xt779c6s1n5m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt779c6s1n5m/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1931 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 1931 Vol.3 No.6 text The Kentucky Press, July 1931 Vol.3 No.6 1931 2019 true xt779c6s1n5m section xt779c6s1n5m E ’“E E E

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III. I" 3'" . T H E K E N T U C Y R E S S tember upon them With few plans for '
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IIII I l 3%. Official Publication of the Kentucky Press Association ing‘ from retailjerss whit)t Xélvlebewiiggc} l
II I all III I21 tiff. , —'————_ until the last min“ ' - '
I H E' . “1'4 Ilh VICTOR R. PORTMANN, Editor-in—Chief sai‘y jobs for fall mzi‘gharfgirsliiiggeces l
IIIII I II II IIIIM FRANCES L. HOLLIDAY, Assistant mIXfiSI’ 33kg: 315:5th IftrIlIingI/entory
I II "filiéi'i'Iri IIII _—_———___— I ’ V S Or a 8‘ a '-
I III II III ‘.I III I Published by the Department of Journalism, University of Kentucky, Lexington ing and business? Perhaps aanlllllltbir l
III I III III II III I Printed by The Kernel Press of publishers will not be interested in
I III I . III : I II _______________ publishing a fall Opening, fair, progress l
. | II-IIII . 1' _'I1;IIIIII I Application Pending for Entry as Second Class Matter or other special edition this year, on i
." IIIII ‘:1-.1 II :Iil‘I‘ .___a__fi_ss_al__.,,,,A,s__*___.___. ,,_ ‘__ account of the slowness of business. I
IIIII III III . PRESS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS More careful plans should be made I
l til ll QIIII JOE T. LOVETT, Murray Ledger-Times, President Sir won an edition this year than in i
I ll: IIIIII. I JAMES T. NORRIS, Ashland Independent, Vice-President regal??? II; “(11111 be good for your l
' I III I II'I’IIII I ‘ LAWRENCE HAGER, Owensboro Messenger, Chm. Exec. Committee communit I?” ‘be good for your .
.I III I III III I J. CURTIS ALCOCK, Danville Messenger Secretary-Treasurer y. WHI‘ serve as an 111- F
fI III} l. NIH?“- I W ventorY for them In checking upon I
III! I IIIIIII . ma“— community resources, and will give I
5a ti‘l II $313153???“ '13 buyers m the t
IIIIIII IIIIIIII ,IIIIII I MEMBER 1% . .. A study by)! garsétilaile, professor ‘1.
II III III II III II x3534- Memberfi 1930 :Iftymaiiketing ti: florthwestern univer- l
."I‘. II III .I I —m—- 'm— , Slows a firms which ‘ -
III III III I II K TUCKY PRES mom EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION creased their advertising at the tilllle
III I III III . I ASSOCIATION of the last depression experienced a .
EHlI ' Iii SI?~ t: ~>~~I ORGANIZED JANUARY nu sales 1055 0? only 12 1381' cent from the
III III "l I III III I . -———-————_—_ preI~depress10n periOd, whereas those I
II III II t III I I I I ,fifihflm which reduced their advertising dur- I
ll IIIIII III III I I NEWSPAPER HISTORY umn on the left, there is a department Engrthe depressmn perm summed a I
I III _I III III; I _.—__ that lists, classifiies, and summarizes fefi m? Of 26 per cent. For the year
I 'IIEII'I IHI IIII .I 1 In presenting Urey Woodson’s ad- all the costs that enter in the pro— 0 owmg th? depression (1922) the sale (
.. ‘IH‘I'EW I‘ III'IIIII": I III : dress made at the Paducah meeting duction of a weekly paper. A few min- of those busmesses Wthh had increased I.
III IIIIII Ila? . the Press adds another publication to utes spent each week end in filling the” advertismg during the time Of r
III II I,» III'II 1 its series of histories of Kentucky out this form enable the publisher to depression were 7 per cent above p re- ‘
'IIiItIi ll H newspaper men. We have found it keep an accurate check on his news- depressmn business,I while those Who
lIII. ;IIIIi III I‘ interesting and instructive, and thus paper. Please note that only the act- had reduced advertismg were Still 12 ’
f‘-,li'II.I E"— :I} I?" I place it in the archives for preserva- ual hours, of time spent on news- per cent below the pre-depression sales I
I’IEIII III 135! leI I tion. Short histories of Kentucky paper production are charged. records. ‘
{IL‘II‘I 351‘ :l newspapers of past and present will Editors are urged to use this form. These facts should be considered by
lil VIE 5.: EI 3 be run in this series, and the editor It can be copied, or the Press will sup- eyery igetailer m connection Wlth. .hi5 i'
IIIII It IIIIIIIIIII I beSpeaksI of .the cooperation of every ply this form to anyone at the actual p {tins or fall and Winter advertlsmg l
I I IIIII III I‘ IIIIII I‘ state editor in presenting an accurate cost of production of 1.25 per hun— an sals during 193.1' *
III III III III; II I .I history of every paper. dred forms on good paper for perman- AS the local publisher you can help
IIIII III ,III 1II III I s III in ent record. Send in your order to the your community and your business
I III III III II III I THE COST TRACER Press today. met: to getIthe right slant on fall and
I III III IIIII I —_ a I I :3: :W:us;IrI1IeIsls. 131“) not letIAugust I
III III II II I;.;jI I On another page will be found a PREPARE FOR RUSH cause ityis hotnolfmgoudodle JUSt blell
lfI HI I;Il:;III§;'III;1f I‘ modified form of a cost tracer for ___ find that October wlll be0 you W1 I
IIII “:III‘I III III I weekly newspapers. In his address on I read a story not long ago about before you get your fall agpontIyou l
I [II . I; II I costs and newspaper administration at the mountain folk down in Kentucky. started and that you havevelolsstalni l
.IIIII .‘IIII'IIIIIIIFI II the Winter meeting of the KPA, Her- A part of the narrative related the month which you should h d '
II.‘III IIlI III I man Roe explained the necessity of natives’ methods of getting ready to to an yadvanta H ave use
| IIIIIIIII I llI'lI IL‘I I every newspaper keeping an accurate do a piece of work. A number of Oklahoma g6.-— arry B. Rutledge, '
III III-I II II-IIIII If. I record of the cost of each 13sue.. Most them had been enlisted to help in i
I II III [ED’ I I editors have no idea,I or record, of the erection of a log school house, and “E"
I I III . IIIIIIIIII 3;. what each issue of his paper costs. all had promised to start work on a Legionaire, “Jimmy” Norris, 0f the ‘
I III III III I He guesses at the approx1mate cost certain day. To the amazement of the Ashland Independent, was at Lexing-
I I I; III ; IIIIIIIII ‘II 'IIJI and usually, misses the exact amount woman who. had enlisted their sup— ton visitor at the state convention. If ' '
I ‘I EEIII £1“? - I; keep his record, all guesssing is elmin- port no one showed up at the appoint- Legionaire Barrett, 0f Hartford, was t
: I; II II IIIg IIIjl . ated, and he can tell at the end of ed time. Upon inquiry she found that in attendance, or other prominent l
I‘ll: ‘-l I3 III‘ each week, or month, whether his they had not really failed her in the Legionaire-editor, the Press editor fail- ‘
I IIIIIIIII: I III III paper is making or Ilosnig money. . project but had spent the appointed 8?” to find them- k
III I i de'EEfmifiis 33°33: :éiii‘iyaé‘r‘i‘d‘fs day 35: m “" his 5““ Sharp” ' h
. .I III I I . e - ing eir axes, etc. Two da '
‘II II‘ II‘I'I fIIII stood. There is aIdepartment for the they were ready to begin fellifiglattl: hazhiiafdfritgnfggegxfkly IIIehWSpaIPfriII‘,
. III l . \i‘i Iii? time spent in setting the paper, both trees, the work she had expected them lands communit f Le 1‘11 ' e Hig -
7 ll ‘ 331M III.) by machine and by hand. There is to start two days earlier. editors not 1 y 0 IouisvnlIe. The
.5 till ‘I ii 3‘ [l department for the bindery COS“: WhiCh There are other folks in the world 1‘ ‘ -0ny made Ilmrnedlate ap- l
I II II I u I III . . . . . _ . . . p lcatlon for membership in the KPA,
II III III III III. .III includes the folding, addresssmg, mail With this attitude too. Too many pub- but asked that their na b 1 d
II III I II I I mg, etc., Finally, 1n the summary col- lishers and retailers will find Sep- on the Press list. mes e pace ’
‘. i gira- 5:
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1 oo son e 5 Of Good Old Time: » 1 1 1
‘ ‘ 1; I1 1 -l:1 I
Following is the text of the ad- managing editor at Owensboro for ten There is so much that could be said ' II E' 1 I
1‘ dress delivered by Col. Urey Wood- years longer. He was killed in a rail- and so little time to say it, and I am 1‘ II 1, I I
I son, former Owensboro publisher, road accident in Utah While employed f1llly aware that you younger mem- I I I ‘I
before the members of the Ken— on a Salt Lake paper. bers are far more interested in the '11 III» II I
1 tucky Press Association. My successor as president of the eternal "nOW" and what the future ‘1III I
When I received your invitation to Kentucky PI‘BSS association, elected at Will bring you than what interested II II I II I
I address this meeting on the subject that meeting, was Harry Sommers, of us Older men 40 or 50 years ago, but I I I I: I
of my early experience in Kentucky Elizabethtowm and his successor a1 at the risk or being called down, I am I 11 f I
journalism, I was greatly flattered, and 'year later, Charles M. Meacham, of going to try to skim over the situation 1 I II i .g
I have contemplated this opportunity Hopksinsville. as I knew it when I started my first ‘11 I 1
I with growing enthusiasm as the day I am proud to be here with these little weekly paper—spell that week- 1III1I I 1I2
I approached. two old boys for whom I have always ly,” please, Mr. Reporter,~in Sep- I1II‘I' ’ 1
‘ And no place in Kentucky could have had the greatest affection. I am sorry tember, 1877. I11 1
I been chosen for this meeting- that that our old friend John D. Babbage, Can you believe it! Is it possible that II II
would please me so much as Paducah, of the Breckinridge News, now 83, can a youth of my apparent present age 1I 1 I
where I have spent so many happy not be with us today — but we have was running a newspaper of his own, I I1I‘I ‘1
1 days in the past, Though I never here his daughter, Miss Mildred Bab- and all by himself, nearly 54 years ago! 1II1I1 II ‘ I
‘ actually lived here, my personal con— bage, the sweetheart of the Kentucky But it is a fact, and I dwell upon the II (I ‘ 1
, tact with Paducah dates, back more press. Her sister, Louise, until she recollection of it with great satisfac- III ‘1 I 1 I
than fifty years. My return to Padu- married and left the state, was also tion. 1 II I _ I
cah on this occasion, however, brings active on the Breckinridge News. An- Hark Back to Old Days I I I .'
to mind the fact that many of my other old Kentucky editor, now retired A few weeks ago I saw Edna Ferber’s . II 11 1
'1 dear friends of former years, citizens is George A. Lewis, of Frankfort. "Cimarron" in a picture show. You II 1I ‘
1 of this metropolis, are no longer here. Oldest Kentucky Editor who have read the book or seen the I1I ,I I
I Many members of the legal and medi— The oldest editor in point of service picture, know it is the story of life in III; I I ‘ I
i‘ cal professions, the bankers, and busi- in Kentucky, to my knowledge is Harry a country newspaper office in Okla- III 1 , 3
I ness men, newspaper men, as well as Sommers, who commenced the publica— homa long before the opening of the ‘I I I I
. members of their families, have passed tion of the Hart County Democrat, at Cherokee strip, which was in 1899. III I "' -
1I away, but I am rejoiced to know that Munfordville in June, 1873, butin 1882 My older brother, Sam, was in that I II
1‘ some of them are left and the others bought the Elizabethtown News. In famous run down the strip. In this II: 1 1I
II have succeeded so well in their places. July, 1878, John Babbage bought the picture was shown the interior of a I. I I
Forty Years Ago Breckinridge News. He has long been country printing office, with the fore— III 1 il ‘I
I was somewhat startled a few days a neighbor of mine, and I have read man pulling the backbreaking lever 01' I1I '1 '1‘I I
1 ago in reading in the 40-year-ago his paper faithfully. I can say with- an old Washington hand press. I IIIII I III I
1~ column of one of the Louisville papers. out equivocation it has always been said to Mrs. Woodson: “There I am III 1 III
I that this month of June, 1391, the about the best printed and one of the at Greenville in 1877, getting out the II II,“ II 1 2
Kentucky Press association met in most capably edited weeklies in Ken- Muhlenberg Echo at the rate of 150 I III I II I
Paducah, and I was its president, hav— tucky. copies per hour.” But as the picture ‘ 1111 I I T: I
ing been elected a year earlier at 3 Harry Sommers has ranked all these moved on, I saw in this printing ofiice I1 I I II
meeting at Winchester. How tempus years as one of the ablest editors of a Model 14 linotype, and I said to my— 1 II I II ‘5
does fugit! Col. John (3, Noble, editor the Kentucky press. I think his edi- self: “No, it can not be.” The ,first 1 ‘I . II I
I, of the Paducah Herald, delivered the torials have been more frequently linotype ever bought in Kentucky was 1 I I 5 I1 I
I address of welcome, We were quartered quoted in Louisville and other leading in November, 1887, the primitive, I II 1 If 1
at the Richmond House on Broadway, papers of Kentucky than any other. square-base machine in the Courier— I I
1 near the river, operated by Charlie He has always had the highest ideals Journal office. The Model 14 did not I I_ 1 I
1 Read, prince of hOSts, ($3 a day for and courageously fought for them come into use until less than 20 years . I I I '1 I
room and three wonderful meals), through good and evil report, and ago. So, the man who made that pic- I1I1I‘I
1 afterward until his death proprietor when he follows me on this program ture should have had somebody like I 1 1 1 I
1 of the Palmer house, then building, you are going to hear a real orator. me as his censor—or he would not have I 1: I I I 1‘ ‘
And for 10 cents Don Gilberto would Our friend Meacham, who sits over included that Model 14. The Courier- I II 1‘ 1: I
I give YOU the biggest drink of Kentucky there, commenced his editorial career Journal got the first linotype, the 1 I II I
Bourbon that could be had anywhere with the South Kentuckian at Hop- Lexington Transcript was second, and I I
on earth, save Owensboro. kinsville in 1879. He published it nine the Owensboro Messenger was third on 'I1 1 1 :13 I
1 The daily newspapers of Paducah at years with W. A. Wilgus, bought out the Kentucky list. When the C-J in- , I ‘ I I
1_ that time were the Evening News, pub- Wilgus and continued as sole owner troduced linotypes the printers struck, , III I 11 I
I lished by Ballard & Thompson, with until 1920. His first work was that of claiming these machines would pro- 11 .11 ’11- 1
; Henry E. Thompson, as managing ed- a columnist, and he still is doing col— duce a nation of hobo printers, but III I I II I, I1
T itor, and the Morning Standard, umnist work on the Hopkinsville New we all know how hard it has been to 1.? I I
1 founded by the Leigh Bros, but sold Era, and I find when I pick up the get linotype operators all these years I1I ‘ ; .1I1
about this time to Dilday & VanSen— New Era I turn to that column the and that they are the highest paid I 11? II ,I VI
" den. The latter was afterward private first thing. Meacham has never seem- mechanics in America today. -‘ II I I1II 1
I Secretary to Secretary of the Treasury ed to realize it himself, but he ranks His First Press Meeting II 1 I I II
I John G. Carlisle. He is today a retired With the best 0f newspaper humorists The first meeting of the Kentucky ' I I I 1 II
capitalist of Washington. Dilday, I in this country. I can remember to— Press Association I ever attended was I 1 1 I1
I think is in California. 'day smile of the sidesplittine funny at Hopkinsville in 1878, and in looking 1 I 1
I In later years Ed Leigh, after serv- things he said to uS in his speech at over the roster of the Kentucky press ‘II ' Ii
ing as private secretary to Governors Paducah 40 years ago entitled “Pi-II of that date, I can find the names of I I I I
I Buckner, Brown and Beckham, was on HIS First NewsDaPel‘ , only one or two men besides myself, III 1 I
my editorial staff at Owensboro. While I am somewhat overwhelmed in and one or two women, who were 1I II; 1
1 in my employ he passed away about undertaking to talk to you of my early there and are now alive. One of these 3 ‘ II *
1- two Years ago. Clint Leigh was my experiences in Kentucky journalism. men was Elvis Porter of the Bowling ‘ I;
111- -11 1
’I l .L..,. ., J at” I ' ’

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11111 '1‘ “1 " Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS JULY, 1931 1:
‘ it” 1‘ u: :1 1'. -——-————————————~—-‘*~—-—-M~—————-—-—_—————— ‘
‘ l . r . ‘ :-
111': I 1111 : Green Pantagraph. 1 saw him in Era in 1878 was Sam M. Gaines, one of two papers have since ’been operated 1
11111 E ““1 )11‘1 Houston, Texas, three years ago, and the cleverest paragraphists I ever read most successfully, one in the morning,
1.111: 3 111.111 .he was very much alive then. 1 hope after. There was always humor and the other in the evening, from one 1
1:111‘1‘ 1‘ ‘ .1111 he still is. Another was Tom Stuart, plenty of it in Sam Gaines' para— plant. My relations with my succes- ’
‘1 ' 31.111 1.11.", of the Winchester Democrat. Tom is graphs, but never any malevolence. He sors, who have retained practically all 1
!11 1 ‘..1‘ 1'! "‘11.“: still in Winchester, but long out of the and Meacham were a fine pair of para~ of my old employes, have been most 1‘
1! 1. 111.21. newspaper business. Still another was pragners in the same town. One of cordial and pleasant—in fact, I even 1
1,1111 1- 11.1“11‘31‘11 little Allison Holland, who accompanied the ablest editors the New Era ever trust Lawrence to chauffeur me
, .11 11111,; 111.11 his pappy, w_ A. Holland, of the had was Tom Underwood, father of around the country without misgivings. 1
11.11.. 1'21 :1 “ Eminence Constitutionalist. Allison is the present general manager of the I retain my old office in the Messenger
1 ‘11., .3 . :. 1:11 1 now a Lexington lawyer. Lexmgton Herald. building. The important telegraphic 1
‘1 : :31: 1 .3: :1; 111. .1 Of the ladies, Mrs. Nancy Houston The president of the Kentucky Press reports are laid in advance of publica-
1‘ 1:11, ‘5 ‘ 31.11111 Banks, wife of J. N. Banks, of the Association in 1873, and for years be— tion on my desk. I pore over the ex- 1
1.19111“ .111 :11: Henderson Reporter, herself a brilliant fore and afterward, was Col. J. Stod- changes, I mark typographical errors 1
.‘ 1:1 3 .1111.;:1 1'11 nevvspapel' woman, who afterwards dard Johnson, of the Frankfort Yeo— and poorly written heads, and tell .
1,. 11 ”:1: 1' .1: '1 1 wrote some notable books, including man, a prince of a gentleman. Major them sometimes the Messenger is be— 1
1.11 351;. 1‘: 1 1131-1111: ‘1 ‘ 1 “Round Anvil Rock," “Oldfield," and Henry T. Stanton was his editor, and coming as bad as that “rotten old In- ‘
’ .' 21:1 1 ‘ "1‘ "1 1 "Little Hills.” is today living in Wash- one of the most brilliant men that quirer," but they put up with my criti- 1
12111 1i 131,111'1‘ ington. What a joy it was to sit at Kentucky ever produced. He wrote eisms with remarkable patience and .
111’111“: i: 1.1"}: 1 1 Mrs. Banks‘ feet and learn wisdom. some wonderful poems, which made a good nature. '.
1311111 111 :‘,:11"1.: ,: ‘ The only representative for Padu- profound impression. One of them was Young Allison 1
1‘11 1 11 111 f 1 can at that meeting was Len G. Faxon, called “The Moneyless Man." Another A quaint newspaper genius was Ben 1
1.11 ,1 11:1 11:11 then editor of the Paducah News, was “Crazy Ellen.” The latter caused Harrison, of the Henderson News, who .
1 311.1113 1‘1 111111 1 owned by Ballard & Thompson. Other a great sensation in Louisville because had a rule that no personal should 1
1111‘ 71113-311: 1.: Paducah and Kentucky Purchase edi— it was based upon a tragic death in ever be printed in his newspaper. We
111.1111. 1": 1 1'1 ‘: 1 101-5 of that time included Col. John 0. Louisville society. have with us today a rare specimen of
1:11:11 1,111 ' ’ . Noble, of the Paducah Herald. I will Another paragraphist 0f rare type antiquity, Young E. Allison, who enter- ‘
11‘1111‘: ”1 1 '1‘ want to say a word or two later about was Emmett Logan, 0f the Courier— ed Harrison’s office in Henderson in 1.
11;“? f :1; =i. 51 those men I found here in Paducah at Journal in those days, afterward for 1886 as “devil" but later when he was ‘r
, 11111 . 1 11.1 1 11 the K. P. A meeting in 13911 forty years editor of the Louisville Times. 14. his name went up at the mast head 1.
11‘ 1 -: 1 11.1 ‘ : 1 years ago, and still later I shall hope to In a soc1al gathering where Sam as “local editor,” and we have proof of 1
1'1 '1 11:1 :1; 11:, ‘11 dwell for a while on my own experi— Gaines, Emmett Logan and Henry this. Of course Harry Sommers, John .
11 1: 111111111" 1 ences in Paducah journalism, begin- Stanton were leading lights there was Babbage, Charlie Meacham and I will 1'
'; 11:11 "1' "“ 1 ning in May, 1901, just thirty years always plenty of fun for the rest 0f now have to step aside as ancient spec- l
13: 1111:. 1:1 '1 ago. us. imens because Allison has been in 1
1.: 1.11 ‘ ‘2“ 1.111? At Mayfield the editors in 1878 were Owensboro Newspapers continuous newspaper work from that 1
11.151i1 11:11: 1 1 Ben F. Briggs of the Mayfleld Moni— Among others attending the K. P. A. time until this. Once he and his
1‘31 ‘:7 1“ ‘1‘11 tor, and M. F. Beaumont, of the Demo- 1118813ng at Hopkinsville that year was brother Jim, who was for years edito— .1
1 11 it“: 1111 1 crat. George Warren was editor of the James A- Munday, Who founded the rial writer on the Washington Star, 1
.1‘ '11"; '2 .‘ .1‘ 1' 11“ 1 Hickman Courier, published in 1850, at Owensboro Messenger in November, published the Henderson Daily Chron-
11‘11 ‘1 1 vi: 3-“ 1 that time and continued in that post 1877. He was a writer of wonderful icle. I think it lasted about 20 minutes.
1111111111" j? 1 1 1 until his death at the age of 80 years. ability. He fought many a paper bat— When he was quite a young man,
'11 1;11 11. .1 1 W. 0. Wear was the leading editor of tie with M1"- Watterson. He died in the Young went to Evansville and be- 1
1“ 1313 11 1.1 Murray and he reared a family of state 0f Washington some years ago. came city editor of the Courier. I .
11 1‘ ‘,‘: > 11'11‘31 : eight boys who were printers and edi— AHOthEI‘ early Owensboro paper was know Allison well because we slept to— 1
1:1 ' 1“}: ‘11 ‘ 1 tors in this section years afterwards. the Owensboro Monitor, established gether in those days, or rather in the ..
1131.11. 1‘ 1 1‘11 1 Another early editor at Murray was many years before the Messenger by same room, for Allison worked at night 1
11:111‘ 1:111:11 Logan Curd. Capt. J. N. Boland es- Thomas 3- Petitt. It was suppressed on the morning Courier, coming in .
1 1 :- 1,:1111‘1: 1 tablished the Murray Gazette in 1875. during the W81“. but revived later by about 3 a. m. to go to bed. While I, be- 1 ‘
11: 1 11,1. 111111 1 1 The first editor at Benton, I think, Mr. Petitt. He suspended its publica- ing a carrier on the Courier, at $1 a 1
1 1111 13‘ was Jim Lemon. He sold out to Bud tion when he went to Frankfort as week, had to get out of that warm bed 1
1 :111‘ 1 1‘ 111111111 Cross and established a paper in Padu— private secretary to Governor M0' at that unearthly hour, to get to the 1
11‘11111121M1 .13 ‘11 1 1.1: cah, which did not last long, and then Creary in 1875. Mr. Petitt Still lives office in time to deliver my papers in
U111 11 315131" -1: founded the Mayfield Messenger of in Owensboro. In 1875 still another all kinds of weather. My idea of a
'.1 :..."‘11.1' 12""1'2 1‘ which he made a success. An editorial paper was the Owensboro Examiner, real hero is a 12-year-old carrier of a
1 1: {.1 .111; 1:": ‘: 1: Lemon wrote once against ever taking established in 1875 by Lee Lumpkin morning newspaper. I can say this in '
‘ 1 11‘3" 1 . '_.' :‘ 1: a bath attracted national attention. He and later consolidated With the Mes— all modesty because I graduated from
, .1 111.111 1 1 1: ‘31:":‘1 ' ' 1 claimed it to be unnecessary and dan— senger. C. W. Bransford, with whom that school, the only school from which
i .1‘ 1'1. 1 11‘: 115‘ “ gerous besides. At Princeton, Capt. I was associated from 1881 until 1888, I ever graduated. I had to go to work 1
1 1 1'1 .1 >4 Q1 15:11: C. T. Allen edited the Banner. when I bought his interest in the Mes- before I finished by first year of high
i 131111 ;' 1111‘ 1 1‘1 At Hopkinsville, Hunter Wood was senger, is Still a kid like mYSelf. school. . 1'
‘1 11.1,: :1; 11'11‘1 1‘ . publisher of the New Era, and the In a much earlier period, the great I used to mooch circus tickets from :1
: :1 1 ‘1 311: 11-1 New Era is one of but mo or three Senator George Vest. of Missouri. was Allison. He took me to my first Negro -
1' ~11 : 11:31 1:11: newspaper I recall in Kentucky today the editor, when quite a young man, ministrel show. Do I love him? Well, 3
1:211 ‘: 1: 1‘1 that is in the same family. Hunter of an Owensboro newspaper. who wouldn’t always love a man who '
1 1 1111 1" 1': i1," Wood’s son, Walker Wood, is still pub- The youngest newspaper in Owens— had done that much for him when he '
'. 1. “‘ j-‘ l. 111 1 lishing the New Era. Another is the boro is the Inquirer, which was es— was a boy of 12? « 1
_ 1 11:11 1 1'1 1‘. 1‘ Georgetown Times, established by tablished in 1884 by J. J. Sweeney and Allison went to the Louisville Cour- :
1 1" 1‘1 1' 1:11 i 1‘ f Uohn A. Bell in 1867. He continued to others. It passed throught many hands ier-Journal in 1880 as city editor, and 1
; 1:111, 11111'1111" edit it until the time of his death in until Judge S. W. Hager bought it in after about three years in that capaC- 1
1 111::1131‘131.:1.1 ’1914, and his daughter, Miss Lila Bell, 1909. On January 1, 1929, Judge Ha- ity, became managing editor of the -‘
" :11: 2- 13' 1 ‘: ‘j and son, F. M. Bell, still run the paper. ger’s sons, Lawrence and Bruce, in con— Louisville Commercial. ‘ 1
1 "1:11' 1:1 1“ .11 11 . There may be still others. n'ection with George M. Fuqua, for Tiring of night work, he became ed- .
1 11-11131 $1.1 :3“. . 1 31 ‘ Some Famous Old Editors twenty-seven years my associate, itor of the Insurance Field, but in 1901, 1
I '11 1:1 1 :33. jj 1: The editor of the Hopkinsvilie New bought of me the Messenger, and the when the Commercial was bought by )1
" 3‘1 :1.
7211:1111 112113111
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11 1 1 1 11
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i 1 31:1 1

; JULY, 1931 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five 1 , . 1 11

1 ,_.___________________________________.. l 1 1

‘ George A. Newman, 3. Louisville drug- ius. His poems and articles attained a now turned out at the rate of 35,000 1 1‘ 1 ‘1 1

1 gist of California Fig Syrup fame, national circulation and later he had an hour. The Louisville presses run at 1 1'1 1 -_ 1‘
Allison was persuaded to take the ed— a distinguished career in the diplo— the rate of 60,000 to 100,000 an hour. 1 l ‘ 3:11
,itorship of the paper again, its name matic services of his country. I watched the boys hustling in the E1 1_ 1 5- 1

1 being changed to the Herald. He con— First Visit to Louisville mailing room I was invited to ride 11 1 f '1.; 1

' tinued in this capacity for three years The first time I was ever in Louis- with the driver of the mail wagon to »- 13' l‘ 1 1-

1 and then returned to his insurance ville was the 4th of July 1878, the date the L. & N. depot to catch the 2:30 .‘ 1111 1 1 1

1 paper. I would like to spare his blush- of the world famous four-mile match trains to Cincinnati and Nashville. 1111?? 1 1 1111

1 es but I have long looked upon Young race between Ten Broeck and Mollie He Whipped his horses to a mad gal- ,1 :11 11 1 1

1 Allison as one of the most accomplish- McCarty at Churchill Downs. I rode lop out Broadway. No traffic officers ~‘ 11 i i, ‘1 1

1 ed newspaper writers of my acquaint- out to the track with other boys on or red light to stop us. It was like 1 1 l1 ;
ance. He has written poetry as well the roof of a little dinky street car riding to a fire on the hose reel. We .-11 l 1
as prose, and some of the most stir- pulled by two little mules. But be— tossed the bundles on the mail car. In 1 1 ,1 1 1

‘ ring stories based upon his early ob- fore starting I saw the bookmakers a minute or two the train was off. 11 1' 1 1 1

servations are as fine as any it has selling pools in the basement of the What a grand night for a country 1 11 :1 1 ' ‘

-been my good fortune to read. Only Galt House, the Californians betting printer boy! 1 11 1 1 _.

1 recently I read again one that was thousands on their little mare and the Characteristics of Watterson 11-11 1 ' ‘

1 called the “Spawn of Satan,” that Kentuckians and many New Yorkers I shall not undertake to go back- to 1 l1 11 1 1
would fascinate anybody’s interest. It backing Ten Broeck. I got a seat on the days of the consolidation which 1 ,1 1.
is certainly a joy to me and I know it the grandstand at 10 a. m., and stayed brought about the name of the Louis- 1 1 11 1 1 1

, is to others here to have this old boy in it until the race was called at 4 ville Courier-Journal. I am discuss- 1 11 1: 11 . 1

1 with us once more, and if you can in- p, m., without a, drink of water or a ing only newspaper events of my own 1 11 1 .1 . 1

, duce him to talk a little he can put bite to eat. The day was intensely hot. time. We all know of the brilliant . ‘1 1 :1 i 1
all the rest of us in the shade, or if That old grand stand would hold work of George D. Prentiss and Henry 1 111 1 ‘ 1 1 l
he won’t talk, give him a piano and 3,000 people, but there must have been Watterson. If I had time I could re- 1 1 1 1 1' 1

1 listen to his wonderful tenor voice. 30,000 on the grounds. I have seen late some interesting episodes about 1 1 '1, 1

1 As we used to say at the Daviess coun— probably forty Kentucky derbies since Mr. Watterson during my acquaint- 1 1 1 1

1‘ ty fair: “He is an all around horse, but no race that thrilled me so much ance with him, not only here in Ken- 1 .1 1 1

, goes all the gaits.” as that one. But it was really no tucky, but in New York and else- 111 1 1 .‘

1. Old Lexington Editors. race at all. After the first mile when where. I think‘ however, one of the 111111 1 1

Another editor of my early acquaint- the two horses went around the track most characteristic stories of Watter- 11111.

1 once was Col. John O. Hodges of the fairly abreast, Ten Broeck easily took son's life was recently related by Har- 11 .l 1 .

11 Lexington Observer, Wthh paper was the lead. His jockey stood in his stir— rison Robertson, who went on the 11 ‘ 1

‘1 also at one time edited by COL W- 0- rups with his face turned back watch- Courier—Journal as Mr. Watterson’s 111 1‘1 ‘

1 P. Breckinridge. ing Mollie McCarthy. He never once secretary in 1879, and who is today 1111' j ‘1

The older Lexington newspapers of had to touch his horse with his whip. editor of the Courier-Journal, being the 1 1' 1 11 f1; 1
which I have nay knowledge include Ten Broeck at the end of four miles oldest inhabitant of that institution ‘1 111 1'1

1 the Gazette, edited by Howard Gratz; come