xt77pv6b5p73 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77pv6b5p73/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-01-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 22, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 22, 2002 2002 2002-01-22 2020 true xt77pv6b5p73 section xt77pv6b5p73 Mn~uth«>..
Why the growing
resurgent-e of \ 'zii'
films? I 4

Celebrating 30 ears of independence


Students will occupy Dli‘splpvs Elutflrate
Rupp's end zone sea ""°'V

senior. reads about
early electrical
devices lrom the
display cases in the





Pioneers: Artifacts displayed recall time

when only UK and Yale used X-rays in tests
By Steve Ivey


liar? ii t. \'l dents ,i tLi. through the! heniisttvl‘hisir‘s Build

.ii: p it'titm ts hen. the pltvsir \ depirtttteiit's illustrious past
.l illi-i‘ Hut brtitk. a its‘»! hoiow ti'esiini'iii. sitid she thinks the

:l;\iiiti'.'~ Hr interesting tw one the», ‘i'e trout a (hilt-rent era
ll .‘o'i p ttti'tztiozt tr t3» .itterestinu displov " she said
S . i’ raw if“: .“ ~ - -~ g. . .
. “5 EIEBUS ' .\l:rt't its .\lI l'.ll.\‘tl’ll .pt‘oti will “Yllt'i'lili\ in the i)li’\'\l"!\ and 7IS
Egg {7: {3:157 tronoiti‘. "li'iitiltlllt'l.f. \ tid the lii‘llls on display were designed.
. . . . . . . itiiiit or ttwd b'.’ some 't‘ l’lx’ s ili'l~' tiiiio‘ts st lentists ‘lli‘llltll'l”
The Notre Dame student section greets UK as the Cats enter the Joyce Center before Saturday 5 72-65 UK Victory against the Fighting Irish. UK's \ hwy l M .. pm, .- l5 . ' MM, mi “3]“ m. /\ Webb I g
. ' I tV(‘4_ I v i‘ I \tl it=t- i l‘l A it ‘

planned seating arrangement for the 2002-03 season is expected to matte Rupp Arena a more student-friendly venue. \I, Reply“. . , ., . ._ . t. i. t, t ”u. .1 5‘, mg ”no... .1.
. ,tti I‘v... :~ t- ‘. » it‘L-"\ ii \. i "‘l li
sti‘itnieiit~ i-u d ‘t ' . :; .iidais. lll5.i’llii\l ope used bi. his stu

BY Will Messer debt» to we Til l ’l‘. " i‘li‘Wl war it lilil\ l’eiite \‘.?l_\ the first than

. _ . . .
sponisoiiivroimn Repossessu‘q Rupp: A lOOk at the new Student seating plan it. lii'IHt.‘ try ;tll‘.\lt ‘ t'l:»pt:'tt:.wt:t, s"l.'.'tli".lli'tilli'itifiii W111} I
, ,_ .4 {it' ..i i'. =.\ is dint turret: it. .‘ztn'et‘ nei‘ trim. :i'( V» .£illiél"\

.Lk 5 Z‘J“()”(."S‘"lt RHW’AW ' , - - -, - -- trim. l‘etn- .-.;~\ dont; ‘.',l~ Hui; t"\‘i1li’:'i llt‘a'li‘ir‘tilbgl—l‘le it‘livst‘ts
na is an intimidating: environ New seating changes ._ _ ,1" Mmlw , ‘ “ '
ment. but l'l{'s players said at Rupp Arena include i_‘ - ’~ .. . ' ' ~- V I '_\ “v.2“. ,_\ .. otk W .\ tl \v r H.
smaller venues. like Notre end zone lower arena ' L ., No.5," \. .. g t t H ~ 7 hill-itij, ml iii" {iii}. can
Dame's ll.‘llH-Si‘lll .loyee (‘en- . seating for students , ‘ lilimhmf ‘ L ' ~ h ' LL" ‘ ' I ‘

"‘1‘. WW“ iht‘ll‘élilVilIliili-ii‘S. too. . andanew location for . . ' - -'-\ «not. r the first =ii ylie r. ”ion to
(hiefamongzst these is stu~ " the pep band, which 1 _ , . ,, b , , ‘ “ _..g '

t'tf. “liq.

dent seating. will be moved from ..
At the Joyce Center. where '1' section 31_ UK Media 2: . 599 PHYSlCS 3” 2

UK defeated Notre Dame 72-65 Relations Director 0 .

SaturdfayH seetions in one end Brooks Downing said

2011? i) l 9 arena Hl‘i" Ft‘St’I‘Vt’d the band Will likely . . 'L " _ ' ‘ . . '. ‘ _

fimwwmeWWdummmmmm ,.-—.u p4.” .-.> mmwmu

’ e result is a ldlll ous en- . and other existing . .2 - .w - - -' ,. , ~ ' , . - -
Vironment opponents must lower- and upper-arena

seek to tame. I J; I . . ' . i V‘ . ' in I P
.. , . . ,, student sections should '- _ ~ 1 2 g . . .z. ,, .
We ”“113 didnt want remain unchanged. . ; A ,_ ~ ' ' ‘ " ; 1 atent process Slows
1 7-

them to jump out on us early
7 . \ v I "
and get the crowd all hyped. more ILLUSTRATION

sophomore guard (‘liff cums ROSENTHAL f5 - .. ' . . ’ , I ,' , .
Haw’klns salll. ”W70 dld H gtmtl l «(pm gtAzt '1 y H g i : . * lnven ors resea rc ers
job keeping the students from ' . ., ' . ' . g '
really rocking." '
Next year. UK's opponents
might also have to worry about ‘
subduing UK'S Sillili‘m SPCUOH- Located in the first it rows of end zone sections 38-41. the new student seats will be on
UK Mm“ Relations DUN" » a standing-room-only format and combine with Rupp Arena's existing student sections. Resetiit :it-tx . :z; .. . , den L-ioper‘; exert. *hll‘u; 2mm x: Em
tor Brooks Downing said the _. . rt-ru: mi: rt », t ;‘:'-- mt :’li*\ me that ,pnm- rm» . onto
firm 1] rows 0f end 20"“ “'0 H I . Illlli;t""l lw : '_ ...» , tutr ind the. ham :t-trmgt-d
tions 38-41 will be reserved for “1 pm» playing in front of (Nritre Iiainei w nit the .-2m be- «tied .l; (.m- t-mi Hill" mw-nr. .. ;- , ‘
standing-rtmm-onlv student my erowd (in Rnpp Arenai. but lliL’ smaller and the -"£t’lt'llis l'lx’ » l‘.i"-,‘ opponent 4 no.” i , _ - , ,, ii ;>'\t tin ;_, \;_.; i i;
seating. it would be (‘razv it thev would near the floor.” the senzot‘ tor Auburn. “two «it». ~"1:’i"t‘.i\ ‘.t-;;t(,*\ ;, in» l‘, more may, 33o
Season ticket holders and have the students on the floor.” ward said. "it gives then. some .n the end zone p mints twin. ”rte t" ’\ l'w-yy and Typh-
Blue-White Fund contributors the junior center said. "It thin: to feed otTot " Hawkins hopes l‘K's new mark {iffy t-
WhO hiild ”105‘? seats Will ”C(‘U- Would be louder and help get Notre Dame ’thsi: t the seating plan M. t reztte in: en The [i'g’i-i‘divt"; xitiritx :‘t-tii‘t'st'l‘ti a as :de Patent parade
DYSPCTiOH31811dh81f0f32. us into the game. I think it fll‘si opponent l'lx' has tat-ed vironnient mmptrahleto ‘iiose Viii‘ji-i'. oi with Fink s mi m: are am»; uK researchers
The UK pep band. which is would be a big advantage," that \(‘Ill\ its \lllilt’ll'\ 'ts t'lose of the (‘ats' opponents arenas (,pmi int they . iii‘l‘iitji‘fl’ igi; pop-mp} receive about 25
seated in section 31. will likely Tayshaun Prince agreed to the llooras possible "Hopefnliv zu- Mn film It The i)'.1_’1_fi“~i one r oar-r _. ‘. . patents each year. Ten
be moved to the end zone. too. that a prominent student see- At South (‘arolmri's Frank student st't‘lifill that's on the swim: rt prod-tit m . » patents have been re-
The new arrangement tion was a boost for the lrish. Metiiiire Arena. st't'iltil‘n tor floor so the‘~ Hm reallv pull for :4- iti.“ fie ' t m: l' ,. ;. -;‘ ceived sofarm 2002.
should suit Jules Camara. “The erowd does a lot for students rind band were re us and get lls read; to plav ” Bristol .\l' i Mpg». For mformanon on
'" " "" ' ’ ' " l.;k+- \fiidttl :r..i;.: . '-I :, this year's batch. do to
naventtotstortmuttdr - " . . UK'slntellectuaI
clown-mm} in {(-xw i;' j». , , . ‘ j; . ., Property Development
ot l’aarni a" F; Web Site:
filt‘i‘vww ~ ' ' 'We rt- i :1 -: it" ' «. ;' Werqsuky edu/iD/in-
' Q P I .

By Lucas Thomas

"5:: 4:14

'W . . .. y . ' deliver v.» 1» . « .._ . 1;: . vem'mml
‘1’». 2 ~ . _ - ~ UKPresidentLeeTodd ‘
' i ' ‘ ‘ marches with (from left)
lexington Community
College professor and
mayoral candidate Teresa See PATENTS 3n 2
Isaac. Nick Rowe, chair-
man of the Greater Lex-
ington Chamber of Com-
merce and Catherine

...........i.......... Ra land trial ost oned
the Martin Luther King
Holiday Celebration plan-
ning committee. hundreds tt t ' q t h g t
“Mum,“ t. A orneys reques hearin o c alien e ests
"an“ M310“ mm More than 1H months it‘tet‘ r.»- w 'is arrested l t Entrees wt‘ mui‘
”Msnnnwe 5”" derine’ l‘K honoi student and t‘ttothal': piaxer Tren‘ l);(i;.;rn in
mucmv “SD“. M" H04, Qhaiii- Raul ind has \ et tt. ~?.illll ‘i'za‘.
W "“1“" temperature!- Riulrind \ ‘i‘. i'. "
postponed lli .\l.i:‘ ‘
The tr'.:il t i ‘ I: t‘ been postponed sewz'i. ‘ztties i.re.ui\
szmus axis delaved ‘211— "‘3' » lice Hind \ i'tt-rtims requested 2. Ite'irznu
l """FLS'W to t hallenue the ‘\ . a it ‘t*‘~"l3li Hi met i112;;‘;1« ‘ests Those
tests suggest that "iti-vir!‘.1}iii\i?.tvi‘. ot btzlietst‘ound if Rainind's ta
ti ers Frankfort littztie 'ltl‘.>L~Ti‘lli '.\llll the ring." {iiiuittents
taken from iiit}:t:i'u s ski; Rauland’s Liwvers hit! ea: '..er filed .1
motion to block ’h‘rs .dent‘e tron: beinu presented .n the trial.
but the motion \\ 1‘ met ruled ‘1'. l4 iwtte (‘irr‘iii‘ Judge Thomas
( lark
The hearing or. ‘1‘.» i: ...r .tlt-r: e will be heal it: 3"

i:..= T”. u is a lit'i’l‘tLii'il ‘t- 4.1:" Md». buss been

Te" Simmer W. M 0' “M. W



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is cheap, it
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Hospital Drive closed for utility work

Hospital Drive. located between VA Drive
and the Ag Greenhouse area. will be closed for
101! weeks because of utility work associated
with the cooling plant expansion project. Traflic
will be rerouted onto the access road in front of
the Ag (ii'eciiliolis‘es‘ and will rejoin Hospital Ilri-
ye lllsl east of the Ag Science North Building
Questions or comments regarding this work may
IN‘ directed to the project manager. Rich Riedl. in
ilie (‘apital l‘roiects Management Ilivision.

Slackers pro-released at Worsham

Members of the Student Activities Board an-
nounced that Slackers will be the pro-release
movie shown at 9 p.m. Wednesday at the Wor-
shani Theatre. which is located in the Student
(‘enter .-\ pass is required to be admitted to the
film l'asses may he picked up at the Student Cen
ter Room 303 by students with a valid UK II).

Virtual career fair announced

In February. students can participate in an
online career fair. From Feb. 1122. registered
students and alumni can link to the Virtual (‘a-
reer Fair Web site through the (‘areer (‘enter's
homepage, From there. a student can search for
employers alphabetically or by industry The fair
features "Virtual booths" with links to an organi
zation‘s Web site. employment opportunities and
contact information. To register. students must
visit the (‘areer (‘enter's Web site before Feb. 7
Sally (‘llt‘Ssc-l‘. associate director of the Career
Center. said more than 70 organizations are
signed up for the fair Employees at the (‘areer
(‘enter Will be holding workshops in February at
the Stuckert Building to prepare students For
more information. Visit wwwukyedu (‘areer-


2 wounded released from hospital

(iRl'NIlY. \'a. Two students wounded in a
shooting rampage at the Appalachian School of
Law last week have been released from a hospi-
tal. Rebecca Brown. 38. of Roanoke. and Martha
Madeline Short. :37. of (‘lintwood were dis
charged Sunday from a hospital in Kingsport.
Tenn. A third student. Stacey Beans. 22. of Padu-
cah. Ky. was upgraded from fair to good condi»
tion. All three were expected to make a full re-
covery. The school's dean. L. Anthony Sutin. pro
fessor Thomas Blackwell and student Angela
Dales were slain in the shooting spree.


Just when you
thought there
wasn't a single
original idea left
in the reality-TV
world, MTV is
about to unleash
The Osbournes, a
show that liter-
ally goes "behind
the music" to
peek at the
everyday life of
rocker Ozzy
Osbourne and his
family. The
weekly series.
premiering March
5. finds 50-

Goth god Ozzy;
his manager and
wife. Sharon; and
their wise-ass
teens. Kelly and
Jack. living as a
normal southern
California family
— if having a
father famous for
biting the heads
off birds and
Obscenities is
normal. "I'm a
normal dad. and
the kids tell me
to go screw
myself," Ozzy
told critics who
previewed the
series at the
annual winter
press gathering
in Pasadena this
week. The family
does deal with
typical issues -
the daughter gets
a tattoo. Ozzy
gets befuddled by
the prospect of
hooking up his
cable and packing
to move into a
new house.

Recipient of artificial heart goes home

PHILADELPHIA A Vietnam veteran who
became the world’s fifth recipient of a self-con-
tained artificial heart has been released from the
hospital. James Quinn. 51. was released Jan. 14
from Hahneinaiin University Hospital. exactly 70
days after being implanted with the Abiot‘or ani-
ficial heart. the hospital said Monday. The re-
tired banker and grandfather from West Philadel-
phia was released to a hotel about three blocks
from the hospital. with caregivers in an adjoin
ing room. Hahneinann is one of five sites partici-
pating in trial studies involving the AbioCor.
which has been implanted in six patients who
were all dying of heart failure and too sick to
qualify for human heart transplants. Three of
those patients have died.

Brown pelican making a comeback

NEW ORLEANS Federal wildlife officials
say they are drafting a proposal to take the
brown pelican (iii the endangered species list in
Louisiana ~ the Pelican State and Texas. some
40 years after the bird was nearly wiped out by
DDT. In the spring. more than 10.000 pairs of the
big bird are expected to nest on Louisiana's bar~
rier islands. where 1.276 tledglings imported from
Florida replaced the flocks that crowded the coast
in the first half'ofthe last century. Tom Hess. the
state biologist in charge of Louisiana's nesting
census. said that last year he said 16.405 nesting
pairs produced 34.041 young. compared with
13.766 pairs and 22.030 tledgllngs in 3000. In
Texas. 2.400 pairs nested last year. While wildlife
officials are seeking to have the birds removed
from the federal endangered list in both states.
Edith Ersling of the 11.8. Fish 8; Wildlife Service
office in (‘lear Lake.

$1.2 million vanishes: IRS ups security

PITTSBURGH The Internal Revenue Ser-
vice uses banks to collect taxes because it‘s sup
posed to be efficient. Things have been a mess
ever since 71.000 tax returns with checks worth
$1.2 billion disappeared at Mellon Financial in
Pittsburgh last year: There are new security mea-
sures. a government investigation and now a
Senate committee wants the security ofthe entire
system reviewed.”We‘re relying on the quick re»
sponse of the IRS to make sure there‘s not a re-
play of what occurred last year in Pittsburgh.”
said Mike Siegel. spokesman for the Senate Fi-
nance Committee The IRS maintains contracts
with four financial firms
America. FirStar and Bank One to operate 10
lockbox centers across the nation. When taxpay
ers owe the government money. their returns
and Check go to one of the centers. That way. the
check can be credited to the government's ac-
counts quickly. said Ken (‘arfine cash manage-
ment director at the ’l‘reasury Department's col~
Iection and disbursement arm.

Compiled from staff and wire reports


Jan. 22, 2002
11 a.m.—-2 p.m.
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Jan. 22, 2002
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Louis Blair

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Mellon. Bank of


Continued from page 1

tucky. Pence also used X rays
to examine horses.

McEllistreni said Pence
was among the first to see the
synergistic nature of research
end teaching.

”He would immediately in-
corporate things he was work-
ing on into the classroom,"
McEIlistri-m said.

Another display shows an
electro-static machine Schnei-
der. a faculty member from the
'20s to the ‘70s. created.

“(Sclineiderl did beautiful
things with very simple nia~
chinery." l\‘IcEllistrem said.

“I once had a grad student
who was helping me create a
detailed sketch of an idea I
had. He took it to Schneider.


Continued from page I

Mumper develops nanotech-
nology. creating sub-micron—
sized part icles.

Muinper said nanotechnol—
ogy could lead to new thera
pies for Alzheimer's and
Parkinson's disease.

Another of Muinper‘s cre-
ations, is thin film technology.
Thin films are tiny adhesive
patches that are ()llt‘rlt‘lllll of a
millimeter thick. used to deliv-
er drugs that can't be taken
orally. They can he used as an
alternative to injections. lead»
ing to needlefree vaccination.

Bruce Walcott. the dean of

the (‘ollege of Engineering. is
another 17K creator. He has It)
patents and says that not all
17K research developments are

“Engineering generates a
lot of intellectual property." he

Walcott said his newest
project is a joint venture
among mechanical and electri:
cal engineering and pharmacy.
The patent pending project is a


who then came to me and inw
formed me he knew quite well:
how to make models. ‘You de-:
sign them. I‘ll build them.‘ he "
told me."

Other items exhibited in-
clude electric and magnetic
demonstration models used by
Webb. the chair of the physics
department from 1915-1952.

McEIlistrem said Webb
showed good judgment when
he began making the models
for commercial companies.

. ”There was only one coin-
pany at the time. General Elec-
tric. that was making products
like these." he said.

Mary Nguyen. a biology
freshman. said she‘d seen the
display. but had never really
understood its significance.

“It's neat to take time to
check out these displays." she
said. "Some of them are above
my understanding. but they
add intrigue."

nasal drug delivery system
that works like an alarm clock.
automatically loading a new
dose of medicine.

Mumper‘s inventions also
await a patent. The world-wide
patent for thin film technology
was filed in December and the
nanoparticle creation patent
will follow this March. ‘

He expects a long wait be- .
fore a patents arrives.

Don Keach. UK's Intellect»
tual Property Development Di- .
rector. said that the patenting“
process can take years. ‘

“We file about 30 patents a -
year." Keach said. “And about
20 to 25 patents are issued.
from four or five years before."

Il’C meets once a month to
review new inventions. Keach
said. and if an inventor's work
is approved by the committee
it can begin the patent process.

The lengthy amount of
time a patent requires doesn't
deter UK's inventors.

“Our goal is to help peo-
ple." Mumper said. “Technolo-
gy development is occurring so
rapidly. whereas the patenting
process is very slow. But if one
is to commercialize technology
to help people. patents will be
very important in the commer-
cialization process."

00’ Students (Inly

.IIJin a set of IflIIITTI IIIIII Basketball Tickets
to the Illabama game on Saturday, January 20th at
0:00 p.m. in Tlupp IIrenall

Here's How to IIIIK:

1. Ten ticket vouchers will be located with an employee on campus. There are
only ten ticket vouchers, so you must be one of the first ten people to find the
employee to be eligible.

2. 0m clue will be given each day for three days in the Kernel to direct you to the
special employee. [Clues 2 and 3 will appear in the kernel [Iassiftedsl

3. You will only be able to approach the employee while hit/she is in his/her
office. 00 not disturb class, approach them on campus, or disrupt their practice.
4. 0m you find the voucher, bring it to tooth Johnson's office, Iloom 4200
Memorial [oliseum by Noon on Thursday, January 24th.
5. 011 vouchers for the week will go into a drawing for the Illabama tickets.

0. The winner of the Illabamo game tickets will be announced on 104.5 The [at on
Thursday, January 24th, between 5:00 and 5:30 p.m.
i. If your name is announced, pick up your tickets in touch Johnson's office,
Iloom 4200 Memorial [oliseum by 4:00 p.m. on Triday, January 25th.



to issue
sary in th
a House p
pany's Ill
the auditi

ecutive Jl
the firin':
Enron aci
his part
ments la

tors he v
the advic
the shred

has sche


Hope 1
West E
falls tc


first timr
troops for
homes ar

One 1

In a s
the West


i :2,
A Palestin
Popular Fi
of Palestii
air during
Bank town
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the Palest
Ahmed Sa
PFLP, who
sinated ail
minister It

This leader from 0iiford, 0hio graduated from the University of Cincinnati with
a degree in Karketiny/Pre-Iled. and has two brothers in medical school.

Anthony Jones
U S Solicrtor General‘s Office. Paralegal, 1999
Laura Noack
Assocmte Professor. Miami Universny. Ohio. l980
Jay Varollas
UK Student. 2001

difference in your community

Free pizza and drinks 7

look for clue “2 in tomorrow's Kernel classifieds.

liitiiiiriiiiiizré ..~











House questions Enron e-mails


to issue subpoenas if liet‘es
sary in the Enron t‘orp. affair.
a House panel hopes to get the
conflicting stories of the eom
pany's aeeounting firm and
the auditor it fired for the de
struction ofthousands of (Iiii‘ll

Arthur Andersen ehief ex
eeutive Joseph Berardino said
the firm's lead auditor on the
Enron aeeount. David Duneair
displayed ”at the least ex
tremely poor judgment" for
his part in discarding doeu
ments last ()etober and No

Duncan has told iiivestiga

The tentative Witness list
meludes Duncan. legal depart
iiieiit attorney Nanrv Temple
and Iierartliiio or another top
ranking Andersen oll‘irlal.

It was uneertaiii whether
Dunean would appear yolim

“We have made it t'lear
that we'll be prepared to sub
poeiia any relurtant witness
es.” said Ken .Iolinson.
spokesman for the Energy and
l‘ommeree t‘ommittee

,lohnson would say only
that "a number of people have
approaehetl the l'tiltlllllilee
about immunity” from prose
t‘Ililllll. “but we have hot of
tei‘ed it to anyone. nor have we

disclosure that documents
were destroyed.” Johnson

Temple. a lawyer at Antler
sen headquarters in (‘hieago
emailed a Copy of the firms
doeuinent destruction poliey to
the Houston offiee where Dun-
ean and other accountants
worked on the Enron aeeount

'I‘emple sent the email iust
four days before Enron an
nouneed more than $600 mil
lion in third-quarter losses. At
the same time. the energy eoni
pany also took the first step to
fully diselose details of part
nerships that had kept him
dreds of millions of dollars in
Enron debt off the company‘s
balanre sheet

Aet'ordmg to eongression
al investigators. Dunean said
last week that general dist-us-
sums began at Andersen in
September about what Enron»
related doeuments to disrard

“It was unusual" to em»
phasize the doeumentdestrue
tion poliey. Duneaii told the m
vestigators. aeroi'ditig to eon
gressional sourees familiar
with what lie said The sources
spoke on (‘tllllIlIltlIl of

Asked why Temple re
minded the Iloiistoii iiITli'i‘ of
the polo-y to do away with
some doeuments. Herardino
replied. “lieeause aeeountants
are pat'k rats We save lots of
stuff that‘s not relevant.“

untrue" Inuit. i meson. JANUARY 22, 2002 I!





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tors he was simply following *“i‘lt’lhli' l_"”l‘ld“i““l ll llIJ l”
the advice of Andersen‘s legal ”1“ Will”

“We're very interested in
finding out where Andersen is raidino defended
sending the e mail.
"Nanev iust told people to use make sure that all of the
their judgment She did not in third quarter events were
strut't them to do anything. to properly documented in our

department when he tlireetetl
the shredding.

The House Energy and in its internal investigation"
(‘oinmeree subeoinmittee on of the Enron t-ontrtwersy. “and
oversight and investigations we want to examine ailminis
ias scheduled a hearing for trati\e and diseiplinary ai‘
tioiis taken in the wake of the my knowledge “



.-\i,tpearmg Sunday on
Nlii“s ".\Ieet the Press," Ile Temple's e ntail. Ilerardino
Temple's said "We were in the pl‘lit‘t‘ss

Asked about the timing of

saying of putting our files together to

work papers ”

Israeli troops seize Palestinian city

Hope for peace crumbles:
West Bank town of Tulkarem
falls to enemy control


TIILKAREM. West Bank For the
first time in it; months of fighting. Israeli
troops took over an entire Palestinian town
Monday. imposing a eurfew. seart'hing
homes and arresting suspet'ted militants in
retaliation for attaeks on Israeli i'ivilians

()ne Palestinian was killed and 13 were
wounded in gun battles as troops took over

In a separate elash in Ramallah. also on
the West Bank, a Palestinian intelligenee of-


A Palestinian supporter of the
Popular Front tor the Liberation
of Palestine fires a gun into the
air during a march in the West
Bank town of Nahlus last
Wednesday. The supporters
were protesting the arrest by
the Palestinian Authority of
Ahmed Saadat, leader of the
PFLP, whose supporters assas-
sinated an Israeli Cabinet
minister last Iall.


Ill‘t‘i' was killed and two other members of
the seeuritv serviees were wounded.

The Tulkarem raid was the latest in a
series of llllln‘t‘(‘t‘(I(‘IlIt‘(I reprisals for a dead»
ly Palestinian shooting attaek on an Israeli
banquet hall last week It was \“(‘II as a fur
ther blow to the standing of Palestinian
leader Yasser Arafat. who has been unable
to leave his Ramallah eompound beeause of
Israeli armored veliieles parked outside

Arafat warned Monday that Israel has
"erossed all red lines" by liiklllé-I over

Israeli officials said the aim of the raid
was to round up militants and prevent fu
ture attaek.s on Israelis. Palestinian offieials
aeeused Israeli Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon of trying to topple Arafat

At about It am Monday. dozens of Is»
raeli tanks and armored personnel earriers.

barked by helieopter gunships. rolled
into the town

Troops took over eight bull it
ings. ineludmg a local eollege and
the villa of the mayor. sandbaggmg
rooftops and hoisting Israeli flags


Soldiers also (itimmandeered a
polite operations room and de
tamed two Palestinian poliee-
men. witnesses said. The main
government rompound in Tulkar
rem. wliieh also eontained the po
liee headquarters. was razed last
week in an Israeli air strike in re»

sponse to the banquet hall attat'k.

Soldiers went from house to house
looking for suspected militants. iii-

elutlmg members of the Al Aqsa
Brigades. a militia linked to Arafat's
Fatah movement. said Izzedine Ai~
Sharif. governor of Tulkarem. Is
raeli reports said more than go sus
peets were detained.

A defiant Arafat. who ealled 'l
truee with Israel last month. said
the Palestinians would resist
"Our people will never keep silent
about all of these Israeli attat'ks."
he told visitors at his Ramallah


The 72year old Palestinian leader also
at‘knowledged that he might not be around
long enough to witness the ereation of a
Palestinian state "I swear to (‘iod I will see
the Palestinian state. as a martyr or while
still alive.” he said

Israelis and Palestinians are loeked m a
long battle. Arafat said. and the Israeli
tanks outside his ollii'e will not r‘hange that

"I say to these tanks. the Israeli tanks
outside. this is not the first tittie. and it's not
going to be the last time they besiege us.
They should remember what happened in
Beirut.” Arafat said. referring to Israel‘s
198': siege that ended with his expulsion
from the Lebanese rapital Arafat rebound
ed and returned to the Palestinian territo
ries as their leader in Wit

(‘ol Yair (iolan. an Israeli brigade ('(llll
mander said troops would not stay long in
Tulkarem and that the situation would be
evaluated every day

Israeli 'I’ransport Minister Ephraim
Sneli said the aim was to round up milr
trims and prevent more :ittat'ks on Israelis
He suggested that other towns eould be tar
geted as well. "Mainly in the noithern West

’iank. there is a very profound intrastrui-
ture of terrorist attaeks from all organiza
tions. whieh is likely to blow up among us
at any time in the most deadly fashion."
Sneh told Israel Army Radio.

Sinee the outbreak of fighting in Sep
tember 2000. Israeli troops have repeatedly
entered Palestinian-ruled towns and (TllIE‘S.
but Monday‘s raid was the largest and
marked the first time Israel took over an en-
tire town.

Israel‘s (‘abinet has not formally decid-
ed to try to topple Arafat. and government
offieizils have said the latest aetions 'w'ere iii-
tended to pressure him to track down on
militants However. Sharon has referred to
Arafat. his old nemesis. as, a bitter enemy
and an unrepentant terrorist

Former President Pull Hinton. in Israel
to speak at a fundraising dinner and re
t'eive an honorar} degree at Tel Aviv l'ni
versity. spoke eandttlly about a failed peaee
part he had pushed and [Ilr’it‘t'il the onus pri-
marily on the Palestinian side.

"I believe (‘hairman Arafat missed a
golden opportunity to make that agreement
I think the violenee and terrorism wl‘iieh
followed were not inevitable. and have been
a terrible mistake.” he said Sunday



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Week of January 22-27, 2002

Ca" pas Ca 9’ 113' 5 produced or ‘re 0“ an. 3‘ Starla-at Ac' V was Registered
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“3‘9? "1 "'e "J’it‘il-D‘LV "-‘o'rna’t'tr‘ s to appear at http://wwwukv-edII/Campus
Calendar. in 257-8867 ‘0' more, nformat or


‘Monroe Jett, President Bank of the

Bluegrass, 7 30pm. Busmess 8t Economics Tues
Bldg Rm 205

“Alpha Phi Omegalservice fraternity),

730 pm, Student Center, Rm 359

“Alpha Kappa Psi, 7‘30pm, BE Rm 148

'UK Dairy Club Meeting, 7;30pm.Garrigus Bldg Rm. 108

'Green Thumb Environmental Club, 7pm. Student Center Rm. 106

‘UK Basketball Game 6 Auburn, 9:00pm


'UK Feminist Alliance Meeting, 8:009m,

Student Center, Rm. 106 Weds
’lnstituto, 12:009m, Student Center, Rm.


'Aipha Kappa Psi. 7:30pm, BE, Rm. 205

Pro-Physical Therapy Student

Association, 7—8200pm. Old Student Center, Rm. 203

'SAB Meeting, 7:30, Student Center, Rm. 206

’Tablo Francoise, French Conversation Group, 2:304:00pm,
Blazer Hall, Rm. Private Dining Room, Free!

“Slackers, 9:00pm. Student Center

'UK Judo Club, 5-6130pm, Alumni Gym


‘Ag Biotechnology Club Meeting,

7 300m. Ag Satence North, Rm N 8
“Alpha Kappa, 7 300m BE Rm 213
‘Lef‘tist Student Union Meeting, 89m.
Student Center, Rm 228

“Lambda Meeting,7 30pm. Student Center. Rm.231

“Amnesty International Meeting, '7pm. Student Center. Rm 228


'Kempo Self-Dotonse 6 300m Aaimm Gym Lott


‘Stara of Tomorrow Oper- Galn, 8 009m. SCFA, Call 257-4929


“Catholic Mass. 6 000m 320 Pose Ln S


'UK Basketball Game vs. Alabama.

8:00pm, Rupp Arena

'Kempo Self-Defense, 6 300'“ Alu"""

Gym Loft


‘Cincinnati Zoo‘s Cat Show, 20m Memorial Hall FPEE‘

'Tho Kontucky Jazz Repertory Orchestra. 50m SCFA ‘or more

info Ca1125774929
Sun 2 7

'SiatorSound Concert, R 000m SCFA


' Preparing For tho Unexpected. Invest In Your Film, tzmpm,
Erikson Building, Rm. 128



“Architecture of Signs-Activities u
Panama", a lecture by Robert Vomuri
and Denise Scott Brown; Architects,
Philadelphia, 12:30 pm, Worsham
Theater, FREE'


‘Cuholic Man, 9:00am. 11 30am. 5:00pm.
8:30pm. 320 Rose Ln.

‘Untvoroky Wonhip Service, Bzizprn.
Southside Church of Christ. Rm. Auditorium

'UK Judo Club, 5-7pm, Alumni Gym Loft







 Stacie Methaus
Scene Editor
Phone 2