xt776h4crf50 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt776h4crf50/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1942 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, September 1942 Vol.13 No.11 text The Kentucky Press, September 1942 Vol.13 No.11 1942 2019 true xt776h4crf50 section xt776h4crf50 \
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‘ wi“’mhm\tfi““x ‘1‘: v...“ 4:, \VHEREAS, the newspapers ot the United States, of which 0
_ 7%,? r,“,.‘ épT:&é:§i§§-\ ““3395 Kentucky newspapers have been an active and integral
. @fixé/ / “when? “rufljmxfi‘f‘Vfi‘gh part, have ably and continuously demonstrated their lead. Kentuck
7%“ /w41’:£m,,;’;’f / “EWMBNfig’? ership in the maintenance of the democratic way of life, Donald Ne
I 7 $3143“ ,7 "HER“EJ/ ' w a”: in the preservation of the Four Freedoms which are dear augurated
,7 J ‘ ggg Vit/ “flak-71: -” W “:o‘fi [0 the hearts of every free citizen of a free country, in the 7 Scrap Meta
' 7 -7't‘~‘,~‘~é / » W ”’W’!7/r/,vgj- I m . . . ‘ . . , O tol
7 5i§§~£§f3 7 4e / (Warm/unri- €1,931 courageous leadership in the soc1al and economic life of W): C
7:2.» ‘ “a more ' ~ . . - - -
i ‘ fig“ ‘1 7 7 . 5.} eff/’14 Irma/l 925% community, state, and nation Since the lounding of the centrated E
I R‘fii‘ '1 If? )» _:\,_;7 ‘2: a"; / 5:3 first Colonial newspaper in 1704 and more particularly pounds Of 1
Ni’z‘; ' v / ' h. M" E‘W‘h ’ ’ . . ' At the Oi
-.\\\ is“ ’/ \ 77 - 'A 7' ' ' ' ‘ 1 7 m 1 r .
7 3 / 7° 7 177:, ‘1 the founding 0* AW“ ““0““ ., 7’67 and he, seine
7‘ W“ “ " ll—M—M —.. 7; .. 3-77.7r,;:'!_ “W , . . .
7 2:3,: ”7”,,” / nae/1m , / i333. WHEREAS, this leadership has been most eVident in the, by newspa
-'“ ““31; 93?:5557‘13“ . ’ .
ftfisg Wgfiififl imzmr _%5; '15)?) l trying days of our war effort to combat the hosts of those plans were
' \‘a‘i‘ufi / ' _, \ // .7 2737; ‘35:?! \ who would destroy the nation and the people of the nation, laigest unc
36%“ 'W 25'5“?“ ‘1 @355”: d h 0 1d destro our Fieedoms of which not the; newspapers
7 ; :1 j’ 4. A “'77., ,' .735 . u ~ - 7' .
‘ ‘- $1 %/ 4.. ”.5 e! ‘ / 7"“ “m w 0 w . y ! appomtmm
7 w~ 7 / 7 9,! “555,37, least of these is the freedom of speech and of press, and 7 ad t' .
:4 -:7777777 mm W ‘0' ‘ V”. ”mg
‘ ' 5%? ,/ “a“ \ “W!“ .a hypygm;/l&/; 373.34,?” WHEREAS, our nation’s newspapers have given unstinted-i COUTICF-JOI'
"S‘K‘ “SE“ /, r __ .. t 7 u‘unw o ::.:._::':i,‘..:‘ :.: . . _ -
figgfig,‘ \\ @$’”/'”‘/ 32%; ly of their time and space and effort that Will lead to the} ”:6 Dil‘ée:
+0 skis»: r 7.1557777?“ . . . 7
f ‘ E23“ 2 I”; ~=.- Y __ 333% final, triumphant, and ultimate Victory, and 7 P esen e a
. 2%, // *« v’mmmo'mr ‘ -- 4ft! 7 Every ag‘
7 truth, ‘ 4 M: 'Boor 7W! \ ‘ ' ”"4" 7 4 nation’s news aaers with Kentuckr news-l ate i
l’xf'l'ra ’ 0,3 {WEMA’EA’S’K/II/ '7 ’5’};«. “ HERFAS, the .P 1 _ . ) P . n the
7 ; gfgé‘j} \% '-' ., ./ 4! 33413973}: Papers in the van, are sponsoring a nationwnle scrap metal tenSIve plar
l ‘ g? fi‘i}: \ \ [13/ ‘, / - - ,s‘iéo? drive to start next month as a demonstration of their ffd the 211d
7 .311 3’23: 7 ~.. 7 ,-\-.‘ / :/ \ \\ “‘1" e - - -, ff 1n the gatl
‘7 7 2"”? .2??? @277, / _ \ \7. 7:71.77 leadership in this war e ort,
153$, 4935 g ’ 3 // ‘91:. hea 1
a, _ ,7. , (quartei
7 a . , _
: - ' .‘g ’\ NOW, THEREFORE, I, as Governor of the Common-1 demolition
if W’fflfl’wflfl { a / 4 Raga—g” \ wealth of Kentucky, hereby proclaim October 1 to Octoberl structures a;
‘ 7 , 7 a ‘ 7/7 “ 9 8 as ' l ganizations
' 3 MEI/p JIWR Mk! 5 It" '77 (I: ‘ t S // I ' i Operation
/ ‘ a M :3 H .3”: d. I . . . . . .
5, ”km 33‘} (laggffi'fig J1“ ' I ‘ AND call upon every Citizen in the state to 70m With the; glyph Th‘
A, “I: ,r I, A '7 7: . - . . . 7 1 a .
”aytfllglltgi 7'2?" 'ltii'zkjl’lf --7v"""”"“”‘ newspapers in celebration of this Week in a suitable man- will 0361101:
2 -_ 'r ' . . . . .
7 ”fly/[R7 Mt — 3" 7/” \ ner, and to 70m With the newspapers in the scrap melali d' 1
7 _, , _ _ f . 7 rive starts.
7 7 drive to its success ul and complete end. ! agencies th;
7 . l
‘ Done at Frankfort, Kentucky this twenty-7 newspapers.
' “ National News a er week fifth day of September, in the year of ouri thThe ‘Net
P p Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-2 auat ““671“
. . . . . - mentee
Kentucky newspapers, JOlnlng With newspapers and publi- tWO, and In the year of the Commonweallhf recgtor MCCI
cations over the entire nation, will celebrate National News- the one hundred fifty-first. fered $2 ()0(
. u n . n I
, paper \Veek With spec1a1 editions, open houses, and spec1a1 Keen Johnson groups, Ken
events that will demonstrate the im ortant lace that the news- ' rizes t —
P P o 57:11
paper holds in American life. They are joined by serv1ce clubs GOV'BI‘HOr The stat e
and other civic organizations in this nation-wide celebration. Comonwealth of Kentucky . tricts with J
7 distr’
—————————_————_———dl ICt- Eac
. . . . . . ere under a new
7 What Other Merchants Are Domg might be interested in seeing what his the exchanges. It was not a case of Ovd the C00pera|
L; . ‘ ~ - u - . _ . eede
_ ‘ For the non-advertiser or luke-warm Eompetitors are advertismg in the neigh selling becauste the hmanagert :ctiofli each county
advertiser we suggest the following oring towns. mfg? 55:“9 t0 eature 15 “:1: agr newt With a gigan
‘» ' treatment: Watch your exchanges It has been found that the merchant _ e: b eeilter “gang‘ger an t e Iset on Sept
‘3 closely (you might even check your 18 interested in seeing what the other paper 0t P10 [6 ' . sWalkers froi
u dailies) and clip all the ads that feature fellows are doing and will appreciate If you wish to make this more bllsl' volunteered
5 a particular line of business, or busi- your interest. Qne picture show mana- ness-like, print up a clip-sheet heading these county
~ 7 nesses. Mount these on stiff paper or ger, who had a monopoly in his town, which can be attached to the CXChan'gii NewsPapel.
7 cardboard. You need not use high- doubled his yearly contract after the ads when you present them. It W‘horganizingth
. powered salesmanship, simply drop into ad man had used this system of ap— show that you ARE interested 121.1" a_ble enthusD
' i the store and leave these clipped ads proach, showing ONLY the LARGER business, and ARE working for h15'“' sIgned are;
V 7‘, with the merchant, suggesting that he and more attractive ads to be found in terests at all times. District 1-
. El
. 1 7 . ,
l l”; ‘W \

 { Semember. 1942
‘ ‘ V m”. ‘ .
TUCKY P {.V { V -

RESS {iii ‘k

‘ News a .‘i
t p per SCI Page Th~ skin:
Wh'h T B p am a. tee ,{3 {1
1c 5 . 3 {3 .
[Cgral' o e Held 0 p lgn (5:11; GOVlngtOn—BOOne K 1M{3{{{{ “

1 CtObe 3”” PCrldlVV—Vto ’ emonV Grant ‘ “‘li “
flail: KenkaY “ewspa 1' '3 1 5hD15[riCt 20 — 32’ Campbell. ’ V’V ._{ il ‘

16. pets h » ' el 3. nnett V‘ SaiL‘V”?
‘dear' ?u0nald Nelson's challenue :‘ifd :CCCPt-ed Gazette C V Shellgyhlole*carroll, TrimllifaCh’ Newg, {{{g I { .
n1 { :SEUrated the Kentucfi N dve 1n- Carligl V {Inton_Ballard M- Y, wenVHenry. c, Oldham, J 3{{{ {{

. (1e: crap Metal Drive wl' y - CWsPapCrs . .e’ HICkmaH Ful I CCI‘acken’ Jeflerson Count 3 “:1”? 5‘

‘fe of war OCtOber 12 f0 .1 mll W1“ get Under (011131316? ’ to“ and Graves Wyatt and com,y _ M aror Wilson {Vs ..

Ff the centrated effort [’0 bl‘ an.“ weeks c0n_ ) . 15m“ 2 — G M Champ head th [y Judge Mark Be l éhi { i‘ 1.:

11m), pounds of the m rlng 1n 284,562 700 11‘lllcemn—Crittena ' liedley, Leader Mats 1 e Special Committee an- V 'ng3 .' 3'.

ind :{ At the ot‘gani72filz;nee'(:e(l Scrap theta] logéy’ LYOn, Marshilll PIEIYing-S‘ton, Cal: fOI‘ the ;:1:11{pl:00f Sheets of advert ' :fi 1 :i I:
l Ville Septemb ' n meeting at L - ' mm: 3_ , l‘lgg. newV )algn Were m - ‘Smg : ”sf-t ': é ,
3 1 er {7 {.3 t 01113. P . J. L. Brad]. bpaper fro ailed to e l { 1 {V39 , .

n the: by news "W 11th was mVldence_ cv, Ente th m the C6 . am V 7"“? {l

; Paper me -‘ attended V HCHder / . rpllsey r” the Da ' . {ntial Com ' 1 MPH: .V, :‘V ‘
those{ plans were discllssleld 1r01111 2111 S€Ctions “LIBfiHfWkins, CaIClWZ?III,IVFEIOH: Web- committee i:lsrAdvertismg Agencynrfiee J{V{VV{13{
3ti0n,l m‘geSt Ulldet ‘ . - am laid for t ’ . lstrlct 4 _ p . ’ C ean, terizllsl equesdng that .' 16 ,‘ :{¥:,E-lll.

,t the newspapers 1: akmg 1}] Which the st hf: County News H €~rCy La“drum, Ohio given alVOUId he run, With as m [hls ma. { {€33 {2
nd i appointment (IVE partlcipaled VVith 3% COCkV Gravscin althfd—Daviess Han tual Goalposslblex in advance quh SPEC , i 1{{{{ fl

3 adVCFtising diicctlgenry M. McClaskel; Meade, , , Ohlo, Bl‘CCkinridgc that Overs/C2131: DriVC. The 1,3655th ac- { { {EM .3 .
. . k ' r ' y - .. y . J l V _ . { ,' ‘93-; 5. 33
Inted.{ Courier-Journal V15 oi the Louisville NDIStlict 5 — W, A w Possible as th 0.1 use as much Spaclges . {litfié .
10thev the Drivc, the: ( ge.neml director 0f CW Era, Hopkins 'll 00d: Kentucky i5 dependel e SUCCeSS 0f the Ca C- as {HM i‘

1 presented and acccanlpalgn was formally {)er, Todd, LongSfE—Christian, 131w be giVen 1!: on all [he PublicityIZPalgn . {§V{E{{{ .

‘ Ever epted by U - Crg- ‘ , 1mpson \4 ' s can $le i .

' Y agenc r ' 16 CdltOrg. . ' ’ i UhIED— The t 1&3}: {L .
news.r pate in th )‘.1n the State Will )2 . . Dlstrict 5 _ . . the release dates for { .{3{${{33{

1 . e D1“,e anl , I lrtlci. GI .. Joe R1Cha~1 5e ads are- S each WCek V, {{. .. ,
melt tenswe plans. Cove. C are making ex- 1 asgow—Hart, Edmol 1C SOn, Times, 6, 14, 16 19‘. ept'2l—Tease1~s a1 011 { {{:{Ilg{ ,
their: {Kl the aid of the 111?? Johnson Pledg- Ergyvarren, MonroC lton, Barren, Al- Colmtyu’ 5 c, ISCPL 28—”Come 0:15 NOS‘ " §1{{{’ E {

. k . . , 0 . - —__ . V , ‘

{ 1n the gatherinV glway departmem S 15th“ 7“A. S. W UP—Tllis V X_’151n.; Oct. 5*"R 3 {3.33} {liq

{ headquarters atgFOf the Scrap Arim [andardV Bardstow athen, KentuCkY knOw th‘ VCEk ’ 5 C01 x 15 ' Ound : 1: l3{ {5

.‘ _ 4 ' V , _ - a . ' 5 1']! 3. V, V:
nnon{ dCanlltion Squad?“ Knox are Offerin' Nels-(m, Hardin L311; Bullltt, Spencer the fulle t every editor will C00 1n. We { 3{{{{{: 3J3; { .
:tober{ StrUCtUres as it s to tear (10er Steffi Dlstrict 8—Eébe [ 31/16. , st extent, Perate to { {'{giz {g ..

l ' . SC‘mtrib ' He 1 r - T11 ~ Th - Mk»

3 gaanaUOnS {3 y ution. Labo ra d, GreCHsb ‘ tyoi, Recorl 6: list of - _ _ 3. {V
‘KY { Operatmn W1.lee pledged Colnpleter or- Sell, Metcalfe Curg“Gl‘een, Adair, Ru; Should Stimulafrlzes IS Impressive and : {1: {i I
‘ Offering addl‘t‘l the Miners’ Uni CO- Distriq 9_’Rlumberland, Clinton. ‘ and Child to uet fevery Inan, womm 1 'f,{{ l 1 .
,hthe{ groups. The 9:11:11“ prizes for mtg: EChOV London fsefi Dyche, SentineL ‘0 gather ever}; 303% supreme effgrts’ : Sin” .{ .
man-1 W{H all {Oin in 0:1 Phlldren of the state LaureL Wayne. MCCOCkCaStleV Pulaski, State' These pl‘i7les mi of scrap in the ' I {‘ 3:“; . ‘
menl': W111 013‘3h the I 611: OW“ drive whi 1 Disll‘ict lO—H ~ reary, VVhitley—_ I $1’500‘T0 the are. I: {l 1l§{ ‘V

{ drive starts leeek before the Citizerf’l Pineville — Clqjlligon J. Evans, Sun €St1)€1Vcal)i[a pougopnty with the high 3 { 3-.j;{. :;',{{V{{

i Lagenc' I 16.56 are 'ust : . 3 Pen , . c ’ “OX, Bell ., ’ 35750—1“ (age - .3 “1:, {{{3‘3' { V
vent? Hews les that W111 600])6 (a lew ot the D?’ 1.46511e. , Hailan, highest; 0 thecounty With th {3' ‘{{ {$1.55 :
f ) TpaperS. I rdlC Wlth the fi ldlstrict 11—H L 8111.1 (350‘0 1351‘ caplta POUndage 6 second V V {{ {{{33 ,3. V.
) 0u1‘3 he ”Neb , 3 33 e __ Wilsl - '3 ' It 1: Sun, SJl‘il ._ ." ~ 0 the C0 . . ' _‘: {if Nil" {"
£011)“ that State wrillISLIa plan, 50 Sllccesst‘ul in Boyle, Lincohiuégqtsnj Mario“, Tlaylo? bligfsot per Capita Shliiridwlth the third : .21” i {l ‘

Va ’ )6 us .‘ - . ‘6. 'V {.3— ae. How: .4
vealth{ rycgtlnémfll addimmsseq1 {but with many P DIStrlct l2—W' “7), R b‘ g‘allizati0:0 the .Kentuckyg Wom , . {. {Vi {E

l fereilI ggcclaskey Vi’hcilefoghng [0 Di- pintsville * lohnson fillnson, Herald P61“ capita ovglth the highest 1303381 or- ’ : 5 iii; 1 R r I

- ' ' A , . 1V~ : . ‘ , art' . ’ .. ‘m . rlcc A ‘ V'V‘E; . .,

{groups K0601? It]: brizes t0 tilzraska- of- . Dctlhwd, Knote In, Letcher, {5250—17) theelpiershlll "lge 3 3 { {,{{ 3 {3

l .- " tuc , .. _3 ‘ Varlo . 151‘1ct 13_ thel - .. ntuck _ .IVjér, ti " l

V 11 - . ) Oil . V . ”5 A1 at , Y scl . 1,. ,r ..

{ P "fies to stlmulate Citeil; $5,009 In Cash pemlcnt, SalyerSVliJlelrf K, Moore, [we to] 1“mien houndage per Capilfam wltll { { {{{ ,3/3 ;
,y { t' be state is div'd en 1-)111‘t1cipation. OWSICYV Wolfe M' C _ Bl‘eathm, Lee $250_£I. of en. {357. {hi-w; 2:
‘ i W5 With . 1 Ed Into tw - - D' . ’ “goflin, Mort V‘ l ; _ 0 the Kent . 1:2? nil: 1a.;
__,{ dlsm Jeffelson a , . em)’ dls— lStnCt 14—Joh 3411- , 0(.alw1thth 1 ucky trade 11 . 3 {{33p {3 . .

{ u dict. Each dis”. .8  . , ' -
Kentucky Press Women.s Club ed to weigh carefully for deferment the thoroughly the palt that a free press! work Will
i Miss Mary E.Hutton. Herald. Harrodsburg. firesidentt; case of any newspaper employe who 15 plays in the maintenance of a demoo‘ ,givmg to
, ~ ‘ bb , Breckenridge News, C overpor , . , _ . .
‘ gigs? hafigrlggeggengfiars. J. 0. Young, Journal, Dixon, being c0n51dered for inducuon. racy, _ | Communlt
, Second Vice President; Mrs. Mary .Hendem“ P°