xt77pv6b5k4p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77pv6b5k4p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-02-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 11, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 11, 1972 1972 1972-02-11 2020 true xt77pv6b5k4p section xt77pv6b5k4p R‘pley says‘ The Henluck
it will be partly cloudy and
warmer Friday with tem-
peratures in the upper 30‘s. The V -
low will be 24 and the high ' '
Saturday will be in the 40‘s.
There is a 10 percent chance of I
DIWICIPItaItlon both Friday and VOL. i.xm so. xx LEXINGTON. KENTL'CKY 405m; FRIDAY, FEBRL'ARY ii, 1972 » , . I
Friday night .4
“I k d ’ " *
. a” . Undercover nare (Janan testl f1 es again; .
~ it . says he suggested stu den ts sell drugs
% W ? fight“ By MIKE BOARD $37.00. drugs were then given to Lt. ‘ .
. M“ I ~' ' “ % Kernel Staff Writer (‘aiiaii attributed Fryinan‘s “Within and Phtt't‘d “5 Shh” .1
' - "t -.:""§,._f.'f§ I 'E ‘A -v_ LPD detective Bill Canan “insistence" on returning to a St‘tlUt’htt'\'tttt‘”t"“ i‘ttttt’d (‘anan ,
w .. § '._..-_ N51,; ' yesterday testified to having need of more evidence even :\ large part of (‘anan‘s
“1‘ a» We 2 . purchased demerol. methadone though Fryman already knew testimony was based on the daily ‘ . . .
’ . h andasyringe amounting to $26.00 narcotics existed on the IiUtt‘S ht‘ kt‘Pt during htS th‘ V
#55:}: in the process of his undercover premises \estigation. V
' drug investigation. Scoring Defense: “Your testimony is in - '
Testifying before Municipal ('anan said the drugs were part a reliance on those notes?” . [
Court Judge James Amato obtained from a fishing tackle ('aiiaii' "'l‘hat's correct ” , '
:19?" (‘anan said he later returned to box. tilled with bottles of assorted .\ll oi yesterday 's cases in _
. the seller's apartment to acquire drugs. the seller produced when '~‘~tllt‘tl taiiaii testified involved
. . more e\ideiice on the “iii ('aiiaii and another defendant deteiidaiits charged with ,
. , “3'“ _’ x . 3f , . sisteiicc” oi l,t l’i‘aiik Fryinan entered the apai‘tiiient possession of drugs Ioi‘ mile in t.
I ' t° 3'”; fII , an “gr 'I at This time he purchased 193 cap The :letectite proceeded to wine oi ‘lie «rises i'axza'i coiild _
:I '1?” "age ' ' v _ stiles oi aiiiplietaiiiaies avid in warm. tiil'ttilijli the box. and select, .o! Twin} as ‘o the ripe oi «true .
h I. “. , capsules oi bai'bitiiatcs 'ii'izilIlLl ‘tw 1: was l‘i -.~itcii I't‘ "lt\ "'l‘lit ("’“tihth'd ”'1 P33“ ‘i- “'h- 3 " ' .
‘ ‘ ,3 Q“ t a “i ”Y« . , . .» h “ ‘o 1 ‘ 4 * , ’ .
e "“‘ c, slut tents la te fe er u] out i ,
. ‘ . ' . ., !,\'\\ \l.\lt'l‘l\ :l'llti’i s :‘ceioiiai illl‘tt'léil' l'l' limit-’1: ~i ,ili‘ildifz; "i _it. "i a
I . b: ‘ . \t‘l'llt‘l Stall “HIP!" :‘iaiik it ‘,\=il‘aii‘.> ‘l’tise iii‘ieil‘. "' ct w't‘; i \ ‘1 ‘1‘”tii““""~ ' I ‘ V
I i :ii l‘hiirsiiax I'iiiu-i‘sit: ‘v'ear “' ”1“ ~liiiieiits on their roles as ‘lze i_~w..ei’i;::ieiit .tiii: "tie tor ‘ , .
Mir .-\t'!lt)ll l ‘. ,\ volunteer '~i‘iltllllt'é".‘.\ ilc said ’f‘i.\ is ".i ~t'iiitio'i Tili‘st‘ *~tll(it‘li7\ marked i ,
. . ' \iiitimii‘ were officiaih sworn iii aw. ..‘teiiiiit to ‘oiich 1 ital oat segiiiems ot the : :iiitrac’. and ‘_
‘l. as i'eiieral go‘vei'iiiiiciit viii, "t‘\ti|l"('i'\ :i: this country ” 'tieii signed 'l‘lre} .‘xci‘e mad by .
. . - a. j" plovees. ‘ Williams said volunteer people one member of the w astiiiigtoi‘.
' .fi‘v I . this Singletai't. president of l'K. are “Him I” “0”" towards t) (" Adm” “mm that [I “in ”m
‘ x , , . said. "! will be watching your briiigiiigthe community together certain whether or not the con
- .95”? ' as labors with interest and concern" 3" “TV“ and ht‘ll) ””9 “ht’tht‘r ”'“Vt‘ “”Um h" ”gal "‘ ”h ’
. ' . _, . it” because what you do and how you He said. "INot only will your segments marked out .
~ 1.” ' 3.sz do it is important in the con- values and insight grow while The students begin work in .
- . . . . mes Initiation of this program and workiiiginthe community of poor their respective sponsoring '
I . I . .9 . . V --.7. . ,, others like it. people. but academic ability will agencies next Monday. -
, . . gig? - s L'K's ['YA program is one of :28 grow also." 'l‘om Wilmes and Mike llietz .
, . . ‘ ' . ‘ " l ' programs instituted last fall. lle tv-lgl the students to look for will be working with the (‘om»
‘ ' ‘ .M M .w“ Coming under the wing of Action. community resources and munity Design ('enter in
. . . . ,. ' . " ' I the consolidation Of volunteer capitalize onthem. He said not to Louisville. Their job will be
' . I' programs in several federal see oneself as the only source but helping the communities that '1 '
' . .. ., ..' _.. I. . agencies. UYA is designed to give to act as a catalyst and motivate cannot afford architectural help.
. .. ‘ p. .. credit to volunteer students who other people to work. According to Wilmes. it is the .
. . “’ .- (Kama Photo by JIm Wight.) participate in helping others help IIAfterthIe speeches. handshakes communities' responsibility to
themselves. with Williams and biiigletary and come to the deSIgn center and
Perfect Kamata Siku is minding his 9'5 Work with poor the general ‘what-do-we-do-Inext‘ request the help. He said. “We
and (1'5 in etymology class. He UK students participating in atmosphere. the students Signed will be working with the people.
' . attends with his father and hasn‘t UYA have been assigned jobs one year contracts With the "Qt tor-H "
, ' attendance missedaday. with agencies and school boards federal government. 0'10 L'YA volunteer Wt“ be '
which deal with problems of the Several students refused to working with young people of » t _
. ‘ poor. sign the contracts with its present Continued on Page 6 V
' I C O O 0 ,
= , , Amendments w111 delay publlsh-perlsh blll -
Bv DIANENASER t0 the end of his contract, shall be failureto publish scholastic work."said professors on campus who are superior
Kernel Staff Writer removed for failure to publish Fetzer. in everything except research." ' ,
I House Bill 89, the so-called publish or Scholastic works". This differs from the ('lal'mt'atio" “Clio," POStPOIWd
perish bill, will remain in committee original bil' by the addition of “prior to The other amendment to the bill was In further busniess related to the bill
for another week due to the proposal of his contract", submitted by the sponsors of HB 89. the sub-committee met in the afternoon
two new ammendments. Mark Fetzer. UK lobbyist. said “the After hearing discussion on the bill the to discuss the proposed amendments.
Instead of acting on these amend- admendment as written by President SDon-“0"S thought tht‘ original language Rt‘Pt‘t‘St‘htattV“ David Karem. chair-
‘ ' ments Representative Brooks Hinkel, Singletary has no effect and if included “'35 ambiguous 30 to clarify if it" "“‘h of the sub-committee. said he was
(‘hairman of the Committee on there would be no purpose in having amendment was submitted. The ad- going to recommend to the House .
Education. appointed a subcommittee this bill," mendment states. “No faculty member (hmmhtt‘t‘ 0” Edication that they .
to study the amendments and report to Singletary's amendment only possessing either tenured or non- l"‘5tP0|lt‘ action 0" the hi” ”ht” the
the committee members next Thurt protects those faculty who do not tenured status shall be removed or Senate (‘ominittee 0“ Education "0t“
sdav. publish scholastic work during their denied renewalof contract for failure to “” Senate hi“ t9l~
' contract period. However. according to publish research or other scholarly SB “”- sponsored by Senators ‘
One amendment to the bill was Fetxer there has never been a person works" William 1«- Quinlan and [13(‘93' T- Smith.
written by President ()tis Singletary [‘(In]()\'(\d heft)“. the (ind (if his contract “If this admendment is not added is basically the same bill as HR 89. SB
and the other by the sponsors of “B 89. for not publishing “The bills Purpose is tht'” th" ht” does ”ht “his” what we h” Shhthd ht‘ discussed h." the Senate
h Singletary's amendment states “no to make sure a faculty member is not Intended it to mean.” said Fetzer. “The (‘oiiiinittee on Education next 'l‘hur- -
faculty member possessing tenure or denied renewal of his contract for “htth‘ Whit 0' it '5 t” l’mtt‘t't those Mt“)-

. 0 n C 0 mp uIS ’ . - , ._-. .. , .- .I gig:sa;;-:~';_=;_s:.g:-j:.2533}?I.I:I I..;I.;.':;.».:-»I,:g .1. - com pl led by dove ca I '0 h a n I g
. Free 1' continues to thrive. The and crazy tillers. giving it to 1' Free. concept stresses the individuality equal. and learning chiefly takes 5
‘ .' most recent evidence is another The catalogue is supposed to be Individuality of each learner; his creativity place by sharing knowledge. g
. - ~ hangable poster—catalogue costing a nickel a copy this time. According to the blurbs and rather than productivity. Each The knowledge shared this 5
. . _. complete with inevitable course but if you meet the right person experience. the Free University group member is considered an semester will range from finding g
. I . descrtpiitms- quotable (1110195 you may be abletotalkthem into out how to survive in the E
. f . , ‘. wilderness to how to sew or fix 3
.' i . , .' A I) ' . . your car. If you want to increase g
t : . I‘ (1&8) r() 5 51lp[)()rt r U your skill quotient. try the E
I . . 0
'I -I . . . - ' ~ I 83 S knitting course or the macrame :
. ‘ " i I V I .0. ’ ' 0‘ r one or the one dealing with ‘ 5
. a .' , - I. )(llb (ll Illnb ’ organic gardening. You could
. . ' . ' ' . - ‘ \ t A n ’ . learn how to play the guitar. i
. . i ’ ' . . ‘ » i . . 1 maybe. or how to write E
.- ‘ . . . ' I The [K chapter of the a. ,p . a .» ‘ -. . . . . II . -. t :
I» _. . , I I I o. . - . . creatively . oi may be you d like to g
. -, . . W ‘ ‘ ‘ :\lllt‘l‘l(‘iill Association of ‘ «a. . .‘ . i .. ‘ 7 -. . .- ‘ '
.. , y y . . . . , ' play cowboys and indians with z
. a : l nivcrsitv Professors (AAL P) ‘ as... , ‘ ~- ~ ‘ . ' 3
. I L J l 1 I l t l I- . I l t' “I l .d. I . sfi' Jim Williams. . g
? . ‘ . ' ‘“ op H ,‘1 II?” n “m f ((lllust'd} . ' L For the persons who wish to E
. ' .' ' \ ;‘ ”(IHm'f‘ 1‘ '“m U m “ I“ 9* f ' continue intheheadskillsthere S g
. )1 ' ) . O
" - . . ' \ i‘iiltnillliifi'il (.Imm tt ‘e '\' a: a course on conservatism. and E
' - : . ‘ ‘ ( ‘ ( I. ‘ ' ‘ ifs. *2- 7’ one on the unitv of man. And of 3
. :- . . . . economic representation com- 4‘ . , , .. . 3
z . . .. . . course there s a com se. a :
' ‘ J I . . . I niittee. submitted the resolution " * at _ :
. _ .‘ ~ ‘ \\ c are li‘ tcc that o r. i .. . t 3 number. actually . on ~
, . , . , I» .. , which reads that faculties ’ — " . . . f . . 3
, ‘ '- I. -' "1 :‘\ men-ire. A tn» , . . : photography (lasses have :
(I V ., .. , ~ . . I . .-. .. ha\ e a\ ailable to them the chmce . ~ v . . . :
‘ ~ '. . . “'1“ WM” “ 0"" “"““ m .I” . .m., h.“.,.1»1~], l))lh 's , "3522:" started. rree yourself. :
1 I I .. m.- «it the mom ‘I‘ ‘II I ‘ Ffl’I‘I'IP I ‘I d m. yiiiii-i- here 5
- . . . . i; s ‘ ‘i ' i ‘ i ‘ , ,. . . . .
'. 4 . “V “MM“ 1“” w“ “ "“‘M ”H n H I ”p” \ mg n H (rms - ' .. I gaffe;- In other busyness. llie Socialist :
_ I : :. _ I... .t. . WWI...) I.._.i m II of employment and for in- ’3 . ., ,. ,, . , -. . . .~ :
,~ I I . .. .. . . t . . . . I .4 . I I . , . $3 Vimkeis [arty is sponsoring a :
1‘ ,1 ' - n1wi?\"\-“-it‘ H‘ It‘u‘ \Ink‘ttntn ““5”“: faculty participating m ‘ ' g“? " another spe'iker This time \Is z
. I I I » . (It'lll society .ir: vii;.iiiiIi’I.i “an 15”} go“ I ”am i » - ~ :' 25(wa Laura Mlllel‘. National (‘0012 I E
I, II, g . . “‘m “II 50m“ ”'I'” ““7““ 'l l The passage oi this bill means ' . 55 «5;; dinator of the Young Socialists t g
1 'z ‘ ' . J . “1““ “’m‘ ”I F' .M‘NN'J the 1K chapter of the AAL'P will ._II: “first for Jeniiess and Pulley tAndrew. ’ 3
' ' . " .‘ . . , 1e wclc is in the l 5. and . I I . I i .
» ‘, ' . . . actively support proposed state 1. ~ :=: who was their last speaker ,
.- ' . ' I I (.inatfa. lt signifies the ‘ . . - . . . ~. - :
. t. - ,' ' _ . legislation which would reqUire . Q I ~ herei. The topic of Miller s talk 3
- ‘ , . lt‘lidl‘llll} and Ltlpdl‘llll\ Oi . . . . . 9‘:- . - . H t ‘
i ' . 'hl mm .m 1, mm DUNN universmes to engage in .I-"x..=.;- ' . Will be The Student Revolt and 3
. , .W“ .l ' '. I . ‘ \ ‘ ‘ k \I . t - ' v A . . , ' ‘ I'd-yd}; ' 5"}3 fu‘vg " I "‘ ‘ x i ' ‘ .. ‘ ' ' t " 3
I . -, . 'I . assurance that the “m. gum ( o l l t c t i v ( ,b.d i g a in i n 8 , II egg eafiéfi’si II the 1912—IL1LLUOHS. an analy Sis :
, : I .I ' , I 'illtl WWI“ purchased representatives if it is dec1ded a g" ' of the Mid campaign stategies of g
" .I ~. - . {mm “III“, propcrb majority of the faculty favors j. We” . the Democratic and Republican 2
I; 2- ,‘ I . I . -, represented. IIIIII “pinned. collective bargaining. III, I; « parties in relation to the newly
I . ' . «(s - .. -, .- Dr. Joseph Krislov. a member ’ .» < eniramhlsfi Wigs" ble t cat 'h
' .I II I: " of Committee N. explained the h 01.1 may . e a} SO d Ol’t’ L] E
'. . f » I & TIL E object of this resolution is to or In one 0 your po i ica 3.
ULLER‘ D R _ - . ~ seience courses today. Her ap— ::
. , W support the prinCiple of collective . ::
.1: . . _' . g a“? my? bargaining which is an pearence is sponsored by Student :1
. 'v p .‘ L _ . (D “enabling thing leavmg the gzvg‘nment and is another I :1
' ‘37 ' ’ ‘ ' en to the facult . e ' - 53
. . . > r . 108 Esplanade 0pm)" op y z:
W B 'll '1: h l bl' d '
. x ? rat 8 .9th BPS 8p m
: ~ ~ , How To Get To Heaven . . . , .. ,
-~ .' j - . . By I« RH) MM Nix students attend UK. he said. and g
.I 7 ‘ Kernel Staff Writer close to half'of'them read Braille.
'. ‘; .. : . '- ' - ' "a . Recently an eye catching little ad was placed in the Kernel. 81' d ‘t d t‘ , f' d' 't Some have no need of Braille. he 3
b I ’ , . » " I I: which read something like this. "Would you like to know how .. II'I" t 5 u 'ekn sthdre m 'ng i added. since they are “legally
' ' .V ' , to get to Heaven from Lexington. Kentucky? Come to the :jISI'I‘ILSO Than: f” roun SIeO': blind" but see well enough to E
. .' . - w . . . - -~ ” 3 a S 0 a Pro} C . . . . ~ :
- -' . ». ' -‘ --.--« Ashland Av enue Ba tist Church. . . , . iead ie ular rint. .
1 t. ,. I. p fostered by two administrative g p g
; II - . .' S ““1095 at [7K The biggest problem with the
i - . t .51.;- ‘I a.
I. .. ‘1' ' , , i ....--"4' wit-4’: . , _ . . ,- , ~ stickers is ha h ' ' . ‘ 5
I .I . ‘. . ‘ 1 ~‘ g ‘ There has been such an overwhelming response to this article that it merits more “milk stickerrs bearing room staying u Tthoste It” :‘ylascsgdlni :
I,. * I j. ' '. . .- explanation. This church is deeply interested in you as an individual. We would like and “00" numbers have been Buildin pelevators disa ear
-." . , \ a“? i to be your home away from home The Bible is intellegently and intelectually Showmg UP on (1901‘s and beSIde mm! f'rf uently ‘ pp E
- . . . . 1‘ ’ taught in our College Co-ed Class each Sunday morning at 9:15. We talk about elevator bUUOHS In three campus ‘ q ‘ ‘ . 5
. thi .‘li e Hv v .v w' in h rvi ' ' s i buildings. .. . . . z
I =. II . I TERRY LEM‘II. II ngs ,k (a en II on if] f dIt at the se I ces are spiritually sub tant al and I I I would guess it 5 people 5
. I . y . . . “I . t I friendly. ()ur bus will arrive on campus at 8.45 am. and leave the bus stop on The stickers. which cost less tearing them down." said Kar- E
I I . , I . (ampus . ""5 r) 1 niversity Drive at9:000 clock sharp. Find out how to get to Heaven. than a penny apiece, were the nes. who placed little blame on- 5
" ‘ - . ' undertaking of Jacke Karnes. weakness in the stickers. Such '
‘I ~. , ' Director of Handicapped Student rip-offs are mostly nervous 5
:7 . ‘ ' V . ' W Services. and Mike Bell of the pastimes, rather than intentional
p I. II - g II. ,- Human Relations Center. They pranks. he suggested. 3
. I . , . ~. . were installed in the Student l’rohlem will 'h" k 3
.‘ i Center. (‘lassroom Building and s ”n 5
.. .. ' , 3 ' Office Tower. , . 3
I. I . . f Karnes said he hoped the 1
'. x .I ,_ ' Blind students favor stickers problem would shrink as more 3
‘ . '. ' . . eole be' e z '1 i ' i 3
‘ ' . .- ' Reaction among blind students p. p . .mm. m m m ”K :
. . . . .. . . .. . . stickers function. 2
.‘ , ' ', -‘ has been very favorable . said 1
't ~- . 1- 4' I . \ -. Karncs. [WOW ““0011 blind Handicapped Student Services ” E
I f. . I. . II . , II . I I \I II t :I ________— and the Human Relations Center
t II II II I ‘. ,I I ". \I 'I . ‘. Th HGfll’Wkg "CCMI offerother aids to blind students.
. II. . _ v.‘ , . \ I .I I a. . Th x t k K I Uni It These includes textbooks in
. . '- . L', .. e cnuc e . . .
, . . e IZZO , if” I g )1 e‘ . smuom vulva-Sty affliceentucky‘feax! Biaille and on record. the ser.
I - ' - 7 / , y . ington, Kentuc 40506. S d la 3 s it ‘ -' , .
II . , . I . I -fi g , / mg? Kama“ Lxm‘?nf§°:nm°ck;f \l( (I; of sighted persons for oral ,
I .' , . , I,. -- . “-3“ e ve mes weeky durln tb re; - g . ‘ '
I . . . ,§/ ‘3 @ ;. school year except holidays and gxu: l mg. l.“ rsonal (.Ounsglmg‘
-, .. . U a n a / V. ,- . -. periods, and once during the summer and a special academic adVismg.
. . é“ /£" V ‘ seem-
. . I . .I . I , ’I . v",' ' Published by The Kernel Press, Inc., 113
. . I , I: , I ,z/ Journalism Building. University of Ken-
I - . - U S lucky. Lexington. Ky. 40506.
.I I. II I I. I Begun as The (‘udet in 1894 and published
. II I continuously as The Kentucky Kernel since
. I . , i915. '
l, i ' ‘ Advertising published herein is intended to ARE YOU USING THE
: , I I It . . o s S e a a n help the render buy. Any false or misleading RIGHT ZIP CODE? ’
. I . advertising should be reported to the editors.
II Students living in University
I I housin onl our xi (1 '
I . I . . . d I KEIRINEIL TEIIJEPHONES 9 y, y p co e is
I , i .I Editor. Editorial Editor . . . 257-1755 40506. 5
.I . Dlfllflg Room only Offer 900d Fr'day and satur fly Managing and Associate Editors . . . . . . i ‘
I I 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257-1740 Students In off-campus housmg. —
, , 8 90 E . 4:m-9:‘", Advertising. Business. Circulation . . . check your phone diwdofy “I. It; I II
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. '. .

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f . o l a o o I o o ‘r n ‘ ,
‘ 5 3 shoppers talung advantage of Dawahare s super sale prices. The Items you want at prices you can t afford to muss. g ,- '-
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» - 611 S 01‘ S 1p 1 '
. ‘I I
A - . - PubllLGUOIIS board moves toward pNOI‘ approval of copy
. . , 4 . The legal and ethical questions The boards rationale is that it anything. And it‘s debatable substantial funds to a year—long
.' -.I- ‘ _ I , surrounding the freedom of a is ”publisher" of the yearbook, whether a 14-man committee project, to allow students to
if _- ' . ~ 1 " L‘htVet‘Slt.\"SUPl~‘>0Ft9d student and. as any publisher, has the appointed by the president should commit their money, and then to ‘
, . I. I .- I - ' press are enough to boggle right to determine if its works are have the power to stifle any back out at the last minute if fears
. 'I r -, I anyone sI mind. But the situation to be printed and distributed. printed work--University-funded of public reaction to the book
i . . ‘ lacing tuture It’dttOt‘S . Of The In addition. say the proponents 01‘ h0t- arise. '
- I. ‘I . II . ' hintmkldh. t K S OH-CUFSGd of the action. someone needs to For the University, in forking In a word the board’s move is
'. Iv II ; -. 7: yearbook. as a result of this assume authority over the $11,000 over $11,000 for the yearbook, censorship ‘
.. I. week s . boardII ot Student in University funds put into the assumes only partial respon- It warns future editors that the -
‘ z a , Publications meeting should send yearbOOk--to see that the editor sibility for its funding. Students, st toe the established line 0:
cold chills up any Journalists doesn't misuse the money in a with their subscriptions, pay the mu .
, » - ~ spine , - , ' , . ‘t f h b' 1 face a cutoff of questionable
t ~ .- , , passion for controversy 0i ob- ies 0 t e 11 s. . . l l'
. . - 3 _ 't . It ‘ “t . ethics and questionable ega ity. i
t: I. , I (in a nearly unanimous vote, 5“ m .‘~ seems a 5 range move indeed And while we do not doubt that i
. f .‘ .f j , the board decided to assume Both arguments, we think, are to allow the UniverSity to commit this year’s Kentuckian will win ;
." : direct authority over publication sadlyImingided. m wide applause as many future
. ., '_ . . I I . J I . 'll'l .- - ~ - u r \: \, , . ‘
. v. . g thtmmmnd‘d bf t resident (ms L C rge‘? filth Jurisdiction 0‘ er ( {RVs-l ‘1 censorship should not be allowed
‘3 i . . , , . singletary and \ ice PreSident tor (deU-‘j‘Hde. L’tt“’er51t.‘"tunded Q/ " ,. v ‘ to hang over any editor or staff.
,. '. . . Student Affairs Dr. Robert publications. nowhere has it been V afi’hk; ‘f‘ i~ The board should rescind its
j? - . Zumwinkle. given the title of “publisher" of ”Mi, move.
I I“! .9' .I l -' , ' \Il‘é/V .
.; , , ,, .7 H I ma Kernel F o'rum. the readers wrlte
”m cm: *
til? ,-,,‘ 7' , t ’1 ' ”Ben ign neglect. (’(lilol‘ifll now than it has been in my 6and '3 years white against whites and who need
. . -I . I . . Established II“ Lexmorou «smocxv My mind has been nagging mo m state lIitIrIItIIIquItIIItIiIarelIv eItIiuIriilIttri that of the very strength and support in chahging Iracist
' _ g.’ .' ’ ' f ' my opinion with reference to some of the (I; l‘ana‘tionsf r 3].? Id] fmpthtogffer n0 institutions from W'thtn' Education _0t
; 1- ,3 7 L i, ' A' «_«._»oenow-~ mwcaoor poo snec c, s'ooen's statements in the KERNEL editorial of \dp . IO 15 as ee t e ffice 9f Wh’Itt‘S about problems inherent ”1 a FaCISt
'. J I ' ' a' W" 9’ “WW” February 7. 1972 headlined ‘Benign italtllfifsfwh ShOUId produce and explain 500“." '5 ”0t a dUt.V 0t black studentsIat
._ 7, ' g I . ' Neglect at {.KIH 5 15 Its. [IR—show me a person (whitetwho denies
-, . -., _. ' ‘9 "'“ E""°’ "‘Ch'“ ‘. . , , . .. this. and I show you a racist.
I . “I . .‘ daffy“ Q‘srarg'jgsgg'gf’ l‘ll‘St. while 1 have no deSire to cast \ou spoke of a sort of “self-imposed 1.
f 3 ' g I f ' . WHO “(1:ij 1:520:319 Edttor stones. it is impossible for me to believe exile in describing the relations of black It‘thatlY- the KERNEL expressed a
.t .:_ .' ". ' Ba 6'? I51”:“fer?"flff’ff“ G‘DW that you honestly think that most of the students with the totalstudentbody. In my thlhhgheSS to begin to dOttS share. May I
. ' ', ‘ xh:sjstaantM:nagin: Quiche students at I'K are not racist in light of experience. exile is never self-imposed suggest that your ttt‘St step be to get your
' . . 5 ' g ' I "be“ ' r“: 29:13:35,“ your statement that this is a racist societv. while expatriatism is. Viewing this hands 0" the ACttOh AUdtt prepared by the
. I. . (kThhnxv ,x F I r - _ . r I) . I H I . . . I; .' ’ x -
. .. , . ; I.- test? flea.” Photography Editor It a“ 1K students were foreign to distanct as caused by expatriatism. it “(WV-Justice Center of the National
, . , . . a»? a 6W)" CampusEd'W . . . . . . ,. becomes a source of concern of those who Board -WCA. and use It to come to some
! ~ . I- ‘ Dau‘.‘a""ews NahonalAttaIrs Editor \Xestein cultures. I w ould agree “1”] your . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.1 . ‘ ., . ' C’“"E 5 Production Manager . I . , _I . . \KOUld CUI‘C 50cm] lllS bv determming understanding ofraCismin yourindIVidual
, .. -- - , ‘ toimei statement. This is not the case. ~ . . . . .
y -' , . ,. . , . . , . cause and effect. persons and in the structures With which
W; ,I ‘; II I II . CI: “(I :I m ”we Wm WI therefore. I can not but new whites at LK you deal
I . .. . II:.I. I , . A :mn::ILN:7:a' IIoIrILI:Ir:’82:" n:v;I;;\:t:<:ov {t5 it part (ll the total SIOCIC‘[_\'—— It you are Further. .VOUI mentioned black IstIudentIS' [Hany ”jeans are necessary and you
.I , I, , I - . I f t h r“ not a part oi the solution. then you are a loss of "potential allies". My rejomder is have it within your power to exercise a
, lg ' _’ FOUND“) ”7‘ PM” M the problem. that it is a small loss to me but a great loss tew: ‘
.I fl " , ' 3 ' ‘ EMOWMDDM mm“ mm a" W,“ who“ . _ to those whites who have developed their
t. - ; wm. WWW“ Second. with reference to Black racism intelligence quotient t0 the point Beverly J- “'(‘Stmek
I I I I ..~ g enrollment Black enrollment is higher that they are able to deal with racism as a Law Student
I. I: l l ‘ . ° 0 o o o o o o o
» 181118telflerfeltferfelftertelflertedferfelflerfel ferfel
f; - ~ g,” tAVtee AW GENTLEMEM, To WELCOME . 8v PENTAGOD h
K , ‘. ‘w‘ [T (5 50TH A \ m BACK AT i ’1 DEMAUV* :
= > A w Pee/Moe AW vs V GREAT expanse- » , \ .o, ,4
. ~ . m r A PLEASURE V... \ ,
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. ' - ~ ' , . Q9 THE WAR V00 VlETNAM' /’ mat/e6 oor PW“ g
_- - vv - ' 1 ‘\ LOVE TO HATE— '. - . \' My APPLAUWMG- -_., ‘t LOTUPTER. j:
.1 , 3‘s \ $ 5" ‘4' )1! I ' A AKES .
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 ' , . .‘I\ \ , i ‘ I ' ) .‘ . . . -~
I Ii I , r I
9 'riir: Krzx'rl‘t‘iu' KEHNEL Friday. February ii. ism—.3 ‘
0 u e n 0 a JCI'I‘V \V. lt’VVlH I: 7’: ,_ ;.~i
. o I 1 o Illr. ' 2: VI‘ .I’lfl
POSSlble town-gown cooperatwn vetoed m P [orlda _
While the “town and gown" situation is 0f marijuana an U1“ Honor Court offense. Regardless of politics. there is little and Yoko ()no. Not that anyone was really
always an issue in university com- Instead of a court conviction and a jail doubt that the present methods of criminal against the movies. but that ad. with John V Z: . . ‘
munities, it‘s seldom that anyone hears of sentence. convicted students would be incarceration are not an effective means and Yoko smiling right at you. "without a " 7.37 .1' i '7‘. x,
. the relationship improving. Not to start assigned to a prescribed period of service of dealing with drug use. The U" "pot bill" stitch” as they say. . '.'. I: I?
. you off on a sour note. but it appears to an in some capacity. seemed to be an attempt at least. to turn in A new Oregon (.‘riminal Code defines t'i f I; ' *-
t outside observer such as myself, that a At the same time. the Honor Court would some new directions. nudity as obscene and prohibits furnishing .' 'I‘ I33.» '1,
, student body president‘s veto at the try to work out an arrangement to prevent or sending obscene materials to minors, ‘I '.‘- __
. University of Florida may well have students Of an arrest record and to keep Vanguard editor Doug Babb argued =I I'.I:'U,' _ Igw
I’ stifled what could have been a remarkable the convicted students‘ names anonymous. (“1 no. ()nu however, that the PSL’ newspaper was .; I '5’ ".i l 'I. i ";
- - compromise between students and local The reasons for the student president’s . / distributed to "the university community 1‘ '; . - "
, law enforcement officials. veto were explained in a letter to the ‘I‘We conSIder the matter concluded." which is an adult community " 3‘.
. , . . campus paper, “The Florida Alligator" 531d As5istant Criminal Deputy DA . .I.,'I.I.'.-I=‘
5 The bill passed by a heavy majority in which also urged the veto. Jerome LaBarre following a one hour .So much for the newspaper. they're off :.I 3-7... ’i‘ ‘-'_.-I:‘ ,»
th? UIF Student Senate and procedural The “loco parentis" issue was raised meeting with Portland State University the hook and as for the John and Yoko
I gUidelines were being worked out between again. but this time in a different sense. ' administrators and members of the flick. it drew the largest crowd ever to the ‘-. .‘l’