xt77pv6b5s0n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77pv6b5s0n/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1969-04-14  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 14, 1969 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 14, 1969 1969 1969-04-14 2020 true xt77pv6b5s0n section xt77pv6b5s0n    





The University Senate met in regular session at 4:00 p.m., Monday,
April 14, 1969, in the Court Room of the Law Building. Chairman Ogletree
presided. Members absent: Charles Auvenshine, Harry V. Barnard, Harold
R. Binkley*, Frederick Bollum*, Wallace N. Briggs*, Herbert Bruce*,
Jacqueline Bull*, David B. Clark*, Alfred Crabb, Jr.*, Eugene C. Crawford,
Jr.*, Clifford J. Cremers*, Robert J. DeAn elis, Jesse DeBoer, Wendell C.
DeMarcus, D. F. Diedrich*, Henry F. Dobyns: John P. Drysdale, Louis D.
Dubilier*, Phillip A. Duncan, Fred Edmonds*, Joseph Engelberg: Thomas R.

vFord*, Joseph B. Fugate*, Eugene B. Gallagher*, Art Gallaher, Milton E.

Gellin*, Anna M. Gorman*, Joseph J. Gruber*, Meryle Hutchison*, Don R.
Jacobson*, Mary F. James*, William H. Jansen, L. Clark Keating*, Aimo
Kiviniemi*, James F. Lafferty, Carl E. Langenhop*, Walter G. Langlois*,
Harold R. Laswell, Albert S. Levy, James W. Little, George L. Luster*,
Michael P. McQuillen*, Ray Marshall, Gene L. Mason, Dean H. Morrow,
Vincent E. Nelson, Jacqueline Noonan*, Horace A. Norrell*, Louis A.
Norton*, Harold F. Parks*, J. W. Patterson*, Ronald E. Phillips*,
Stephen Puckette, Myron G. Sandifer*, George W. Schwert, Robert A. Sedler,
C. Leland Smith, Robert H. Spedding*, Paul Street, W. C. Templeton*,
Harwin L. Voss, William F. Wagner*, D. R. Wekstein*, James H. Wells,
Raymond A. Wilkie, Fred Zechman*, Cecil Bull*, Alfred Hu*, Lawrence S.
Thompson*, Hans Gesund*, Robert L. Lester*, John W. Schaefer*, Ralph
Shabetai, Michael L. Furcolow*, Herbert Greene, Albert D. Kirwan*,

A. D. Albright, William R. Willard*, Robert F. Kerley, Glenwood L.
Creech, Lewis W. Cochran*, Stuart Forth*, Lawrence A. Allen, Harry M.
Bohannan, Leonard V. Packett*, Marcia A. Dake*, George W. Denemark,

R. M. Drake, Jr.*, Harold D. Gordon, Jack B. Hall, Joseph Hamburg,
Ellis F. Hartford, Raymon D. Johnson*, J. P. Noffsinger, Howard C.
Parker*, John L. Sutton, Joseph V. Swintosky, Wallace Bryan, Sheryl
Snyder, Winston E. Miller.

The Senate approved the request of Miss Dana Ewell of the Kernel
to sit in the meeting and report its proceedings.

The minutes of the regular meeting of March 10, which was continued
on March 24, April 1 and April 2, was approved as circulated.

Professor Paul Oberst, a non—voting faculty member on the Board of
Trustees, spoke to the Senators on some items which he felt would be of
interest to the faculty. The following is a summary of Professor
Oberst's remarks.

. First, I would like to announce that Professor Paul Sears
has been elected to succeed me as a Faculty Trustee. I Would
like to congratulate him and the faculty on this happy occasion.
Professor Sears has done a superb job as Chairman of the Senate
and Senate Council, and I know he will add new dimensions to his

position on the Board.

I would say in passing that faculty membership on the Board
has become a significant institution in the governance of the
University of Kentucky and I trust the Senate will always defend
it. The position was first established by the 1960 Legislature.
President Oswald, who had initial doubts, concluded that it was
a most useful device in informing the lay trustees about the
concerns of the University. The 1968 Legislature provided for

*Absence explained






Minutes of the University Senate, April 14, 1969 (Cont'd)

a faculty and student trustee at each of the other public institutions ‘
1 % of higher education, and this year many public and private colleges
I‘d elsewhere are following suit. ~V'

Second, a brief word about the discussions now going on with
the University of Louisville. I have been serving on the four
_ member Committee of the Board which is meeting with a similar
1‘1_ Committee of the University of Louisville Board pursuant to the
‘ Statute adopted by the 1968 Legislature which requires our two
institutions to develop proposed legislation providing for
closer affiliation. The Committees have been meeting, together
with the administration of both schools, and a series of sub—
committees have been formed. There are subcommittees on the
office of Chancellor, on legislation, on endowment funds, on
finances and budget, etc. I am on the subcommittee on faculty
and student liaison, together with Vice President Bill Eckstrom
of the University of Louisville. I not only wish to report to
the Senate that the discussions have begun, but I also wish to flu»

solicit the Senate for any concerns you may feel or any suggestions
l! f you may wish to make.






Our effort is to preserve the integrity and individuality of f

1 '3, both institutions as far as possible, while providing an over—all
'- .EL structure which will concern itself with the rational planning of
‘ professional and graduate education in the Commonwealth.

Third, I wish to announce that the Faculty—Trustee Committee
on revision of the Governing Regulations has concluded its work
on the third draft (the yellow draft) which was presented to the
Senate earlier. We have met with every possible group who had
any interest in saying anything about the yellow draft. We have
; ‘ exercised our best judgment in trying to get out a Committee
i; } report, in the nature of a fourth draft, which will be presented
‘ to the Senate and to the Board of Trustees. Dr. Weaver is responsible
for getting out the fourth draft and it is possible that it will %

i“ a,



be out within a couple of weeks. It will be available by the
April 24th meeting. Dr. Weaver is going to try to have enough {
copies so that every member of the Senate can have one in the I
hope that he will share it with the five people he represents 3
in the Senate. In that way not only will you be able to look .
it over but other people in your departments will have access f
to a copy also. The Committee Draft is a proposal for an
”amendment” to the Governing Regulations of 1960, which would ~
wholly replace those Regulations. The Senate proposes to the '
Trustees and the Trustees propose to the Senate under the 1960
Governing Regulations. We hope this process will go on after
‘ you receive a copy in April and May. One of the big problems
"f‘f we are faced with is how the Senate will be able to act on this
’ 7 as we come to the end of the year. Proposals for this procedure
will be made and discussed at the April 24th meeting. Thank you. @L





‘ , Dr. James E. Criswell, Chairman of the University Senate Rules Committee,
”,4- recommended adoption of the following changes in the Rules 9f_the University (
‘ Senate (An Interim Publication——Revised and Updated May, 1968) which had


fl,‘,gfi been circulated to the faculty under date of March 6, 1969. The Senate












Minutes of the University Senate, April 14, 1969 (Cont'd)

approved the recommendations as presented and circulated which are as

delete paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 under Admission Requirements, page 1,
and substitute the following:


Students who satisfy the basic admission requirements may
register in any undergraduate college at the University
except as additional entrance requirements are hereinafter

insert the following new Rule at the top of page 6 immediately
preceding Graduate School:

Transfer Between Colleges

Students eligible to attend the University may transfer from
one college to another, including professional colleges, at
times specified by the College Deans and the Registrar. In
every instance the entrance requirements of the college to
which the student is transferring must be satisfied.


The Senate approved the recommendation of the Rules Committee that imple-
mentation of the above Rules changes be accomplished as follows:

The assignment of freshmen and sophomores to the college of their
major will be made officially by the beginning of the Fall, 1969,

New freshmen and transfer students, and returning former students
will be assigned to the proper college in the early registration
programs in July.

All other students will be assigned to the proper college at the
time they report for confirmation of their schedules at the
opening of the Fall, 1969, semester.

Any new or returning former student who registers at the opening
of the Fall, 1969, semester will be assigned to the proper college
at that time.

Preceding the presentation of the annual reports of Senate Committees,

Chairman called the attention of the Senate to the ambiguity in the Senate



Rules wherein the Senate Council is formally charged to receive, consider and

recommend action on Senate committee reports, and other Rules which spell

out only six specific Senate Committees charged with reporting to the Senate.

He stated, however that in keeping with past tradition and with rules that

precede the 1962 Revision all ten of the work committees had been invited to

report at this meeting of the Senate.

The report of the Honors Program Committee, which had been handed to
the Senators as they entered the meeting, was presented by the Chairman,
Dr. Ellis V. Brown, and is made a part of these minutes.







Minutes of the University Senate, April 14, 1969 (Cont'd)

We have 182 active student participants this semester. This .
compares with approximately 80 three years ago. This growth has been K
accomplished with no lowering of admbsion standards. At the present '
we have accepted 41 freshmen for the 1969—70 class, placing the Honors
Program about 20% ahead of last year at this date. We are looking
forward to having 350 participants in the near future. ’


‘l‘fl Attracting superior students is one of the big jobs of the Honors 3
5 ' Program. To this end a very attractive booklet describing the Honors

Program has been prepared and is available from the Honors office.

All National Merit Scholarship winners, semi-finalists and honorable

mentions are contacted and invited to come to U.K. and to participate

in the Honors Program. Of students taking the ACT and listing U.K.

as 1st, 2nd or 3rd choice, all those scoring 28 or above are invited :

to participate. This year Westinghouse Science Fair winners have

been contacted. All Kentucky principals and guidance counsellors

‘ are contacted each year since these positions are subject to change.

; The Honors Program students have begun a program of their own calculated .

to attract superior students to the University. They have held meetings ‘3‘”

with Lexington students, students in the greater Cincinnati area, and hi

plan a meeting with Louisville area students.








1 There is always the question of how successful such a program is f
';[ and it is difficult to produce an objective answer, but a few thoughts
i do occur. This year we had 27 seniors of whom 19 were considered
{ eligible for Phi Beta Kappa. Of these 19 we had 15 admitted and 11 were
junior year admissions. In the area of graduate and professional
school admission, all Honors Program students who have applied for
admission to graduate or professional school have been successful as 7
of latest reports. About 2/3 of the seniors plan to attend graduate
or professional schools. Five pre—med students have all been accepted
in one medical school or another. A number of students (too early to
have an accurate count) have received offers of graduate assistance in
‘1' j. the form of fellowships or assistantships. Eight Honors Program students
' were named Woodrow Wilson fellows and 2 more alternates. Of five nominees
from the University for the Danforth fellowships, four were Honors Program /‘
students. *1






Next we might consider the advantages to the student of participating )
in the program. Not only do Honors Program students have regular assigned
advisors in the department of their major, but they also advise with Honors
Program faculty members on a regular basis. We operate a counselling system
for all students with any sort of academic problem each semester, first
after mid—term grades, and later after semester reports. We have experienced
considerable success, as grade reports indicate. There is an interesting
social program of monthly meetings, usually with a speaker, but we have
occassional movies as part of the regular program. There is also a study
room set apart for the Honors Program students in the Library. Incidently )
iԤ;_, this is rapidly becoming too small as the program increases. Perhaps thought

' ‘5‘ could be given to a new room as the Library expands.


. . 4' -.
‘ As the program grows by attracting more superior students ‘fi‘
‘ 7‘ to U.K., we will need additional financial support for the teaching








Minutes of the University Senate, April 14; 1969 (Cont'd)


segment of the program and for the other activities necessary
to a vital program. i


The Honors Program committee considered at great length i
a pass—fail resolution initiated by the Student Advisory ‘
Committee of the Honors Program. It was then presented to
the Senate Council with slight alterations and our endorse—
ment. It is now being considered by the Senate Rules

Dr. John M. Patterson, Chairman of the Library Committee, presented
a report which had been handed to the Senators as they entered the meeting.
This report follows:

In 1964, an external library survey committee evaluated 3
our library system and offered recommendations for its improvement. i


% The Senate Library Committee has met twice with the =i
\ director of libraries to discuss the progress made in the %
implementation of these recommendations. ‘

Progress made in the adoption of these recommendations
has been good and is continuing. A report of the progress
made has been prepared by Dr. Forth and has been submitted
to the Council.


. The Library Committee feels that the services provided
F by the library system are excellent at this time and offers
no change in the faculty regulations governing its Operation.

The possibility of computerizing certain library oper—


( ations was discussed. The director indicated that this area
5 has been considered and that the library staff were keeping
/e abreast of developments but that such a program was not
I if economically feasible at this time.
g A few problem areas were discussed:
L 1. Recruiting and retaining of a qualified technical
( staff — salaries for the personnel grade levels
n ( assigned to these positions are too low. ‘
2. Security of property — Thefts of purses and other i
ad I items have been reported. A security patrol might ‘3
i prevent some of this.
3. Space in some branch libraries (Chem. — Physics)

is rapidly becoming inadequate — No apparent
. room for expansion.
I 4. Financial support has been good but will probably
‘ have to be increased to meet expanding programs
3 and rising costs. Salaries for professional
V”\ personnel not competitive.

67“ 5. Better planning might be achieved if "non—recurring"

”My funds could be included in the budget.


Library Committee

David B. Clark Rey Longyear
Robert L. Donohew Stephen Puckette
Robert D. Jacobs Gerard E. Silberstein

Lloyd Jensen John M. Patterson? Chairman






















Minutes of the University SenateL April 14, 1969 (Cont'd)

Dr. Ellwood M. Hammaker, Chairman of the Senate Advisory Committee on
Community Colleges, presented the report of that Committee which had been
handed to the Senators as they entered the meeting. Following presentation
of the report Dr. Hammaker presented a motion that the recommendations of
Sub—committee A, contained in the report, concerning improvement in /
academic relations between the Lexington campus and the Community Colleges,
be referred to the Senate Council, to the Senate Rules Committee, and to
the Community College Council for consideration and recommendation to the
University Senate. The Senate approved the motion as presented. The f
report as circulated was then accepted by the Senate.


The Senate Advisory Committee on Community Colleges was
inactive during the years 1966—1967 and 1967—1968. This in—
activity stemmed primarily from the fact that during this time
President John Oswald had requested the Committee to report directly
to him and had advised the Committee that he would supply its agenda.
Since no agenda were ever forthcoming the Committee did not meet.

In the fall of 1968 the Committee was reactivated and has a”
since had several profitable meetings including sessions with
Vice President Lewis Cochran and Dean Ellis Hartford. In
January, 1969, three subcommittees were formed, the membership 9
being composed of members of the Senate Advisory Committee I
along with faculty members at large who expressed an interest
in this area in response to a survey made by the Senate Program /
Planning Committee.

The membership of all the committees is as follows:
Senate Advisory Committee:

Dr. Ellwood M. Hammaker, Chemistry, Chairman

Dr. Michael E. Adelstein, English

Dr. Lawrence A. Allen, Library Science

Dr. Loretta M. Denman, Nursing

Dr. Mike Duff, Agriculture

Dr. Joseph Hamburg, Allied Health

Mr. Cliff Swauger, Mathematics

Dr. Charles G. Talbert, History, Northern Community College

Sub—committee A ~ Academic Relations:

Dr. Thomas Mueller, French, Chairman

Dr. William B. Cotter, Anatomy

Dr. Roger Eichhorn, Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Adelstein

Mr. Swauger

Sub—committee B — Faculty:

Dr. Henry F. Dobyns, Anthropology, Chairman
Dr. Irving S. Fisher, Geology

Dr. Joseph Jones, Spanish and Italian

Dr. Allen

Dr. Hamburg






\, 4

Minutes of the University Senate, April 14, 1969 (Cont'd)

Sub—committee C — Organizadon:

Dr. George R. Madden, Education, Chairman
Dr. Raymond H. Cox, Mathematics
Mrs. Margaret K. Morgan, Community Colleges

Dr. Denman
Dr. Duff

Sub—committee A (Academic Relations) has finished its deliberations
and has prepared the attached recommendations. The Senate Advisory

'Committee wishes to refer these recommendations to the Senate Council,

the Senate Rules Committee and the Community College Council for further


Sub—committee B (Faculty) is considering such topics as recruitment,
appomtments, promotions, merit raises, tenure, teaching loads, and travel.
A report will be submitted from this committee for Senate consideration at
a later date.

Sub—committee C (Organization) is studying among other things the
general relationship of the Community College system to the University,
the relationship of the vocational school system of the Commonwealth to
the Community College System and the nature of the control invested in
the local advisory boards of the Community Colleges. A report from this
committee will also be submitted for Senate consideration at a later date.

Finally it should be noted that there are several forces in motion
at the present time which may have impact upon the Community Colleges
and their relationship to the Lexington campus.

Briefly these may be listed as:

(l) The new U.K. governing regulations.

(2) The self—study now going on in the Community Colleges.

(3) The approaching accreditation study.

(4) The establishment of the Northern Kentucky four—year college.

(5) A possible new relation between the University of Kentucky
and the University of Louisville.

(6) Promulgation of a Faculty Handbook for the Community Colleges.

(7) Formulation and approval of a student code and a student bill
of rights for Community College students.

(8) The study by the Associated Consultants in Education, Inc. of
Tallahassee, Florida, being sponsored by the State Council on
Higher Education.

Recommendations from Sub—committee A Concerning Academic Relations
April 14, 1969

The following recommendations concerning improvement in academic
relations between the Lexington campus and the Community Colleges do
not necessarily pertain to courses and faculty members in the
associate degree programs.






















Minutes of the University Senate, April 14, 1969 (Cont'd)

I. Communication

A. The Department Representative


1. Each department on the Lexington campus having one
or more of its courses taught in the Community Colleges
shall have a Department Representative who shall be
appointed by the Dean of his college. 9

2. The Department Representative shall be responsible for
informing Community College instructors in his dis—
cipline about department academic matters. When the v
need is evident, he shall visit Community Colleges during
the year to observe classes, discuss teaching techniques, 5
review syllabi, and help with other matters. Such an ’
assignment shall be reflected in his teaching load.
B. The Community College Representative
1. The Community College instructors teaching courses
in a particular discipline shall elect a Community ’
College Representative from their group.

2. This Representative shall chair the annual meeting,
transmit suggestions or requests from the Community
College instructors to the Department Representative ’
or Chairman, serve on the Department textbook committee, ’
and perform such other duties as required by the group.

C. Annual Meeting

An annual meeting shall be held in Lexington for at
least one day for Community College and Lexington

campus instructors who are teaching or responsible *
for courses in a particular discipline.

II. Academic Matters


A. Level of Achievement

Instructors of the same course at the Lexington campus and
the Community Colleges should attempt to achieve similar f
objectives and to attain similar standards of excellence. )

l. Textbooks

a. The same textbooks should be used for a course whether
given at the Lexington or Community College campus .
because textbooks generally play a major role in (

establishing objectives and achievements. However,

in courses where the textbooks are not highly significant, f

such as in foreign language courses, instructors may

select their textbooks from an approved list. \\



Minutes of the University Senate, April 14, 1969


b. The decision about whether instructors shall use

the same textbooks or select them from an approved
list will be rendered by a committee consisting of
the Deans of the Community College and the College
in which the course is offered, the Department
Chairman, and Community College and Department

c. Community College instructors shall be consulted
through their respective representatives and shall
play a significant role in the selection of a
uniform textbook or in the textbooks for an approved

B. Course Materials


All instructors teaching the same course should use
standardized tests whenever possible. For example,
the MLA Cooperative Tests could be given at the end
of the second and fourth semesters on all campuses.
When such standardized tests are not available or
practical, instructors should exchange and discuss

The Department Representative shall send syllabi,
course materials, and other informative materials
about courses, programs, and policies to the
appropriate instructors in the Community Colleges.
When necessary, this information shall be sent
directly to the individual instructors.

C. Course Proposals


Community College instructors through their respective
Representatives may initiate new course proposals and
submit recommendations about existing courses.

Community College instructors shall be informed of
pertinent new course proposals and shall be given an
opportunity to express an opinion about such proposals
before they are approved by the department.

Dr. Michael Adelstein, Chairman of the Senate Advisory Committee on
Student Affairs, presented the report of that committee as follows:

The Senate Advisory Committee on Student Affairs has been
active during the year in completing, discussing, revising, and
presenting the Student Bill of Rights. In addition, it has
appointed a Sub—committee to submit recommendations to increase

effective student involvement in academic affairs.

Composition of this Sub—committee is as follows: Dr. Daniel
Weiss, Chairman; Dr. J. W. Patterson, Dr. Al Hershfield, Dr. Guy
Davenport, Dr. Nicholas Pisacano, Mr. Garrett Flickinger, Dr.

Judith Worrell, and Dr. Joseph Engelberg, faculty members; and








Minutes of the University Senate, April 14, 1969 (Cont'd)

Debbie Clark, Evelyn Smith, and Ron Foust, student members.

The Sub—committee has been obtaining information from other
universities, ascertaining current formal and informal practices
on this campus, and soliciting opinions from faculty members and I




1 students. It is presently preparing an initial draft of a policy I
3‘ statement and plans to submit a report with recommendations by the g
3; ‘ end of June.
0. K. Curry Taft McKinstry
Charles Dickens Winston Miller ;
Ellwood Hammaker Thomas Olshewsky !
Richard Hanau Sheryl Snyder ;
Maurice A. Hatch Raymond Wilkie ~
James D. Kemp Michael E. Adelstein,
Robert G. Lawson Chairman f
} Dr. Paul Owen, Chairman of the Senate Advisory Committee on University ,
1 Extension, presented an interim report of that committee which had been ggua

handed to the Senators as they entered the meeting. This report was received
by the Senate and is as follows:

In mid—January of this year, in response to a recommendation
of the Senate Program Planning Committee, the Senate Council re-
quested that the Advisory Committee on University Extension address

Several items for consideration were suggested, including
the need for a definition of Extension Programming as it applies
at the University of Kentucky; the identification of existing {
Extension programs and those programs being planned; faculty
roles in Extension program planning; the question of joint
appointments in Teaching and Extension, in Research and Ex— fl
5, 5 tension, or in Teaching, Research and Extension; the issue of f
‘ ‘ whether Extension courses should involve extra pay or be arranged
as part of the faculty member's normal load, etc. fig










This instruction by the Senate Council, substituting for the
original charge made in 1964, provided a new focus for the Committee's
recent activities. In response to this new charge, the Committee
immediately set forth its procedures and strategies necessary for
developing the requested report. This, then, is an interim report
which will be followed by a final report when responses to our
present inquiries are complete.


Prior to the new charge the Committee had met and conferred
with faculty members and Deans who are primarily concerned with ?
Extension programs. The information gained in these sessions

will continue to be useful background for the Committee's current

; It is clear that many diverse activities are referred to as (521!“

‘12? Extension Programs. Seeking an operational definition with which

r 1 to work, the Committee agreed on the following first draft:







Minutes of the University Senate, April 14, 1969 (Cont'd)

The University Extension Program

The Extension Program of the University of Kentucky is
defined as all of the continuing educational activiths
and learning experiences afforded Kentucky people (or
special activities which may extend beyond the state
boundary) by University staff members, either individ—
ually, collectively, or in cooperation with community
and lay leaders. These include:

1. Courses which are taught in the Evening Class
Program by approved University faculty members
under the administration of University Exten-
sion for resident credit.

2. Courses which are taught by approved University
faculty members for non—resident credit.

3. Non—credit courses which are taught by approved
faculty under the administration of University


4. Educational programs, projects, institutes and
activities in which University staff members are
involved with various groups, organizations, and/
or individuals in any part of the state.

Apparently there is no single source of information which
encompasses all of the various Extension activities. Written
inquiry in the form of a questionnaire has been made to the
offices of all Deans in an attempt to complete the identification
of all existing and planned programs. Responses are still
coming in. The Committee will rely on the help of many faculty
members who expressed Special interest in Extension to follow
up these inquiries for additional data and comments.

Committee members are continuing to make personal contacts
with appropriate sources of information and opinion regarding the
salient issues. Further conferences with key individuals are
indicated in order to fill in the gaps.

It is not surprising that there are divergent views on some
of the issues, but common interests and opinions are also revealed.
The Committee hopes that its findings will suggest an acceptable
policy concerning the role of the faculty in Extension Programming.
A complete report and recommendations will be circulated later.

Fred Edmonds

Thomas Field

Denver Sloan

John Robertson

Alan Utz

Paul Owen, Chairman








Minutes of the University Senate, April 14, 1969 (Cont'd)

The report of the Senate Advisory Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics,
which had been circulated to the faculty prior to the meeting, was presented
by its Chairman, Dr. Nicholas J. Pisacano, and recommended to the Senate
for adoption. The Senate approved the report as circulated.


”Ita Vertere Seria Ludo" 1
Horace: l'De Arte Poetica”


The Board of Directors of the University of Kentucky Athletics 7
Association consists of representatives of the alumni, Board of
Trustees, administration, faculty, and student body. The President
of the University serves as Chairman. The administration members
include the Vice President for University Relations and the Vice i
President for Student Affairs. There are eight members from the
faculty, two from the alumni, two from the Board of Trustees, a
representative from the Student Government, and the current .
president of the K Men's Association. There is also a faculty 1

“ . representative to the SEC and NCAA who serves as Secretary of the ‘i“
“{i Board. 5


a, The faculty members of the Board also make up the Senate 1
F; Advisory Committee on Intercollegi