xt77pv6b5m95 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77pv6b5m95/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-03-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 11, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 11, 1985 1985 1985-03-11 2020 true xt77pv6b5m95 section xt77pv6b5m95 __________________________________—________________
ta- trimester ~ 1 91.“ 1 11 . 11‘“ - WdW1W1K-muokv erm WJAOICN n. ms
Next year’s i Med Center faces
SAB “a“‘ed - ’ financial roblems -
, p Y , -
138‘ Fnday from indi ent ' "
Hayden to head _ . . 1i , l g care '1 .- ». . . ,
board in 1985-86 3 a ' _ 1 Focus needs to be on public sector, ' .1 -V r..-
. 0 Own “h . V . -
ByNANCYsVMAHURm . V , not UK, Chancellor Bosomworth says - 1- 1. .
Staff Writer 35- . - ‘ ' '.
and soon WARD ' i Staff and AP reports ——————————— . . 11 1 ' ‘ V
SeniorStaffWriter .1 . . 1 111 ,{7 H . . - .' ' . ‘ i1
' m Indigent care is causing problems The ley. ] thlnk! has ' ' . a '1
, i 1111 w s. . ,
. Board say they are looking forward ‘ . .. . ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ " ‘ ‘ ""’ ' malike as“? the public knows aboutlt. pOSHIOfl that any ' ‘
C to a ear of hel i the board . ., ._.V )r. cter Bosomworth. chancellor - 1 1‘ . '
' e! 111111111 11111111111111“w -— use .. f t --
i organization. . ’5‘ ‘ ' ‘ pital accepts all patients in emer1 have [0 COIN? [hrough ' I 1 .

Paul Hayden. SAB contemporary .y .ei,‘ 4 . gency or life-threatening cases, re- V .
affairs chairman. became the nu“; '1 s ‘ gardless of ability to pay. Charity the health ' ,‘ . 1 .
board's presidentelect and David ‘ ' ' .‘ . cases cost the hospital $3.6 million in department n . . . .
Nickell, cinema chairman, became '* r r em . ..‘ 1984, he said. Meanwhile. the federal ' ' - . .' ‘ '
vice esidentelect in mm . m , . ,k v . _ . .5 _ ,1‘2 government and commercial insur1 . . 1’ , ,
night‘szlecfiom‘ y .2” a“ J I 19' ‘ ' ' if? ance companies have reduced ”L Dr Peter Bosomwo th . ‘ "

Hayden. an accounting junior who i ' '1": . ' are} 3 . .11'1- ._ .1 5 imbursements ‘0 hospitals ' r ' ' '
has been working with SAB since , . .. . . ' fin “The Robin Hood principle is rap~ chancellor. _ ‘ ‘ ‘
the sphihg of 133' said. he ran for L “1': sf. ’* “' it ; . . . f": £3 idly being restricted," Bosomworth L'K Medical Center 1 .'- . 1.
theposmon because iii likethechal- ‘ y . a"? ‘ 1 . ‘.. it ,., , g ..1e told a legislative commission on _ . 1
lengeiv of working With the Wm ‘ h . . é. ‘ heflthacare :(l'cessff‘ridayhAS?I [K # ’ . ' '
and the UK administration. He said 1 i'*-‘“ .' . 1 1. 11 ' Is vmg Pro ems ootingt e i . . 1
seei .. eieiiiiie .. iie M’ ~ 3'“ a e 111111 111 “a .. - » ‘
good programming" that SAB has ,_ its... . V *‘Q"; ...', if- 1 the public sector. not the L'niversity erlngald forhthe medical center 1 '
imtituted and hopefully expand it. imam n11... . 3‘ if .. . . of Kentucky." Bosomworth said in a ‘ ' '
be m to expand is Student Activ. ‘ ' a . vim. 3”,; L j _ . .__“ w, ‘ medical center does not receive any the position that any help would _ ' I
ities Television. it is a fairly young . . 1. 1;“ 1 ‘-" ‘ government money i“) defray 0095 have to come through the health de- '
program. Hayden said. and “we just ‘ a a" 1 . ”if sf 1% _1 - . _ . for servrces to indigents. he said. partment.”hesald 1 '1
want to make sure this comes ‘ g], 1“ . ”OWC’VEK ll recelh'ed $711 million Bosomworth also said at Friday‘s 1 '
about." He said he will talk with the 11, 3 s“, . V t, 1 1 3V 11 N 't last year from the ( ounoil on Higher hearing that Medical Center officials
television committee members and . 'j ““ "1; “‘ . 1 "l , 1 ‘1‘ Education for 1‘5 leaChmg program. have begun preliminary consider- '
the members-at-large to give and "13' ‘ I and used a “me more than $1 mil1 ation of a possible reorganization for . - ,
takeadviceaboutSATV. , .31 a“: - . i ' ’51:"; . | hon of that money to help pay for a the hospital. Several options have 1

Hayden also said he will look into 11 ‘ 1“ 'wé' y 1 ' not , ,-_ ' i .. ‘ neonatal care program. . been considered. he said. including 1 ’
getting corporate sponsorship for ' w - ‘ _ Bl“ Vth‘? hOSP‘W ‘5 ha‘mg PFOh' “some relationship wrth a for-profit . _
the board. He said this would in- . :—-—--—-—-—-‘-."-js ”id-2i ' - isms finding money to help pay for system." similar to the Humana -
volve asking for donations from out 1' ‘ ' h " 'V I '"d'gem care. Paying CUStomeFS and venture. '
side businesses to supplement the . — ,,. 2.! . : insurers are being charged higher Bosomworth stressed that the indi-
board's budget. currently. SAB's h _ -. ___ §_w_~_~-__‘ .. .. _ ., rates for medical care. Bosomworth gent health care problem did not
budget comes from the University. 1 ’_’ f .‘ ‘ ‘ 53:3- F 'd . ’ . h . precrpltate the reorganization dis»

Hayden said that W corporate “ . ffi’y“ . "1 _1 1-. 1V1 A1... I .1. r _ n 3y 5 commission earlng. cussions. which are still in the re-
sponsorship, the board could pmsi- " ’ —-~- f “if“, K ‘ Rep. Gerta Bend]. 8 LOUISWHE Dem- liminary stages The goal of tthils- ’
bly sponsor moreelaborate events. I w 1— [ ocrat. SUggested that the medlcal cussions ls to try 10 find an

Hayden stressed however that the .. 1‘2”; 1.. . .- 1" center seek‘ finanCIal help from the organizational structure that could . '
"we“ is one that will require re- . ‘ V ..____— ‘ ié 1,; - LeXington-l- ayette brban County “add more fleXibility to the opera ’ .
search and may prove to be unfeasi- ' ‘ g 1 i _ . f g‘lf'émmem- . “0'11" he said
ble. He said he plans to explore the ‘ . . .W if t1 A; .1 2' i . 1‘ ayette County 15.3 very wealthy Bosomworth described the lid
good and bad points of such an un- i ”.15 afiflv 1. 3. ‘ *3th -__. ; f". . ...- . County. she said. ‘LOUISWUG and mana venture as an experiment. But
dermking before a decision is made. 7 i ' ‘ 3 .-.1i» 1 a. . . at {if 3 ~ ' ' Jefferson County have coughed Up he added that he believes investor 1 '
“We're not going to jump the gun," . _ ., .3 . _' .1,” ., 3:1; f" , 4 money for indigent care . at HU- owned companies probably would
hesaid. of r. .‘ 1..._ 3! 1% _ z ' mana HOSPltal UNVerS'W- she acquire 20 to 30 hospitals across the

President Louis Straub hopes the 1 “g, .1 .1 'i. . 1 M noted. l'nited States ' ’ -
new board continues with the same '/ _ “” 1 1 ‘1‘” ‘ w 1 . . .. Humana Inc.. a for-profit hospital ' .
major goal of this year‘s board, .11 A 1’ .... 1....1 chain based in Louisville. operates The health care access commls- '
which is making SAB known to the l1 I “._‘W . 1. . . the University of Louisville's teach1 sion. formed by the 1984 General As- 1 fl . -
studentbody. . . __ 1. .. .a. . nitrruyiimfifi mg hospital. The UK Med Center sembly. will present a report of its ' . .

“I think Hayden will do a very Bleach bum ‘ ‘ ° “‘ and Humana Hospital University findings on financrng indigent care ' 1 .
good job as president because he are. Kentucky‘s largest providers of to lawmakers in 1986. . 4 ' ‘
has been working with SAB on-and- Paula Campbell, an employee for Computer Color Corporation. enjoys the sun yesterday intlhgentcareih h h tlk ed ”The; ”Sk's exceedl‘ngilycomplexd. I ' '
0fff0r3'1 ea 11 1 ii. Whil .. . . . . . . . . ' osomwor , w o as a to WI ou any easy sonions.“ sat ,1 V
““5“"de thrgboitrrgusnzalt‘ljie :1: ter 6 waiting for her boyfriend to finish running at the track next to Shivel) Sports Ccn- Fayette County officials about m state Sen Henry G Lackey. the . . V.
ministration and hasafirm graspof ' ceiving financial help. said last commission’schalrman ' ,1 ' . . 1 1
thewholesystem.“ . . 1 j 1 ,

Straub said SAB is the main pro . ' . ' . 1 ‘ '
grammer for all UK events and the rganlza Ions 0 er e p In comp etln tax orms ' ‘ . ‘.
position of president requires one to . ‘ ' . '
takeonmany duties. . -1 . . ' . *_

The president is an adviser and ByKARi-IN MILLER days and Tuesdays through March come taxes and a lot of people ways because many people don't Accounting 41? and some have 1 ..
programmer who, with the help of Staff Writer 29. and at the same times from April aren't educated about how to fill out know how to fill out their returns" own completed a course on cooper- 1 '
the board, sets up general goals to . . l to April 15 Tuesdays and Wednes- their returns. The members of Beta Parker said. “We‘ll help people with alarm partnership taxation " i_ * - .
be accomplished for that year, be As April 15 rapidly approaches, days in 120$tudent Center. . Alpha PSl are all qualified advrsers their short and long 1040 forms. the Parker said the IRS asked the 0r— ‘
said. The job is trying to find out students and faculty members might People wanting help should bring who Will be glad to assrst anyone Kentucky short and long forms and gannation to participate in a proiect . ' V . . ‘
what the students want and then need help completing their income all their w12 statements and other whocomesin." we'll answer any other tax questions wilt-rt- iK'OpM' can call a toll-free '
programming activities to suit the tax forms. income .forms. Federal and State Beta Alpha Psi has offered inde- people may have.” number in certain areas It) rccelte ' . .
students, Straub concluded. Thanks to the Student Government forms wrll beprovided. pendent tax counseling for the last Parker said about 55 of the organi- information 1 , 1 '

David Nickell was “totally Association, Beta Alpha Psi account- “Any individuals from (mot—state five or six years. but this is‘the first nations 67 members will be partici- ' If they‘re confused about filling . ' V .1
thrilled“ on becoming vice presi- "‘3 “0'10"?” and the Internal Beve- ShOUld bring the forms for that Pa!" “me they have been WOFRIDE With paling and that they have had the nu lht'll‘ Itll‘nlh or tit-ed help we re a 1
dent- elect. Nickel]. a marketing se- nue Servrce. free help is available tlcular state," said Scott Parker. SGA and thelRS. _ necessary experience to advise lax» good serum bt'i‘illist' .u- ll hnlp 1 . 1.
nior. said he ran for office became 0" campus. . . . . . Beta Alpha Psi president. "One of our objectives is to pro payers them and next time they‘ll teei more ’ ~ '
he “loves the board" and wants to A tax advrsmg climc Will be of- John Cain. SGA senior vice presi- vide services to students, and we "Those who participate have com. confident about it 1 also we‘re ' ‘ 3 '
do all he can to help the UK commu- fered from 10 am. to 2 pm. MOn- dent. said “almost everyone pays in- felt that this was one of the best pleted the basic income tax course free."Parker said '
nity. .

Nickell also wants to continue the e . ,
.................................. nnua ircus Da celebrated in (Iolle e of Law * - - '
it grow instead of changing it." The
board has a good foundation ahd , ‘ , ——11_.___.._fi__.'.._._-ssn ..._____ _ s... _. . V
”1113:1333" iike to build on its Professor 5 greatest lecture on earth 11.... a1. 1 ,

s . sai . , , ’ -:;.1i..111 we
Straub and Vice mum Sam brmgs the big top to the classroom ‘ ‘
Mush” m“ be m 0““ “m“ May 1- By (ERNIE SULLIVAN held corporation, such as a fami- ' 1 i . -
See-M31 has“ Contributing Writer ly business. i; .
The class applauded as Ham ,." . 3. . 1 1
Circus Day 1985 at the College entered the room; he held up a -. 1* ‘.
MOE ofLaw had clowns,balloons,cot- Ringling Bros. and Barnum ti . .1~ f , ‘ 5 .* '5
ton candy. noise and song. But no Bailey circus poster. “31... _ 1 1! ‘0 1 ,/1 ..
V V . W ‘ W“ ., , children tugging on their math Ham wasn‘t sure how many ' ,1” ‘ . \i‘ . . i A .13
; “i”... ers‘ skirts attended — only silk Circus Days had been held be " ‘ . 1 " i ‘ '
.131... 911‘,“- .s*.\is, . Wig tie- and sweatshirt-clad students fore, but they have become more . K ‘ ‘
' 11 '1' . if... if. listened to the “greatest lecture popular over the years. "We ‘ a. “1 a “' -
' . unearth." haven't had as elaborate a cele- “*1". g ‘ . l
. .1111‘1 3 Ringmaster and Professor of brationbeforeitoday)." \ " ' ' . ‘
. 3‘13“?“ ’ 5.; Lew Willburt Ham has taunt at 0n Circtn Day. rainbow-col- " ” . .‘
“’2. " UK since m9, and his students ored party hot-s coordinated with
‘ .5 ‘ ‘ .. say thecircus lecture is the high- conservative business suits. One ’ .
’ ’ ’ . ‘ light of his harness associations girl had donned a blackend- 1 ‘
1 . - 1 2 class. white clown suit with a red fm- '
. ‘5 _ . 4 His students also used Friday‘s frou and I tall black pointed hlt .
‘ " e . . r celebration to honor Ham. whom topped with a red fuzzy bell. Sillt- . 1
. 5; . . they any is one of the beet-loved tie clad students with {torment 1 - .
-' ‘ profmlnthelewechool. oreiige stickers on their none at-
“Every year when he does the tendvelytoolrnotes.
WEATHER WWM.M«IB Garrettandotheutudaiuiud .
it Circus Day." laid Kern Gar- hung balloon from the chellr- _ .
‘ . ' rett. e maid-year law student boards. front-row desktops, and Va. 1 ’3 1
fromVer-eelllee. lecternintlouwButlding. 1 . .1 . 1‘ '
Ham un- the Mn: Broth “I'm sure muting Brothers ‘ -b _-. ._~ _. _.._______
. on cue to m the validity mild love to pee this m," J.D.VAM/w~fl
and “mutiny 0f M ill-maid. Law students enjoy Willburt Ham's Circus Day lecture. The annual discussion is the highlight
votim W in a clueer seduction-:6 of Ham’s business career] tion class according to students.
'. . l

 . I
2- KENTUCKY KENNEL My, Mud! 11, 1985
Information on this calendar at events is collected
and coordinated through the Student Center Activities ;
~ ettice, ace/am Student Center, University of Ken- i
tucky. The information is published as supplied by tho ,
on-campus sponsor, wlth editorial privilege allowed
' tor the sake at clarity at expression. For student orga-
nizations or University departments to make entries on _
tho calendar. a Campus Calendar term must be tilled
. out and returned to tho Student Activities Office.
0 Exhibitions: Final Day at the -
Cranbrook Academy Graduate
Student Exhibition; Fine Arts Bldg.:
. . . l2-4:30p.m.; Call 7-8148
0 Exhibitions: Cranbrook Academy/Sculpture . Meetings: Emergence Feminist Women's e Lectures: Leonard Nimoy Confessions of a 0 Concerts: Bach Tricentennial Celebration:
8 Mixed Media, Drawrngs 8 Models; Rasdell Press Meeting; in SC; 5:30p.m.;Call254-2946 Trek Lover' S6 Pub 3 $5 51“.; Center for the Center tor tho Arts:8:00 p.m.;Call7-4929
Gallery;'CalI7-8867 . e Meetings: interact Meeting for Stu. inter- Arts;8:00p.m.;Call7-8867 0 Meetings: UK Fencing Club Meeting-Equip- '
. 1800EIX9rgg-"C'onsz I?" IthAuseum-Keliittucky Quilts: ested in meeting other Stu.-Dinner also; 412 ° Concerts: Bach Tricentennial Celebration: "‘9'" provided: Alumni GYM? 733° P-mi C0”
. S ' ‘ 96:9" |°r :1 e Arlts,‘Ca 7'32” 1 Rose St.; 5:00 p.m.; Call 7-6598 Center for the Arts: 8:00 p.m.; Call 7-4929 2773308 .
‘3 Mzorlsr..°l Cee|rsza er 7C inics;7:Ai:ch ii,ic2,fi , . Movies: Mad Max; $1.75 w/UKID; . Movies: Pink Panther; $1.75 w/UKID; 0 .Movie: Pink Panther: Si .75 w/UKID;
; m i o i um; p..n. i p.m.; a Worsham Theatre; 7:30 p.m. Worsham Theatre; 7:30 p.m. Wors am T eatre: 7:30 p.m.
73.722 ' . S h _ W‘ d C 0 Play: Musical Comedy, 'Oh Coward'-Des- ' Other: Human Resource Development Per- ' WorkshOps: Alumni J°b 005? “99? '03A
, Harry Sacrires‘Corrzigtcfir-"Cent: {Zr ttcttcxift'swé sert betore show: $5 Stu/$6 Pub: SC Universi- tect Attendance Luncheon; SC Grand Ballroom; Mathhzws 8H9; 3‘30 P“;- b
, , - - . ty Club;7:00 p.m.; Call 7-1378 il:450.m.:Call7-1851 0 eetings: ay an Les ian union of Stu-
p‘T‘é§:”7;4?? dd R' h d H' B dt 0 Sports: Entry Deadline for Intro. Softball-at ° Sports: UK Basball vs Georgetown (H): dents General Meeting; .HSSC; 520° 9"“ ,
t in Stevie'Msr U , {A 'c .0? H I': 8°" ‘ eatmii Mgrs. Meeting only; Stu. Ctr. Auditorium; 5:00 Shivley Field; 3:00 p.m. ° ReCItals: Guest Recital: Jerry Young, tuba;
, 7.3867 0 cus, emoria a , p.m., Ca p.m.; Call7-3928 e Sports: Those trying out for Cheerleading Memorial Hall; 8:00 p.m.; Call 7-4900
‘ . Meetin , 'R . A L tt N C 0 Sports: Entry Deadline for Co-Rec Sottball- MUST attend 2 at 3 clinics; Memorial Coliseum;
, f . t .‘ Ag:.b|°r;1°zs'_ e er '0 on- on- at Mgrs. Meeting only: Stu. Ctr. Auditorium; 7-9p-m.;COll7-3726
€ng 6329 i e tu y, 412 Rose St.; 7 p.m.; 5:00 p.m.;Call7-3928 0 Workshops: Government Employment
0. MI : . M d M . 1 5 . ° Sports: Softball Managers Meeting: Stu. WOTRSHOP: Free; 103A Mathews Bide; 1:00
W r h 02:5. t 2.30 ax. S '7 W/UK'D' Ctr. Auditorium; 5:00p.m.;Ca|l7-3928 P-m~
250?? . 9T? {(9. ~‘ P-ml- ‘ h . 0 Sports: Those trying out for Cheerleading ' M0Vi°52 5'99 GCTIOCI" w/Channel ‘8 pre-
' sale nos? nag: 5? $2215; dioswgrd 0‘" MUST attend 2 of 3c|inics; Memorial Coliseum: sents film 'These Troubled Waters': 228 SC:
, - .: -t u esser ' - .
' 7-9p.m.; Call 7-3726 7.00 p.m., Call 7-9310
clingy: Those trying a ‘ to Ch I d' ' Meetings: Cosmopolitan Club Meeting; 205
i . . ” ' . “3' 9° "‘9 sc Annex; 6:30 p.m.; Call 7-8646
9A3“ attzndlg gid'mcs; Memorial Coliseum; 0 Meetings: Snow Ski Club Meeting; 206 SC;
' Pm” ° ' 7:30 p.m.; Call7-7644
0 Recitals: Tuesday Noon Recital Series: Cen-
ter for the Arts; 12:30 p.m.; Call 7-4900
' Concerts: Percussion Ensemble Concert; 0 Other: Film: The Shakers 'Hands to work, 0 Concerts: Lexington Singers 'Eliiah'; Pub 0 Exhibitions: Art Museum-Kentucky Quilts
Center for the Arts: 8:00 p.m.; Call 7-4929 hearts to God'; Center for the Arts; 3:00 p.m.; $7/Stu $4: Center for the Arts; 3:00 p.m.; Call 18001900; Center for the Arts; CaII7-3297
' Other: Gallery Series: Basicall Bach IV Call 7-4929 273-8085 0 Academics: Spring Vacation-Academic Hol-
- the 'Goldberg Variations'; King Library North; 0 Recitals: Guest Recital: Randall Faust, iday
i2Noon; Call7-4900 Horn; Center for the Arts; 8:00 p.m.; Call 7- 0 Meetings: 'Ramans: A Letter to Non-Con-
4929 tormists': A Bible Study; 412 Rose St.; 7:00
p.m.; Call 253-0329
. -‘§ M°Vl°5 Arts 8 Concerts 61%} Intramural and Athletic Events
t 3 11- Mad Max, $1.75. Worsham Theatre; 7:30PM 3:11: Cancerts:Symphonic Winds Concert-W. Harry Clarke, conductor: Center 3/11 thru 3/13; Cheerleader Clinics; Memorial Coliseum: 7.9 pM; Call 7-3726
3 i2 Mad Max; St .75, Warsham Theatre; 721) PM tor the Arts; BPMZ CO" 74929 3/": Those trying out tor cheerleading MUST attend 2 at 3 clinics; Memorial
3 13 Pink Panther, Si 75, Worsharn Theatre: 7:30 PM 3, ii: Buddy Rich and His Band-teaturing Steve Marcus. Memorial Hall: 8 PM; Coliseum: 7.9 PM; CaII7—3726
, 3 13 Greg Gerlach w Channel l8 presents tilrn 'These Troubled Waters', 228 Call 7-8867 3/12; Entry deadline for Intro. Softball at Mgrs. meeting only!, SC Auditorium,
‘ SC 7 PM Call 7-93l0 , 3 '13 thru 3/14: Bach Tricentennial Celebration; Center tor the Arts; 8 PM; Call 5PM: Call 7.3923
, - 3 ‘4’ Pink Panther: SL752 Worsham Theatre; 7130”“ 341229? . E bl C rt C i the A" 8PM C "7 4929 3/12: Entry deadline for Co-Rec Sottball at Mgrs. meeting onlyl; SC Auditori-
. : ercussion nsem a once ; enter or s: : 0 - ;5PM;C ll7-3928
‘ . 3 ‘71 Lexington Singers 'E'il0h'l ”547/9034? C."'°' b" "'9 A'“? 3 PM? Call :22. Sattba‘lll managers meeting; SCAuditorium; 5PM; Call7-3928
2738(35 . . ~ . . 3/12: Those trying out tor cheerleading MUST attend 2 at 3 clinics; Memorial
. , : 3'” thru 3 i3: Exhibitions: Cranbrook Academy/Sculpture 8 Mixed Media- Coliseum27-9 PM:Call7-3726
sprawmgs 8 M0“? ”5'30" Gallery; C0” 728867 . 3/i3: UK Baseball vs: Georgetown (H); Shivley Field: 3 PM
Hi thru 3, 24. Art Museum-Kentucky Quilts; iooowoo; Center tor the Arts, 3/13: Those trying out 5°, cheerleading MUST attend 2 of 3 clinics; Memorial
- . ' Call7-3297 Coliseum; 7.9 PM: Call 73726
a' 3’i2. Final day at the Cranbroak Academy Graduate Student Exhibition: Fine
‘ . . Arts Bldg; i2-i:3o PM: Coltrane
‘ ” ° I ki h
' . I Meetings and Lectures ‘5‘ Special Events L00 "9 A Odd
‘ ‘4 3 l3, Lectures: Leonard Nimoy Confessions ot a Trek Lover': Sb-Pub/SS-Stu; 3/l8: Academics: Spring Break-Academic Holiday 3/18'3/22: 59"” ”“3"
_ . ‘ Centertor the Arts; 8PM; Call 7-8867 3/”: Other: Tickets tor play 'Oh Coward' on sale now! Tickets 35 G S6-includ-
' V U 3 il' Meetings; 'Romans: A Letter to Non-Contarmists'; A Bible study, 412 es dessert:Call 7-1378 4
2 Rose, 7 PM, Call 2530329 3/l3: Human Resaurce Development Pertect Attendance Luncheon: SC Grand
3 l2 Emergence Feminist Women's Press meeting: ill SC; 5:30 PM; Call 254- Ballroom: ”:45 AM: Call 74851
‘ 2N6 3/ 15: Gallery Series: basically Bach W the 'Goldberg Variations'; King Library
3 i2. interact meeting tor students interested in meeting other students; Din- North: l2Noon
ner also. 4i2Rose; 5PM; Coll 7-6598 3/l6: Film: The Shakers 'Hands to work, hearts to God'; Center tor the Arts: 3
.- , ' 3 l2: Cosmopolitan Club meeting; 205 SC Annexr;6:1X)PM:Call7-8646 PM; Call 74929 . .
3 12-SnowSki clubmooting;2065C: 7szM: Call 7-76‘4 3/i2: Plays: Musical comedy, Oh Coward dessert before show: SS-Stu/Sb-
3 is. UK Fencing Club meeting-equipment provided; Alumni Gym: 7:” PM: Pusz’CUniversity Club;7PM;Call7-i378
, canz77_m 3H2: Recitals: Tuesday Noon Recital Series; Center tor the Arts: 12:!) PM:
I 3 14;Go ondLesbian Un'anotStudents general meeting; itSSC;5PM Call 749(1) '
‘ ' - 3 l8 'Roymans: A Lettorlta Non-Cantormists': A Bible study: 412 Rose; 7 PM; 3/ 14: Guest recital: Jerry Young. tuba; Memorial Hall:8PM: Call 74900
. _ «' : uest recite: a oust, rn; on r or I: ; a -
(0112530329 3le ' andallF ho C tat theArt 8PMC|I74929
' 3/13: Workshops: Government Employment Workshop; Free; 103A Mathews
Ildg.: i PM -
V 3/ ll: Alumni Job Club: Free; IOGAMothews Bldg.;.5:$ PM
. .. L...->-—~n-e. A. .u...~ e .I \

 KENTUCKY KERNEI. My, M 11, 19.5 - 3
I Andyllulnstort
. . eeeaafiat aeaaesat _
‘Nrol o o P-----(Iul‘HWI-----.
d 't d f 16 11 : Spring Break.
espl e season I'BCOI' O - I » ‘ '
. . . _ . _ I All Cuts $8 I . _
By ANDY DUMSTORF semi-finals, didn‘t receive a bid to ences plaVcV-eed a recordf 5;; teams ' | W offers Yo" , , V
tsEdit the NCAAt . ' ‘nt t rnament ie . 0 n ,
SW or Four otheorrsnéé teams, along with aplecel ou ' Wlth Coupon ' 6W3 A .
The Kentucky Wildcat basketball the Wildcats. qualified for the tour- Georgetown. St. JOhn'S. Mlt‘hlgan I o | a b. u n I ..
team is “tickled to death." Coach nament; they are Alabama. Louisia— and Oklahoma -, the top four teams m 1/2 rlce . NEW TASTE ' _
. . er 8 _
Joe B. Hall said yesterday after his naState. Georgia and Auburn. In The ASSOCIated Press TOP Twenty I ' . . '
team received a bid in the tit-team “i thought it would be pretty diffi- —— were made No. 1 seeds in the four I Tumnw Arr-her I . g .
NCAA tournament. cult for our conference to get five regions. . . -_ ' Hours: Sum-Thurs. itA.M.-12A.M. . '. _
The Wi'dcats, losers in three of teams in,“ Hall said. “i was pretty ‘ . _ | 306 5- L'mPt‘m'W | Fri -Sat “A M 4‘ M . " . ',
their last four games. will take on pessimistic about our chances of Among the VmisVsmg were Indiana. I on campus ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ' '. , .
the Washington Huskies Thursday in getting a bid after Auburn won the NCAA championin 1976 and 1981 but 2554074 ~ .-_ '1
salt Lake City in the upper bracket sac tournament. I thought that a loser m Six of ywylast seven games ' “mrrhflmmfin I CornarOt Euclid 8i Rosa ,. . - .« _
of the West Division in the tourney mighthave hurt our chances. "“5 season; Louiswlle. WhiCh W0" In , . . . , ‘-
"I don‘t know how we did it." “all 1980 and had been placed in the 135' ‘-----.t "I Pt|\-----J - ‘ "
said. "butwe‘re there." “it's tthe bid; kind of a cap-off to eight VCAA tournaments; Houston. ------------_-- ' , . .
l'K suffered a 5865 loss to the a season that‘s been an extreme re- which made it to the Final Pour the __ __ __ F ‘ . .' ‘ V '
Florida Gators last Thursday in a building job, N'ow to get to the last three years. and LOLA, which 7:: = ' Bring Thu Caupon . - . . - , .
quarterfinal game of the Southeast- NCAA we‘ve been given a chance “'0" 1° ““05 I" a 122W?" Slrt’il'h : —— :—_-_—_-_ ' | , = 1 ‘
ern Conference Tournament. The and the opportunity to make it back ending In 1975 and which had not _:__:—_‘.__:,:_ | ' . .4 . .
Gators. who lost to tournament herelto the tinalsi.“ nf mlSWd "‘0 tournament “W0 years ”1 —--—-' — ' — : BUY on. I ' .‘ _' .. .
champion Auburn Friday in the The Big Ten and Big East co er- arowsmce 1961 ANNOUNCES ' I , . .' .'; _
I Boot. Bean. or ' _ - -
a . . - .
Bowling Green falls MAJOR mo MINOR “PM” NEW PRICE ”Marxism; one: : . . ._ , -
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The Kentucky womens gymnastics squad bioke the . y . . , - » ,
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Eastern MichiganBowiing Green finished witha 178.7 .~ ' .
Freshman Kendall Lucas earned top allearound hon ' . ', _
ors with a score of 36.85 Lucas broke her old school rt- ------FCOUP°N ------ - _ '
cord on the floor excercise with a 9.55. The Florence. ECONOM'CS Id, LAFAYETTE HAIR VERSION _ ' ' g
Ky, native finished first on the uneven bars with a 9,4 ’2 ‘ t ; ‘ ‘ '
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fundraisers can be I ' m5
Recently, Gloria Singletary, wife of UK President Otis .
. A. Singletary, was arrested and thrown in jail. -
. The event was not the least bit scandalous, however. In B us tedf 0r Chant-y
- . fact, it was for a very good cause.
. . Mrs. Singletary was a participant in the second annual
Jail-a-Thon, an event in which people were imprisoned in a
. . makeshift jail in Turfland Mall. The inmates made phone art-term oans 0 er emer enc he]
calls to raise bail money, which was donated to the Ameri- J
' can Cancer Society. I, t u h m, . d h m T d h
In all the event raised more than $40000 thanks to m “0 ”ac 3’. sure w 0 F5 " “0"5' 9“ l e "‘0“ “Wm ca" " 0w” a“ we” 0“" ‘9 same
'. .. _ .’ ’ Homer Pence guy is. All I know is row is $100, while even a first se- morning.Thatwas Thursday.
hard} ded‘cdted work from several people m the UK com- he loaned meahundred bucks. # James A. mester freshman already will have I qualified, as I expected, and the
munity. . ~ . ~ . . . . Twice. V‘ “"‘“ STOLL paid over five times that amount for loan officer was kind enough to ex-
Many UK folks parthIpated in the fundraismg actIVIty Anybody that swell would t0p my ’3’ his tuition. pedite their usual two days of clear-
' ' ’ l as inmates. In addition to Mrs. Singletary, James 0. King, (‘hristmas card list, if I had one. I In short, the odds are clearly in ance so that I could get the check
. vice president for administration, and Bob Babbage, assis- can't even borrow that much at a . the University‘s favor. Who wants to Friday afternoon. The bureaucracy
‘ tant to the president got into the act poker table With good friends. become financially delinquent Just gave me a scare when Fridays
. One prisoner Jim Foose an art professor spent nearly Of course, my friends know better. Well,what about them? to throwakeg party? checks were held up by a problem
. .’. . . i Butldigress. Upon applying for a loan, these Not me.Ihadabetterreason. with a "check writing machine" in
5‘2 hours on the phone, lining up his bail money. “You The name Homer Pence denotes undesirables would be given an ap Iwasa victim of an evil pothole, a distant lands, but it all worked out
. could have walked out at any time,” [-‘oose said after mak- the loan fund from which II have plication andlan information sheet hideous chasm three feet across and at the last minute,
~ — u . taken out two different $100 oans. 1 listing rationa e for loan approva . I half as deep that lay in wait near
lilg frommlgg trooi20rpjhone calls. 8‘“ once you gm m there am able to talk about them because the appl