I I
I `

I .
' 12 ](cniiu·ky Agricultural Etrpcrinteut Sfuiiou A
Name Address
t Ball, H. G ..................`.......,.A.............`...........,................ Madisonville, Kentucky ;
i Barnes, Albert ........l..........................................,..._.. McMinnville, Tennessee j
Barnes, Everett ........i.......................,...................r... McMinnville, Tennessee 1 j
Barnes, Marshall ,...................,.......,...................,..... McMinnville, Tennessee  , j
Barnes, Sewell ........,,............................................,... McMinnville, Tennessee ·
Bomar-Summers C0 ..................... Louisville, Kentucky (309 W. Walnut; .
Boone, E. D. ......................,............... Lexington, Kentucky (328 Clay Aye.)
. Bunton Seed Company ...........,....................,................i Louisville, Kentucky `_
, Crider, Oscar B. ..............................................,................. Greenheld, Indiana · 
Dick, J. B., Co ................................... . ........i..........,............ Pikeville, Kentucky »
, Dick, J. B., Co. .i.........i.................................................... Paintsville. Kentucky
Dick, J. B., Co. ..................,........,.................................. Whitesburg. Kentucky _
Dick, J. B., Co .............................,......l.....................,.... Prestonburg, Kentucky
Dick, J. B., Co. ........................................................ Campbellsville, Kentucky V
Dick, J. B., Co. .................................................................... Lebanon, Kentucky
Grant, W. 'I`., Co. ...................................... Louisville, Kentucky (424 S. 4thl ~
Green, H. L., Co. .................................... Louisville, Kentucky (544 S. 4thi
Haga, K. L. .............................................................. Newland, North Carolina
. Haley Nursery Co. .............................................................. Corbin, Kentucky i
Haley Nursery Co. ....................................................,... Owensboro, Kentucky _* 
Hall Seed Co. .................................................................... Louisville, Kentucky  n
Helm, \V. S. ................................................................ McMinnville, Teiniesscc _
Henson, J. \V. .............................................. Blowing Rock, North Carolina
‘ Hughes. D. C. ............................................................ Linville, North Carolina
Kresge, S. S., Co. ............................................................ Louisville, Kentucky
’ Kresge, S. S., Co. ............................................................ Lexington. l{ei1tucl
McElroy, H. A., Co. ..,............................................. Bowling Green, ·KGlllU(*k}'
McElroy, H. A., Co. .......................................................... Glasgow, K<+l1lll<'kY
McElroy, H. A., (‘o. .................................................... Madisonville. Keiitiiriii
McElroy, H. A., Co. .................................................... Morganiieltl, l{cliU1<*]11T¤<*liY _
Mason, H. E. ....__.........,_.._._..._....___..._.,.._,,..____.........,....__ Smithville. Tl·¥llll(*SS9(' ·
Mountjoy, John C. __..._...._...._..............,............................... Midway. l{<*l1\\l(‘kY A
Mountjoy. Marshall B. .................................................. Louisville. l(¤‘l1\\l(‘kY »
Murphy. C. (‘.. Co. .......................,...........................,...... Maysville, l(<·‘11\ll*‘l*Y
, Newberry, J. J., (To. .....,.....................__..............._........_....,. Harlan. l{t·i\ill"kY
, Newberry, J. .I,, (*0. ___,.__,,...__._.__,_____..____,___..__....___...___.__,.. Glasgow, l{<’¤l\l('kY
, Newberry. J. .l., Co. ...........,.........,....,............................, Louisville. lieilllltiili
Newberry, J. .l.. (`o. .................,....,....................,...... Harrodsburg. l{¢t‘1llll"l‘*»
Newberry. J. J.. Co. .............,...........................,..,............. Danville, l(¢·1N“*'i**_
Newberry, J. J., Co. ................,,...._,.._,...,,.,..___..___.___.,.__ Henderson, l(Pl1i\l*‘k?‘
» i
l .
~ t .
I , .
· I
. ` .1

 Inspection 0f 1\"urrs0ry Stock, 1937-1938 13
Name Address `
;ueky F Newberry, J. J., Co, ........................,......`....................,..... Lebanon, Kentucky _ V
essee 1 Newberry, J, J., Co. ._,,.....................,...........................,., Frankfort, `Kentucky »
essee ` Newberry, J. J., C0. ....`............................................... VVinchcStc1‘, Kentucky
essee Newberry, J, J., Co. ..............................,..................... Central City, Kentucky ,
essee ‘ Ne