xt776h4cq96v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt776h4cq96v/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky 1918 bulletins English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 19, October 15, 1918 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 19, October 15, 1918 1918 2015 true xt776h4cq96v section xt776h4cq96v Oiflclal News-L•tt•r of the State Council of Defense ,
· To Editors: The_ · ‘
, i news in this Bulletin Entered as second
F., is prepared f¤·‘ the class matter- at the
¤ ‘ press and is released Q iwst ¤ffic¢ at Lex·
for publication on .; ingtcn, Ky.
October 15, 1918 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol. I. N0. 19
r In regard tn a eeui-ee in Chemistry There are now 1.500 students mat- The gOiivgi·5i()i·i of the University ln the initial clash for both the Alexander Baxter and James Garza, ¢
at ine University of Kentucky the riculated in the University of Ken- re Kentucky inte an Official training University of Indiana and the Um- alien members ofthe vocational See-
wm- Department bus advised that it tucky. Of these 472 are in the tech- eennel by the installation ofthe 1,100 versity of Kentucky football elevens tion of the S. A, T, Q_ unit at the
term Or twelve weeks ot twelve ll0lll`$ nical training school; 233 in the army inen students, eoinprieetl of Camp this season, the University of Ken· University of Kentucky, were duly
each consisting gf two hours lecture. and 130 in the navy. These men, 835 Buell nien and arniy and navy divi. tucky emerged victors on llidianzfs naturalized, Friday afternoon, 0et_ 14,
two hours recitation or quizzes. six in all. have been inducted into the Signs nf the Stttjgnty Army Training field by the SC01‘€ Of 24 to 7. lll lhé presence of the entire Section
hours of laboratory and two ll0ul`$ army and navy and enough men have (jorpg, and witnessed by the entire Neither Illdléllla Il01‘ l\€Ilfl1Cky WHS B illld Oitlcers, of the unit, Federal
T til' supervised study be glV€ll- applied for entrance to raise the num- student body, Tuesday morning, Oc- able to lllélké g?t11lS by Silralght f00t· Jlldgé A. M. Cochran convened it spe-
A cnurge of this dul‘8.tiO11 glV€ll HS ber to 1,100, which is the Univei·sity’g tober ]_ fall t3CtiCS. Th€ first qllill`t€1' WHS Ciill t€l‘lll of court, for the purpose,
part Of the general training U1ld€l` quota for this year, There are 702 The men fell into line ang, led by scoreless, b\1tll6&1l’ the Glld ofthe SGC- 2l0COI‘dlIlg to all act of Congress, pro.
existing conditi0HS Shlilllld Mm chiefly students i11 the University, including the band, marched to the front of the Olld ql1&l’l€1‘ tht? K€Hl11GltY boys €f· Vl_dlll§ l0l' lllllllédlate naturalization
at developing an undérstanlinng and more than 236 girls, not enlisted. Administration building. where the fected tt number of sparkling forward ot alien soldiers, after inrduetinn into
;ippr9(;i;1t_l()n of thé. importance of The ‘*gii]i5t and gg tg Cgllggg move. flag raising gxgrgiggs took p]acg_ IJHSSGS HH-Z1 IIl&d8 two llOl1Chd0WI1S. l.h€ Ullltéd States Al·my_ r
. vhemistry in our national and indus` ment" and the excellent opportunities Capt. H. N. Royden read the oath of They added. ¤ll0lh€l` T0¤€¤d0Wll and GHYZ21 was born of French pai-ent-
tiial life. T0 this Bild the Ylmdnm€n‘ offered by the University ot Ken- allegiance, the men repeating it in li field goal lll Phe f0l1l`lh- HQG, lll Mexico, while Baxter is a na-
tal laws and COHCGDVS vt chemical tucky have brought men to the insti- unison. The message of the Presi- The lnnlvldnnl stars onlne game UVB ¤fS¤<>t1¤¤’·B D 1=twBM·· an tl 1 ir M
. · · hemisti-y Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsyl- *1**1* ‘ ‘ fusen ma` “ B Or ers Baugh- KG] °y· MMD r€€· °°r€’ Franc h d b
nnd on the ilpphcamn of . — · . ‘ .· of the day while the message of Gen- Bastin Heber, Riddle, snodrdy, Bland, 6, il een erected 9V€¤' the
t d *1 lite to the industries and t0 Vdmil and K€¤Lll€l¤Y· The C0ll¤~~l€S . . ·_ _ . . , _
0 my · _ . f th St t _ ,6 t d am. Fa _ eral March was read by L1ellt.Artnur Shanklin, Downing, Boone. Herndon, memorial Dl3·ll01‘Hl, which IS at the
the many prowis when time $1;;; Emi _E;eff;,S(;nl6g;,ii€HT;ylO,. Ijavicsg Trimble. Bartlett and T. A. Gill, Coach. base Of 3. slope, forming a, natural
Ol' have nsqzlrtild angina lmpm 3 Flogd LGB ’R0b€;_tSOn bhristiad The command then being given, the amphitbeaten .
as a resu 0 e . r r { I , t l l V
i Typical among these are such topics L¤g¤nr Cumberland, Trigg, Elliott, ;;;Féheg°l1‘;‘V$1;le lgncigsa ;tI;‘?§$1‘°;°2i_; OUTSTANDING W. M. Ragsdale, chief naturalization
35 the supply of nitric acid for ex- M°Y$&¤» L¤Wl"#¤¤€r Qwsnlyr B0Q¤€r from Of Mechanical Hall, _,;,her€ C€r€_ OPPORTUNITY GIVEN examiner for the Pittsburgh district,
plosives; of ammonia as an ingre. Lewis, Greenup, Hopkins, JGSSHITIIHB, monies were Conducted NAVY ENGINEERS asked the necessary questions as to
[nam of fertilizers, as a rretrigeratory Mercer. Crittenden- Webster. W99¤¤t¤¤¤ of atmospheric g ’ Star S angled Banner P1`€'S1d€I'lt ’ · · ‘ y’ ’
i t- of the available supply or l0W¤Yr Warren. R<>¤l<¢¤stl<>. Wayne I? * . been inducted mm the nlm] S€¤n°¤ the war-. The oath or anerriance was
l`€al0n _ B k. _.d B d H ,. K t McVey introduced Representatlve J. of the Student Army Training Corps th - - ‘° .
Sulphuric acid to the explosives, dye. Vrec rmi ge, oy , ·ar11son, en 011,, C Camml who made the address Of _. _ _ i en administered and following a
Sturge and fertilizer industries; the G1‘a¤f· Garrardr L€Sll€r Masmlr Sl¤€¤· the mmml U¤¤V¤r¤¤v °fK"n*“°kY»by nlnumnant brief congretuletory talk by Judge
petasn question, tire domestic supply wz Washingtwr Green. M¤ri¤¤r I , gr . _ J°h¤ G- Teachr naval Femflnng °fn· Cochran and the playing of ··Tne
V of liquid fuels; supply of chlorine tor Franklin, Bath, Pulaski, Scott, Pike, HegglgfiigtguO€rI;“nI;iS1;‘§lJtg1€€gl?a§‘ cer lfor Kentucky. The unit was es- Stal. Spangled Banner}, by the Um-
1 war gases- imnnrtanee of tbe man- Graves, Ballard, Pendleton, Campbell, _ Pp n Y ‘ PY“" tabllshed here by the Navy Depart- versity Band, the Court was adjourn- _
' yi ti tn t of man other- Gray Fulton. Montgomery, Henry, lege Offemd the men to b€°‘”n‘* edn ment for the purpose of having engl- ed
I aé€Il€I:'Ii of Lul`l1é Laurel Ullloll, 1VIuhl€Hb€I`g, Cgtedhsalilors and SO1di€1‘S‘ HE stated. HGEYS trained at all €]]gi]]€(·)I‘j[]g NIT Ragsdale Stated he fou d
` ’ _ ‘ ‘ ,.'r ’_ _, t at e was proud of the representa- r h I Th h h i · . ‘ ‘ * · ll
. · r \ .11, B tltt, B , N11- _ scoo. emenwo ave neenm _ _ _
$$2;*235Sp.$§§§L‘;§€‘lnL‘{u,¥§§§ $,1;* ii? t£Z§§..r$ r.r..‘§$;O§; M..§f;ii“ Niai. rrres of rrrrs rrrrrrrrry rr nr iree ducted ,,,,,g,,,,,,,.,,,g S,,,,,€,,,S_ r1rr;1_SrrrI$rr;;ri?lClgr £,.;;g,;m,HS,,,£
· , ,_ ' . dtlrth k ‘t · · - - .· » r -a 0
tinctionsbetxveellpropellanhl3.I1d·hlgh Olwir H¤¢l.10ll, 2111CUC . _`0u`_ · -4 * ‘ Saxon Stock and that the ,
r , . ’ . . . . . _ J , you may be sure that all those ·t - th N t ti . __ _ _ Y6 we S0 few
’ m¤°¤r ·¤¤1¤¤i¤g a bnef ‘nS°“SS‘°“ Ot left behind will back you to tire limit if ctn; Sgnlgoiiagntigineobéil dlmlcts In the Stale Whtilc foreign-
i — water supplies and sewage treatment- 400 MEN IN NOVEMBER Of their resources May me God of enginegrmg courses designed ‘t0 me ers are employed,
While the time assigned does not VQCATIQNAL DETACHMENT all nations Watchbvel _ `
‘ · · - ` YOU and DI`O· para them for {hg gtggpi giigi¤ggi·ii]g
permit of an extended discussion ot _. . _ I
organic chemistry it should be pos- The University of Kentucky has E; ;]§§l;t?;1E?l?§€i2I_;'£n}L°;?0I?a0ikt§g school at ll VGYY few colleges. 1ll=lk€S NOE ASKED TO AMPLIFY
sible to show the nature of important been particularly successful in train- wm, and tim Signing Of the peace ttggztgjge ggafnggi fg; igoiioztatgi DRAIVIATIC COMPOSITION
classes of organic C0mD0l1l1dS. such ing the men sent here for vocational treat ,, H _ ——
. - ,. . - - Y- the engineering college. Those 111
*‘{§f?‘“""’,l‘*‘*“,h’““j§,‘fQ’°,§Q;,@;“°“§;i; ”£"‘,""jj,·, ‘{‘ “¥‘°.‘“jQ,°°““"gf1“t“‘§.*° orr the srrrrrrrrrrr were representa- ch,,,g,,, of enlisting ,,,,,1 ,,,d,,C,,,,g ,,,,0 H. cirrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrr, or plymouth
€_ ""*‘· n eno S· ca Y . “°“€ ‘ “‘€“· m G SBCQH Cm I"` tives of the Army and Navy. Captain tire Navy say that students who have theaten B°St°“* Massi nas °°mPn‘
nitro-compounds to an extent which gent there were 442 men, with 24 men . _ _ inented the Oetjc com Ositi · _
HNROde dLet tT lr r P P 0¤<>tPr¤
will make possible a general l1¤d€1'- retained from the nrst contingent as mh Emig};1 Serin Of Eh; latin Bde entered iany Course lgay Lgllmgg fessor J_ T_ Q_ Nggy Of the University
Standing of war problems or the instructors; in the third contingent, ` ` ’ . ` y` giant deslre go that lgiuihstu 19% wif Of Kentucky and he has suggested
chemistry of daily lifé ill NS Slllllillél at present being trained, there are 9 m acm"` ance W1 B Hee S 0 that professor - Noe am Hf h~S
_, . _, _ . . HARVARD SgIENTIST ASKS the Navy department. . _. n Y 1
forms. 424 men, with -5 men 1€tH1Il€d as 1n— _ _ draniatizatinn Of the Book of Esther
Lrrirer-rrtrrr-y errperrrrrerrts should so err-rrrrtnre, FOR 1=RYOR*s BULLETIN t_ Any bo}; Lvlflgha Mgt} Sew; so that it my be dmmamed ·
· . . · · 1 { ii ·. { z — I ion may a e e englneerln _ _ -
I2;i§tr?;?§i‘i$LrI¥r‘tL‘r"$iJ"§F§§. $033 MEET; 5L`Lb2§§§§€§If,§,§§‘i`·,‘i,`”€€‘,§,.§§",E§§T.§ _ 1— _ and work tor rr in the rr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. ot the Book of
instruction hm .H rrG · F . 1. .1r d th DL J' lV‘ Prymn PI`°f°SS°1` ni An` Navy. After completing the course Esther Pmsgnted ¤»S “ThB _B100d of
_ · gecgld gig ‘L;'lll=‘§)V€;?l}lI;;‘;Hnnvvushn atongy lof Plhysiolnogy, Universit; sf at the University and taking the GX. %&Ch€l" Was given by students of the
i 2 i (.·· ' · - Xen uc {y* as Gen mques E Y amination the men will be sent to nivensity ill 19l7· and was pro-
S, A_ T, C, ENROLLMENT IS meter; ·a1uth01l1t1<—>s h?l`V€•C0l¤DlllTl€llt€d i>mte¤eei~ waiter- rn Dearborn, Har- Officgrsr Materia] Schoois, `vhere nounced a. complete success. Professor-
OFF UNTIL DECEMBER 20 veiy lg ly tie enterprise of the men vmd University, to Supply him with they will have advantage Over men Noe Wm Consider Mr. F0l_d,S Sug-
` P _d t F `"`ljgiucvc Univer gettmi Gull tnege n}i'§`s€mn;1OnS_0f extra copies of the bulletin on "The who have not had; Such training gestion.
resi en ran . y, - e voca lone an 11111 ary l`€·Ll1l111g Ossmcation of the Bones Of the ‘
my of K€¤l¤¤kY· annorrrrceri Tuesday received at Kentucky’s institution or Ha dsrr . d 1 t b D t
. that no more students will be enrolled learning. PI.`;1Ol._ prepale as year y Oc or SUPERVISED STUDY AT EMINENT EDUCATQRS ,
in the Student Army Training C01‘pS The greatest precautions are exer— Qivhgn the bulletin was - RSITY IS PQSTPQNED '_['() VISIT
. . . published UNIVE KENTUCKY
unit at the University ulltll D€CB1llb€I` cised to see that the men have good profesqm. Dearborn lgceived a C0
. . ,. . . . . - ~ ‘ DY» — . UNIVERSITY
n(r;`r~rll;€lli;h;rr`5)C;t1(i»I;;lSiltlllnenggli ¥ii12i“"‘»1fl;t€§§;?‘i;.‘,;‘£Z‘;;,;"21}‘i.r?;l me aiked by ir Rei S¤¤<-me M it es University —
‘ leglate section numbering 700 will go new quarters located next to Stoll S·2md` Q member- Ot the Belgian MIS- of Kenmckx which had been held The British Educational C°nnniS‘
, _ , - . ,- · . . .' P Sinn on Industrial M€lll¤§€lll€¤lr f01‘ nightly in the lecture room of the new sion goin been { f h ·
to othel CAITIDS Ol officers lrellllllg Field Two lO1’1]11dZlblB baseball teams · ·-·- · D 0 Seven 0 t 6 leading
_ _ · _ 1l1fC‘1`1l1H.UOH which might assist 111 de· ·neiniSti· buildin and attended b d ‘ - · · · · · ·
. schools. The quota ofthe University have been Ol`g'ZLl11Z€'1· and the weekly · - - · L y g Y 9 ucamrs Ot Glam Brltam will Visit
[0,, S A T C $.700 but this ma be _ b t C, ` A _ tnrnnnlng tnn Extent Ol Dhyslcal l‘€‘ Several hundred Stlldélltsr was dl$¢0¤· the University of Kentucky November
· hmqeéqeh {Mgr · Y gl1lll€¤B 6 W€€ll r<;lllD¤¤Y ~ dllfl (nlm; tardation of Belgian children as a re- tinued Tuesday, October 8, in all col- 20 it present plans of the entertain-
‘ ‘ .‘ . . n°‘“y not Only mln the *n*€"’St 0* Sult of war conditions. he gave the le es until the innueme ban is lifted in t · —· -
Enrollment in the Naval section will the camp but of the Lexington pub- · · · r g ' ' Bn Committee at WeSh¤¤g¤¤¤ are
_ , _ ‘ ` lOl`€lgH l`€D1`€S€11tH.ClV€ D()CtOI‘ Pl`yOI‘S Under Orders fron] thg Vvgy D9 art- ··'
continue until October 15 as the llc as well · · · p Gained Out"
...rrrr·r of 200W rrrerr has not Yvet rrerrr sirrr rrr; r · · r r li rr b“““‘“’ “'h’“h has """'°`"'*" g°’““*"‘ ‘“°“* “’g”‘““g S A· T· "· nw mw The British corrrrrrrssrrrrr rrrrrrerr
·¢ . we ralmllg sc IOL) as een C d t- f , · t _ . _ . _ _ _ `
wird. rrrrrrrrrrrrr rrr the rrrrrrtr-rrrr r»r1< f 100 `ll · d “_` two Women On {hg ¤¤m¤liSSl<>¤ who
pushed ns rapidly as possible and higli-class used cenrs. erenin testers ot(t;eOState uiliien A liberty flag l)€3—l‘lllg tht! f0l1l` me remlgsemutives Of institutions Ot
till 'i`¢llll" 'buildlllss will lll·'0bi·lblY be The next cletalchnient of men to be io liuve been held at the College of broad, blue bars ofthe Fourth Liberty llimk in Ellglirndr Scotland and ·
ltlrl ly iltll Oirirllllrlllirl lléi-Tllllllllg illé irtlllled lll VO(ltll.lOl1ill subjects will re— Agriculture, University of Kentucky, Loan, will float lll’Oll(llY lll til€ bl`€9Z€ 19 lm `
mick Oi October g1" Whcn °°mnl°t` n‘n'l rm €*<>v¤r ]5· mln ’rll@Y ¤l'€ to October 0, 10 and 11, has been post- before Patterson I-lull. The girls while Oll ll llllSlll€SS trip to \Vash-
ed ltl1el:i=iri·z1<·li·ei·eeaei· have bought ir bond. lngmn the law? Dall vf S€Dt€lllb€l`.
umm, 16 regu Hmun 0 w ` *"` G' lnlnnnnnnn ~ 4r—-—-—---——»»——--—-·- - ---~-·~ee-----·. 30 J. J. Hooper, cliairman or the exain. Mies Mildred CO1li1]SI)]{l(jQ(1th€D'[‘O. President F. L. l\·lcVey extended an
L“;I:,];1C,l:,t`,?:}_Il(1“`,H}i 45 H°'"*“`G me nt ?'·‘n‘_"'*’Y(’l€ --·--—-—e-----Y---»--··.e » .----......... 00 ining board, because or the ni·dei· Of ject betnye the Hail, as the girls Sat inritntion for the Educational Cgi;].
rliywvo (Mythe “I;‘“i`ldiug .‘lv I élddlo O])€lnLOTg ···*··‘··***·· ·- -·--t-—~·--»-»»- 60 tht? SlHt€ BOHl`(l (lf Héaltll ])l‘9V(3ll[j]lg at l)l·Q;ik[itSt and they ;lpl)]·t)vg(] it at HQISSAOII to VISIT. ]<€HtllCl{y ELS it part,
- S 1* C “°"n ·n""(`l'0l`S rr—----·- » —»»—-r- - —V---·.».·.r·-·............. 30 gzttlierings ol` any kind, Once o` t eir itinerary and the invitation
{Ol- r..... ...__ _ ,,____ ,_____,__30
“U “M \H (HN 1(A/(flll y A wut Ot the lolmgmlplntlal l*¤‘¤lt¤¤¤¤¤ -· --·»--~~r·~—»~- 20 tlllU€ l)U$lll€SS. The bOlll‘d uf exam- t]`[·‘,[[S\l]‘€]’ and adds rlames tg the bill- ljrgsjdgut l\{CV€ Xvill attr: d _
mon were moved into one ol l}l* n ’1`·‘ ·l l)·‘· ·· 4 · ~ · · y H B' meet
l_ iq )l’ I _H_" I 4 rr_ v· *· I l' ltlci ·llV€l5 dlld Rlillltllr .............l 100 mers, composed of Professor Hooper, letin board, as the lll0l1€y C0lll0S lll. lll}; of N€ltlOHEtl Association of State
i;:l,;(.Nl.;, lll] lhllgh $0, ella {ll? nleu Auto lh-Ivgm amd R€l)*m'·· ··---·-—·-—·-·—-— 20 J- J- H0\\'lS. of »*\llCll0l‘ilge, and I-larry The Hall has already gone "over the Uiiivepgitieg and of the British ]gdu_
_lg'mN} li’:1‘gu‘;;:l/tl nn M ·l l>l€¤¥lllll*lll —— Hartke, of Ei-lttuger, will announce the top," but is continuing its march f0r~ (lilllilllfll Commission November 11 and
` ‘ ' ’ “" 400 date of examination later, ward. 12 in Chicago.