xt779c6s1p9h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt779c6s1p9h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-04-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 22, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 22, 1971 1971 1971-04-22 2020 true xt779c6s1p9h section xt779c6s1p9h . ' ‘v‘V ‘V I 3
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x hurvl-u. Aim! :2. I971 UNIVERSITY or KENTI'CKY. LEXINGTON w t \H \.. I37 "'- .
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Stress responsdultlv y t"
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0 ‘ ‘.» 3'; 1‘ f "
Kernel, Kentueklan 2
. . . b0 eott .
editors selected -- .. - ~ 3" . ._ .
The Board of Student indication as to what tltat ......-'-V.--. 1 ft; _. _ ' f._: .g '
Publications last night selected format will be, it still is too early “\ . l . ;‘ M t“ 0' 1-"."t- -V..V. '
MikeWines as next year’s editor to say for sure. . V‘ V _-;- ‘ _‘ g3 x m2, ' B) VALERH; l-.LLlS()\ :-"V-‘ 355;; ~
in chief of The Kentucky Kernel “i am encouraged by the "IL , 3; ft , , ' 1-. 9 _ » Kcmd Sm” “m” :I.‘ . . . ,
and Larry Kielkopf as editor of results of the survey. For the ll} ' '0’ if ' ' 34%,; f it; 'w _ .. «\ .12“. :VW ti \ , V. , .- .-
the Kentuckian. most part, students supported ‘1 ant ‘ It" 3 -‘ V qua. Vii V . . V .‘V'VTSV ‘V .t ;
Wines. who is a recipient of the Kentuckian, and I think that ., t W’ _, t A 3““ 3,.) :in V‘ g, . . V » .I . Va '
the KChtUChY PFCSS Association tact alone dispels a great many x V ,g. i . w \\ - _‘ ~ V ' 5

Award, issued the following myths which some people had ’\ . a.” x ' .1;- V V . tam; ,:~ -_-. . ’7‘}?
statement after his selection. about the popularity of the \ ' “y t" ,1. t??,:.»; __. , , f V. . . . ’V~ " ,' V‘
“The next two years are going yearbook , 2M 0 1” v.4- " .., . _. " H, , ._ . ., ‘ V V . 1‘6 . ‘2 f.
to be crucial to the KCl'ht‘l’S “()ne of the things we will do VVV ~ l . .5 V. , V. V v, V ,v V.¢ ,V
future as a campus newspaper. for next year, no matter what ' -. V ,V 3.“; r V 51-54“ ‘ .
in the past. we‘ve been able to the format. is to put more V . J ‘ 55,: .. " \z‘vzm.;: >3. , g . g. , Viz/1:“ .V- '
build up a fairly strong deL‘ Of emphasis on the practice of ~ V "V .r, ’ . .Ilgll'.'ifil . . .. ,, Ii-V V; V". '4 V-
support among faculty members responsible journalism. ”Rafi“ ’"V ”V: a crud“. .( , h, . ,V H . . V_ , ‘

and students. but the biggestjob We will also be soliciting a ' E‘ , J, 4 3; as V «' / itl‘v-u-hvhvVW' V V‘ VVV' 'VV‘V"-“
ahead Of US is to CXICHd that larger staff. especially in the area E l V V V . '9'“ . MUM,” it. ;} . ~__: ,._, .g. : . IV' TV' ., 5V ’

. SW90” ‘0 the ”5‘ 0f ”‘6 ofbusin€SSimd581€S-" MIKE WINES LARRY KIELKOPI- ’ mad I
Universityrvthat means Greeks as 1...“... “n Hm}... V 1.: f~ I V ;
well as radicals, graduate \Ncrtdelxd-Ir! \ain T‘:..‘ .5 "-‘ -

. Students as well as undergrads. 93 9 e rcent ,mu 3;“ him: :3}, : 1 t A, . .7‘ .‘ .7 .2. :V ;
“HOWCVCL extending our . P ttlTLVl lll'.i\1\ llL \JlLl T’ 1’ t",. ‘ VV.; VV'VJVIZVV'V'V' V‘

support doesn't imply that the ”A. amt“ ». “hm; ,., . V
$351052]gfifififiwtg’snf‘f? 1:: Board survey shows students favor yearbook 31;; hithill“LV'Vi...V~KV_§VV 1;, ..V {

reputation as an issue-oriented B DALE MATTHEWS concerning content and Purpose reduce our overall toteraee. \\ .: i‘fl‘t‘NKWI“ 3" 1' '~ .: r 't - VT‘V": : ?

newspaper. We VV. maintain an yK lS ff W V and of fundingy the book.” result. if the l HiV\L‘i'\ll\ thL‘w '-’\-h“‘~~- tt?t“*711t»‘~ . 7 V V ?' VtVV‘V‘ V' ‘7

OUtSpOkcn edltonul page. and erne ta riter Of tlt . g 49] u vw“ ‘t . ,1 indeed \tilhdrau ottr \uthitl‘. 1! 13h l HINT“; « Vv

our writers will dig deeper for The study recently conducted . _ .|_ _. LhiVI . (VS :L“: V}:Ll::ViVVV,,Vi will lt‘nr'cjr‘ ii\ to change \‘t c :: tit-hi :: ' . . :_ , .V,"IV‘.?' V

news analysis stories and by tht‘ 30$le or StltktCht {EV 1V Vl. lVd- VV.,:VV..LHV . 1.. hr“. format. probabh to a llViitllllli\ “Vl’i‘KM’I ’t 2,..; u _' .V‘.'.\V 5 V) V

investigative ”ntde5~ Publications shows that the ,V:V , MVVVVI‘ V‘VIV VV , LV- VIL ,V at.“ VI.“ tttauaztnc. V V to :n'x itch , . k ‘ ‘ ' .' V.-"V'- V'~VV,V-.'-.

“Th9 biggest differences overwhelming tnaioritx of “it not 1m udfd. in‘t K rthVVtrVi “.91“ um he ,- -i it, it In. , in; :‘EiV‘ it' I ' , . - .V‘ VrV.‘". ‘_-;IV

.. , , ~ , _ ~ 33:) percent indicated that the ‘ W“ "-t- ML . ' . . ‘1‘.» - r: .
between Pd>t Kernels .«m‘t hCXt students completing the survey ltniversitv should have a the sllt‘VL‘) that the} want a .untwalhx . ._.t . .. ‘ ‘ ‘
132:2: barge: srhloourlg VtgerVégglVI want a yearbook. ‘ y c 5, rbook. Stu dc nt ideas Vi\;'('r:vi:l‘y(lt1)\l\;llll‘lll): l‘Viit~,'{ci',>it_\‘ is (rt: ( _ . . ‘ ,‘ t f :1.
, coverage of campus news and a The survey was cottoitctcd it) dittered. ‘hmtevcr. \Hlll the 3:11 iV/V-VVVttVVf “mix V-\:iV\VtV V.VV i .. ‘ , '~ y}, .. :.I th . V. r ~;f-,T"z
brighter. more eye-catching the board at the request of Vice matter of lust how the hook “ V.V "51‘ VV...VVVVVV New)" ‘2? t .’ 2V: I ‘
‘ . Presrdent tor Student Attairs Dr. should be lundcd. th‘“ th‘ l “”“HU ““1 he“ H “hm“ ' ‘ “ " -J. . '.
makeup. Hopefully. there Will be R b t 7un w, kl' The Boarl . “up." I‘m... 1;»; “I; _I. y -- .. . . ‘- , _
more articles in next year‘s F) er ‘ "‘1 m L . ‘ ‘Htv One of the survey tillt‘xlltith Neath “.Wlmuhw ..\..‘.k.m .4 I m.fl.,\...\ Am ,ng .Tiv‘ .. {3.3.- ;
Kernel that the student will h‘ld intendtd to mail “I“ sung asked whether students would th‘ ““1"! his 11j\w,,,.:, h ,i t Hap . .. . , . . .. t ' f .
want to read, in addition to the to all ”g‘St‘TCd students. 3‘l3(’ like to have a part of their .hV. ;i‘..:rkl\(Vt')l\V1\\“l\ V‘V'VIV-Vict V3} \“trhp VVtit. V Vi \ifiV" ‘
in—depth pieces that we have We” ”0t mailed out because Of student activities tees designated .VmV QdVlVl ”16ml V” VFYVV .,VV,,V XVI I.Vi\,\.V,.\...v VA . ‘V , V"; VI}? V-
always carried.” incomplete addresses. ”189‘ as u subscription to the Vtht :tiiri:»ViVit\ 4.1M. \twtik if “U 1.“; Z. .. .. . , 1 ‘ ..VVt . .-' l .

Kielkopf, who has worked for survcyswcre returned because 0t yearbook. and 48 percent However an IV, Vii“. lie thmni 9.7 t .K 1 , ._
the past three years on the change 1" addresses. replied that they would. respondent:Knit their Mfiwx ;_,H.‘_m_li I ‘ 1:1.” try “
yearbook, said the following The survey was designed. Another (“195mm 0” the wk.” raised 1.} the WW) “imam,” ‘1‘ “up...“ Jul; ‘__, zVV' ‘- ,1
about next 3’63er yearbook. according it? Robert [73“.5011‘ survey speculated that the Kentuckian, which has hccn that ct‘cattxc education at» ".\i,.;i l-l :5;

“The format of next year’s chairman 01 thC publications University would cease its accused of ignoring traditional the \ltltlt'ilt\\‘...Filt’tl »:i‘._-'i t'j' V, .
Kentuckian has been under board, “to determine the wishes subsidy to the book and gave the yearbook topics in Livor Ht .tn ()the r speakers :ncl’tztfv-i i "if; _’ ,V
consideration for some time Of all students as to the students a choice between annual devoted to the =2! Rclwcca “extcrfit‘ld. .‘\'tu.ici1' VZVV t'V
now, and while the results OHM desirability 0t 3 yearbook. and. mandatorv fees or voluntary Kentuck\ and ct‘iih‘ucs :n (itflt’i’l‘iil‘zx‘ltl \itc {‘ft'\ltlt‘fli. lr ."
Board Of Student Publications it Oht‘ is desired. to determine sales and advertising revenues to general, V V “lilmho INN? MI??? \t“"W=-"=I‘I'U =
Survey should provide some the StUdChtS‘ viewpoints support the yearbook. V Almost three intartcn ot the titevdcnt or the llx \. ”UV.
f Schnty—two percent chost‘ stthlcnh .itichrmg' \.llll the ltwmn t.‘t\ VfV’t‘ V' ’
a ' voluntary sales and advertising. Board ot Student l’ubhcatitmx l “.c\ 1.73m: .' . . ‘ ‘- -r. l, ", -' , .:
‘ } Larry Kielkopf. the nen'l) should not have the right to \cto luxottiz: 1n\~1\:.: *‘ ; :-
:4 ‘« ‘ elected editor for the l‘l7l-72 publication .,: a _\c.trhook that attain, l ::r.:; mute-2H xx .alV.
A“? We KWMM wd 1' W ”it W ~* ‘ .
*2/45} _- " (‘V art ' “t, production costs of a yearbook tinght consider “obitctionable‘. could exert .i 1:2".‘Jlt' li'l nun“: ‘ i .
f ‘ 'V - 5‘» . , are far too high to bC raised by Another 73 percent etit‘eml J (hill‘rdhh '6th .VV‘V‘V 'iik‘i‘lms‘ .' V}? VI. ¢- ,' .
M: ‘I f V’ x “‘1. individual sales. To get an veto over a Kentuckian that at 1 pin. l‘t’catt\t‘ tn.- 1 ill\'c'l’\ll'_\ ’ 1"3- .'
a. fl ‘ ‘ at” adequate amount of advertising 5 t u d e n t s m i g h t t ind docs not .tllou .2\\k'l"l‘ltk‘\ on the :.‘ 2 -- _; j 5. .
;:.-€;:I.::"i',E'."'V‘:"-_-: . -:5;,;.:~.::s:'§;:;:_:1::- jetting; , , . , -, , t. 1‘ ‘ . , \.. . . . A v '= ‘ ‘,- _:-
5?? '- . ”g , “it"? we would have to substantially othctionablt _ patio .ttttr that tom {5‘ “1 -. .f
if? {3; " . jg H ‘ . "Vt VI .. '.
,3; e ””33 _—-—-—-—- _ .‘ . .-

' - e t 1 10 S 0“ IC( 111 81,8 9c 1 S“ l‘ Vf“ ‘ V
‘zt; {433‘ Ed‘tOTS Note. The fOllOthg is llopson has spcctticall} have diahhzca as ottcn .1\ once a t > ,
ht _ the first of a three-part series obicctcd to a test .ltllllll‘lhlt‘lt‘tl month‘" ' g V: VM‘

A ‘ W ill V which examines ' the Question: to a grout" of Speech lHl lltti‘snan t'tit‘itt‘latt‘ll tenters. .‘l
at. --- ,. a .. .. ‘ Does ”"1" W“ ”W W! “m it rm w wt

A ‘< ' .-~"-*-.. V-Hgi.‘ g . V, .1 ‘. " ‘ undermine student. l’lgllts and ‘tlt‘L-‘t‘IVL‘tl [llt‘ \llltlc‘lil\ \Kllt‘ L'ttlilt‘lll til the l\‘\l 1[;'§‘,‘.\. l‘ti‘t ttl} .. 1"- .‘

V; 3% ‘r '- welfare? The 8MGM Incident Participated. lti\ \‘ltdttlt‘ that thc \tittit‘:‘.'\ ngie - .t ' ‘V
-V _‘ ._ t in question was reported last The It'\t. .i liltt‘\llttllll.tllt'_ 3111\lt‘tl in mg” hrqu .5“). ,i._ W , .
. ; i V V ..V“V‘-._' week in the Kernel. contained Ilt‘t.t\ of t Lillie! it‘xl iv_‘\tlll~ “mind we»; m V ' , g V V
' . 13V BV DAHLlA HAYS PL‘IN‘thl litlllltt‘. (litt‘ titlt‘xttitll. ~tll“ll,\ ”twttx ._ Vt' ‘V V ";‘
... V " V 'V KVcrncl Staff Writer t” "V\‘V”"‘l‘l‘Vt “‘VMV‘l l)“ -‘"V“ '7‘- I' W71 i '5" “945 ‘t V ‘ ‘
i ‘ ’ A current issue has Dt)\$ll\l_\ ----,,,,-,,,,,,,,,,,,- \t t"~lV\ I)“ " “3'!“ '.:~! V "'V “ . .V
V " 1 . revived the Publish-ot-pcrtsh ~v “K‘tlhk‘vtdh lh‘l‘Wh \‘Pthhk'it .- '.
V a V * VV V controversy. which arises at “ (‘illlN‘l‘ “hi h" “hh‘dh‘t t“ ’3‘“ ““‘ ’th ‘ VV
VngiV 35 fl ._ , sporadic intervals as a source of Forecast for Lexington and tt‘“ “i" ~hthhhl‘tt’lflt ~ . . ‘V
if \9. 1. “ ' L"i“hi‘us (tt‘bdtt‘. vicinity: Partly cloudy and According ’0 lli‘i‘Wh. tht‘ ‘ " ‘_ .
V‘ * “ a, ' The issue is the charge made cooler today. mostly fair and portion ”t tht' ““1 U‘ht-Hhmtl V . ‘ . '
‘ ‘ \ by ”0W9” ”OPSOH. sophomore unseasonably cool tonight and the "personal intormation” If V .
‘ X \ candidate for Student Senate. tomorrow. High today near 60. 'tt‘h“ “'4" hi“ 5121“th hV tht‘ V ‘ '
ti V ' ‘- that the Publish-or-perish low tonight upper 30‘s. high “httt‘h” in tact. \‘Pt‘t‘lhc ‘ V‘
Clay Nixon and Julieanne Beasley are shown in a scene from “A Flea doctrine has assumed such tomorrow near (,0. Prpcipirarion instructions on that portion of
in Her Ear" now which began last night at Guignol Theatre. The play priority at UK as to have probabilities today and tonight 0 the test asked the student to '
will run through the 25th. Curtain time is 8:30 pm. tonight through subordinated the rights of the percent; tomorrow. 5 percent. R‘tmm from Signing his name , '
Saturday, and 7:30 pm. on Sunday. individual student. W---,,,,,,,,N,,-, (‘ontinucd on rap 8. Col. 1 V ~

Z—TIIF, KENTlWYKY KERVEI.. Thursday. \pril 22. l97l _______________—___________________ g
C""“"""’ Court u holds abortion l l
A picture Cltlluic in last on the Student ('eniei' roof b_\ P aw I
Friday‘s Kernel incorrectl} hei' owners, Kappa Alpha . , . « l
””th th‘” MM Moll} By (Bolly~ t‘i'a t eriiitv. Kappa Alp ha WASHINGTON (AP) The Supreme Court Thirty-eight states have “b“mon laws. “1°”th a
. l dime-store It‘rml‘lll fatally fraternity 'ltas‘ disclainied any approved Wednesday prosecution of physicians remains unsettled Since the court did not reach ihC
I I IIWIJ U f C d h .V Ll K C r n Cl responsibilitv for the turtle and who perform abortions, but said pregnancies can lSSUC 0t PerBCY- l
iviVInoItIiIIggrIincliLIIrKDshIoIrrtIlI)c dlertIIn‘yi its final resting place. The Kernel befiTCdtsqfcfifililti/ for ImItIeIiIitaI-Iheiilth reasons. I Vuitch commented, “The guys on the Supreme (I
, , , . ‘ " g up It ”It ”01 abortion law for Court threw the whole mess back to the doctors. I '
I Thursday afternoon, was thrown rtgrttS the CYFOF- the District of Columbia against claims that Iits myself as a physician can see that this is correct.
' wording is so vague doctors do not know which “,5 strictly a medical problem.”
‘ operations are permtssrble and which are not. . .
' But by authorizing abortions to protect the He Itold a reporter he Will continue to perform
, expectant mother’s mental health and by putting abortions at his office.
. - _ mea “S the burden on prosecutors to prove an operation is In a second ruling, the court said men Who claim .
' illegal, the JUStiCCS gave physicians considerable they became conscientious objectors after i
‘ - - leeway. receiving their draft notices are not entitled to i
NOt settled yet is whether women have an reconsideration by their draft boards. t
inherent private right to obtain an abortion simply However the 6-3 decision said the cannot be l
. ' more because they desire to end their pregnancy. This . ’ . . . y. . 'i
. . . . . . . sent into combat until military authorities make a l
issue 18 pending before the court in abortion cases . . .
. ‘- ' from a half—dozen states. Judgment on the“ claims.
. The District of Columbia 13w, written by In a third ruling, the court said the United States I
7 ‘ 7 Congress for the capital prohibits abortions except may turn away refugees fleeing Communist i
. . , th when “necessary for protection of the mother‘s countries it they settle temporarily ”1 another 3
, ' I . an life or health.“ And it stipulates they must be COUhtTY 0“ the way. The 5‘4 460510“ concerns a i
4 performed byalicensed physician. refugee from Communist China who took up
i i In November 1969, U.S. District Judge Gerhard residence in the British colony 0f Hong Kong
‘ . A. Gesell dismissed an indictment against Dr. before settling in California.
' . I HAMBURGERS—STEAKS—SEAFOODS Milli“ thltt‘h 0t Chevy (‘hase Md» operator 0f 1’ The abortion decision permits prosecution of
Chm“ three thCkS from the White HOUSC- Vuitch with a possible penalty of one to ten years
I ("resell said the law was unconstitutionally vague inprisoii if he is convicted. Officials would have to
‘ - and that it iiiiperniissibly put the burden on the show at the trial that hc operated under
~. ,I . deieiidaiit to prove the operation was medically cii'coiiistaiices not necessary to iiicscrvc the
tI , S P R I N G S PEC I AL ncI‘cssai}. . , I woman‘s lite or health.
‘ . I > ' IU;:ITJ;I& \‘.tlllll;flt)c'l[k}I‘§ [ilitbntfil ”gill-til:MITIGEZ‘CHWIII: (‘hief Justice Warren l2. Burger and Jllsllc‘c‘s‘ John
' * . about ;: i‘crsoii‘s llCililil in considering surgicn and \1‘ llarlan. Byron R‘ White and Harry A"
' ' OHC' 600d th'” May 10"" have m, trouble figuring out what the word “at” Blackmun ioined Justice Black in sustaining the
I , I 'I ‘ mCImSI ‘ law. Justice William 0. Douglas. dissenting. agreed
. I I 1— "— _ """' "'— COUPON ..— - — .- _I ,\ i‘iiiit‘Ic'i tlcliiiiliun. in: w cut UII. could lliL‘llItit‘ With “Infill“ CNS?” tint,t}“c 19-3" 13190“:‘1glu' .l'iisllc'Ic
a . I; “mental health." ”$1,.th m whether the woman Potter Stewart. also dissenting. said he would have
‘V i ' 4 f ‘. . I $1.35 Value Good on” at Pun"; Pancake I hid 'i 'ircvious ‘iistoi‘v ofnicnt‘il defects ”110d that no competent Phbmi‘m could be
, , . H°“_‘e"‘729 SWM‘ “”3“" l-H‘ i - l . ' - w ..l . - 4 I. - . prosecuted undertlic law.
, , . ,. ., S-A-V—E LumgmnI Kentucky I its is in Ihd,‘ [llIL LS. Itirciiit (oriit tor thc . I I
' . , . l I District ot (olumbia has interpreted the local Justices William J. Brennan Jr. and Thurgood
' ‘ ,4 abortion law in another case. The Supreme Court‘s Marshall held the Supreme Court did not have
. . I DELUXE HAMBURGER WITH I adoption of the view would appear to shield jurisdiction over the Vuitch case. They were joined
. ' physicians against punishment if they certify the in this point by Harlan and Blackiiiun but once the
' , ' FRENCH FRIES’ COLE SLAW AND c abortion was necessary on physical or mental court chose to rule by a five-four vote. Brennan
'-I - ' ' DRINK—ALL FOR ONLY I grounds. and Marshall did not state a View on the law itself. i
, . -. __ __ __ _. __ __ __ _ __ __ i . 1 ’1 "i
‘ ' ' BRING RESULTS! 1 14‘011 pl OPObeb
I. II ,‘ ' f‘ . o o
'1 . . n. TURFLAND MALL STARTS .0]. 61211 ald overhaul
- . .4 ., 277-6100 FRIDAY \ K
‘~ - f ' ' I “, I““ - W A S II l N (7 T O N countries such as Korea whose
1 , ON THE MALL "‘u‘d‘ '1' (Al’t ~ President Nixon asked defense is deemed important to
- - . , HARRODSBURG ROAD &LANE ALLEN ”hf . j . (‘ongress‘ Wednesday for a the United States.
‘ ' ' O"! ’51:) . _ sweeping overhaul of the US. Under economic aid. Nixon
I ' I When a lady is applauded by 30 million I , .’ , ' 1-;Ines’ foreign—aid Isystcm and an would do away with the present
‘ . . i ' . people she owes them an encore! I fill-ill .00 increase in aid money tor the Agency for International
_ , : I . ' in I «77w __ * coming year. I) c v e l opiiicnt (AI D) and
. ' \‘I‘I‘Il‘im .‘r ’ u' I ; 5:15 in presenting a S3.3-billion substitute three new agencies: an
' ’ . , t t ' l m . 131% : <3.” .1 (if. * request for the fiscal year International Development .
. Mo", 1 “11' may .5, q I; I ' r‘ 8’15 starting Juiy i. Nixon submitted (,‘orp.. tor loaiisLan International
. . » . . ’ 'i "1 $1,. .5. ' two new bills ‘for international Development Institute. for
. . > .I I‘ . 4a.. ii '1 /fl f, ' V’. security assistance and for technical assistance. and an
‘.- 7 . I. w , "at"; .M :$‘ international economic Overseas Private Investment
. - ' f I. AUDREY HEPBURN - REX HARRlSUN . ' fl-lf. - ‘ a", L. development and humanitarian Corp. to promote private US.
. . a?" ~ ,"..':'~ " aid , to replace the one-package investment in developing =,
. ; ‘ - - RATED K} (i . ° . an” BENIIIAL arms-and-economic legislation of countries. l
I ‘ I “_.I i ' ' 5 “ CINEMA conuoauiou prcVious years. To prevent overlapping and
< ”w" ’ Under international security. d uplication. Nixon proposed
. - , . W|NNER Of: 8 ACADEMY AWARDS $1.00 until 2.30 Nixon would lump together appointing a coordinator of
.. -I I lNCLUDlNG BEST plCTURE Mom-Sat. except holidays military aid. credit sales of arms. development ass1stance who
‘ . . - . . and economic assistance to would be rCSponSiblc directly to
. , . i _ the president. be chairman of i
I , ' ‘ _ the boards of the new economic .
. ' aid agencies. and be available for ‘
i - I . .‘ COLLEGE S T U DEN TS congressional testimony.
‘ . ‘ . The President portrayed the .
l- . . . proposed reform as needed to
‘ I ' ' . bring the US. aid program into
line with foreign-policy goals in
_ , I a changed world and to apply
' ‘ I . aid in a more businesslike
7 ' . 2 ‘ ‘ ‘ fashion. "
P But his basic reasoning for
'-, J .- massive U.S. overseas assistance
_ ,f ’ ' was similar to that advanced by
-' - irevious residents.
, . I Offers lucrative opportunity to students with following qualifications: I “Foreign assistance is quite
'. I . I) Neat appearance clearly .. inII our interest as . a
. . ,, . ,, . nation. Nixon said in a special
; ~ . 2) Gets along With people personality message.
’ . , ' 3) Ability to accept brief but intenswe training “We are u iwniilv whw sons
' have died. and whose great A
. We Offer: statesmen have worked. to build ‘
‘ - . \ . . . . . a world orde wI ’ ‘h ' s '
~ . ' l i High earning capability/“variety of pay plons WM... Wt rmaliicrnl: will!
I , ' 2) lnfe restingI friendly CO_w0rker$ ourselves and ()lllt‘i' nations.
, , 3} Competition for European vocations and other valuable prizes w w . _, ..
- For personal interview call one week before school is out , iii, '5 ' ' l ’ {47- ' .
' ' C ' c 'nna i ouisvi e i ""3"?" g
in l 1 621-4924 — L II 585-5191 :2, :1 .4
. . YOU
. » , '- -- ' ‘ ‘ it"ls,’
Columbus, Ohio 464-03 84 : . ¢ ego ’
....I»II I ,I'. 521‘ . °°uu0‘V\‘

 E ————————___.____——_—__—_________ THE RENTHM KERVFL, TIM-01..., 4pm 2‘; 1071.4 I.  
‘ A RE ’ 7:795} f;._ff}f
U » BELL JEANS-53%;“..............._...4.99
BELL JEANS—”421?: . _ . . . . . . . _ . . . _ . . _ . 2/11.00 ! §
* ‘ Y DRESS SHIRTS—33.2%: .........4.99 or 4/17.90 '
DRESS SHIRTS—...N:0N%U:E:V.z..... . . . . . . . . . . 4.99
N . mus-3:220: 2.00 and 3.99 -
O - WALK SHORTS—C2935“ 399 ”
, TIES 1/2 price
i W KNITs—B.::UI°.::2*;$:. . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . , . . . ,. 7.90
. SOCKS 88c or 6/S.00
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