xt779c6s1s70 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt779c6s1s70/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-12-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 04, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 04, 1997 1997 1997-12-04 2020 true xt779c6s1s70 section xt779c6s1s70  


lSIAbl ISHl ll lti‘H






By Brian Dunn
Assist/m! .Vr'fl‘l‘ Editor


Shelby County farmer Mike
Ellis doesn’t like to waste money.

When people told him he
needed to build a garage to pro—
tect his fartn equipment frotn the
weather, he said, “Show me it’ll
pay, and I will."

So far, no one has shown him,
and he hasn't.

But biosystctns and agricultural
engineering professor Scott
Shearer has shown Ellis some—
thing that has paid off: site—specif-
ic fartning or precision farming.

Site—specific farming is an infant
technology to help grow and care
for crops. It uses satellite and com—

puter technology to help farmers
know what parts of their land need
what chemicals, nutrients or fertiliz-
ers, and what areas of the field can
support the growth of more seeds.
A farmer's land has variability,
Shearer said. Some parts already

N Kernel ”A,”




See KeG, inride section.


mm (.‘himee ofshrnz'em
today, high near 50. Cold
tonight, lot." of} 5. (home of
mm." tomorrow, high in mid 203‘.

Pm ms BE! l’ainthulliug:

.412 iii-depth look at the sport oil-plat.





December 4, 1997

o (fan/[rm 2

l (Jolt/firth 7
(,YI'UVHTL'Ul‘tl 7

Milton 8


l "Harpoon 5





. , 1‘

.. A ~

By Brian Dunn
gloom)" News Editor

have the nitrogen, phosphorous or

potassium needed, whereas other
parts are lacking. And some parts
of the field, like those recently
switched from pasture to crop
land, aren‘t suited for carrying as

many seeds as others.

“\Vith (site-specific farming), we
can see the variability in the field,"
said john Fulton, third—year biosys--
tems and agricultural engineering

u V ‘
student. l\ow farmers can manage

the variability of the land."

lfa part of the field, called a cell,
already has the necessary ingredi—
ents, putting more ingredients
there is unnecessary, Shearer said.
With site-specific farming, farmers
won’t have to waste tnoney buying
chemicals, nutrients or fertilizers
to apply to a part of the land that
doesn‘t need it. But over the years,
farmers have grown accustomed to


His father was a farmer. llis
father's father was a fartner.

:\nd Sam Hancock will be a
farmer too.

“:\s far as my family, that's all
we've done," said llancock, an
agriculture economics senior. “I
started driving tractors when l was
12. l was probably 15 when I start—
ed driving the cotnbine.

“Farming‘s been the center of
my life."

But llancock isn't necessarily
the stereotypical itnage of the
farmer. He isn't, as many of his
friends say, going to be Uncle Bob
back home, speaking bad English
and milking the cows.

Farming and agriculture have
changed over the years, and farm-
ers, have grown with the changes,
most agriculturists say.

Hancock said being a fartner is

griculture careers
not just for farmers

a lot more than managing the
fields and livestock.

:\ farmer is a manager, an
agronomist and a business person
among other things. i lancock said,

“Farmers play four different
roles simultaneously when most
people just play one role.“ he said.

Hancock, as did his father, came
to college to learn more about the
business aspects of farming, an
education he'll especially need for
the upcoming free enterprise from
the Freedom to Farm :\ct.

“lt's‘ more important to have an
agriculture degree today," he said.
“I mean, l can learn frotn my
father how to get the most of the
crop, but the
farming, that's education."

People who go to college for
agriculture, though. don't always
become farmers. That is. they
don't work on a farm in what can
be called production agriculture, or
the growth and production of food.

business side of


BRIAN DUNN I\i'riii.' ul'

ONE WIT“ “if UNI] Agriculture eronomia senior Sum Humor/e (oliot'e) examiner [I fft'ltl o/‘toylretmx ”curing horwi‘t time. 'l‘hinlvyem' l’l(t.\‘Y.\'f(’”I.\' (Hill our/-
cultural engineering .i‘tmlentjohn Fulton (above left) rleII/o/ix'tmtev hoz." the (i/olw/ l)II,VlflillllllQ System lie/[ix film/err in p/‘erixmn [Err/Hing.


Tractors on the Earth
receive coordinates
lrom orbiting satellites.
A computer then tells
a devrce attached to the
tractor when to spray
fertilizers, nutrients.
seeds and chemicals.


.\griculturists can also be scien~
tis'ts. engineers, managers, mer—
chandisers, journalists, foresters

the list goes on.

“'l'hat's' one of the myths of
agriculture," said _loe Davis, associ-
ate dean of Instruction for the (Zol—
legc of Agriculture. u’l'hat it's only
farming; that we‘re all farm boys."

.\bout 33 percent of those in
agriculture are in production agri—
culture, w hich includes farmers

Global Positioning System helps [armors



notto scale ‘
CHRIS BOSENTHAL lul'llrl tot!
and foresters. according the
National .'\ssoci;ttion of State
L'niversities and Land (irant (Zol—
lcges. The other ()7 percent par»
ticipate in sortie area of support
agriculture, like engineering, mar-
keting or research.
"The 33 percent doesn't mean
they're back on the farm." Davis
said. “'l‘echnology is where agri~

See FARMING on 3









By Price Atkinson
Senior Staff [Writer

Mike and joseph Berger sit
side by side in a semi-circle
joined by eight other members
of the class.

For an hour and a half, not a
word of English is spoken as pro-
fessor jeff Peters leads the dis-
cussion on the study of the
supematural in French literature.

But this isn’t your average
two-man tandem.

Joseph Berger has always
wanted to take a class with his
son, Mike, and a common inter-
est in French literature is noth-
ing but perfect timing.

“1 think it’s a very nice
opportunity for people to take
opportunities li c this with
their children, and it’s some-
thing we both enjoy,” said Dr.
Berger, chairman of the
Department of Neurology in
the College of Medicine.

“This was really the last
opportunity for me to take a
c as with my son,” he said. “I
mean it’s something they can
share, and something you can

t t

Father, 80“
make class



remember forever

Mike, the youngest of two
whose brother is studying
medicine at the University of
Pennsylvania, is a senior at
Henry Clay High School where
he gets out at 2:10 p.m. and
heads over to the Lexington

Btit it wasn’t the time that
almost kept Mike from

enrolling at UK this semester.

“I signed up actually for an
intermediate class," Mike said.
“l didn‘t think I was gonna be
able to take this class because
we get the course syllabus, and
all these books are, like, hun-
dreds of pages.”

Joseph Berger said he knew
Mike would be able to handle
the course after taking two con-
versational classes taught by

“I knew that Mike was going
to be able to handle the materi-
al, because ifl was oin to be
able to handle it, t en e was
going to be able to handle the
material,” Dr. Berger said.

In high school, Dr. Ber er
said he took French but was an







PM.” m Dr. joseph Berger, chairman of the UK lkportmem of

Neurology, rmd hit so», [I like, take a clan together in French I .iter/Itiire.

average French student in
advanced French classes."

Three years ago, he had to
go to Paris for a conference on
the study oflllV in the brain, a
conference he co-founded and

Needing to brush up on the
language, he hired a student
frotu France to practice with
hitn once or twice a week after a
close friend issued him a chal-

“She told me I’d never learn
how to speak French, and you
don’t dare me, you just don’t
dare me," he said with a confi-
dent chuckle.

Mike, who‘s waiting to hear
from Penn, Harvard and Stan-
ford, benefited from spending
two summers in France study-
ing at a language school.

Dr. Berger decided to join
his son there and spent a week
studying French intensively.
Then they traveled around the




country together.

Now they spend time travel-
ing through “ambiguous" 18th
Century short stories and
novellas together.

“We sit around and stay up
late and try to f1 re out differ-
ent novels and w at they're try-
ing to say,” Mike Berger said.

Both said they each have a
competitive side.

ike Berger said his dad is
“very competitive to see who

8:: FAMILY on 2


(Jam/rm Editor

'l'oo much pow er or too little

lfa Nov. H ruling by a state fed—
eral judge stands, col ege and univer—
sity administrators may censor stu-
dent yearbooks and newspapers with-
out violating First Amendment

The ruling came down in the case
involving Kentucky State University
adntinistrators. who denied the stu—
dent yearlmok staffthe right to publish
its lWl-‘H yearbook, The 'Ihoroln‘r'rl.

Judge _Ioseph Hood cited the LS.
Supreme (Zourt's 1988 ruling on the
Huzeltt‘oorl School District 1'. Kilhlmeier
as the basis for ruling in favor ofthe
KSU administration.

lfHood's ruling stands, it will also
mark the first time the llazelwood
case has been ap lied to college media,
according to officials at the Student
Press Law Center in Arlington, Va.

Attorney Bruce ()rwin, who rcp—
rescnts the former adviser, Laura
(lullen, said Hood ruled that Cullen
“didn't have standing to bring claims
on behalfof students,” ()rwin said.

()rwin filed a so arate action in
fall of I995 on behal of KSU student
Charles Kincaid and the yearbook
editor at the time, Capri Coffer.

For administrators at KSU, stop-
ping publication of the yearbook was


Ruling WOI‘I‘lBS
student media

By Molly Mize
Senior Staff II "titer
and Mal Herron

an issue of quality.

“The yearbook that year was very
poor," said Betty (iibs‘on, vice presi—
dent ofStudent Affairs at the universitv
and principal defendant at the trial.
“Faculty and staff pictures were chlud—
ed. :\ lot of pictures weren‘t labeled.

“livery yearbook since then has
been 100 percent better." (iibson
said, denying any censorship. “'l‘his
was just one inch ent."

Bruce Edwards, director of mar
keting at KSL', said the layout,
design, misspelled words and
misidentification ofst; tits were the
key reasons for stopping publication.

Hardly arty cutlines appear under
the photographs, even the one for
Miss KSU, and several students have
the tops of their heads cut off. One
sttident, Edwards said, questioned
why “is our yearbook ur le, when
our colors are green attrfgo d?"

Another example of the book's
shoddy uality, Edwards said, is a
picture 0 former presidential candi-
date Ross Perot with students frotn
the university.

“He never came to the university,"
Edwards said. “\Vhy is that picture

The university honors the First
Amendment, he said.

“(It is) clearly a question on the
quality of the publication, not the
content of the ublicatiOn, and the
judge agreed,” Edwards said.


"on, now senior editor at the

See YEMIOOK on 3
I ‘


«a» 1...,“ My .-






Father, son tandem
competing in same
F rent‘h Lit days
From PAGE 1

can make the highest grade."

That attribute might come
from their other big.r interest 7

"\Ve have a squash court out
at the house so we play a lot of
squash together," Dr. Berger
said. “I win most of the tirue. I
bet you in six months it won't be

that way

Peters said they do not exhibit
a father‘son relationship in the

“If they hadn't sort of
announced it at the beginnin ,
I'm not sure (the class) wou d
know," Peters said.

\\'hen it comes to preparation,
Mike said his father is sotnetimes
a step ahead ofthe class.

“\Vhat's pretty funny is a lot
of times (Peters) will say, ‘()h,
has everyone read the book,' and
he'll say. ‘Oh, I‘ve already fin—
ished the book,m Mike said.

“lt's kind of funny to laugh
about it ~ your father ruining
the curve or messing up everyone
else's grade," he said.













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................ '. . . . . Jennifer Smith
..................... Chris Campbell

....................... Brett Dawson


............ . . . . . . . figurines Ritchie

. .......... ...... . Mat Herron

.................... .._;.BrtanDumr
. ......... .........;..;'roddHa_sn.

“; Jay C. Tote. RobHerbst


. ....... . . . .OJ. Suspicion. Dan O'Neill
. ...................... shake Saladin
. '. . . . . . ........... Andreas Gustafsson

,N, .. ................... .Matt Barton

......................... Sheri Phaisaphie

. . . . .Chris Rosenthal

Independent Newspaper It The University of Kentucky
............... Independent since 1071 iii:


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F00” FOR FAMILIES finite .\ Iarxh. volunteer toordinatorfor the Irishto‘wn Pantry, shopsfiir groceries at God '5 Pantry. God'x Pantry series more than 300

non—profit tiger/tier int/riding the Salvation Army and the Hope Center. These agenriey go to God it Pantry and the}; for food to take to their titer to distribute.

Giving families gilt of food

By Andrea Riel

(,‘nntr/hut/nq H ‘rittr

\\'ith the holiday season
approaching. students rush to buy
gifts while forgetting about the
less fortunate who can barely
afford to cat. (iodis Pantry is
searching for volunteers willing to
help those in need.

Yet they realize hunger is not
inst a holiday problem.

“Yes, we need volunteers now
with Christmas so close," said
manager for the
limergeney Pood Box Program
and volunteer coordinator.
“There are hungry people all year
round, and they need our assis—
tance all the time."

(iod‘s Pantry is a food bank
that serves 48 counties in \Vest-
em and Eastern Kentucky. .-\
member of Second Harvest, a
nationwide network of food

banks, God's Pantry serves more
than 300 non-profit agencies
including the Salvation Army and
the Hope Center. These agencies
go to God’s Pantry and shop for
food to take to their sites to dis—

Several programs are within
(iod's Pantry, such as the Emer-
gency Food Box Program. This
helps those less fortunate to get
back on their feet,_]ones said.

“liach month we provide gro—
cerics for nearly 900 families who
are in need," jones said. “\Ve
don‘t serve them a hot meal, but
we do our best to see that they
have plenty of food to eat."

jones said no family depends
solely on the pantry for food, but
the pantry is a supplement to
what a family can provide for
itself. The organization simply
wants to get the less fortunate
into a better and different way of

life, she said.

God’s Pantry would not exist if
not for the thousands of volun—
teers who help the operation every
year, Jones said. Last year more
than 2,200 volunteers helped with
the pantry, including several UK

One student knows the person-
al benefits of volunteering for the

“I helped in packaging prod—
ucts for the food baskets last year
in high school and 1 found it'
rewarding," undeclared freshman
Kristin Smith said. “It made me
feel better to know I was helping
out someone else who was really
in need.”

Super Pantry is a six-week pro—
gram with one workshop held
Weekly. This program aims at
low-income women and educates
them on nutrition, food prepara-
tion and life skills like self-esteem

and time management. \Vorkers
also prepare a meal during a work—
shop and give women the food
and recipe so they can prepare it
later on their own.

“1 bring in professionals on a
certain subject and let them share
their expertise with these
women," said Danielle Pussey,
Super Pantry Coordinator and a
UK graduate.

Pussey travels to 48 counties of
Kentucky to implement the Super
Pantry Program, and she said she
enjoys every minute ofit.

“Being a woman makes me
enioy helping other women,"
Pussey said. “I appreciate what I
have much more after seeing the
number of low—income individuals
that I do. And you would be sur—
prised how many that is."

Anyone interested in volun-
teering at God’s Pantry can call
355-6592 for more information.



By Matthew May
Staff ll 'I'rtr'r

Lexington youths who suffer
frorn asthma will soon have an
opportunity to spend time with
other sufferers and learn about
their disease, thanks to 13 UK stu-
dents and the American Lung
Association of Kentucky.

The students. who re resent
sororities. fraternities antP other
campus organizations, are partici-
pating in the American Lung Asso-
ciation‘s 48th‘annual Christmas
Seal Contest to raise money for
new )rograms tobenciit children.

The students will each seek two
dollar donations for the associa-
tion's contest fund. For everv
donation, the contestant will
receive a vote for being “Mr/Miss
Christmas Seal."

As an added incentive, the asso-
ciation will offer several gifts frorn
local businesses as prizes for
achieving certain levels of dona-

Although the student who fin-
ishes with the most votes will be
named “Mr/Miss Christmas Seal."
Ann Evans said the children will
be the real winners.


“The purpose of the contest is
to raise money for pro rams that
will benefit these chifilrcn who
suffer from a disease that makes
them feel different.” said Evans,
director of Volunteer Services for
the association. “\Ve want them to
meet other kids who have the same
problems as them so they will
understand they are not alone.”

Proceeds frorn this year's con-
test will go toward an overnight
asthma camp where young asthma
sufferers will spend a night with
other asthmatics to learn about
their disease. The money will also
benefit the Better Breathers Club,
an educational group for chronic
lung disease, bronchitis and
em thysema victims.

Last year the association raised
more than $9,000 from the con-
test. the highest total in the last
five years, and Evans is hoping to
add to that this year.

“W6 had a hi h total last year,”
Evans said. “ ith more partici-

ants and a little more effort,
hopefully we can eclipse that mark
this year.”

Sarah Timoney, an interna-
tional economics and French
sophomore. is participating this




year on behalfof the Kappa Kappa
Gamma social sorority. Timoney,
who suffered frotn asthma as a
child, said she is eager to help the

“I had bad asthma as a child,”
Timoney said. “My parents have
always been really supportive of
the lung association, so I thought
this was a great way to help people
during the Christmas season."

Although Tirnoncy didn't have
the opportunity to take advantage
ofa similar program when she was
a child, she thinks the association
is doing a tremendous job of
reaching out to kids by creating

opportunities such as the
overnight camp.
“Everyone ere (at the associa-

tion) has been wonderful," Timo-
ney said. “They are great to work
with and they really want to see
that these kids are helped."

The winner of the contest will
be supplied with information
about the association and will be
asked to speak at several engage-
ments throu bout the year.

Evans said she ho s “Mr/Miss
Christmas Seal” wil help spread
an awareness about the eo le
who suffer from asthma antl’otffer

lung diseases.

“The ALA is the oldest volun-
tary public health organization in
the nation," l‘ivans said. “But we
need people to continue to be
aware of problctns such as asthma
and help these children. The UK
students are great at helping us
achieve that.”

Donations and votes can be sent
with the candidates name to: Amer—
ican Lung Association of Kentucky,
1636 Nicholasville Road. Suite 1,
Lexin on, Ky. 40503.

()t er candidates sponsoring
organizations include: Lara
Bevine, Alpha Omicron Pi social
sorority; Debbie Cox, LCC Respi—
ratory Care Program; jessica
Delker, Delta Delta Delta social
sorority; Cynthia Duckro, Pi Beta
Phi social sorority; Carrie Feigel,
Chi Omega socia sorority; Shawn
Gannon, LCC Respiratory Care
Program; Krista Mann, Sigma
Kappa social sorority; Kathryn
Newman, Ka a Alpha Theta
social sororitydKiitie Peake, Kappa
Delta social sorority; Alexis Pre-
ston, Al ha Delta Pi social sorori-
ty; Geoffrey Tomes, Farm House
social fraternitEand Keely Whit-
tjngton, Delta ta social sorority.





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a. benefit fbr farmers
From FARE 1

puttin a constant layering of
ingredients over their land.

On his farm, for exam le, Ellis
had used fertilizer on e same
tobacco field ear after car. That
field eventual accumu ated near-
ly four times e amount of nutri-
ents it needed — a waste of money
and time, he said. .

“(Site-specific farmin ) is like
turning over a new roci,” Ellis
said as he thumbed through his
book of detailed maps of his fields.
“The whole farm becomes‘ a
research station.”

Fulton showed how the system
for site—specific farming worked on
a tractor equipped to spray a field
with liquid nitrogen, since all plants
need nitrogen to live and ow.

A computer, which ho ds infor-
mation for what parts of the field
need what amount of nitrogen,
was mounted in the cab of the
tractor. But the computer can’t
work alone, because it doesn’t


Change, technology
usher agriculture to

better efficiency

From PAGE 1

culture is going today.

“We’re producing more than
ever before, but there are fewer
farms,” he said. “The efficiency of
production has been increasing

But agriculture hasn’t become
less important to the work force of
America, Davis said. One out of
every four people has some job relat—
ed to agriculture, he said, and kids
out of high school have no problem
coming to UK to study for one of
the su porting roles of agriculture.

“T ere’s an excitement about
the science and the business of
agriculture,” Davis said. “A icul-
ture is starting to require a igher
degree of technical knowledge.”

The industry of agriculture is
growing, and the more than 1,000
students in the College of Agricul-
ture aren’t enough to fill the avail-
able jobs, Davis said.

One of the growing fields in
agriculture is genetic engineering, a
major with more than 100 students.

“The lab’s whole goal is to pro-
duce genetically improved plants,”
said Glenn Collins, a professor in
genetic engineering. “Basically
what we’re doing is creating new
genetic variety in plants.”

With genetic variety comes the
ability to make plants immune to
viruses, bacteria and insects. The
plants can also be given genes that
makes them produce fewer satu-
rated fats and more antibiotics.

Collins got excited when he
discussed new research he’d been
doing with tobacco plants.
Because tobacco is such an easy
plant to work with in genetic engi-
neering, it’s become an ideal plant
to host the rowth of proteins,
vaccines and5 antibodies, which
Collins has been working with

One of Collins’ colleagues is
producin an antibody to fight

epatitis in humans by genetical-
ly en 'neering the tobacco plant.

“We’re makin tobacco a fac-
to ,” Collins saids.

at allows genetic en ineer-
ing to work so well in p ants is

know where the tractor is on the
field, so the tractor is hooked to
the Global Positioning System
(GPS), which pinpoints within
about 30 meters the positioning of
the tractor on Earth.

Another 5 tem, the Differen-
tial Global ositioning System,
further pinpoints the trac-
tor to Withln one meter.

The U.S. Military uses
the same system to help
direct missiles, like the 3
Patriot missiles durin the
Persian Gulf War. G S is
also used by car com anies
Lincoln and Cadil ac to .g _ '

help drivers find their way . . ‘1

The com uter interacts
with the PS to know

where it is on the field. In


for the first 30 feet, but when the
computer neared a part of the
field that had less nitrsgfin, the
tractor spray‘ed harder. en the
tractor reac ed a part of the field
that didn’t need any nitrogen, the

spra ing stopped.

e GPS has been used in agri-
culture for about
four years, Shearer
said, but the effi-
ciency of the sys-
tem has drastically

’ improved in that
‘ time.

“All this tech-
nolo is out there
floating around,
but the research
hasn’t cau ht up,”
Fulton saidg.

Shearer agreed:

some fields, the computer " 1" “\Ve still have a
might have the tractor ‘ “I“ long ways to go
spray, and in others, the WW before we know
computer might not have WW how to best utilize
the tractor spray at all. M” the technology."

In an exercise for offi—
cials from the Department
of Agriculture, Shearer,
Fulton and first-year doctoral stu-
dent Steve Higgins showed how
well the system worked.

The tractor lightly sprayed the
nitrogen (water for the exercise)

But soon farm—
ers like Ellis might
be able to use the

technolo and crunch the data to
get more or their dollar.

For more information about the
latest technology, see Agriculture
Online at wwwagriculturecom.





I ”NE 10 “1E FIIIIIBE Dorrora/ nut/mt Stew Higgins (drlz'm‘q) and pro/taut» Stun Shearer Iran the l hill,



Rel. Boot/Phys, Sci.
11,886 \/

Food Set/Human Nutr.


Ag. Engineering/Mach. /
3,782 .


HI‘OIIIIIOM by academlc areas

. General Agriculture
Non Ag. Programs / 6.965


Forest Sciences \ Sod Scuences
rm / \ .712
Natural Resources Ag. Business & Management
21691 Education, Communication 12.864
and Socrai Sciences

source Food and Agricultural Educatm lnlormstion System

Plant Sconces
l / 4.598

Horticultural Screnoes
\ 7.432



their cells can be isolated and then
manipulated to regenerate into a
full-grown plant, unlike most ani-
mal cells, except eggs and sperm.

Matt Hutchinson, one of
Collins’ students, is reaping the
benefits of a growing field in genetic
engineering. Hutchinson, who
graduates this month, has put out
several applications to wheat-breed-
ing and rice-breeding companies.

“We’re scientists,” said
Hutchinson, also a double major
in plant and soil sciences. “But
we’re also art of the production
deal; the w ole goal is to get bet-
ter plants to give the farmer a
more valuable crop.”

Farmers are also assisted by
agriculture economists and com-

“We train our students to work
with farm media,” said Deborah
Witham, a professor in agricultur—
al communications.

Agriculture communications
students go on to pursue careers
with a riculture publications like
Farm ournal or in public relations
and marketin , Witham said.

“They un erstand about agri-
culture issues, then they’re uali‘
fled to work for rural weeklies,”
Witham said. “They’re able to
describe and discuss agriculture
issues with people without an
agriculture background.

“Agriculture is a very complex
and diverse field,” she said.

Loys Mather a ees.

“College 0? Agriculture
recruiters don’t only look for
somebody with a farm back-
ground,” said Mather, an agricul—
tural economics professor. He said
two of the three highest paying


jobs out of the program last year
went to students who weren't
from a farm.

And the students mostly move
on to careers away from the farm
to such companies as Tractor
Supply, Inc., Southern States and
Farm Credit System.

“\Ve’re more than dealing with
the food system,” Mather said.
“We’re applying economics to
agriculture and the food system.
And we’re helping agriculture
with change.”

Change has been the one con-
stant with agriculture, said Scott
Shearer, a professor in biosystems
and agricultural engineering.

“\Vhat we’re going to do is
we’re going to build a database, and
we’re going to use that data and
we’re oing to change our prac-
tices,” c said. “We’ve entered the
information age of agriculture."

Perhaps the person who started
agriculture, the farmer, is the best
person to look at for the change in
the face of agriculture. .

Mike Ellis, a farmer in Shelby
County, has grown accustomed to
the increasing role of technology
and information in agriculture.

To many, he’s also the epitome
of the changing look of agricul-
ture — a 4,000 acre farm with a
managing owner who seeks the
help not only of technology, but
also of people, those in the sup-
porting areas of agriculture.

When having problems with
his soy bean cro , he took a pic-
ture of one oft e plants with a
digital camera and sent the photo—
graph to UK by e-mail.

Below the icture read,
“What’s wrong witli my plant?”



Student media worry
about ruling’s efiectt

From PAGE 1

Manteca (Calif.) Bulletin, called
the verdict “dangerous."

“It uts all student ress into
jeopar y,” said Cul en, who
resigned as yearbook adviser in
the summer of 1995. “You’re at
the mercy of an administration.”

The administration’s defense,
she said, is predictable.

“Of course they’re going to say
(its about the uality),” Cullen
said. “To me at’s completely
irrelevant. These are student pub-
lications created by students as
a process, and the prom is learn-
ing,” Cullen said.

“The court just missed the fact
that these are teaching tools.”

Mark Goodman, executive
director at the law center, said the
court has applied set standards for
high school and college publica-
tions, and these standards are the
same for bodi.

“Up until this point Kentucky
is the col state where this had
been rulecl:” he said. In any other
state, administration has little, if
an , say in what college students
pu lish, he said.

Nonetheless student media
advisers and students at other col-
lege publications are outraged by
the ruling.

“How they can call themselves
an ‘educational institution‘ is
beyond me if they exercise such
disdain for the First Amendment
ri hts of their students,” said
LiBbby Fraas, a journalism profes-
sor at Eastern Kentucky Universi-
ty in Richmond and faculty advis-
er 'to its student newspaper, the
Eastern Mgrm.

“I personally would not want
the job of censoring student
expression,” Fraas said. “They are
interpreting a yearbook or news-
paper as a ublic forum.”

d She sai that she t:yr’idh her fru-

ents are ve u et eru ing
and that theyholiise that it is over-

Carlos Dawson, a journalism
'unior and editor of UK's year-

k, Tb: Karachi“, also dis-

agreed with the ruling.


“It is a shame this has happened
because part of journ