xt77h41jm64d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77h41jm64d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-02-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 04, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 04, 1987 1987 1987-02-04 2020 true xt77h41jm64d section xt77h41jm64d  

Staff needs room

for lunch,

Staff Writer

The Student Activities Board
voted 153 last night to approve a
motion that the President‘s Room in
the Student (‘enter be opened for
stall noontime lunching.

The board suggested the space be
granted on a temporary basis begin-
ning Aug. 1 through Dec. 31. 1987,
with a review to be presented at the
last SAB meeting of the semester.

Mary Kathryn m, director of cor»
porate and foundation relations for
LI K and chairwoman of the advisory
board of the current faculty club,
approached SAB with the proposal
that faculty members left without
space to eat their lunch after the
opening of the new faculty club be
allowed to eat in the President's
Room between 12 and 1 pm.

She said as soon as plans for the
new faculty club were announced.
her committee “was suddenly
thrown into a fairly hot issue: what
would happen to the facility that‘s

SAB says

on the third floor once the faculty
club is completed."

Joseph Burch, acting vice chan-
cellor for student affairs, said the
existing club — located on the third
floor of the student center —— would

Tri said the opening of the new
faculty club would displace approxi-
mately 150-200 people who would be
denied membership in the club. She
said these people would be forced to
eat in the Student Center cafeteria,
an idea that is not feasible under the
present cafeteria conditions.

Lynne Hunt. SAB president, said
she felt granting the space tempo—
rarily was “in the best interests" of
the staff and students.

"I know in the long term that I
don‘t think it‘s going to be the best
solution for both parties," she said.
“But I think if we grant it to them
now for six months and then bring it
up for review, it will help,"

Mindy Martin, SAB public rela-
tions committee chairwoman. said
she was concerned about the request
because “the President’s Room is


one of the prime areas that the com-
mittee on utilization in the Student
Center looked at, because it is a
great location and it has great possi-

”I think the very poorest use of
that space would be to put these peo-
ple in there during lunchtime," Mar-
tin said, "not only because you‘re
not getting the kind of utilization you
can get out of it as far as the stu-

sct- s'rAH'. Page 2

N chin sports
benefit from funding


Staff Writer

UK club sports have Cyndi Weav-
er Student Organizations Assembly
chairwoman to thank for $10 000 in

Weaver approached University
President Otis Singleer late last
semester in search of funding for
UK club sports. “They needed re-
curring fund distribution between
them," Weaver said.

SOAC only has $10,000 for all the
student organizations on campus.
Weaver said. It wasn‘t enough
money for all the organizations to

Weaver said that there were stu-
dent organizations being deprived of
funds because of the club sports
funding through the Student Organi-
zations Assistance Committee.

“Club sports were draining the
SOAC money," Weaver said.

So Singletary granted $10,000 to


Cornered in


Ben Lyons. a biology junior, looks over some course notes dur-
ing a break between classes yesterday afternoon. Lyons was

sitting by a wundow on the third floor of the Whitehall Classroom





“Club sports were draining the (Student
Organizations Assistance Committee) money.“

Cyndi Weaver.

Student Organizations Assembly president

SOA specifically for club sports to

Last night Weaver and other
members of SOA met to distribute
the money to the club sports who
made requests.

Cathy Rose. coordinator for club
sports, advised the committee on the
participation of the club sports in
SOA. She recommended needs of
each club sport and explained their

There is no reason for any of the
club sports to complain that they
were not notified of the deadline,
Rose said. “They were all notified."
she said.

All clubs were notified of the fund—

ing available. “I sent a letter to
every single registered club on this
campus,“ she said.

Thirteen club sports applied for

In order to be considered l'or the
funding. each sport had to present
the committee with a budget of its
expenses for the year.

Budgets ranged as high as the
Water Ski club's $29,057.95 expenses
for one year. and the Rugby team‘s

But the committee. as advised by
Rose. discounted unnecessary ex-
pences from certain budgets. ()ne of
which was a 314.000 expense for a

\‘c( l I If. Page:

Students can spend
summer in Europe

British universities offer college credit,
provide studies in numerous subjects

Contributing Writer

UK students have a chance to live
in Europe this summer and receive
college credit at the same time.

UK recently joined other Ken-
tucky colleges that are members of
the Cooperative Center for Study in
Britain. The CCSB offers summer
programs to link US. colleges with
British universities.

Connie Mulligan, director of Off—
Campus Programs. said the study is
“like living as a British college stu-

“You’re not only having a wonder-
ful cultural experience, y0u‘re also
getting college credit,“ she said.

The first summer term is being
scheduled for June 11 through July
13. 1987. This plan features a touring
program, with university stops in
Stirling. Scotland and London.

The courses in this format will be
based on education and family stud

The cost for Summer Term I is
$1955 plus standard tuition. Airfare.
some meals and an “Open to View“
pass for field trip admission are also
included in the fee.

Mulligan said the terms are won-
derful opportunities. especially for
the cost.

Summer Term II will be from
July 6 through August 10, 1987. This


“You’re not only having
a wonderful cultural
experience, you're also
getting college credit."
Connie Mulligan
Off-Campus programs

term does not emphasize touring as
much as the other but instead gives
the students a chance to experience
English culture,

The second term will be held at
the Kensington Branch of King's
College. Mulligan described Kenr
sington as a "vibrant and alive sec-
tion of Europe."

The courses offered during this
term stress education. family stud
ies. geography, journalism and so-

The cost for Summer Term II is
also $1955 plus standard tuition. This
includes round-trip air transporta-
tion, most meals. unlimited train
travel, open admissions to more
than 500 historic sites and resrdency
at the King's College of the Univer
sity of London.

Students can advance register for
this program through the L'niversr~
ty. The courses to be offered can be
found in the summer schedule book.


Miss Valentine to be chosen this month

(‘ontributing Writer
Staff Writer

I'K‘s (‘ommuter Cats will be spon-
soring the srxth annual Miss Ken-
tucky Valentine (‘ontest on Feb. 12.
said Karen lmboden. president of
(‘ommuter Cats.

The (‘ommuter Cats is a student
organization to help offcampus stu
dents integrate into the social aspect
of college life The contest is one
way that offcampus and on-campus
students can join together to partici
pate in a fun event lmboden said.

The deadline for application along
with a $15 entry fee is 5:30 pm. Fri-
day in 106 Student Center, said Sha-
ron Childs. director of Commuter

“All registered student organiza~
tions. residence halls. fraternities
and sororities can nominate a candi-
date."she said.

All candidates will be interviewed
by a panel of judges. who will deter-
mine the 15 finalists. Childs said.

“It‘s hard for the judges to choose
the finalists because there‘s so
many pretty girls on campus‘ Im-

boden said.


“The Commuter Cats
can make this contest
a prestigious tradition

Karen lmboden
Commuter Cats

During the contest. the contestants
will be judged on originality, ques-
tion answering and poise The girls
will also model their own clothes

Conference designed to help elderly
deal with various problems of aging

(‘ontributing Writer

Although the elderly represent 12
percent of the U S. pOpulation. they
commit 17 to 25 percent of all re-
ported suicides. according to the My

University Tcloconfcrcncc

To better understand those statis-
tics, the Ohio Valley Appalachia Re-
gional Geriatric Education Center,
in conjunction with the UK Sanders-
Brovm (‘enter on Aging and the Lex-
ington Veterans Administration
Medical Center. is sponsoring a live
teleconference Wednesday on “Sui-
cide and Abuse: The Vulnerable El-

Research indicates that the nume

ber of abused elderly people is esti-
mated at anywhere from 500.000 to
more than one million, according to
NUTN. The conference is designed
to view the problems the elderly
face and how these problems can be

“With the increasing number of
older adults in America. more atten-
tion must be given to gerontology
and geriaties," said Davis Gardner.
codirector of the Geriatric Educa-
tion Center.

This conference will not only bene-
fit the elderly but is a step for the
University, Gardner said.

“This is the first time in my
knowledge that the University has
participated in a national teleconfer-

ence that focuses on aspects of geri-
atrics." she said.

UK is one of 22 national sites for
this conference. The conference is
live and home viewers will be able
to call in questions to the guest
speakers. There are live well-known
speakers who will introduce the is-
sues of abuse and suicide.

An overview of the suicide prob-
lem will be given by Nancy J. Os-
good. Osgood has written extensive~
ly on the topic of suicide and the
elderly. Some of her work has been

The conference will be televised
from 11:45 am, to 2 pm. Wednes-
day in 50100 College of Nursing.

and be judged on appearance and
grace, lmboden said.

“When (the contestants) model
their own clothes. they can be
judged on imagination, personality
and choice of clothes," she said.

The contest will be held at 7 pm.
Thursday, in the Old Student The-
ater. lmboden said.

The contestants will receive prizes
that vary from a handmade quilt to
dinner for two at Max & Erma‘s.
she said.

“The Commuter Cats can make
this contest a prestigious tradition at
UK that will be anticipated as much
as homecoming," lmboden said.

Ooo'jro 1051‘







Reagan veto overridden;
water legislation passes

Associated Press

WASHINGTON — The Home. with
scores of Republicans ignoring a
final plea by President Reagan,
voted overwhelmingly yesterday to
override the president‘s veto of $20
billion water-quality legislation.

The 401-26 roll-call vote sent the
issue to the Senate. which was ex-
pected today to follow the Home's
lead and hand Reagan a defeat in
the first big spendiig confrontation
ofthelooth Commas.

Several houn before yesta'day‘s
vote, Reagan sent a message to Ca-
pitol Hill through Republican lead-
ers that he wanted GOP members to

support his position that the Iqb-

lation is too expensive in times of
huge budget deficits.

Except for the 26 Republicans vot-
ing to smtain the veto the plea _,
which was not accompanied by any
heavy White Home lobbying- fell
on deaf ears. Joining the 254 Demo
crats voting to override were 147 Re-

Home GOP Leader Robert Michel
of Illinois urged party unity. sayim
that although he had originally
voted for tic popular legislation. the
veto last Friday "charges the com-
plexion of the situation.“

Michel aid that with Congress
and the White House 8 billion apart
at apendim, the cleanliness of
America's waterways was not the

Set REAGAN. Page 2


 2 — KENTUCKY KERNEL. Wednesday, February 4,1987


w I‘ .l'w

in». lion; in the Water Ski club's list
il. expenses

i‘lacti t'lul) sport could receive no
more than In percent of the total
“.ilztiiiig .i\.iilahle which made the
limit SI one

\im that the club sports have
:tui own source of funding. they
“in no longer apply for funding
th: ough St )At‘. Weaver said

E'Iii- money will be distributed at
lllt' slal‘I DI the fall semester in the
This is the only time the
will be distributed in the
\;‘l‘tll).: \tmversaid

Beta-asi- specific funding for club
stull‘ls wasn‘t available last semes-
Lc‘l. c‘L‘l'L‘iilI club sports received
"-itiei :rom SHAC This had a bear
in; «III the amount given to the sport
.i. .»i the iii-u tunding, Weaver said

“ROI". Ft‘t‘t‘l‘.’t‘d SUAL‘ funds
\( :zit-stt-r that amount was sub

': :iI‘t‘\

F—i ———————————


ill! lll i5 salon

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=l\l ‘llnlt\\l
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Wolff System
New Bulbs

tracted from the $1,000 available to
each sport.

But each penny received by a club
sport has to be matched by the club,
Weaver said.

The money delegated to each
sport last night will only be placed
in that sport's University account as
matching funds are available, Weav-
er said

50A will distribute the money to
the club sports as matching funds,
by the sport, are placed in the
sports' accounts,

Singletary questioned giving the
club sports money on a no-strings
basis. Weaver said. “The thing that
really convinced him was the
matching funds." -

All money placed in the accounts
has to be approved by Rose.


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(‘ontinued from Page I

issue — “wise and mt me of
tax dollars, that's the issue."

But Michel's plea was quickly un-
dercut by calls for a veto override
by Reps. John Paul Hammersch-
midt, R-Ark., and Arlan Stangeland,
R-Minn., two of the key GOP mem-
bers in the process of drafting the
authorization bill.

“I believe President Reagan has
listened to the wrong advice,"
Stangeland said. “This body needs
to send a strong message to the
president and the American people
that this Congress won’t tolerate de-
lays in the cleaning up of American

The dispute between Capitol Hill


(‘ontinued from Page I

dents are concerned. but also be-
cause I think the traffic problems
would be horrendous. “

Burch said to “keep in mind
that while there may be a loss of
utilization of the President's
Room, there is a gain of the up-
stairs space" vacated by the
opening of the new faculty club.

Tri said the conversion of the
President's Room into a dining
facility would entail increasing
the seating, installing tables for
drinks and adding enough staff to
maintain the room.

Hunt stressed the University,
not students, would be providing
the funding for the conversion.
She added the suggestion would
be implemented only during the
lunch hour.

billion authorized by the bill to pro-
vide assistance to the states through
1994 to construct wastewater and
sewage treatment plants.




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Omicron Delta Kappa
National Leadership

Honor Society
is currently accepting
applications for membership.
All applications can be obtained
in Room 106 Student Center
and In all college dean's offices.

Deadline: Friday, February 13


Otis A. Singletary
W. L. Matthews, Jr.

UK Seniors who expect to enroll in one of the University of
Kentucky's graduate or professional programs for 1987-88 are
eligible to apply for the Otis A. Singletary and W. L. Matthews.
Jr. Fellowships,

Application forms and a statement of criteria for eligibility are
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STIPEND: 310.000


Kentucky Kernel

Fran Stewart

Scott Ward

Joy Blanton

Brad Cooper
Lynthio A. Palormo
Andy Dumstorf
Erik Reece

Wes Miller

Sean Anderson
Alan Lessig

Editor in chief
Managing Editor
News Editor

Assistant News Editor
Editorial Editor

Sports Editor

Arts Editor

Assistant Arts Editor
Special Proiects Editor
Photo Editor

Advertising Manager
Production Manager

Paula Anderson
Linda Collins
Rhonda O'Nan

The Kentucky Kernel is published on class days during the academic year
and weekly during the summer sessron.

Third-class postage paid as Lexington. KY 405Il. Mailed subscription rates
are SIS per semester and $30 per year.

The Kernel is printed at Standard Publishing and Printing, 534 Buckman
Street Shepherdsville KY 40I65.

Correspondence should be addressed to the Kentucky Karnol. Room 026
Journalism Building University of Kentucky. Lexington, KY. 40506-00423,
Phone: (606} 257-287l




Sumpluous selection of delicious entrees.
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Now Accepting
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Requirements: Applicants must be a student in good
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Pick up applications
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The University of KY Reside-rice Halls '
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First prizes of $500 cash will be awarded to
each of the winners, second prize couple will
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City and the third prize couple will receive
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Entry forms are available at: 301 Complex
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For more information, contact Jim Smith at 257-




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Any drink (including beer)’ is just a dime with the
purchase of any food entree. Dine in only. Open 1 1
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 KENTUCKY KERNEL, Wednesday, February 4,1987 - 3



Contributing Critic

“The Bedroom Window" is a mys-
tery thriller, more thriller than mys-
tery. The obvious plot is balanced by
the performers' likability and be-

The hero is Terry Lambert (Steve
Guttenberg, better known for his an-
tics in the “Police Academy" se-
ries). He provides the kind of inno-
cent charm necessary for the
average storyline. In any case. di-
rector/screenplay writer Curtis
Hanson finds it necessary to present
Guttenberg barechested throughout
half of the movie.

The story centers on Lambert‘s af-
fair with his boss's wife, Sylvia (Isa-
belle Huppert), and her witnessing



of an attempted rape through Lam-
bert’s bedroom window.

Sylvia decides not to testify
against the rapist, afraid of what
might happen when her husband
finds out about her affair with Lam-
bert. Because the man has already
raped two women, Lambert goes to
the police and pretends to be the
eyewitness, using Sylvia as his

The movie leads the audience ni»
cely and very easily to that point,
After a series of extenuating cir‘
cumstances the story takes a sud-
den turn in which Lambert becomes
the accused.


Erlli Rocco
Arts Editor

Wu Miller
ASSIStant Arts Editor


In the last half of the film, Eliza‘
beth McGovern is introduced as
Denise, the attempted rape victim.
She gives her character the believ-
able edge that she has done so many
times before in such movies as ”()r»
dinary People.“ “Racing With the
Moon" and “Once Upon a Time in

McGovern is an actress of great
talent with a flair for the dramatic
as well as for comedy, With an
Oscar nomination under her belt for
"Ragtime," she possesses the talent
and the beauty to be an actress of
the 1980s and 90s.

The wonderful surprise of this
movie is Huppert, The French ac~
tress entices the audience with her
mere presence. Her strong resem-

Students who wish to participate in group health insurance for the spring
semester and are enrolling for the FIRST time:

The deadline for purchasing Student Group Health Insurance for the Spring
semester will be February 12, 1987.
This means that the check and enrollment form must be mailed to the company
and be postmarked no later than midnight, February 13, 1 987


Enrollment form and check must be brought to Student Health Service Insurance
office by 4:30 pm. February 12, 1987. Student Health Service is located in
Medical Plaza behind the wildcat blue doors, Room 169 B,

If you wish to mail your enrollment and payment, send to:

100 2nd Avenue, North, Suite 220
St. Petersburg. Florida 33701

If you have questions please call 233-6356.

(Insuggnce Company: Fidelity Security Life Insurance Company)


Keep on top of things!

Read the Kentucky Kernel!




entertaining, if not involving

blance to Greta Garbo is over-
whelming as she moves across the
big screen, making the most of her
sexual sophistication,

Brad Greenquist is sinister and
very effective as the psychotic rap-

"The Bedroom Window" will keep
the audience's iuwes flowing anc
provide a nice suspenseful afternoor
at the movies. With a wonderfully
charming cast consisting of (lutten
berg. McGovern and lluppt’l‘l, tht
story's predictable ending can bt
easily ignored without any ill feel

.. , .. wore counrasv or DEG
“The Bedroom Window \t‘lll pre

miere Friday at the Turfltlfld Mall
Cinemas, It is rated R

Isabelle Huppert and Steve Guttenberg play lovers who dl‘Sl‘C‘.‘?l
the identity of a pSychopathic rapist in “The Bedroom Window ‘



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4 - KENTUCKY KERNEL, Wodmday. February 4, 1 987




View oint

Drinking on campus

can’t be eliminated,
but can be educated

Members of the alcohol committee, who met on Mon-
day. stated a need for a comprehensive alcohol education

program on the UK campus.

Committee member Dick Clayton, a sociology profes-
sor, said UK offers “nothing that uniformly touches all the
students“ in the form of alcohol education. And he’s right.

Yes, UK does have educational programs such as BAC-


Boosting Alcohol Consciousness Concerning the

Health of University Students — and the newly formed
SADD — Students Against Drunk Driving — which per-
form an important function on campus.

But it’s not enough.

Those programs only reach small sectors of the cam-
pus. Currently, there is nothing on campus reaching the
entire student body, and there needs to be.

We can see the cynics now: ”Students don’t pay atten-
tion to such programs, and attempts are just a waste of

dollars. ”
But look at the alternative.

Prohibition obviously doesn’t work either. Students
drink just as much. Statistics from the committee meeting
show that 80.3 percent of students in colleges nationwide
have drank alcohol in the last 30 days. Furthermore, many
of those drink at least five drinks in a row.

Students, for that matter society, are going to continue

to drink.

There’s nothing that can be done to stop that.

Maybe the key is working toward helping students learn
to drink, if they must, in an appropriate manner.

Education would be a step in that direction. The alcohol
committee seems to be willing to make that step.

We urge the alcohol committee, though, to now begin
dealing with specifics. A proposal must be on the desk of

Ghosts from past rarely interested in plights of the present

We get these letters at my house
fairly regularly.

They come from friends of the
family. Actually that's not an approe
priale term. They are less friends
and more ghosts from the past who
refuse to leave my family alone to
grovel in our own daily domesticall»

It usually happens that these
ghosts were at one time friends. ap—
proximately the same age as my
folks with children approximately
the same age as me. They were the
people with whom we passed the
summers. backyard barbecuing and
the like.

Sometimes the ghosts are not-so-
endearing relatives with the same
common denominator as the other
ghosts A they have children. my




second and third cousins. who are
also my age.

You can see that the age factor is

The reason for this is that when
these people move away to assume
ghost status, they must have some
area of pride upon which they can
drool profusely as they sit down to
write their letters.

Now these aren‘t personal letters
on pink stationery with a hint of
pleasant perfume lingering in the
envelope. They are form letters,


Fran Mart Cynthia A. Palorino
EdtoHn-chiel Editorid Editor
Scott Ward Jay Stanton

NOW! Edtor

Kentucky Kernel

Eetabllehed 1 004


Independent Since 1071








Art Gallaher, chancellor for the Lexington campus, on

March 3.

General ideas for things such as educational programs
are good, but specifics are needed and soon.

Also when thinking about educational programs for stu-
dents, maybe the committee should include a program for
faculty and staff. After all, college campuses are not the
only place where alcohol is prevalent in society.

drafted to reach the multitude of
friends and family members who
don‘t have the luxury of living in
Dallas or Southern California, but
rather are condemned by the econ-
omy and by topography to make the
best of it in a dreary, cold climate.

That’s why the letters usually
start rolling in about this time of
year. I’m not home to receive them
personally, so my parents save them
until I return home, when we can all
get a decent laugh at the unbelieva-
ble good luck encountered by fami-
lies once they leave Louisville.

The letters almost always begin
with, “Where to begin?" and then
proceed to read like a bad novel, de-
scribing the paradisiacal climate in
which the ghosts live.

Now comes the digression into the
lives of their children. Here‘s an ex-


Yesterday’s editorial in the Kentucky Kernel contained

some incorrect information.

The editorial should have said that last semester’s Cra-
marama during finals week was organized by the Student

Organizations Assembly.

The Kernel regrets the error.


The letters almost always begin with, “Where to
begin?” and then proceed to read like a bad
novel, describing the paradisiacal climate in

which the ghosts live.


ample of how the transition goes:
“Our house is presently humming
with John’s (not his real name)
many endeavors." You can, no
doubt, feel the nausea coming on.

The daughters will have undoubt-
ably won numerous Junior Miss con-
tests, etc. The sons will have scored
above 30 on the ACT and are attend-
ing various aloof Baptist colleges on
academic and/or athletic schol-
arships. They are active college

leaders in their respective churches
and have Aphrodite-like girlfriends
who are “saving themselves" for

All of this is in the letter. It con-
cludes by assuming abruptly that
“Erik has no doubt fulfilled all of
the promise of his youth. "

My response letter began vicari-
ously like this: “Erik, quite simply,
has fulfilled none of the promise of
his youth. He never darkens the

doors of the church and has had sev-
eral alcohol-related run-ins with the
authorities . . I was planning to
go on and explain how I had learned
immensely from these experiences
and that it was true what the Greeks
say about learning coming from suf-

it. My moth-

But I decided aga'
fiiing the letter

er wasn‘t keen on

And the ghosts obviously don’t
know the first thing about Greek tra-

Arts Editor Erik Reece is an En-
glish sophomore and a Kernel col-





In their opinion. . .

The following editorial, written by Bob Caylor, ap-
peared in the Jan.